This document discusses several key values that are important for professionals, particularly in nursing. It begins by defining values and explaining that they provide guidelines for conduct and are integral to ethics. Some core personal values discussed include honesty, respect, integrity and caring. Professional values discussed specific to nursing include patient privacy, confidentiality, advocacy, integrity and loyalty. The document emphasizes that values are learned early in life but also develop over time, and help create norms and build relationships and society.
The document discusses the care of dying patients. It defines caring for dying patients as promoting physical comfort and psychological peace in the final stage of life. It outlines signs of approaching death including changes in various body systems. It discusses symptomatic management of common issues like breathing difficulties, eating/drinking problems, and loss of senses. Care includes keeping the patient clean and comfortable, managing pain and other symptoms, and allowing for rest. The document also covers signs of clinical death and the nurse's role in assessing and caring for the dying patient.
The document discusses the code of ethics for nursing. It begins by defining what a code of ethics is and how it provides standards of behavior for a profession. It then discusses the specific nursing code of ethics, its purposes, and the evolution of the International Council of Nurses' code of ethics. The code has four main elements: nurses and people, nurses and practice, nurses and the profession, and nurses and co-workers. It outlines nurses' responsibilities and basic ethical principles like respect for persons, accountability, and confidentiality that nurses should uphold.
Prevention of Accidents in An Operation Theatre-NURSINGMariaKuriakose5
This is a PowerPoint made to explain various hazards in an operation theater and with its preventive measures.This will hepl the nursing students to go through the important points rather than going into deep studies.
The document discusses various topics related to law and ethics in healthcare. It defines key concepts like torts, standards of care, intentional vs unintentional torts, assault, battery, negligence, malpractice, informed consent and more. It also discusses various Indian laws related to healthcare like the Transplantation of Human Organs Act, Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, and Biomedical Waste Management rules. Finally, it covers principles of ethics like autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, fidelity, justice and veracity as well as ethical dilemmas in nursing.
the ot nursing is an essential concept that every student nurse must have an adequate knowledge in order to counteract the issues related to OT nursing.
The document discusses the design, layout, and operation of an operating theatre. It describes the various rooms that should be included like the operating room, scrub room, recovery room, and store rooms. It outlines the requirements for walls, lighting, air conditioning and infection control. Surgical procedures and positions used for different types of surgeries are mentioned. Preparation of equipment, sterilization methods including autoclaving, and care of instruments are summarized. Common suture materials and needle types are also briefly described.
Perioperative nursing involves caring for patients before, during, and after surgery by assessing their needs, developing a care plan, and evaluating outcomes; this includes obtaining consent, preparing patients both physically and psychologically for surgery, monitoring patients' vital signs and comfort during procedures, and facilitating recovery afterwards while addressing any postoperative needs. Perioperative nurses work as part of a surgical team with specific roles in the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases to help ensure patient safety and successful surgical outcomes.
Role of nurse in medical surgical setting RakhiYadav53
The document discusses the role and responsibilities of nurses in various medical-surgical settings. Nurses in outpatient departments provide direct care to patients, educate patients and families, and screen patients for admission. In inpatient departments, nurses are responsible for providing quality medical care, managing patient files, and coordinating care. Intensive care unit nurses closely monitor patients' conditions, assist physicians with procedures, and care for pre- and post-operative patients. Nurses in home health care and community settings provide care outside of hospitals through services like health education, wound care, and disease prevention programs.
The document outlines standard safety measures that should be used in healthcare settings to prevent the transmission of infections. It discusses 19 different safety measures including hand hygiene, use of personal protective equipment, safe injection practices, waste disposal, and environmental cleaning. Adhering to standard safety measures helps control the spread of communicable diseases in hospitals and prevents cross-infection. Proper implementation of practices such as sanitation, sterilization, isolation protocols, and immunization are crucial for maintaining health and safety.
The document discusses perioperative nursing. It defines the perioperative period as including the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases of surgery. The preoperative phase involves assessing the patient, obtaining consent, and providing education. The intraoperative phase is when the surgery occurs. The postoperative phase focuses on monitoring and managing the recovery process. Perioperative nurses play an important role in optimizing patient outcomes across all three phases of surgery.
This document discusses isolation precautions in healthcare settings. It defines isolation precautions as special measures used to prevent the spread of contagious diseases. The document outlines the different modes of disease transmission - contact, droplet, airborne, vector-borne, and common vehicles. It then describes the various types of isolation precautions, including standard, contact, droplet and airborne precautions. For each type of precaution, it provides details on patient placement, signs, personal protective equipment used, and other measures to prevent disease transmission.
