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American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2023
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American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR)
e-ISSN :2378-703X
Volume-07, Issue-08, pp-146-171
Research Paper Open Access
Academic Stress in Relation to Academic Performance of High
School Students in The New Normal Education
Rofulo M. Landa Memorial High School, Zambales, Philippines
ABSTRACT : This study aimed to determine the academic stress in relation to academic performance of high
school students in the new normal education. The researcher utilized the descriptive research design
withquestionnaire as the instrument in gathering data from the 392 students who were randomly selected.
Statistical analysis shows that the assessment on academic stress was ―Moderately Stressful‖ and on
well-being was ―Sometimes‖. The academic performance the students was rated ―Very Satisfactory‖. There is
significant difference on sex towards academic undertaking and parental pressure while significant on age
towards academic undertaking. There is significant difference according to learning modality on emotional,
social, intellectual and spiritual well-being; significant on sex towards physical well-being and grade level
towards intellectual well-being. There is negligible correlation between the level of academic stress and
academic performance and positive slight correlation between the well-being and academic performance.
It is recommended thatparents are encouraged not to force children to have good academic
performance. Need to assessed and understand the intellectual ability of the children. Students are encouraged to
participate in activities promoting health, social, and spiritual wellness and further study be conducted on the
design of a curriculum which optimizes the balance between the ‗push‘ factors bringing out the students,
maintaining standards, etc.), and inducing undue and unproductive stress.
A quality learning environment at home has been widely documented as critical for children‘s
acquisition of foundational skills (e.g., Dowd et al., 2017). Recent evidence shows the importance of parental
engagement in children‘s learning, and the striking disparities in home learning environments that persist within
and across countries, hitting poorer learners the hardest (Brossard et al., 2020; UNICEF, 2020). With COVID-
19 school closures, the importance of learning at home has been further amplified, increasing the role of parents
and caregivers to support children‘s learning. Besides learning, vulnerable households have also had to take on
added responsibilities for children‘s well-being, including for childcare services such as meals that were
previously offered at school (Gromada, 2020).
The coronavirus pandemic is transforming the traditional schooling model. In particular, the growing
integration of digital technologies raises further questions about the future of learning, teaching, curriculum, and
This calls for continuous monitoring of how education systems are transforming and responding to the
scale and severity of the current learning crisis.
Stress is a subject which is hard to avoid. Everyone has had it or has it in one point in their high school
life. The importance of tile students in the education process is unquestionable. This is because of all the human
factors in the educational system, the students occupy the key position and it is only through them that the
ultimate process of education takes place. The students today are facing with new challenges in education
calling for greater effort from students. In addition, there are heavy demands made by society on students to
perform various roles, many of which are undefined, inconsistent and unachievable in the present socio –
cultural, economic and bureaucratic contexts of our society, causing heavy stress on students mainly high school
students. Unfortunately stress is a common part of life as we begin in the new normal in times of COVID – 19
Pandemic, something few of us ca avoid altogether. Partly for this reason and partly for both physical health and
psychological well- being, stress has become an important topic of research in psychology.
Stress exists from the change in an individual‘s thinking and their lifestyle nowadays in the new
normal. Now, individuals have changed in their perceptions and the way they interpret this life. Students in their
adolescent stage are the ones who are going through the transitional phase, which is an intermediate of
childhood and adulthood. Stress is believed to be caused by the various problems that exist such as problems at
school, financial problems, family problems and problems in their surroundings. Adolescents also experience
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stress because they are sometimes trapped between making decisions which is to follow rules and orders or to be
free and discover the world like they should. Adolescents in the previous days were trained for things that were
suitable with their age so that they can use it to manage their lives. But now adolescents have to follow their
parents‘ desires which are preparing them to compete in the social system where the society is scrambling
towards modernization so that they are not left behind. If it is not managed well, stress can ignite psychological
disturbances among them when they are grown up. These disturbances will cause stress to the adolescents in the
future if they are not overcome.
The coronavirus pandemic is transforming the traditional schooling model. In particular, the growing
integration of digital technologies raises further questions about the future of learning, teaching, curriculum, and
assessment. This calls for continuous monitoring of how education systems are transforming and responding to
the scale and severity of the current learning crisis.
This study aimed to determine the academic stress in relation to academic performance of school
Specifically, this study sought to find answers to the following questions:
1. How is the academic stress conditions of the senior high school students be described in the following
1.1. Academic Undertaking;
1.2. Parental Pressure; and
1.3. Future Perspective?
2. How are the dimensions towards well–being of senior high school students be described as to:
2.1. Physical Well – Being;
2.2. Emotional Well – Being;
2.3. Social Well – Being;
2.4. Intellectual Well- Being; and
2.5. Spiritual Well – Being?
3. How is the level of academic performance of senior high school students reflected in GWA be described?
4. Is there significant difference on the dimension towards well – being?
5. Is there significant relationship between academic stress and academic performance?
6. Is there significant relationship between academic stress and well-being?
A descriptive research design was used and with questionnaire as the instrument in gathering data from
the 392 students who were randomly selected.
Questionnaire was consisted of different parts. (1). dealt with the assessment on the Academic
conditions of the Senior High School students in terms of: (a) Academic Undertaking, (b) Parental Pressure, and
(v) Future Perspective. (2) dealt with the perception towards student well-being in terms of (a) Physical Well-
Being, (b) Emotional Well-Being, (c) Social Well-being, (d Intellectual Well-Being, and (e) Spiritual Well-
Being respectively.(3) dealt with the level of academic performance reflected in the general weighted average
in the first and second grading period.
Data gathered was used as subject to certain statistical treatments. Statistical tools was used to gathered
data such as percentage, weighted arithmetic mean, ANOVA and Pearson r.
Table 1: Table on the Perception of the Senior High School Students on the Academic Stress
Academic Stress
1 Academic Undertaking 2.66 Moderately Stressful 2
2 Parental Pressure 2.38 Slightly Stressful 3
3 Future Perspective 2.77 Moderately Stressful 1
Grand Mean 2.60 Moderately Stressful
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The respondents assessed ―Moderately Stressful‖ on future perspective (2.77) and ranked 1st
; academic
undertaking (2.66) and ranked 2nd
. The parental pressure was assessed ―Slightly Stressful with mean of (2.38)
and ranked 3rd
. Overall, the computed grand mean on the responses towards dimensions on academic stress was
2.60 and with qualitative interpretation of ―Moderately Stressful‖.
Academic-related stress is significantly associated with reduced student academic motivation (Liu,
2015) and academic disengagement (Liu& Lu, 2011). This in turn makes them vulnerable to dropping out,
future unemployment, and increased incidence of psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety and
substance use disorders (Pascoe et al., 2020). Long-standing stress exposure in children and adolescents may
also lead to the development of physical health problems such as metabolic syndrome, obesity and reduced
insulin sensitivity as well as reduction of life expectancy (Pervanidou & Chrousos, 2012).
Table 2 : of the Senior High School Students on the dimensions towards Well-Being
1 Physical Well-Being 2.65 Sometimes 5
2 Emotional Well-Being 3.03 Sometimes 3
3 Social Well-Being 3.07 Sometimes 2
4 Intellectual Well-Being 3.02 Sometimes 4
5 Spiritual Well-Being 3.20 Sometimes 1
Grand Mean 2.99 Sometimes
The respondents assessed ―Sometimes‖ on all dimensions as to Spiritual Well-Being (3.20) and ranked
; Social Well-being (3.07) and ranked 2nd
; Emotional Well-Being (3.03) and ranked 3rd
; Intellectual Well-
being (3.02) and ranked 4th
while Physical well-being (2.65) and ranked 5th
. Overall, the computed grand mean
on the responses towards dimensions on well-being was 2.29 with qualitative interpretation of ―Sometimes‖.
Table 3 : Level of Academic Performance of the Senior High Students reflected in General Weighted
Average grade during First and Second Grading Period
In the first grading and second period, the students were rated ―Very Satisfactory‖ equivalent to the
numerical grade of 88.58 and 87.93 respectively. The overall weighted mean on the academic performance of
the respondents was 89.16 with qualitative interpretation of ―Very Satisfactory‖.
The very satisfactory performance demonstrate that the student-respondents are doing well in the
academic undertaking. It further demonstrate that they are not quite affected by academic stress nor academic
First Grading Second Grading
Descriptive Equivalent
141 36.00 183 46.70
Very Satisfactory
155 39.50 137 34.90
90 23.00 65 16.60
Fairly Satisfactory
6 1.50 7 1.80
Did Not Meet Expectations
(74 and below)
0 0.00 0 0.00
Total 392 100.00 392 100.00
Mean 88.58
Overall Weighted Mean 89.16 (Very Satisfactory)
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Academic anxiety is found to be the least in case of adolescents from high socio- economic classes-
which may be partly attributed to their secured future at least in material aspects. The prevalence of anxiety
disorders tends to decrease with higher socio-economic status (Sadock 2000). Another study has also
reported that social disadvantage is associated with increased stress among students (Goodman et. al, 2005).
