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Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
.******* *** [ONTENTS******************** ,. ·- ******* **"' *" .... **** ******* ***
-- .
·······-· ·•'<•'
.. .
On-screen Display 8
Essential Commands . .. ... 9
Game Structure... ........................11
Traveling Efficiently ........ J 3
Maps &Markers . . ... ... .... 13
Locations &Landmarks.....14
Attributes &Meters........... . .. 16
Chapter Structure ... 30
Medal Goals 30
Note on Trophies &
Achievements . ··-· 31
Chapter 01 .. 31
Chapter 02 38
Introduction 134
Horses ................. ............134
Transportation..........................J 42
Camp ... .. . ........................143
Hunting .. .. .. . . .. . . 146
ishing . .. ..
Attributes .
.. 163
Honor ... .. . ...............169
Challenges .. ..
Law Enforcement
.. .. 171
Crime ......
Challenges ................................21
Hunting. ... .. . ...........22
Fishing .... .. . .... . .... . ... 23
Items &Crafting . .. . ...... . . 24
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06 .
Epilogue - Part I .
Epilogue- Part 2.
Bounty Hunting
Stranger Missions.
.. . 94
. . 114
.. .. 122
Gunslingers..............................J 92
Loansharking ....................J94
Treasure Hunting 196
Special Collectibles ... 199
Gangs . .. . ... .... .... .. . 218
ames .......
Chance E
Special Characters
Map Legend ..
Notes &Navigation ... ........... ... ............. ................ ............... .... .. . ..... 239
Overview Map.. .. ............ .............. ................... ......... ............................ 240
Weapon Stats
Weapon Degradation
Ammunition &Projectiles.
Other Shops
Weapon Customization
Kit &Tools . ..
.. ..
quipment .. ... ... ........... .. .. .. . . . . ... ...................... . .. . .. ..... 314
Valuables.......................... ......... ... . ... . .. . ........ 315
Cooking .... ....... . . . .....
Shop Lists &C
rafting .
rophies &Achievements..
Total Completion
Compendium .
oints of Interest &Shacks ... .... .. .. .. . ... . . ... . . .. .... .. ......
Unique Collectibles......... . ....... .. ..... ..... .. . . ................. . .. .......... 340
Event Areas .... ...... .... ... ... .... .... .. . . . . ..............
Poisonous Trail
Secrets . ....
. ... ·· ~
• -
• ••
• . 
• •
• ... •
• •
' • I
• ••
The following annotated screenshot illustrates a typical gameplay screen.
D Reticle: Whenever you equip aweapon awhite reticleappears.
Hold @ tmand use e to adjust your aim; the reticle will turn
redwhenit hovers on avalid target. Headshotsgenerally offer maximum
K;'1 Ammunition: The first figure represents the number of shots
U remaining for your active weapon; the second details your total
stock.The icon corresponds to the type ofammunitioncurrently selected.
D Attribute Meters: The meters visible in the lower-left corner of
the screen represent vital attributes- from left to right. health,
stamina. Oead Eye, horsestamina, and horse health.T
urn to page 16to
learn more about these systems.
IIW Radar: The mini-map in the lower-left of your screen shows your
Ill immediate surroundings, annotated with useful details such as
cardinal directions, m1ss1on objectives. and assorted points of
interactivity. See page 13 for details. You can expand your radar or turn
it intoasimple compass by holding 0-
r::l Dynamic Information: Onscreen notifications will appear in
1:11 accordance with your actions and events in the world - such as
obtaining items or rewards, completing objectives, and becoming
r=- Context-Sensitive Prompts: Whenever you can perform a
1;,1 context-sensitive action, a corresponding prompt will appear in
the lower-right corner of the screen.These are used in many different
situations. such as collecting items. interacting with the environment
and to make decisions during missions or interactive conversations.
Press. tap or hold the displayed button to choose the specified action.
The opening hours of Red Dead Redemption 2 are filled with
opportunities to learn about and practice actions and abilities, but
the following recap ot all essential buttoncommands will prove useful
should you forget a particular function. or miss a tutorial. If you are
familiar with the original Red Dead Redemption and the Grand Theft
Auto series. you should feel right at home from the very start.
Many potential actions and interactions are activated via context-
sensitive button presses.The relevant prompts will appearin the lower-
right corner of thescreen when they areavailable.
With the exception ot crouch-walking, the following commands apply
when you are both on foot and ridingahorse.
*GIWalking: TiltG to walk in any direction.This pace of movement
is suited for ambling through crowds in towns, or while takingin the
sights on your many travels.
*G +®1
0 (hold) I Running: Running will be your primary
movement speed in most situations. It is much faster than walking,
yet it does not drain your stamina. While riding ahorse or driving a
wagon. this also enables you to maintain your gait after a gallop,
and toautomatically follow companions during group rides.
*G +®1
0 (tap repeatedly) ISprinting: Sprinting enables you to
run at maximum speed, at the cost of stamina. TI1is is vital in critical
situations. such as an escape or chase. but can also shortenjourneys
if you do not have asteed at hand. While ridingahorse, try to tap the
button in a mythm that matches your mount's gallop. TI1is special
technique makes it possible totravel at great speed without draining
the horse stamina meter.
9+G I Crouch-walking: An essential technique during
infiltration situations, crouch-walking is also recommended while
hunting. It enables youto move steadilywhile keeping a low profile
and making very little noise. Note that you can also crouch-run by
simultaneously holding ® 1
0 .
*(jJ] /SI IDraw/Holster Weapon: Whenever possible. you should
always readyyourweapon before hostiles engage you. Don't neglect
to holster it afterwards: carryingaweapon in hand when there is no
need to do so might lead to unfortunate misunderstandings.
* (~l!m (hold) +@1/Ql l Aim and Shoot: Most weapons in the
game are used with these controls. Ready your weapon by holding
~ tm
.line up a shot with e -the reticle will turn red when
directed at avalid target - then open fire with @1/Ql. By default.
RedDeadRedemption2 offers amedium level of aiming assistance,
which means that youwill automatically lock ontoenemies in your
line of fire when youraise your weapon. With this system, the reticle
is usually positioned on your target's chest. Ifyou very brieflyflick m
and fire as you lock on to a foe, it's possible to secure near-instant
headshots. You can then release @ tmand repeat the maneuver
immediately with another target if required.
* @1/Ql 1Shoot from the Hip: If you do not hold ~ will
fire in the direction that youare facing, automatically locking ontothe
closest target. This can prove helpful in situations where you need to
strike instantly.
* C!l/V I Dead Eye: Whenever you face large groups of enemies,
especially when thereis adanger that you will be oven,helmed. this
command enables you to slow down the flow of time while aiming
a weapon. This skill is upgraded early in the adventure, making it
possibleto "tag" targets with ®J/Ia:you can then press @l/liil
to fire at all of them in rapid succession. Note that triggering Oead
Eye drains the corresponding meter. You can end the effect by
pressing C!l/V again.
* ®l /Ia ITake/Exit Cover: Taking coverhelpsyou to remain unseen
during infiltrations.and makes it more difficult forenemies to hit you
during shootouts. Note that you can move along a cover surface by
tilting G to improve your firing angle, or to avoid incoming fire if
partially exposed. To move around corners or transition to the next
availablecover spot, tilt G and press @1
0 .While in cover, you
can move out to fire by holding ~ tm;release it to immediately
snapback into cover.
* @ !@ IReload:Your characterwill reload automaticallywhenever
his weapon runs out of ammunition. but this leaves you vulnerable.
o avoid the horror of the "dead man's click", you should get into
the habit of manually reloading whenever you have the opportunity
during shootouts. ideally from behind cover.
* ~1m (hold) +@ 1
0 ICombat Dive: When you need tododge
an incoming threat. such as a predator charging at you, diving
sideways can instantlyput you out of harm's way.
* @ !@ ISilent Takedown: If you manage to stealthily approach
an enemy from behind. this technique offers aquiet way to remove
them from the equation. These attacks are non-lethal if you are
unarmed; should you brandish amelee weaponsuchas a knife, the
victim will be killed.
* @I@ IMelee Combat: During brawls. tap this button to punch
or kick your opponents. When facing skilledenemies. you will often
need to block their blows first with @1
0 , then follow up with
swift counters. You canalso grapple them with @tO .
* e +(l!)t'IJ'+V I Eagle Eye: This ability triggers a heightened
sense of awareness and intuition whereby points of interest in your
immediate vicinity, such as animal tracks and collectibles, will be
temporarily highlighted. You can even choose tofocus ontracks with
®ltD to keep them visible for awhilealter you leave Eagle Eye
*0 +@tO IJumpingNaultingtCiimbing: As well as abasic jump
that can suffice for everything from hopping over aditch to leaping
onto amoving train, this button is also employed to vault or clamber
over obstacles in your pathsuch as fences and walls. There are also
instances where you can use it to climb to vantage points while
exploring, or to occupy favorable high ground before you engage
nearby adversaries.
*0 (hold) ISatchel: Opening your satchel tor your cargo whennear
your horse) gives you access to the items youcurrently have in your
personal inventory. This enables you not onlyto heal or restore your
attributecoreswhenever necessary, but also to view documents or
keep track of thecollectibles that you gradually acquire.
The following tables describe the controller commands that can be
performed in fled DeadRedemption 2 with the standardsettings.
Ci} Adjust the camera angle
~/'11' ' 't"Crouch; pressed simultaneouslywith Gliir,activate Eagle
While selecting aweaponin the wheel menu. maintain
(repair) that weapon; pressed simultaneously with 1!)/ ,}o,
activate Eagle Eye;holdtolook behind
10I,... H
old to run: tap repeatedly to sprint; duringcutscenes. hold
ap tojump, vaultor climb obstacles: hold to pick up
collectibles and search pieces offurniture; whilefocusing
n.::a:::n::::animal, tap to draw its aHenlion
Interact with the environment; loot bodies; skin animals;
@/0 close drawers and doors that you have opened while
If-----+-'se:::a:::.:rching pieces of furniture; holdto rest
'U'/ ~ H
old to display thewheel menu; tap to draw or holsteryour
I ~ '""" weapon
i--·----+-"''"=----- ·
r.;;, I Take/exit cover; cycle through different interactions; while
l!!JJ D focusing on an animal, study it then show/hide its info
[?)/DJ Hold to triggerinteractive conversationswith nearbycharacters
~ /llii Tap to drawyour weapon; fireweapon
0 Hold to open your satchel (orcargo when nearyour horse)
0 Tap to display the log; hold to check yourjournal
1-_:::_-t-::----,-··----·~-..,....,.-- -~--1
ap to view your currentobjective. expand the radar. and
O display your honorrating aswell as information on your
environment;hold to change the radar type
lUI/4!1 Tap to toggle camera view; holdto trigger cinematiccamera
II (of~~~N~SJ)~O~is~pl~ay~t~he~p~a:us~e~m:e~nt~r;~ho~ld~t:o~op~e~n~th~e~m~a~p--------·1
Hold while riding to pat your horse
Whileriding, tap togallop; hold to followacompanion and
match theirspeed; doubletapand tiltG forward while in
formation to moveup
While riding, tap to jump; while on foot. focusing on ahorse,
tap to cairn and pat it
ap tomount/dismountyourhorse; while riding, hold tohitch
your horse;whileon loot. tap tolead ahorse that you're
focusing on
While riding,kick atarget to either side; while leading your
horse. stop leading
Whileriding or on foot ne
ar your horse. hold to view the
weapons stored on your mount
When moving,slow down; when stationary, back up; while
riding information. doubletap and tilt G backward to move
[?)/DJ While on foot. hold tofocus on anearby horse
O While focusing on your horse, brush it
While riding or on toot near your horse, hold to checkyour
ll--.,--+'h.:.o.:.rse.:...:cargo; while focusing on your horse. feed it
C Whistle/call your horse
Tilt to peek out whileincover
Adjust the position of youraiming reticle
While aiming, tap to dive: during melee combat tap orhold
to block enemy blows; whileincover. transition tothe next
available cover
Reload yourweapon; tapwhileunarmed or equipped with a
to strike an
During melee combat grapple your opponent
While aiming, activateDead Eye
Hold to display the
and release
akPJexit cover
then select a1M'.aponwith0
to draw/holster~~~~--_j
Holdto aimyour equippedweapon
O While aiming, toggleshoulder view
C Whileaiming, raise your gun tothe sky to makeawarning shot
~~~- - -----=====
NO ,  ··:.?··: NOTES ' ...
4) &0 I Menu and map navigation; in the weapon wheel. change
ll-·---+-'a:::rn:::::munition type
e1+ On the map, place/removeamarker
Ci} In thewheelmenu, selectan item
; on the m
ap, zoom in or0Jt
11---':;_-+--·- - ···--
®10 Conr,rm selection; on the map. place/remove awaypoint
~ ~-=--=-~-----
@/Q _____I
Cancelselection/go back
On the map, display the index J
Navigate tabs ~
Navigate tabs
Inthe wheel menu. navigate the items within thesam~
category; on themap, zoom out
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a nonlinear adventure set in a massive,
feature-packed world.
Between missions and countless other activities. you can freely explore
almost every inch of themap, travelingits vast expanses and scouringits
numerous points of interest for opportunities that might arise. You will
encounter homesteads, hideouts, towns and many other uniquesettings,
each with their own distinctive layouts, ambient events and potential
rewards.Whenever yourwanderlust is briefly sated, youcan also choose
to head back to camp to converse with key characters, apply upgrades
and appearance changes, or simplysleep in preparation for another long
and productive day.
You should note that there is no right or wrong way to play. Some
will choose to complete the main storyline as quickly as possible, while
others will venture off the beaten path and immerse themselves in the
environment and incidental events. To help you toplotyour own personal
journey, this section offers aquick guide to some of the more substantial
endeavors that you can get involved with in the world. We also offer
advice on certain settings and options that you may wish to adjust in
order tosuit your gaming preferences.
------------·----y---- -------
When a mission is available for you to start. a circular blip with the
initials of the person youneed to see appearson your map and radar.
Once you are ready, talk to that individual at the marked location to
The main storyline is divided into chapters. each consisting of a
number of missions. These are unlockedgradually as you fulfill specific
conditions. This guidefeatures adedicated Missions chapter (see page
26) whereyou will find extensive flowcharts revealing the exact unlock
requirements for each installment of thestory.
When you complete a mission, you obtain a medal that grades your
performance. Each mission has a unique set of medal goals; the
accolade you receive depends on how many of the goals you manage
tofulfill. However, these requirements are onlyrevealed in the Progress
)> Story menu alter you complete an assignment for the first time.
They typically require you tocomplete additional feats, and often entail
completing the mission with great speed and accuracy.
Depending on your play style and level of proficiency, it might make
sense for you to ignore medal goals when you undertake a sto1
episode for the first time. This will give you greater freedom to explore
duringafirst playthrough, and todeal with adversity and opportunities
at your own pace.
You can replay all story missions via the Progress )> Story option in the
pause menu. Focusing on medal goals during alater attempt will mean
that you'll have a better understanding of the structure and layout of
each assignment. Naturally, you will also greatly benefit from having
honed your skillsover the intervening hours.
Red Dead Redemption l employs an autosave system that
automatrcally records your pro~ress whenever you hit drscrete
story mrlestones. alter you complete noteworthy feats and
challenges. and when your character sleeps at a camp or 111 a
You can also manually record your progress and create addrtronal
save hies vra the Story optron rn the pause menu 1OPT!QNS I G 1
This function is restricted dtuing missrons and a number of other
gameplay activities.
Outside of missions you are free to roam around and explore the map
as you please - and you should. because it's packed with surprises
and secrets. While it's possible to just race through the game.
speeding towards the conclusion of the main storyline. we suggest
that youalways make thetime toobserve and enjoy the sheer beauty
of the world.
Whenever you travel over the map, you will regularly run into
opportunities of all kinds on your way. These include collectibles and
chances to harvest useful items, encounters with enemy gangs or
law enforcement, fishing spots, ambushes. and myriad other ambient
You have access to a wealth of activities in Red Dead Redemption 2.
These can range from mini-games. to item requests made by other
characters, to assignmentssuchas capturingawanted outlaw.
One thing that you should take into account with these activities is not
so much their difficulty, but the distances that you may be required
to travel to acquire and complete them. It usually makes sense to
fulfill optional objectives whenever you are passing through an area.
particularly when you can arrange to start them or bring them to a
conclusionen route to your next destination.
- - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Whrle Red Dead Redemption l does not feature drftrculty modes,
there are various options and features that you can use to adjust
the gameplay experrence based on your profrcrency and preferences.
Toggle View: If you press !Lil/® multrple tunes. you wrll notree
that you cycle between four possrble camera positions. The most
distant third-person view makes rt easier to keep track of your
enemres. locate collectibles. and to generally have a better sense
of your bearings. Opnng for the first person perspective wrll offer
a profound sense of rmmersron. but may rncrease tire drfhculty of
certain activities.
Lock-On Mode: There are afew parameters that you can tweak in the
'Pause Menu ~ Settings ~ Controls' menu to sunplrfy the process
ol armrng. Thrs enables you to adjust the exact level ol Assrsted Arm
you requue. both when you are on foot and while riding a horse or
vehrcle Assrsted Aun is afeature wl1erethegame will automatrcally
'snap.. your retrcle to the closest enemy rn your drrect field of vrew
when you aim your weapon. A ..wrde.. Assrsted Arm means that the
game wrll rnstantly lock on to enemres that are much further away
lrom the direction that your character is facing, greatly decreasrng
the drffrculty of frrefights. C
onversely. Free Arm removes alltargetrng
assrstance - whrch can make combat srgnrfrcantly more challengrng.
ap Assist: Occasional actron sequences require you to hit buttons
repeatedly in order to deal with unique scenarios. lap Assist
makes thrs process easier by requiring fewer button presses. or by
enabling you to stmply hold the button rnstead. If you suffer from
repetrtrve strarninturres. carpal tunnel syndrome or any other srrwlar
consideratrons. be sure to visrt this optron.
Skip Checkpoint: If you struggle with a partrcular gameplay
sequence and larl three trmes rn a row. the game wrll present an
opporlunrty to skrp the checkpornt entirely, effectively moving you
one step forward in the mission. This usually means jumprng past'-:
no more than a mrnute·s wortll of gameplay, thougl1 there are •
When you need to reach a destination quickly, there are ways to
optimize or shorten your journey.
--------------._.-·-- ..... ···- - - - -
Learning to read yourmap is acriticalskill that you should try todevelop
early in the story. Before you set off on along journey, studying the map
in advance can helpyou to shave seconds or even entire minutes from
your travel time.
Whenever a mission requires you to reach a location that you have
previously visited. the game automatically shows you a recommended
path to follow (in the form of a dynamic line on your map) as long as
you are riding a horse. The recommended path also appears when you
manually place a waypoint, even if you're on foot. While this always
defines areliable route, it is not necessarily themost efficient or fastest
option. Ifyou take thetimeto lookatyourmap. and pay attention toyour
surroundings as you travel, you'll gradually acquire the ability to take
shortcuts and skip areas that might slow your progress significantly.
One important factor to consider is that your map is topographic: it
gives a clear sense of the exact elevation of each area of terrain by
showing not only surface features, but also a representation of relief
withcontour lines that connect places of identical elevation.
If your route takes you through flat plains. chances are you will be able
to move in a straight line. heading directly for your objective. Should
you move through mountains or canyons, the only path available will
probably be winding and potentially treacherous in places. Paying
attention to the precise topology will also reveal vantage points or
tactically-advantageous features that you can make the most of while
completing objectives.
Certain camp upgrades (see page 143) will give youaccess to aspecial
map near your bed If you examine it with @10 , this opens a Fast
Travel menu in which you can choose to jump to key locations that
you have visited so far - primarily the main towns and a few other
landmarks. Select any of these entries and you will automatically reach
the destination in question aftera brief cutscene.
As you complete specific story missions early on in the adventure,
you will also unlock the possibility to use trains and stagecoaches to
be transported almost instantly to any town that you have previously
visited: ticket prices vary in accordance with the distance traveled.
These features are particularly helpful whenyou are engaged in travel-
intensive activities, such as treasure hunting or resource gathering.
