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Srujani Swetasina Dash
Nursing Tutor
G.N.M. Institute
Definition and Duration of Pregnancy
Diagnosis of Pregnancy
Symptoms of Pregnancy
Signs of Pregnancy
Laboratory investigation using testing kit
Evaluation and Answer Key
Pregnancy is a
physiological process in
which the single celled
zygote is implanted in
the uterus and
developed within the
Clinically, it is the period from the 1st day of
LMP to onset of true labour pain.
Duration: 9 months and 7 days
280 days
40 weeks
Pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters-
1st Trimester- 0-12 weeks
2nd Trimester- 13-28 weeks
3rd Trimester- 29-40 weeks
Diagnosis of pregnancy.pptx
 Amenorrohoea
 Morning Sickness
 Frequency Micturition
 Breast Discomfort
 Fatigue
 Breast Changes
 Abdominal Sign
 Vaginal Sign
 Cervical Sign
 Uterine Sign
 Amenorrohoea
 Quickening
 Breast Changes
 Abdominal Sign
 Cutaneous Sign
 Vaginal &Cervical Sign
 Uterine Sign
 Palpation of fetal parts
 Active Fetal Movements
 Amenorrohoea
 Palpitation & Dyspnoea
 Lightening
 Frequency Micturition
 Active Fetal movements
 Breast Changes
 Abdominal Sign
 Cutaneos Sign
 Vaginal &Cervical Sign
 Uterine Sign
 Palpation of fetal parts
 Active Fetal Movements
Diagnosis of pregnancy.pptx
 Cessation of menstruation.
 Continues until labour and
Missed period
Morning sickness
 Nausea or vomiting on
rising from bed
 Starts in early
pregnancy from 4-14
 Gets better during the
 Subsides in the second
trimester after 12-14
 Does not generally
affects the health of
Frequency of Micturition
 Occur during early pregnancy from 8-12 weeks
 Due to resting of bulky uterus on the bladder
 Subsides after 12 weeks and recurs in late
pregnancy after 36 weeks until initiation of labour
Breast Discomfort
 Occur during early pregnancy from 6-8
 Feeling of fullness and pricking sensation
 Occurs early in pregnancy and lasts usually
upto 1st trimester.
 Feeling of tiredness
 Starts in mid-
pregnancy from 16-20
weeks onwards
 First feeling of the fetal
 Earlier in multigravida
 Little late in
Diagnosis of pregnancy.pptx
Breast Changes
 Start from 6-8 weeks continue until
 Growth and enlargement
 Tenderness and hypersensitivity
 Nipples becomes larger, erectile
and deeply pigmented and areolas
becomes more pigmented.
 Secondary areola appears at
about 20th week.
 Darkened veins along the breasts
 Montgomery’s tubercles formed by
hypertrophy of sebaceous gland.
 Thick yellow secretions
(colostrum) can be expressed as
early as 12- 16th week.
Enlarging abdomen
 12 weeks onwards
 Uterus is felt suprapubic
bulge until 12 weeks
 Obvious sign of fetal growth.
 Fundal height can me
measured per abdomen as it
Chadwick’s sign / Jacquemier’s
 Dark purplish red discoloration and
congestion of the vulva and vaginal
 8 weeks onwards
 Non irritating mucoid discharge
appears at 6th week.
Osiander sign
 Increased pulsation of vagina felt
through lateral fornices.
 8 weeks onwards
 Caused by greatly increased blood
supply to the uterrus and enlarged
uterine artery
Goodells Sign
 Cervix becomes more
 Evident at 6th week
 6th week- Hen’s Egg
 8th week- Cricket Ball
 12th week- Fetal Head
 Soft and Elastic
 12th week- Globular
 28th week- Ovoid
 36th week- Spherical
Braxton Hicks
 Start in mid-pregnancy 16
weeks onwards
 Appear and disappear
 Irregular, infrequent,
spasmodic and painless
contractions without effect
on cervical dilatation
 May feel like mild cramps
Hegar’s sign
 From 6-12 weeks
 On bimanual
examination, the fingers
oppose below the body
of uterus
 Due to soft uterine
isthmus and enlarged
upper part
Piskacek’s Sign
One half of uterus
is more firm than
the other half.
