Nurses play several important roles in family welfare programs, including as counselors, administrators, educators, researchers, and supervisors. As counselors, nurses provide families with information on family planning methods, address concerns, and ensure clients are satisfied with their decisions. Administratively, nurses ensure staff and patients have adequate knowledge and resources about family planning services. In their educational role, nurses teach family planning topics and coordinate training. Nurses also conduct research and provide clinical care related to family planning.
The document discusses the roles and responsibilities of various members of a health team. It focuses on the roles of nursing personnel like the Lady Health Visitor (LHV) and Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM). The LHV acts as a supervisor, guiding and monitoring the work of ANMs. Key duties of the LHV include supervising ANMs, ensuring supply and maintenance of health centers, coordinating immunization programs, and providing maternal and child health services. The ANM works closely with communities, providing antenatal care, assisting deliveries, immunizations, nutrition programs, and family planning services.
Community health nurses use three main approaches: the epidemiological approach, problem-solving approach, and evidence-based approach. The epidemiological approach involves investigating disease causation, distribution, and determinants in populations. The problem-solving approach is a systematic process of defining problems, analyzing them, generating and evaluating solutions, and implementing the best one. The evidence-based approach integrates the best research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values to provide high-quality, effective care.
This document lists and provides brief descriptions of several voluntary health agencies in India that were established between 1920 and 1952 to promote public health initiatives. Some of the key agencies mentioned include the Indian Red Cross Society, the Kasturba Memorial Fund, the Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh, the Indian Council for Child Welfare, and the Bharat Sevak Samaj. It provides high-level details on the services offered and activities conducted by these organizations in areas such as relief work, family planning, and maternal/child welfare.
The document outlines the role of the community health nurse in school health services. It discusses that the community health nurse plays a key role in promoting health, diagnosing and treating illnesses, preventing complications, and rehabilitating students. Specifically, the community health nurse is responsible for health promotion activities like immunizations and health education, early diagnosis and treatment of students, follow-up care, and prevention of recurrence of illnesses and their complications. The community health nurse also maintains health records and guides other health workers.
The document discusses family welfare services in India. It defines family and outlines the aims of family welfare services, which include ensuring citizen welfare, reducing maternal and child mortality, and controlling population growth. It describes the various services provided, including antenatal care, immunization, family planning methods, and more. It details the role of community health nurses in providing leadership and delivering family welfare interventions like education, motivation, and distribution of supplies at the community level.
This document provides an overview of Orem's Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory. It defines key concepts such as self-care, self-care agency, therapeutic self-care demand, and self-care requisites. Orem's theory includes three related parts: the theory of self-care, theory of self-care deficit, and theory of nursing systems. Nursing is needed when an individual is unable to engage in effective self-care to meet universal, developmental, and health-derived self-care requisites. The nurse helps by acting for, doing for, guiding, supporting, providing an environment to develop self-care skills, and teaching patients.
Development of COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING in IndiaHarsh Rastogi
Community health nursing in India has evolved significantly over time from ancient practices to modern approaches. Historically, concepts of health, medicine, and nursing have been practiced in India since at least 5000 BC in the Vedic period. Over many centuries, systems like Ayurveda developed and hospitals, medical education, and basic public health practices were established. However, it was not until the early 20th century that formal training programs for community health nurses began in India. Major developments in the 1900s included establishing nursing schools, health programs targeting diseases, and committees to review and advance primary healthcare. The field has progressed to emphasize community-centered, participatory models aimed at promoting health for all.
The document summarizes the recommendations of the Sarojini Varadappan committee from 1989 regarding improving nursing conditions in India. The committee recommended: 1) Standardizing employment procedures and creating more nursing posts; 2) Reducing weekly working hours to 40, implementing straight shifts, and providing leave for extra hours; 3) Developing centralized support services in hospitals to reduce nurses' workload. It also provided guidance on pay/allowances, promotions, education, and community healthcare. The goal was to professionalize nursing and address issues like staffing shortages, long hours, and lack of support.
Communty health nursing- Definition, principles , ScopeAnand Gowda
This document contains information about the definition and principles of community health nursing according to the American Nurses Association from 1980. It defines community health nursing as a synthesis of nursing practice and public health practice aimed at promoting and preserving the health of populations. The focus is on the population as a whole, with nursing directed at individuals, families, and groups contributing to overall population health. Principles of community health nursing include health promotion, maintenance, education, management, care coordination, and a holistic approach.