Table 4 : Analysis of Variance to test difference on the Academic Stress as to Academic Undertaking
when the Student-respondents are grouped according
to profile variables
Sources of Variations SS df MS F Sig. Decision
Between Groups 3.948 5 0.790 2.644 0.023
Reject Ho
Within Groups 115.254 386 0.299
Total 119.201 391
Between Groups 0.693 1 0.693 2.279 0.132
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 118.509 390 0.304
Total 119.201 391
Grade Level
Between Groups 0.303 1 0.303 0.995 0.319
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 118.898 390 0.305
Total 119.201 391
Between Groups 1.198 5 0.240 0.784 0.562 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 118.003 386 0.306
Total 119.201 391
Father‘s Education
Between Groups 0.394 5 0.079 0.256 0.937 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 118.807 386 0.308
Total 119.201 391
Family Income
Between Groups 1.430 8 0.179 0.581 0.793 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 117.771 383 0.307
Total 119.201 391
Learning Modality
Between Groups 0.399 2 0.200 0.654 0.521 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 118.802 389 0.305
Total 119.201 391
Table 4 shows the Analysis of Variance to test difference on the Academic Stress as to Academic
Undertaking when the Student-respondents are grouped according to profile variables.
There is significant difference on the perception towards academic undertaking when grouped
according to age manifested on the Sig. value of 0.023 which is lower than 5% significance level, therefore the
null hypothesis is rejected. On the other hand, there is no significant difference on the perception towards
academic undertaking when grouped according to sex, grade level, mothers‘ education, fathers‘ education,
family income and learning modality preference manifested on the Sig. values of 0.132, 0.319, 0.562, 0.937,
0.793 and 0.521 respectively which are lower than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is
determine where the difference lies. It shows that respondents ages 20 years old with highest mean value
comparted to 19 years old.
This finding support of the study of Reddy et al. (2018) as they concludes that stream wise difference
in stress does exist in students. It is important to deal with stress at personal, social and institutional level.
Remedies such as feedback, yoga, life skills training, mindfulness, meditation and psychotherapy have been
found useful to deal with stress. To identify the main reason of stress is the key to deal with it. Professionals can
develop tailor made strategies to deal with stress. The integrated wellbeing of the students is important not only
for the individual but for the institute as well. Dimitrov, (2017) claimed that stress can be addressed by ensuring
that the students give utmost importance to their welfare. Food, exercise, work, recreation are some of the areas
to focus on. He also concluded that the education system is more to do with the academic qualifications and
does not contribute enough to the holistic development of students.
In similar manner, the study of Subramani and Kadhiravan, (2017) revealed the link between academic
stress and mental health among students. He endorsed that academic stress and mental health are correlated and
that students are cramped with the academic structure. Parents and schools pressurize the student‘s way too
much for the higher grades that disheartens the students, further to add on there is not enough support from the
parents and school in terms of guidance. The students are mentally healthy when they perform constructively in
the academic forums. They also propounded that students from private schools are more pressurized as
compared to students from government schools due to the excess of homework and other academic related
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assignments. Significant difference in mental health of students from private and government schools was
found. He asserted that students from private schools have a different nurturing and vast exposure as compared
to government school students who belong to poor socio economic background and lack of exposure. This is
one of the reasons for the escalation of stress.
Table 5 : Analysis of Variance to test difference on the Academic Stress as to Parental Pressure when the
student-respondents are grouped accordingto profile variables
Sources of Variations SS df MS F Sig. Decision
Between Groups 1.306 5 0.261 0.510 0.769
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 197.683 386 0.512
Total 198.988 391
Between Groups 2.883 1 2.883 5.733 0.017
Reject Ho
Within Groups 196.106 390 0.503
Total 198.988 391
Grade Level
Between Groups 0.029 1 0.029 0.057 0.812
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 198.960 390 0.510
Total 198.988 391
Mother‘s Education
Between Groups 1.409 5 0.282 0.551 0.738 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 197.579 386 0.512
Total 198.988 391
Father‘s Education
Between Groups 1.643 5 0.329 0.643 0.667 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 197.345 386 0.511
Total 198.988 391
Family Income
Between Groups 1.741 8 0.218 0.423 0.907 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 197.247 383 0.515
Total 198.988 391
Learning Modality
Between Groups 1.444 2 0.722 1.422 0.243 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 197.545 389 0.508
Total 198.988 391
There is significant difference on the perception towards parental pressure when grouped according to
sex manifested on the Sig. value of 0.017 which is lower than 5% significance level, therefore the null
hypothesis is rejected. On the other hand, there is no significant difference on the perception towards parental
pressure when grouped according to age, grade level, mothers‘ education, fathers‘ education, family income and
learning modality preference manifested on the Sig. values of 0.769, 0.812, 0.738, 0.667, 0.907, and 0.243
respectively which are lower than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted.
The data simply implies on the divergence of opinion when grouped according to sex. In Appendix E,
Figure 4 shows the Post-Hoc using Scheffe Test and means plot to determine where the difference lies. It shows
that the difference lies on male respondents with high mean values compared to females. Possible explanations
for female students experiencing higher stress levels could include women taking on the role of being
the caretaker of the family (Stevenson & Harper, 2006). Moreover, the high family income had a
moderate level of academic stress. Meaning to say, they have a greater chance to expose themselves to
varied activities and experiences inside and outside the school campus. Lastly, students of parents, whose
educational level is elementary, demonstrated a moderate level of stress. This is congruence to Graetz‘s (2009)
study that children from parents with low occupational status face many barriers in transiting from one
stage of education to the next.
Though parental involvement leads to better academic achievement (Holmes, 2013), high expectations
of the parents lead to stress of stress of students (Ma, Siu & Tse, 2018). Parents usually set unrealistically high
goals, it sometimes leads to drastic outbursts by students in the form of stress, depression and even suicides
(Hazari, 2013).
Parents have crucial role in their children‘s development (Sroufe, 2002; Harter, 2006) and they have
numerous wishes and expectations for their children particularly about their education (Goldenberg et al., 2001;
Glick & White 2004). Children realize the parental expectations and attempt to satisfy their expectations. But
sometimes parents‘ expectations induce worry in their child and it impacts the academic achievement. When
they could not achieve their parents‘ expectations, it causes stress and influences on their academic achievement
(Kumar& Jadaun, 2018). Hence, it is assumed that there would be a significant relationship between parental
expectations and academic stress among school students and is tested with correlation analysis.
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In the study of Chui and Wong, (2017) concluded that there was no difference between gender
regarding perceived parental expectations. (Dhull and Kumari ,2015) indicated significant gender differences
with reference to dimensions of academic stress (pressure from study, workload, worry about grades and
Parental pressure for better academic performance was found to be mostly responsible for academic
stress, as reported by 66% of the students. The majority of the parents criticized their children by comparing the
latter‘s performance with that of the best performer in the class. As a result, instead of friendship, there develops
a sense of rivalry among classmates. Some parents even tend to demean the achievement of the top scorer of the
class by stating that, he/she might have been favored by the teacher (Pandey, 2010).
Table 6 : Analysis of Variance to test difference on the Academic Stress as to Future Perspective when the
student-respondents are grouped according to profile variables
Sources of Variations SS df MS F Sig. Decision
Between Groups 1.368 5 0.274 0.516 0.764
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 204.820 386 0.531
Total 206.188 391
Between Groups 0.861 1 0.861 1.635 0.202
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 205.328 390 0.526
Total 206.188 391
Grade Level
Between Groups 1.881 1 1.881 3.591 0.059
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 204.307 390 0.524
Total 206.188 391
Between Groups 0.467 5 0.093 0.175 0.972 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 205.721 386 0.533
Total 206.188 391
Between Groups 1.465 5 0.293 0.553 0.736 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 204.723 386 0.530
Total 206.188 391
Family Income
Between Groups 3.641 8 0.455 0.861 0.550 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 202.548 383 0.529
Total 206.188 391
Between Groups 0.911 2 0.455 0.863 0.423 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 205.278 389 0.528
Total 206.188 391
There is no significant difference on the perception towards future perspective when grouped according
to age, sex, grade level, mothers‘ education, fathers‘ education, family income and learning modality preference
manifested on the Sig. values of 0.764, 0.202, 0.059, 0.972, 0.736, 0.550 and 0.423 respectively which all are
higher than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted.
Regarding stress, Folkman (2013) emphasizes that this phenomenon is contextual and involves a
transaction between the characteristics of the person and the environment; it is liable to change over time,
perhaps as a result of the individual's evaluation of a personally meaningful situation. Kristensen, Schaefer, and
Busnello (2010) argue that stress develops when the demands of certain situations are perceived as being
beyond the resources available to overcome them, causing the individual to be unable to resist and create
strategies to address them.
Thus, stress can interfere with this population's development, given the psychological vulnerability that
is inherent to this period of life. In addition to causing an impact on adolescents' health and wellness (Marques,
Gasparotto, & Coelho, 2015), stress can affect their future expectations and hope (Gustafsson et. al., 2013).
There is a direct relationship between hope and future expectations; hope is used to envision future
goals and to propose effective actions to achieve the goals that are established in the present, playing an
important role in positive development (Callina et. al.,2014). Adolescents plan for the future using concepts and
experiences from the present, and therefore, they need hopeful thoughts to try to accomplish these plans,
encouraging their positive development (Burrow, O'Dell, & Hill, 2010).
