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Examining the Importance of Environmental, Social, and
Governance Concerns within the Corporate Ecosystem
By: Team “Hotel” - Scott Butler Jr., Julia Carey, Otabek Inagambaev,
Wesley Koe, Jacqueline Levy, and Nolan Lenaghan
What is ESG?
A business framework that is predicated on the intersection of environmental concerns,
social relationships, and proper governance in order to foster sustainability
• Environment:
• How does a company manage its ecological footprint? Does the company
consider the risks of climate change? Has the company invested in green
technology or practices? Are employees and business partners aware of the
company’s environmental stance?
• Social:
• What methodologies do companies use to foster the growth and
development of a diverse and inclusive space? Do employees feel valued at
the firm? How do companies interact with their surrounding community
outside of the firm? Does the firm actively seek business relationships with
morals and values that are aligned?
• Governance:
• How does a firm select its leadership? Are these leaders of profound
character? Does the company report its financial positions with the utmost
integrity and attention to detail? How does the firm navigate conflict?
Internal Stakeholders (Employees, Investors, etc.)
Why is ESG Important?
• Purpose driven investors are given liberty to invest in
companies that are equally socially and environmentally
• Employees are eager to work for highly regarded firms that
share their personal values and provide opportunities to
perform meaningful work
• Owners and higher management are better able to orient
their firms toward long-term viability
• Local communities are uplifted by the support of firms that
share the environment with them—whether it be through
large actions (charity) or small actions (volunteer work)
• Governments are able to deliver on an improved society for
their constituents while also spending less time fretting
about the regulation of companies
• Customers possess a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction
with the products they buy if they are cognizant of the
larger themes that their purchases support
The existence of a duality: the benefits of ESG practices extend to both internal and external stakeholders
External Stakeholders (Communities, Customers, etc.)
Our Concerns: In the Workplace, Our Personal Lives, and Beyond
1. Do I maintain a respectable work-life balance?
2. Am I valued, respected, and supported in the workplace?
3. Does my firm share my morals and values?
4. Do I feel well-prepared for my future?
• Planning for retirement, starting a family, financing a house, paying off
student debt, etc.
5. What will the world look like in a couple decades as a result of climate change?
6. Am I safe – when I come to work, am I safe in the workplace? Both physically
and emotionally?
How can organizations do better to address these concerns?
• Mandatory, purposeful, and measurable DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) training
• Despite $8 billion yearly spend on DEI training, half of diverse employees still feel that
decisions are rooted in bias (Forbes)
• Transparency on social/environmental issues, job performance, etc.
• Employee open forums for higher management to hear concerns
• The Great Resignation beginning in 2021 has largely been spurred on by employees’
concerns about wages, advancement opportunities, hour flexibility, and lack of respect
(Pew Research)
• Implementing high-quality security measures on-site and online
• Consumers are extremely concerned about doing secure business (McKinsey)
• Condensed work weeks and flexible hours, meeting free days, vacation time, supportive
• Post-pandemic, 71% of workers feel that their employer is more cognizant of their
employees’ mental health (APA)
• Adaptability, to ensure that the company actively strategizes towards these efforts
Deloitte Survey - Summary pt.1
• Even though employers have made progress in areas of concern for Millennial
and Gen Z employees, the majority are still dissatisfied:
• Less than half of respondents believe business is having a positive impact on society.
• Harassment in the workplace is a significant concern, particularly for Gen Zs, who feel
reported issues are handled ineffectively
• While strides have been made to incorporate employee feedback, there is still a large
contingent of employees who feel that their feedback is not often acted upon
• Mental health support and resources are still under-utilized, likely due to the societal and
workplace stigma that still surrounds them
• Good work-life balance is the #1 thing that younger employees say they’re looking for in
new employers, yet stress and anxiety levels remain high and burnout is on the rise: many
respondents claimed to feel stressed or anxious at work all or most of the time
Deloitte Survey - Summary pt. 2
• Young people are more likely to make career decisions based on their values and want
to be empowered to drive change within their organizations, especially in the long-
• Younger generations are increasingly worried about the cost of living, while also
fearing unemployment and the potential climate catastrophe
• New generations are comfortable in remote and hybrid work scenarios and value the
benefits of these scenarios
• Climate Change is a big concern for Gen Zs, but the costs of environmental
sustainability makes it difficult to address those issues:
• Employers have a responsibility to provide the necessary skills training to prepare the workforce
for the transition to a low-carbon economy
Our Thoughts on the Deloitte Survey
• Remote/Hybrid Work: We participate in it and see our parents participating in it—
the amount of stress and time it can save bodes well for its widespread adoption in
the future.