Palmer’s Sign
 Regular and
rhythmic uterine
contraction can be
elicited during
examination as early
as 4-8th week.
 Cannot elicited after
10th week.
Fundal Height
 Increased with enlargement of uterus.
 Helps in estimation of gestation age by
noting the height of the uterus in
relation to different levels in the
weeks in relation to abdomen
12th wks- at level of symphysis pubis
16th wks- at lower 1/3rd distance between
symphysis pubis and umbilicus
20th wks- at lower 2/3rd distance between
symphysis pubis and umbilicus
24th wks- at level of umbilicus
28th wks- at lower 1/3rd distance between
umbilicus and xiphi sternum
32nd wks- at lower 2/3rd distance between
umbilicus and xiphi sternum
36th wks- at level of xiphi sternum
40th wks- at lower 1/3rd distance between
umbilicus and xiphi sternum
Skin changes
 Chloasma
 Pigmentations on
the face and
 Start 8 weeks
onwards and stay
throughout the
 Appear first on the
Skin changes
 Linea nigra
 Extends from the
symphysis pubis to the
 Later extends up to the
xiphi sternum
 Visible at 20th week and
Skin changes
 Striae gravidarum
occur in mid and late
 Silvery white stripes
are seen in the
abdomen extending
to the thighs
Fetal parts palpable
 Palpation of fetal parts
can be elicited.
 From 24 weeks more
Fetal movements palpable
 22 weeks onwards
 Earlier in multigravida
 Visible in late pregnancy
 More prominent in a thin built
 Foot visible
Auscultation of the
fetal heart sound
 11-12 weeks
onwards by Doppler
 24 weeks onwards
by using a
stethoscope or
fetoscope kept on
the women’s
Funic/ Fetal souffle
 Due to rush of blood
through umbilical
 Sound is synchronous
with FHS
Uterine soufflé
 Due to passage of
blood through dilated
 Sound is synchronous
with maternal pulse.
Diagnosis of pregnancy.pptx
 Presence of HCG in the blood from 9-10 days
 Presence of HCG in the urine from 14 days
Diagnosis of pregnancy.pptx
Visualization of
gestational sac by
ultrasound (USG)
 From 4-5 weeks (29-35 days of
 Confirms pregnancy
Visualization of the heart
pulsations by USG
 5-6 weeks onwards.
 Movement of the heart valves
can be seen.
•Pregnancy is a crucial period for every woman as many
physiological changes takes place during this period.
•Pregnancy can be diagnosed by :
 History taking for symptoms
 Physical examination for signs
 Tests for confirmation
Laboratory tests
All the signs and symptoms of pregnancy were broadly
classified into 3 signs:
i. Positive or Absolute signs
ii. Probable Signs
iii. Presumptive Signs
Positive Probable Presumptive
Palpation of fetal
Perception of active
fetal movements
Braxton hicks
Frequency of
Auscultation of FHS Outlining of fetus Morning Sickness
USG evidence of
Changes in shape,
size consistency of
Demonstration of
fetal skeleton at 16th
week onwards
Jacquemiers Sign Breast Changes
Goodell’s sign Skin Changes
Osiander Sign Quickening
Lab Test
External and
Internal Ballotment
Prepare notes on Diagnosis of pregnancy
Dutta D.C. “Textbook of Obstetric”
Jacob Annama, Textbook of Midwifery and
Gynaecological Nursing”.
Kaur Sandeep, “Midwifery and
Gynaecological Nursing
 When can we auscultate the fetal heart sounds with a
fetal stethoscope?
 When can we palpate the fetal parts?
 Pregnancy testing kit–Nishchay detects the presence of
which hormone in the urine?
Diagnosis of pregnancy.pptx

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Diagnosis of pregnancy.pptx

  • 1. PREPARED BY: Srujani Swetasina Dash Nursing Tutor G.N.M. Institute A.N.M.M.C.H, GAYA
  • 2. Definition and Duration of Pregnancy Diagnosis of Pregnancy Symptoms of Pregnancy Signs of Pregnancy Laboratory investigation using testing kit Ultrasonography Evaluation and Answer Key Assignment Bibliography
  • 3. Pregnancy is a physiological process in which the single celled zygote is implanted in the uterus and developed within the uterus.