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Table 7 : Analysis of Variance to test difference on the dimensions towards Physical Well-Being when the
student-respondents are grouped according to profile variables
Sources of Variations SS df MS F Sig. Decision
Between Groups 1.877 5 0.375 1.432 0.212
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 101.163 386 0.262
Total 103.040 391
Between Groups 6.430 1 6.430 25.956 0.000
Reject Ho
Within Groups 96.610 390 0.248
Total 103.040 391
Grade Level
Between Groups 0.239 1 0.239 0.907 0.341
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 102.801 390 0.264
Total 103.040 391
Between Groups 0.997 5 0.199 0.754 0.583 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 102.043 386 0.264
Total 103.040 391
Between Groups 1.911 5 0.382 1.459 0.202 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 101.129 386 0.262
Total 103.040 391
Family Income
Between Groups 2.899 8 0.362 1.386 0.201 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 100.141 383 0.261
Total 103.040 391
Between Groups 0.624 2 0.312 1.185 0.307 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 102.416 389 0.263
Total 103.040 391
Table 7 shows the Analysis of Variance to test difference on Physical well-being when grouped
according to age, sex, grade level, mother‘s education, father‘s education and family income and learning
modality preference.
There is significant difference on the perception towards physical well-being when grouped according
to sex manifested on the Sig. value of 0.000 which is lower than 5% significance level, therefore the null
hypothesis is rejected.
There is no significant difference on the perception towards physical well-being when grouped
according to age, grade level, mothers‘ education, fathers‘ education, family income and learning modality
preference manifested on the Sig. values of 0.212, 0.341, 0.583, 0.202, 0.201 and 0.307 respectively which all
are higher than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted.
The data simply implies on the divergence of opinion when grouped according to sex. In Appendix E,
Figure 5 shows the Post-Hoc using Scheffe Test and means plot to determine where the difference lies. It shows
that the difference lies on male respondents.
The physical well-being domain and its measures include the areas of: nutrition, preventative health
care, physical activity, physical safety and security, reproductive health and drug use (Bornstein et al., 2003;
Pollard & Davidson, 2001). One unequivocal constant across the physical well-being literature is that school
programs that support physical well-being lead to positive health outcomes (Blanksby & Whipp, 2004;
Bornstein et al., 2003). Schools are generally well informed regarding appropriate health behaviors through both
curriculum documents in the Health and Physical Education fields and supplementary programs available to
schools to support and nurture student physical well-being. The contribution of measures of physical well-being
to a measurement construct of student well-being are however questionable.
Table 8: Analysis of Variance to test difference on the dimensions towards Emotional Well-Being when
the student-respondents are grouped according to profile variables
Sources of Variations SS df MS F Sig. Decision
Between Groups 1.905 5 0.381 1.586 0.163
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 92.724 386 0.240
Total 94.629 391
Between Groups 0.443 1 0.443 1.836 0.176
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 94.185 390 0.242
Total 94.629 391
Grade Level Between Groups 0.286 1 0.286 1.183 0.277 Accept Ho
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Within Groups 94.343 390 0.242 Not Significant
Total 94.629 391
Between Groups 0.369 5 0.074 0.303 0.911 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 94.260 386 0.244
Total 94.629 391
Between Groups 0.367 5 0.073 0.300 0.913 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 94.262 386 0.244
Total 94.629 391
Family Income
Between Groups 1.448 8 0.181 0.744 0.653 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 93.181 383 0.243
Total 94.629 391
Between Groups 2.631 2 1.316 5.563 0.004
Reject Ho
Within Groups 91.998 389 0.236
Total 94.629 391
Table 18 shows the Analysis of Variance to test difference on Emotional well-being when grouped
according to age, sex, grade level, mother‘s education, father‘s education and family income and learning
modality preference.
value of 0.004 which is lower than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.
There is no significant difference on the perception towards emotional well-being when grouped
according to age, grade level, mothers‘ education, fathers‘ education, and family income manifested on the Sig.
values of 0.163, 0.176, 0.277, 0.911, 0.913, and 0.653 respectively which all are higher than 5% significance
level, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted.
The data simply implies on the divergence of opinion when grouped according to learning modality
preference. In Appendix E, Figure 6 shows the Post-Hoc using Scheffe Test and means plot to determine where
the difference lies. It shows that the difference lies on respondents using blended learning manifested on the
high mean values compared to those using online learning. Psychological well-being is the most pervasive
construct in the well-being literature and consistently is referred to as one of the primary outcome measures of
The aspects of intrapersonal well-being are also reported extensively as being under meaningful
influence of the school (Bond, 2000; Carr-Gregg, 2000b; Wyn et al., 2000). This report includes intrapersonal
well-being as a dimension of a measurement construct of student well-being in the school community.
Table 9: Analysis of Variance to test difference on the dimensions towards Social Well-Being when the
student-respondents are grouped according to profile variables
Sources of Variations SS df MS F Sig. Decision
Between Groups 1.642 5 0.328 1.147 0.335
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 110.530 386 0.286
Total 112.171 391
Between Groups 0.044 1 0.044 0.154 0.695
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 112.127 390 0.288
Total 112.171 391
Grade Level
Between Groups 0.594 1 0.594 2.075 0.151
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 111.578 390 0.286
Total 112.171 391
Mother‘s Education
Between Groups 0.394 5 0.079 0.272 0.928 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 111.778 386 0.290
Total 112.171 391
Father‘s Education
Between Groups 0.666 5 0.133 0.461 0.805 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 111.506 386 0.289
Total 112.171 391
Family Income
Between Groups 2.499 8 0.312 1.091 0.369 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 109.672 383 0.286
Total 112.171 391
Learning Modality
Between Groups 2.417 2 1.208 4.283 0.014
Reject Ho
Within Groups 109.755 389 0.282
Total 112.171 391
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Table 9 shows the Analysis of Variance to test difference on Social well-being when grouped
according to age, sex, grade level, mother‘s education, father‘s education and family income and learning
modality preference.
There is significant difference on the perception towards social well-being when grouped according to
learning modality preference manifested on the Sig. value of 0.014 which is lower than 5% significance level,
therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.
There is no significant difference on the perception towards social well-being when grouped according
to age, grade level, mothers‘ education, fathers‘ education, and family income manifested on the Sig. values of
0.335, 0.695, 0.151, 0.928, 0.805 and 0.369 respectively which all are higher than 5% significance level,
therefore the null hypothesis is accepted.
The data simply implies on the divergence of opinion when grouped according to learning modality
preference. In Appendix E, Figure 7 shows the Post-Hoc using Scheffe Test and means plot to determine where
the difference lies. It shows that the difference lies on the respondents using blended learning manifested on the
high mean values compared to those using online learning.
Social well-being has been afforded status as both a dimension of a larger well-being construct and as
part of a broader social-emotional well-being dimension (Bornstein et al., 2003). Typically the social, or
interpersonal well-being domain includes aspects such as: empathy, trust, peer relationships and mutual
obligation (Bornstein et al., 2003). The aggregation of social and emotional well-being to form a single
dimension in some well-being models is predicated on the understanding that emotional well-being is frequently
manifest as observable social behaviors. This provides an elegant solution in the management of constructs in
which well-being is defined broadly to encompass a range of situational contexts.
Table 10: Analysis of Variance to test difference on the dimensions towards Intellectual Well-Being when
the student-respondents are grouped according to profile variables
Sources of Variations SS df MS F Sig. Decision
Between Groups 2.356 5 0.471 1.723 0.128
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 105.559 386 0.273
Total 107.914 391
Between Groups 0.301 1 0.301 1.091 0.297
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 107.613 390 0.276
Total 107.914 391
Grade Level
Between Groups 1.140 1 1.140 4.162 0.042
Reject Ho
Within Groups 106.775 390 0.274
Total 107.914 391
Between Groups 0.901 5 0.180 0.650 0.662 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 107.013 386 0.277
Total 107.914 391
Between Groups 2.416 5 0.483 1.768 0.118 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 105.498 386 0.273
Total 107.914 391
Family Income
Between Groups 4.069 8 0.509 1.876 0.062 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 103.846 383 0.271
Total 107.914 391
Between Groups 2.117 2 1.059 3.892 0.021
Reject Ho
Within Groups 105.797 389 0.272
Total 107.914 391
Table 10 shows the Analysis of Variance to test difference on Intellectual well-being when grouped
according to age, sex, grade level, mother‘s education, father‘s education and family income and learning
modality preference.
There is significant difference on the perception towards intellectual well-being when grouped
according to grade level and learning modality preference manifested on the Sig. values of 0.042 and 0.021
respectively which is lower than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.
There is no significant difference on the perception towards intellectual well-being when grouped
according to age, mothers‘ education, fathers‘ education, and family income manifested on the Sig. values of
0.0.128, 0.297, 0.662, 0.118 and 0.062 respectively which all are higher than 5% significance level, therefore
the null hypothesis is accepted.
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The data simply implies on the divergence of opinion when grouped according to grade level and
learning modality preference respectively. In Appendix E, Figure 8 and 9 show the Post-Hoc using Scheffe Test
and means plot to determine where the difference lies. It shows that the difference lies on respondents in Grade
12 and using blended learning manifested on their high mean values.