This document discusses the characteristics of a profession and analyzes whether nursing meets those characteristics. It outlines that a profession typically has control over its own work, a specialized body of knowledge requiring extensive training, and self-regulation. While nursing has many of these traits as an emerging profession, it still has room for growth in areas like establishing a single credentialing system and achieving full autonomy in all work settings. The document then categorizes characteristics as intellectual, involving a theoretical knowledge base, specialized education, and critical thinking; personal, regarding autonomy; and interpersonal, through therapeutic collaboration.
This document provides guidelines for nursing staff on the care of patients using traction. It defines traction and its various types and purposes. The guidelines outline responsibilities and provide direction on pain management, risk assessment and prevention of complications like skin breakdown, infection and deep vein thrombosis. Nursing interventions are focused on patient education, monitoring traction equipment, pin site care, pressure area prevention and exercise/mobility encouragement.
Trends and issues in medical surgical nursingEDWINjose43
This document discusses trends and issues in medical-surgical nursing. It begins by defining trends as general directions of change and issues as important topics of discussion or problems. Some key trends discussed include increased reliance on technology, need for advanced nursing knowledge, emphasis on collaboration and communication, and development of new nursing specializations. Issues addressed include staff shortages, meeting patient expectations, long work hours, workplace hazards, and maintaining personal health in high-stress environments. The document provides examples and explanations for each of the trends and issues discussed in medical-surgical nursing.
The document discusses fundamentals of nursing palliative care. Nursing and palliative care are natural partners, as all nurses should have palliative care skills. Palliative care aims to improve quality of life for terminally ill patients and their families by preventing and relieving suffering. It involves an interdisciplinary team approach to address physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs. The role of nurses in palliative care focuses on symptom management, especially pain management, and providing 24-hour support.
This document discusses professional values. It defines professional values as guiding beliefs and principles that influence work behavior, which may include honesty, transparency, accountability, and respect. It identifies five fundamental principles of professional values: integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality, and professional behavior. The document emphasizes the importance of professional values in maintaining a professional image and delivering quality work. It also provides examples of how professional values are important in the paramedic profession and can help one's career.
The document discusses the International Code of Ethics for Nurses developed by the International Council of Nurses (ICN) in 1953. It provides an overview of the code, which outlines ethical standards of conduct for nurses in four elements: nurses and people, nurses and practice, nurses and the profession, and nurses and co-workers. The document emphasizes that while international codes provide guidance, national codes tailored to each country's context can further assist nurses in navigating complex ethical situations. It concludes nurses must be accountable to ethical obligations, as nursing is one of society's most trusted professions.
Legal and ethical issues in critical care nursingNursing Path
This document discusses several key ethical and legal issues faced by critical care nurses, including informed consent, use of restraints, end-of-life decisions around life-sustaining treatment, organ donation, and resolving ethical problems. It outlines important ethical principles like autonomy, beneficence, and justice. It also addresses issues like medico-legal cases, documentation, and the most concerning ethical issues reported by nurses.
The document discusses the nursing process, which includes assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. It describes each component in detail. Assessment involves collecting client data through various methods. Nursing diagnosis identifies client problems based on the assessment. Planning establishes goals and interventions. Implementation carries out the planned interventions. Evaluation assesses client progress and intervention effectiveness. The nursing process is a systematic approach to providing individualized care.
Here are two potential responses to the offline tasks:
1. Two universal values that are needed in modern times are honesty and integrity. If we embrace honesty and integrity as individuals and leaders, it can help rebuild trust in our institutions and among one another. With trust, we can have open and meaningful discussions to address challenges, and work together toward shared goals and progress for our country.
2. On a personal level, two values I think I can still develop are compassion and responsibility. To cultivate compassion, I will make an effort to understand other people's perspectives, especially those different from my own. To strengthen my sense of responsibility, I will follow through on my commitments and accept accountability for my actions and their outcomes. Practicing
The document discusses the counselling process, why people become counselors, moral and ethical issues in counselling, steps in making ethical decisions, ethical principles of counselling, moral values of counselors, characteristics of effective counselors, and traits of school counselors. The counselling process involves a planned dialogue between counselor and client to help identify and overcome problems. Counselors want to help people by preventing and overcoming difficulties and reaching their potential. Moral and ethical issues concern respecting clients and developing as counselors.
This document provides an introduction to engineering and medical ethics from a lecture at the University of Gondar. It discusses the importance of values and ethics, defining values as principles that guide decision making. Core values discussed include trustworthiness, responsibility, respect, fairness, compassion, citizenship, and integrity. The relationship between values and performance as well as the difference between values and ethics are explained.
Values are beliefs that guide attitudes and actions. They help determine what is important and how to behave. Personal values reflect what one finds good or desirable, while cultural values are accepted by societies. Values are essential to ethics as they underlie choices and actions. Values can conflict between individuals as what one values may differ from another. Some values like honesty and kindness tend to be universally good.
