The document discusses clinical governance, which aims to improve patient care and safety in healthcare systems. It defines clinical governance and outlines its 7 pillars: education and training, clinical audit, clinical effectiveness, staff management, patient and public involvement, risk management, and information management. The 7 pillars determine how successful healthcare practices and organizations are at ensuring standards are maintained, interventions are effective and cost-efficient, staff are qualified and develop their skills, patients are involved, and risks and sensitive information are properly handled. Clinical governance is important for transparency and effective processes in healthcare.
Nursing is a profession within the health care sector focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life. Nurses may be differentiated from other health care providers by their approach to patient care, training, and scope of practice.
Professional etiquette is critical for presenting yourself as a polished, confident, and professional nurse.
Patient education involves influencing patients to change their knowledge, attitudes, and skills to improve their health. It considers the whole patient and sets goals for desired health outcomes. Patient teaching is one part of education that involves imparting information, but does not ensure behavioral changes. The goals of patient education are to help patients adapt to illness, cooperate with therapy, solve new health problems, and prevent hospitalization. The patient education process mirrors the nursing process through assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation steps to provide education interventions to patients.
This document defines 10 different patient positioning techniques and their purposes and indications. The positions discussed include supine, prone, lateral, lithotomy, dorsal recumbent, Fowler's, Sims, Trendelenburg, knee-chest, and orthopneic. Each position is defined and the therapeutic reasons for using each position, such as for examinations, procedures, or to relieve pressure, are provided.
This document discusses the history and uses of computers in nursing. It outlines how computers first began being used in healthcare settings in the 1960s and have since become integral to nursing practice. Computers are now used for clinical documentation, admissions/discharges, developing care plans, and more. Nursing informatics also supports nursing education through tools like PowerPoint, online libraries, and testing/evaluation software. The document examines several nursing software programs and how technology has improved areas like communication, access to health records, tracking medical equipment, and diagnostic tools to help nurses work more efficiently and deliver better patient care.
BSC NURSING I YEAR. Nursing foundations. unit 1 introductionMary Lalitha Kala C
The document discusses various concepts related to health, wellness, illness, and the body's defenses against pathogens. It defines health according to the WHO as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of disease. Wellness refers to overall well-being and is determined by multiple dimensions including physical, social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, occupational, and environmental factors. Illness is defined as a disease or period of sickness, and the sick role refers to the rights and obligations that come with being ill. The body protects itself through innate immunity mechanisms like skin and mucous barriers as well as acquired immunity developed after exposure to pathogens through vaccination or previous infections.
Few would disagree that nursing is one of the most underrated professions in modern times. Being a nurse isn’t easy. In fact, it is a field that can be extremely demanding and even unforgiving to those who pursue it. Being around the ailing and the frazzled for long hours and dealing with them patiently day after day can be challenging, to say the least.
Nursing informatics combines nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage and communicate data, helping to develop more efficient healthcare processes and provide high-quality patient care. It requires the use of information technology to collect evidence-based research, develop skills to use electronic medical records, create health policies through data collection, and facilitate interdisciplinary communication using technologies like telehealth. Effectively using data can improve patient care through more accurate diagnosis, engagement, and predictive analytics, as well as administrative functions like revenue management, appointments, and staffing.
The document provides information on the physiology of bowel elimination or defecation. It discusses the normal process of defecation including the role of muscles in moving fecal material through the digestive tract. It describes factors that influence defecation frequency and the signals that stimulate the urge to defecate. The document also covers the composition of feces, normal and abnormal characteristics of feces, and factors that can affect bowel elimination such as diet, medications and medical conditions.
A health assessment is a plan of care that identifies the specific needs of a person and how those needs will be addressed by the healthcare system or skilled nursing facility. Health assessment is the evaluation of the health status by performing a physical exam after taking a health history.
The document discusses various uses of computers in nursing, including:
1. Nursing education - Computers are used for teaching/learning, testing, and student/course record management. This includes accessing literature, computer-assisted instruction, classroom technologies, and distance learning.