• Mental health: COVID, the negative impacts of social media, and other societal
pressures have contributed to a mental health crisis. As society becomes more
cognizant of and vocal about these challenges, it is critical that people are
supported and given the resources needed to address their mental health.
• Responsibility and Values: Progress rests on our shoulders, whether that be
through cultivating more inclusive and safe workspaces, making an impact at our
firm, or changing what society chooses to prioritize.
• Climate Change: The climate crisis is imminent. We care because our children and
our grandchildren will reap the benefits of implementing green initiatives or suffer
the consequences of the failure to do so.
What qualities & benefits will you look for in your future employer?
• Reputable and takes care of employees
• Better pay is a major contributor to employment decisions in recent years (Gallup),
partly due to rising prices, i.e. ongoing inflation
• Emphasizes employee diversity and proves it through hiring practices, advancement
programs, etc.
• Provides access to wellness programs (e.g. gym membership, mental health services,
yoga), with an emphasis on ensuring that employees are actively participating and
making use of the programs
• Enables the assumption of greater responsibility irrespective of role (flat
structure/hands on approach), which will further grow the experience and skill set of
the employee; further benefiting the company as a whole
• Actively attempts to be socially and environmentally conscious (champions social
justice initiatives, seeks ways to reduce energy use, invests in green technology, etc.),
but ensuring that these practices do not necessarily hinder the company’s
performance and employee lifestyle
Oppenheimer’s ESG Value Proposition
• Oppenheimer is an industry leader in recognizing the importance of ESG, particularly
“environmental impacts, supporting a diverse workforce, and our commitment to the
well-being of our people, our clients, and the communities we serve.”
• A comprehensive code of conduct and a strong, attentive compliance team ensure
that the firm is run with integrity.
• Employees’ compliance training (by means of online modules and other paperwork) is of the
utmost importance.
• Oppenheimer works with firms and companies to facilitate socially responsible
investing while also showcasing case studies on its website that speak to the success
and viability of ESG practices within leading companies such as 3M.
• Lastly, Oppenheimer hosts an annual ESG Conference that launched in 2021.
• They discuss ESG and the successful implementation of sustainable practices to transform
businesses to meet the rapidly changing needs of our environment.
• Using ESG practices is important to and benefits both internal and external stakeholders
• Our generation has concerns about ESG practices as we begin to enter the workforce
• These concerns can be addressed by implementing DEI training, allowing open conversation, transparency, and
flexibility from both employers and employees
• From the Deloitte survey, we know that companies have begun to address these concerns, but have yet to satisfy
the wants/needs of Millennials and Generation Z
• These two generations are more likely to make big life decisions, such as a career, based on their morals and values
• Our collective main takeaways from the survey are:
• The increased use of a hybrid work model
• The need for mental health resources
• The importance of companies adhering to their set morals and values
• There is a large concern about climate change; we are very concerned about what world our children will
grow up in
• As a group, we look for reputable, respectful, responsible, and socially & environmentally conscious employers
• Currently, Oppenheimer has respectable ESG programs in place, but like all companies, could be doing better
Thank You
• The Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey
• Investing In Diversity Is Worth The Effort (
• The Great Resignation: Why workers say they quit jobs in 2021 | Pew Research Center
• Workers appreciate and seek mental health support in the workplace (
• Consumer data protection and privacy | McKinsey
• Clifton Strengths Online Talent Assessment | EN - Gallup

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ESG Presentation

  • 1. Examining the Importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance Concerns within the Corporate Ecosystem By: Team “Hotel” - Scott Butler Jr., Julia Carey, Otabek Inagambaev, Wesley Koe, Jacqueline Levy, and Nolan Lenaghan
  • 2. What is ESG? A business framework that is predicated on the intersection of environmental concerns, social relationships, and proper governance in order to foster sustainability • Environment: • How does a company manage its ecological footprint? Does the company consider the risks of climate change? Has the company invested in green technology or practices? Are employees and business partners aware of the company’s environmental stance? • Social: • What methodologies do companies use to foster the growth and development of a diverse and inclusive space? Do employees feel valued at the firm? How do companies interact with their surrounding community outside of the firm? Does the firm actively seek business relationships with morals and values that are aligned? • Governance: • How does a firm select its leadership? Are these leaders of profound character? Does the company report its financial positions with the utmost integrity and attention to detail? How does the firm navigate conflict?
