El documento presenta el caso de una demanda de nulidad electoral. El demandado ha recusado en múltiples ocasiones a diferentes autoridades involucradas en el proceso, incluyendo a los 31 magistrados que conforman la Sala Plena del Consejo de Estado. El magistrado ponente rechaza de plano esta última recusación, argumentando que la Sala Plena no tiene funciones jurisdiccionales en este caso, y que la recusación se presentó luego de que el demandado ya hubiera actuado en el proceso.
La Corte Constitucional se declaró inhibida de emitir un pronunciamiento de fondo sobre una demanda que cuestionaba artículos de una ley que declara una feria taurina como patrimonio cultural. La Corte encontró que la demanda carecía de los requisitos de claridad, especificidad, pertinencia y suficiencia. Una magistrada salvó su voto, argumentando que la ley sí vulneraba principios sobre protección animal.
La Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa expresa su preocupación por declaraciones del Fiscal General Francisco Barbosa que buscan desacreditar una investigación periodística de la Revista Raya y RTVC Noticias. Barbosa calificó la publicación como un ataque a la Fiscalía sin aportar pruebas. La FLIP también critica el discurso de Barbosa que posiciona a los periodistas como enemigos y su historial de intolerancia a la prensa crítica. La FLIP invita a Barbosa a que sus diferencias con la prensa se diriman a
Docuseries Pitch Deck "Priceless: Personhood, Protection, and Pride for Gende...mtorre3
What does gender-affirming care look like on a daily basis? The media and political discourse focus on the illusory danger of impulsive medical care; but in truth, accessing gender-affirming care is a far more nuanced experience for LGBTQ+ youth. The Free to Be Youth Project's (FYP) upcoming docuseries, "Priceless" explores the nuances of gender-affirming care from the perspective of unhoused and at-risk LGBTQ+ youth and legal advocates in NYC.
Gender-affirming care supports gender identity and expression holistically, addressing gender dysphoria and safety concerns for LGBTQ+ youth through medical procedures, legal support, and social transition. However, financial, social, and political barriers disenfranchise unhoused, street-involved, and at-risk youth from accessing the proven benefits of this care.
To overcome these barriers, our collaborators harness the power of the FYP’s free legal support and fashion show fundraiser. The creative thinking of legal advocates parallels our clients’ innovative and sustainable design process as we collectively work to increase access to life-saving gender-affirming care.
Our NGO is dedicated to improving the livesSERUDS INDIA
Seruds is an NGO helping children whose parents abandoned them were affected by deadly diseases like HIV, cancer, AIDS, and rare viruses. Some lost their parents and some lost their families in floods, which were caused due to climate change. Due to lack of education the children are choosing the wrong path, getting involved in drug rackets, addicted to alcohol, losing their consciousness, fighting with people and behaving like a rogue.Seruds is providing them with education and assisting these people, empowering them with knowledge, skill, and empathy, such that they can have a meaningful life.
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What is Person-Centred Experiential Therapy?donnytrakindo
Counselling and psychotherapy practitioners understand their work from a variety of perspectives. There are a variety of well-established 'models' or 'approaches' and these generally hold many insights in common, whilst also having their own specific contributions and characteristics (click here for a brief summary of these from BACP). My work is firmly but flexibly rooted in person-centred experiential approaches.
This approach to therapy originated in the work of psychologist, therapist, educator, and researcher, Carl R. Rogers (1902-1987), who was the initiator not only of what he called 'Client Centred Therapy' but also of innovative approaches to education, human relations, and community-building. In the decades since his death, the approach has been developed by practitioners and theorists in many parts of the world, and notably in Scotland. These developments have led to a number of different emphases in working, collectively now described as 'Person-centred and Experiential Psychotherapies' (PCE), which have a long-established,
CFATF Guyana Anti Money Laundering ReprtSteven Jasmin
Copy of the 2024 CFATF and GAFIC Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures
The Cooperative Republic of Guyana
Mutual Evaluation Report
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