2. Nursing practice - Computers are used for documenting and evaluating patient care, advancing patient education, enhancing accessibility of care, and more. Technologies used include monitors, wireless systems, clinical decision tools, and more.
3. Nursing administration - Computers are used for human resources, medical records, nursing station systems, personnel management, quality assurance, facilities management, budget/finances, and accreditation. This allows for improved management,
The document discusses documentation and reporting in healthcare. It defines documentation as a permanent record of client information and care. Documentation serves several purposes such as communication between providers, legal documentation, research, and education. The document outlines various methods of documentation including narrative charting, problem-oriented charting, and computerized documentation. It also discusses different types of records like the kardex, flow sheets, and discharge summary used for recording client data. Verbal reporting is also an important communication technique in healthcare.
Health informatics is the interdisciplinary study of how to design, develop, apply and use information technology in healthcare to improve health services. It involves optimizing the acquisition, storage, retrieval and use of health information. Key applications include translational bioinformatics, clinical research informatics, clinical informatics, consumer health informatics and public health informatics. Health informatics uses mathematics and statistics to understand health data and probabilistic methods to determine clinical probabilities and integrate new data.
Types of Health care agencies ,Nursing FoudationAnusha Kommini
Anusha is an assistant professor of child health nursing who has experience working in various healthcare settings including outpatient clinics, nursing homes, birth centers, diabetic centers, rehabilitation centers, dental clinics, and community health centers.
The document discusses death and the physiological changes that occur after death, including rigor mortis, algor mortis, and livor mortis. It also outlines the proper procedures for caring for a dead body, which includes cleaning and preparing the body, closing orifices, applying identification tags, allowing family to view the body, and documenting details of the death and body release. The goal of dead body care is to prepare the body for the morgue and prevent discoloration or deformity while protecting the body from post-mortem discharge.
This document discusses admission and discharge procedures in a hospital setting. It defines admission as allowing a patient to stay in the hospital for treatment purposes. The admission process involves receiving the patient, collecting their history, orienting them and the family, and coordinating care. Discharge planning is an interdisciplinary process that ensures continuity of care after discharge and involves evaluating the patient's needs and arranging any follow up care. Nurses play an important role in both admission and discharge by properly caring for patients, educating them and families, and ensuring proper documentation and coordination of care.
reasons for having a challenges of capturing rich patient histories in computable form, latest global development and standards to enable lifelong electronic health records to be integrated from diverse system, latest India developments and standards to enable lifelong EHR,
this is a chapter which comes under Nursing Foundations for First year BSc Nursing students. This ppt helps you to learn about the importance of nutrition, BMR, factors influencing dietary intake, factors affecting caloric needs, principles relevant to nutrition, assessment of nutritional status, dysphagia, acute care of patients with nutritional needs, feeding helpless patients, enteral tube feeding, insertion of NG tube, parenteral feeding, medical nutrition therapy, discussion on nursing process.
This document discusses the application of computers in nursing in 3 main areas. First, it describes how computers can be used to schedule patient appointments and manage billing/insurance information in multi-specialty clinics and hospitals. Second, it outlines how computer systems like COSTAR have been used in community health settings to store patient records. Third, it addresses some of the privacy, security and access controls needed when implementing computer systems like ensuring individual passwords and limiting terminal access.
Communication and nurse patient relationshipEkta Patel
This document discusses communication and the nurse-patient relationship. It defines communication and discusses its elements and types, including verbal and non-verbal communication. It also outlines techniques for effective communication, such as listening, clarification, and reflection. Key aspects of the nurse-patient relationship discussed include attending skills like maintaining eye contact and body language. The document provides an overview of the communication process and methods used between nurses and patients.
The document discusses concepts related to health, illness, and healthcare services. It defines health as a dynamic state of well-being involving physical, mental, social, and spiritual dimensions. Illness is described as any impairment of physical or mental functioning due to disease, injury, or disability. Healthcare services aim to promote, maintain, or restore optimal health and are provided through various levels of care including primary, secondary, tertiary, restorative, and continuing care.