It is universally accepted that schools exert significant influence over the cognitive wellbeing of their
students. This is after all, arguably the primary purpose of schools and the focus of the greatest proportion of
their allocated resources. It is also true that schools and school systems already have available to them an
overwhelming array of assessment methodologies and materials of the academic achievements of their students.
Less prevalent are measures of the cognitive dispositions. However, the dispositional aspects of the cognitive
dimension of child well-being articulated by Pollard and Lee (2003) are not sufficiently discrete from a broader
intrapersonal dimension of student well-being in the school context to warrant their classification as part of a
distinct well-being dimension. Dispositions to cognitive achievement are therefore included in this report as
aspects of a broader intrapersonal dimension of a measurement construct of student well-being in the school
Table 11 :Analysis of Variance to test difference on the dimensions towards Spiritual Well-Being when
the Student-respondents are grouped according to profile variables
Sources of Variations SS df MS F Sig. Decision
Between Groups 1.871 5 0.374 1.151 0.333
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 125.548 386 0.325
Total 127.419 391
Between Groups 0.269 1 0.269 0.824 0.365
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 127.151 390 0.326
Total 127.419 391
Grade Level
Between Groups 0.619 1 0.619 1.903 0.168
Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 126.800 390 0.325
Total 127.419 391
Between Groups 0.674 5 0.135 0.411 0.841 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 126.745 386 0.328
Total 127.419 391
Between Groups 2.040 5 0.408 1.256 0.282 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 125.379 386 0.325
Total 127.419 391
Family Income
Between Groups 1.194 8 0.149 0.453 0.889 Accept Ho
Not Significant
Within Groups 126.225 383 0.330
Total 127.419 391
Between Groups 2.351 2 1.176 3.656 0.027
Reject Ho
Within Groups 125.068 389 0.322
Total 127.419 391
Table 11 shows the Analysis of Variance to test difference on Spiritual well-being when grouped
according to age, sex, grade level, mother‘s education, father‘s education and family income and learning
modality preference.
There is significant difference on the perception towards spiritual well-being when grouped according
to learning modality preference manifested on the Sig. value of 0.027 which is lower than 5% significance level,
therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.
On the other hand, there is no significant difference on the perception towards spiritual well-being
when grouped according to age, grade level, mothers‘ education,
fathers‘ education, and family income manifested on the Sig. values of 0.333, 0.365, 0.168, 0.841,
0.282, and 0.889 respectively which all are higher than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is
The data simply implies on the divergence of opinion when grouped according to learning modality
preference. In Appendix E, Figure 10 shows the Post-Hoc using Scheffe Test and means plot to determine where
the difference lies. It shows that the difference lies on respondents using blended learning manifested on the
high mean values compared to those using the online learning.
Spiritual well – being is defined as a positive sense of meaning and purpose in life (Adams & Benzer,
2000; Tsang & McCullough, 2003) and is an essential component of many models of well-being (Adams &
Benzer, 2000). Spirituality is distinct from but can include religiosity. The distinction between spirituality and
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religiosity is determined by the role of the sacred. Religiosity includes the requirement that a person is involved
in the active search for and maintenance of faith in a notional divine entity or object (Hill, Pargament, Hood,
McCullough, & Swyers, 2000). This is subsumed by the more general construct of spirituality as a sense of
meaning or purpose.
Table 12: Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation to test relationship between Academic
Stress and Academic Performance
Sources of Correlations Academic Stress
Academic Stress
Pearson Correlation 1 0.037
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.459
N 392 392
Academic Performance
Pearson Correlation 0.037 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.459
N 392 392
The computed Pearson r value of 0.037 denotes negligible correlation between dimensions on
Academic Stress and level of Academic Performance. The computed Sig. (2-tailed) test value of 0.459 which is
greater than 5% significant level, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted, hence there is no significant
relationship between the academic stress and the level of academic performance.
The impact of academic stress is also far-reaching: high levels of academic stress have led to poor
outcomes in the areas of exercise, nutrition, substance use, and self-care. Concerning academic stress, there is
much stress linked to studies, homework, tests, and other academic engagements (Porwal & Kumar, 2014).
Relatively, it is a product of a broad range of concerns, including burden from tests and examinations burden,
courses demanding submissions, and different educational systems, and thinking about plans upon
education (Ramli, 2018). One out of every ten students suffers significant distress related to studies. In
India, 72% of students are unaware of how to deal with academic stress and its ill-effects (Kumar, 2013).
Study of academic stress along gender lines is notable because, there is great difference in the academic
stress of female and male students and studies revealed that female students were found to be under more
academic stress than male students ( Gentry et al., 2007). Academic stress is caused due to the examination
system, burden of homework and attitudes of parents and teachers (Sarita, 2015). Even some parents intend to
compensate through their children (Dhull & Kumari, 2015). In Indian culture, parents have more expectations
for their male child because of societal perspective that male should success in education well enough so that he
can look after the parents and family in future (Rajkotwala, 2016; Krishnan, 2018).
Table 13 : Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation to test relationship between Academic
Stress and Academic Performance
Sources of Correlations Academic Stress
Pearson Correlation 1 0.173**
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.001
N 392 392
Academic Performance
Pearson Correlation 0.173** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.001
N 392 392
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Table 23 shows the Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation to test relationship between
Well-Being and level of Academic Performance
The computed Pearson r value of 0.173** denotes positive slight correlation between dimensions on
Academic Stress and level of Academic Performance. The computed Sig. (2-tailed) test value of 0.001 which is
less than 1% significant level, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected, hence there is significant relationship
between the well- being and the level of academic performance.
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The data clearly demonstrate that as the academic stress is increasing, the academic performance is also
slightly increasing. This finding supports on the study of Deb et al. (2014), were found to have high academic
stress and 37 percent were found to have high anxiety levels.
Pollard and Lee (2003) comment that ‗wellbeing is a complex, multi-faceted construct that has
continued to elude researchers attempts to define and measure it‘ and according to Lent (2004), despite the
multitude of purported measurement instruments ‗there has been relatively little consensus on how best to
measure well-being‘. An audit of existing models of well-being reveals that there is significant variation in the
magnitude and scope of the dimensions (also referred to as domains) ascribed to well-being.
Well-being is a multidimensional phenomenon, integrating biological, psychological, social, and
spiritual dimensions (McDowell, 2010). Well-being refers to the emotional and cognitive dimensions of the
subjective experience resulting from the individual evaluation of several dimensions of life.
Personality is a significant predictor of mental health (Davydov et al., 2010), including positive mental
health/wellbeing (Cloninger and Zohar, 2011; Josefsson et al., 2011; Butkovic et al., 2012). Healthy personality
development is related to several aspects of well-being and there is a need for integrating the contributions of
personality to well-being on current approaches to mental health (Seligman, 2008; Cloninger, 2012; Vaillant,
Based on the summary of the investigations conducted, the researcher concluded that:
1. The assessment on academic stress was ―Moderately Stressful‖.
2. The assessment on well-being was ―Sometimes‖
3. The academic performance the students was rated ―Very Satisfactory‖.
4. There is significant different on sex towards academic undertaking and parental pressure while
significant on age towards academic undertaking.
5. There is significant difference when grouped according to learning modality on emotional, social,
intellectual and spiritual well-being; significant on sex towards physical well-being and grade level
towards intellectual well-being
6. There is negligible correlation between the level of academic stress and academic performance.
7. There is positive slight correlation between the well-being and academic performance.
Based on the summary of the investigations conducted and the conclusions arrived at, the researcher
offer the following recommendations based on salient findings obtained in the study.
1. Parents are encouraged not to force children to have good academic performance. Need to assessed
and understand the intellectual ability of the children.
2. Parents should encourage their children to participate in exercise and physical activities. Join in to
model fitness.
3. Parents should help their children to learn healthful eating.
4. Encouraged students to conduct self-assessment in readiness to handle or carry normal academic
5. Students are advised to have self- discipline on sleeping habit meeting the 8 hours a day and
conduct physical activity to enhance physical well-being.
6. Inclusions and integration of lessons on the importance of racial respect, gender sensitivity and
cultural divergence.
7. Attendance to church services, worship and mass in order to enhance spiritual well-being.
8. Parents and teachers should provide activities for the students which will help them to enjoy their
free time, including exercise, and allow them to engage themselves in productive ways that can
reduce the stress.
9. School staffs, teachers and counselors should develop ways to improve effective communication
between students and teachers, thereby improving academic and well – being of students. Their
understanding of students‘ academic stress will help them to practice techniques and adopt
attitudes essential to assist and mentor them to cope/deal with academic stress more effectively.
10. Further, study should be conducted on the design of a curriculum which optimizes the balance
between the ‗push‘ factors ( bringing out the students, maintaining standards, etc.) and inducing
undue and unproductive stress.
11. For future researcher/s, to conduct a parallel or similar study with in-depth and wider in scope so
as to validate the salient findings obtained in the study.
