The document summarizes the heap sort algorithm. It begins by defining a binary heap and its properties, such as being a complete binary tree where all levels except the last are fully filled. It then explains that heap sort works by first converting the input array into a max heap, then repeatedly removing the maximum element and sinking it down to sort the array. The key steps of the heap sort algorithm are building the max heap, swapping the root with the last element, reducing the heap size, and re-heapifying the tree after each swap.
The document discusses network flows and algorithms for finding maximum flows in networks. It begins by defining a flow network as a directed graph with a source, sink, and edge capacities. The maximum flow problem is to find the maximum amount of flow that can be sent from the source to the sink respecting capacity constraints. The Ford-Fulkerson algorithm uses augmenting paths to iteratively increase the flow value. It runs in O(mC) time where m is edges and C is total capacity. The maximum flow value equals the minimum cut capacity, proven using residual graphs. Later sections discuss improvements like capacity scaling and preflow-push algorithms. Bipartite matching is also shown to reduce to a maximum flow problem.
The document discusses heaps and heapsort. It defines max heaps and min heaps as complete binary trees where each node's key is greater than or less than its children's keys. It describes operations on heaps like insertion, deletion of the max/min element, and creation of an empty heap. Algorithms for insertion and deletion into max heaps are provided. Heapsort is described as building a max heap of the input array and then repeatedly extracting the max element to sort the array.
Knapsack problem algorithm, greedy algorithmHoneyChintal
The document discusses the knapsack problem and algorithms to solve it. It describes the 0-1 knapsack problem, which does not allow breaking items, and the fractional knapsack problem, which does. It provides an example comparing the two. The document then explains the greedy algorithm approach to solve the fractional knapsack problem by calculating value to weight ratios and filling the knapsack with the highest ratio items first. Pseudocode for the greedy fractional knapsack algorithm is provided along with analysis of its time complexity.
This presentation discusses the knapsack problem and its two main versions: 0/1 and fractional. The 0/1 knapsack problem involves indivisible items that are either fully included or not included, and is solved using dynamic programming. The fractional knapsack problem allows items to be partially included, and is solved using a greedy algorithm. Examples are provided of solving each version using their respective algorithms. The time complexity of these algorithms is also presented. Real-world applications of the knapsack problem include cutting raw materials and selecting investments.
Heap sort is a sorting algorithm that uses a heap data structure. It has two main steps: 1) transforming the array into a max or min heap, and 2) performing the actual sort by extracting the largest/smallest element and transforming the remaining heap. Heap sort runs in O(n log n) time and uses O(1) constant memory, making it an efficient in-place sorting algorithm.
A stack is a data structure where items can only be inserted and removed from one end. The last item inserted is the first item removed (LIFO). Common examples include stacks of books, plates, or bank transactions. Key stack operations are push to insert, pop to remove, and functions to check if the stack is empty or full. Stacks can be used to implement operations like reversing a string, converting infix to postfix notation, and evaluating arithmetic expressions.
Given weights and values of n items, put these items in a knapsack of capacity W to get the maximum total value in the knapsack. In other words, given two integer arrays val[0..n-1] and wt[0..n-1] which represent values and weights associated with n items respectively. Also given an integer W which represents knapsack capacity, find out the maximum value subset of val[] such that sum of the weights of this subset is smaller than or equal to W. You cannot break an item, either pick the complete item or don’t pick it (0-1 property).
Method 1: Recursion by Brute-Force algorithm OR Exhaustive Search.
Approach: A simple solution is to consider all subsets of items and calculate the total weight and value of all subsets. Consider the only subsets whose total weight is smaller than W. From all such subsets, pick the maximum value subset.
Optimal Sub-structure: To consider all subsets of items, there can be two cases for every item.
Case 1: The item is included in the optimal subset.
Case 2: The item is not included in the optimal set.
Therefore, the maximum value that can be obtained from ‘n’ items is the max of the following two values.
Maximum value obtained by n-1 items and W weight (excluding nth item).
Value of nth item plus maximum value obtained by n-1 items and W minus the weight of the nth item (including nth item).
If the weight of the ‘nth’ item is greater than ‘W’, then the nth item cannot be included and Case 1 is the only possibility.
The document discusses the knapsack problem and greedy algorithms. It defines the knapsack problem as an optimization problem where given constraints and an objective function, the goal is to find the feasible solution that maximizes or minimizes the objective. It describes the knapsack problem has having two versions: 0-1 where items are indivisible, and fractional where items can be divided. The fractional knapsack problem can be solved using a greedy approach by sorting items by value to weight ratio and filling the knapsack accordingly until full.