Clinical governance is a systematic approach used in the NHS to maintain and improve patient care. It involves clear standards, monitoring delivery of standards, and mechanisms to ensure local standards are met. The major components of clinical governance include clinical audit, education and training, effectiveness, research, openness, and risk management. It aims to provide high quality, safe care and ensure accountability.
Oration criticon 2022 the good the bad the ugly Final.pptxAdityaShukla514007
This document discusses perspectives on critical care from both a historical and modern context. It covers the evolution of critical care from its origins in the 1950s to innovations developed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Key topics discussed include the history and development of critical care in India, challenges presented by COVID-19, the advantages and risks of protocolized and evidence-based medicine, economics and standards of critical care quality. Recommendations are made around developing surge capacity, staff protection, admission criteria, and lessons learned on allocating beds during pandemic surges.
This document provides an overview of basic concepts in healthcare quality. It defines quality as meeting standards and doing things right the first time. Healthcare organizations are described as complex adaptive systems. The dimensions of healthcare quality are discussed, including safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, efficiency, equity, and more. Quality is said to have measurable, perceptive, and appreciative aspects from the perspective of providers, patients, and experts. Key resources in healthcare quality include clinical practice guidelines, quality indicators, and accrediting bodies. Careers in healthcare quality are also mentioned.
Professor Michael Thick, Chief Medical Officer and Chief Clinical Information...Investnet
This document discusses quality, safety, and productivity in healthcare. It notes that 66% of hospitals provide inadequate care and adverse safety incidents occur at a rate of 1 in 10, unchanged for 30 years. Four groups of patients are identified with different attitudes towards health. Quality is multidimensional, involving treatment outcomes, safety, and patient experience. Technology has potential to transform care if it enables interoperability and embraces disruptive innovations. Clinical leadership and engagement are needed to effectively lead change in the healthcare system.
Michael Thick, Chief Medical Officer and Chief Clinical Information Officer, ...Investnet
This document discusses quality, safety, and productivity in healthcare. It notes that 66% of hospitals provide inadequate care and adverse safety incidents occur at a rate of 1 in 10, unchanged for 30 years. Four groups of patients are identified with different attitudes towards health. Quality is multidimensional, involving treatment outcomes, safety, and patient experience. Technology has potential to transform care if it enables interoperability and embraces disruptive innovations. Clinical leadership and engagement are needed to effectively lead change in the healthcare system.
John Rayner, the Regional Director for Healthcare Advisory Services Group in Europe, will be giving a presentation at the 5th Annual ICT Conference for Badalona Healthcare Services. The presentation will discuss challenges of integrated care, measuring digital maturity, and allow time for questions. It will include an overview of the history of healthcare in Harrogate including the discovery of spa waters in the 16th century and the development of hydrotherapy. The presentation will also cover the HIMSS vision to improve health through better use of technology and information as well as the Continuity of Care Maturity Model for measuring integrated care across settings. Integrated care requires integrated information systems.
Evaluation of a Clinical Information Systemnrodrock
The document discusses electronic health records (EHRs) and clinical information systems. It defines an EHR as a digital version of a patient's paper medical record that contains the patient's medical history and treatment. EHRs allow clinicians to securely access patient data and improve care coordination. The document also examines eight components of EHRs including health information, order entry, decision support, and administrative processes. It notes that effective EHR implementation depends on involving end-users such as nurses and physicians. Proper training and education is also essential for a successful transition to EHR.
Patient Safety Collaboratives - Dr Liz Mear, Chief Executive, North West Coast AHSN
Presentation from the Patient Safety Collaborative launch event held in London on 14 October 2014
More information at
BSN Essentials _QSEN_DECs (2).pptx_ Galen college of nursingKayla253985
This document outlines the essentials that delineate the expected outcomes of baccalaureate nursing programs. It describes 9 essentials that enable graduates to practice as providers and coordinators of care within complex healthcare systems. The essentials address areas like liberal education, leadership, evidence-based practice, technology, healthcare policy, interprofessional communication, population health, and professionalism. Achieving the outcomes across all essentials will allow graduates to practice as generalist nurses and assume roles in care delivery.