Practical Tips for Engaging Families & ChildrenMelissa Cole
This document provides guidance on engaging families and maintaining proper boundaries in social work. It discusses establishing trust and rapport through active listening and focusing on strengths. Maintaining clear roles and responsibilities, as well as honesty, empathy and consistency are important aspects of effective helping relationships. Factors like cultural differences, parental functioning issues related to substances, trauma or mental illness can uniquely influence engagement. Any safety concerns or issues regarding limits of confidentiality require immediate attention and following agency protocols. Questions social workers should consider around maintaining proper boundaries in their interactions with clients are also presented.
The document discusses human relations in nursing and the importance of therapeutic relationships. It addresses the nurse's role as part of a healthcare team and outlines best practices for maintaining appropriate boundaries and effective communication with clients, other healthcare professionals, hospital staff, and administrators. The ultimate goal is providing quality care and maximizing satisfaction for all through positive human relations and public relations within the hospital system.
Values are important guiding principles for nurses that influence their behaviors and practice. The document outlines several key values for nursing including human dignity, privacy, autonomy, precision in care, commitment, and developing competency. It discusses how values provide a framework for patient care and ethical decision making. Values are not just theoretical concepts but have real impact on how nurses deliver care in collaboration with other professions.
The document discusses effective communication strategies and techniques for working in teams, including defining communication, discussing different communication styles and personality types, barriers to effective communication, and the importance of professionalism, diversity, listening skills, and cooperation between different departments to ensure positive patient and employee outcomes. The focus is on how to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and promote teamwork through understanding different perspectives, maintaining an open dialogue, and working towards common goals.
This document defines key concepts related to values and beliefs in nursing. It begins by outlining objectives to define values/beliefs, explain how behaviors relate to values, identify sources of professional nursing values, apply cultural and developmental perspectives to values, and examine values conflicts and resolutions. It then defines terms like values, beliefs, attitudes, assumptions, and discusses types of beliefs, values, and how values are transmitted and influence behavior. It concludes by outlining some key professional values for nurses like altruism, autonomy, human dignity, integrity, and social justice.
The document outlines the key elements of medical professionalism which include altruism, accountability, excellence, honesty and integrity, duty, respect and compassion for patients. It defines professionalism as adhering to high ethical standards and prioritizing patient welfare over other considerations. The elements are described as qualities professionals should demonstrate both for themselves as well as in their interactions with patients.
This chapter discusses how personal values influence ethical choices and decisions. It covers how values are formed from influences like family, religion, education and role models. It also addresses resolving conflicts between personal values and others' values. The chapter discusses developing strong character through integrity and consistency. It provides guidance on making ethical work decisions by clarifying values and choosing employers with aligned values. Finally, it covers preventing corporate crime through ethics codes, values-aligned hiring, training and supporting whistleblowers.
This document provides an overview of counseling and guidance. It defines counseling as a process that aims to help people cope with situations and make positive choices through understanding emotions and feelings. Guidance means to guide or direct development. The objectives of counseling are to assist clients in exploring problems and solutions, reducing negative emotions, and making wise decisions. Principles of counseling include self-direction, client needs as priority, and avoiding dictatorial attitudes. Types of counseling include non-clinical settings like schools and clinical settings like addiction counseling. Phases include relationship building, assessment, goal setting, intervention, and termination. Indicators of success include clients owning problems and solutions and acquiring new responses.
The Human Factor Of Supervisory DynamicsTRAN MINH TAN
The document outlines key aspects of the supervisory relationship including the roles and needs of supervisors and supervisees, characteristics of effective relationships, and balancing organizational and personal needs. It discusses the supervisor's roles in support, education, management and consultation. Supervisee roles include learning, accountability and growth. Effective relationships show respect, honesty and boundary management. Personal and professional needs must be balanced with organizational objectives.
The Human Factor Of Supervisory DynamicsTRAN MINH TAN
The document outlines key aspects of the supervisory relationship including the roles and needs of supervisors and supervisees, the relationship between them, and maintaining an effective relationship. It discusses maintaining an "emotional bank account" through deposits like understanding others and withdrawals like blame. It also addresses harmonizing organizational needs with personal needs of supervisors through setting objectives, time management, and balancing professional and personal visions.
Personal values are beliefs, missions, or philosophies that are meaningful to individuals. Values can range from common beliefs like hard work to more psychological values like self-reliance. Values are formed primarily during childhood through influences from family, school, religion and peers. According to Morris Massey, there are three significant periods for values formation - the imprint period from birth to age 7, the modeling period from ages 8 to 13, and the socialization period from ages 13 to 21. Personal values provide an internal reference for what is good or important and influence behavior.