* MAP *
You can access the map at any time via the pause menu by pressing
sl/G , or alternatively hold that same button to be taken there
Once on the map screen. your character's position is represented by a
small pin that points inthe direction faced (@)).You can scroll with (),
zoom in or out as required with ~ (or~/@) &I5l/1iii), and position
manual annotations: awaypoint that will also activate aroute line with
®tO. or markers that will highlight multiple locales that you'd like
to return to with C!l!"ir. A complete index of active or known icons is
available by pressing @10 .
The map is initially obscured from view. You reveal it gradually by
exploring, with text annotations and icons added when you discover
new places and animal habitats.
The radar shows asmall portion of the main map that corresponds with
your immediate surroundings. The four letters on the outer edge are, of
course, cardinal directions (North, East, South, West). All other icons
that appear here areidentical to those found on the main map.
Most icons disappear once out of the mini-map's boundaries. with the
notableexception of mission blips, your horse, waypoints and markers.
which remain visible at all times. These appear on the radar itself if you
are close. or will otherwise rest on its outer rim and gradually fade to
indicate their approximate location over longerdistances.
Active enemies are represented by red dots on the radar. When they are
outside of its range, a red threat indicator on the outer edge illustrates
the direction that you must travel to face them - or, conversely. which
area to move away from if you wish to avoid aconfrontation.
You will occasionally be asked to search specificlocations to find items.
characters, or animals. These zones are clearly marked in yellow or
white on your rnap and radar. Note that you can expand your radar or
turn it into a simplecompass by holding 0.
- -·----------- · - - - - - -
You can manually drop one waypoint and multiple markers on the map with ®/0 and E)/ 'll' respectively. These remain visible on your radar
at all times. making them very useful navigational tools. The same commands enableyou to remove these annotations if you no longer needthem.
s Barber (!) S
c Butcher e S
Marker 0 Doctor e TrainStation
~ Waypoint 0 GeneralStore 0 Tailor
Enemy ~ G
0 Corpse e Hotel
• BaitShop
Mission Vendor 0 Newspaper Seller e Five Finger F
Stranger ~ Post Office e P
Campsite $ Saloon
" Gang's Camp @ Show Dominoes
Red Dead Redemption 2's world is full of opportunities. This section
introduces the locations that will be of most relevance to you during the
opening hours of your adventure.
Note that certain services (such as shopsl are unavailable when
their icons are grayed out. A smaller icon inset in the main icon will
sometimes appear to offer additional informationon its current status.
In general, most business premises will be unavailable if you have an
active wanted level.
The feature (here. ageneral store) isavailable
The feature iscurrently unavailable because the business is
closed. It will be open if you come back during opening hours
The fe
ature is currentlyunavailable becauseitis locked. Itwill become
availableafteryou rea
chaspecificpoint ind1e mainstol)'line
With active wanted level: the building is closed until theongoing
commotion has subsided
The featureisavailable, and something awaits youthere for
,anew product in astore, or anew interaction, and so
*[AMP *
--- v---- - - -
The Van der Lindegang isusually based ina camp where you canavail
yourself of assorted services and fraternize with the other outlaws.
When fellowgang members are marked whhan icon featuring theirinitials
(for instance. ©for Dutch), tl1ese correspond to mission staning points.
Speak or move close to the character in question to trigger the assignment.
Gang membersare not mere missionvendors. however.Theyarepermanent
inhabitants of the camp, offering countless ambient conversations.
anecdotes. and day-to-day scenes that develop the story in more subtle
After completing an early mission for Leopold Strauss you will be able
to upgrade various features of the camp itself via the ledger outside
Dutch'stent. These upgrades require substantial financial investments.
but they lead to significant benefits. These include the possibility to
unlock theFast T
ravel feature or to improve the range and quality of the
free supplies that you can claim when you visit. To increase the camp
funds required to purchase such upgrades. you can contribute directly
by making donations via the tithing box near the ledger.
ourtent is whereyoucan sleep. shave. and change clothing
Pearson isthecamp'scookandbutcher. B
ating huntingspoils to
him youcan notonly feed your group.butalso have himcraftvaluable
upgrades foryou - including satchelswith imprO'Ved capacity
rovisions are available at Pearson's wagon
Ammunition and arms are available at Arthur's wagon
Health supplies areavailableatStrauss'swagon
Camp stew
Chores are simple activitiesthatyoucan perform to help
the camp
The ledger enables you topurchase camp U
llgrades. You canalso
contribute tothe camp funds via the tithing box
Yourpersonal savings
Most towns offer all sorts of services and amenities. so it's a good
idea to visit them regularly. Some features are initially unavailable; you
unlock them by completing specific missions during the adventure's
early chapters.
Towns feature agreat numberol m
ission vendors and
characters thatyou can interact with. Som
eof the former are
initially called "strangers· and are marked with adistinctive
question mark icon.V
isiting them is always agood ideaas
they will often be thetrigger point for an entirechainof
Barbers can cutandstyleyour hair and shave your beard.
enabling you to change your appearance.Thiscan help you
toavoiddetection ifyou have an active b
ounty andwould
prefer to avoid potential trouble
- - · - - - - -
Butchers buy and sell animalparts.used in many recipes
1----1----------·- ·- ------------11
Doctors are purveyors of tonics andstimulants.used to
restoreattributebarsfor bothyou and your horse
-1------...._,___ - - - - - - - --11
0 General storesself all kinds of products. such asprovisions.
hunting and fishing gear. and clothing
Gunsmithsspecialize in weapons and ammunition
Fences buy and sell illegal merchandise. such as dynamite
and moonshine.T
hey also have rare and exotic goods for
sale, such as talismansand trinket~
Hotels enableyou to bothsleep (to refill your attribute
meters and cores) andtake baths (toget yourself cleanand
s). You can also use thewardrobe tochange
Newspaper sellers do exactly as their name implies.
enabling you to stay up to date withthe latest events
You can lrave your portrdit taken at photo studios
ost offices areoften(but not always) locatedat train
stations and havetwo main functions: they enable you to
send andreceive mail,andto settleany active bounty on
your head
e Saloons sell drinks and nutritious meals
lf-- -1---------- ·-.
Showsoffer entertainment foramodest entry fee
Stables provide avariety of horse·relatedservices. including
the possibility to buy andsell mounts. custornile their
appearance. or to upgrade their equipment
1----1-------·-... --·-
Train stations and stagecoaches facilitatetravel between
Tailors andthetrapper enable you topurchase new clothing
Iee ITable games availablein towns include five Finger F
@ 0 ! P
Much of the world map in Red Dead Redemption 2 consists of large
and untamed natural expanses. ranging from mountains. to plains. to
swamps. As you explore these lands. you will soon find that theyare full
of dangers and opportunities.
Some of the most common encounters as you travel involve animals.
from timid rodents to fearsome bears. All species have their own
habitats. making it possible to stalk and avail yourself of their unique
resources once you know where and when they might be found. We
cover thetopic of huntinga little later in thischapter (see page 22).
The world is also full of rivers and lakes that are home to all sorts of fish.
As soon as you receive your fishing rod during the second chapter of
the adventure. you can lose yourself in this engrossing pursuit, which
requires both specific gear and knowledge of where the best fishing
spots are !see page 163 for details).
One point to keep in mind when you are in the wilderness is that you
can set camp virtually anywhere. Select the camp option in the item
wheel and you will create a campfire. This enables you to sleep. which
refills your attributemeters. and tocraft and cook. Y
oushould makeit a
habit tocamp regularly,panicularlywhenyounotice that your attribute
cores are running low.
Different regions have varying climates. and these can be potentially
harmful to your character. Make sure that you change or adapt your
outfits accordingly when required. by stopping either at camp or at
a tailor's shop. Wearing suitableattire will enable you to prevent the
detrimental effects of hot or cold temperatures.
Last but not least. the game follows a day/night cycle. where one in·
game day takes 48 minutes in real life (with the exception of your camp,
where time flows more slowly). The current time of day has multiple
gameplayconsequences- forexample, some shopsorspecial characters
can only be encountered duringspecific hours, certainmissions play out
differentlyduring day or night, and various creatures may only be found
at particular times. When you need to complete an objective at an exact
hour, notethat you can pass the time by sleeping at a campfire, in your
tent at the gang camp, or by renting a room. You will usually be given
three options regarding how long you want to sleep. enabling you to
wake up at themost convenient time for you.
There are five mainattributes inthegame:three exclusive to your character, and two exclusive to your horse.
0 Health The amount of damage that your character can sustain
0 Stamina The level of physical exertion your character can endure,suchas when sprinting or jumping
0 Dead E
ye The amount of time you can spend in Dead Eye mode
9 Horse Stamina The degree of physical exertion your horse can endure, such as when galloping and jumping
® Horse Health The amount of damagethat your horse can sustain before it falls
These attributes are represented by dynamic meters that appear in the
lower-left corner of the screen. E
ach meter actually consists of two
separategauges: a main attribute meter, and an attribute core.
Main attribute meters are represented by a circular gauge. They are
depleted in accordance with certain actions or events (for example,
taking damage will reduce your health meter) and can be replenished
by using tonics, sleeping, or through the restorative effect of attribute
cores.The latter occurs automatically over time for healthand stamina,
and with every kill for Dead Eye.
Your character's attribute meters start at a low level but can be
improved. As you perform specific actions, you will acquire attribute
experience points; when these reach specific milestones, the related
attributewill level up and gain an additional meter segment.
Cores are the icons that appear inside each attribute meter, and
primarily serve as alast-resort extension of the corresponding attribute.
If a main attributemeter is fully depleted. additional usage or damage
will begin todeplete thecore. With thehealthattribute,exhaustingthe
main meter and its core leads to death.
The secondary function of cores is that they determine the recovery
rate of the related attribute meter. When full, you enjoy the maximum
possiblereplenishment speed; if depleted,you will needto wait longer.
and will likely require the use of a health tonic if you have one... or a
fraught conclusion toyour current confrontation.
Cores drain slowly over time through hunger and fatigue. Your stamina
core, for example, is a lightning icon that is initially entirely white; as
times goes by, however, you will notice that it gradually drains. with
depleted sections colored ingray.
In normal conditions, it takes 90 minutes for acore to draincompletely.
Adverse weather conditions can increase the speed at which they are
depleted. C
ores, therefore, requireregular "maintenance".
--·..-- ··- - - - - -
Restoring cores can be achieved by sleeping, bathing. or by eating
appropriate food. Note that the game offers a preview of the impact of
each item on the affected meters before you actuallyconsume it.
Sleeping is a cheap and convenient way to replenish your cores. The
following options are available:
* Campfires: After you complete the early story mission"Exit Pursued
By A Bruised E
go",you can set up your own camp almost anywhere
either by resting (hold @/0 , then press the same button again)
or by selecting the camp option at the bottom of the item wheel.
Camping gives you access tomultipleoptions, including crafting and
sleeping, making this a staplefeature that you will use often. Note
that you cannot set up camp in towns.
* Bed: You can sleep in your own bed at the gang's current camp.
* Rented Rooms: Another option is to rent rooms in towns for a flat
This makes cores extremely important. If you sustain damage during rate.
battle, for example. having a full health core will enable you to heal
fairly quickly: you just have to stay in cover for a moment. The same For afull guideto attribute cores, see page 167.
situation with an almost empty core will prove far more challenging,
Health is probably the most straightforward attribute,
representing physical integrity. Allowing your character's health meter
and core to fully deplete will result in death.T
ryto always have tonics at
hand for emergency situations where you may need to urgently top up
this gauge in order to survive.
An easy way to level up this attribute is to regularly perform melee
knockouts or thrown weapon kills. Once you have access to a boat,
rowing isalso an effective method toextend your meter.For afull list of
appropriatetraining methods, see page 167.
, Stamina determines your ability to maintain physical
exertion, and requires diligent management.
The most common cause of stamina depletion is sprinting. T
o minimize
the overall drain, switch between maximum speed (by repeatedly
tapping ®/QJand running speed (by holding ®/QJat regular
intervalsto enable the meter torefill without unnecessarilyencroaching
upon the core.
While riding your horse. the same principles apply to its separate
stamina gauge. However. when you gallop at full speed by repeatedly
tapping ®/Q, you can actually prevent the meter-draining process
by pressing the bunon in syncwithyour mount's gallop. Mastering the
required rhythm won't take toolong, and will leave you freeto take in
the sights as you travel.
A very simple way to level up your stamina meter quickly is to sprint
often and for extended periods. See page 167 to study all possible
training methods.
Dead Eye is a special skill that enables you to slow down
the flow of time while aiming a weapon, giving you a temporary but
massive advantage over your enemies.
To trigger Dead E
ye, press r-JJ/'it while aiming. The basic way to
employ it is to shoot targets manually while enjoying the slow-motion
After your Dead Eye ability improves early on in the adventure, you can
queue attacks on multiple enemies,or hit aparticular target numerous
times. With Dead Eye active, move the aiming reticle over intended
victims and press @lI a to tag them; when ready, press ®l/IJI to
fire at all specified targets in rapid succession.
o level up this attribute, hone your combat skills to perform long-
distance headshots and free-aim kills. For a full list of appropriate
training methods,see page 167.
Horses are an integral part of the Red Dead Redemprion 2 adventure.
Not only do they enable you to move around much faster than you
can on toot, they also otter storage opportunities that make it easy
to change your equipment when required. You can even use them to
carry pelts and captured targets or animal carcasses that you need to
If you want to acquire a new horse without purchasing one at a
stable, you have two options:
*You can "break" wild horses to gain their trust. Thisis achieved by
locking on to the horse lrom a distance (alter catching it with your
lasso if required) to initiate the calming process. Once the horse
allows you toget close, you can calm it, then mount it. Try to stay on
its back bytilting0 in theopposite direction to where it pulls. If you
manage to stop it from bucking you off and ride it for awhile, it will
eventually be tamed andbecome your temporary horse.
* Youcan also steal horses, with the exceptionof those that belong to
fellow gang members. and ride them temporarily.
Horses will only trulybecome yours if you put yoursaddle on them - a
feature unlocked after a few hours of play in the mainstoryline.T
so. approach a calm horse with a saddle in hand and hold 0 .Y
can onlyhave onesaddle, and therefore one main horse, at a time.To
remove the saddle from your current horse, focus on it (hold~/m)
then hold 0.
Stables are available in all major towns. These give you access to the
following services:
* Buying and selling horses.
*Buying horse care items such as horse foodand tonics.
*Buying or upgrading equipment such as saddles. saddlebags. and
* Keeping up to three horses safely. You could, tor example, leave your
favored fast horse in astable while you ride a more resilient steed
loran upcoming battle.
* Customize your horse's appearance and accessories, or rename it.
To keep yourhorse healthy and happy, you need to keep itfed and clean.
Ahorse's health and stamina cores are affected negatively when it gets
hungry or dirty. Hold (QJ/GJ and navigate to the horse wheel menu
to select therelevant items.
Nutritious foods such as oatcakes, apples and hay will satisfy your
horse's hunger more substantially than treats. Giving these foods to
your mount will also increase bonding. Certain herbsand plants picked
inthe wild canalso be fed toyour horse.You should avoid overfeeding
your mount: indulging it when it is already full can cause it to gain
weight - see page 135 tordetails.
Bonding represents the level of trust and understanding between you
and your horse. Higher levels translate into the following benefits:
* Improved horse healthand stamina, and new commands available.
* Improved whistle range and response speed when you call your
horse, even duringcombat.
* Ability to cross deeper water and navigate more challengingterrain.
*lowerchances for your horse to flee when facing predators.
The following actions will contribute to increased horse bonding:
* Calming your horse when it's agitated.
* Patting yourhorse.
eeding your horse when it's hungry and grooming it when it's dirty.
* Removinga heavy item stowedon your horse.
*leading. riding.and swimming with your horse.
* Hitchingyourhorse with @/0 at ahitchingpostor tree. Ahitched
horse regenerates its cores more rapidlyand cannot wander away.
Some horses will become agitated if they feel threatened or hear loud
noises (suchas gunshots). Use silent weapons such as thebow to avoid
spooking a new mount; its courage will increase as you unlock horse
bonding levels.
Youcan call your horse bywhistling with 0 .At first the whistling range
is limited, but this will improve as your bonding level increases. Your
horse will not respondif it is too far away, stabled, or if you are indoors
orat camp.
As you might expect, your association with the Van der Linde gang will
regularly call for you to take part in illegal activities.
® Home Robbery I
0 Shop Robbery
ROBBERIES @ Bank Robbery I Use eitherste<Jhh or brute forceto steal
from the designated target ,. INDEX
After you complete the game's first few missions, you unlock the
ability to perform robberies at locations such as shops, homesteads
and camps.Stealth issometimes anoption, but most daylight activities
will require asuitableshow of force. Draw your weapononce inside to
threaten the occupants: naturally, you can reasonably expect certain
individuals to fight back or attempt to involve the law. A successful
robbery will be one inwhichyou intimidate or quietly avoid the majority
of people in the vicinity, incapacitate potential heroes quickly, and
make good your escape without an extended chase.
A little later in the story. it is also possible to hold up stagecoaches
and trains loaded with valuables.Talking to certain employees at post
offices will give you hints about such potential targets.
Early on in the adventure Leopold Strauss, one of Dutch's gang
members, will offer you missions in which you are tasked to
"encourage" reluctant debtors topay up.
Individuals who owe money to the gang are marked on the map with
adollar icon.
Each town has a noticeboard at the depot or sheriff's office.
occasionally displaying suspected criminals in the area. You can
retrieve posters from these boards to obtain the necessary details,
then hunt down bounty targets for rewards.
As a rule. you will receive more honor for bringing in awanted target
alive than by killing them. TI1is requires you to lasso and hogtie them,
then deliver them to the local sheriff's office on horseback.
Wanted targets tend to be hidden in well-guarded areas, so it makes
sense to prepare your approach and observe the terrain.Some routes
can prove much safer than others, be it in terms of cover points or
stealth-kill opportunities.
--~·,..,r .
I ' j
@ IStagecoach
~ Train Robbery
® lo~nshar~fronldcblo~~ho awe money to the
" !
® B t H r Goafteroutlaws and bring thembackt
oun Y un ong Ishelilf s~lfice, either deadoralive
The honor system measures how your actionsare perceived in terms of
morality by in-game characters. As ageneral rule of thumb,actions that
are considered as honorable(such as rescuing townsfolkfrom dangeror
turning in criminalsto the law) will add toyourhonor score: conversely,
activities that are considered dishonorable (such as killing innocent
civiliansand larceny)will impact your honor negatively.
Every time you hit certainhonor milestones youachieve aspecificrank.
Reaching certain ranks will reward you with unique benefits. You can
find acomplete guide to this system.withalistofall events and actions
that impact your honor positivelyor negatively, on page 170.
Wheneveracivilian spotsyou committingacrime.they may try to report
your action to a lawman. If they succeed you will become wanted.
causing agents of the law to seek you out. To prevent witnesses from
raisingthealarm, youcan either stop them (focus on them. then press
@/0 )or tacklethem with@/@.You then have multipleinteraction
options to convince them to forget what they saw. They tend tomove
quickly. so you will need to be decisive inorder to catch them.
Dead bodies that you leave in your wake can also prove problematic.
If they are sighted and reported, lawmen will come to investigate.
Should they spot you during this process. they are unlikely to leap
to a conclusion that will work in your favor. This is whyit sometimes
makes sense to hide cadavers when there's a danger of them being
discovered To do so. approach the corpse and press @/0 :you can
then convey it to asuitable spot and press the button againto dropit.
Once you have beenwitnessed taking part in criminalactivityin anarea,
law enforcement will make anote of your current physical description.
Youcan make yourself hardertorecognize in the following ways:
*By changingyour clothes.You can do thisat your lodging,at various
shops, in a rented room. or when facing your horse.
* By alteringyour hairand beard. which you can do in yourcamp tent
or at abarber's shop.
* Wearing a mask or bandana also makes it harder for witnesses to
positivelyidentify you. potentially enabling you to talk yourway out
of troubleif youareinterrogated.
When you commit crimes that are reported by witnesses. you become
wanted by the local authorities and a bounty is placed on your head.
Paying your bounty effectively resets the wanted system in a region.
You should note. though, that each state in the game tracks its own
wanted criminals and bounty levels.
When you have an active wanted level, the area where the law is
currently searching for you is represented by a red circle on your map.
You can lose your pursuers by escaping. by hiding. or by killing all
nearby lawmen (though this final option is both risky and costly, as it
will increase your active bounty dramatically).