  • 3. Internal Stakeholders (Employees, Investors, etc.) Why is ESG Important? • Purpose driven investors are given liberty to invest in companies that are equally socially and environmentally conscious • Employees are eager to work for highly regarded firms that share their personal values and provide opportunities to perform meaningful work • Owners and higher management are better able to orient their firms toward long-term viability • Local communities are uplifted by the support of firms that share the environment with them—whether it be through large actions (charity) or small actions (volunteer work) • Governments are able to deliver on an improved society for their constituents while also spending less time fretting about the regulation of companies • Customers possess a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction with the products they buy if they are cognizant of the larger themes that their purchases support The existence of a duality: the benefits of ESG practices extend to both internal and external stakeholders External Stakeholders (Communities, Customers, etc.)
  • 4. Our Concerns: In the Workplace, Our Personal Lives, and Beyond 1. Do I maintain a respectable work-life balance? 2. Am I valued, respected, and supported in the workplace? 3. Does my firm share my morals and values? 4. Do I feel well-prepared for my future? • Planning for retirement, starting a family, financing a house, paying off student debt, etc. 5. What will the world look like in a couple decades as a result of climate change? 6. Am I safe – when I come to work, am I safe in the workplace? Both physically and emotionally?
  • 5. How can organizations do better to address these concerns? • Mandatory, purposeful, and measurable DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) training • Despite $8 billion yearly spend on DEI training, half of diverse employees still feel that decisions are rooted in bias (Forbes) • Transparency on social/environmental issues, job performance, etc. • Employee open forums for higher management to hear concerns • The Great Resignation beginning in 2021 has largely been spurred on by employees’ concerns about wages, advancement opportunities, hour flexibility, and lack of respect (Pew Research) • Implementing high-quality security measures on-site and online • Consumers are extremely concerned about doing secure business (McKinsey) • Condensed work weeks and flexible hours, meeting free days, vacation time, supportive leadership • Post-pandemic, 71% of workers feel that their employer is more cognizant of their employees’ mental health (APA) • Adaptability, to ensure that the company actively strategizes towards these efforts
  • 6. Deloitte Survey - Summary pt.1 • Even though employers have made progress in areas of concern for Millennial and Gen Z employees, the majority are still dissatisfied: • Less than half of respondents believe business is having a positive impact on society. • Harassment in the workplace is a significant concern, particularly for Gen Zs, who feel reported issues are handled ineffectively • While strides have been made to incorporate employee feedback, there is still a large contingent of employees who feel that their feedback is not often acted upon • Mental health support and resources are still under-utilized, likely due to the societal and workplace stigma that still surrounds them • Good work-life balance is the #1 thing that younger employees say they’re looking for in new employers, yet stress and anxiety levels remain high and burnout is on the rise: many respondents claimed to feel stressed or anxious at work all or most of the time
  • 7. Deloitte Survey - Summary pt. 2 • Young people are more likely to make career decisions based on their values and want to be empowered to drive change within their organizations, especially in the long- term • Younger generations are increasingly worried about the cost of living, while also fearing unemployment and the potential climate catastrophe • New generations are comfortable in remote and hybrid work scenarios and value the benefits of these scenarios • Climate Change is a big concern for Gen Zs, but the costs of environmental sustainability makes it difficult to address those issues: • Employers have a responsibility to provide the necessary skills training to prepare the workforce for the transition to a low-carbon economy
  • 8. Our Thoughts on the Deloitte Survey • Remote/Hybrid Work: We participate in it and see our parents participating in it— the amount of stress and time it can save bodes well for its widespread adoption in the future. • Mental health: COVID, the negative impacts of social media, and other societal pressures have contributed to a mental health crisis. As society becomes more cognizant of and vocal about these challenges, it is critical that people are supported and given the resources needed to address their mental health. • Responsibility and Values: Progress rests on our shoulders, whether that be through cultivating more inclusive and safe workspaces, making an impact at our firm, or changing what society chooses to prioritize. • Climate Change: The climate crisis is imminent. We care because our children and our grandchildren will reap the benefits of implementing green initiatives or suffer the consequences of the failure to do so.
