This document discusses Expo Router, a file-based routing system for React Native apps built with Expo. It provides an overview of Expo Router's key features and conventions, including file-based routing, automatic route generation, linking between routes, and support for features like splash screens. It also covers some new capabilities in Expo Router v2 like the src/app directory, automatic TypeScript definition generation, static route rendering for SEO, alias imports, and CSS/styling support. The document concludes with prerequisites for using Expo Router and a brief code example comparing routing definitions with and without Expo Router.
This document summarizes the use of rootstocks in fruit crops and their effects. It discusses how rootstocks can influence traits like growth habit, flowering, fruiting, yield, quality, nutrient status, disease resistance, and environmental stress tolerance in the scion cultivar. Commonly used rootstocks are described for tropical fruits like mango, citrus, guava, and grape and for temperate fruits like apple, pear, peach, cherry, and walnut. Key rootstock characteristics and their suitability for different scion cultivars are highlighted.
The document summarizes the Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) program conducted by the Institute of Agricultural Sciences. RAWE is a semester-long program where students are divided into groups and assigned to a village to conduct participatory rural appraisal exercises and other agricultural activities under faculty supervision. The objectives of RAWE are to provide students with practical, hands-on experience in rural life, farming techniques, and village development work. During their village attachment, students assess the socioeconomic situation, conduct surveys, develop farm plans, assist with extension activities, and visit local research stations.
“Doubling of Farmer’s Income by Farming System Approach for Food Security & ...DAYANIDHI CHAUBEY
This document provides an overview of strategies to double farmer's incomes in Bihar, India by 2022 as outlined by the Prime Minister and Finance Minister. It discusses the challenges facing agriculture in Bihar and proposes a farming systems approach that integrates crop production with livestock, fisheries, and other enterprises. This would improve food security and nutrition, increase productivity and farm incomes, optimize resource use, minimize pollution, and generate employment through diversified and sustainable agricultural systems. Key strategies include raising crop yields, higher cropping intensity, diversification, reducing production costs, and developing infrastructure like warehouses and market linkages.
This document discusses various topics related to soil health including soil pollution, soil quality monitoring, soil health cards, remote sensing, GIS, soil-based plant nutrient information systems, and quality of irrigation water. It provides details on soil survey, soil pollution sources and effects, and applications of remote sensing and GIS in agriculture, forestry, land use mapping, and urban planning. Key points covered are soil formation, classification, variability, monitoring soil quality, and controlling soil pollution through sustainable practices. Remote sensing techniques and their use in various fields like agriculture, natural resource management, and infrastructure development are also summarized.
This document provides details about the Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) program submitted by Inder Kumar. It lists the teachers associated with the program and is dedicated to the almighty and the author's parents. The objectives of the RAWE program are to gain practical experience on agricultural technologies used by farmers and to understand problems faced by farmers. The program provides various exposures like orientation, visiting research centers, interacting with farm families, and training on self-employment to achieve learning outcomes like developing communication skills, understanding rural problems, and gaining confidence.
The document summarizes the Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) program conducted by the Institute of Agricultural Sciences. It provides an introduction to the RAWE program, including its objectives to provide practical, hands-on experience to agriculture students. It describes the activities students undertake, such as conducting participatory rural appraisals, surveying the socioeconomic conditions of villages, developing farm plans, extension activities, and visits to research stations. The overall goal of the program is to prepare agricultural graduates for careers in agriculture and agribusiness.
Day 2 - Module 2: Seed Processing Equipment and PracticeAfricaSeeds
A training and validation workshop of the Seed Operations Toolkit was held in Abidjan from 14 to 18 November 2016. Designed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with AfricaSeeds, the Toolkit aims to provide guidance for capacity development of all stakeholders of the seed value chain. The workshop was attended by 27 experts from 21 African countries. The validated modules were: Module 1: Development of small-scale seed enterprises; Module 2: Seed conditioning equipment; Module 3: Seed Quality Control and Certification; and Module 4: Seed Sector Regulation.
