The document discusses telephone etiquette and proper handling of telephone conversations. It describes how the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. It differentiates between formal and informal telephone conversations, providing examples of each. It also lists tips for handling telephone calls, such as picking up on the second ring, speaking clearly and directly, and offering additional assistance before concluding the call.
Communication skills are essential for success in all areas of life. Effective communication requires a set of skills including writing, speaking, listening, and nonverbal communication. Writing is important for conveying ideas from one mind to another. Reading daily is important for improving communication skills and refreshing knowledge. Speaking skills are crucial for professionals in many fields. Listening skills like patience, understanding, and maintaining eye contact are important for communication. Conversation requires giving others a turn to speak and listening to understand different perspectives. Preparation and confidence are important for interviews, which are a critical part of the selection process.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Public Relations Officer adalah peran penting dalam manajemen organisasi untuk membina hubungan yang harmonis antara organisasi dengan publik internal dan eksternal.
2. Salah satu tugas utama Public Relations Officer adalah berperan sebagai komunikator atau penghubung antara organisasi dengan publiknya.
3. Syarat untuk menjadi Public Relations Officer antara lain memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik dan memiliki
Dokumen tersebut memberikan pedoman mengenai cara menangani telepon dengan baik, meliputi tata cara menerima telepon masuk, etika berkomunikasi saat melakukan panggilan keluar, dan tata cara menangani telepon keluar. Informasi kunci mencakup pentingnya mengangkat telepon dengan cepat, mencatat pesan dengan jelas, memperkenalkan diri saat panggilan keluar, serta meletakkan gagang telepon dengan benar setelah selesai berkomunikasi
This document discusses communication skills and their importance. It defines communication as the transmission of information between parties using shared symbols. It outlines the communication process model and lists the importance of good communication skills in professional life, personal life, and social gatherings. It then discusses various communication skills needed for effectiveness, including verbal skills like speaking, listening, and reinforcing messages, and non-verbal skills like gestures, facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. It also lists the "7 C's" of an effective communication base: clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete, and courteous. Finally, it notes the importance of understanding different generations in today's multigenerational workforce.
Communication is defined as the exchange of thoughts, messages, information or ideas between two or more people. It is an essential process that facilitates coordination, planning, decision-making and leadership within an organization. Effective communication helps boost employee morale and motivation by creating understanding, resolving conflicts and building confidence. However, communication must follow certain principles like clarity, adequacy, consistency, integration and economy to be effective. It is also important to obtain feedback and establish proper communication networks and channels that draw attention. Adhering to these principles makes the communication process more efficient and helps improve organizational performance and human relations.
Buat kamu yang masih bingung tentang bagaimana cara memberikan petunjuk arah dengan bahasa inggris berikut kami sajikan caranya dilengkapi dengan contoh gambar yang akan memudahkan kamu untuk memahami dan mengaplikasikannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang komunikasi efektif dalam pelayanan kesehatan. Komunikasi efektif dianggap sebagai kunci untuk memberikan layanan kesehatan yang berkualitas dan aman. Dokumen ini menjelaskan berbagai unsur komunikasi, hambatan komunikasi, dan teknik komunikasi efektif seperti mendengarkan secara aktif dan berbicara dengan baik.
Effective communication in the workplaceDavid Giard
After 15 years in the IT industry, I've discovered that the single biggest contributor to success is effective communication. In this situation, I'll describe lessons I've learned about how to improve communication and how to increase the chance of high customer satisfaction.
RS Haji Kamino adalah rumah sakit tipe C di Kabupaten Way Kanan, Lampung dengan 107 tempat tidur terpasang. Rumah sakit ini memiliki berbagai layanan seperti unit gawat darurat, poliklinik, rawat inap, dan dukungan layanan lainnya seperti radiologi dan farmasi. Rumah sakit ini bervisi menjadi pilihan utama di Kabupaten Way Kanan dengan memberikan pelayanan berkualitas dan terjangkau serta menjunjung tinggi nilai-
The document defines communication as the process of exchanging information and ideas between an encoder and decoder. It discusses why communication skills are important, noting that effective communication requires the sender and receiver to perceive the message in the same way. It then outlines some factors like personal mood, environment, and technology that can affect communication and lists the main components of the communication process as the sender, message, receiver, and feedback. Finally, it discusses different types of communication including verbal, nonverbal, oral, and written forms and some common barriers to effective communication.