The document discusses various community resources in India that provide support to vulnerable groups. It describes trauma services that help victims of road accidents, as well as old age homes, orphanages, homes for people with disabilities, destitute homes, and other community services. Trauma services aim to provide definitive care within an hour and establish facilities every 100 km. Old age homes provide free or paid shelter, food, and medical care for seniors without family support. Orphanages care for destitute children by providing shelter, education, and medical care. Homes for people with disabilities offer rehabilitation services, vocational training, and daily activities. Destitute homes shelter and feed people without family or means of support. Overall, the document
Training and supervision of health workersKrupa Mathew
This document discusses training and supervision of various health workers in India. It begins by defining training and supervision and their objectives. It then describes in detail the training programs for Auxiliary Nurse Midwives (ANMs), Multi Purpose Health Workers, Village Health Guides, Local Dais, Anganwadi Workers, and Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs). The training durations and requirements for each program are provided. The document also covers the objectives and principles of supervision for health workers.
This document discusses clinic settings and the types of clinics. It describes that clinics are located in places like sub centers, primary health centers, and hospitals to provide medical care to communities. General clinics can treat any health issues and allow multiple family members to be seen together. Separate clinics focus on specific topics, like antenatal care, and are used when access and client numbers are high. Specialty clinics address certain disorders and are run by specialists. The document outlines the roles of community health nurses and MPHW(F) in clinic organization, patient assessment, treatment, education, and record keeping.
This document discusses various concepts related to epidemiology and epidemiological study designs. It defines epidemiology and its phases. It discusses observational and experimental study designs including descriptive studies, case-control studies, cohort studies, randomized control trials and field trials. It explains key epidemiological terms like target population, sampling, and probability and non-probability sampling techniques.
The head nurse or nurse-in-charge is responsible for:
1) Maintaining adequate equipment and supplies in good condition in the ward.
2) Submitting requisitions to repair or replace equipment when needed.
3) Ensuring equipment and supplies are conveniently located and staff understand who is responsible for their use.
4) Educating staff on the economical and appropriate use of equipment to prevent waste and misuse.
This document discusses home visiting as a core part of community health nursing. It defines home visiting as providing nursing care to patients in their homes, requiring technical skills and judgment. The purposes of home visits are to assess individual, family, and community health needs and provide services like health education, counseling, and basic care. The key steps of home visits are fact-finding, data analysis, planning, taking action and providing health education, closing the visit, recording details, and evaluating the impact. Home visits aim to establish relationships and address priorities like maternal and child health.
The document discusses mid-level health providers, their roles, and training. It begins by outlining the objectives of the seminar, which are to introduce mid-level providers, define them, explain their need, discuss their training, and describe their roles and responsibilities. It then provides details on mid-level providers, including their scope of practice and role in bridging gaps between communities and healthcare. The document also discusses India's Community Health Officer program and the services mid-level providers offer, such as maternal, child, and chronic disease care. It concludes by listing the roles and responsibilities of community health officers.
Nurses play an important role in family planning (FP) services by educating patients, counseling them on contraceptive options, and ensuring they use the chosen method correctly. Their responsibilities include teaching FP methods, addressing patients' concerns, helping them select the most suitable option, and providing follow-up care. Nurses serve as health educators, counselors, providers, advisors, supervisors, and evaluators in FP programs. They must prepare examination areas, sterilize equipment, train other staff, and refer patients to appropriate facilities to support comprehensive FP services.
Management of ailment during puerperiumPRANATI PATRA
This document discusses the management of common minor ailments that can occur during the postpartum period, known as the puerperium. It describes treatments for after pains, breast engorgement, increased urination, constipation, and suppressed lactation. For breast engorgement, it recommends expressing milk, applying hot/ice packs, supportive bras, pain medication, and regular breastfeeding. Increased urination is managed by keeping the mother hydrated and changing clothes frequently. Constipation is addressed through diet and mild laxatives if needed. Lactation suppression involves breast binding and avoiding stimulation. Thorough checkups and discharge advice include postnatal exercises, self-care, breastfeeding guidance, and contra
The first stage of normal labour begins with the onset of true labour pains and ends with full dilatation of the cervix. For primi-gravida women this stage typically takes 12 hours, and for multi-gravida women it takes around 6 hours. Nursing care during this stage includes admission assessment, perineal care, monitoring contractions and vital signs, allowing rest and ambulation as tolerated, and shifting the patient to the delivery table once full dilatation is reached. Evidence shows that practices like ambulation during labour, support from a companion, and restricted vaginal exams and enemas can help make the first stage of labour safer and more comfortable.
