This document contains 20 multiple choice questions in Spanish about grammar topics such as verbs, articles, adjectives, prepositions and pronouns. The questions cover a range of tenses and parts of speech. The questions are at a basic to intermediate level for learners of Spanish grammar.
La clasificación del mantenimiento industrial se realiza de acuerdo al mantenimiento preventivo y correctivo.
El correctivo se clasifica en emergente y programado.
El preventivo en predictivo, periódico, analítico, progresivo, técnico, proactivo y autónomo.
Además de incluir las diferentes normas aplicables al mantenimiento.
Este documento es una solicitud presentada por el Partido Cambio Radical ante la Junta Administradora Local de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander para la inscripción de su lista de candidatos a las elecciones del 25 de octubre de 2015 para el periodo 2016-2019 en la Comuna 4 Oriental de Cúcuta. El documento incluye información sobre el partido político, la lista de candidatos, los documentos adjuntos y un formato para proporcionar datos de cada candidato como su dirección, teléfono, correo electrónico y la información de la cuenta banc
Este documento presenta varios ejercicios de operaciones combinadas con números naturales. En el primer ejercicio, se pide realizar 6 operaciones paso a paso y destacar el resultado. En el segundo ejercicio, se pide calcular el resultado de 6 operaciones combinadas. En el tercer ejercicio, se pide calcular 4 operaciones teniendo cuidado con los paréntesis.
Tres personas solicitan vacantes en diferentes niveles educativos en instituciones privadas. Rosa Aurora Rojas Ruiz solicita una vacante para el cuarto grado de secundaria. Juan Carlos Mendoza Mitma solicita una vacante para el quinto grado de primaria para su hija Milagros Paola Mendoza Bardales y otra vacante para el segundo grado de secundaria para su hija Ximena Isabel Mendoza Bardales.
Formato solicitud para justificar inasistencias a clasesEdwin Quispe
El estudiante Edwin Joel Quispe Quispe solicita justificar su inasistencia a clases en una fecha específica debido a un motivo de salud, adjuntando un certificado médico. Pide al director académico del instituto cultural peruano norteamericano - región Puno que le conceda la justificación por la ausencia a clases debido a problemas de salud comprobados con un certificado médico.
El alumno solicita una investigación para comprobar que completó con éxito el curso de inglés entre agosto de 2008 y junio de 2009. Pide que se revisen los archivos del Instituto Tecnológico de Mexicali y de la escuela vinculada para encontrar pruebas como documentos o datos que demuestren que el curso fue acreditado y se le extienda el certificado correspondiente. Adjunta como prueba el recibo de pago del segundo semestre.
Faber Alonso Fierro autoriza a Erika Fierro para que recoja documentos de la niña Faidary Fierro Zarate del Instituto Educativo Perales. Fierro proporciona su número de cédula y solicita la colaboración del instituto en la entrega de los documentos requeridos.
Este documento presenta varios problemas relacionados con números racionales y fracciones. Incluye ejercicios sobre fracciones equivalentes, operaciones con fracciones como suma, resta, multiplicación y división, y representación de fracciones en la recta numérica. También cubre temas como ordenar fracciones de menor a mayor y reducir fracciones a un denominador común.
Esta constancia de trabajo certifica que Don CIEZA HERRERA EDWIN trabajó como chofer de camioneta para REPRESENTACIONES JUNIOR S.A.C. desde enero de 2007 hasta junio de 2012, desempeñando sus funciones de manera responsable y honesta. Recibía un sueldo mensual de 1000 nuevos soles. La certificación se expide para fines pertinentes.
Este documento presenta 10 ejercicios estadísticos que involucran conceptos como tablas de frecuencias, medidas de tendencia central, diagramas y gráficas. Los ejercicios incluyen datos sobre puntuaciones de una prueba, pesos de atletas, edades de personas, volúmenes de envases, preferencias de color, números de clientes en un restaurante y velocidades de vehículos. Se pide completar tablas, calcular medidas estadísticas e interpretar resultados.
La empresa VALERS SAC emite una constancia de trabajo a favor de Breiddy Manuel Romero Santillan, ingeniero que ha prestado sus servicios a la empresa como ingeniero por aproximadamente seis meses. La constancia indica que Romero Santillan ha devengado pagos por inventariados realizados a la empresa y que ha demostrado un buen desempeño de sus servicios. El gerente general de la empresa, Valentin Feliciano Roldan Santiago, firma la constancia el 16 de julio de 2015.
1. El documento presenta 20 problemas de conversiones de unidades que involucran distancias, áreas, volúmenes, velocidades y aceleraciones. Los problemas requieren convertir entre millas y kilómetros, pies y metros, libras y kilogramos, segundos y horas/minutos, entre otras unidades.
Las tres solicitudes solicitan constancias de participación en comisiones de la Facultad de Enfermería de la UNSA para presentar en un concurso de docencia.
Andrea Moreno Avilés presenta su renuncia irrevocable al cargo de auxiliar de cocina en Comfamiliar Huila - Club Los Lagos debido al constante acoso laboral y preferencias injustas en la asignación de turnos por parte de sus compañeros de trabajo y la gerencia respectivamente. Agradece por la atención a su renuncia.