The document is a presentation on the production technology of guava in Bangladesh. It discusses guava varieties commonly grown in Bangladesh, climate and soil requirements, propagation methods, cultural practices like manuring, pest and disease management, harvesting, and uses. The presentation provides information on major guava growing areas in Bangladesh, the economic importance of guava production, and concludes with emphasizing the importance of guava preservation.
This document provides information on the kokum fruit tree (Garcinia indica). It describes the tree's origin in southern India and distribution in tropical forests. It outlines the tree's taxonomy and classification. The document discusses the culinary, pharmaceutical and industrial uses of kokum fruit, rind and butter. It also describes the tree's sex types, varieties including the high yielding 'Konkan Amrit' variety, challenges around scattered production and short harvesting periods, and opportunities for popularizing kokum-based products.
This document provides information on the pomegranate plant. It begins with the scientific classification of pomegranate and mentions that its common names include pomegranate, granada, and grenade. It is native to Iran and adapted to semi-arid climates with hot summers and cool winters. The document then discusses the world and Indian production scenarios of pomegranate. It also provides details on the botany, cultivation practices such as propagation, planting, training, pruning, fertilization and irrigation of pomegranate plants. Finally, it describes the pests and diseases that affect pomegranate and their management strategies.
This document provides information about Momordica cochinchinensis (sweet gourd). It discusses the origin, botany, nutritional value, health benefits, cultivation practices, breeding objectives, and research on propagating it in vitro. Specifically, it explores sterilizing seeds both with and without their dense coats to initiate growth in liquid and solid media. Within 16 days of cultivation, cotyledons opened and roots formed intensely, showing potential for micropropagation of this valuable crop with low germination rates.
Management Practices for Improving Water Use Efficiency.pptxanju bala
Water use efficiency
Production (of crops) per unit of water applied.
Expressed in kg/ha-mm.
Two distinct terms are used in expressing water use efficiency:
Crop water use efficiency: It is the ratio of crop yield (Y) to the amount of water depleted by the crop in the process of evapotranspiration (ET).
Crop WUE = Y/ET
Field water use efficiency: It is the ratio of crop yield (Y) to the total amount of water used in the field (WR), which include ET, deep percolation and that used in plant metabolic processes.
Field WUE = Y/WR
This document provides an overview of precision farming and its key components. It explains that precision farming utilizes technologies like GPS, GIS, yield monitors, and variable rate equipment to more precisely manage farms. This allows farmers to customize their activities based on detailed data collection and analysis of field characteristics. The benefits of precision farming include more accurate production management, analysis of varietal performance in different areas, and evaluation of strategies over multiple years.
This document discusses crop management practices for rainfed farming. It begins by defining rainfed areas as those with arid, semi-arid, or sub-humid climates prone to drought. Improved practices for rainfed crops involve selecting short-duration, drought-resistant varieties and maximizing cropping intensity through mixed/intercropping. Key practices include fertilizer use, tillage, forage crops, agroforestry, weed management, and making mid-season corrections if drought occurs. The overall goal is to utilize more of the available rainwater and improve historically low and unstable yields for farmers in rainfed regions.
Introduction: The advanced communication technology has reached to the remote nodal parts of our country and today, Smart Phones are commonly available even in distant villages. But unfortunately the real benefits of Smart Phones have not reached to the villagers especially to the farmer community who forms the backbone of our country’s economy. This is because, most of the mobile applications for Smart Phone have been developed only for urban life. But now or latter, the focus of mobile app development has to be redefined and some useful app has to be developed for the rural people especially for the farmers which not only provide them better livelihood, it will also strengthen our country’s economy. Proposed project will focus itself on agricultural information providing mobile app development for the nodal Indian farmers.