The document discusses the health care delivery system in the Philippines. It describes the three levels of health care facilities - primary, secondary, and tertiary. Primary facilities include rural health units, while tertiary facilities are highly specialized hospitals. There is also a two-way referral system between facilities. The health care system aims to provide care through a pyramidal structure and multi-sectoral approach. Nursing informatics is also discussed as integrating nursing, computer science and information to support practice, administration, education and research.
1. The document discusses leadership and administration in patient safety. It outlines national and international goals for patient safety including reducing medical errors and healthcare associated infections.
2. India's National Patient Safety Implementation Framework aims to improve structural systems and establish a culture of safety. It includes objectives like ensuring a competent workforce and preventing infections.
3. Successful leadership in patient safety involves creating a culture that prioritizes safe, high-quality care and supports improvement efforts through resources, training and removing obstacles for clinicians.
introduction to hospital management (1).pptxrithi12
It describes about hospital management and its strategies. It explains about hospital, human resource and other departments. Health systems management or health care systems management describes the leadership and general management of hospitals, hospital networks, and/or health care systems. In international use, the term refers to management at all levels.[1] In the United States, management of a single institution (e.g. a hospital) is also referred to as "medical and health services management",[2] "healthcare management", or "health administration".
Health systems management ensures that specific outcomes are attained that departments within a health facility are running smoothly that the right people are in the right jobs, that people know what is expected of them, that resources are used efficiently and that all departments are working towards a common goal for mutual development and growth. Health care management is usually studied through healthcare administration[6] or healthcare management[7] programs in a business school or, in some institutions, in a school of public health.
Remote monitoring: Direction for ResearchMarc Lange
Remote monitoring will happen! Integrating ICT in health care is about progress and who can stop the progress?
Also, patients are about to demand for it. Have in mind their current interest for mHealth and note that in a large number of trials, the feedback received from patients and their carer is positive: they feel more secure when receiving feedback on the data they sent remotely and if attention has been paid to educate them in interpreting the data they are sending, they can become a full partner of the care team!
Finally, remote monitoring services – combined with self-care – offer strategic opportunities to modernise health care systems by enabling them to become more proactive, better empower patients and citizens and, in the end, use health care resources more efficiently.
To identify future directions for research, this lecture will consider remote monitoring from three viewpoints: what evidence is still needed, how best to support decision making in favour of doing remote monitoring, and how best to support the deployment of remote monitoring in routine care. Results and lessons learned from two European Commission co-financed projects, Renewing Health and United4Health , will be used to illustrate the messages.
This document provides an overview of key concepts in health information and electronic health records (EHRs). It discusses how health care is fundamentally a communication industry based on exchanging information. It outlines the stages of information handling from oral to written to electronic. The document also covers the shift from paternalistic to patient-centric models of care and the importance of evidence-based medicine. Finally, it introduces the EHR System Functional Model which categorizes EHR capabilities into direct care, supportive, and information infrastructure functions.
The 11th edition of Patient Safety Middle East Conferences and Exhibition will be held in Dubai 04-06 October 2015 to facilitate the improvement of patient safety and reduction of medical errors in the Middle East.
This document provides an overview of basic concepts in healthcare quality. It defines key terms like effectiveness, efficacy, dimensions of quality care including safety, timeliness, efficiency and more. It also discusses healthcare organizations as complex adaptive systems and the importance of standards, guidelines and other resources to improve quality. Overall it aims to introduce foundational ideas around measuring, assuring and improving the quality of healthcare delivery.
This document provides an overview of medical audit, including:
- Definitions of medical audit and clinical audit
- The history and evolution of audit from the 1850s to modern clinical audit practices
- The need for and benefits of medical audit
- The six stages of the audit process: preparing, selecting criteria, measuring performance, making improvements, sustaining improvements, and re-audit
- Types of clinical audits such as statistical, disease-specific, death, and infection control audits
- Key aspects of implementing a successful audit such as identifying criteria and standards, collecting and analyzing data, and identifying and addressing barriers to change.