  • 4. Clinically, it is the period from the 1st day of LMP to onset of true labour pain. Duration: 9 months and 7 days 280 days 40 weeks Pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters- 1st Trimester- 0-12 weeks 2nd Trimester- 13-28 weeks 3rd Trimester- 29-40 weeks
  • 7. SYMPTOMS SIGNS  Amenorrohoea  Morning Sickness  Frequency Micturition  Breast Discomfort  Fatigue  Breast Changes  Abdominal Sign  Vaginal Sign  Cervical Sign  Uterine Sign
  • 8. SYMPTOMS SIGNS  Amenorrohoea  Quickening  Breast Changes  Abdominal Sign  Cutaneous Sign  Vaginal &Cervical Sign  Uterine Sign  Palpation of fetal parts  Active Fetal Movements  FHS
  • 9. SYMPTOMS SIGNS  Amenorrohoea  Palpitation & Dyspnoea  Lightening  Frequency Micturition  Active Fetal movements  Breast Changes  Abdominal Sign  Cutaneos Sign  Vaginal &Cervical Sign  Uterine Sign  Palpation of fetal parts  Active Fetal Movements  FHS
  • 11. Amenorrhoea/Missed period  Cessation of menstruation.  Continues until labour and delivery Missed period
  • 12. Morning sickness  Nausea or vomiting on rising from bed  Starts in early pregnancy from 4-14 weeks  Gets better during the day  Subsides in the second trimester after 12-14 weeks  Does not generally affects the health of mother.
  • 13. Frequency of Micturition  Occur during early pregnancy from 8-12 weeks  Due to resting of bulky uterus on the bladder  Subsides after 12 weeks and recurs in late pregnancy after 36 weeks until initiation of labour
  • 14. Breast Discomfort  Occur during early pregnancy from 6-8 weeks  Feeling of fullness and pricking sensation Fatigue  Occurs early in pregnancy and lasts usually upto 1st trimester.  Feeling of tiredness
  • 15. Quickening  Starts in mid- pregnancy from 16-20 weeks onwards  First feeling of the fetal movements  Earlier in multigravida  Little late in primigravida
  • 17. Breast Changes  Start from 6-8 weeks continue until delivery  Growth and enlargement  Tenderness and hypersensitivity  Nipples becomes larger, erectile and deeply pigmented and areolas becomes more pigmented.  Secondary areola appears at about 20th week.  Darkened veins along the breasts  Montgomery’s tubercles formed by hypertrophy of sebaceous gland.  Thick yellow secretions (colostrum) can be expressed as early as 12- 16th week.
  • 18. Enlarging abdomen  12 weeks onwards  Uterus is felt suprapubic bulge until 12 weeks  Obvious sign of fetal growth.  Fundal height can me measured per abdomen as it enlarges.
  • 19. Chadwick’s sign / Jacquemier’s sign  Dark purplish red discoloration and congestion of the vulva and vaginal mucosa  8 weeks onwards  Non irritating mucoid discharge appears at 6th week. Osiander sign  Increased pulsation of vagina felt through lateral fornices.  8 weeks onwards  Caused by greatly increased blood supply to the uterrus and enlarged uterine artery
  • 20. Goodells Sign  Cervix becomes more softer  Evident at 6th week
  • 21. Size  6th week- Hen’s Egg  8th week- Cricket Ball  12th week- Fetal Head Consistency  Soft and Elastic Shape  12th week- Globular  28th week- Ovoid  36th week- Spherical
  • 22. Braxton Hicks contractions  Start in mid-pregnancy 16 weeks onwards  Appear and disappear spontaneously  Irregular, infrequent, spasmodic and painless contractions without effect on cervical dilatation  May feel like mild cramps
  • 23. Hegar’s sign  From 6-12 weeks  On bimanual examination, the fingers oppose below the body of uterus  Due to soft uterine isthmus and enlarged upper part
  • 24. Piskacek’s Sign One half of uterus is more firm than the other half. Palmer’s Sign  Regular and rhythmic uterine contraction can be elicited during bimanual examination as early as 4-8th week.  Cannot elicited after 10th week.