As a rule. escaping is by far the most sensible option. Whistle your
horse if it is within range, then gallop out of the red circle. In many
cases you will have lawmen in hot pursuit. but you can often outpace
them, or shoot to deter or disable more persistent individuals. Once
youareout of thered perimeter. lawmen will continuetheir search for
a short while. As long as you are not identified during that time. you
have nothing to fear. It's usually enough to continue galloping away
until the coast is clear.
Any bounty placed on your head depends on the gravity of your crime.
Murders, jailbreaks and robberies count among the most serious
offenses. and therefore lead tothe highest bounties.
Your bounty inastateaccumulates with each successive illegal act. If
you commit further crimes while the law is chasing you. particularly
if you kill the forces currently trying to arrest you. reinforcements will
be sent - and stronger opponents will gradually join the fray. Though
standing your ground at a crime scene and killing all lawmen as they
arrive can be exhilarating. it will rarely end well. The chances are that
youwill soon find yourself overwhelmed by sheer weight of numbers.
After you commit serious crimes and escape, you can reasonably
expect posses. marshals and bounty hunters to attempt to waylay
you on your journeys through the wilderness. These unexpected
encounters will often take you completely by surprise, making them
dangerous if you areunprepared.
A bounty can be cancelled by paying it off. This can be achieved by
handing over therequired sumat any post office.
Note that we study the Wanted system in greater depth on page 174.
------·------------------·----·----- ----------
There are many missions where fellow gang members can fight
alongside you. especially when you face large groups of enemies or
lawmen. Companions will attack on their own and are experienced
gunslingers. but you should not count on them to do all the work for
you. It isyour contribution to thebattlethat usually matters most.
Whenever acompanion's presence is integral to the flow of a mission,
it is your responsibility to protect the individual in question. If they
happen to die in a shootout, you will be forced to restart from the
previous checkpoint.
---------------------·_,---- -
RedDeadRedemption2's worldis home to many rival gangsof outlaws
and misfits. These groups vary in size and structure. but each has its
own territory and is unlikely to welcome Dutch's gang on their turf.
Attacking enemy camps isdangerous. but can yield valuable loot if the
raid isasuccess.
Challenges are gameplay accomplishments that you complete
sequentially. Therearenine categories in total:
i:] Bandit T
heft and rohhery
0 Explorer Treasure hunting
Gambler Winning table games
Herbalist Crafting and herb-picking
t---=::=-+---·----+ - --- - - ---1
MasterHunter Hunting and skinning animals
--- ---·-·- ---1
0 Horseman Horse-riding feats
1-:::=-+-----·..-- . --- - ··-· ·---------1
0 Sharpshooter I Shooting feats
--- '----------1
Survivalist Crafting and fishing
xpen Knife and thrown wr.apon feat~
Each category features ten challenges. Completing all ten within
a category will provide various rewards: attribute increases. dollar
payments and, more importantly, reinforced equipment that (once
unlocked) can beobtained at any trapper shop.
You can expect to complete a number of challenges via natural
progression in the adventure. The more advanced ones. however. will
typically require much more effon.
You can find a complete list of challenges and all related rewards on
page 172.
Animals are valuable natural resources that can be hunted for their
meat, hides, and other useful materials.
The easiest way to track nearby animals is to activate Eagle Eye by
simultaneouslypressing CS+ ~ IV+'17.
In Eagle E
ye mode, animal tracks are clearly identified by luminous
trails. You can then press @)IB to highlight the trails lor a while
(even alter youexit Eagle Eye mode). making them easier to follow.
If you pay attention during Eagle Eye mode. you will also notice asubtle
visual effect emanating from your character's body: this represents
scent, which is carried by the wind. You can use this information to
find out in advance if the prevailing breeze is likely tocarry your scent
toward your quarry. potentially ruining your approach.
There are additional signs of animal life in the wilderness that you can
identify to trackspecies down, without necessarily activating Eagle Eye
-includingfootprints,excrement, or theremains of eaten prey.
ach animal species has specific habitats. You canfindannotated maps
that detail these on page 149.
Once successfully hunted, most animals in the wilderness can be
skinned. You canthen decide what todo withthe resulting goods.
Depending on theirsize, animal parts are eitherstored in your satchel or
stowed on your horseby pressing @I0 .
*You can cook and eat many types of meat when you rest at a
campfire. Consuming food is one of the most convenient ways to
maintain yourattribute cores (see page 166 for details).
*You can deliver animal parts and donatethem to the gang camp, or
take them to butchers intown tosell. E
ither way, be sure to offload
them beforethey begin to decompose.
*Many animal parts can be sold at general stores and to the trapper.
or donated to P
earson tounlock various upgrades, including satchel
* Some body parts, such as teeth and claws, have mysterious powers
whencrafted intotalismans- seepage 313.
Notethat skinning animals will help you to unlock ranks in the Master
Hunter set of challenges.
When hunting, you need to choose your weapon carefully to avoid
ruining your reward. Carcasses that have been damaged by multiple
puncture wounds or other forms of damage are worth less than those
that arebroadlypristine.
Early on in the adventure, the bow is the hunter's weaponof choice. It
enables you to perform clean and quiet kills without scaring away all
the animals in thevicinity.For optimal results, try toaim yourarrows at
the head or neck of your prey. Notethat you can call an animal while
aiming at it. Doing so just before you release your arrow can help you
to land a clean shot when the animal raises its head to look in your
Thereare specialized types of arrows that can prove extremely helpful
when hunting. Of particular interest are small game arrows (to obtain
betterquality pelts from small prey) andpoisonarrows (an efficientway
to take down big animalsquickly).
----------...~ · ---------------
There are items that you can craft or purchase to help you while
* Bait will attract wild animals, with predators and herbivores
responding to different varieties. Youcandrop it on the ground, then
hide nearby: it may take a few minutes for theappropriate creature
to take notice. You can also use fresh carcasses to lure certain
* Cover scents can make it harderforanimals todetectyourpresence,
making it easier to sneak closer andcatch your prey unawares.
II . I
.··:1:. (
• .
Fishing isan engrossing activity with multiple layers of complexity to take into account. fromthe equipment you use to the habitat of the species
you'reaiming tocatch.We cover thistopicin adedicated section of this book- see page 163. To get you started immediately, though,the following
brief introduction will help.
------------------ ~.r------------------
There are many places in the world of Red DeadRedemption 2 where
you can fish. Equipyour fishing rod from theitem wheel, then select a
bait appropriate for the species you intend to catch.
' '
@ 1Gil Hold todisplay the fishing wheel
@10 After catching a fish. press to quick-equip bait
(iJJIDl Hold to grip rod
Rotate clockwise to reel in
Reset cast: cut line
Hold@/Dl 10 getafinn grip on the rod, then hold andrelease [@/at to
cast out. When you getafinn bite, the fishingrodwill be pulled downwards;
quicklypress [@/Ql toattempt tohookthefish before itcan swim away.
Each species approaches the bait differently. Some species nibble
cautiously before they take a firm bite; others are more confident and
will repeatedly take firm bites. Predators can grab thebait suddenlyand
without warning, so be ready toreact at all times.When a fish makes a
meaningful meal of the bait, the bobber gets pulled underthe water:this
is your cuetostrike.
When a hooked fish is struggling, it will aggressively try to escape.
Your goal here is to control it by pulling the rod left or right in the
opposite direction to the movement of the fish. This will gradually tire
yourpotential catch, making it struggle less.Whenever younotice this,
make the most of that window of opportunity toreel in as much fishing
line as you can before thefish resumes its light.
------ - - --- - --·--·- ---- - 23
Wheneveryou reel in and unhook afish,you can either keep it to eat or sell,
or release it backintothe waterto gainhonorif it'sstill alive.Smaller fishare
stored inyoursatchel while largerspecimens canbe stowed on your horse.
ood bait (such as bread) and natural bait (such as worms) are cheap
and readily available. TI1at said, you will lose tl1em each time afish bites
-whether it escapes or you catch it. This means that you will regularly
need torebail your hook.
Artificial lures are more expensive than bait, but they can be used more
than once.There are differentluresthatare suited to attracting river, lake,
and swamp-dwelling species.Alter casting out using alure, keep reeling
it inslowly to make it look like alittleswimmingfish orinsect: astationary
lure will not attract any fish.This makes lure fishing harder, but it is the
only way to attract largercatches.
Environmental conditions play adecisive rolewhen fishing:
* As ageneral rule fishare less likelytosee your bait in poor weather, so
it makes moresense to attend to other business until the sky is clear.
*Larger fish and rarer species can only becaught using special lures.
These can be purchased in stores, most notably the Bait and Tackle
shop in the Bayou.
* There are prime fishing spotsin the wildernesswhere larger(and even
legendary) species can be found. We reveal their positions and all
relevant details on page 164.
Red Dead Redemption 2 features a massive range of items and
weapons that you can use for all sorts of purposes. This guide offers
you dedicated referenc.e chapters for both categories: see pages 300
and 280respectively.
This section acts as a simple introduction, giving a general description
of the types of objects that youwill be collecting and using during the
opening hours of the story.
*Provisions are consumables that you can eat. drink or smoke to
replenish oneor more of yourattribute cores. sometimes at thecost
of others.
*Tonics areremedies that restore one of your main attribute meters.
They also usually grant you the "fortified" status effect, which
artificially extends themeter inquestion for aset duration.
* Ingredients are plants and meat products that can be used for
* Materials areanimal spoils requiredfor crafting.
*Kit items are unique tools with gameplay applications. such as
the binoculars that enable you to see over long distances, or the
bandana that you can wear to prevent witnesses from identifying
*Valuables are precious goods that can be sold or crafted into other
*Documents include the numerous letters, pamphlets, maps,
and many other items that you will accumulate throughout your
*Horse cargo correspondstobodiesand pelts stowed on your mount.
* Pistols are compact firearms that are not as powerful as revolvers
but can hold moreammunition.They can also be reloaded quickly.
* Revolvers are six·chambered sidearms that offer greater damage
and accuracy than pistols. but slower reload times.
* Rifles are ranged longarms that offer great accuracy and power. but
usually have a low rate of fire.
* Repeaters provide asuperior rate of fire and ammunition capacityto
rifles. but lower accuracy and damage.
* Sniper rifles grant excellent damage and precision over long
*Shotguns shoot a batch of buckshot. They are effective only when
a fight is practically toe-to·toe. though they are peerless when it
comes to clearing aroom or holding a narrow choke point. They are
even more impactful with slug ammunition.
*The bow is asilent and accurateweapon, ideal forstealth kills and
hunting.Various kindsofarrows can be crafted and used forspecific
* Melee weapons are perfect for brawlsand situations where it's not
possible to carry agun. You canfight with your fists. various knives,
and even hatchets and swords.
* Throwables such as throwing knives and tomahawks are an
alternative to the bow if you need to eliminate a target quietly.
If stealth is not required, volatile area·of·effect weapons such as
fire bottles and dynamitecan decimategroups of enemies in close
* The lasso enables you to rope certain animals and to immobilize
enemies. Thiscomes in veryhandywhenyou're moving in to caplllre
atarget that is wanted alive. O
nce you've temporarilyincapacitated
someone with alasso. keep {Ql/m held as you approachthem and
then press ©I@to hogtie them.The hogtied individual can then
be looted, picked up, carried. and placed on your horse. lassoed
targets will break free after a short time if you fail to hogtie them.
likewise. hogtiedindividuals may escapetheir bondsafter awhileif
left unattended for too long.
here are many types of ammunition. Some of these possess special
properties that can help in specific circumstances.
* High velocity cartridges increase range and penetration through
* Split point cartridges cause increased damageon impact.
* Express and explosive cartridges maximize your damage output.
* Small game arrows enableyoutoacquire betterquality pelts
when hunting small animals.
* Poison arrows areperfect to take down big animals quickly.
* Fire arrows and dynamite arrows oHer increased damage
potential over awide radius.
You can change the ammunition type currently in usevia the weapon
wheel: use 0 while selecting a weapon to browse through the
varietiesyou have tohand.
Ammunition can be obtained inmultiple ways:
* Looted from dead enemies.
* Foundas acollectible.
* Bought from gunsmiths or general stores.
* You can also create ammunition via crafting.
You can only carry a set number of weapons at a time. When you
require specific equipment to complete an objective. move close to
your horse's saddle and hold [}J/.o:J to display the wheel menu.
where you can move through tabs with @)/litl. As you gradually
acquire multiple weapons within the same categories. tilt ell in the
appropriatedirection and tap {Q)/m or (@/!ill to cyclethrough the
available choices.
The weapons you select will be the ones you will be taking with you
when you move away from your horse. Choosing the right loadout
is vitally important prior to certain missions that might require
specialized tools - such as shotguns for crowd control. the bow to
perform silent kills, orsniper rifles for long·distance eliminations.
-----------· ,------ - ------
All theitemsthat you find.suchas provisions and materials. are stored
inyour satchel. You can access it by holding 0 tosllldy or useany of
the items it contains.
If you bring himthe right ingredients, Pearson- thegang's butcher -
will offer to craft special satchelswithupgradedcapacities.
You can craft certain items on the go using the crafting tools in your
item wheel, but you have access toawider selection whenyou are at
your camp oracampfireinthe wilderness. Crafting is accomplished by
using ingredients. These range from herbs and animal parts that you
acquire in the wilderness. to items that you purchase in towns. Certain
shops also offer crafting services to upgrade yourgear- but onlyif you
provide therequired materials tothe shopkeeper.
Among the many items that you can craft are meals. health cures and
tonics for both yourself and your horse. improved ammunition, and
·--~ . --- ··- - - --
When youencounter harsh weather conditions. it's important to select
the right outfit. If you fail to do so. being too hot or too cold will drain
your attribute cores very quickly. You can change your clothes at a
camp. inarented room. a tailor'sshop, orwhilenear or on your horse. '
When youare poised tocommit crimes, you can also equipamaskor
bandanafrom the item wheel to hide your face.Thiswill make it more
difficult for witnesses toidentify you - and. by extension, impede the
ability ol lawmen to mark you as an outlaw. There are also certain
areas where you may need to wear the correct outfit to avoid being
New clothes can be purchased at various shops or obtained as
rewards, and you can also change your hair and facial hair at a
barber's shopor at your camp.
You can display the wheel menu at any time by holding [})/S .and
thenmove through tabswith ®)/litl
*The weapon wheel enables you to switchweapons and
ammunition as you see fit.
*The item wheel gives you access to yourconsumablesand special
items that will be of use toyour character.
*The horse wheel.which isonly available when in close proximity
to your mount, features theitems required to take careof your
horse- as well as your alternative clothes and headwear.
Whenever youdisplay the wheel menu. notethat theflow of time slows
down but doesnot stop completely. If you change your loadout in the
midst of a shootout. for example. your enemies will continue to fire at
you whileyou're making your adjustments. Notethat this also applies
to thesatchel.
You can purchase equipment upgrades from any gunsmith store,
enabling you to enjoy bonuses suchas increased ammunition capacity
and slowerweapondegradation.
Though possible only at a later stage of the adventure, completing
challenges will enable you to acquire reinforced pieces of equipment
that provide superior boons.
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
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RedDeadRedemptionl's main stOryline is divided into chapters. Each
in-game chapter features a number of missions that are unlocked in
a particular order, and sometimes under specific conditions. A new
mission. for example, might become available only one in-game hour
after you completeanother.
Our coverage of every story chapter begins with a large diagram,
such as the one you can see on the page to your right. This offers a
convenient and comprehensive overview of all available missions. as
well as how they areconnected.
These diagrams also reveal key features that are unlocked as you
progress in the main storyline-such as optional activities. mini-games.
interactions with special characters. and even details such as the
availability of weapons in gun stores. Each entry comes with a page
reference that will lead you straight to the appropriatesection of this
guide if you require more information.
You might notice that a handful of ·stranger missions". which are
technically optional. are covered here rather than in the Exploration
chapter dedicated to such events and opportunities. This is because
these specific stories are connected to the main plot. and are time-
sensitive; should you fail to complete them before you reach particular
story milestones. you will miss them altogether.
The pages that follow each diagram feature walkthroughs for every
individual mission that is part of the chapter in question. Should you
strugglewith aparticular scene. or needassistance to secure the best
rewards. this is whereyou will find step-by-step guidance. E
ach mission
walkthrough includes a map annotated with numbers. These same
numbersare used as paragraph headingsinthetext, which should help
you to find your bearings instantly.
*Master Hunter (page 173)
(page 331
(page :J61
[HArTEl 2
Sawed·Oif Shotgun
*Take no damage during the shootout
oot six or more items from Adler Ranch
* Finish with at least 80% accuracy
The main challenge here is to take no damage
during the shootout. Stay in cover until
opportunities arise to quickly pop out and eliminate
one target at atime.
'0 After the opening cutscene, hold ®10 and tilt () as required
tokeepupwith Dutch. Take note of onscreen instructions as they
When you reach the homestead, hitch your horse by holding @10 ,
then follow Dutch on foot. Take cover inthe shed onyour left (@liB )
once instructedto do so.
After looking in the direction of Micah (0 ). equip your revolver: hold
(bl)/d and tilt 0 upward, then release. You now need to protect
Dutch by eliminating the men that are threatening him. Hold (Q}/l!J
to aim your weapon at one of them, adjust the reticle on your target
with 0 .thenopen fire with {@/til.Stay in cover and pick off enemies
until the coast is clear. Note that one of them will appear ontheupper
level. and another from the outhouse on your left. requiring you to aim
accordingly.You can safelyignorethe O'Driscoll that runs away; killing
him would only lower your honor.
1111 Follow Dutch into the house and hold @10 to pick up all
al available collectibles, including thosefound inside furniture and
upstairs. Hold 0 when the onscreen prompt appears to open your
satchel and eat some of your provisions (such as baked beans). This will
restore a portion of your health core. increasing your health recovery
rate- see page 16 for moredetails on this topic.
r.:1 Back outside, walk to the nearby barn and open the door with
a @10 . Head inside, then press @!@ repeatedly to subdue
your opponent. Hold (Q}/l!J and follow the onscreen instructions to
interrogate him once he's down, before picking up your weapon and
hat. After you have dealt with the o·oriscoll, hold (Q}/l!J to focus on
the horse in the barn then slowly approach while calming it with
@10 . Lead it with @10 , hitch it on a post, then enter the cabin.
* Finish with at least 80% accuracy
* Kill all the wolves without taking any damage
. -
Avoiding damage can be tough, especially during
the first encounter. Try to take out at least one
wolf from adistance as they run down the hill. It
might also help to stay close to Javier. despite his
complaints: the wolves will prioritize him, leaving
you with more time to target them. Be quick,
though, as Javier will not survive many bites.
D Follow Javier on horseback until you automatically get down
from your horse.
n Approach the saddle and open the wheel menu by holding
U (bl)tal: tilt0 upward toselect sidearms, then simultaneously
press (Q}/l!J or @)/til to select the sawed-off shotgun. Release
(bl)!al to equip the weapon.
11::'1 Follow Javier on foot. crouching with 1!)/'1]- when the button
E.l prompt appears. After you trigger acutscene.walk up thehill.
When you are attacked by wolves, draw them to you with @10 and
open fire as soon as they are within range; note how the reticle turns
red. Ideally you should aim for the head, but their movement speed
makes this difficult. Focus on one at a time by holding (Q);l!J and
shoot until it falls. Be ready to dive sideways with @10 whenever
they attack you.
As you ride back toward the camp, more wolves will at1ack you. Open
fire as they surround Javier and John; once again, aim for the head if
possible for quicker takedowns. The rest of the ride shouldpass without
*Get 15 headshots
*Catchand hogtieKieran in under 45 seconds
*Complete the mission in under 15minutes 30
ill three O'Driscolls in the same Dead Eye use
*Complete the mission without using any health
-·-- -+-------------------------
These objectives are not complicated, but they
do call uponskills that require afairamount of
practice. To kill three enemies in the same Dead
Eye instance. you needto"tag" them by moving
the aiming reticle totheir heads; once all three
have been marked. tap l@tll!l to fire at the targets
in rapid succession.
D Head to the marker at the Colter camp to initiate this mission.
then follow Dutch.