ICH Guidelines Effective for Regulating Quality of Medicines?Ajaz Hussain
ICH Guidelines: Effective tools for regulating the quality of medicines? Enabling regulatory considerations – the ICH Q8 – 12 are such considerations. Effective implementation of enabling regulatory considerations is a challenge. The challenge is what we know and what we can implement are two different things. Education, training, and experience linked to measures of professional development, as it relates to PQS, should bridge what we know and what we implement. What are such measures? Some corporations are already focused on making their PQS effective (e.g., Amgen) but most are not. In a global supply chain (with ~ 90% of Rx being generics) this can pose a major challenge to deliver assurance patients need. Why? #education #medicine #assurance #regulations #globalization #corporations #bridging #measurements
Evaluation of A Clinical Information Systemnrodrock
The document discusses clinical information systems and electronic health records. It defines clinical information systems, clinical decision making systems, and their key components. It also discusses implementing electronic health records, including choosing a system, education and training needs, and costs. Concerns about privacy and security with electronic health records are addressed. The future of electronic health records is promising but continued work is needed to address privacy and security challenges.
Similar to information law and governance in clinical practice 12.9.23.pptx (20)
Unit-07 International classification of functional disability pptxnaveenithkrishnan
The WHO family of international Classifications includes frameworks such as ICD and ICF. ICD is used for morbidity and mortality statistics while ICF focuses on functioning and disability. Together these frameworks provide a standardized language to discuss health and health-related issues globally.
Introduction about International classification CF 14.02.24 pptxnaveenithkrishnan
This document provides an introduction to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). It defines the ICF as a classification system developed by the World Health Organization to provide a standard language and framework for describing health and health-related states. The document outlines the content, learning objectives, meaning, aims, model, need for a multidimensional continuum approach to function and disability, applications, references, and exercises related to understanding the ICF.
Chapter-04 ICD -10 Endocrine System 14.02.24....pptxnaveenithkrishnan
The document discusses endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases covered by ICD-10 codes. It introduces the complex endocrine system, which uses hormones to control metabolism, energy levels, reproduction, growth, stress response, and mood. The document then provides an overview of endocrine glands and their hormone functions, lists common endocrine disorders, and mentions substance-induced endocrine diseases before thanking the reader.
This document discusses cervical cancer screening procedures. It begins by noting that cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women in India and other developing countries. Several methods for screening are discussed, including VILI, VIA, Pap smear, colposcopy, and HPV testing. The document provides details on the prevalence of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, etiology involving HPV infection, and methods used for screening in both resource-rich and low-resource settings. Screening aims to detect and treat preinvasive lesions in order to prevent the progression to invasive cervical cancer.
This document provides the schedule and program details for a training workshop on communicable and non-communicable diseases being organized by Era College of Nursing from November 11-14, 2023. The workshop will cover topics like malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, dengue, Japanese encephalitis, leprosy, STIs/RTIs, non-communicable diseases like diabetes, obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, mental illness and national programs for their prevention and control. Several doctors from Era Lucknow Medical College and Hospital will speak on these topics over the four day event aimed at interns of Era College of Nursing.
The document announces a training workshop on communicable diseases like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and non-communicable diseases organized by Era College of Nursing for its interns. The workshop will be held from December 13-16, 2023 at Era University and will feature lectures from experts on the prevention and management of various diseases. Topics will include the national programs for controlling vector-borne diseases, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and cancer. Lectures will also cover lifestyle modifications for managing conditions like obesity, hypertension, and mental illness. The goal is to educate nursing students on fighting diseases and updating them on government health policies and programs.
This document provides the schedule and program details for a training workshop on communicable and non-communicable diseases being organized by Era College of Nursing from November 11-14, 2023. The workshop will cover topics like malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, dengue, Japanese encephalitis, leprosy, STIs/RTIs, non-communicable diseases like diabetes, obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, mental illness and national programs for their prevention and control. Several doctors from Era Lucknow Medical College and Hospital will speak on these topics over the two day event and discuss national policies and management guidelines. The objective is to educate nursing interns on fighting these diseases and their roles in related public health programs.