This document outlines the expanded and extended role of pediatric nurses. It discusses that pediatric nursing involves preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative care for children from conception through adolescence. The roles of pediatric nurses have grown beyond direct caregiving and now include primary caregiver, health educator, nurse counselor, social worker, team coordinator, manager, child advocate, recreationalist, nurse consultant, researcher, and more. Pediatric nurses work in hospitals, clinics, schools, communities and more to support the holistic health of children. Advanced practice roles like pediatric nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists provide specialized care for acute, chronic, or critically ill children.
Family nursing and family health nursing processKailash Nagar
1) Family health nursing focuses on assessing the health of the entire family system and developing a care plan to address any issues impacting the optimal functioning of both individual family members and the family unit as a whole. 2) The family nursing process involves collecting data on the family, making nursing diagnoses, developing and implementing a care plan in partnership with the family, and evaluating outcomes. 3) Key aspects of family health nursing include health education, advocacy, coordination of care, and providing continuous nursing services to families in various settings.
This document provides a summary of Kimberly S. Jarczyk's credentials, including her education, certifications, awards, memberships, and professional experience as a pediatric nurse practitioner specializing in gastroenterology and urology. She has over 30 years of clinical experience and currently serves as the Clinical Director of the Dysfunctional Elimination Clinic at Nemours Children's Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida.
The document discusses innovations in nursing. It begins by outlining some of the challenges faced in healthcare that require innovation, such as maintaining quality care and addressing workforce shortages. Various innovations in nursing education are described, including the use of simulation, e-learning, and tele-teaching. Innovations in nursing practice, management, and care delivery are also examined. The document emphasizes that innovation is needed to continue improving patient outcomes and the healthcare system.
Grading CriteriaResearch Study Proposal – Part V Final .docxwhittemorelucilla
This project aims to develop a resource to improve nurses' skills and knowledge in providing participatory care for patients with emotional, behavioral, or cognitive problems. The researcher plans to distribute questionnaires and conduct interviews with nurses to understand their experiences and perspectives on caring for these patients. The expected findings could enhance nurses' understanding of underlying issues, and introduce tools to help nurses communicate with patients and families. This may lead nursing education programs to incorporate training on participatory care, benefiting both patients and nursing practice.
Family nursing and family health nursing processKailash Nagar
1) Family health nursing involves assessing the family as a whole unit and developing a care plan to address any health needs or issues identified. The nursing process of assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation is used to provide family-centered care.
2) Key aspects of family health nursing assessment include collecting data on family structure, relationships, health history and environmental factors to understand the family's needs.
3) The goals of family health nursing are to optimize the health and functioning of both individual family members and the family unit as a whole.
Family nursing and family health nursing processKailash Nagar
1) Family health nursing involves assessing the family as a whole unit and developing a care plan to address any health needs or issues identified. The nursing process of assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation is used to provide family-centered care.
2) Key aspects of family health nursing assessment include collecting data on family structure, relationships, health history and environmental factors to understand the family's needs.
3) The goals of family health nursing are to optimize the health and functioning of both individual family members and the family unit as a whole.
The document discusses the various roles of pediatric nurses. It describes that pediatric nurses work in many settings providing care for children, including schools, hospitals, clinics, homes, and camps. The key roles of pediatric nurses are as caregivers, advocates, educators, researchers, managers/leaders, and in differentiated practice roles as clinical nurses, case managers, and clinical care coordinators. As caregivers, they provide preventative, curative, and rehabilitative care for children. As advocates, they ensure children receive necessary care and their rights are protected. As educators, they teach children and families about health, development, and managing illness/injuries.
The document discusses the roles and responsibilities of various nursing positions in clinical and community settings. It begins by defining human resource management and its main functions. It then describes the roles of nursing directors, head nurses, ward sisters, staff nurses, and community health nurses at different levels. It also discusses the roles of nursing administrators like directors of nursing education and principals of nursing colleges.
Home visiting is an essential part of community health services as many patients are seen in their homes. The home provides opportunities for nursing services, health education, and treatment. Effective home visits require technical skills, knowledge, teaching ability, judgment, and understanding of human relationships. Home visits have many purposes including disease prevention, treatment, comfort, support, use of domestic equipment, and respecting patient beliefs. They must be planned, meet patient needs, be regular, educative, demonstrate hygiene, and develop positive relationships between nurses and families. Home visits have advantages like implementing nursing process, understanding home situations, rendering services at home, building understanding, and clarifying doubts.