The document discusses various perspectives on leadership qualities and behaviors from different authors and sources. It covers a wide range of leadership topics such as vision, communication, developing others, integrity, decision-making, change management, customer focus, and more. The views presented range from individual leadership attributes to broader leadership approaches and styles.
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Nurses, addiction and mental health counselors, social workers and marriage and family therapists can earn continuing education credits (CEs) for this and other course at:
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AllCEUs has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 6261. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC Credit are clearly identified. AllCEUs is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
AllCEUs is also approved as an education provider for NAADAC, the States of Florida and Texas Boards of Social Work and Mental Health/Professional Counseling, the California Consortium for Addiction Professionals and Professions. Our courses are accepted in most states through those approvals.
A job that you need special skills and qualifications to do, especially one with high social status.
___ Mac Millan Dictionary
Any type of work that needs special training or a particular skill, often one that is respected because it involves a high level of education.
___ Cambridge Dictionary
Nurses play a crucial role in supporting pregnant women undergoing radiological examinations. This includes screening patients to determine pregnancy status, ensuring procedures are justified and radiation dosages are optimized, obtaining informed consent, using shielding techniques to minimize fetal exposure, communicating with radiology staff, monitoring the patient during the procedure, and providing post-procedure care and monitoring. By taking these proactive measures, nurses help reduce the risks of radiological examinations to both the pregnant woman and her fetus.
GYNAECOLOGICAL NURSING UNIT IWomen come to gynecologist a variety of problems...DelphyVarghese
Women come to gynecologist a variety of problems, therefore primary care provider go through a sympathetic listening and communication as first step and complete physical examination in the reproductive point of view. At last required investigation to confirm the diagnosis
Incentives for family planning IN OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGICAL NURSING.pptxDelphyVarghese
In India, family planning has been a critical component of the public health strategy for many years as developing country . The government and various NGOs have introduced several incentives to encourage families to adopt family planning measures. These incentives aim to stabilize the population growth, improve maternal and child health, and enhance the overall economic and social development of the country.
fluid & electrolyte imbalance in human body.pptDelphyVarghese
Fluid and electrolyte imbalance is a complex process that can occur with illness or injury as homeostasis is disrupted. Common imbalances include hypovolaemia or hypervolaemia due to fluid deficits or excesses, as well as abnormalities in sodium, potassium, and calcium levels. Care involves determining the underlying cause, monitoring for signs and symptoms of imbalance, and treating with fluid resuscitation or electrolyte replacement as needed.
CARE FOR OLD AGE ANP SEMINAR in nursing aspectanp.pptxDelphyVarghese
This document discusses several topics related to aging:
1) It begins by defining older adulthood as beginning at age 65 and potentially lasting 40 years. It divides older adults into "young-old" and "old-old" and discusses terms like "frail elderly."
2) It then covers several health topics for older adults like wellness, caregiving stresses, loss/grief, end-of-life care, and physiological changes.
3) The rest of the document details various body system changes and specific health concerns in areas like skin, nutrition, sensory perception, and safety/living situations. It provides interventions for many of these age-related issues.
CRITIQUE OF NURSING RESEARCH STUDIES by delphy.Effectiveness of video assisted structured teaching programme on postnatal exercise in terms of knowledge and attitude among postnatal mothers
PULSE.pptxIn a healthy person pulse reflects the heart rate In some cases of ...DelphyVarghese
In a healthy person pulse reflects the heart rate
In some cases of cardiac disease heartbeat and pulse are different
Normal pulse rate in an adult is 60-100 b/m
NABHSTANDARDS-VKS_AKA.ppt Components of Standards Development Multiple Inform...DelphyVarghese
Components of Standards Development
Multiple Information Sources
Scientific literature
JCI Standards
UK Healthcare Quality Standards
Thailand Standards
AHA Draft Standards
JCI Survey compliance data
Research Findings
Individual input from field experts and key stakeholders
ISO 9001-2000
MINOR AILMENTS IN PREGNANCY. in obstetrics and gynacological nursingpptxDelphyVarghese
Minor ailments are generally defined as medical conditions that will resolve on their own and can be reasonably self-diagnosed and self-managed with over-the-counter medications. Examples of minor ailments include headache, back pain, insect bites, heartburn, nasal congestion, etc.
Unit IV new born.pptx in obstetrics and gynecologyDelphyVarghese
Make sure your bladder is empty, then sit or lie down.
Tighten your pelvic floor muscles. Hold tight and count 3 to 5 seconds.
Relax the muscles and count 3 to 5 seconds.
Repeat 10 times, 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, and night).
The document provides information on newborn care, including:
1) A healthy newborn should have average birth weight between 2.5-3.1 kg, cry immediately after birth, and establish breathing and adapt to the environment. Immediate care involves clearing airways, Apgar scoring, and delayed cord clamping.