The document contains a series of letters addressed to various departments and individuals within ELMC&H and ERA University. Specifically, it includes letters addressed to the nursing superintendent, medical superintendent, registrar, HR team, maintenance incharge, principal, DMS, housekeeping services incharge, director, pro chancellor, establishment, security officer, hospital administration, allied and health sciences principal, class IV worker supervisor, ADA office, nursing college principal, cash counter officers, OSD and IT incharge, dean of medical education, senior clerk, and account section HOD from the nursing superintendent of the nursing department at ELMC&H.
World Tuberculosis Day is observed on March 24th each year to raise awareness about tuberculosis (TB). TB is an infectious disease that primarily affects the lungs and is caused by bacteria. It is still one of the world's deadliest diseases, with 1.3 million deaths in 2022. The theme for World TB Day 2024 is "Yes! We can end TB" to convey a message of hope that efforts to end the TB epidemic can succeed through leadership, funding, and adoption of new strategies and treatments.
This document discusses cervical cancer screening procedures. It begins by noting that cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women in India and other developing countries. Several methods for screening are discussed, including visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA), visual inspection with Lugol's iodine (VILI), Pap smear, HPV testing, and colposcopy. The document provides details on the procedures, effectiveness, and appropriate use of each screening method, with an emphasis on options suitable for low-resource settings. The goal of screening is to detect and treat precancerous lesions in order to prevent the progression to invasive cervical cancer.
Bio Medical Waste Management Guideliness 2023 ppt.pptxnaveenithkrishnan
This document provides guidelines for biomedical waste management. It discusses the need for proper segregation, transportation, treatment and disposal of biomedical waste. The key categories of biomedical waste are outlined as well as the color coding system used to segregate different waste types. Proper waste management procedures help prevent environmental pollution and ensure staff and patient safety.
The document outlines new human resource norms for ESIC hospitals and dispensaries. It considers factors like expanding infrastructure, advancement in medical services, and objectives of improving quality of care. Norms are provided for staffing of hospitals from 100 to 1000 beds as well as dispensaries. The norms aim to strengthen in-house specialty and super specialty services in larger hospitals. Both secondary and tertiary care services should be provided based on geographical needs and disease profiles. The guidelines seek to facilitate effective planning and delivery of comprehensive healthcare to ESI beneficiaries.
Visual infusion phelibitis checklist for direct patient carenaveenithkrishnan
The document describes a daily assessment scale for visual infusion phlebitis (VIP scale). The scale consists of 6 criteria that are used to assess IV sites and determine the appropriate actions. Criteria include pain, erythema, swelling, induration, and pyrexia. Higher scores on the scale indicate more advanced stages of phlebitis requiring actions like re-siting the cannula and considering treatment. The scale is to be used to monitor IV sites daily and guide decisions to minimize phlebitis risks in hospitalized patients receiving IV infusions.
Behaviour Change Communication is an interactive process of any intervention with individuals, group or community to develop communication strategies to promote positive health behaviours which are appropriate to the current social conditions and thereby help the society to solve their pressing health problems
This document provides a template for a community health nursing care plan. It includes sections for collecting a client's medical history, family history, socioeconomic history, physical assessment, and environmental assessment of the community and home. The medical history sections cover chief complaints, past medical history, surgical history, birth history, developmental history, immunization status, and more. The physical assessment section includes a head-to-toe examination covering all body systems. The environmental assessment examines the client's housing conditions, transportation/communication, economic status, and community facilities.
This document provides information about Era Lucknow Medical College and Hospital (ELMCH). It discusses the vision, mission, and goals of ELMCH which are to be a center of excellence for teaching, training, research, and medical care. ELMCH functions as a center of excellence for medical education, healthcare, training, and research. It has 850 beds, postgraduate programs, and provides services like emergency care, diagnostics, ICUs, and specialties like cardiology and oncology. Research is also emphasized to improve patient care and therapies.