1::"11 When you are instructed to retrieve the repeater from yourhorse,
U move to the saddleand hold @1£1 when in close proximity.
like before, tilt () in the relevant direction (here, to the left for longarm
shoulderweapons)to select your loadout, thenrelease @Jm .When
you own multiple weapons within one category, use (!J)tiD and
I@Jil!l to cycle through them. For this mission. we suggest you take
the carbine repeater and the cattleman revolver. As a rule, it's always
wise to review your loadout whenever you expect intense battles to
occur. Having the right weapons with you will often make your life
significantly easier.
1::'1 Follow Dutch until he asks you to crouch (cg/V ). then get in
11::.1 cover (@)/InInear him.During theconversation,hold @liD
and chooseto take the lead with @10 . This will give you full control
over how and when you choose to initiate hostilities. Carefully adjust
your aim to take down the first enemywith a cleanheadshot.
iift'l This battle involves multiple allies and enemies. Move from one
Ill cover position to the next with due caution, regularly reloading
with @!€> whenyou are safe. Keeptrack of where the O
'Driscolls are
located on your radar: their positions are marked with red dots, or red
segments that indicate their approximate location when they are out
radarrange.Pay attention to elevated vantage points.such as thewater
tower: these are prime positions for enemies toappear. Be careful not
to overlook them.
1':1 After the initial assault, loot the bodies of some of your victims.
a A second wave of O'Driscolls will soon attack from the forest;
this serves as aformal introduction tothe Dead Eye feature. Activate it
with liDIV while aiming yourweapon to trigger a slow-motion effect
that makes it much easier to target and dispatch your foes. While the
ability is active, you automatically "tag· enemies when you move the
reticle over them. Press !@IIlli tofireat all marked enemies in quick
succession. Bear in mind that marking their heads guarantees a clean
kilL Dutch will soon ask you how to proceed next. We suggest you
choose to defend. as it will give you the advantage of superior cover
points during thenextstage of the battle. During thisentiresection.try
to stay close to your allies: keeping them alive is a mandatory
r=1 F
eel free to loot the bodies to top up your ammunition. There are
1:.1 also ahandful of items topick up in the camp. Once you're done,
head tothe area marked inyellow on your map and radar tofind more
items to retrieve and, more importantly, dynamite in the large red crate.
ollow Dutch during the ride back tocamp, then start chasing the man
as soon as Dutch asks you to. During your approach. select thelasso in
theweapon wheel;you need to take him backalive. Once you are close
enough, aim at the O'Driscoll by holding @ tiD and throw the lasso
with 1@/ll!l.Keep @liD held at all times. even whenyour target falls
to the ground. then dismount and walk to him. Press @1€> at close
range to hogtie him, rendering the man completely harmless. P
ick him
up and stow him on your horse, then head back to camp and carry your
prisoner to the highlighted area tocomplete the mission.
* Kill each deer with one arrow
* Donot spook either deer
* Get aclean kill on the second deer
As long as you crouch-walk at all times. remain out
Notes of sight, and secure headshots on the first attempt,
you should complete all of these objectives.
D You will trigger this mission by greeting Pearson at camp: hold
@Jm while next tohim, then press @10 .
1::"11 Follow Charles until you automatically dismount. Retrieve your
U bow from your horse's saddle before you begin the search for
deer in the vicinity.
There are deer tracks in front of Charles. Crouch-walk as you follow
them to make as little noise as possible. Ifyou struggleto identify them,
press ®tv and liDIV simultaneously: this will activate Eagle Eye,
which heightens your instincts. In Eagle Eye mode, points of interest
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such as animal tracks are highlighted. You can even choose to "lock"
these tracks with @)!In to keep them visible for a time after you
disable Eagle Eye.
When you spot the first deer, equipyour bow andaim at the animal by
holding @liD. Press and hold 1@/llll todraw the string until it is taut
(pay attention to the sounds) to increase power. but besure to release
the arrow before your staminaisdepleted. Aimtohit the deer's head or
neck to secureacleankilLSuch "perfect" kills lead to hunting spoils of
optimal condition -and, therefore, greatervalue.
The second deer is on the other side of the river. Activate Eagle Eye
again to locate its tracks. then slay it in thesame fashion.
r=1 Pick up either of the carcasses byholding @10 . thenpress 0
1:.1 to whistle your horse.The range of thiscall is initially limited. but
will improve over time as the bond with asteed grows (see page 1Bfor
details). Stow thedeer on the back of your horse before riding back to
camp with Charles.
D Drop thecarcass in Pearson's kitchen. then hold @10 toskin
the animal and complete themission.
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- ·--
- - ·-
*Save Lenny when he is hanging from the train
*After stopping the train, take out the guardswithin 'I
one minute 30 seconds I
*Take no damage during the shootout
. Goals
*Get ten headshots
*Complete themission without using any health
·- -· -
These requirements are all about accuracy and
efficiency.TI1e key scene is the shootout that
occurs after you stop the train.Make sure you
remain in cover at all times, moving to secure
quick individual kills when nobody is firing at you.
Mastery of headshots isa real boon here.
o Follow Outch as he explains the plan.
When you reach the robbery site, ride down toward the water tower
to check on Bill. After your brief conversation, pick up the spool by
holding @tO , then walk to the nearby detonator to connect it with
@tO .Onceyou're done, ride back up to Dutch on the clilf above the
tunnel. Don't forget to select your loadout before the robbery begins.
The cattlemanrevolver and carbine repeaterare excellent choices here.
You should also take the time to conceal your face with abandana: hold
[l)tiiiD to display thewheel menu, then switch to the item wheel with
@liD . tilt Q toward the bottom-left, then release [i)t!IID.
Once the train arrives, sprint to the overhang and jump on the train.
Move to the side and hold @tO to grab Lenny. Tap ®10 repeatedly
to pull him up.
I'PI Head toward the front of the train. After Lenny incapacitates the
al first guard, you can ask him to eliminate thesecond one, or do so
yourself. Crouch-walking to him to perform asilent melee takedown is
an option, though aheadshot with any weapon works just as well. You
will need to get rid of a few more men as you progress.Be sure to take
cover if you're not confident that you can eliminate them swiftly.
n When an enemy grapples with you at the front of the train, press
1:.1 @I€) repeatedly to break free and knock him down. Youshould
then head to the front of the engine car and press @10 to pull the
r.:11 As soon as the trainstops, take cover behind the nearby rock and
1:.1 pick olf the enemies one after the other.They will soon be joined
by a second wave coming from the back of the train. Carefully move
towards them from one cover point to the next until the last adversary
After you are joined by the rest of the gang, walk to Bill to take some
dynamite and place it on the carriage door with @l!llii. Light the
fuse with @tO then retreat to asuitable distance before it explodes.
Get on the train and search the carriage thoroughly to obtain various
collectibles. Your main objective is the lock box in the cabinet at the
back of the carriage; hold @tO to open it and retrieve the bonds
inside. Back outside, deal with the guards as you see fit. If you decide
to get them back on the train rather than kill them, make your way to
the engine car. Note that you are free to loot all the bodies and search
the carriages to secure more collectibles. Start the train with @tO to
complete the mission.
W" '
*Pick up Javier when you enter Horseshoe
*Complete the missionwithin six minutes
Javier awaits just before the camp's entrance. your
I Notes final destination.Stop the wagon close to him to
II pick him up.
D Follow the rest of the caravan until acutscene is triggered.
n Pick up the broken wheel by tilting 0 forward and roll it back
ItS toward the wagon. Bash it afew times with ®tO to put it back
into place.
Get into the driving seat with @tO . The rest of the journey to
Horseshoe Overlook should be entirely uneventful. Don't forget to pick
up Javierjust before you reach your destination.
* Poker (page 220) *Cigarene Cards (page 199)
-t• ~u~ing-Charles (page 146)
Any one mission complete
'D"Y" 46.1
lpo(IO 401
*Home R
obbery- Javier(page 1B2Jf
After two
J ~ Arcadia for Amateurs * Home R
obberies (page 180)
(page 186)' * Shop Robberies (page 181)
*AmericanDreams (page * Challenges (all except
191)** "Survivalist") (page 171)
* TheSmell of theG
rease * T
able Games (page 2201
Paint (page 186) * MultipleSpecial Characters
* Fundraiser (page 186) (page 228)
* Dinosaur Bones(page 208)
* Rock Carvings (page 210)
* Gunsmitll (page 286)
*Barber Shop (page 326}
* General Store (page 324)
* T
ailor (page 328)
*A FineNight F
or It
(page 191)'" TREASURE HUNTS * Fence (page 326)
*TheNoblest of Men. and
a Woman (page 192)"..
*Jack Hall Gang(page 196) *Doctor (page 327}
*High Stakes Treasure (page 197)
*le Tresor desMorts (Pre-Order Bonus) (page 198)
• lltlwllilablebttWeM"Ou1UndeT
u iDJS - r and ~neetrQ.w(
•• Cumllh::k lhr. lhrer. 'Mt~~~e• Scent" thtna. r.n(J,Iunl es
••• Coml)l~~oneol the "To«:h Ptoc:e:Wcn·. 'Slalkir.g Shedcm... 'Spi>::bd HOI'$~·. "Voite.. Cl"el'(:~ Encount!Q
••._.. un~-allabl!dum"Q·n~e Sl!e!!p andthe Boalt"
* Stables (page 1B)
lpd(ll' 481
* Wait for two in-game hoursafter
completing "A Quiet Time"
* Time-sensitive: last chance in
Chapter 6!
• Pan11 Sktfl= iffi lS1
he onlvm1S~~e11~( t Wlukl totlf
11011fme hour;Pf~ w1111t rt1
; acll~e
"wtffl ~pnge 451
Complete "Paying aSocial Call"
Move at least 350m away and return to camp
to trigger aconversation with Ms Grimshaw
* Emerald Ranch Wagon Fence (page 287)
*EllieAnne Swan (page 184)
*Lindsey Wofford (page 184)
After one in-game hour After one in:11ame hour
Pump-Action Shotgun
~ 1poqeSZ1 '
Schofield Revolver
*Joshua Brown (page 184)
Rolling Block Rifle
* Survivalist (page 173)
* Fishing (page 163)
After 12 in-game hours
If only one mission open
• Can either II• ~ in Ol.all(w 2 or 3: ;11 be
11~ocb!d al'ler coflltll~ttlD ·A ~ra~ Klnllfl'ess· 111 not
u~ocled prllfiou;~
. .-. ~. .
- - - - - - - - - y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Return the lost wagon horseto its owner
*Find Karen in under 45 seconds
These requirements are entirely straightforward.
Head straight for room 2B upstairs once you enter
the holel to find Karen within the allotted time.
Speak to Uncle at the edge of the camp to trigger thismission, then
follow the waypoint as you ride toward Valentine. Note that you can
help the coach driver to get his horse back if you wish. This optional
objective serves as arefresher course on how tocalmhorses: approach
while focusing on it by holding ~ll!J. thenpress @10 until you can
lead it backtoits owner (@10 ).
1':'1 Once in Valentine, follow Uncle and the various onscreen
U markers and objectives until a stranger assaults Tilly. Walk over
and intervene to rescue her.
Next head inside the hotel and make yourway to room 2B upstairs. Kick
the door. knock out the man inside with melee attacks(@!@). then
follow Karen back outside.
111 As soonas the man who recognizes you starts toflee, borrow a
U nearbyhorse and chase him.Tap ®1e repeatedly to gallop at
maximum speed; remember that timing your presses to match the
rhythm of your horse's hooves will enable you to avoid staminaloss. If
you lose sight of your target. a red segment on the outer rim of your
radar will indicate his general whereabouts.
n The man will eventually fall from hismount and end up hanging
1::.1 from a cliff. You are free to either save him or let him die. Both
outcomes end the mission. though your decision will lead to a gain or
decrease in honor (see page 19 lor details). Note that you can then
return the borrowed horse to its owner inValentine for an honor gain.
----------------------~----- ---

- ..
*Save Javier within 1
* Defeat Tommy within one minute 30 seconds
--~------· -- - - - - -1
Notes I Follow the advice detailed inthe accompanying
. Meet Javier and Charles at the waypoint in the saloon. Punch
with @I@ during the brawl that ensues, but be ready to pay
attention when new lighting mechanics areintroduced (see the nearby
box-out for details). After taking down your first opponent, you can
assist yourthreecompanions.
After the brief cutscene. deal with the man restraining you by tapping
@I@ repeatedly. You now need to rush to help Javier. who isbeing
attackedby the giant who walkeddown the stairs.
This individual.Tommy, is amuchmore dangerous pugilist thanthose you
have fought before now.Punchinghim relentlesslywill simplynot wort so
you need to opt for astute counterattacks: focus on blocking his attacks,
dtenswiftlyhit him with apunchortwo when an openingpresentsitself -
and repeat. Mash @I@ to breakfree shouldhe manage to grab you.
. .-. ~. .
- - - - - - - - - y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
· - -
*Wintwo hands of poker
* Return Swansontocamp within two minutes five
As longas you sprint on foot and gallop while on
horseback. thetime·sensitive requirement should
pose no particulardifficulty.
D Head to Flatneck Station. just southwest of the camp, and look
for Reverend Swanson inside the building. If you would like an
introduction to poker, accept the man's invitation; you can find a
detailed guide to the game on page 220.
n Back outside, look for the reverend in the highlighted area. You
a can talk to two characters outside the station to get directions.
Once you've found him. you have to knock out his creditor. Much like
Tommy in ·Americans at Resr, this is not your average opponent, so
you need to adopt defensive tactics.Allow him toattack you first and
block with @10 , then immediately follow up with a brief flurry of
11:'1 When the creditor falls, you will notice that a passer-by saw
lt.l your deeds. If you let this witness report your crime, you will
become wanted and a bounty will be placed on your head. This acts
as an introduction to the Wanted system !see page 20). For now, all
you need to know is that you can stop witnesses before they report
illegal activities, but you will need togive chase immediately. In this
instance, sprint or gallop after the man and hold ~1m to interact
with him. Select "Stop Witness" !@10 ). then threaten with the
same button. Alternatively, you can beat him, rob him. or perform a
warning shot by aiming and tapping 0 before pressing the trigger.
Reverend Swanson can be found at the nearby viaduct and you need
to act swiftly: sprint to his position and help him to release his foot by
tilting D forward and press ® /~ repeatedly.
r.:1 After the cutScene, pick up Swanson and stow him on your
1:.1 horse. Ride back to camp, hitch your mount at the marked
location, then finally drop the reverend off in his bed to complete the
W" '
* Silently kill thebounty huntersby theriver
with Javier
Medal *Shoot the rope to free Sean
Goals *Get ten headshots
* Complete the mission without using any
health items
The tricky part here isto secureten headshotS.Get
Notes usedto flicking (i) every time you lock on toatarget
and this should become less intimidating.
n You need to meet Javier just to the north of Blackwater to
initiate this mission. Theentire region is in lockdown. meaning
that any law enforcement forces will shoot on sight. Stay close to the
river to the north to avoid any potential encounters.
n After the cutscene, mount your horse and head to the
ItS highlighted area to the north. Follow the boat as it sails down
the river until it moves close to the shore. Observe the scenewith your
binoculars, thenride withyourallies tothe riverside.
Cross the river with Javier. Once Trelawny performs his diversion,
crouch-walk to reach the two guards and - with your knife in hand -
stealth-kill theone on the left.
Your objective is tomove up the canyon. running fromone cover point
to the next and eliminating any foes in range. L
ook out for snipers, as
they can be a nuisance: try to eliminate them with clean headshots
when anopportunity arises.
Apply the same strategy when you storm the enemy camp at the top of
the canyon: takecover, briefly hop out and lock on to a target (ideally
flicking (i) at this precise moment to aimfor the head}. then fire and
switch back to cover - and repeat. Note that you can shoot the rope
from which Sean is hanging torescue himbefore the battle ends. Cut
himfree when he's on the ground to end the mission.