The document provides tips for effective communication with clients through listening and speaking skills. It emphasizes the importance of listening to understand client needs, benefits like reduced misunderstandings and increased rapport. It discusses active listening and acknowledging the speaker through listening checks to improve the quality of communication and build trust and rapport. The key is asking frequent relevant questions for clarification, verification, and specificity and taking responsibility for the communication.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang keterampilan interpersonal yang penting bagi manajer, yaitu mendengarkan secara aktif, memberikan umpan balik, dan menyelesaikan konflik. Mendengarkan secara aktif melibatkan kontak mata, anggukan kepala, dan menghindari gangguan. Memberikan umpan balik efektif berfokus pada perilaku spesifik dan diberikan segera. Menyelesaikan konflik melibatkan mengelola konflik fung
Pelayanan Prima yang bak akan mendatangkan hal baik untuk perusahaan yang menerapkan Pelayanan tersebut. Pelanggan akan balik membeli atau memakai barang dan jasa yang kita tawarkan apabila kita membuat mereka nyaman dengan pelayanan kita. Salam Sukses ^^
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang komunikasi antar pribadi, termasuk ciri-ciri, sifat, jenis hubungan, dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi komunikasi antar pribadi.
Ringkasan dokumen tentang komunikasi efektif:
1. Dokumen membahas tentang tujuan pembelajaran dan unsur-unsur komunikasi efektif sebagai pengirim dan penerima pesan.
2. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi proses komunikasi efektif antara lain pesan yang menarik perhatian dan relevan dengan pengalaman penerima.
3. Komunikasi efektif antar pribadi dipengaruhi oleh empati, dukungan, sikap posit
Pelayanan Prima adalah layanan yang diberikan seseorang kepada clien sesuai dengan standar pelayanan* (minimal/maksimal) ditambah dengan satu atau dua pelayanan yang dituntut/dibutuhkan oleh clien dan mampu diberikan oleh pemberi pelayanan
This document provides an overview of communication skills, including definitions of communication, the key elements of listening, speaking, reading and writing. It discusses active listening and its five key elements. It also outlines techniques for active reading like underlining, note-taking, and the SQ3R method. Key elements of writing like vocabulary, sentence structure and punctuation are mentioned. Finally, it discusses grammar and some common state verbs.
This document provides guidance on proper telephone etiquette and procedures for handling incoming and outgoing calls. It outlines best practices for making outgoing calls such as preparing notes beforehand and properly introducing oneself. When receiving calls, it recommends answering promptly, asking for the caller's identity and needs, and recording any messages. The document also provides sample dialogues for making calls, receiving calls, requesting to speak to someone, asking the caller to hold, letting the caller know the requested person is unavailable, and taking messages.
The document discusses various aspects of effective telephone communication and conversations. It provides tips on answering calls professionally, setting up meetings over the phone, taking messages, and guidelines for clear and polite communication. Sample telephone dialogues are also included to demonstrate proper phone etiquette and arranging appointments.
This document provides guidance on proper telephone etiquette and techniques. It discusses topics like answering the phone promptly, identifying yourself clearly, speaking with a pleasant tone, closing calls effectively, transferring calls smoothly, and managing difficult callers. The document offers best practices for various telephone tasks as well as tips for making a good first impression and leaving a positive lasting impression on callers through professional telephone skills.
This document provides guidance on telephoning in English. It covers telephone etiquette, suggestions for common telephone situations like answering calls, asking for someone, leaving messages, etc. It also includes exercises to practice telephone vocabulary and pronunciations. The document is divided into sections on general information, etiquette, suggestions for different call situations, oral exercises, the international telephone alphabet, number pronunciations and symbols. It aims to help improve English communication skills for telephoning.
The document provides guidance on proper telephone etiquette. It discusses best practices for answering and making calls, including identifying yourself clearly, speaking politely, and asking for clarification if needed. Specific tips are offered for call volume, language, interruptions, endings calls, taking and leaving messages, and using cellphones. Sample telephone scenarios demonstrate polite interactions.
This document provides guidance on proper telephone etiquette and techniques. It discusses best practices for answering calls, identifying yourself, speaking clearly with a pleasant tone, transferring calls, closing calls positively, and dealing with difficult callers. Key topics covered include making a good first impression, conversation skills, using voicemail appropriately, and handling mistakes. The overall goal is to project a positive image, be helpful to callers, and properly manage all aspects of telephone interactions.
This document provides guidance on telephoning in English, including telephone etiquette, suggestions for common telephone situations, the international telephone alphabet, and number pronunciations. It offers polite phrases for answering the phone, asking for someone, leaving messages, starting and ending calls. It also presents the International Civil Aviation Organization phonetic alphabet and pronunciations for numbers and symbols used in telephone numbers. The overall purpose is to help non-native English speakers communicate effectively over the phone.