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Academic Stress in Relation to Academic Performance of High School Students in The New Normal Education

  • 1. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2023 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 146 American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) e-ISSN :2378-703X Volume-07, Issue-08, pp-146-171 Research Paper Open Access Academic Stress in Relation to Academic Performance of High School Students in The New Normal Education ISAGANI S. HERNANDEZ JR. Rofulo M. Landa Memorial High School, Zambales, Philippines ABSTRACT : This study aimed to determine the academic stress in relation to academic performance of high school students in the new normal education. The researcher utilized the descriptive research design withquestionnaire as the instrument in gathering data from the 392 students who were randomly selected. Statistical analysis shows that the assessment on academic stress was ―Moderately Stressful‖ and on well-being was ―Sometimes‖. The academic performance the students was rated ―Very Satisfactory‖. There is significant difference on sex towards academic undertaking and parental pressure while significant on age towards academic undertaking. There is significant difference according to learning modality on emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual well-being; significant on sex towards physical well-being and grade level towards intellectual well-being. There is negligible correlation between the level of academic stress and academic performance and positive slight correlation between the well-being and academic performance. It is recommended thatparents are encouraged not to force children to have good academic performance. Need to assessed and understand the intellectual ability of the children. Students are encouraged to participate in activities promoting health, social, and spiritual wellness and further study be conducted on the design of a curriculum which optimizes the balance between the ‗push‘ factors bringing out the students, maintaining standards, etc.), and inducing undue and unproductive stress. I. RATIONALE A quality learning environment at home has been widely documented as critical for children‘s acquisition of foundational skills (e.g., Dowd et al., 2017). Recent evidence shows the importance of parental engagement in children‘s learning, and the striking disparities in home learning environments that persist within and across countries, hitting poorer learners the hardest (Brossard et al., 2020; UNICEF, 2020). With COVID- 19 school closures, the importance of learning at home has been further amplified, increasing the role of parents and caregivers to support children‘s learning. Besides learning, vulnerable households have also had to take on added responsibilities for children‘s well-being, including for childcare services such as meals that were previously offered at school (Gromada, 2020). The coronavirus pandemic is transforming the traditional schooling model. In particular, the growing integration of digital technologies raises further questions about the future of learning, teaching, curriculum, and assessment. This calls for continuous monitoring of how education systems are transforming and responding to the scale and severity of the current learning crisis. Stress is a subject which is hard to avoid. Everyone has had it or has it in one point in their high school life. The importance of tile students in the education process is unquestionable. This is because of all the human factors in the educational system, the students occupy the key position and it is only through them that the ultimate process of education takes place. The students today are facing with new challenges in education calling for greater effort from students. In addition, there are heavy demands made by society on students to perform various roles, many of which are undefined, inconsistent and unachievable in the present socio – cultural, economic and bureaucratic contexts of our society, causing heavy stress on students mainly high school students. Unfortunately stress is a common part of life as we begin in the new normal in times of COVID – 19 Pandemic, something few of us ca avoid altogether. Partly for this reason and partly for both physical health and psychological well- being, stress has become an important topic of research in psychology. Stress exists from the change in an individual‘s thinking and their lifestyle nowadays in the new normal. Now, individuals have changed in their perceptions and the way they interpret this life. Students in their adolescent stage are the ones who are going through the transitional phase, which is an intermediate of childhood and adulthood. Stress is believed to be caused by the various problems that exist such as problems at school, financial problems, family problems and problems in their surroundings. Adolescents also experience
  • 2. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2023 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 147 stress because they are sometimes trapped between making decisions which is to follow rules and orders or to be free and discover the world like they should. Adolescents in the previous days were trained for things that were suitable with their age so that they can use it to manage their lives. But now adolescents have to follow their parents‘ desires which are preparing them to compete in the social system where the society is scrambling towards modernization so that they are not left behind. If it is not managed well, stress can ignite psychological disturbances among them when they are grown up. These disturbances will cause stress to the adolescents in the future if they are not overcome. The coronavirus pandemic is transforming the traditional schooling model. In particular, the growing integration of digital technologies raises further questions about the future of learning, teaching, curriculum, and assessment. This calls for continuous monitoring of how education systems are transforming and responding to the scale and severity of the current learning crisis. II. OBJECTIVES This study aimed to determine the academic stress in relation to academic performance of school students. Specifically, this study sought to find answers to the following questions: 1. How is the academic stress conditions of the senior high school students be described in the following dimensions: 1.1. Academic Undertaking; 1.2. Parental Pressure; and 1.3. Future Perspective? 2. How are the dimensions towards well–being of senior high school students be described as to: 2.1. Physical Well – Being; 2.2. Emotional Well – Being; 2.3. Social Well – Being; 2.4. Intellectual Well- Being; and 2.5. Spiritual Well – Being? 3. How is the level of academic performance of senior high school students reflected in GWA be described? 4. Is there significant difference on the dimension towards well – being? 5. Is there significant relationship between academic stress and academic performance? 6. Is there significant relationship between academic stress and well-being? III. METHODOLOGY A descriptive research design was used and with questionnaire as the instrument in gathering data from the 392 students who were randomly selected. Questionnaire was consisted of different parts. (1). dealt with the assessment on the Academic conditions of the Senior High School students in terms of: (a) Academic Undertaking, (b) Parental Pressure, and (v) Future Perspective. (2) dealt with the perception towards student well-being in terms of (a) Physical Well- Being, (b) Emotional Well-Being, (c) Social Well-being, (d Intellectual Well-Being, and (e) Spiritual Well- Being respectively.(3) dealt with the level of academic performance reflected in the general weighted average in the first and second grading period. Data gathered was used as subject to certain statistical treatments. Statistical tools was used to gathered data such as percentage, weighted arithmetic mean, ANOVA and Pearson r. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1: Table on the Perception of the Senior High School Students on the Academic Stress Academic Stress Overall Weighted Mean Qualitative Interpretation Rank 1 Academic Undertaking 2.66 Moderately Stressful 2 2 Parental Pressure 2.38 Slightly Stressful 3 3 Future Perspective 2.77 Moderately Stressful 1 Grand Mean 2.60 Moderately Stressful
  • 3. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2023 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 148 The respondents assessed ―Moderately Stressful‖ on future perspective (2.77) and ranked 1st ; academic undertaking (2.66) and ranked 2nd . The parental pressure was assessed ―Slightly Stressful with mean of (2.38) and ranked 3rd . Overall, the computed grand mean on the responses towards dimensions on academic stress was 2.60 and with qualitative interpretation of ―Moderately Stressful‖. Academic-related stress is significantly associated with reduced student academic motivation (Liu, 2015) and academic disengagement (Liu& Lu, 2011). This in turn makes them vulnerable to dropping out, future unemployment, and increased incidence of psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety and substance use disorders (Pascoe et al., 2020). Long-standing stress exposure in children and adolescents may also lead to the development of physical health problems such as metabolic syndrome, obesity and reduced insulin sensitivity as well as reduction of life expectancy (Pervanidou & Chrousos, 2012). Table 2 : of the Senior High School Students on the dimensions towards Well-Being Well-Being Overall Weighted Mean Qualitative Interpretation Rank 1 Physical Well-Being 2.65 Sometimes 5 2 Emotional Well-Being 3.03 Sometimes 3 3 Social Well-Being 3.07 Sometimes 2 4 Intellectual Well-Being 3.02 Sometimes 4 5 Spiritual Well-Being 3.20 Sometimes 1 Grand Mean 2.99 Sometimes The respondents assessed ―Sometimes‖ on all dimensions as to Spiritual Well-Being (3.20) and ranked 1st ; Social Well-being (3.07) and ranked 2nd ; Emotional Well-Being (3.03) and ranked 3rd ; Intellectual Well- being (3.02) and ranked 4th while Physical well-being (2.65) and ranked 5th . Overall, the computed grand mean on the responses towards dimensions on well-being was 2.29 with qualitative interpretation of ―Sometimes‖. Table 3 : Level of Academic Performance of the Senior High Students reflected in General Weighted Average grade during First and Second Grading Period In the first grading and second period, the students were rated ―Very Satisfactory‖ equivalent to the numerical grade of 88.58 and 87.93 respectively. The overall weighted mean on the academic performance of the respondents was 89.16 with qualitative interpretation of ―Very Satisfactory‖. The very satisfactory performance demonstrate that the student-respondents are doing well in the academic undertaking. It further demonstrate that they are not quite affected by academic stress nor academic anxiety. First Grading Second Grading Descriptive Equivalent Frequency (f) Percentage (%) Frequency (f) Percentage (%) Outstanding (90-100) 141 36.00 183 46.70 Very Satisfactory (85-89) 155 39.50 137 34.90 Satisfactory (80-84) 90 23.00 65 16.60 Fairly Satisfactory (75-79) 6 1.50 7 1.80 Did Not Meet Expectations (74 and below) 0 0.00 0 0.00 Total 392 100.00 392 100.00 Mean 88.58 Very Satisfactory 89.73 Very Satisfactory Overall Weighted Mean 89.16 (Very Satisfactory)