Problem Definitions: Even though our country has achieved phenomenal technological progress, still today, our Agricultural yield vastly depends on soil quality and climatic condition. Thus, the ever-increasing need for food to support the growing population in our country demands a systematic appraisal of its soil and climate resources in order to perform effective cultivation. The Soil and Land Use Survey of India (SLUSI), has dedicated many years in conducting Soil Survey and they have prepared Soil Fertility database area wise with details. With the Soil Fertility database, area wise, they have enlisted several vital soil parameters useful for cultivations e.g.; Soil pH, Electrical Conductance, Organic Matter, Cation Exchange Capacity, Base Saturation, Exchangeable bases, Water Holding Capacity, Particle Density, Bulk Density, Percent Pore Space, Particle Size Distribution, Moisture Equivalent etc. Similarly, India Meteorological Department is also providing information about agriculture related weather parameters for coming months and years. But till now impact of such valuable information has not reached to the end users “the farmers” in effective manner. That’s way, every year before cultivating any crop/vegetable, still our farmers want to know;
“If they cultivate this crop/vegetable this year, will they get sufficient yield or not?”
This valuable question can be answered by effectively analyzing available soil and weather data which will help the farmer to make valuable decision. Proposed AGRI APP will be designed to answer such questions and will also provide helpful suggestions to the framers, instantly, even at the remote part of our India.
Introduction to node js - From "hello world" to deploying on azureColin Mackay
Slide deck from my talk on Node.js.
More information is available here:
The next step from Microsoft - Vnext (Srdjan Poznic)Geekstone
The new version of the .NET Framework called vNext brings a lots of news, which are believed to be able to return to the popularity of Microsoft tools and products.
Principles that guided the development team when developing new versions of frameworks are:
• Speed, Runtime performance,
• Modularity,
• Cross-Platform,
• Open-source,
• Faster development cycle,
• Custom code editors and tools.
This document provides an overview of ASP.NET Core 1.0, including its history and key features. It discusses how ASP.NET Core 1.0 is open source, cross-platform, high performance, modular, and seamlessly transitions applications between on-premises and cloud environments. The document also demonstrates how to install and create a basic project with ASP.NET Core 1.0, highlighting features like middleware, dependency injection, MVC, diagnostics, routing, views and tag helpers.
The document discusses Jakarta JS and provides an overview of basic Node.js concepts including RESTful APIs, Express, Mongoose, and testing with Mocha, Should, and Supertest. It includes code snippets and instructions for setting up a simple RESTful Node.js application with Express, MongoDB via Mongoose, and testing.
This document summarizes the qualifications of Yue Chao Qin, including over 10 years of experience as a Senior Software Engineer with skills in Java EE, Spring, AngularJS, databases, and more. Qin has led technical teams and mentored junior developers on projects involving web and mobile applications. Current responsibilities include developing systems for logistics management at the US Postal Service.
A collection of OSGi/Equinox bundles/components for development of extensible multiuser Web applications with complex domain model and application logic.
This document provides an overview and summary of OpenShift v3 and containers. It discusses how OpenShift v3 uses Docker containers and Kubernetes for orchestration instead of the previous "Gears" system. It also summarizes the key architectural changes in OpenShift v3, including using immutable Docker images, separating development and operations, and abstracting operational complexity.
The document discusses features and changes in ASP.NET vNext, the future version of ASP.NET. It describes how vNext uses project.json for dependencies instead of references, allows editing code without recompiling, and merges MVC, Web API and Web Pages into a single framework. It also discusses tools for building, running and deploying vNext applications in Visual Studio 2015 and how the runtime will be more modular and cross-platform compared to previous versions of ASP.NET.
Strategies and Tips for Building Enterprise Drupal Applications - PNWDS 2013Mack Hardy
Mack Hardy, Dave Tarc, Damien Norris of Affinity Bridge presenting at Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit in Vancouver, October 5th, 2013. The presentation walks through management of releases, deployment strategies and build strategies with drupal features, git, and make files. Performance and caching is also covered, as well as specific tips and tricks for configuring apache and managing private files.
1. Habitat consists of several components including Habitat Studio for packaging applications, Habitat Plans for instructions to install applications, and Habitat Depot for uploading and downloading application packages.