The document provides information about telephone conversations and communication. It begins with a brief history of the telephone and its invention by Alexander Graham Bell. It then discusses the basic components of communication including a sender, message, channel, and receiver. Examples are given of both informal phone conversations between friends and more formal conversations in a workplace setting. The document also outlines some common problems that can occur with the sender, message, channel, or receiver during phone calls and provides tips for successful telephone conversations in English.
Similar to Telephone Etiquette _ Tien Yulianti.ppt (9)
Etika dan Standar Pelayanan Perbankan _ Bank Lampung.pptTienYulianti2
Pola Pikir Pelayanan Prima (Service Excellent Mindset)
Penampilan (Appearance)
Komunikasi Efektif (Effective Communication)
Layanan Standar (Customer Service Standard)
Penanganan Keluhan (Handling Complain)
Personal Hygiene & Personal Grooming.pptTienYulianti2
Dokumen tersebut membahas pentingnya kebersihan dan penampilan pribadi bagi karyawan hotel. Hal ini sangat mempengaruhi kesan pertama dan citra profesionalitas seseorang. Dokumen tersebut juga menjelaskan standar penampilan yang harus dipenuhi oleh berbagai departemen di hotel seperti front office, housekeeping, chef, waiter, dan bartender.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang pendidikan yang memerdekakan. Pendidikan bertujuan untuk membentuk karakter anak dengan nilai-nilai kemanusiaan seperti sopan santun dan tanggung jawab. Tujuan pendidikan nasional adalah membentuk manusia beriman, berakhlak mulia, sehat, berilmu, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis dan bertanggung jawab. Peran orang tua dan guru dalam pendidikan adalah memberikan
Tien Yulianti presented on character building at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia on February 19, 2020. The presentation discussed developing professionalism through dedication, skills, and customer satisfaction. It also covered building a professional image through performance, communication, competencies, ethics, and personal branding. Finally, it defined character as the sum of developing moral and ethical qualities demonstrated through behavior, thinking, and reasoning.
Tujuan pembelajaran adalah Memberikan pelayanan prima secara profesional dengan menampilkan kesan yang menarik, berwibawa, dan kompeten melalui penampilan, sikap, dan etiket di dalam berkomunikasi
Office procedure and Work_agenda_tien_sTienYulianti2
This document is a presentation by TienYulianti from Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia on the topic of office procedures and work agendas. It includes 19 slides on this topic, as well as links to 3 related YouTube videos. The presentation provides information on establishing procedures and scheduling work in an office environment.
The document discusses public speaking and techniques for managing speeches in front of others. It asks what people think about public speaking, why they get nervous, and how to manage speeches. The document repeats the title "daengtien's2019 Technique of Public Speaking" multiple times without providing further details on techniques.
This document discusses self-development and provides tips for how to engage in the process. It defines self-development as efforts to improve oneself and become a better person over time. It emphasizes understanding one's interests, talents, strengths, weaknesses and abilities. It also stresses identifying dreams, life purpose, and reasons for educational and career paths. The document lists developing positive self-esteem and considering both internal factors like beliefs and external influences from family and school as important. Finally, it offers tips for self-development, including getting to know oneself fully, setting clear goals, strengthening intentions, accepting criticism positively and with an optimistic mindset.
Visual Poise is a presentation about applying proper poise through one's sitting, standing, and walking poses. It aims to teach students to perform in a professionally mannered and attitudinal way. Visual poise is defined as having a balanced beauty through not just one's looks but also manners in simple actions like standing, walking or picking things up. The advantages of applying visual poise include appearing healthy, authoritative, elegant and prestigious. The types of visual poise covered are sitting pose, walking pose and standing pose. The conclusion is that manner and attitude are basically needed to achieve a professional image.
Tien Yulianti presented on professional and personal outlooks. The presentation covered keeping good personal hygiene and various styles for men and women, both formal and casual options. It provided guidance on appropriate attire and footwear for business, parties, and casual settings.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang komunikasi profesional yang efektif di era digital. Topik utama meliputi citra diri, kesan pertama, personal branding, etika dan etiket berkomunikasi, serta prinsip-prinsip dasar komunikasi efektif seperti respect, empathy, clarity, dan humility. Dokumen ini menyarankan pentingnya komunikasi yang profesional untuk membangun kesan yang baik terhadap lawan bicara.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang komunikasi efektif, meliputi pengertian komunikasi efektif, tujuan, unsur-unsur, prinsip dasar, dan teknik komunikasi efektif. Komunikasi efektif adalah komunikasi yang mampu menghasilkan perubahan sikap pada orang yang terlibat dan memenuhi tiga kriteria yaitu pesan dapat diterima, disetujui, dan ditindaklanjuti tanpa hambatan.