Dijkstra's algorithm is used to find the shortest path between a source node and all other nodes in a graph. It works by maintaining two sets - S of nodes whose shortest paths have been determined, and V-S of remaining nodes. It initializes distances and predecessors, then iteratively relaxes edges of the closest node in V-S until V-S is empty, determining the shortest path to each node. The algorithm runs in O(|E| + |V|)log|V|) time.
Hashing is a technique for mapping data to array indices to allow for fast insertion and search operations in O(1) time on average. It works by applying a hash function to a key to obtain an array index, which may cause collisions that require resolution techniques like separate chaining or open addressing. Open addressing resolves collisions by probing alternative indices using functions like linear probing, quadratic probing, or double hashing to find the next available empty slot.
The document discusses heap trees, including their definition, representation, operations, and applications. It defines a heap tree as a complete binary tree where the value of each parent node is greater than or equal to its children (for max heaps) or less than or equal (for min heaps). Heap trees can be represented using an array. Common operations are insertion, deletion, and merging. Key applications include sorting algorithms like heapsort and implementing priority queues.
This document discusses the heap data structure and heapsort algorithm. It defines a heap as a nearly complete binary tree that satisfies the heap property, where every parent node is greater than or equal to its children. It describes how to represent a heap using an array and the key operations of building a max-heap from an array, inserting and deleting nodes, and maintaining the heap property. Heapsort works by building a max-heap from the input array and then extracting elements in sorted order.
A min-priority queue implemented using a min-heap is a data structure that efficiently supports inserting elements and retrieving the minimum element. A min-heap is a tree where each node is less than its children. A min-priority queue uses a min-heap to insert elements in O(log n) time and extract the minimum element in O(log n) time. Common operations on the min-priority queue include insert, decrease key, extract minimum, and get minimum. The min-priority queue is more efficient than a naive list-based implementation which takes O(n) time for operations.
The document discusses various optimization problems that can be solved using the greedy method. It begins by explaining that the greedy method involves making locally optimal choices at each step that combine to produce a globally optimal solution. Several examples are then provided to illustrate problems that can and cannot be solved with the greedy method. These include shortest path problems, minimum spanning trees, activity-on-edge networks, and Huffman coding. Specific greedy algorithms like Kruskal's algorithm, Prim's algorithm, and Dijkstra's algorithm are also covered. The document concludes by noting that the greedy method can only be applied to solve a small number of optimization problems.
The 0-1 knapsack problem involves selecting items with given values and weights to maximize the total value without exceeding a weight capacity. It can be solved using a brute force approach in O(2^n) time or dynamic programming in O(n*c) time. Dynamic programming constructs a value matrix where each cell represents the maximum value for a given item and weight. The cell value is either from the item above or adding the item's value if the weight is less than remaining capacity. The last cell provides the maximum value solution.
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The document discusses hash tables and how they can be used to implement dictionaries. Hash tables map keys to table slots using a hash function in order to store and retrieve items efficiently. Collisions may occur when multiple keys hash to the same slot. Chaining is described as a method to handle collisions by storing colliding items in linked lists attached to table slots. Analysis shows that with simple uniform hashing, dictionary operations like search, insert and delete take expected O(1) time on average.
The document describes the greedy method algorithm design technique. It works in steps, selecting the best available option at each step until all options are exhausted. Many problems can be formulated as finding a feasible subset that optimizes an objective function. A greedy algorithm works in stages, making locally optimal choices at each stage to arrive at a global optimal solution. Several examples are provided to illustrate greedy algorithms for problems like change making, machine scheduling, container loading, knapsack problem, job sequencing with deadlines, and single-source shortest paths. Pseudocode is given for some of the greedy algorithms.
This document provides information about priority queues and binary heaps. It defines a binary heap as a nearly complete binary tree where the root node has the maximum/minimum value. It describes heap operations like insertion, deletion of max/min, and increasing/decreasing keys. The time complexity of these operations is O(log n). Heapsort, which uses a heap data structure, is also covered and has overall time complexity of O(n log n). Binary heaps are often used to implement priority queues and for algorithms like Dijkstra's and Prim's.
Heap sort is a comparison-based sorting algorithm that uses a binary heap data structure. It first transforms the input array into a max-heap by calling the heapify function recursively on each node. It then extracts the maximum element from the heap and places it at the end of the sorted portion of the array. This process is repeated until the heap is empty. Heap sort has a time complexity of O(n log n) and requires only O(1) auxiliary space, making it an efficient in-place sorting algorithm.