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf
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Red Dead Redemption 2_Piggyback Guide (searchable).pdf

  • 2. .******* *** [ONTENTS******************** ,. ·- ******* **"' *" .... **** ******* *** -- . - ·······-· ·•'<•' .. . - On-screen Display 8 Essential Commands . .. ... 9 Game Structure... ........................11 Traveling Efficiently ........ J 3 Maps &Markers . . ... ... .... 13 Locations &Landmarks.....14 Attributes &Meters........... . .. 16 Chapter Structure ... 30 Medal Goals 30 Note on Trophies & Achievements . ··-· 31 Chapter 01 .. 31 Chapter 02 38 Introduction 134 Horses ................. ............134 Transportation..........................J 42 Camp ... .. . ........................143 Hunting .. .. .. . . .. . . 146 F ishing . .. .. Attributes . .. 163 ...166 Honor ... .. . ...............169 Challenges .. .. Law Enforcement Robberies 4 .. .. 171 174 178 Horses Crime ...... 18 .J9 Challenges ................................21 Hunting. ... .. . ...........22 Fishing .... .. . .... . .... . ... 23 Items &Crafting . .. . ...... . . 24 Chapter 04 Chapter 05 Chapter 06 . Epilogue - Part I . Epilogue- Part 2. Bounty Hunting Stranger Missions. .. .. 54 72 86 .. . 94 . . 114 .. .. 122 184 ....186 Gunslingers..............................J 92 Loansharking ....................J94 Treasure Hunting 196 Special Collectibles ... 199 Gangs . .. . ... .... .... .. . 218 TableG ames ....... Chance E ncounters Special Characters ..220 ..223 228 Introduction Map Legend .. 238 238 Notes &Navigation ... ........... ... ............. ................ ............... .... .. . ..... 239 Overview Map.. .. ............ .............. ................... ......... ............................ 240 Atlas Weapon Stats Weapon Degradation Ammunition &Projectiles. Gunsmiths Other Shops Weapon Customization WeaponSheets Consumables Kit &Tools . .. .. .. 241 283 284 286 287 288 292 302 312 E quipment .. ... ... ........... .. .. .. . . . . ... ...................... . .. . .. ..... 314 Valuables.......................... ......... ... . ... . .. . ........ 315 Documents Crafting Cooking .... ....... . . . ..... Shop Lists &C rafting . T rophies &Achievements.. Total Completion Compendium . Checklists P oints of Interest &Shacks ... .... .. .. .. . ... . . ... . . .. .... .. ...... 316 320 323 324 332 334 334 337 338 Unique Collectibles......... . ....... .. ..... ..... .. . . ................. . .. .......... 340 Event Areas .... ...... .... ... ... .... .... .. . . . . .............. Poisonous Trail Secrets . .... 342 344 346 5 -- . ... ·· ~ ,
  • 3. - • - .-"" • • • • •• • ' • . • • • • ... • • • .. - • • • ' • I •• • •• MISSIONS EXPLORATION ATLAS WEAPONS ITEMS I I EXTRAS I INDEX • ' ,. • •
  • 4. DNS[ftEEN DISrLA~ The following annotated screenshot illustrates a typical gameplay screen. D Reticle: Whenever you equip aweapon awhite reticleappears. Hold @ tmand use e to adjust your aim; the reticle will turn redwhenit hovers on avalid target. Headshotsgenerally offer maximum efficiency. K;'1 Ammunition: The first figure represents the number of shots U remaining for your active weapon; the second details your total stock.The icon corresponds to the type ofammunitioncurrently selected. D Attribute Meters: The meters visible in the lower-left corner of the screen represent vital attributes- from left to right. health, stamina. Oead Eye, horsestamina, and horse health.T urn to page 16to learn more about these systems. IIW Radar: The mini-map in the lower-left of your screen shows your Ill immediate surroundings, annotated with useful details such as cardinal directions, m1ss1on objectives. and assorted points of interactivity. See page 13 for details. You can expand your radar or turn it intoasimple compass by holding 0- r::l Dynamic Information: Onscreen notifications will appear in 1:11 accordance with your actions and events in the world - such as obtaining items or rewards, completing objectives, and becoming wanted. r=- Context-Sensitive Prompts: Whenever you can perform a 1;,1 context-sensitive action, a corresponding prompt will appear in the lower-right corner of the screen.These are used in many different situations. such as collecting items. interacting with the environment and to make decisions during missions or interactive conversations. Press. tap or hold the displayed button to choose the specified action. ESSENTIAL [DMMANDS The opening hours of Red Dead Redemption 2 are filled with opportunities to learn about and practice actions and abilities, but the following recap ot all essential buttoncommands will prove useful should you forget a particular function. or miss a tutorial. If you are familiar with the original Red Dead Redemption and the Grand Theft Auto series. you should feel right at home from the very start. Many potential actions and interactions are activated via context- sensitive button presses.The relevant prompts will appearin the lower- right corner of thescreen when they areavailable. *BASI[ MOVEMENT* With the exception ot crouch-walking, the following commands apply when you are both on foot and ridingahorse. *GIWalking: TiltG to walk in any direction.This pace of movement is suited for ambling through crowds in towns, or while takingin the sights on your many travels. *G +®1 0 (hold) I Running: Running will be your primary movement speed in most situations. It is much faster than walking, yet it does not drain your stamina. While riding ahorse or driving a wagon. this also enables you to maintain your gait after a gallop, and toautomatically follow companions during group rides. *G +®1 0 (tap repeatedly) ISprinting: Sprinting enables you to run at maximum speed, at the cost of stamina. TI1is is vital in critical situations. such as an escape or chase. but can also shortenjourneys if you do not have asteed at hand. While ridingahorse, try to tap the button in a mythm that matches your mount's gallop. TI1is special technique makes it possible totravel at great speed without draining the horse stamina meter. *lt1 9+G I Crouch-walking: An essential technique during infiltration situations, crouch-walking is also recommended while hunting. It enables youto move steadilywhile keeping a low profile and making very little noise. Note that you can also crouch-run by simultaneously holding ® 1 0 . *[DMBAT* *(jJ] /SI IDraw/Holster Weapon: Whenever possible. you should always readyyourweapon before hostiles engage you. Don't neglect to holster it afterwards: carryingaweapon in hand when there is no need to do so might lead to unfortunate misunderstandings. * (~l!m (hold) +@1/Ql l Aim and Shoot: Most weapons in the game are used with these controls. Ready your weapon by holding ~ tm .line up a shot with e -the reticle will turn red when directed at avalid target - then open fire with @1/Ql. By default. RedDeadRedemption2 offers amedium level of aiming assistance, which means that youwill automatically lock ontoenemies in your line of fire when youraise your weapon. With this system, the reticle is usually positioned on your target's chest. Ifyou very brieflyflick m and fire as you lock on to a foe, it's possible to secure near-instant headshots. You can then release @ tmand repeat the maneuver immediately with another target if required. * @1/Ql 1Shoot from the Hip: If you do not hold ~ will fire in the direction that youare facing, automatically locking ontothe closest target. This can prove helpful in situations where you need to strike instantly. * C!l/V I Dead Eye: Whenever you face large groups of enemies, especially when thereis adanger that you will be oven,helmed. this command enables you to slow down the flow of time while aiming a weapon. This skill is upgraded early in the adventure, making it possibleto "tag" targets with ®J/Ia:you can then press @l/liil to fire at all of them in rapid succession. Note that triggering Oead Eye drains the corresponding meter. You can end the effect by pressing C!l/V again. * ®l /Ia ITake/Exit Cover: Taking coverhelpsyou to remain unseen during infiltrations.and makes it more difficult forenemies to hit you during shootouts. Note that you can move along a cover surface by tilting G to improve your firing angle, or to avoid incoming fire if partially exposed. To move around corners or transition to the next availablecover spot, tilt G and press @1 0 .While in cover, you can move out to fire by holding ~ tm;release it to immediately snapback into cover. * @ !@ IReload:Your characterwill reload automaticallywhenever his weapon runs out of ammunition. but this leaves you vulnerable. T o avoid the horror of the "dead man's click", you should get into the habit of manually reloading whenever you have the opportunity during shootouts. ideally from behind cover. * ~1m (hold) +@ 1 0 ICombat Dive: When you need tododge an incoming threat. such as a predator charging at you, diving sideways can instantlyput you out of harm's way. * @ !@ ISilent Takedown: If you manage to stealthily approach an enemy from behind. this technique offers aquiet way to remove them from the equation. These attacks are non-lethal if you are unarmed; should you brandish amelee weaponsuchas a knife, the victim will be killed. * @I@ IMelee Combat: During brawls. tap this button to punch or kick your opponents. When facing skilledenemies. you will often need to block their blows first with @1 0 , then follow up with swift counters. You canalso grapple them with @tO . PRIMER MISSIONS EXPLORATION ATLAS WEAPONS ITEMS EXTRAS INDEX ONSCREEN DISPLAY ESSENTIAL COMMANDS GAME STRUCTURE TRAVELING MAPS & MARKERS LOCATIONS ATTRIBUTES HORSES CRIME CHALLENGES HUNTING FISHING ITEMS & CRAFTING
  • 5. *EXPLORATION* * e +(l!)t'IJ'+V I Eagle Eye: This ability triggers a heightened sense of awareness and intuition whereby points of interest in your immediate vicinity, such as animal tracks and collectibles, will be temporarily highlighted. You can even choose tofocus ontracks with ®ltD to keep them visible for awhilealter you leave Eagle Eye mode. *0 +@tO IJumpingNaultingtCiimbing: As well as abasic jump that can suffice for everything from hopping over aditch to leaping onto amoving train, this button is also employed to vault or clamber over obstacles in your pathsuch as fences and walls. There are also instances where you can use it to climb to vantage points while exploring, or to occupy favorable high ground before you engage nearby adversaries. *0 (hold) ISatchel: Opening your satchel tor your cargo whennear your horse) gives you access to the items youcurrently have in your personal inventory. This enables you not onlyto heal or restore your attributecoreswhenever necessary, but also to view documents or keep track of thecollectibles that you gradually acquire. *COMMAND LIST * The following tables describe the controller commands that can be performed in fled DeadRedemption 2 with the standardsettings. GENERAL CONTROLS COMMAND , NOTES · ' Move Ci} Adjust the camera angle - ~/'11' ' 't"Crouch; pressed simultaneouslywith Gliir,activate Eagle 'i_~ IEEyy:::e------,--------------,----1 While selecting aweaponin the wheel menu. maintain (repair) that weapon; pressed simultaneously with 1!)/ ,}o, activate Eagle Eye;holdtolook behind 10I,... H old to run: tap repeatedly to sprint; duringcutscenes. hold l~-~--.~ ---~ to~sk~ ip__________________~ T ap tojump, vaultor climb obstacles: hold to pick up collectibles and search pieces offurniture; whilefocusing ll----+-' o::: n.::a:::n::::animal, tap to draw its aHenlion Interact with the environment; loot bodies; skin animals; @/0 close drawers and doors that you have opened while @10 If-----+-'se:::a:::.:rching pieces of furniture; holdto rest 'U'/ ~ H old to display thewheel menu; tap to draw or holsteryour I ~ '""" weapon i--·----+-"''"=----- · ----------1 I r.;;, I Take/exit cover; cycle through different interactions; while l!!JJ D focusing on an animal, study it then show/hide its info [?)/DJ Hold to triggerinteractive conversationswith nearbycharacters ~ /llii Tap to drawyour weapon; fireweapon 0 Hold to open your satchel (orcargo when nearyour horse) 11---=-t----'--- 0 Tap to display the log; hold to check yourjournal 11---"o =---~----'--- whistle 1 1-_:::_-t-::----,-··----·~-..,....,.-- -~--1 T ap to view your currentobjective. expand the radar. and O display your honorrating aswell as information on your environment;hold to change the radar type lUI/4!1 Tap to toggle camera view; holdto trigger cinematiccamera II (of~~~N~SJ)~O~is~pl~ay~t~he~p~a:us~e~m:e~nt~r;~ho~ld~t:o~op~e~n~th~e~m~a~p--------·1 10 HORSE-SPECIFIC CONTROLS 'COMMAND i ,,.NOTES @/0 @/0 @I@ (hj)/GJ ' Steer Hold while riding to pat your horse Whileriding, tap togallop; hold to followacompanion and match theirspeed; doubletapand tiltG forward while in formation to moveup ~------------------~ While riding, tap to jump; while on foot. focusing on ahorse, tap to cairn and pat it T ap tomount/dismountyourhorse; while riding, hold tohitch your horse;whileon loot. tap tolead ahorse that you're focusing on While riding,kick atarget to either side; while leading your horse. stop leading 1 Whileriding or on foot ne ar your horse. hold to view the weapons stored on your mount If----+ When moving,slow down; when stationary, back up; while riding information. doubletap and tilt G backward to move down [?)/DJ While on foot. hold tofocus on anearby horse ------1 O While focusing on your horse, brush it 0 While riding or on toot near your horse, hold to checkyour ll--.,--+'h.:.o.:.rse.:...:cargo; while focusing on your horse. feed it C Whistle/call your horse =======:::!..~ COMBAT-SPECIFIC CONTROLS @10 Tilt to peek out whileincover Adjust the position of youraiming reticle While aiming, tap to dive: during melee combat tap orhold to block enemy blows; whileincover. transition tothe next available cover Reload yourweapon; tapwhileunarmed or equipped with a to strike an During melee combat grapple your opponent While aiming, activateDead Eye Hold to display the and release T akPJexit cover then select a1M'.aponwith0 to draw/holster~~~~--_j Holdto aimyour equippedweapon O While aiming, toggleshoulder view C Whileaiming, raise your gun tothe sky to makeawarning shot MENU-SPWFIC CONTROLS ~~~- - -----===== NO , ··:.?··: NOTES ' ... 4) &0 I Menu and map navigation; in the weapon wheel. change ll-·---+-'a:::rn:::::munition type e1+ On the map, place/removeamarker Ci} In thewheelmenu, selectan item ; on the m ap, zoom in or0Jt 11---':;_-+--·- - ···-- ®10 Conr,rm selection; on the map. place/remove awaypoint I ~ ~-=--=-~----- @/Q _____I Cancelselection/go back @/0 (hj)/GJ @l/D [?)/DJ ~filii " On the map, display the index J Navigate tabs ~ Navigate tabs Inthe wheel menu. navigate the items within thesam~ category; on themap, zoom out 6AME STftU[TUftE Red Dead Redemption 2 is a nonlinear adventure set in a massive, feature-packed world. Between missions and countless other activities. you can freely explore almost every inch of themap, travelingits vast expanses and scouringits numerous points of interest for opportunities that might arise. You will encounter homesteads, hideouts, towns and many other uniquesettings, each with their own distinctive layouts, ambient events and potential rewards.Whenever yourwanderlust is briefly sated, youcan also choose to head back to camp to converse with key characters, apply upgrades and appearance changes, or simplysleep in preparation for another long and productive day. You should note that there is no right or wrong way to play. Some will choose to complete the main storyline as quickly as possible, while others will venture off the beaten path and immerse themselves in the environment and incidental events. To help you toplotyour own personal journey, this section offers aquick guide to some of the more substantial endeavors that you can get involved with in the world. We also offer advice on certain settings and options that you may wish to adjust in order tosuit your gaming preferences. *MISSIONS* ------------·----y---- ------- When a mission is available for you to start. a circular blip with the initials of the person youneed to see appearson your map and radar. Once you are ready, talk to that individual at the marked location to begin. The main storyline is divided into chapters. each consisting of a number of missions. These are unlockedgradually as you fulfill specific conditions. This guidefeatures adedicated Missions chapter (see page 26) whereyou will find extensive flowcharts revealing the exact unlock requirements for each installment of thestory. When you complete a mission, you obtain a medal that grades your performance. Each mission has a unique set of medal goals; the accolade you receive depends on how many of the goals you manage tofulfill. However, these requirements are onlyrevealed in the Progress )> Story menu alter you complete an assignment for the first time. They typically require you tocomplete additional feats, and often entail completing the mission with great speed and accuracy. Depending on your play style and level of proficiency, it might make sense for you to ignore medal goals when you undertake a sto1 y episode for the first time. This will give you greater freedom to explore duringafirst playthrough, and todeal with adversity and opportunities at your own pace. You can replay all story missions via the Progress )> Story option in the pause menu. Focusing on medal goals during alater attempt will mean that you'll have a better understanding of the structure and layout of each assignment. Naturally, you will also greatly benefit from having honed your skillsover the intervening hours. SAVING Red Dead Redemption l employs an autosave system that automatrcally records your pro~ress whenever you hit drscrete story mrlestones. alter you complete noteworthy feats and challenges. and when your character sleeps at a camp or 111 a bedroom You can also manually record your progress and create addrtronal save hies vra the Story optron rn the pause menu 1OPT!QNS I G 1 . This function is restricted dtuing missrons and a number of other gameplay activities. PRIMER MISSIONS EXPLORATION ATLAS WEAPONS ITEMS EXTRAS INDEX ONSCREEN DISPLAY ESSENTIAL COMMANDS GAME ~ STRUC TURE I TRAVELING MAPS & MARKERS LOCATIONS ATTRIBUTES HORSES CRIME CHALLENGES HUNTING 1 FISHING ITEMS & CRAFTING
  • 6. *FREE ROAMING * Outside of missions you are free to roam around and explore the map as you please - and you should. because it's packed with surprises and secrets. While it's possible to just race through the game. speeding towards the conclusion of the main storyline. we suggest that youalways make thetime toobserve and enjoy the sheer beauty of the world. Whenever you travel over the map, you will regularly run into opportunities of all kinds on your way. These include collectibles and chances to harvest useful items, encounters with enemy gangs or law enforcement, fishing spots, ambushes. and myriad other ambient events. *OTHER A[TIVITIES * You have access to a wealth of activities in Red Dead Redemption 2. These can range from mini-games. to item requests made by other characters, to assignmentssuchas capturingawanted outlaw. One thing that you should take into account with these activities is not so much their difficulty, but the distances that you may be required to travel to acquire and complete them. It usually makes sense to fulfill optional objectives whenever you are passing through an area. particularly when you can arrange to start them or bring them to a conclusionen route to your next destination. - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DIFFI[ULTY &A[[ESSIBILITY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Whrle Red Dead Redemption l does not feature drftrculty modes, there are various options and features that you can use to adjust the gameplay experrence based on your profrcrency and preferences. Toggle View: If you press !Lil/® multrple tunes. you wrll notree that you cycle between four possrble camera positions. The most distant third-person view makes rt easier to keep track of your enemres. locate collectibles. and to generally have a better sense of your bearings. Opnng for the first person perspective wrll offer a profound sense of rmmersron. but may rncrease tire drfhculty of certain activities. Lock-On Mode: There are afew parameters that you can tweak in the 'Pause Menu ~ Settings ~ Controls' menu to sunplrfy the process ol armrng. Thrs enables you to adjust the exact level ol Assrsted Arm you requue. both when you are on foot and while riding a horse or vehrcle Assrsted Aun is afeature wl1erethegame will automatrcally 'snap.. your retrcle to the closest enemy rn your drrect field of vrew when you aim your weapon. A ..wrde.. Assrsted Arm means that the game wrll rnstantly lock on to enemres that are much further away lrom the direction that your character is facing, greatly decreasrng the drffrculty of frrefights. C onversely. Free Arm removes alltargetrng assrstance - whrch can make combat srgnrfrcantly more challengrng. T ap Assist: Occasional actron sequences require you to hit buttons repeatedly in order to deal with unique scenarios. lap Assist makes thrs process easier by requiring fewer button presses. or by enabling you to stmply hold the button rnstead. If you suffer from repetrtrve strarninturres. carpal tunnel syndrome or any other srrwlar consideratrons. be sure to visrt this optron. Skip Checkpoint: If you struggle with a partrcular gameplay sequence and larl three trmes rn a row. the game wrll present an opporlunrty to skrp the checkpornt entirely, effectively moving you one step forward in the mission. This usually means jumprng past'-: no more than a mrnute·s wortll of gameplay, thougl1 there are • exceptrons. TRAVELINS EFFI[IENTL~ When you need to reach a destination quickly, there are ways to optimize or shorten your journey. *MAP READING * --------------._.-·-- ..... ···- - - - - Learning to read yourmap is acriticalskill that you should try todevelop early in the story. Before you set off on along journey, studying the map in advance can helpyou to shave seconds or even entire minutes from your travel time. Whenever a mission requires you to reach a location that you have previously visited. the game automatically shows you a recommended path to follow (in the form of a dynamic line on your map) as long as you are riding a horse. The recommended path also appears when you manually place a waypoint, even if you're on foot. While this always defines areliable route, it is not necessarily themost efficient or fastest option. Ifyou take thetimeto lookatyourmap. and pay attention toyour surroundings as you travel, you'll gradually acquire the ability to take shortcuts and skip areas that might slow your progress significantly. One important factor to consider is that your map is topographic: it gives a clear sense of the exact elevation of each area of terrain by showing not only surface features, but also a representation of relief withcontour lines that connect places of identical elevation. If your route takes you through flat plains. chances are you will be able to move in a straight line. heading directly for your objective. Should you move through mountains or canyons, the only path available will probably be winding and potentially treacherous in places. Paying attention to the precise topology will also reveal vantage points or tactically-advantageous features that you can make the most of while completing objectives. *FAST TRAVEL * Certain camp upgrades (see page 143) will give youaccess to aspecial map near your bed If you examine it with @10 , this opens a Fast Travel menu in which you can choose to jump to key locations that you have visited so far - primarily the main towns and a few other landmarks. Select any of these entries and you will automatically reach the destination in question aftera brief cutscene. As you complete specific story missions early on in the adventure, you will also unlock the possibility to use trains and stagecoaches to be transported almost instantly to any town that you have previously visited: ticket prices vary in accordance with the distance traveled. These features are particularly helpful whenyou are engaged in travel- intensive activities, such as treasure hunting or resource gathering. MArS & MARkERS * MAP * You can access the map at any time via the pause menu by pressing (oPTtoN sl/G , or alternatively hold that same button to be taken there directly. Once on the map screen. your character's position is represented by a small pin that points inthe direction faced (@)).You can scroll with (), zoom in or out as required with ~ (or~/@) &I5l/1iii), and position manual annotations: awaypoint that will also activate aroute line with ®tO. or markers that will highlight multiple locales that you'd like to return to with C!l!"ir. A complete index of active or known icons is available by pressing @10 . The map is initially obscured from view. You reveal it gradually by exploring, with text annotations and icons added when you discover new places and animal habitats. • RADAR * The radar shows asmall portion of the main map that corresponds with your immediate surroundings. The four letters on the outer edge are, of course, cardinal directions (North, East, South, West). All other icons that appear here areidentical to those found on the main map. Most icons disappear once out of the mini-map's boundaries. with the notableexception of mission blips, your horse, waypoints and markers. which remain visible at all times. These appear on the radar itself if you 13 are close. or will otherwise rest on its outer rim and gradually fade to indicate their approximate location over longerdistances. Active enemies are represented by red dots on the radar. When they are outside of its range, a red threat indicator on the outer edge illustrates the direction that you must travel to face them - or, conversely. which area to move away from if you wish to avoid aconfrontation. You will occasionally be asked to search specificlocations to find items. characters, or animals. These zones are clearly marked in yellow or white on your rnap and radar. Note that you can expand your radar or turn it into a simplecompass by holding 0. ~ PRIMER I MISSIONS EXPLORATION ATLAS WEAPONS ITEMS EXTRAS INDEX ONSCREEN DISPLAY ESSENTIAL COMMANDS GAME STRUCTURE TRAVELING MAPS & MARKERS LOCATIONS ATTRIBUTES HORSES CRIME CHALLENGES HUNTING FISHING ITEMS & CRAFTING