How to Load Custom Field to POS in Odoo 17 - Odoo 17 SlidesCeline George
This slide explains how to load custom fields you've created into the Odoo 17 Point-of-Sale (POS) interface. This approach involves extending the functionalities of existing POS models (e.g., product.product) to include your custom field.
Vortrag auf der Sub-Konferenz "Planning, democracy and postcapitalism" als Teil der Jahrestagung der französischen Assoziation für politische Ökonomie (Association française d’économie politique) 2024 in Montpellier/Frankreich.
What is the Use of API.onchange in Odoo 17Celine George
The @api.onchange decorator in Odoo is indeed used to trigger a method when a field's value changes. It's commonly used for validating data or triggering actions based on the change of a specific field. When the field value changes, the function decorated with @api.onchange will be called automatically.
How to Add Collaborators to a Project in Odoo 17Celine George
Effective project management in Odoo 17 hinges on collaboration. By adding collaborators, we can assign tasks, share information, and keep everyone on the same page.
Email Marketing in Odoo 17 - Odoo 17 SlidesCeline George
Email marketing is used to send advertisements or commercial messages to specific groups of people by using email. Email Marketing also helps to track the campaign’s overall effectiveness. This slide will show the features of odoo 17 email marketing.
Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin, Deputy Head of IMEP division and Senior Analyst - P...EduSkills OECD
Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin, Deputy Head of IMEP division and Senior Analyst - Presentation at the OECD Webinar Battling AI bias in the classroom on 25 July 2024
How to Configure Field Cleaning Rules in Odoo 17Celine George
In this slide let’s discuss how to configure field cleaning rules in odoo 17. Field Cleaning is used to format the data that we use inside Odoo. Odoo 17's Data Cleaning module offers Field Cleaning Rules to improve data consistency and quality within specific fields of our Odoo records. By using the field cleaning, we can correct the typos, correct the spaces between them and also formats can be corrected.
Dear Sakthi Thiru Dr. G. B. Senthil Kumar,
It is with great honor and respect that we extend this formal invitation to you. As a distinguished leader whose presence commands admiration and reverence, we cordially invite you to join us in celebrating the 25th anniversary of our graduation from Adhiparasakthi Engineering College on 27th July, 2024. we would be honored to have you by our side as we reflect on the achievements and memories of the past 25 years.
Odoo 17 Project Module : New Features - Odoo 17 SlidesCeline George
The Project Management module undergoes significant enhancements, aimed at providing users with more robust tools for planning, organizing, and executing projects effectively.
Types of Diode and its working principle.pptxnitugatkal
A diode is a two-terminal polarized electronic component which mainly conducts current in one direction and blocks in other direction.
Its resistance in one direction is low (ideally zero) and high (ideally infinite) resistance in the other direction.
2. Introduction
Daengtien's 2023 HANDLING TELEPHONE 2
Telephone is invented by
Alexander Graham Bell in 1876
Telephone is device for
communication especially speech
Tele means long distance
Phone means sound, voice, speech
6. Conversation in Formal Situation
Daengtien's 2023 HANDLING TELEPHONE 6
Receiver : Good morning, PT ABC, Diana ‘s speaking
Can I help you?
Caller : Good morning, I am Susan, Mr. Hendrawan secretary
from PT Sejahtera
Receiver : Ok, Miss Susan. What can I do for you?
Caller : Miss Diana, My Director want to meet your Director to
talk about the follow up of last meeting. Can you
arrange the time?
7. Conversation in Formal Situation
Daengtien's 2023 HANDLING TELEPHONE 7
Receiver : Well, Miss Susan. I will ask my Director about the time
and I will call you if I have the schedule. Any other,
Caller : No, thank you. I will wait your call.
Receiver : Ok, Miss Susan. Good morning
Caller : Good morning
8. Telephone Memo
After receiving the call,
The receiver make a note
from the conversation in
Telephone Memo
Daengtien's 2023 HANDLING TELEPHONE 8
9. Conversation in Informal Situation
Daengtien's 2023 HANDLING TELEPHONE 9
Receiver : Hi ,,, how are you, Rudy?
Caller : Hi, Andi. I am fine, thanks
Are you free? Let’s go to Julian’s home. He asks me to
call you and visit him. He has something to give us.
Receiver : Ok, I will. Pick me up, please. My motorcycle is with my
Caller : Okay, I am on the way
10. Tips of Handling Telephone
Pick the phone on the 2rd ring with left hand
Smile when starting to speak
Speak friendly clearly, and direct to the point
Control the volume, tone, and intonation
Ask the caller identity and the need
Convince the topic before closing
Offer another help
Say thank you
Daengtien's 2023 HANDLING TELEPHONE 10