The Gheranda Samhita is a text on Hatha yoga that describes over 100 yoga practices classified into kriyas, dhautis, bastis, lauli, kapalabhati, trataka, asanas, mudras, pratyahara, pranayama, dhyana, and samadhi. It explains these practices over seven chapters, starting with practices to strengthen and steady the physical body, then covering asanas, mudras, withdrawing the senses, breath control, meditation, and culminating in samadhi, which leads to detachment and liberation.
Gheranda Samhita is a systematically written text on yoga. It is in the form of a
dialogue between Gheranda the preceptor and Chandkapali the (pupil). The yoga
that has been discussed in Gheranda Samhita is called Ghathasta Yoga. “Gatha”
refers to the body. Ghathasta Yoga means Yoga based approach through the body
and the training of the body is the first step to the training of the mind. Obviously
Ghathastha Yoga or Ghathastha Yoga deals with the Hatha Yoga practices. It
describes more than 100 Yogic practices of varied nature. These practices can be
classified as follows:
Kriyas – 06
Dhautis – 13
Bastis – 12
In these Yogic practices there is gradual evolution of the process from Physical to
Spiritual through Psychological process. Gheranda Samhita explains all the above
practices in seven lessons.
On the training of the physical body
The training of the body is the first step to the training of the mind. A healthy mind
can exist only in a healthy body. Hence the Hatha Yoga or training of the body is
the first step to the training of the mind or Raja yoga. Lesson first start with the
question of Chandkapali who wishes to know the physical discipline (Yoga) leads to
the knowledge of truth (Tattava Jnana). Gheranda explains there is no fetters like
those of illusion (maya) no strength like that which comes from discipline (Yoga).
There is no friend higher than knowledge (Jnana) and no greater enemy than
egoism (Ahankara). As by learning the alphabets, through practice one can master
all the sciences, so by thoroughly practicing, first the (physical) training, one requires
the knowledge of the truth. By practice of yoga one can overcome maya.
There are seven exercises which pertain to the training of the body. They are
particularly strengthening, steadying, calming and those leading of lightness,
perception and isolation. The satkarmas are the six processes which include Dhauti,
Basti, Neti, Laukiki, Trataka and kapalabhati. The technique and importance of these
are also given in details.
The sapta Sadhanas are,
• Kriyas – For cleansing
• Asanas – Gives Dridhata or strength
• Mudras – Gives Sithirata or Steadiness
• Pratyahara – Gives Dhairya or calmness
• Pranayama – Gives lightness or Laghima
• Dhyana – Gives perception or pratyakshatwa
• Samadhi – Gives Isolation, nirtipta which is the freedom
Asanas and Postures
There are 84, 00,000 asanas described by Lord Shiva, The postures are as many in
the numbers of species of living creature in the universe.
Among them 84 are the best and among these 32 have been found useful for
mankind in this world.
Sidhasana – Perfect
Padmasana – Lotus
Bhadrasana – Gentle
Muktasana – Free
Vajrasana – Adamant
Swastikasana – Prosperous
Simhasana – Lion
Gomukhasanan – Cow – mouth
Veerasana – Heroic
The very first asana – namely siddhasana is described as mokkna-kavatabhedanka
(which opens the doors of realization, Padmasana, Bhadrasana, Simhasana,
Matsyasana, all these destroy all sorts of disease). Muktasana gives siddhis
(perfection) Vajrasana gives psychic powers to the yogi. Mritasana destroy fatigue
and quiten the agitations of the mind. Gorakasana gives success to the yogis;
Mayurasana destroys the effect of whole some food. It produces heat in the
stomach; it destroys the effect of deadly poisons. If easily cures diseases like fever
etc. Makarasana increases the body heat, Bhujangasana (serpent) always increases
the bodily heat, destroys all diseases and by the practice of this posture the
Kundalini force is awakened.
There are 25 Mudras the practice of which gives senses to the yogis, they are.
• Mahamudra
• Nabho
• Uddiyana
• Jalandhara
• Mulabandha
• Maha Bandha
• Maha Bheda
• Khecari
These Mudras which gives happiness and emancipation. These Mudras destroys all
diseases. There is nothing in the world like the Mudras for giving quick success.
By prathyahara all the passions like lust are destroyed. Let one bring the chitta
(thinking principle) under his control by withdrawing it wherever it wanders away
driven by the various objects of right, praise or censer good or bad, speech, sweet or
bad, smell or taste or what ever the mind may be distracted or attracted.
Four things are necessary for practicing Pranayama in Good place. Suitable time
Moderate food. Purification of the Nadis The purification of the Nadis is of two sorts.
Samanu and Nirmanu. The Samanu is done by a mental process with Bijamantra.
The Nirmanu is performed by physical cleanings. After purification of the Nadis one
has to sit firmly in a posture and be in regular Pranayama.
The sixth sadhana deals with Dhyana, the three kinds of dhyana, Shale, Jyoti and
Suksma are graded and raise one above the other, the last ending in Atma –
Pratyaknam. The main aim of dhyana yoga is the direct perception of the self. By
this dhyanaYoga Atma is revealed
Having perceived the self by dhyana Yoga, the next step is of course the Samadhi by
which one realizes ones identity with Brahman.
1. The seventh and most important sadhana is Samadhi. This is six folds.
2. Through Sambhavi Mudra leading to Dhyana and terminating in Samadhi.
3. Through Khecari Mudra leading to Rasananada and termination of Samadhi.
4. Through Bhramari leading to Nada and terminating in Samadhi.
5. Through yoni Mudra leading to laya and terminating in Samadhi.
6. Through Bhakti leading to Astika bhava and terminating in the Samadhi.
7. Through Mani Mudra leading to restraints of mind and terminating of Samadhi.
Through Samadhi the quality of Nirliplatva or detachment and therefore mukti is
attained Samadhi is both a process as well as the result of that process. As a process
Samadhi means intense mental concentration free from all Samskaras and
attachments to the world expressed in terms of Ahamta and Mamata. As a result of
soul process it is the union of Jiva with Paramtma.