  • 7. * MAP MARKERS * - -·----------- · - - - - - - You can manually drop one waypoint and multiple markers on the map with ®/0 and E)/ 'll' respectively. These remain visible on your radar at all times. making them very useful navigational tools. The same commands enableyou to remove these annotations if you no longer needthem. ... ICON , . MEANING 1!- ICON• I • MEANING s Barber (!) S table c Butcher e S tagecoach Marker 0 Doctor e TrainStation ~ Waypoint 0 GeneralStore 0 Tailor Enemy ~ G unsmith * Trdpper 0 Corpse e Hotel • BaitShop Mission Vendor 0 Newspaper Seller e Five Finger F illet - Stranger ~ Post Office e P oker Campsite $ Saloon [._~ Blackjack " Gang's Camp @ Show Dominoes - ·- LD[ATIDNS & LANDMARkS Red Dead Redemption 2's world is full of opportunities. This section introduces the locations that will be of most relevance to you during the opening hours of your adventure. Note that certain services (such as shopsl are unavailable when their icons are grayed out. A smaller icon inset in the main icon will sometimes appear to offer additional informationon its current status. In general, most business premises will be unavailable if you have an active wanted level. ICONVARIATIO NS 0 • The feature (here. ageneral store) isavailable The feature iscurrently unavailable because the business is closed. It will be open if you come back during opening hours The fe ature is currentlyunavailable becauseitis locked. Itwill become availableafteryou rea chaspecificpoint ind1e mainstol)'line With active wanted level: the building is closed until theongoing commotion has subsided The featureisavailable, and something awaits youthere for example ,anew product in astore, or anew interaction, and so forth *[AMP * --- v---- - - - The Van der Lindegang isusually based ina camp where you canavail yourself of assorted services and fraternize with the other outlaws. When fellowgang members are marked whhan icon featuring theirinitials (for instance. ©for Dutch), tl1ese correspond to mission staning points. Speak or move close to the character in question to trigger the assignment. 14 Gang membersare not mere missionvendors. however.Theyarepermanent inhabitants of the camp, offering countless ambient conversations. anecdotes. and day-to-day scenes that develop the story in more subtle ways. After completing an early mission for Leopold Strauss you will be able to upgrade various features of the camp itself via the ledger outside Dutch'stent. These upgrades require substantial financial investments. but they lead to significant benefits. These include the possibility to unlock theFast T ravel feature or to improve the range and quality of the free supplies that you can claim when you visit. To increase the camp funds required to purchase such upgrades. you can contribute directly by making donations via the tithing box near the ledger. CAMP ICONS ICON MEANING " c ~ [I] [±] Q) • CD m Y ourtent is whereyoucan sleep. shave. and change clothing Pearson isthecamp'scookandbutcher. B ydon ating huntingspoils to him youcan notonly feed your group.butalso have himcraftvaluable upgrades foryou - including satchelswith imprO'Ved capacity P rovisions are available at Pearson's wagon Ammunition and arms are available at Arthur's wagon Health supplies areavailableatStrauss'swagon Camp stew Chores are simple activitiesthatyoucan perform to help the camp The ledger enables you topurchase camp U llgrades. You canalso contribute tothe camp funds via the tithing box Yourpersonal savings •TOWNS * --------------~--------------- Most towns offer all sorts of services and amenities. so it's a good idea to visit them regularly. Some features are initially unavailable; you unlock them by completing specific missions during the adventure's early chapters. TOWN ICONS ICON , MEANING • Towns feature agreat numberol m ission vendors and characters thatyou can interact with. Som eof the former are initially called "strangers· and are marked with adistinctive question mark icon.V isiting them is always agood ideaas they will often be thetrigger point for an entirechainof events Barbers can cutandstyleyour hair and shave your beard. enabling you to change your appearance.Thiscan help you toavoiddetection ifyou have an active b ounty andwould prefer to avoid potential trouble - - · - - - - - Butchers buy and sell animalparts.used in many recipes 1 1----1----------·- ·- ------------11 Doctors are purveyors of tonics andstimulants.used to restoreattributebarsfor bothyou and your horse -1------...._,___ - - - - - - - --11 0 General storesself all kinds of products. such asprovisions. hunting and fishing gear. and clothing Gunsmithsspecialize in weapons and ammunition Fences buy and sell illegal merchandise. such as dynamite and moonshine.T hey also have rare and exotic goods for sale, such as talismansand trinket~ Hotels enableyou to bothsleep (to refill your attribute meters and cores) andtake baths (toget yourself cleanand restoreyourcore s). You can also use thewardrobe tochange clothing Newspaper sellers do exactly as their name implies. enabling you to stay up to date withthe latest events You can lrave your portrdit taken at photo studios P ost offices areoften(but not always) locatedat train stations and havetwo main functions: they enable you to send andreceive mail,andto settleany active bounty on your head e Saloons sell drinks and nutritious meals lf-- -1---------- ·-. Showsoffer entertainment foramodest entry fee Stables provide avariety of horse·relatedservices. including the possibility to buy andsell mounts. custornile their appearance. or to upgrade their equipment 1 1----1-------·-... --·- Train stations and stagecoaches facilitatetravel between regions Tailors andthetrapper enable you topurchase new clothing Iee ITable games availablein towns include five Finger F illet. @ 0 ! P oker.BlackjackandDominoes IS * THE WILDERNESS * ---....,.----------·-- Much of the world map in Red Dead Redemption 2 consists of large and untamed natural expanses. ranging from mountains. to plains. to swamps. As you explore these lands. you will soon find that theyare full of dangers and opportunities. Some of the most common encounters as you travel involve animals. from timid rodents to fearsome bears. All species have their own habitats. making it possible to stalk and avail yourself of their unique resources once you know where and when they might be found. We cover thetopic of huntinga little later in thischapter (see page 22). The world is also full of rivers and lakes that are home to all sorts of fish. As soon as you receive your fishing rod during the second chapter of the adventure. you can lose yourself in this engrossing pursuit, which requires both specific gear and knowledge of where the best fishing spots are !see page 163 for details). One point to keep in mind when you are in the wilderness is that you can set camp virtually anywhere. Select the camp option in the item wheel and you will create a campfire. This enables you to sleep. which refills your attributemeters. and tocraft and cook. Y oushould makeit a habit tocamp regularly,panicularlywhenyounotice that your attribute cores are running low. Different regions have varying climates. and these can be potentially harmful to your character. Make sure that you change or adapt your outfits accordingly when required. by stopping either at camp or at a tailor's shop. Wearing suitableattire will enable you to prevent the detrimental effects of hot or cold temperatures. Last but not least. the game follows a day/night cycle. where one in· game day takes 48 minutes in real life (with the exception of your camp, where time flows more slowly). The current time of day has multiple gameplayconsequences- forexample, some shopsorspecial characters can only be encountered duringspecific hours, certainmissions play out differentlyduring day or night, and various creatures may only be found at particular times. When you need to complete an objective at an exact hour, notethat you can pass the time by sleeping at a campfire, in your tent at the gang camp, or by renting a room. You will usually be given three options regarding how long you want to sleep. enabling you to wake up at themost convenient time for you. PRIMER MISSIONS EXPLORATION ATLAS WEAPONS ITEMS EXTRAS INDEX ONSCREEN DISPLAY ESSENTIAL COMMANDS GAME STRUCTURE TRAVELING MAPS & MARKERS LOCATIONS ATTRIBUTES HORSES CRIME CHALLENGES HUNTING FISHING ITEMS & CRAFTING
  • 8. ATTRIBUTES & METERS There are five mainattributes inthegame:three exclusive to your character, and two exclusive to your horse. ATTRIBUTES 0 Health The amount of damage that your character can sustain 0 Stamina The level of physical exertion your character can endure,suchas when sprinting or jumping 0 Dead E ye The amount of time you can spend in Dead Eye mode 9 Horse Stamina The degree of physical exertion your horse can endure, such as when galloping and jumping ® Horse Health The amount of damagethat your horse can sustain before it falls These attributes are represented by dynamic meters that appear in the lower-left corner of the screen. E ach meter actually consists of two separategauges: a main attribute meter, and an attribute core. *MAIN ATTRIBUTE METERS* Main attribute meters are represented by a circular gauge. They are depleted in accordance with certain actions or events (for example, taking damage will reduce your health meter) and can be replenished by using tonics, sleeping, or through the restorative effect of attribute cores.The latter occurs automatically over time for healthand stamina, and with every kill for Dead Eye. Your character's attribute meters start at a low level but can be improved. As you perform specific actions, you will acquire attribute experience points; when these reach specific milestones, the related attributewill level up and gain an additional meter segment. *ATTRIBUTE CORES * Cores are the icons that appear inside each attribute meter, and primarily serve as alast-resort extension of the corresponding attribute. If a main attributemeter is fully depleted. additional usage or damage will begin todeplete thecore. With thehealthattribute,exhaustingthe main meter and its core leads to death. The secondary function of cores is that they determine the recovery rate of the related attribute meter. When full, you enjoy the maximum possiblereplenishment speed; if depleted,you will needto wait longer. and will likely require the use of a health tonic if you have one... or a fraught conclusion toyour current confrontation. Cores drain slowly over time through hunger and fatigue. Your stamina core, for example, is a lightning icon that is initially entirely white; as times goes by, however, you will notice that it gradually drains. with depleted sections colored ingray. In normal conditions, it takes 90 minutes for acore to draincompletely. Adverse weather conditions can increase the speed at which they are depleted. C ores, therefore, requireregular "maintenance". *CORE MAINTENANCE * --·..-- ··- - - - - - Restoring cores can be achieved by sleeping, bathing. or by eating appropriate food. Note that the game offers a preview of the impact of each item on the affected meters before you actuallyconsume it. Sleeping is a cheap and convenient way to replenish your cores. The following options are available: * Campfires: After you complete the early story mission"Exit Pursued By A Bruised E go",you can set up your own camp almost anywhere either by resting (hold @/0 , then press the same button again) or by selecting the camp option at the bottom of the item wheel. Camping gives you access tomultipleoptions, including crafting and sleeping, making this a staplefeature that you will use often. Note that you cannot set up camp in towns. * Bed: You can sleep in your own bed at the gang's current camp. * Rented Rooms: Another option is to rent rooms in towns for a flat This makes cores extremely important. If you sustain damage during rate. battle, for example. having a full health core will enable you to heal fairly quickly: you just have to stay in cover for a moment. The same For afull guideto attribute cores, see page 167. situation with an almost empty core will prove far more challenging, 16 *HEALTH* Health is probably the most straightforward attribute, representing physical integrity. Allowing your character's health meter and core to fully deplete will result in death.T ryto always have tonics at hand for emergency situations where you may need to urgently top up this gauge in order to survive. An easy way to level up this attribute is to regularly perform melee knockouts or thrown weapon kills. Once you have access to a boat, rowing isalso an effective method toextend your meter.For afull list of appropriatetraining methods, see page 167. •STAMINA * , Stamina determines your ability to maintain physical exertion, and requires diligent management. The most common cause of stamina depletion is sprinting. T o minimize the overall drain, switch between maximum speed (by repeatedly tapping ®/QJand running speed (by holding ®/QJat regular intervalsto enable the meter torefill without unnecessarilyencroaching upon the core. While riding your horse. the same principles apply to its separate stamina gauge. However. when you gallop at full speed by repeatedly tapping ®/Q, you can actually prevent the meter-draining process by pressing the bunon in syncwithyour mount's gallop. Mastering the required rhythm won't take toolong, and will leave you freeto take in the sights as you travel. A very simple way to level up your stamina meter quickly is to sprint often and for extended periods. See page 167 to study all possible training methods. •DEADEYE• Dead Eye is a special skill that enables you to slow down the flow of time while aiming a weapon, giving you a temporary but massive advantage over your enemies. To trigger Dead E ye, press r-JJ/'it while aiming. The basic way to employ it is to shoot targets manually while enjoying the slow-motion advantage. After your Dead Eye ability improves early on in the adventure, you can queue attacks on multiple enemies,or hit aparticular target numerous times. With Dead Eye active, move the aiming reticle over intended victims and press @lI a to tag them; when ready, press ®l/IJI to fire at all specified targets in rapid succession. T o level up this attribute, hone your combat skills to perform long- distance headshots and free-aim kills. For a full list of appropriate training methods,see page 167. PRIMER MISSIONS EXPLORATION ATLAS WEAPONS ITEMS EXTRAS INDEX ONSCREEN DISPLAY ESSENTIAL COMMANDS GAME STRUCTURE TRAVELING MAPS & MARKERS LOCATIONS ATTRIBUTES HORSES CRIME CHALLENGES HUNTING FISHING ITEMS & CRAFTING
  • 9. HORSES Horses are an integral part of the Red Dead Redemprion 2 adventure. Not only do they enable you to move around much faster than you can on toot, they also otter storage opportunities that make it easy to change your equipment when required. You can even use them to carry pelts and captured targets or animal carcasses that you need to transport. * SADDLING HORSES * If you want to acquire a new horse without purchasing one at a stable, you have two options: *You can "break" wild horses to gain their trust. Thisis achieved by locking on to the horse lrom a distance (alter catching it with your lasso if required) to initiate the calming process. Once the horse allows you toget close, you can calm it, then mount it. Try to stay on its back bytilting0 in theopposite direction to where it pulls. If you manage to stop it from bucking you off and ride it for awhile, it will eventually be tamed andbecome your temporary horse. * Youcan also steal horses, with the exceptionof those that belong to fellow gang members. and ride them temporarily. Horses will only trulybecome yours if you put yoursaddle on them - a feature unlocked after a few hours of play in the mainstoryline.T odo so. approach a calm horse with a saddle in hand and hold 0 .Y ou can onlyhave onesaddle, and therefore one main horse, at a time.To remove the saddle from your current horse, focus on it (hold~/m) then hold 0. •STABLES* Stables are available in all major towns. These give you access to the following services: * Buying and selling horses. *Buying horse care items such as horse foodand tonics. *Buying or upgrading equipment such as saddles. saddlebags. and stirrups. * Keeping up to three horses safely. You could, tor example, leave your favored fast horse in astable while you ride a more resilient steed loran upcoming battle. * Customize your horse's appearance and accessories, or rename it. 18 *HORSE [ARE * To keep yourhorse healthy and happy, you need to keep itfed and clean. Ahorse's health and stamina cores are affected negatively when it gets hungry or dirty. Hold (QJ/GJ and navigate to the horse wheel menu to select therelevant items. Nutritious foods such as oatcakes, apples and hay will satisfy your horse's hunger more substantially than treats. Giving these foods to your mount will also increase bonding. Certain herbsand plants picked inthe wild canalso be fed toyour horse.You should avoid overfeeding your mount: indulging it when it is already full can cause it to gain weight - see page 135 tordetails. *HORSE BONDING * Bonding represents the level of trust and understanding between you and your horse. Higher levels translate into the following benefits: * Improved horse healthand stamina, and new commands available. * Improved whistle range and response speed when you call your horse, even duringcombat. * Ability to cross deeper water and navigate more challengingterrain. *lowerchances for your horse to flee when facing predators. The following actions will contribute to increased horse bonding: * Calming your horse when it's agitated. * Patting yourhorse. *F eeding your horse when it's hungry and grooming it when it's dirty. * Removinga heavy item stowedon your horse. *leading. riding.and swimming with your horse. * Hitchingyourhorse with @/0 at ahitchingpostor tree. Ahitched horse regenerates its cores more rapidlyand cannot wander away. Some horses will become agitated if they feel threatened or hear loud noises (suchas gunshots). Use silent weapons such as thebow to avoid spooking a new mount; its courage will increase as you unlock horse bonding levels. Youcan call your horse bywhistling with 0 .At first the whistling range is limited, but this will improve as your bonding level increases. Your horse will not respondif it is too far away, stabled, or if you are indoors orat camp. [ftiME *[RIMINAL A[TIVITIES * CRIMINAL ACTIVITY OVERVIEW As you might expect, your association with the Van der Linde gang will regularly call for you to take part in illegal activities. I ·--- 'ICON ME;_ANING ~ ® Home Robbery I 0 Shop Robbery I ·. DESCRIPTION . . PRIMER MISSIONS EXPLORATION ATLAS WEAPONS ITEMS EXTRAS ROBBERIES @ Bank Robbery I Use eitherste<Jhh or brute forceto steal from the designated target ,. INDEX After you complete the game's first few missions, you unlock the ability to perform robberies at locations such as shops, homesteads and camps.Stealth issometimes anoption, but most daylight activities will require asuitableshow of force. Draw your weapononce inside to threaten the occupants: naturally, you can reasonably expect certain individuals to fight back or attempt to involve the law. A successful robbery will be one inwhichyou intimidate or quietly avoid the majority of people in the vicinity, incapacitate potential heroes quickly, and make good your escape without an extended chase. A little later in the story. it is also possible to hold up stagecoaches and trains loaded with valuables.Talking to certain employees at post offices will give you hints about such potential targets. LOANSHARKING Early on in the adventure Leopold Strauss, one of Dutch's gang members, will offer you missions in which you are tasked to "encourage" reluctant debtors topay up. Individuals who owe money to the gang are marked on the map with adollar icon. BOUNTY HUNTING Each town has a noticeboard at the depot or sheriff's office. occasionally displaying suspected criminals in the area. You can retrieve posters from these boards to obtain the necessary details, then hunt down bounty targets for rewards. As a rule. you will receive more honor for bringing in awanted target alive than by killing them. TI1is requires you to lasso and hogtie them, then deliver them to the local sheriff's office on horseback. Wanted targets tend to be hidden in well-guarded areas, so it makes sense to prepare your approach and observe the terrain.Some routes can prove much safer than others, be it in terms of cover points or stealth-kill opportunities. • --~·,..,r . I ' j ~ If' @ IStagecoach Robbery ~ Train Robbery ® lo~nshar~fronldcblo~~ho awe money to the " ! ® B t H r Goafteroutlaws and bring thembackt oun Y un ong Ishelilf s~lfice, either deadoralive oa *THE HONOR SYSTEM * The honor system measures how your actionsare perceived in terms of morality by in-game characters. As ageneral rule of thumb,actions that are considered as honorable(such as rescuing townsfolkfrom dangeror turning in criminalsto the law) will add toyourhonor score: conversely, activities that are considered dishonorable (such as killing innocent civiliansand larceny)will impact your honor negatively. Every time you hit certainhonor milestones youachieve aspecificrank. Reaching certain ranks will reward you with unique benefits. You can find acomplete guide to this system.withalistofall events and actions that impact your honor positivelyor negatively, on page 170. ............ ONSCREEN DISPLAY ESSENTIAL COMMANDS GAME STRUCTURE TRAVELING MAPS & MARKERS LOCATIONS ATTRIBUTES HO RSES rCRIME CHALLENGES • HUNTING FISHING ITEMS & CRAFTING