The document discusses the philosophy, aims, and objectives of nursing management and nursing education. The key points are:
1) Nursing management aims to provide the highest quality nursing care through professional nurses who help develop comprehensive health programs. It involves planning, organizing, and overseeing nursing services.
2) The objectives of nursing education are to prepare graduates to assume responsibilities as competent professional nurses through a program that provides knowledge in various sciences and develops critical thinking.
3) The philosophy of nursing services in hospitals is to recognize patients' health goals and provide quality care through a team of professionals utilizing systematic management processes.
This document provides an overview of a seminar presentation on family health nursing. It begins with introducing family health nursing as both an art and science that considers health as affecting all family members. It then defines key terminology like family and family health. The rest of the document outlines the definition, objectives, principles, advantages, disadvantages and process of family health nursing. It describes viewing the family as context, client, system and part of society. Finally, it details the elements of the family nursing process which includes assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation of care.
This document provides an overview of a presentation on family health nursing. It discusses key concepts such as the definition of family health nursing, objectives and principles of family health nursing, the family health nursing process, family assessment approaches, and methods of data collection in family health nursing assessments. The presentation covers terminology, advantages and disadvantages of family health nursing, and the family-centered nursing approach of viewing the family as context, client, system, and part of society.
This document discusses the expanded roles of nurses. It outlines 9 roles nurses play as caregivers, communicators, teachers, counselors, decision makers, leaders/managers, comforters, rehabilitators, and protectors/advocates. It also describes 7 career roles for nurses including clinical nurse specialists, nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, nurse administrators, nurse educators, and nurse researchers. Finally, it lists 10 qualities needed for nursing in the future, such as participating in organizations, giving expert care, working for national welfare, and having dedication to service.
overview-The term Nursing Process was defined by 'Hall' in 1955.
Yura and Walsh in 1967 proposed four components for nursing process ie. assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
The American Nurses Association (ANA) proposed five components adding "Nursing Diagnosis" as the second component.
In 1982 the recommendations of NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association) was accepted widely..
Definition-Nursing process is a systematic and rational method of identifying health care needs, planning and providing nursing care.
It provides a logical frame work on which the nursing care is based.
Purposes-To identify a client’s health status & actual or potential health care problems or needs.
To establish plans to meet the identified needs.
To deliver specific nursing interventions to meet those needs.
Descriptions-The nursing process is a systematic method that directs the nurse and patient as together they accomplish the following:
Systematically collect patient data (assessing)
Clearly identify patient strengths, actual and potential problems (diagnosing)
Characteristics-Various words and phrases have been used to describe the nursing process.
Key descriptors include systematic, dynamic, interpersonal, outcome oriented, and universally applicable.
Problem solving & nursing process-One of the strengths of the nursing process is that it is based on a methodology that is familiar to most nursing students problem solving.
Problem-solving is a basic life skill; iden- tifying a problem and then taking steps to resolve it are a matter of common sense. However, different approaches to problem-solving yield different results, some of which are more successful than others.
Advantages-It is systematic and has an orderly sequence
Encourages nurses to work together to achieve a common goal
Helps to identify the patient's health care status and actual or potential health problems.
Helps to identify nursing priorities and help direct nursing interventions based on identified priorities
Provides continuity of care
Identifies the needs and helps to plan the specific interventions to provide quality care.
Advantages to nurses-Provides consistent and systematic nursing education
Provides a common language and forms a basis for communication and understanding between nursing professionals and the healthcare team
Job satisfaction to nurses
Legal safety
Improves professional growth
Waleed Abdulrahim Yaqoub Bawazeer has over 20 years of experience in social services. He is currently the Head of Social Services at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center, where he oversees department operations and staff. Previously, he held supervisory and social worker roles within the social services department at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center. Bawazeer has a Master's degree in Social Services Management and Planning from Imam Moh'd Bin Saud University and a Bachelor's degree in Social Services.