  • 25. Fundal Height  Increased with enlargement of uterus.  Helps in estimation of gestation age by noting the height of the uterus in relation to different levels in the abdomen. weeks in relation to abdomen 12th wks- at level of symphysis pubis 16th wks- at lower 1/3rd distance between symphysis pubis and umbilicus 20th wks- at lower 2/3rd distance between symphysis pubis and umbilicus 24th wks- at level of umbilicus 28th wks- at lower 1/3rd distance between umbilicus and xiphi sternum 32nd wks- at lower 2/3rd distance between umbilicus and xiphi sternum 36th wks- at level of xiphi sternum 40th wks- at lower 1/3rd distance between umbilicus and xiphi sternum
  • 26. Skin changes  Chloasma Gravidarum  Pigmentations on the face and abdomen  Start 8 weeks onwards and stay throughout the pregnancy  Appear first on the face
  • 27. Skin changes  Linea nigra  Extends from the symphysis pubis to the umbilicus  Later extends up to the xiphi sternum  Visible at 20th week and remains.
  • 28. Skin changes  Striae gravidarum occur in mid and late pregnancy  Silvery white stripes are seen in the abdomen extending to the thighs
  • 29. Fetal parts palpable  Palpation of fetal parts can be elicited.  From 24 weeks more distictly.
  • 30. Fetal movements palpable  22 weeks onwards  Earlier in multigravida  Visible in late pregnancy  More prominent in a thin built woman  Foot visible
  • 31. Auscultation of the fetal heart sound  11-12 weeks onwards by Doppler  24 weeks onwards by using a stethoscope or fetoscope kept on the women’s abdomen
  • 32. Funic/ Fetal souffle  Due to rush of blood through umbilical arteries.  Sound is synchronous with FHS Uterine soufflé  Due to passage of blood through dilated vessels  Sound is synchronous with maternal pulse.
  • 34.  Presence of HCG in the blood from 9-10 days  Presence of HCG in the urine from 14 days onwards
  • 36. Visualization of gestational sac by ultrasound (USG)  From 4-5 weeks (29-35 days of gestation)  Confirms pregnancy Visualization of the heart pulsations by USG  5-6 weeks onwards.  Movement of the heart valves can be seen.
  • 37. •Pregnancy is a crucial period for every woman as many physiological changes takes place during this period. •Pregnancy can be diagnosed by :  History taking for symptoms  Physical examination for signs  Tests for confirmation Laboratory tests Ultrasonography SUMMARY
  • 38. All the signs and symptoms of pregnancy were broadly classified into 3 signs: i. Positive or Absolute signs ii. Probable Signs iii. Presumptive Signs
  • 39. Positive Probable Presumptive Palpation of fetal parts Abdominal Enlargement Amenorrhoea Perception of active fetal movements Braxton hicks Contraction Frequency of Micturition Auscultation of FHS Outlining of fetus Morning Sickness USG evidence of embryo Changes in shape, size consistency of uterus Fatigue Radiological Demonstration of fetal skeleton at 16th week onwards Jacquemiers Sign Breast Changes Goodell’s sign Skin Changes Osiander Sign Quickening Lab Test External and Internal Ballotment
  • 40. Prepare notes on Diagnosis of pregnancy
  • 41. Dutta D.C. “Textbook of Obstetric” Jacob Annama, Textbook of Midwifery and Gynaecological Nursing”. Kaur Sandeep, “Midwifery and Gynaecological Nursing
  • 42.  When can we auscultate the fetal heart sounds with a fetal stethoscope?  When can we palpate the fetal parts?  Pregnancy testing kit–Nishchay detects the presence of which hormone in the urine?

Editor's Notes

  1. Mrs. Rani, 24 years old, comes to the OPD and says that she has not got her periods for the past 2 months. She also has vomiting sensation especially in the mornings. You notice some pigmentation on her cheeks. What is the first thing that comes to your mind? (record the responses on a flip chart and discuss). The woman may be pregnant. How do we guess that? From the symptoms the woman complains of and the signs she shows. History taking and physical examination along with symptoms and signs of pregnancy gives us a fair idea about whether the woman is pregnant or not. To confirm the diagnosis we can do certain tests. Today we will discuss and learn about the symptoms and signs of pregnancy and how to diagnose it. The objectives of the session are: to Describe the symptoms and signs of pregnancy, explain the methods of diagnosing pregnancy and to demonstrate the steps for testing pregnancy using the pregnancy testing kit – Nishchay
  2. Pregnancy is the fertilization of the ovum by the sperm to form the zygote; it’s implantation in the uterus and its development as an embryo and later the fetus.The duration of pregnancy can be divided into 3 trimesters- first, second and third trimester each lasting for a period of three months.  