  • 10. *WITNESSES * -------~---------------------------------------- Wheneveracivilian spotsyou committingacrime.they may try to report your action to a lawman. If they succeed you will become wanted. causing agents of the law to seek you out. To prevent witnesses from raisingthealarm, youcan either stop them (focus on them. then press @/0 )or tacklethem with@/@.You then have multipleinteraction options to convince them to forget what they saw. They tend tomove quickly. so you will need to be decisive inorder to catch them. Dead bodies that you leave in your wake can also prove problematic. If they are sighted and reported, lawmen will come to investigate. Should they spot you during this process. they are unlikely to leap to a conclusion that will work in your favor. This is whyit sometimes makes sense to hide cadavers when there's a danger of them being discovered To do so. approach the corpse and press @/0 :you can then convey it to asuitable spot and press the button againto dropit. Once you have beenwitnessed taking part in criminalactivityin anarea, law enforcement will make anote of your current physical description. Youcan make yourself hardertorecognize in the following ways: *By changingyour clothes.You can do thisat your lodging,at various shops, in a rented room. or when facing your horse. * By alteringyour hairand beard. which you can do in yourcamp tent or at abarber's shop. * Wearing a mask or bandana also makes it harder for witnesses to positivelyidentify you. potentially enabling you to talk yourway out of troubleif youareinterrogated. *THE WANTED SYSTEM* When you commit crimes that are reported by witnesses. you become wanted by the local authorities and a bounty is placed on your head. Paying your bounty effectively resets the wanted system in a region. You should note. though, that each state in the game tracks its own wanted criminals and bounty levels. When you have an active wanted level, the area where the law is currently searching for you is represented by a red circle on your map. You can lose your pursuers by escaping. by hiding. or by killing all nearby lawmen (though this final option is both risky and costly, as it will increase your active bounty dramatically). As a rule. escaping is by far the most sensible option. Whistle your horse if it is within range, then gallop out of the red circle. In many cases you will have lawmen in hot pursuit. but you can often outpace them, or shoot to deter or disable more persistent individuals. Once youareout of thered perimeter. lawmen will continuetheir search for a short while. As long as you are not identified during that time. you have nothing to fear. It's usually enough to continue galloping away until the coast is clear. Any bounty placed on your head depends on the gravity of your crime. Murders, jailbreaks and robberies count among the most serious offenses. and therefore lead tothe highest bounties. 20 Your bounty inastateaccumulates with each successive illegal act. If you commit further crimes while the law is chasing you. particularly if you kill the forces currently trying to arrest you. reinforcements will be sent - and stronger opponents will gradually join the fray. Though standing your ground at a crime scene and killing all lawmen as they arrive can be exhilarating. it will rarely end well. The chances are that youwill soon find yourself overwhelmed by sheer weight of numbers. After you commit serious crimes and escape, you can reasonably expect posses. marshals and bounty hunters to attempt to waylay you on your journeys through the wilderness. These unexpected encounters will often take you completely by surprise, making them dangerous if you areunprepared. A bounty can be cancelled by paying it off. This can be achieved by handing over therequired sumat any post office. Note that we study the Wanted system in greater depth on page 174. ------·------------------·----·----- ---------- *THE VAN DER LINDE GANG * ---------------------yr There are many missions where fellow gang members can fight alongside you. especially when you face large groups of enemies or lawmen. Companions will attack on their own and are experienced gunslingers. but you should not count on them to do all the work for you. It isyour contribution to thebattlethat usually matters most. Whenever acompanion's presence is integral to the flow of a mission, it is your responsibility to protect the individual in question. If they happen to die in a shootout, you will be forced to restart from the previous checkpoint. * ENEMY GANGS * ---------------------·_,---- - RedDeadRedemption2's worldis home to many rival gangsof outlaws and misfits. These groups vary in size and structure. but each has its own territory and is unlikely to welcome Dutch's gang on their turf. Attacking enemy camps isdangerous. but can yield valuable loot if the raid isasuccess. [HALLENriES Challenges are gameplay accomplishments that you complete sequentially. Therearenine categories in total: GENERAL DESCRIPTION i:] Bandit T heft and rohhery 0 Explorer Treasure hunting Gambler Winning table games Herbalist Crafting and herb-picking t---=::=-+---·----+ - --- - - ---1 MasterHunter Hunting and skinning animals --- ---·-·- ---1 0 Horseman Horse-riding feats 1-:::=-+-----·..-- . --- - ··-· ·---------1 0 Sharpshooter I Shooting feats --- '----------1 Survivalist Crafting and fishing t---=~+---------1-- We aponsE xpen Knife and thrown wr.apon feat~ 21 Each category features ten challenges. Completing all ten within a category will provide various rewards: attribute increases. dollar payments and, more importantly, reinforced equipment that (once unlocked) can beobtained at any trapper shop. You can expect to complete a number of challenges via natural progression in the adventure. The more advanced ones. however. will typically require much more effon. You can find a complete list of challenges and all related rewards on page 172. PRIMER MISSIONS EXPLORATION ATLAS WEAPONS ITEMS EXTRAS INDEX ONSCREEN DISPLAY ESSENTIAL COMMANDS GAME STRUCTURE TRAVELING MAPS & MARKERS LOCATIONS ATTRIBUTES I HORSES ~ CRIME CHAl LENGES HUNTING FISHING ITEMS & CRAFTING
  • 11. HUNTIN6 Animals are valuable natural resources that can be hunted for their meat, hides, and other useful materials. *TRACKING* The easiest way to track nearby animals is to activate Eagle Eye by simultaneouslypressing CS+ ~ IV+'17. In Eagle E ye mode, animal tracks are clearly identified by luminous trails. You can then press @)IB to highlight the trails lor a while (even alter youexit Eagle Eye mode). making them easier to follow. If you pay attention during Eagle Eye mode. you will also notice asubtle visual effect emanating from your character's body: this represents scent, which is carried by the wind. You can use this information to find out in advance if the prevailing breeze is likely tocarry your scent toward your quarry. potentially ruining your approach. There are additional signs of animal life in the wilderness that you can identify to trackspecies down, without necessarily activating Eagle Eye -includingfootprints,excrement, or theremains of eaten prey. E ach animal species has specific habitats. You canfindannotated maps that detail these on page 149. *ANIMAL PARTS * Once successfully hunted, most animals in the wilderness can be skinned. You canthen decide what todo withthe resulting goods. Depending on theirsize, animal parts are eitherstored in your satchel or stowed on your horseby pressing @I0 . *You can cook and eat many types of meat when you rest at a campfire. Consuming food is one of the most convenient ways to maintain yourattribute cores (see page 166 for details). *You can deliver animal parts and donatethem to the gang camp, or take them to butchers intown tosell. E ither way, be sure to offload them beforethey begin to decompose. *Many animal parts can be sold at general stores and to the trapper. or donated to P earson tounlock various upgrades, including satchel enhancements. * Some body parts, such as teeth and claws, have mysterious powers whencrafted intotalismans- seepage 313. Notethat skinning animals will help you to unlock ranks in the Master Hunter set of challenges. 22 *HUNTING EQUIPMENT * ~--------------------- When hunting, you need to choose your weapon carefully to avoid ruining your reward. Carcasses that have been damaged by multiple puncture wounds or other forms of damage are worth less than those that arebroadlypristine. Early on in the adventure, the bow is the hunter's weaponof choice. It enables you to perform clean and quiet kills without scaring away all the animals in thevicinity.For optimal results, try toaim yourarrows at the head or neck of your prey. Notethat you can call an animal while aiming at it. Doing so just before you release your arrow can help you to land a clean shot when the animal raises its head to look in your direction. Thereare specialized types of arrows that can prove extremely helpful when hunting. Of particular interest are small game arrows (to obtain betterquality pelts from small prey) andpoisonarrows (an efficientway to take down big animalsquickly). * HUNTING ACCESSORIES * ----------...~ · --------------- There are items that you can craft or purchase to help you while hunting: * Bait will attract wild animals, with predators and herbivores responding to different varieties. Youcandrop it on the ground, then hide nearby: it may take a few minutes for theappropriate creature to take notice. You can also use fresh carcasses to lure certain carn1vores. * Cover scents can make it harderforanimals todetectyourpresence, making it easier to sneak closer andcatch your prey unawares. ' . • • • II . I .··:1:. ( • . . • • FISHIN6 Fishing isan engrossing activity with multiple layers of complexity to take into account. fromthe equipment you use to the habitat of the species you'reaiming tocatch.We cover thistopicin adedicated section of this book- see page 163. To get you started immediately, though,the following brief introduction will help. •BASICS* ------------------ ~.r------------------ There are many places in the world of Red DeadRedemption 2 where you can fish. Equipyour fishing rod from theitem wheel, then select a bait appropriate for the species you intend to catch. FISHING CONTROLS •· COMMAND EFFECT ' ' @ 1Gil Hold todisplay the fishing wheel @10 After catching a fish. press to quick-equip bait (iJJIDl Hold to grip rod Rotate clockwise to reel in Reset cast: cut line Hold@/Dl 10 getafinn grip on the rod, then hold andrelease [@/at to cast out. When you getafinn bite, the fishingrodwill be pulled downwards; quicklypress [@/Ql toattempt tohookthefish before itcan swim away. Each species approaches the bait differently. Some species nibble cautiously before they take a firm bite; others are more confident and will repeatedly take firm bites. Predators can grab thebait suddenlyand without warning, so be ready toreact at all times.When a fish makes a meaningful meal of the bait, the bobber gets pulled underthe water:this is your cuetostrike. When a hooked fish is struggling, it will aggressively try to escape. Your goal here is to control it by pulling the rod left or right in the opposite direction to the movement of the fish. This will gradually tire yourpotential catch, making it struggle less.Whenever younotice this, make the most of that window of opportunity toreel in as much fishing line as you can before thefish resumes its light. ------ - - --- - --·--·- ---- - 23 Wheneveryou reel in and unhook afish,you can either keep it to eat or sell, or release it backintothe waterto gainhonorif it'sstill alive.Smaller fishare stored inyoursatchel while largerspecimens canbe stowed on your horse. *BAITS &LURES * F ood bait (such as bread) and natural bait (such as worms) are cheap and readily available. TI1at said, you will lose tl1em each time afish bites -whether it escapes or you catch it. This means that you will regularly need torebail your hook. Artificial lures are more expensive than bait, but they can be used more than once.There are differentluresthatare suited to attracting river, lake, and swamp-dwelling species.Alter casting out using alure, keep reeling it inslowly to make it look like alittleswimmingfish orinsect: astationary lure will not attract any fish.This makes lure fishing harder, but it is the only way to attract largercatches. *FISHING TIPS * ~----·-------------- Environmental conditions play adecisive rolewhen fishing: * As ageneral rule fishare less likelytosee your bait in poor weather, so it makes moresense to attend to other business until the sky is clear. *Larger fish and rarer species can only becaught using special lures. These can be purchased in stores, most notably the Bait and Tackle shop in the Bayou. * There are prime fishing spotsin the wildernesswhere larger(and even legendary) species can be found. We reveal their positions and all relevant details on page 164. PRIMER MISSIONS EXPLORATION ATLAS WEAPONS ITEMS EXTRAS INDEX ONSCREEN DISPLAY ESSENTIAL COMMANDS GAME STRUCTURE TRAVELING MAPS & MARKERS LOCATIONS ATTRIBUTES HORSES CRIME CHALLENGES HUNTING FISHING ITEMS & CRAFTING
  • 12. ITEMS & [ftAFTINii Red Dead Redemption 2 features a massive range of items and weapons that you can use for all sorts of purposes. This guide offers you dedicated referenc.e chapters for both categories: see pages 300 and 280respectively. This section acts as a simple introduction, giving a general description of the types of objects that youwill be collecting and using during the opening hours of the story. *ITEMS* *Provisions are consumables that you can eat. drink or smoke to replenish oneor more of yourattribute cores. sometimes at thecost of others. *Tonics areremedies that restore one of your main attribute meters. They also usually grant you the "fortified" status effect, which artificially extends themeter inquestion for aset duration. * Ingredients are plants and meat products that can be used for cooking. * Materials areanimal spoils requiredfor crafting. *Kit items are unique tools with gameplay applications. such as the binoculars that enable you to see over long distances, or the bandana that you can wear to prevent witnesses from identifying you. *Valuables are precious goods that can be sold or crafted into other items. *Documents include the numerous letters, pamphlets, maps, and many other items that you will accumulate throughout your adventure. *Horse cargo correspondstobodiesand pelts stowed on your mount. 24 •WEAPONS* * Pistols are compact firearms that are not as powerful as revolvers but can hold moreammunition.They can also be reloaded quickly. * Revolvers are six·chambered sidearms that offer greater damage and accuracy than pistols. but slower reload times. * Rifles are ranged longarms that offer great accuracy and power. but usually have a low rate of fire. * Repeaters provide asuperior rate of fire and ammunition capacityto rifles. but lower accuracy and damage. * Sniper rifles grant excellent damage and precision over long distances. *Shotguns shoot a batch of buckshot. They are effective only when a fight is practically toe-to·toe. though they are peerless when it comes to clearing aroom or holding a narrow choke point. They are even more impactful with slug ammunition. *The bow is asilent and accurateweapon, ideal forstealth kills and hunting.Various kindsofarrows can be crafted and used forspecific benefits. * Melee weapons are perfect for brawlsand situations where it's not possible to carry agun. You canfight with your fists. various knives, and even hatchets and swords. * Throwables such as throwing knives and tomahawks are an alternative to the bow if you need to eliminate a target quietly. If stealth is not required, volatile area·of·effect weapons such as fire bottles and dynamitecan decimategroups of enemies in close proximity. * The lasso enables you to rope certain animals and to immobilize enemies. Thiscomes in veryhandywhenyou're moving in to caplllre atarget that is wanted alive. O nce you've temporarilyincapacitated someone with alasso. keep {Ql/m held as you approachthem and then press ©I@to hogtie them.The hogtied individual can then be looted, picked up, carried. and placed on your horse. lassoed targets will break free after a short time if you fail to hogtie them. likewise. hogtiedindividuals may escapetheir bondsafter awhileif left unattended for too long. *AMMUNITION* T here are many types of ammunition. Some of these possess special properties that can help in specific circumstances. * High velocity cartridges increase range and penetration through enemies. * Split point cartridges cause increased damageon impact. * Express and explosive cartridges maximize your damage output. * Small game arrows enableyoutoacquire betterquality pelts when hunting small animals. * Poison arrows areperfect to take down big animals quickly. * Fire arrows and dynamite arrows oHer increased damage potential over awide radius. You can change the ammunition type currently in usevia the weapon wheel: use 0 while selecting a weapon to browse through the varietiesyou have tohand. Ammunition can be obtained inmultiple ways: * Looted from dead enemies. * Foundas acollectible. * Bought from gunsmiths or general stores. * You can also create ammunition via crafting. *LOADOUT* You can only carry a set number of weapons at a time. When you require specific equipment to complete an objective. move close to your horse's saddle and hold [}J/.o:J to display the wheel menu. where you can move through tabs with @)/litl. As you gradually acquire multiple weapons within the same categories. tilt ell in the appropriatedirection and tap {Q)/m or (@/!ill to cyclethrough the available choices. The weapons you select will be the ones you will be taking with you when you move away from your horse. Choosing the right loadout is vitally important prior to certain missions that might require specialized tools - such as shotguns for crowd control. the bow to perform silent kills, orsniper rifles for long·distance eliminations. *SATCHEL* -----------· ,------ - ------ All theitemsthat you find.suchas provisions and materials. are stored inyour satchel. You can access it by holding 0 tosllldy or useany of the items it contains. If you bring himthe right ingredients, Pearson- thegang's butcher - will offer to craft special satchelswithupgradedcapacities. 25 *CRAFTING* You can craft certain items on the go using the crafting tools in your item wheel, but you have access toawider selection whenyou are at your camp oracampfireinthe wilderness. Crafting is accomplished by using ingredients. These range from herbs and animal parts that you acquire in the wilderness. to items that you purchase in towns. Certain shops also offer crafting services to upgrade yourgear- but onlyif you provide therequired materials tothe shopkeeper. Among the many items that you can craft are meals. health cures and tonics for both yourself and your horse. improved ammunition, and equipment. •OUTFITS* ·--~ . --- ··- - - -- - When youencounter harsh weather conditions. it's important to select the right outfit. If you fail to do so. being too hot or too cold will drain your attribute cores very quickly. You can change your clothes at a camp. inarented room. a tailor'sshop, orwhilenear or on your horse. ' When youare poised tocommit crimes, you can also equipamaskor bandanafrom the item wheel to hide your face.Thiswill make it more difficult for witnesses toidentify you - and. by extension, impede the ability ol lawmen to mark you as an outlaw. There are also certain areas where you may need to wear the correct outfit to avoid being recognized. New clothes can be purchased at various shops or obtained as rewards, and you can also change your hair and facial hair at a barber's shopor at your camp. *WHEEL MENU * You can display the wheel menu at any time by holding [})/S .and thenmove through tabswith ®)/litl *The weapon wheel enables you to switchweapons and ammunition as you see fit. *The item wheel gives you access to yourconsumablesand special items that will be of use toyour character. *The horse wheel.which isonly available when in close proximity to your mount, features theitems required to take careof your horse- as well as your alternative clothes and headwear. Whenever youdisplay the wheel menu. notethat theflow of time slows down but doesnot stop completely. If you change your loadout in the midst of a shootout. for example. your enemies will continue to fire at you whileyou're making your adjustments. Notethat this also applies to thesatchel. •UPGRADES* You can purchase equipment upgrades from any gunsmith store, enabling you to enjoy bonuses suchas increased ammunition capacity and slowerweapondegradation. Though possible only at a later stage of the adventure, completing challenges will enable you to acquire reinforced pieces of equipment that provide superior boons. PRIMER MISSIONS EXPLORATION ATLAS WEAPONS ITEMS EXTRAS INDEX ONSCREEN DISPLAY ESSENTIAL COMMANDS GAME STRUCTURE TRAVELING MAPS & MARKERS LOCATIONS ATTRIBUTES HORSES CRIME CHALLENGES HUNTING FISHING ITEMS 8 CRAFTING
  • 14. • .• • • • • • •• • ., I ,. • • I • • • • • • • • , • , • • • • •• , • • • .I • • • • • .. • • ' • •• • • ~ • .. • • ' I , , ' .. • • • It PRiliiER EXPt.IIIWION AnAl! WEAPONS ITDIS EXTRAS INDEX STRUCTURE CHAPTER I CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER IS EPILOGUE I EPIUIOU£ 2 • ,. • , , .i " • • , . # • • ... i ., • • ... • ' • <'~ • • .. • ..'-" • • •"' ~ • • I •• • • '#. - . ,. •• • • • • • • • •
  • 15. .. [HArTER STRU[TURE RedDeadRedemptionl's main stOryline is divided into chapters. Each in-game chapter features a number of missions that are unlocked in a particular order, and sometimes under specific conditions. A new mission. for example, might become available only one in-game hour after you completeanother. Our coverage of every story chapter begins with a large diagram, such as the one you can see on the page to your right. This offers a convenient and comprehensive overview of all available missions. as well as how they areconnected. These diagrams also reveal key features that are unlocked as you progress in the main storyline-such as optional activities. mini-games. interactions with special characters. and even details such as the availability of weapons in gun stores. Each entry comes with a page reference that will lead you straight to the appropriatesection of this guide if you require more information. You might notice that a handful of ·stranger missions". which are technically optional. are covered here rather than in the Exploration chapter dedicated to such events and opportunities. This is because these specific stories are connected to the main plot. and are time- sensitive; should you fail to complete them before you reach particular story milestones. you will miss them altogether. The pages that follow each diagram feature walkthroughs for every individual mission that is part of the chapter in question. Should you strugglewith aparticular scene. or needassistance to secure the best rewards. this is whereyou will find step-by-step guidance. E ach mission walkthrough includes a map annotated with numbers. These same numbersare used as paragraph headingsinthetext, which should help you to find your bearings instantly. [HArTER 1: [DLTER WEAPONS Bow CHALLENGES *Master Hunter (page 173) WEAPONS Dynamite ENTER, PURSUED BY A MEMORY (page 331 AND + WHO THE HELL IS LEVITICUS CORNWALL? (page :J61 [HArTEl 2 WEAPONS Sawed·Oif Shotgun PRIMER EXPLORATION ATLAS I WEAPONS ITEMS EXTRAS INDEX THE STORY SO FAR STRUCTURE CHAPTER I CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 6 EPILOGUE I EPILOGUE 2