  • 4. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2023 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 149 Academic anxiety is found to be the least in case of adolescents from high socio- economic classes- which may be partly attributed to their secured future at least in material aspects. The prevalence of anxiety disorders tends to decrease with higher socio-economic status (Sadock 2000). Another study has also reported that social disadvantage is associated with increased stress among students (Goodman et. al, 2005). Table 4 : Analysis of Variance to test difference on the Academic Stress as to Academic Undertaking when the Student-respondents are grouped according to profile variables Sources of Variations SS df MS F Sig. Decision Age Between Groups 3.948 5 0.790 2.644 0.023 Reject Ho Significant Within Groups 115.254 386 0.299 Total 119.201 391 Sex Between Groups 0.693 1 0.693 2.279 0.132 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 118.509 390 0.304 Total 119.201 391 Grade Level Between Groups 0.303 1 0.303 0.995 0.319 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 118.898 390 0.305 Total 119.201 391 Mother‘s Education Between Groups 1.198 5 0.240 0.784 0.562 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 118.003 386 0.306 Total 119.201 391 Father‘s Education Between Groups 0.394 5 0.079 0.256 0.937 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 118.807 386 0.308 Total 119.201 391 Family Income Between Groups 1.430 8 0.179 0.581 0.793 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 117.771 383 0.307 Total 119.201 391 Learning Modality preference Between Groups 0.399 2 0.200 0.654 0.521 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 118.802 389 0.305 Total 119.201 391 Table 4 shows the Analysis of Variance to test difference on the Academic Stress as to Academic Undertaking when the Student-respondents are grouped according to profile variables. There is significant difference on the perception towards academic undertaking when grouped according to age manifested on the Sig. value of 0.023 which is lower than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected. On the other hand, there is no significant difference on the perception towards academic undertaking when grouped according to sex, grade level, mothers‘ education, fathers‘ education, family income and learning modality preference manifested on the Sig. values of 0.132, 0.319, 0.562, 0.937, 0.793 and 0.521 respectively which are lower than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted. determine where the difference lies. It shows that respondents ages 20 years old with highest mean value comparted to 19 years old. This finding support of the study of Reddy et al. (2018) as they concludes that stream wise difference in stress does exist in students. It is important to deal with stress at personal, social and institutional level. Remedies such as feedback, yoga, life skills training, mindfulness, meditation and psychotherapy have been found useful to deal with stress. To identify the main reason of stress is the key to deal with it. Professionals can develop tailor made strategies to deal with stress. The integrated wellbeing of the students is important not only for the individual but for the institute as well. Dimitrov, (2017) claimed that stress can be addressed by ensuring that the students give utmost importance to their welfare. Food, exercise, work, recreation are some of the areas to focus on. He also concluded that the education system is more to do with the academic qualifications and does not contribute enough to the holistic development of students. In similar manner, the study of Subramani and Kadhiravan, (2017) revealed the link between academic stress and mental health among students. He endorsed that academic stress and mental health are correlated and that students are cramped with the academic structure. Parents and schools pressurize the student‘s way too much for the higher grades that disheartens the students, further to add on there is not enough support from the parents and school in terms of guidance. The students are mentally healthy when they perform constructively in the academic forums. They also propounded that students from private schools are more pressurized as compared to students from government schools due to the excess of homework and other academic related
  • 5. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2023 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 150 assignments. Significant difference in mental health of students from private and government schools was found. He asserted that students from private schools have a different nurturing and vast exposure as compared to government school students who belong to poor socio economic background and lack of exposure. This is one of the reasons for the escalation of stress. Table 5 : Analysis of Variance to test difference on the Academic Stress as to Parental Pressure when the student-respondents are grouped accordingto profile variables Sources of Variations SS df MS F Sig. Decision Age Between Groups 1.306 5 0.261 0.510 0.769 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 197.683 386 0.512 Total 198.988 391 Sex Between Groups 2.883 1 2.883 5.733 0.017 Reject Ho Significant Within Groups 196.106 390 0.503 Total 198.988 391 Grade Level Between Groups 0.029 1 0.029 0.057 0.812 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 198.960 390 0.510 Total 198.988 391 Mother‘s Education Between Groups 1.409 5 0.282 0.551 0.738 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 197.579 386 0.512 Total 198.988 391 Father‘s Education Between Groups 1.643 5 0.329 0.643 0.667 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 197.345 386 0.511 Total 198.988 391 Family Income Between Groups 1.741 8 0.218 0.423 0.907 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 197.247 383 0.515 Total 198.988 391 Learning Modality Preference Between Groups 1.444 2 0.722 1.422 0.243 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 197.545 389 0.508 Total 198.988 391 There is significant difference on the perception towards parental pressure when grouped according to sex manifested on the Sig. value of 0.017 which is lower than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected. On the other hand, there is no significant difference on the perception towards parental pressure when grouped according to age, grade level, mothers‘ education, fathers‘ education, family income and learning modality preference manifested on the Sig. values of 0.769, 0.812, 0.738, 0.667, 0.907, and 0.243 respectively which are lower than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted. The data simply implies on the divergence of opinion when grouped according to sex. In Appendix E, Figure 4 shows the Post-Hoc using Scheffe Test and means plot to determine where the difference lies. It shows that the difference lies on male respondents with high mean values compared to females. Possible explanations for female students experiencing higher stress levels could include women taking on the role of being the caretaker of the family (Stevenson & Harper, 2006). Moreover, the high family income had a moderate level of academic stress. Meaning to say, they have a greater chance to expose themselves to varied activities and experiences inside and outside the school campus. Lastly, students of parents, whose educational level is elementary, demonstrated a moderate level of stress. This is congruence to Graetz‘s (2009) study that children from parents with low occupational status face many barriers in transiting from one stage of education to the next. Though parental involvement leads to better academic achievement (Holmes, 2013), high expectations of the parents lead to stress of stress of students (Ma, Siu & Tse, 2018). Parents usually set unrealistically high goals, it sometimes leads to drastic outbursts by students in the form of stress, depression and even suicides (Hazari, 2013). Parents have crucial role in their children‘s development (Sroufe, 2002; Harter, 2006) and they have numerous wishes and expectations for their children particularly about their education (Goldenberg et al., 2001; Glick & White 2004). Children realize the parental expectations and attempt to satisfy their expectations. But sometimes parents‘ expectations induce worry in their child and it impacts the academic achievement. When they could not achieve their parents‘ expectations, it causes stress and influences on their academic achievement (Kumar& Jadaun, 2018). Hence, it is assumed that there would be a significant relationship between parental expectations and academic stress among school students and is tested with correlation analysis.
  • 6. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2023 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 151 In the study of Chui and Wong, (2017) concluded that there was no difference between gender regarding perceived parental expectations. (Dhull and Kumari ,2015) indicated significant gender differences with reference to dimensions of academic stress (pressure from study, workload, worry about grades and despondency). Parental pressure for better academic performance was found to be mostly responsible for academic stress, as reported by 66% of the students. The majority of the parents criticized their children by comparing the latter‘s performance with that of the best performer in the class. As a result, instead of friendship, there develops a sense of rivalry among classmates. Some parents even tend to demean the achievement of the top scorer of the class by stating that, he/she might have been favored by the teacher (Pandey, 2010). Table 6 : Analysis of Variance to test difference on the Academic Stress as to Future Perspective when the student-respondents are grouped according to profile variables Sources of Variations SS df MS F Sig. Decision Age Between Groups 1.368 5 0.274 0.516 0.764 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 204.820 386 0.531 Total 206.188 391 Sex Between Groups 0.861 1 0.861 1.635 0.202 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 205.328 390 0.526 Total 206.188 391 Grade Level Between Groups 1.881 1 1.881 3.591 0.059 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 204.307 390 0.524 Total 206.188 391 Mother‘s Education Between Groups 0.467 5 0.093 0.175 0.972 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 205.721 386 0.533 Total 206.188 391 Father‘s Education Between Groups 1.465 5 0.293 0.553 0.736 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 204.723 386 0.530 Total 206.188 391 Family Income Between Groups 3.641 8 0.455 0.861 0.550 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 202.548 383 0.529 Total 206.188 391 Learning Modality Preference Between Groups 0.911 2 0.455 0.863 0.423 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 205.278 389 0.528 Total 206.188 391 There is no significant difference on the perception towards future perspective when grouped according to age, sex, grade level, mothers‘ education, fathers‘ education, family income and learning modality preference manifested on the Sig. values of 0.764, 0.202, 0.059, 0.972, 0.736, 0.550 and 0.423 respectively which all are higher than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted. Regarding stress, Folkman (2013) emphasizes that this phenomenon is contextual and involves a transaction between the characteristics of the person and the environment; it is liable to change over time, perhaps as a result of the individual's evaluation of a personally meaningful situation. Kristensen, Schaefer, and Busnello (2010) argue that stress develops when the demands of certain situations are perceived as being beyond the resources available to overcome them, causing the individual to be unable to resist and create strategies to address them. Thus, stress can interfere with this population's development, given the psychological vulnerability that is inherent to this period of life. In addition to causing an impact on adolescents' health and wellness (Marques, Gasparotto, & Coelho, 2015), stress can affect their future expectations and hope (Gustafsson et. al., 2013). There is a direct relationship between hope and future expectations; hope is used to envision future goals and to propose effective actions to achieve the goals that are established in the present, playing an important role in positive development (Callina et. al.,2014). Adolescents plan for the future using concepts and experiences from the present, and therefore, they need hopeful thoughts to try to accomplish these plans, encouraging their positive development (Burrow, O'Dell, & Hill, 2010).