1) The document outlines a Charter of Patients' Rights adopted by the National Human Rights Commission of India.
2) The Charter consolidates and codifies existing legal provisions and international standards related to patient rights into a single document to make patients aware of their rights in a coherent manner.
3) The Charter outlines 13 key rights of patients, including the right to information, emergency care, confidentiality, safety, choice of treatment and providers, and protection in clinical trials. It assigns corresponding duties to healthcare providers and facilities to uphold these rights.
The document summarizes the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 of India. It was enacted to consolidate and amend existing laws related to narcotic drugs, strengthen controls over drug abuse, increase penalties for drug trafficking, control psychotropic substances, and implement international drug conventions that India ratified. The Act defines key terms like narcotic drugs, cannabis, coca plants, commercial quantity, and controlled substances. It aims to provide stringent provisions for regulating narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances operations in India.
This document provides the contents of the Jammu and Kashmir Excise Act of 1958. It outlines the following key points:
1. It establishes the appointment of Excise and Taxation Officers by the Government to administer the Act and exercise conferred powers.
2. It defines key terms related to liquor, intoxicating drugs, import, export, transport, manufacture, sale and possession. Liquor includes spirits, wine, beer and other fermented drinks containing alcohol. Intoxicating drugs include opium, charas and preparations from cannabis.
3. It covers provisions around import, export, transport, manufacture, possession and sale of liquor and intoxicating drugs, including licensing requirements and penalties
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The Money Wave 2024 Review_ Is It the Key to Financial Success.pdfnirahealhty
What is The Money Wave?
The Money Wave is a comprehensive financial program designed to equip individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary for achieving financial independence. It encompasses a range of resources, including educational materials, webinars, and community support, all aimed at helping users understand and leverage various financial opportunities.
➡️ Click here to get The Money Wave from the official website.
Key Features of The Money Wave
Educational Resources: The Money Wave offers a wealth of educational materials that cover essential financial topics, including budgeting, investing, and wealth-building strategies. These resources are designed to empower users with the knowledge needed to make informed financial decisions.
Expert Guidance: Users gain access to insights from financial experts who share their experiences and strategies for success. This guidance can be invaluable for individuals looking to navigate the complexities of personal finance.
Community Support: The program fosters a supportive community where users can connect with like-minded individuals. This network provides encouragement, accountability, and shared experiences that can enhance the learning process.
Actionable Strategies: The Money Wave emphasizes practical, actionable strategies that users can implement immediately. This focus on real-world application sets it apart from other financial programs that may be more theoretical in nature.
Flexible Learning: The program is designed to accommodate various learning styles and schedules. Users can access materials at their convenience, making it easier to integrate financial education into their daily lives.
Benefits of The Money Wave
Increased Financial Literacy: One of the primary benefits of The Money Wave is the enhancement of financial literacy. Users learn essential concepts that enable them to make better financial decisions, ultimately leading to improved financial health.
Empowerment: By providing users with the tools and knowledge needed to take control of their finances, The Money Wave empowers individuals to take proactive steps toward achieving their financial goals.
Networking Opportunities: The community aspect of The Money Wave allows users to connect with others who share similar financial aspirations. This network can lead to valuable partnerships, collaborations, and support systems.
Long-Term Success: The strategies taught in The Money Wave are designed for long-term success. Users are encouraged to adopt a mindset of continuous learning and growth for sustained financial well-being.
Accessibility: With its online format, The Money Wave is accessible to anyone with an internet connection. This inclusivity allows individuals from various backgrounds to benefit from the program.
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The Money Wave 2024 Review: Is It the Key to Financial Success?nirahealhty
What is The Money Wave?
The Money Wave is a wealth manifestation software designed to help individuals attract financial abundance through audio tracks. Created by James Rivers, this program uses scientifically-backed methods to improve cognitive functions and reduce stress, thereby enhancing one's ability to manifest wealth.