2) In the nursery, assessments include weight, length, head circumference to classify growth. Measures are taken to maintain neutral temperature. Feeding is promoted and medications like vitamin K are given.
3) Exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months is recommended, as breastmilk provides ideal nutrition and protection from infection. Proper positioning and feeding techniques are important to establish successful lactation
This document outlines the objectives and content for a nursing course on professionalism, professional values and ethics. It discusses the definition of a profession and characteristics of professionalism. It describes nursing as a profession according to various criteria. It also covers professionalism, codes of ethics, regulatory bodies, and professional organizations related to nursing. The objectives focus on maintaining professional standards and ethical conduct in nursing practice.
This document provides definitions and explanations of key concepts related to nursing administration and management. It discusses definitions of administration from various authors that emphasize organizing human and material resources to achieve goals. Management is defined as directing resources through planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling to efficiently accomplish objectives. The elements of administration are summarized as planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and budgeting (POSDCORB). The differences between administration and management are outlined.
The Indian Constitution is the longest written constitution in the world, adopted in 1949. It establishes India as a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic with a parliamentary system. The constitution has a preamble and 448 articles grouped into 25 parts, with amendments. It draws from several sources and establishes three branches of government - legislature, executive and judiciary. Key features include fundamental rights, directive principles, federal structure, and an independent judiciary. Administration is carried out by the central government and state governments, with a three-tier structure of local self-government in rural areas.
This document discusses innovation in nursing education. It begins by defining innovation as implementing creative ideas successfully to renew or change systems. It emphasizes the need for dramatic reform and innovation in nursing education programs to prepare nurses for 21st century healthcare. The document then covers different aspects of innovation in nursing practice, education, care, and management. It provides examples of innovative approaches in nursing education programs and discusses the goals and process of implementing new innovations.
The document summarizes a study on the organizational structures of nursing departments in three hospitals - an autonomous hospital, private hospital, and state government hospital. It was found that each hospital had a different organizational structure with varying nursing positions and cadres. None fully implemented recommendations from regulatory bodies. There is room for improvement, especially in vesting more decision-making power in nursing administrators to improve patient services.
Collective bargaining is a process of negotiation between management and workers, represented by trade unions, to determine terms and conditions of employment. It allows workers to band together and have a louder voice to negotiate for better benefits and working conditions. Some key aspects of collective bargaining include it being a voluntary and continuous bipartite process, requiring a favorable political environment, strong independent trade unions, attitudes of compromise from both sides, and avoidance of unfair labor practices. The outcome should be mutually agreeable terms that are put in writing.
Staffing involves acquiring, deploying, and retaining a workforce to positively impact an organization. It includes human resource planning, recruitment, selection, orientation, training, performance management, and compensation. Effective staffing considers the person-job match as well as the person-organization match. Staffing models have evolved from simple headcounts to more sophisticated approaches integrating organizational strategy. Key components of nursing staffing include staffing patterns, staffing plans, scheduling approaches like cyclic and self-scheduling, and patient classification systems.
The document discusses several key concepts related to nursing management and administration. It begins by defining administration as the organization and direction of human and material resources to achieve desired ends. It then discusses various definitions of management provided by different authors. The nature of administration is described as universal, holistic, intangible, dynamic, goal oriented, continuous, and social/human. The functions of administration based on Luther Gullick's POSDCORB model are planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, and budgeting. Principles of administration including oneness, specialism, hierarchy, morale, bureaucracy, and self-administration are also outlined.
Solution Manual For Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, 8th Edition 2024 by...rightmanforbloodline
Solution Manual For Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, 8th Edition 2024 by Fred Phillips.pdf
Solution Manual For Fundamentals of Financial Accounting, 8th Edition 2024 by Fred Phillips.pdf
Organic Mimi is a real treat for skin and hair care. A healthy and pleasant pampering experience when you want to indulge yourself with organic natural ingredients for skin beauty and delicious fragrances for cheerful mi-mi mood. Our products are "no-fuss": pure formulations and simple application ensure your skin's basic needs for hydration, nourishment and protection are covered. Fun packaging, reminiscent of ice-cream cups, and mimi-aromatherapy turn your everyday skincare routine into a genuine beauty ritual causing beauty addiction
As per INC revised syllabus IV semester students are having prescription module. Its related to that prescription module. IV semester student will be benefited by this. This ppt deals about basic information of prescription module why we need to study, why the nurses in need of writing prescription
Statistics from Finland, provided by the Contact Point for Cross-Border Health Care in Finland and Kela (the Social Insurance Institution of Finland) include information on cross-border healthcare, European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), medical care costs incured abroad and their reimbursements, and prior authorisations for seeking treatment abroad.