ROLE OF PEDIATRIC NURSE IN CHILD CARE at hospital.pptxNagarajanG35
The role of the pediatric nurse is changing due to expanding medical practices, emerging challenges in child care, and technological advancements. While the specific responsibilities may vary between institutions, the basic roles remain the same. The pediatric nurse acts as a primary caregiver, coordinator and collaborator with other health professionals, and advocate for children and families. Their roles include providing direct patient care, health education, consultation, counseling, case management, recreation, social work services, and participating in research.
community oeiented nursing and family oriented nursingRahulPawar515923
1) Community-oriented nursing focuses on preserving the health of entire communities and populations, as well as individuals and families. It aims to provide care in community-based settings to reduce healthcare costs.
2) Public health nursing is a form of community-oriented nursing that emphasizes disease prevention for populations through services like health monitoring, policy development, and ensuring access to care.
3) Family-oriented nursing provides care to families as a unit, with the goals of identifying health needs, educating families, and helping them manage health independently.
Sashi Narayan seeks a position in public health utilizing over 10 years of experience in patient care, health education, community outreach, and administrative support. She has a Master's in Public Health from Drexel University and is a certified public health professional. Narayan has extensive experience developing and implementing health programs and engaging underserved communities.
The roles and responsibilities of a pediatric nurse are varied and include primary caregiver, coordinator, advocate, health educator, consultant, counselor, case manager, recreationist, social worker, and researcher. As a primary caregiver, the pediatric nurse provides preventative, curative, and rehabilitative care to sick children in hospitals and basic health services like assessments, immunizations, and primary care in community settings. Additionally, the pediatric nurse maintains communication between the child, family, and healthcare team; acts as an advocate for the child's rights; provides health education to families; and consults with parents on health maintenance. The goal of the pediatric nurse is to organize, monitor, and evaluate care in order to support the
Pancreatitis occurs when a patient experiences elevated levels of enzymes in the pancreas. The American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy defines pancreatitis after ERCP as a threefold increase in pancreatic enzymes. This increase is present for more than 24 hours after the procedure.
As per INC revised syllabus IV semester students are having prescription module. Its related to that prescription module. IV semester student will be benefited by this. This ppt deals about basic information of prescription module why we need to study, why the nurses in need of writing prescription
Aditi Jagtap, the daughter of renowned cardiologist Dr. Ranjit Jagtap, has become a formidable force in her own right, continuing her father's tradition of changing lives via medical advancements. Aditi was born and raised in Pune, where her parents instilled in her a strong commitment to social welfare, compassion, and service. These ideals have guided her journey as she continues her father's non-profit organization, the Ram Mangal Heart Foundation.
Universal Balance Gesture
Your right thumb represents the fire element and the manipura chakra while your little finger is associated with water and the swadhisthana chakra, and your ring finger with the earth element and the muladhara chakra.
Extending these fingers balances your three lower chakras.
The link between skin conditions and mental health issues can be common; problems like dermatitis, acne, and psoriasis often connect with psychological factors. Mind care is crucial for addressing these skin disorders effectively and improving overall well-being.
When Decision-Making Is Imperative: Advance Care Planning for Busy Practice S...VITASAuthor
Complex, chronically ill patients present an opportunity to discuss and implement hospice and palliative care. Many elderly patients who present to the ED and other busy practice settings are hospice-eligible because of functional decline and multi-morbidity. Key tools can quickly facilitate goals-of-care (GOC) conversations, advance care planning, and hospice referrals amid time constraints and high-acuity challenges.
How can we use AI to give healthcare providers and administrators superpowers in serving their patients and communities? We are bombarded with breathless enthusiasm and often feel we are missing out or are ignorant where others are wise. After this session, you should be able to address:
• What is current practice and sentiment within leading edge healthcare organizations?
• How should we select use cases?
• What are the most common necessities left off the AI checklist?
• What tools, processes, and types of people do you need in place to scale?
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From the age of about thirteen girls have their periods and they get pain in the lower abdomen. Performing this mudra only for 5-10 minutes relieves the pain.
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I kindly take my opportunity to express my sincere expression of gratitude to each and every one who helped me the completion of this work.
I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the incredible internship experience I had at CAMRI Multispecialty Hospital. It has been an enriching and invaluable journey, and I want to extend my appreciation to the entire team.
My internship experience at CAMRI Multispecialty Hospital through the Internship program facilitated by Burdwan Institute of Modern Studies (BIMS) under Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal has been instrumental in enhancing my understanding of the healthcare Industry and refining my skills in hospital management.
Brief description of CAMRI hospital as an intern in operations department and here will discuss the admission procedure in the organization.