How Does The Money Wave Audio Program Work?
The Cash Wave program works by utilizing the force of sound frequencies to overhaul your cerebrum. These audio tracks are designed to promote deep relaxation and improve cognitive functions. The underlying science suggests that specific sound waves can influence brain activity, leading to enhanced problem-solving abilities and reduced stress levels.
How to Use The Money Wave Program?
Using The Money Wave program is straightforward:
Download the Audio Tracks: Once purchased, you can download the audio files from the official website.
Listen Daily: For best results, listen to the tracks daily. Consistency is key.
Relax and Visualize: Find a quiet place, relax, and visualize your financial goals as you listen.
Follow the Guide: The program includes a detailed guide to help you maximize the benefits.
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information law and governance in clinical practice 12.9.23.pptx
• Introduction
• Definition
• 7 pillars of clinical Governances
• Improve the way for clinical governances
• Summary
• Conclusion
• References
• Introduction
• Definition
• List of information law used in health care services
• List of governance in health care services
• Discuss the 7pillars of clinical governances
• to summarize the topic
• To Conclude the topic
• To review the References
• Clinical Governance is corporate governance designed specifically for the NHS.
• Implemented first in the late 1990s after the Bristol Hospital Heart scandal, it has
grown to be increasingly more important during the Covid-19 Pandemic.
• The 7 Pillars of Clinical Governance determine how successful a practice is.
• The 7 Pillars of Clinical Governance are:
• 1) Education and Training
• It is the responsibility of the Trust to oversee the Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) of their clinicians. This means skills audits should be a regular
part of your project governance.
• 2) Clinical Audit
• This is the review of the clinical performance of a practice. Audits ensure that
standards are maintained.
• 3) Clinical Effectiveness
• This reviews whether specific clinical interventions work, as well as being cost-
7. • 4) Staff Management
• You should ensure you are hiring the best quality staff and ensure they keep up with
their education and training throughout their time with you. This also
involves project management to ensure that all projects are governed correctly
and by the right people.
• 5) Patient and Public Involvement
• Transparency with your stakeholders is essential for good governance. Clinical
practice should never be shrouded in secrecy.
• In clinical governance there are 3 components to risk management:
• Risk to patients - this requires: compliance with statutory regulations, regularly
reviewed and questioned systems, critical event audits, learning from complaints
and finally, medical ethics standards.
• Risk to practitioners - this means protecting your workers through access to
immunizations, creating an anti-harassment and safe working culture and keeping
employees up to date on basic safety including fire safety.
• Risk to organizations - this is essentially ensuring good governance at every
stage of your processes. This can be achieved by employing the best, creating a
safe environment and engaging with your stakeholders.
• There will likely be tiers to the priority of these risks but you should try to address all
these risks as often as possible.
• Information governance is important in every industry but the NHS deals with
special category data, patients information, and other sensitive information every
• There are also their own data protection protocols on top of the GDPR. It is of the
utmost importance that all information is managed properly.
• should make audits and reviews the final stage in every process
• Efficiency should be at the heart of clinical practice
• streamline procedures then it should be considered
• should ensure that information is shared effectively
• you have to take into consideration what is special category data
• keep open communication channels between all teams and departments.
• consideration in the modern era is technology.
• You need software and technology that is as secure as possible, especially when
patients’ and personnel’s information is involved.
• Till we have discussed about the clinical goverances and its significance in health
care services to maintain the standard of patient services .
• I hope you all understand about the clinical goverances . You will able to apply the
knowledge of law in clinical services .
• Clinical Governance:
• An RCN Resource Guide. London: RCN. Senge, P. M. (2006) The Fifth Discipline:
The Art & Practice Of The Learning Organization.
• New York: Currency Doubleday. Stonehouse, D. (2011) „Teamwork, Support
Workers And Conduct At Work.‟ British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. Vol 05. No
07. pp350-54.
• Stonehouse, D. (2012) „Why Complaints Are A Positive For Support Workers.‟
British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. Vol 05 No 07. pp39-40.