  3. How will you know that a woman is pregnant? During pregnancy, the body of the woman undergoes various changes which cause certain symptoms the woman complains of and certain signs that can be elicited. What do you mean by symptoms? Symptoms are some changes in the woman’s body which she can feel and tell. Can you tell some of the changes that the woman can feel in her body during pregnancy?
  4. noticed after 4 weeks of the previous menstrual period when the menstrual flow does not occur in the current month at the due date. Some women may have spotting during the time of missed period
  5. usually occurs from 4-14 weeks. The woman may have nausea and sometimes vomiting in the morning which gradually gets better during the day. It usually subsides in the second trimester.
  6. 6-12 weeks. The woman may have the urge to pass urine very frequently. This is due to the compression of the bladder by the growing uterus. It subsides when the uterus grows and after 12 weeks becomes an abdominal organ.
  7. 16-20 weeks onwards. It may occur earlier in multigravida and a little late in primi woman. It is the first feeling of the fetal movements by the woman.
  8. occurs from 3-4 weeks. There is growth and enlargement, tenderness and hypersensitivity , darkening of nipples and areolas (the skin around the nipples), darkened veins along the breasts (due to increased blood supply to your breasts), Nipples stick out more as the areolas and nipples will grow larger, small glands on the surface of the areolas called Montgomery’s tubercles become raised bumps. All these occur one after the other in a progressive manner
  9. 12 weeks onwards. After 12 weeks, the uterus becomes an abdominal organ and begins to grow. The enlargement of the abdomen is a good sign of fetal growth
  10. 8 weeks onwards. On inspection of the vulva and vagina using a vaginal speculum, dark purplish red discoloration and congestion of the vulva and vaginal mucosa is seen. This is not frequently elicited in all health settings.
  11. 16 weeks onwards. The woman may feel wave like contractions in her abdomen which appear and then disappear spontaneously. She may feel it as a cramp in the abdomen.
  12. With availability of simple and reliable tests for pregnancy as by the kit Nishchay, these signs of pregnancy are not elicited as a routine in all hospitals: 6-12 weeks. On bimanual examination ( under aseptic precautions, two fingers of the right hand are inserted per vaginum and the isthmus of the cervix is felt. The finger tips of the left hand is placed in the lower abdomen, just above the symphysis pubis. Both the hands are opposed to each other and the soft isthmus is felt with the fingers) , a firm cervix is felt in contrast with the softer body of the uterus and compressible, soft isthmus.
  13. 8 weeks onwards. Pigmentations are seen on the face and abdomen.
  14. Linea nigra, pigmented line extending from the symphysis pubis to the umbilicus and later to the xiphi sternum can be seen
  15. Striae gravidarum, silvery white stripes are seen in the abdomen extending to the thighs . These striae are due to stretching of the abdominal skin and can be seen in later half of pregnancy
  16. Fetal parts can be palpated from 24 weeks onwards.
  17. 22 weeks onwards, but may be palpable earlier in multigravida. In late pregnancy especially in thin built women, fetal parts can be visible.
  18. 11-12 weeks onwards by doppler. 20 weeks onwards by stethoscope/fetoscope.
  19. 12-16 weeks onwards. It is the soft blowing sound, synchronous with the maternal pulse, produced by the passage of blood through the dilated uterine vessels. Can be elicited with a stethoscope, most distinctly in the lower portion of the uterus.
  20. We have now seen the symptoms of pregnancy. Apart from this, the woman also presents with certain signs that can be elicited on examination. Can you mention a few of them? 9-10 days. It is produced by the placenta and is released in the blood stream of the woman. from 14 days onwards. The HCG from the pregnant woman’s blood is excreted in the urine and can be detected by simple tests.
  21. from 4-5 weeks. In general terms it is called scan. In private settings, ultrasound is done to confirm pregnancy and subsequently to monitor the growth of the fetus.
  22. History taking and physical examination will be dealt with in detail in the next sessions. In this session we will discuss the symptoms and signs of pregnancy and detection and confirmation of pregnancy by a simple immunological pregnancy test using the kit Nishchay