2. The packaging process starts with creating a Plan which defines how to build an application from source code using Bash. The built package is then uploaded to the Depot.
3. At runtime, the Habitat Supervisor manages application behavior using the predefined Plan. It provides service discovery, deployment coordination, and a REST API for management.
Sails.js is a realtime MVC framework for Node.js that provides conventions and structures for building applications. It includes features like a lightweight ORM, policies for authentication and authorization, and integrates for realtime functionality. Sails.js aims to simplify building realtime apps by handling websockets and HTTP requests together and providing patterns for application structure. The framework is actively maintained by an open source community.
The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular.js and ...Mark Roden
This slide deck was used in support of BTE 102 - The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular.js and domino at IBMConnectED 2015
Presentation was given with Mark Leusink
The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular js an...Mark Leusink
This document provides a summary of a presentation on using AngularJS and IBM Domino to build modern web applications.
The presentation introduces AngularJS, an open-source JavaScript framework, and how it uses a model-view-controller architecture. It also discusses using IBM Domino as a RESTful backend service via Domino Access Services or a custom REST API.
The presentation demonstrates a sample conference scheduling app built with AngularJS, Bootstrap, and data from an IBM Domino database. The app runs entirely on the client-side and shows how AngularJS allows building portable web apps that can run on any device or platform.
MyMobileWeb is an open source platform that enables fast development of mobile-accessible websites. It uses a declarative language called IDEAL to describe device-independent user interfaces using abstract mobile components. Developers can author applications using Eclipse plugins, and MyMobileWeb handles rendering the user interfaces across different devices by generating JSP pages. The platform supports features like data binding, high-level UI components, content and application adaptation for multiple delivery contexts.
1. The document discusses several popular JavaScript frameworks including AngularJS, Node.js, Agility.js, and Backbone.js. It provides overviews of each framework and their architectures.
2. AngularJS is an open-source framework maintained by Google that assists with single-page applications. Node.js is a platform for scalable server-side applications. Agility.js is a lightweight MVC library, and Backbone.js helps organize code for single-page apps.
3. Each framework has advantages like reusability, testability and being lightweight, though some have disadvantages like learning curves or added complexity. The document provides examples of applications that use each framework.
As presented to the Milwaukee Alt.Net group on November 21st, 2011.
UPDATE April 19, 2012: added some domain logic organization slides using Fowler's 4 basic patterns.
The document summarizes an AngularJS workshop that covers AngularJS core principles, building a sample website, and AngularJS 2. It discusses building the sample site from scratch using tools like NodeJS, Bower, and Bootstrap. Key AngularJS concepts covered include modules, views, controllers, directives, routing, promises, and AngularJS 2.0. Hands-on tasks include adding routing, creating a header directive, loading data from a service, and validating a form.
MUWP SOLUTION by MUWPAY Bridging the current defi world to the future withYvesTshefu1
To MUWP [mu-oop] :
facilitate transfers and payments of multiple tokens from various wallets across different blockchains networks simultaneously, in a single operation
1. Exploring Navigation in React Native apps
Expo Router v1 and v2
Brian Wachira
Tony Kharioki
3. What is Expo Router?
In short, it is a File Based Router for native apps.
What does this mean?
- By simply creating a file in our app
directory, those files are automatically
mapped into routes/screens
- It brings the best of file-system routing
concepts from web to a universal
application. Now your routing works
across all platforms (Android, iOS, and
4. Why should I use Expo Router?
• It’s a simple mental model - the file system routing is a well-known and well-
understood concept that maps a URL path to a specific file in a project directory
i.e. its kinda like Next’s pages router or routing in a Remix app.
• When using React Navigation manually, you have to define routes and the linking
config which can cause errors and its difficult to validate that all your routes work.
With file-based router, routes and linking config are automatically
generated and they “Just Work”.
• Easy to refactor - you can move files around without having to update any imports
or routing components.
6. What are the main features of Expo Router?
• Its Native - It leverages the power of React Navigation suite and adds on more core routing concepts to work
across web and native.