  • 16. Medal Goals Notes *OUTLAWS FROM THE WEST * *Take no damage during the shootout *L oot six or more items from Adler Ranch * Finish with at least 80% accuracy The main challenge here is to take no damage during the shootout. Stay in cover until opportunities arise to quickly pop out and eliminate one target at atime. '0 After the opening cutscene, hold ®10 and tilt () as required tokeepupwith Dutch. Take note of onscreen instructions as they appear. 32 When you reach the homestead, hitch your horse by holding @10 , then follow Dutch on foot. Take cover inthe shed onyour left (@liB ) once instructedto do so. After looking in the direction of Micah (0 ). equip your revolver: hold (bl)/d and tilt 0 upward, then release. You now need to protect Dutch by eliminating the men that are threatening him. Hold (Q}/l!J to aim your weapon at one of them, adjust the reticle on your target with 0 .thenopen fire with {@/til.Stay in cover and pick off enemies until the coast is clear. Note that one of them will appear ontheupper level. and another from the outhouse on your left. requiring you to aim accordingly.You can safelyignorethe O'Driscoll that runs away; killing him would only lower your honor. 1111 Follow Dutch into the house and hold @10 to pick up all al available collectibles, including thosefound inside furniture and upstairs. Hold 0 when the onscreen prompt appears to open your satchel and eat some of your provisions (such as baked beans). This will restore a portion of your health core. increasing your health recovery rate- see page 16 for moredetails on this topic. r.:1 Back outside, walk to the nearby barn and open the door with a @10 . Head inside, then press @!@ repeatedly to subdue your opponent. Hold (Q}/l!J and follow the onscreen instructions to interrogate him once he's down, before picking up your weapon and hat. After you have dealt with the o·oriscoll, hold (Q}/l!J to focus on the horse in the barn then slowly approach while calming it with @10 . Lead it with @10 , hitch it on a post, then enter the cabin. Medal Goals Notes *ENTER, PURSUED BY AMEMORY* * Finish with at least 80% accuracy * Kill all the wolves without taking any damage . - Avoiding damage can be tough, especially during the first encounter. Try to take out at least one wolf from adistance as they run down the hill. It might also help to stay close to Javier. despite his complaints: the wolves will prioritize him, leaving you with more time to target them. Be quick, though, as Javier will not survive many bites. 33 D Follow Javier on horseback until you automatically get down from your horse. n Approach the saddle and open the wheel menu by holding U (bl)tal: tilt0 upward toselect sidearms, then simultaneously press (Q}/l!J or @)/til to select the sawed-off shotgun. Release (bl)!al to equip the weapon. 11::'1 Follow Javier on foot. crouching with 1!)/'1]- when the button E.l prompt appears. After you trigger acutscene.walk up thehill. • When you are attacked by wolves, draw them to you with @10 and open fire as soon as they are within range; note how the reticle turns red. Ideally you should aim for the head, but their movement speed makes this difficult. Focus on one at a time by holding (Q);l!J and shoot until it falls. Be ready to dive sideways with @10 whenever they attack you. As you ride back toward the camp, more wolves will at1ack you. Open fire as they surround Javier and John; once again, aim for the head if possible for quicker takedowns. The rest of the ride shouldpass without incident. ~ PRIMER MISSIONS EXPLORATION ATLAS WEAPONS ITEMS EXTRAS ol, INDEX ............ THE STORY SO FAR STRUCTURE CHAPTER I CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTERS CHAPTER 6 EPILOGUE I EPILOGUE 2
  • 17. *OLD FRIENDS * Medal Goals *Get 15 headshots *Catchand hogtieKieran in under 45 seconds *Complete the mission in under 15minutes 30 seconds *K ill three O'Driscolls in the same Dead Eye use *Complete the mission without using any health items -·-- -+------------------------- Notes These objectives are not complicated, but they do call uponskills that require afairamount of practice. To kill three enemies in the same Dead Eye instance. you needto"tag" them by moving the aiming reticle totheir heads; once all three have been marked. tap l@tll!l to fire at the targets in rapid succession. D Head to the marker at the Colter camp to initiate this mission. then follow Dutch. 1::"11 When you are instructed to retrieve the repeater from yourhorse, U move to the saddleand hold @1£1 when in close proximity. like before, tilt () in the relevant direction (here, to the left for longarm shoulderweapons)to select your loadout, thenrelease @Jm .When you own multiple weapons within one category, use (!J)tiD and I@Jil!l to cycle through them. For this mission. we suggest you take the carbine repeater and the cattleman revolver. As a rule, it's always wise to review your loadout whenever you expect intense battles to occur. Having the right weapons with you will often make your life significantly easier. 1::'1 Follow Dutch until he asks you to crouch (cg/V ). then get in 11::.1 cover (@)/InInear him.During theconversation,hold @liD and chooseto take the lead with @10 . This will give you full control over how and when you choose to initiate hostilities. Carefully adjust your aim to take down the first enemywith a cleanheadshot. iift'l This battle involves multiple allies and enemies. Move from one Ill cover position to the next with due caution, regularly reloading with @!€> whenyou are safe. Keeptrack of where the O 'Driscolls are 34 located on your radar: their positions are marked with red dots, or red segments that indicate their approximate location when they are out radarrange.Pay attention to elevated vantage points.such as thewater tower: these are prime positions for enemies toappear. Be careful not to overlook them. 1':1 After the initial assault, loot the bodies of some of your victims. a A second wave of O'Driscolls will soon attack from the forest; this serves as aformal introduction tothe Dead Eye feature. Activate it with liDIV while aiming yourweapon to trigger a slow-motion effect that makes it much easier to target and dispatch your foes. While the ability is active, you automatically "tag· enemies when you move the reticle over them. Press !@IIlli tofireat all marked enemies in quick succession. Bear in mind that marking their heads guarantees a clean kilL Dutch will soon ask you how to proceed next. We suggest you choose to defend. as it will give you the advantage of superior cover points during thenextstage of the battle. During thisentiresection.try to stay close to your allies: keeping them alive is a mandatory requirement. r=1 F eel free to loot the bodies to top up your ammunition. There are 1:.1 also ahandful of items topick up in the camp. Once you're done, head tothe area marked inyellow on your map and radar tofind more items to retrieve and, more importantly, dynamite in the large red crate. F ollow Dutch during the ride back tocamp, then start chasing the man as soon as Dutch asks you to. During your approach. select thelasso in theweapon wheel;you need to take him backalive. Once you are close enough, aim at the O'Driscoll by holding @ tiD and throw the lasso with 1@/ll!l.Keep @liD held at all times. even whenyour target falls to the ground. then dismount and walk to him. Press @1€> at close range to hogtie him, rendering the man completely harmless. P ick him up and stow him on your horse, then head back to camp and carry your prisoner to the highlighted area tocomplete the mission. ' • • • • ftEDDEADfi. HEIDII"IIllf *THE AFTERMATH OF GENESIS* PRIMER ------------------------------~-------------------------------·--- -·- Medal * Kill each deer with one arrow * Donot spook either deer Goals * Get aclean kill on the second deer ·- As long as you crouch-walk at all times. remain out Notes of sight, and secure headshots on the first attempt, you should complete all of these objectives. D You will trigger this mission by greeting Pearson at camp: hold @Jm while next tohim, then press @10 . 1::"11 Follow Charles until you automatically dismount. Retrieve your U bow from your horse's saddle before you begin the search for deer in the vicinity. There are deer tracks in front of Charles. Crouch-walk as you follow them to make as little noise as possible. Ifyou struggleto identify them, press ®tv and liDIV simultaneously: this will activate Eagle Eye, which heightens your instincts. In Eagle Eye mode, points of interest ' • .. ' .. .. .... . .. .. . ... ' . . ' . ' . ' .. :..:. .. . .. ~ . ' . ·.. .... ..' ..... . .. . : . : ,.. . . ..' . . ,. . ~ ... .... -~ .,.. . ..-· .". .; . e I . • •... ' • . .. ' ' ' . ' .. ." . • • • . . . ; ' • ' ., h •. ' · , • such as animal tracks are highlighted. You can even choose to "lock" these tracks with @)!In to keep them visible for a time after you disable Eagle Eye. When you spot the first deer, equipyour bow andaim at the animal by holding @liD. Press and hold 1@/llll todraw the string until it is taut (pay attention to the sounds) to increase power. but besure to release the arrow before your staminaisdepleted. Aimtohit the deer's head or neck to secureacleankilLSuch "perfect" kills lead to hunting spoils of optimal condition -and, therefore, greatervalue. The second deer is on the other side of the river. Activate Eagle Eye again to locate its tracks. then slay it in thesame fashion. r=1 Pick up either of the carcasses byholding @10 . thenpress 0 1:.1 to whistle your horse.The range of thiscall is initially limited. but will improve over time as the bond with asteed grows (see page 1Bfor details). Stow thedeer on the back of your horse before riding back to camp with Charles. D Drop thecarcass in Pearson's kitchen. then hold @10 toskin the animal and complete themission. ' .. . . ....... .' ' . ·'· . ., .. ... • ... . . ' ' •.. • ' . • ' .. MISSIONS EXPLORATION ATLAS WEAPONS ITEMS EXTRAS INDEX THE STORY SO FAR STRUCTURE CHAPTER I CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTERS CHAPTER 6 EPILOGUE I EPILOGUE Z • . ' . ,· ' . #. ; •••• • ; • • • • •
  • 18. . .-. ~. . * WHO THE HELL IS LEVITICUS CORNWALL? * - - - - - - - - - y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·-- - - ·- I *Save Lenny when he is hanging from the train *After stopping the train, take out the guardswithin 'I one minute 30 seconds I Medal *Take no damage during the shootout . Goals *Get ten headshots *Complete themission without using any health items ·- -· - These requirements are all about accuracy and efficiency.TI1e key scene is the shootout that Notes occurs after you stop the train.Make sure you remain in cover at all times, moving to secure quick individual kills when nobody is firing at you. Mastery of headshots isa real boon here. o Follow Outch as he explains the plan. When you reach the robbery site, ride down toward the water tower to check on Bill. After your brief conversation, pick up the spool by holding @tO , then walk to the nearby detonator to connect it with @tO .Onceyou're done, ride back up to Dutch on the clilf above the tunnel. Don't forget to select your loadout before the robbery begins. The cattlemanrevolver and carbine repeaterare excellent choices here. You should also take the time to conceal your face with abandana: hold [l)tiiiD to display thewheel menu, then switch to the item wheel with @liD . tilt Q toward the bottom-left, then release [i)t!IID. 36 Once the train arrives, sprint to the overhang and jump on the train. Move to the side and hold @tO to grab Lenny. Tap ®10 repeatedly to pull him up. I'PI Head toward the front of the train. After Lenny incapacitates the al first guard, you can ask him to eliminate thesecond one, or do so yourself. Crouch-walking to him to perform asilent melee takedown is an option, though aheadshot with any weapon works just as well. You will need to get rid of a few more men as you progress.Be sure to take cover if you're not confident that you can eliminate them swiftly. n When an enemy grapples with you at the front of the train, press 1:.1 @I€) repeatedly to break free and knock him down. Youshould then head to the front of the engine car and press @10 to pull the brakes. r.:11 As soon as the trainstops, take cover behind the nearby rock and 1:.1 pick olf the enemies one after the other.They will soon be joined by a second wave coming from the back of the train. Carefully move towards them from one cover point to the next until the last adversary falls. After you are joined by the rest of the gang, walk to Bill to take some dynamite and place it on the carriage door with @l!llii. Light the fuse with @tO then retreat to asuitable distance before it explodes. Get on the train and search the carriage thoroughly to obtain various collectibles. Your main objective is the lock box in the cabinet at the back of the carriage; hold @tO to open it and retrieve the bonds inside. Back outside, deal with the guards as you see fit. If you decide to get them back on the train rather than kill them, make your way to the engine car. Note that you are free to loot all the bodies and search the carriages to secure more collectibles. Start the train with @tO to complete the mission. W" ' *EASTWARD BOUND * ----...;- Medal Goals *Pick up Javier when you enter Horseshoe Overlook *Complete the missionwithin six minutes Javier awaits just before the camp's entrance. your I Notes final destination.Stop the wagon close to him to II pick him up. ~================~ D Follow the rest of the caravan until acutscene is triggered. n Pick up the broken wheel by tilting 0 forward and roll it back ItS toward the wagon. Bash it afew times with ®tO to put it back into place. Get into the driving seat with @tO . The rest of the journey to Horseshoe Overlook should be entirely uneventful. Don't forget to pick up Javierjust before you reach your destination. PRIMER MISSIONS EXPLORATION ATLAS WEAPONS ITEMS EXTRAS INDEX ............ THE STORY SO FAR STRUCTURE CHAPTER I CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTERS CHAPTER 6 EPILOGUE I EPILOGUE 2
  • 19. [HArTER 2: HORSESHOE OVERLOOk TABLE GAMES SPECIAL COLLECTIBLES * Poker (page 220) *Cigarene Cards (page 199) JAcTIVITIES -t• ~u~ing-Charles (page 146) SHOPS Any one mission complete 0 EXIT PURSUEO BY A BRUISED EGO 'D"Y" 46.1 {!I POLITE SOCIETY. VALENTINE STYLE lpo(IO 401 WEAPONS T omahawk I ACTIVITIES ~ *Home R obbery- Javier(page 1B2Jf After two in-game-hours lsTRANGERS- --""-'~~A;TIVITIES J ~ Arcadia for Amateurs * Home R obberies (page 180) (page 186)' * Shop Robberies (page 181) *AmericanDreams (page * Challenges (all except 191)** "Survivalist") (page 171) * TheSmell of theG rease * T able Games (page 2201 Paint (page 186) * MultipleSpecial Characters * Fundraiser (page 186) (page 228) - SPECIAL COLLECTIBLES * Dinosaur Bones(page 208) * Rock Carvings (page 210) SHOPS * Gunsmitll (page 286) *Barber Shop (page 326} * General Store (page 324) * T ailor (page 328) *A FineNight F or It (page 191)'" TREASURE HUNTS * Fence (page 326) *TheNoblest of Men. and a Woman (page 192)".. *Jack Hall Gang(page 196) *Doctor (page 327} *High Stakes Treasure (page 197) *le Tresor desMorts (Pre-Order Bonus) (page 198) • lltlwllilablebttWeM"Ou1UndeT u iDJS - r and ~neetrQ.w( •• Cumllh::k lhr. lhrer. 'Mt~~~e• Scent" thtna. r.n(J,Iunl es ••• Coml)l~~oneol the "To«:h Ptoc:e:Wcn·. 'Slalkir.g Shedcm... 'Spi>::bd HOI'$~·. "Voite.. Cl"el'(:~ Encount!Q ••._.. un~-allabl!dum"Q·n~e Sl!e!!p andthe Boalt" 38 AND-+ * Stables (page 1B) ~~ GOOD. HONEST. qv SNAKE OIL lpd(ll' 481 * Wait for two in-game hoursafter completing "A Quiet Time" * Time-sensitive: last chance in Chapter 6! • Pan11 Sktfl= iffi lS1 he onlvm1S~~e11~( t Wlukl totlf 11011fme hour;Pf~ w1111t rt1 ; acll~e IJ'i A QUIET TIME "wtffl ~pnge 451 Complete "Paying aSocial Call" Move at least 350m away and return to camp to trigger aconversation with Ms Grimshaw SHOPS * Emerald Ranch Wagon Fence (page 287) BOUNTY HUNTING *EllieAnne Swan (page 184) *Lindsey Wofford (page 184) After one in-game hour After one in:11ame hour WEAPONS Pump-Action Shotgun AND-+ a A FISHER OF MEN ~ 1poqeSZ1 ' WEAPONS Schofield Revolver BOUNTY HUNTING *Joshua Brown (page 184) WEAPONS Rolling Block Rifle CHALLENGES * Survivalist (page 173) ACTIVITIES * Fishing (page 163) 39 After 12 in-game hours If only one mission open CHArTER 3 WEAPONS Lancaster Repeater • Can either II• ~ in Ol.all(w 2 or 3: ;11 be 11~ocb!d al'ler coflltll~ttlD ·A ~ra~ Klnllfl'ess· 111 not u~ocled prllfiou;~ • PRIMER MISSIONS EXPLORATION ATLA~ WEAPONS ITEMS EXTRAS INDEX THE STORY SO FAR STRUCTURE CHAPTER I CHAPTER Z. CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTERS i:HAPTER 6 EPILOGUE I EPIWGUE 2
  • 20. . .-. ~. . ® *POLITE SO[IETY, VALENTINE STYLE* - - - - - - - - - y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Medal Goals Notes * Return the lost wagon horseto its owner *Find Karen in under 45 seconds These requirements are entirely straightforward. Head straight for room 2B upstairs once you enter the holel to find Karen within the allotted time. 'I I Speak to Uncle at the edge of the camp to trigger thismission, then follow the waypoint as you ride toward Valentine. Note that you can help the coach driver to get his horse back if you wish. This optional 40 objective serves as arefresher course on how tocalmhorses: approach while focusing on it by holding ~ll!J. thenpress @10 until you can lead it backtoits owner (@10 ). 1':'1 Once in Valentine, follow Uncle and the various onscreen U markers and objectives until a stranger assaults Tilly. Walk over and intervene to rescue her. Next head inside the hotel and make yourway to room 2B upstairs. Kick the door. knock out the man inside with melee attacks(@!@). then follow Karen back outside. 111 As soonas the man who recognizes you starts toflee, borrow a U nearbyhorse and chase him.Tap ®1e repeatedly to gallop at maximum speed; remember that timing your presses to match the rhythm of your horse's hooves will enable you to avoid staminaloss. If you lose sight of your target. a red segment on the outer rim of your radar will indicate his general whereabouts. n The man will eventually fall from hismount and end up hanging 1::.1 from a cliff. You are free to either save him or let him die. Both outcomes end the mission. though your decision will lead to a gain or decrease in honor (see page 19 lor details). Note that you can then return the borrowed horse to its owner inValentine for an honor gain. *AMERI[ANS AT REST* ----------------------~----- --- I I ',-- - .. Medal Goals ~ *Save Javier within 1 5seconds * Defeat Tommy within one minute 30 seconds --~------· -- - - - - -1 Notes I Follow the advice detailed inthe accompanying walkthrough. D . Meet Javier and Charles at the waypoint in the saloon. Punch with @I@ during the brawl that ensues, but be ready to pay attention when new lighting mechanics areintroduced (see the nearby box-out for details). After taking down your first opponent, you can assist yourthreecompanions. After the brief cutscene. deal with the man restraining you by tapping @I@ repeatedly. You now need to rush to help Javier. who isbeing attackedby the giant who walkeddown the stairs. This individual.Tommy, is amuchmore dangerous pugilist thanthose you have fought before now.Punchinghim relentlesslywill simplynot wort so you need to opt for astute counterattacks: focus on blocking his attacks, dtenswiftlyhit him with apunchortwo when an openingpresentsitself - and repeat. Mash @I@ to breakfree shouldhe manage to grab you. 41 PRIMER MISSIONS EXPLORATION ATLAS WEAPONS ITEMS EXTRAS INDEX THE STORY SO FAR STRUCTURE CHAPTER I ~ CHAPTER 2 I CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 6 EPILOGUE I EPILOGUE 2
  • 21. . .-. ~. . *WHO IS NOT WITHOUT SIN* - - - - - - - - - y - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r;====== · - - Medal Goals *Wintwo hands of poker * Return Swansontocamp within two minutes five seconds As longas you sprint on foot and gallop while on horseback. thetime·sensitive requirement should pose no particulardifficulty. 'I I D Head to Flatneck Station. just southwest of the camp, and look for Reverend Swanson inside the building. If you would like an introduction to poker, accept the man's invitation; you can find a detailed guide to the game on page 220. • n Back outside, look for the reverend in the highlighted area. You a can talk to two characters outside the station to get directions. Once you've found him. you have to knock out his creditor. Much like Tommy in ·Americans at Resr, this is not your average opponent, so you need to adopt defensive tactics.Allow him toattack you first and block with @10 , then immediately follow up with a brief flurry of punches. 11:'1 When the creditor falls, you will notice that a passer-by saw lt.l your deeds. If you let this witness report your crime, you will become wanted and a bounty will be placed on your head. This acts as an introduction to the Wanted system !see page 20). For now, all you need to know is that you can stop witnesses before they report illegal activities, but you will need togive chase immediately. In this instance, sprint or gallop after the man and hold ~1m to interact with him. Select "Stop Witness" !@10 ). then threaten with the same button. Alternatively, you can beat him, rob him. or perform a warning shot by aiming and tapping 0 before pressing the trigger. Reverend Swanson can be found at the nearby viaduct and you need to act swiftly: sprint to his position and help him to release his foot by tilting D forward and press ® /~ repeatedly. r.:1 After the cutScene, pick up Swanson and stow him on your 1:.1 horse. Ride back to camp, hitch your mount at the marked location, then finally drop the reverend off in his bed to complete the mission. W" ' *THE FIRST SHALL BE LAST * ---------------------·--------------~----- - * Silently kill thebounty huntersby theriver with Javier Medal *Shoot the rope to free Sean Goals *Get ten headshots * Complete the mission without using any I health items The tricky part here isto secureten headshotS.Get Notes usedto flicking (i) every time you lock on toatarget and this should become less intimidating. - n You need to meet Javier just to the north of Blackwater to initiate this mission. Theentire region is in lockdown. meaning that any law enforcement forces will shoot on sight. Stay close to the river to the north to avoid any potential encounters. n After the cutscene, mount your horse and head to the ItS highlighted area to the north. Follow the boat as it sails down the river until it moves close to the shore. Observe the scenewith your binoculars, thenride withyourallies tothe riverside. Cross the river with Javier. Once Trelawny performs his diversion, crouch-walk to reach the two guards and - with your knife in hand - stealth-kill theone on the left. Your objective is tomove up the canyon. running fromone cover point to the next and eliminating any foes in range. L ook out for snipers, as they can be a nuisance: try to eliminate them with clean headshots when anopportunity arises. Apply the same strategy when you storm the enemy camp at the top of the canyon: takecover, briefly hop out and lock on to a target (ideally flicking (i) at this precise moment to aimfor the head}. then fire and switch back to cover - and repeat. Note that you can shoot the rope from which Sean is hanging torescue himbefore the battle ends. Cut himfree when he's on the ground to end the mission. PRIMER MISSIONS EXPLORATION ATLAS WEAPONS ITEMS EXTRAS INDEX THE STORY SO FAR STRUCTURE CHAPTER I CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTERS CHAPTER 6 EPILOGUE I EPILOGUE 2