Database Creation in Clinical Trials: The AI AdvantageClinosolIndia
The use of AI in creating and managing databases for clinical trials offers significant advantages, transforming how data is collected, managed, and analyzed. Here are the key benefits and approaches of leveraging AI in this context
Immunization Programme is the one of the largest programme of world. This programme in India was introduced by WHO in 1978 as Expanded Programme of Immunization (EPI).
In 1985 it was expanded as Universal Immunization Programme that covers all the districts in country by 1989-90 .UIP become a part of CSSM in 1992 and RCH in 1997 and is currently one of the key areas under NRHM since 2005
The action of making a person or animal resistant to a particular infectious disease or pathogens typically by vaccination .
According to WHO – Immunization is the process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease ,typically by the administration of a vaccine
1978: Expanded Programme of immunization (EPI).
Limited reach - mostly urban
1985: Universal Immunization Programme (UIP).
For reduction of mortality and morbidity due to 6 VPD’s.
Indigenous vaccine production capacity enhanced
Cold chain established
Phased implementation - all districts covered by 1989-90.
Monitoring and evaluation system implemented
1986: Technology Mission On Immunization
Monitoring under PMO’s 20 point programme
Coverage in infants (0 – 12 months) monitored
1992: Child Survival and Safe Motherhood (CSSM)
Included both UIP and Safe motherhood program
1997: Reproductive Child Health (RCH 1)
2005: National Rural Health Mission (NRHM)
2012: Government of India declared 2012 as “Year of Intensification of Routine Immunization.
2013: India, along with other South-East Asia Region, declared commitment towards measles elimination and rubella/congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) control by 2020.
2014: No Wild Polio virus case was reported from the country for the last three years and India had a historic achievement and was certified as “polio free country” along with other South East Asia Region (SEAR) countries of WHO.
To reduce morbidity and mortality of the major six childhood disease .
To achieve 100% coverage for eligible children.
To develop a surveillance system .
To minimize the efforts and cost of treatment.
To deliver an integrated immunization services through health centres .
To promote a new healthy generation .
Training of all health personnel .
Strengthening the cold chain .
Promotion of community participation .
Integrate vaccination session with PHC services .
Ensuring regular supply of potent vaccine
Under five year children .
Women in the child bearing age (15-45years).
Schedule of immunization .
Types of the vaccine .
Dose of each vaccines .
Route of administration.
Precautions of vaccinations .
RI targets to vaccinate 27 million new born each year with all primary doses and ~100 million children of 1-5 year age with booster doses of UIP vaccines. In addition, 30 million pregnant mothers are targeted for TT vaccination each year. To vaccinate this cohort of 157 million beneficiaries, ~10 million immunization sessions are conducted, majority of these are at village level
Strategy and policy
A Combinatorial Antihypertensive Drug (Reserpine and Hydrazine) Does Not Caus...CrimsonPublishersGGS
Background and objectives: Reserpine, a traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine, is approved by the FDA to treat hypertension and for treatment
resistant psychosis. The major reported side effect of reserpine is depression. Hence, hypertensive patients on prolonged reserpine treatment were
evaluated for occurrence of depression.
Methods: One-time cross-sectional evaluation was done in 104 subjects on reserpine and 105 controls, who were matched for age (majority being
between 50- 70 years old), sex, education, and social background. The Control group had no chronic disease and the treatment group comprised of
hypertensive patients who had received reserpine as Adelphane (0.1mg reserpine and 10mg of hydralazine) or Adelphane Esidrex [Novaritis (Basel,
Switzerland)] for more than 1 year. Both the groups were asked to answer (and were rated by) Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS-17-items
version). The results were scored, statistically analyzed and plotted with Sigma Plot.
We Care About Your Pets At Abdullahblogs.comAbdullahblogs
At You can Know Better About Your Dog Health We Care for Your Pets We strongly Care About Your Pets.
Caring for dogs involves a combination of essential practices to ensure their health, happiness, and overall well-being. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to care for your canine companion:
1. **Nutrition**: Provide a balanced diet suitable for your dog’s age, size, and activity level. High-quality commercial dog food or a vet-approved homemade diet should include protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Ensure access to fresh water at all times.
2. **Exercise**: Regular physical activity is crucial for a dog’s physical and mental health. The amount and type of exercise vary by breed and age, but daily walks, playtime, and interactive activities like fetch or agility training are beneficial.
3. **Grooming**: Regular grooming helps maintain your dog’s coat, skin, and overall hygiene. Brushing, bathing (as needed), nail trimming and dental care (brushing teeth regularly) are essential. Long-haired breeds may require more frequent grooming.
4. **Veterinary Care**: Schedule regular check-ups with a veterinarian for vaccinations, parasite control (fleas, ticks, worms), and overall health assessments. Early detection of health issues can prolong your dog’s life and reduce treatment costs.