• Every route is shareable - every screen is automatically deep linkable.
• Offline-first - Handles all incoming native URLs without a network connection or server. Unlike web apps, native
apps are all expected to work offline. This means that the app must be able to handle any incoming URL without a
network connection or server. This is done by implementing uniting features across Expo SDK to Expo CLI to the
Metro bundler.
• Routes are automatically optimized with lazy-evaluation in production, and deferred bundling in development.
• Universal Fast Refresh across Android, iOS, and web, along with artifact memoization in the bundler to keep
you moving fast at scale.
• Unified navigation structure - ability to drop-down to platform-specific APIs at the route level.
• Discoverable - Expo Router enables build-time static rendering on web, and universal linking to native. Meaning
your app content can be indexed by search engines.
7. What are the main routing conventions of Expo Router?
• Basic Routes - the route matches the name of the file,
e.g `about.tsx` becomes `/about`
• Layout Routes - adding a `_layout.tsx` file in any directory will wrap all
children in the directory allowing for shared UI elements e.g. headers and
tab bars.
• Dynamic Routes - these enable variable matching of segments. You can
generate routes based on certain parameters of data.
• Group Routes - we use Groups to organise sections of the app. When we
wrap a directory in parentheses e.g. (group), it does so without adding
additional segments to the URL
• Shared Routes - you can present different components simultaneously
while leveraging the same URL for both
8. Some more conventions of Expo Router?
• Linking - with Expo Router you move between
pages using URLs and a `<Link />` component
• 404 Pages - Expo router automatically handles
missing routes by default.
• SplashScreen - splash screen visibility is
automatically controlled while navigation UI is
rendering, - thus preventing the “white flash” from
10. Expo Router V2 is even better…
• src/app directory - now you can collect your source code in one place
• Automatic Typescript - developers do not have to manually define the typescript
definitions. Expo CLI now has first-class support for `tsconfig.json` paths and baseURL and
continuously generates static type definitions for every route in your app automatically.
• Static routes - now has first-class support for build-time static generation which enables SEO
on web. All routes can now be rendered to static HTML, which can be hosted from most
standard web servers.
- to improve SEO even further there’s a new `expo-router/head` component which can be used
to define static dynamic head metadata e.g title
- a new `app/+html.js` file which can be used to configure the default HTML wrapper for each
route e.g when you want to add global tags like google analytics which are outside the scope of
11. • Aliased imports - Expo CLI supports
path aliases in your project’s
`tsconfig.json` automatically.
This enables you to import modules using
custom alias instead of relative paths.
12. • CSS and Styling - With static rendering,
hydration issues tend to happen you use JS to
dynamically configure styles. Instead, you should
use CSS and media queries for dynamic
properties on web.
Now Expo has support for:
- Global CSS and CSS inside node modules
- Sass and SCSS
- PostCSS configuration
- Tailwind CSS
You can now import files just like in
modern react framework
13. More cool stuff…
• The `web.favicon` field in app.json can now be used to generate favicon images
automatically at build time.
• The default empty layout now uses a safe area view.
• We no longer need to define a default scheme in the app.json to use expo router
• There’s a new `router.canGoBack()` function for detecting if there’s valid history for
using `router.back()`
• There’s now support for Expo Head on iOS - this configures deep-native functionality
often found in stock-Apple apps which provides for new features like handoff between
web and native.
16. Some Prerequisites
• Node.js - (preferably even numbered LTS releases) - you can use nvm for this
• Git
• Watchman - for mac and Linux users (this one watches files and triggers actions)
• Yarn - because its faster than npm and npx
• VS Code Editor - and use the VS Code Expo Extension (for autocomplete)
• Expo CLI
• Expo Go - a free client for testing RN apps without building locally
• Basic knowledge of:
- react-native & react
- expo
- typescript
- react navigation - after all this is a talk on navigation
17. So, previously we’d (still can) do something like this
and then define a stack navigator like so…
20. Find Us On Our Socials