  • 9. What qualities & benefits will you look for in your future employer? • Reputable and takes care of employees • Better pay is a major contributor to employment decisions in recent years (Gallup), partly due to rising prices, i.e. ongoing inflation • Emphasizes employee diversity and proves it through hiring practices, advancement programs, etc. • Provides access to wellness programs (e.g. gym membership, mental health services, yoga), with an emphasis on ensuring that employees are actively participating and making use of the programs • Enables the assumption of greater responsibility irrespective of role (flat structure/hands on approach), which will further grow the experience and skill set of the employee; further benefiting the company as a whole • Actively attempts to be socially and environmentally conscious (champions social justice initiatives, seeks ways to reduce energy use, invests in green technology, etc.), but ensuring that these practices do not necessarily hinder the company’s performance and employee lifestyle
  • 10. Oppenheimer’s ESG Value Proposition • Oppenheimer is an industry leader in recognizing the importance of ESG, particularly “environmental impacts, supporting a diverse workforce, and our commitment to the well-being of our people, our clients, and the communities we serve.” • A comprehensive code of conduct and a strong, attentive compliance team ensure that the firm is run with integrity. • Employees’ compliance training (by means of online modules and other paperwork) is of the utmost importance. • Oppenheimer works with firms and companies to facilitate socially responsible investing while also showcasing case studies on its website that speak to the success and viability of ESG practices within leading companies such as 3M. • Lastly, Oppenheimer hosts an annual ESG Conference that launched in 2021. • They discuss ESG and the successful implementation of sustainable practices to transform businesses to meet the rapidly changing needs of our environment.
  • 11. Summary • Using ESG practices is important to and benefits both internal and external stakeholders • Our generation has concerns about ESG practices as we begin to enter the workforce • These concerns can be addressed by implementing DEI training, allowing open conversation, transparency, and flexibility from both employers and employees • From the Deloitte survey, we know that companies have begun to address these concerns, but have yet to satisfy the wants/needs of Millennials and Generation Z • These two generations are more likely to make big life decisions, such as a career, based on their morals and values • Our collective main takeaways from the survey are: • The increased use of a hybrid work model • The need for mental health resources • The importance of companies adhering to their set morals and values • There is a large concern about climate change; we are very concerned about what world our children will grow up in • As a group, we look for reputable, respectful, responsible, and socially & environmentally conscious employers • Currently, Oppenheimer has respectable ESG programs in place, but like all companies, could be doing better
  • 13. • The Deloitte Global 2023 Gen Z and Millennial Survey • Investing In Diversity Is Worth The Effort ( • The Great Resignation: Why workers say they quit jobs in 2021 | Pew Research Center • Workers appreciate and seek mental health support in the workplace ( • Consumer data protection and privacy | McKinsey • Clifton Strengths Online Talent Assessment | EN - Gallup Sources

Editor's Notes

  1. Forbes: Here Is Why Intentionally Investing In Diversity Is Worth The Effort ( Pew: The Great Resignation: Why workers say they quit jobs in 2021 | Pew Research Center APA: Workers appreciate and seek mental health support in the workplace ( McKinsey: Consumer data protection and privacy | McKinsey
  2. Gallup: The Top 6 Things Employees Want in Their Next Job (