5. **Training and Socialization**: Basic obedience training (sit, stay, come) improves behavior and strengthens the bond between you and your dog. Socialization with other dogs and people from an early age helps prevent behavioral problems.
6. **Safe Environment**: Create a safe and comfortable living environment for your dog. Provide a cozy bed or crate, access to shelter from extreme weather conditions, and secure, hazard-free outdoor areas. Be cautious of toxic substances, plants, and foods harmful to
7. **Love and Attention**: Dogs thrive on companionship and affection. Spend quality time with your dog, offering praise, cuddles, and interactive play. Mental stimulation through toys, puzzles, and new experiences keeps them engaged and happy.
8. **Monitoring Health**: Watch for signs of illness or discomfort such as changes in appetite, energy levels, or bathroom habits. Promptly address any concerns by consulting your veterinarian.
9. **Responsible Ownership**: Adhere to local regulations regarding dog ownership, including licensing and identification (microchipping). Respect others by preventing excessive barking and picking up after your dog in public spaces.
10. **Emergency Preparedness**: Have a plan in case of emergencies, including natural disasters or sudden health crises. Keep a first aid kit for pets and know where the nearest emergency veterinary clinic is located.
By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your dog lives a happy, healthy life as a cherished member of your family.
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Aditi Jagtap, the daughter of renowned cardiologist Dr. Ranjit Jagtap, has become a formidable force in her own right, continuing her father's tradition of changing lives via medical advancements. Aditi was born and raised in Pune, where her parents instilled in her a strong commitment to social welfare, compassion, and service. These ideals have guided her journey as she continues her father's non-profit organization, the Ram Mangal Heart Foundation.
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How can we use AI to give healthcare providers and administrators superpowers in serving their patients and communities? We are bombarded with breathless enthusiasm and often feel we are missing out or are ignorant where others are wise. After this session, you should be able to address:
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"Resilience Blooms: A Breast Cancer Survivor's Story" is a powerful and inspiring e-book that takes readers on an intimate journey through one woman's battle with breast cancer. From the shocking moment of diagnosis to the triumphant road to recovery, this compelling narrative offers a raw and honest look at the physical and emotional challenges of fighting cancer. The author's story is not just one of survival, but of personal growth, unwavering determination, and the incredible strength of the human spirit. Filled with practical insights, emotional depth, and messages of hope, this book serves as both a guide and a source of inspiration for anyone facing life's toughest challenges. Whether you're a cancer patient, a survivor, a caregiver, or simply someone seeking motivation, "Resilience Blooms" offers valuable lessons on resilience, self-advocacy, and the power of positive thinking. Dive into this transformative story and discover how even in our darkest moments, hope can flourish and resilience can bloom.
2. Values are the motive behind a
purposeful action
Values are provide the general
guidelines for conduct and it is
essential for ethics
Values describe the personal
qualities that one choose the
embody to guide his or her
3. Values are an integral part of the personal
philosophy of life by which we generally mean
the system of values by which we live, The
philosophy of life includes our aim, ideals, and
manner of thinking and the principles by which
we guide our behavior
I J Lehner and N J Kube
4. Values are not absolute
Values are universal, but they are not
absolute; they are relative to situations,
place and person. Person should never go
against the universal values in pursuit of
individual/ cultural values
5. Values are different
The degree to which they value may
differ from one person to another
and culture to culture
6. Values are learned and influenced
Values are learned and
influenced early in life from family,
friends, neighborhood, school, etc.
values improve throughout the
7. Values help in creating norms
that guide day to day behavior and
build up societies &integrate social
8. Values are loaded with effective
thoughts about ideas, objectives
behavior , etc. The judgmental values
can help to what is right, good, or
9. Values often strongly influence
our attitude and behavior Human
values and professional ethics in a
combined way influence the
11. Values are the behavioral standards
and needs that work to support a
person’s purpose and vision
12. Value clarification is that a person can
discover his /her own values by assessing
exploring and determining the personal
values and their impact on personal decision
It is important to realize that extrinsic and
intrinsic values
13. Identify personality
Role model
Insight to personality
Reduce stress and anxiety
Identify values
Managing time
Create goals
14. Intrinsic values Extrinsic values
An intrinsic value is one which has
worth in its own right
An extrinsic value is one which is a
means to some other values
They are good not because of
their consequences but because
they are good in themselves
It is instrumental worth only
It is an end in itself They are means to an end
Ex: truth, beauty , courage Ex; wealth , fame, job security
15. Personal values are board desirable goals that
motivate actions of people and serve as guiding
principles in their lives. Each person have
different set of values
Common personal values are
Friendship etc.