During my hospital management internship training, I had the invaluable opportunity to gain firsthand insights into the management of the emergency department. This summary encapsulates the essence of my experiences and learning from studying the Emergency Department environment. By focusing on optimizing workflow, resource utilization, and patient experience, this presentation seeks to elevate the performance of the Emergency Department and ultimately enhance the overall healthcare delivery at CAMRI Hospital.
Throughout my traning period in CAMRI Hospital, I have learnt emergency managing and auditing. I have check every registers, whether all the documents were properly arranged according to the NABH guidelines or not. I also learned different diagnosis names, how much the estimated treatment package might be by talking to the patient's relatives, the names of different investigation tests, whether tests were done A good ED is equipped with monitors, point-of-care diagnostics, essential drugs, and other equipment needed for high-quality medical care to the patient. ED works in close association with other departments like radiology, laboratory, blood bank, etc.
My overall experience has been a very fruitful one. It was a good learning experience for me and gave me the first exposure to gain knowledge about the working of the hospital industry.
2. The Role of Nurses in Family Welfare Programs
The key roles and responsibilities of nurses in family welfare programs are
discusses the various ways in which nurses can contribute to the success of
these programs, that including providing health education, counseling, and
support to families. It also highlights the importance of nurses in promoting
preventive care and early intervention, as well as in providing clinical care and
case management services.
3. A Nurses plays as many roles in family welfare
1.Counselor’s Role
2.Administrative role
3.Educational role
4.Role in Research worker
5.Role of clinical nurse in hospital/community
6.Supervisory role
4. Counselor`s Role:
Respect the couple and help them to now all the methods of family planning.
Listen and encourage them to explain their needs, concern, and problems.
Let the couple talk and lead the discussion.
Give correct information in simple language.
Inform the client about the effects and side effects of each family planning method
or the chosen family planning method.
Respect and appreciate the client on their informed decision.
Check the client’s feedback and respond immediately.
5. Cont.….
Give proper referral health facility, if required.
Before the client’s leave ensure that they are satisfied.
When a new client comes for the first time asking for contraceptive information,
inform demonstrate and motivate them use the method.
Give adequate time for the client to decide.
Ensure constant availability of counseling and maintain counseling record
Give appointment for re-counseling and or follow up care and maintain
6. Administrative Role:
Maintains an up-to-date and relevant knowledge about family planning
services in the country.
Make sure that all her nursing staff are aware of family planning
measures during their training or in-service education programme.
Ensures that adequate educational material on family planning is
available in the ward library and all contraceptives’ methods for
demonstration to patients are made available in the wards.
Formulate a policy on imparting knowledge on family welfare services
to all patients before they are discharged from the hospitals.
7. Establishes a good referral system between each ward of the hospital
and the family planning department so that each eligible client gets
required contraceptives.
Incentivizes nurses to make their best contributions to family planning
Supervises nurses, ANMs, Anganwadi workers and multipurpose
health workers in relation to activities on family planning.
Participation or conducts research on family planning.
Plans and conducts in-service education programs for nursing
8. Educational Role:
The fundamental job of a medical care taker is to
instruct individuals about Family welfare
programmes. The wellbeing instruction can be held in
the wellbeing habitats, emergency clinics, centers,
schools, homes.
9. Cont.…..
Integrates family planning component in nursing curriculum while teaching.
Teaches family planning as a subject.
Selects and organizes learning experience both in theory and practice for student nurses.
Coaches ANM, health visitors, multipurpose health workers and Anganwadi workers
regarding family planning.
Help nurse administer to organize in-service education programs for nurses, also clarifies
doubts of patients regarding family planning, during her supervisory rounds.
Conducts or participates in nursing research on family planning.
10. Role in Research worker:
Conducts surveys of eligible couples from different
communities with varying socio-economic data.
Organizes surveys on knowledge of family planning among
patients in hospital setting.
Imparts sex education on adolescents.
Participate in or conducts studies on family planning and other
related topics.
11. Clinical nurse in hospital/community:
Identifies eligible couples.
Imparts information to the eligible couples regarding different methods
of contraception advantages, disadvantages and side effect.
Motivates the couple to adopt family planning methods.
Counsels the couple to identify their problems due to large family and
take steps to solve those problems.
Assist the doctor in surgical methods such as vasectomy
and tubectomy.
12. Cont.….
Maintain the stock book and ensures adequate supplies in
health care center.
Manage referral services and follow-up-care.
Maintain properly the documents and records of vital
13. Supervisory Role:
Nursing faculty are liable for useful supervision
and in-administration instruction of their wellbeing
laborers and experts.