  • 7. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2023 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 152 Table 7 : Analysis of Variance to test difference on the dimensions towards Physical Well-Being when the student-respondents are grouped according to profile variables Sources of Variations SS df MS F Sig. Decision Age Between Groups 1.877 5 0.375 1.432 0.212 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 101.163 386 0.262 Total 103.040 391 Sex Between Groups 6.430 1 6.430 25.956 0.000 Reject Ho Significant Within Groups 96.610 390 0.248 Total 103.040 391 Grade Level Between Groups 0.239 1 0.239 0.907 0.341 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 102.801 390 0.264 Total 103.040 391 Mother‘s Education Between Groups 0.997 5 0.199 0.754 0.583 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 102.043 386 0.264 Total 103.040 391 Father‘s Education Between Groups 1.911 5 0.382 1.459 0.202 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 101.129 386 0.262 Total 103.040 391 Family Income Between Groups 2.899 8 0.362 1.386 0.201 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 100.141 383 0.261 Total 103.040 391 Learning Modality preference Between Groups 0.624 2 0.312 1.185 0.307 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 102.416 389 0.263 Total 103.040 391 Table 7 shows the Analysis of Variance to test difference on Physical well-being when grouped according to age, sex, grade level, mother‘s education, father‘s education and family income and learning modality preference. There is significant difference on the perception towards physical well-being when grouped according to sex manifested on the Sig. value of 0.000 which is lower than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected. There is no significant difference on the perception towards physical well-being when grouped according to age, grade level, mothers‘ education, fathers‘ education, family income and learning modality preference manifested on the Sig. values of 0.212, 0.341, 0.583, 0.202, 0.201 and 0.307 respectively which all are higher than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted. The data simply implies on the divergence of opinion when grouped according to sex. In Appendix E, Figure 5 shows the Post-Hoc using Scheffe Test and means plot to determine where the difference lies. It shows that the difference lies on male respondents. The physical well-being domain and its measures include the areas of: nutrition, preventative health care, physical activity, physical safety and security, reproductive health and drug use (Bornstein et al., 2003; Pollard & Davidson, 2001). One unequivocal constant across the physical well-being literature is that school programs that support physical well-being lead to positive health outcomes (Blanksby & Whipp, 2004; Bornstein et al., 2003). Schools are generally well informed regarding appropriate health behaviors through both curriculum documents in the Health and Physical Education fields and supplementary programs available to schools to support and nurture student physical well-being. The contribution of measures of physical well-being to a measurement construct of student well-being are however questionable. Table 8: Analysis of Variance to test difference on the dimensions towards Emotional Well-Being when the student-respondents are grouped according to profile variables Sources of Variations SS df MS F Sig. Decision Age Between Groups 1.905 5 0.381 1.586 0.163 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 92.724 386 0.240 Total 94.629 391 Sex Between Groups 0.443 1 0.443 1.836 0.176 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 94.185 390 0.242 Total 94.629 391 Grade Level Between Groups 0.286 1 0.286 1.183 0.277 Accept Ho
  • 8. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2023 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 153 Within Groups 94.343 390 0.242 Not Significant Total 94.629 391 Mother‘s Education Between Groups 0.369 5 0.074 0.303 0.911 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 94.260 386 0.244 Total 94.629 391 Father‘s Education Between Groups 0.367 5 0.073 0.300 0.913 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 94.262 386 0.244 Total 94.629 391 Family Income Between Groups 1.448 8 0.181 0.744 0.653 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 93.181 383 0.243 Total 94.629 391 Learning Modality preference Between Groups 2.631 2 1.316 5.563 0.004 Reject Ho Significant Within Groups 91.998 389 0.236 Total 94.629 391 Table 18 shows the Analysis of Variance to test difference on Emotional well-being when grouped according to age, sex, grade level, mother‘s education, father‘s education and family income and learning modality preference. value of 0.004 which is lower than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected. There is no significant difference on the perception towards emotional well-being when grouped according to age, grade level, mothers‘ education, fathers‘ education, and family income manifested on the Sig. values of 0.163, 0.176, 0.277, 0.911, 0.913, and 0.653 respectively which all are higher than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted. The data simply implies on the divergence of opinion when grouped according to learning modality preference. In Appendix E, Figure 6 shows the Post-Hoc using Scheffe Test and means plot to determine where the difference lies. It shows that the difference lies on respondents using blended learning manifested on the high mean values compared to those using online learning. Psychological well-being is the most pervasive construct in the well-being literature and consistently is referred to as one of the primary outcome measures of well-being. The aspects of intrapersonal well-being are also reported extensively as being under meaningful influence of the school (Bond, 2000; Carr-Gregg, 2000b; Wyn et al., 2000). This report includes intrapersonal well-being as a dimension of a measurement construct of student well-being in the school community. Table 9: Analysis of Variance to test difference on the dimensions towards Social Well-Being when the student-respondents are grouped according to profile variables Sources of Variations SS df MS F Sig. Decision Age Between Groups 1.642 5 0.328 1.147 0.335 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 110.530 386 0.286 Total 112.171 391 Sex Between Groups 0.044 1 0.044 0.154 0.695 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 112.127 390 0.288 Total 112.171 391 Grade Level Between Groups 0.594 1 0.594 2.075 0.151 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 111.578 390 0.286 Total 112.171 391 Mother‘s Education Between Groups 0.394 5 0.079 0.272 0.928 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 111.778 386 0.290 Total 112.171 391 Father‘s Education Between Groups 0.666 5 0.133 0.461 0.805 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 111.506 386 0.289 Total 112.171 391 Family Income Between Groups 2.499 8 0.312 1.091 0.369 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 109.672 383 0.286 Total 112.171 391 Learning Modality preference Between Groups 2.417 2 1.208 4.283 0.014 Reject Ho Significant Within Groups 109.755 389 0.282 Total 112.171 391
  • 9. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2023 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 154 Table 9 shows the Analysis of Variance to test difference on Social well-being when grouped according to age, sex, grade level, mother‘s education, father‘s education and family income and learning modality preference. There is significant difference on the perception towards social well-being when grouped according to learning modality preference manifested on the Sig. value of 0.014 which is lower than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected. There is no significant difference on the perception towards social well-being when grouped according to age, grade level, mothers‘ education, fathers‘ education, and family income manifested on the Sig. values of 0.335, 0.695, 0.151, 0.928, 0.805 and 0.369 respectively which all are higher than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted. The data simply implies on the divergence of opinion when grouped according to learning modality preference. In Appendix E, Figure 7 shows the Post-Hoc using Scheffe Test and means plot to determine where the difference lies. It shows that the difference lies on the respondents using blended learning manifested on the high mean values compared to those using online learning. Social well-being has been afforded status as both a dimension of a larger well-being construct and as part of a broader social-emotional well-being dimension (Bornstein et al., 2003). Typically the social, or interpersonal well-being domain includes aspects such as: empathy, trust, peer relationships and mutual obligation (Bornstein et al., 2003). The aggregation of social and emotional well-being to form a single dimension in some well-being models is predicated on the understanding that emotional well-being is frequently manifest as observable social behaviors. This provides an elegant solution in the management of constructs in which well-being is defined broadly to encompass a range of situational contexts. Table 10: Analysis of Variance to test difference on the dimensions towards Intellectual Well-Being when the student-respondents are grouped according to profile variables Sources of Variations SS df MS F Sig. Decision Age Between Groups 2.356 5 0.471 1.723 0.128 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 105.559 386 0.273 Total 107.914 391 Sex Between Groups 0.301 1 0.301 1.091 0.297 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 107.613 390 0.276 Total 107.914 391 Grade Level Between Groups 1.140 1 1.140 4.162 0.042 Reject Ho Significant Within Groups 106.775 390 0.274 Total 107.914 391 Mother‘s Education Between Groups 0.901 5 0.180 0.650 0.662 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 107.013 386 0.277 Total 107.914 391 Father‘s Education Between Groups 2.416 5 0.483 1.768 0.118 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 105.498 386 0.273 Total 107.914 391 Family Income Between Groups 4.069 8 0.509 1.876 0.062 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 103.846 383 0.271 Total 107.914 391 Learning Modality preference Between Groups 2.117 2 1.059 3.892 0.021 Reject Ho Significant Within Groups 105.797 389 0.272 Total 107.914 391 Table 10 shows the Analysis of Variance to test difference on Intellectual well-being when grouped according to age, sex, grade level, mother‘s education, father‘s education and family income and learning modality preference. There is significant difference on the perception towards intellectual well-being when grouped according to grade level and learning modality preference manifested on the Sig. values of 0.042 and 0.021 respectively which is lower than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected. There is no significant difference on the perception towards intellectual well-being when grouped according to age, mothers‘ education, fathers‘ education, and family income manifested on the Sig. values of 0.0.128, 0.297, 0.662, 0.118 and 0.062 respectively which all are higher than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted.