The document discusses various sorting algorithms in Java including bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort, merge sort, heapsort, and quicksort. It provides explanations of how each algorithm works and comparisons of the time performance of each algorithm based on testing multiple runs. Quicksort and heapsort generally had the best performance while bubble sort consistently had the worst performance.
Heap Sort in Design and Analysis of algorithmssamairaakram
Brief description of Heap Sort and its includes Binary Tree and its types. analysis and algorithm of Heap Sort. comparison b/w Heap,Qucik and Merge Sort.
Heap sort is a comparison-based sorting algorithm that uses a heap data structure. It works in two phases: first it builds a max heap from the input data and then extracts elements from the heap one by one, each time putting the largest remaining element in its sorted position. This results in the elements being sorted in non-decreasing order with a time complexity of O(n log n). Heap sort is an efficient in-place sorting algorithm that uses constant extra space.
This document summarizes the heapify algorithm. The heapify algorithm rearranges a binary tree to maintain the heap property, where the root node is greater than or equal to its children (for a max heap) or less than or equal (for a min heap). It does this by comparing the root node to its children, swapping if needed, and then recursively heapifying the subtree. The complexity of the heapify algorithm is O(log n). Examples are provided of applying the heapify algorithm to transform an example tree into both a min heap and a max heap.
Heapsort is an O(n log n) sorting algorithm that uses a heap data structure. It works by first turning the input array into a max heap, where the largest element is stored at the root. It then repeatedly removes the root element and replaces it with the last element of the heap, and sifts the new root element down to maintain the heap property. This produces a sorted array from largest to smallest in O(n log n) time.
Heapsort is an O(n log n) sorting algorithm that uses a heap data structure. It works by first turning the input array into a max heap, where the largest element is stored at the root. It then repeatedly removes the root element and replaces it with the last element of the heap, and sifts it down to maintain the heap property. This produces the sorted array from largest to smallest. The heapify and reheap operations each take O(log n) time, and are performed n times, resulting in an overall time complexity of O(n log n).
The document discusses heap trees, which are tree-based data structures where all nodes follow a specific ordering. There are two main types: max-heaps, where the root node has the greatest value of its children, and min-heaps, where the root node has the minimum value. Heaps are often stored as arrays for efficient implementation of operations like insertion, deletion, and merging in logarithmic time. Common applications of heaps include priority queues, sorting algorithms, and finding order statistics.
This document introduces the heapsort algorithm. Heapsort uses a heap data structure to sort an array in O(n log n) time. It builds a max-heap from the input array in O(n) time using the BUILD-MAX-HEAP procedure. It then repeatedly extracts the maximum element from the heap and inserts it into the sorted portion of the array, maintaining the heap property using MAX-HEAPIFY. This summarizes the key steps and runtime of heapsort.
This document describes the heap data structure and its implementation using arrays. It discusses binary heaps, including max heap and min heap properties. It covers heap operations like insertion, deletion, building a heap, extracting the max/min, and getting the max/min. Heapsort is also summarized, which uses a heap to sort elements in O(n log n) time without extra space.
This document provides an overview of several advanced sorting algorithms: Shell sort, Quick sort, Heap sort, and Merge sort. It describes the key ideas, time complexities, and provides examples of implementing each algorithm to sort sample data sets. Shell sort improves on insertion sort by sorting elements in a two-dimensional array. Quick sort uses a pivot element and partitions elements into left and right subsets. Heap sort uses a heap data structure and sorts by swapping elements. Merge sort divides the list recursively and then merges the sorted halves.
A heap is a binary tree data structure where the highest (or lowest) priority element is always stored at the root. Heaps are often implemented using arrays for efficiency. This document discusses max heaps, which are heaps where the highest priority elements have the greatest values. Max heaps support two main operations - extracting the maximum value from the root and inserting new elements. These operations maintain the max heap property where each parent node is greater than or equal to its children. The document provides examples of building a max heap from an unsorted array in O(n) time using a heapify procedure, and analyzes the worst-case time complexity of building a heap as O(n).
Heap sort is a sorting algorithm that uses a heap tree data structure. It works by transforming an unsorted array into a min heap, where the root element is the smallest. The root element is then removed and placed in the sorted position. This process repeats, removing and placing the root element, until the min heap is empty and the array is fully sorted. The time complexity of heap sort is O(n log n) in all cases.
The document discusses various sorting algorithms:
- Insertion sort works by dividing an array into sorted and unsorted parts, inserting unsorted elements into the sorted part one by one.
- Quicksort uses a divide and conquer approach, recursively dividing the array into sublists and selecting a pivot element.
- Merge sort divides the array into halves, recursively sorts the halves, and then merges the sorted halves.