16. Professional values are principles that are
major and unique to practicing a profession
Professional values are differ across all the
profession and influence work behavior
The common professional values are
Dress appropriately
Personal responsibility
Continuing professional development
Discretion and confidentiality
18. Personal values Professional values
Represent values which are at the
core of being human
Represent the professional life
Values learned by family, friends
and relatives
Learned when an individual
become a part of profession
Values can be changed as per the
choice of individual
Individual cannot make
modification in their professional
Only individual remains
accountable for the action
Individual and organization both
will be accountable
Example: honesty, respect,
integrity etc.
Confidentiality, autonomy
19. Socialization is the process through which
individuals acquire the knowledge, skills,
attitudes, values , norms and appropriate
actions of their community.
22. professional nursing values are
defined as important
professional nursing principles
of human dignity, integrity,
altruism, and justice that serve
as a framework for standards,
professional practice and
26. It is an aid for healing process
It gives support those going through
27. Smile
Establish eye contact
Greet the patient by their name
Pay close attention without
Carry out request
Identify the needs of the patient
Respond to queries
28. Five c’s of caring process
29. Compassion is nothing but feeling
compelled to help when observe
someone in need
The ability to be sensitive to
others and empathize with their
experience is referred to as
30. Being empathetic
The capacity to bear witness
to, suffer with, and hold dear
within our heart and sorrow
and beauties of the world
31. Speak with kindness
Apologize when made mistake
Listen carefully without judgment
Encourage other people
Offer to help someone with a task
Be happy when someone else success
Accept people who they are
Forgive people for making mistake
Show respect
Express gratitude and appreciations
Be patient
34. Empathy is the capacity to
perceive, comprehend and share
another’s ideas without passing
35. Pay attention to patient and express
interest in their lives
Show politeness and respect
Increase cultural awareness and
Practice self care to avoid compassion
Set the examples
36. The core of professionalism is
It is defined as serving the
patients best interest
37. Find inspiration
Practice empathy
Establish a goal
Providing or giving
Make a habit of it
38. Conscientiousness implies desire to
complete a task well and a serious attitude
towards one’s social obligations
Conscientious trait of a person are
Dependable , thoroughness, organization,
emotional intelligence, commitment
39. Being entirely committed to
dedication means devoted towards
work/ task/goal/outcome.
41. Essence of nursing
Caring with love
Doing beyond the duties
Overlooking one’s needs
Caring without expectation
Considering the patient as family
42. Job satisfaction
Increase chance of promotion
Finish the task by time bound
Develop additional skill
46. For nurses
High quality life, job satisfaction
For organization
Financial profitability, managers satisfaction
For patients
Quality of care and outcome
50. Include patients to take decisions in
their patient care and treatment
Talk to the patient politely and
Assess the needs of patient and plan
Provide privacy during a procedure
Maintain personal hygiene of patient
Encourage the patient to interact
51. Privacy talks about the person, but
confidentiality is about information
Privacy restrict the public from accessing
the personal details about a person
Whereas confidentiality, protects the
information from the range of unauthorized
53. Make sure the privacy when indicated
Provide gender sensitive waiting and examination
well covered when the patient shift to one
department to another
Expose only as much as indicated
Always take permission from the patient before
Ensure privacy when taking information from the
54. Limit the accessibility of medical
Do not collect information not related
to the provision of care
Limit sharing of information with
other staff, unless in cases of
consultations and second opinion
55. Honesty or truth telling is seen as a fundamental moral
Being honest means never lying or cheating and always
telling the truth
Integrity means being fair,
possessing strong moral standards or adhering
firmly to a set of moral norms are all characteristics of
someone with integrity
56. Interact and collaborate freely
Make right judgment
Obtain respect and confidence from
coworkers and superiors
Promote patient recovery
Positive working relationship
Integrity inspires others
57. Act morally and ethically at all time
Show respect to every one
Communicate in an open truthful
Consistently give best effort into work
Keep promises and commitment
Accept responsibility for your action
58. A strong belief in the
dependability, truth or strength of
a person or object is defined as
The ability to be believed in and
trusted is known as credibility
60. Dress In professional attire
Display sincere interest
Be respectful
Active listening
Be reliable
61. Loyalty is a sentiment and a
feeling of devoted love for ones
nation, religion, family, friend
among the other things
62. Fidelity in nursing refers to nurse’s
commitment to remain true to
professional promises such as the
promise to deliver excellent,
knowledgable, secure, and efficient
patient care
63. Promotes trust among patients,
families, nurses and other healthcare
team members
Favorable patient outcome
Increased patient satisfaction
Encourage patient autonomy
Good habits are easily duplicated
65. Advocacy refers to any action that
recommends and urges, justifies,
defends on behalf of another
66. Nursing advocacy strategies can
safeguard patients rights , keep
them safe and enhance
67. Nurses have the ability to be pioneers
in advancing health and medical care
for all
Workplaces should support open
communication, adapt to changes and
allow nurses to practice to the full
scope of the training education