  • 10. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2023 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 155 The data simply implies on the divergence of opinion when grouped according to grade level and learning modality preference respectively. In Appendix E, Figure 8 and 9 show the Post-Hoc using Scheffe Test and means plot to determine where the difference lies. It shows that the difference lies on respondents in Grade 12 and using blended learning manifested on their high mean values. It is universally accepted that schools exert significant influence over the cognitive wellbeing of their students. This is after all, arguably the primary purpose of schools and the focus of the greatest proportion of their allocated resources. It is also true that schools and school systems already have available to them an overwhelming array of assessment methodologies and materials of the academic achievements of their students. Less prevalent are measures of the cognitive dispositions. However, the dispositional aspects of the cognitive dimension of child well-being articulated by Pollard and Lee (2003) are not sufficiently discrete from a broader intrapersonal dimension of student well-being in the school context to warrant their classification as part of a distinct well-being dimension. Dispositions to cognitive achievement are therefore included in this report as aspects of a broader intrapersonal dimension of a measurement construct of student well-being in the school community. Table 11 :Analysis of Variance to test difference on the dimensions towards Spiritual Well-Being when the Student-respondents are grouped according to profile variables Sources of Variations SS df MS F Sig. Decision Age Between Groups 1.871 5 0.374 1.151 0.333 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 125.548 386 0.325 Total 127.419 391 Sex Between Groups 0.269 1 0.269 0.824 0.365 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 127.151 390 0.326 Total 127.419 391 Grade Level Between Groups 0.619 1 0.619 1.903 0.168 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 126.800 390 0.325 Total 127.419 391 Mother‘s Education Between Groups 0.674 5 0.135 0.411 0.841 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 126.745 386 0.328 Total 127.419 391 Father‘s Education Between Groups 2.040 5 0.408 1.256 0.282 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 125.379 386 0.325 Total 127.419 391 Family Income Between Groups 1.194 8 0.149 0.453 0.889 Accept Ho Not Significant Within Groups 126.225 383 0.330 Total 127.419 391 Learning Modality Preference Between Groups 2.351 2 1.176 3.656 0.027 Reject Ho Significant Within Groups 125.068 389 0.322 Total 127.419 391 Table 11 shows the Analysis of Variance to test difference on Spiritual well-being when grouped according to age, sex, grade level, mother‘s education, father‘s education and family income and learning modality preference. There is significant difference on the perception towards spiritual well-being when grouped according to learning modality preference manifested on the Sig. value of 0.027 which is lower than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected. On the other hand, there is no significant difference on the perception towards spiritual well-being when grouped according to age, grade level, mothers‘ education, fathers‘ education, and family income manifested on the Sig. values of 0.333, 0.365, 0.168, 0.841, 0.282, and 0.889 respectively which all are higher than 5% significance level, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted. The data simply implies on the divergence of opinion when grouped according to learning modality preference. In Appendix E, Figure 10 shows the Post-Hoc using Scheffe Test and means plot to determine where the difference lies. It shows that the difference lies on respondents using blended learning manifested on the high mean values compared to those using the online learning. Spiritual well – being is defined as a positive sense of meaning and purpose in life (Adams & Benzer, 2000; Tsang & McCullough, 2003) and is an essential component of many models of well-being (Adams & Benzer, 2000). Spirituality is distinct from but can include religiosity. The distinction between spirituality and
  • 11. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2023 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 156 religiosity is determined by the role of the sacred. Religiosity includes the requirement that a person is involved in the active search for and maintenance of faith in a notional divine entity or object (Hill, Pargament, Hood, McCullough, & Swyers, 2000). This is subsumed by the more general construct of spirituality as a sense of meaning or purpose. Table 12: Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation to test relationship between Academic Stress and Academic Performance Sources of Correlations Academic Stress Academic Performance Academic Stress Pearson Correlation 1 0.037 Sig. (2-tailed) 0.459 N 392 392 Academic Performance Pearson Correlation 0.037 1 Sig. (2-tailed) 0.459 N 392 392 The computed Pearson r value of 0.037 denotes negligible correlation between dimensions on Academic Stress and level of Academic Performance. The computed Sig. (2-tailed) test value of 0.459 which is greater than 5% significant level, therefore the null hypothesis is accepted, hence there is no significant relationship between the academic stress and the level of academic performance. The impact of academic stress is also far-reaching: high levels of academic stress have led to poor outcomes in the areas of exercise, nutrition, substance use, and self-care. Concerning academic stress, there is much stress linked to studies, homework, tests, and other academic engagements (Porwal & Kumar, 2014). Relatively, it is a product of a broad range of concerns, including burden from tests and examinations burden, courses demanding submissions, and different educational systems, and thinking about plans upon education (Ramli, 2018). One out of every ten students suffers significant distress related to studies. In India, 72% of students are unaware of how to deal with academic stress and its ill-effects (Kumar, 2013). Study of academic stress along gender lines is notable because, there is great difference in the academic stress of female and male students and studies revealed that female students were found to be under more academic stress than male students ( Gentry et al., 2007). Academic stress is caused due to the examination system, burden of homework and attitudes of parents and teachers (Sarita, 2015). Even some parents intend to compensate through their children (Dhull & Kumari, 2015). In Indian culture, parents have more expectations for their male child because of societal perspective that male should success in education well enough so that he can look after the parents and family in future (Rajkotwala, 2016; Krishnan, 2018). Table 13 : Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation to test relationship between Academic Stress and Academic Performance Sources of Correlations Academic Stress Academic Performance Well-Being Pearson Correlation 1 0.173** Sig. (2-tailed) 0.001 N 392 392 Academic Performance Pearson Correlation 0.173** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) 0.001 N 392 392 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). Table 23 shows the Pearson Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation to test relationship between Well-Being and level of Academic Performance The computed Pearson r value of 0.173** denotes positive slight correlation between dimensions on Academic Stress and level of Academic Performance. The computed Sig. (2-tailed) test value of 0.001 which is less than 1% significant level, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected, hence there is significant relationship between the well- being and the level of academic performance.
  • 12. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) 2023 A J H S S R J o u r n a l P a g e | 157 The data clearly demonstrate that as the academic stress is increasing, the academic performance is also slightly increasing. This finding supports on the study of Deb et al. (2014), were found to have high academic stress and 37 percent were found to have high anxiety levels. Pollard and Lee (2003) comment that ‗wellbeing is a complex, multi-faceted construct that has continued to elude researchers attempts to define and measure it‘ and according to Lent (2004), despite the multitude of purported measurement instruments ‗there has been relatively little consensus on how best to measure well-being‘. An audit of existing models of well-being reveals that there is significant variation in the magnitude and scope of the dimensions (also referred to as domains) ascribed to well-being. Well-being is a multidimensional phenomenon, integrating biological, psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions (McDowell, 2010). Well-being refers to the emotional and cognitive dimensions of the subjective experience resulting from the individual evaluation of several dimensions of life. Personality is a significant predictor of mental health (Davydov et al., 2010), including positive mental health/wellbeing (Cloninger and Zohar, 2011; Josefsson et al., 2011; Butkovic et al., 2012). Healthy personality development is related to several aspects of well-being and there is a need for integrating the contributions of personality to well-being on current approaches to mental health (Seligman, 2008; Cloninger, 2012; Vaillant, 2012). V. CONCLUSIONS Based on the summary of the investigations conducted, the researcher concluded that: 1. The assessment on academic stress was ―Moderately Stressful‖. 2. The assessment on well-being was ―Sometimes‖ 3. The academic performance the students was rated ―Very Satisfactory‖. 4. There is significant different on sex towards academic undertaking and parental pressure while significant on age towards academic undertaking. 5. There is significant difference when grouped according to learning modality on emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual well-being; significant on sex towards physical well-being and grade level towards intellectual well-being 6. There is negligible correlation between the level of academic stress and academic performance. 7. There is positive slight correlation between the well-being and academic performance. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the summary of the investigations conducted and the conclusions arrived at, the researcher offer the following recommendations based on salient findings obtained in the study. 1. Parents are encouraged not to force children to have good academic performance. Need to assessed and understand the intellectual ability of the children. 2. Parents should encourage their children to participate in exercise and physical activities. Join in to model fitness. 3. Parents should help their children to learn healthful eating. 4. Encouraged students to conduct self-assessment in readiness to handle or carry normal academic loads. 5. Students are advised to have self- discipline on sleeping habit meeting the 8 hours a day and conduct physical activity to enhance physical well-being. 6. Inclusions and integration of lessons on the importance of racial respect, gender sensitivity and cultural divergence. 7. Attendance to church services, worship and mass in order to enhance spiritual well-being. 8. Parents and teachers should provide activities for the students which will help them to enjoy their free time, including exercise, and allow them to engage themselves in productive ways that can reduce the stress. 9. School staffs, teachers and counselors should develop ways to improve effective communication between students and teachers, thereby improving academic and well – being of students. Their understanding of students‘ academic stress will help them to practice techniques and adopt attitudes essential to assist and mentor them to cope/deal with academic stress more effectively. 10. Further, study should be conducted on the design of a curriculum which optimizes the balance between the ‗push‘ factors ( bringing out the students, maintaining standards, etc.) and inducing undue and unproductive stress. 11. For future researcher/s, to conduct a parallel or similar study with in-depth and wider in scope so as to validate the salient findings obtained in the study.
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