- Heap sort uses a heap data structure that maintains the heap property as it builds the heap from an unsorted array and then extracts elements in sorted order.
Binary heap in data structures algorithms.pdfaayutiwari2003
This document discusses binary heap trees, which are complete binary trees used to efficiently store and retrieve the maximum or minimum element. There are two types: max heaps, where the parent is always greater than or equal to its children, and min heaps, where the parent is less than or equal to its children. Binary heaps support operations like insertion and deletion of elements in O(log n) time and are often used to implement priority queues and algorithms like Prim's and Dijkstra's.
Binary heap in data structures algorithms.pdfaayutiwari2003
This document discusses binary heap trees, which are complete binary trees used to efficiently store and retrieve the maximum or minimum element. There are two types: max heaps, where the parent is always greater than or equal to its children, and min heaps, where the parent is less than or equal to its children. Binary heaps support operations like insertion and deletion of elements in O(log n) time and are often used to implement priority queues and algorithms like Prim's and Dijkstra's.
This document discusses finding the maximum subarray sum in a given array. It begins by defining the problem of finding the contiguous subarray with the largest sum. It then explains solving it using a dynamic programming approach. The solution loops through the array, tracking the maximum sum of subarrays from the start of the array at each index. This allows finding the maximum sum subarray in O(n) time and space complexity. In the end, the document emphasizes understanding the problem fully before coding and how dynamic programming enables efficient solutions.
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3. Heap sort
To understand how to heap sort work.
First we need to understand some basic concept
related to binary heaps.
4. Binary heap
Heap is a tree-based data structure in which all the tree nodes
are in a particular order .
Such that the tree satisfies the heap properties
(that is a specific parent –child relationship is followed throughout
The tree ).
A heap data structure where the tree is complete binary
tree is referred to as a binary heap .
5. A binary tree in which :
All level except the bottom-most level are completely filled .
The last level may or may not be completely filled.
A complete binary tree
6. Properties of a binary heap
1) They are complete binary trees:
This means all levels are totally filled (except maybe the last level),
And the node in the last level are as left as possible .
This property makes array a suitable data structure for sorting
Binary heaps .
We can easily calculate the indices of a nodes children ,so for parent
index k, the left child will be found at the index 2*i, and the right
child will be found at the index 2*i+1, (for indices that starts with 1).
Similarly , for a child at the index i, its parents can be found at the index floor {(k)/2)}.
7. 2) Heap are mainly of two types – max heap and min heap
• In max heap , the value of a node is(>=)always the value of each of the its children .
• In a min heap , the value of a parent is always (<=) the value of each of its children .
8. 3.Root element
In max heap , the elements at the root will always be maximum.
In min heap, the root element will always be the smallest
The heap sort algorithm takes advantages of this property
to sort an array using heaps .
9. Heap sort
Heap sort is an efficient compression-based sorting algorithm
creates a heap from the input array.
Than sorts the array taking advantages of the heap’s properties .
Heap method
Before going into the working of heap sort, well visualized the array as a complete
binary tree. Next ,we turn it into a max heap using a process called heapification.
10. Cont…
If all the sub trees in a binary tree are maxheaps themselves , the
whole tree is a maxheap.
One way the idea implement this idea would be:
1. Start at the bottom of the tree.
2. Iterate through all the nodes are we travel to the top .
3. At each step , ensure that the node and all its children from a valid
max heap.
11. Heap Sort Algorithm
Build a heap from the input data . Build a max heap to sort in increasing order and
build a main heap to sort in decreasing order.
Swap Root.
Swap the roots elements with the last item of the heap .
Reduce Heap Size :
Reduce the Heap size by one 1.
Re-heapify .
Call Recursively :
• Repeat steps 2,3,4 as long as the heap size is greater than 2.
14. Algorithm for heap sort
• Let ’A’ is a linear array .and ‘n’ is size of
array .
Heap sort (A ,n)
1) For k=n/2 to 1. [decrementation]
MaxHeapify(A,n,k); calling statement
[end of loop]
2) Set largest = k, L=2*k, & R = (2*k)+1.
3) If L <= n & A[L] > A[largest] , then
set largest = L. [end of If Structure]
4) If R <= n & A[R] > A[largest] , then
set largest = R. [end of If Structure]
5) If largest ≠ k , then
a) interchange a[largest] , A[k]
b) MaxHeapify(A,n,k)
[end of If Structure]
Deleting heap()
6) For k = n to 1. [decrementation]
a) interchange A[1], A[k]
b) MaxHeapify(A,n,1)
[end of loop]
7) Exit.