Oficio para pedir mantenimiento de impresora 2016Marlon Tu Ex
La carta solicita al Sr. Roberto Intriago enviar un técnico para reparar la impresora de la oficina, marca AFICIO MP 201 SPF, debido a que tiene problemas con el escáner que dificultan el trabajo diario. El Lcdo. Fernando Klinger, Especialista de Gestión y Promoción Turística Zonal del Ministerio de Turismo, firma la carta.
Presentación en power Point para defensa de tesis de Ing. Computación (3 cap....Argenis Macea
Felicidad a todos, por acá les dejo una hermosa y profesional Presentación en Power Point para defensa de tesis de Ingeniería en Computación, solo los 3 primeros capítulos, del Instituto Universitario de Nuevas Profesiones, Caracas, Venezuela. Muy bonita, agradable paleta de colores, figuras acordes, eficiente. Espero pueda servirte para guiarte o de lo contrario estamos a la orden para prestarte el servicio. Nuestro whasapp es +584145120346 que es el medio más directo y donde gustosamente te atenderemos, instagram @tesispptx (donde podrás ver referencias de nuestros trabajos), facebook: tesispptxargenismacea
Este documento presenta lineamientos para la recolección y aseguramiento de la calidad de datos de confiabilidad y mantenimiento (RM) en la industria de petróleo y gas natural. Establece requisitos para la especificación de datos RM, su recolección en un formato normalizado, y asegurar que los datos sean de calidad suficiente para su análisis. Además, provee definiciones de términos clave relacionados a RM y lista referencias normativas.
Este documento presenta 12 ejercicios de matemáticas relacionados con las cuatro operaciones básicas de adición, sustracción, multiplicación y división. Los ejercicios involucran problemas sobre asistencia a fiestas, venta de productos, distribución de dinero entre trabajadores y más. Adicionalmente, presenta 10 ejercicios similares para que los estudiantes los resuelvan en casa.
Este documento contiene 15 modelos de memorandos en español sobre diferentes temas laborales como cambios de horario, cursos de capacitación, permisos de vacaciones, llamados de atención y más. Cada modelo presenta un breve resumen del tema tratado y el formato del memorando correspondiente con fecha, destinatario, firma y cuerpo del mensaje.
The document provides examples of using was and were in the negative, affirmative, and interrogative forms in English. It includes common verbs and subjects like I, you, he/she/it, we, and they. Examples are given for forming negative and affirmative statements as well as short answers to yes/no questions using was and were. There are also exercises for learners to practice using was and were in different tenses and with different subjects.
The document discusses uses of infinitives and gerunds in English. It provides examples of using the past tense of "to be" to join a subject with describing words for things that happened in the past, such as "I was in Mexico last week." It then gives a series of exercises asking the reader to choose between "was" and "were" to complete sentences about subjects and their attributes or activities in the past.
The document provides a series of prompts and exercises related to grammar and language skills. It includes activities to practice parts of speech, verb tenses, pronouns, possessives, prepositions, and more. The prompts are presented without context and test skills like spotting errors, forming questions, and selecting the correct verb form or pronoun.
This document provides instruction and examples for using the quantifiers "much", "many", "some", "any", "a little", "a few", and "a lot" correctly in sentences. It explains that "much" is used with non-count nouns and "many" with plural count nouns. Examples are given comparing the use of these quantifiers in different contexts. Readers are asked to complete sentences using the correct quantifier.
The document provides a series of idioms and their definitions through examples. It begins with a list of common idioms and their meanings, followed by example sentences using the idioms. The answers to the examples are then provided. Overall, the document is an exercise to familiarize the reader with common English idioms and their uses through short examples and their solutions.
The document discusses the modal auxiliary verbs "must" and "have to" and how they are used to express obligations and responsibilities. "Must" expresses a personal view of what is necessary or important, while "have to" refers to obligations imposed by external factors. Some examples are provided to illustrate the appropriate uses of each verb in affirmative and negative forms across tenses. Key differences between "must" and "have to" are outlined.
This document contains an exercise on asking and answering questions in English. It includes sections on positive and short question forms, examples of questions using "where", "what", "who", "how", and "why", and three exercises to practice forming and answering questions. The exercises cover topics like locations, descriptions, numbers, and identities.
This document contains a series of practice exercises identifying and correcting errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and parts of speech. There are multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer questions across topics like articles, prepositions, tenses, countable/uncountable nouns, pronouns, subject-verb agreement, and commonly misspelled words. The purpose is to help students improve their mastery of foundational English language rules and conventions through targeted practice.
The document is a grammar worksheet that contains 16 sentences with potential errors in using the "be" verb. Students are instructed to find and correct the 10 errors among the sentences and check the 6 sentences with no mistakes. The sentences cover common errors such as subject-verb agreement and tense issues with "be", "am", "are", and "is". An answer key is provided to show the corrections.
Brown and Yellow Scrapbook Brainstorm Presentation.pptxssuser3119b6
The document provides examples of counting quantities with various nouns like tuna, chocolate, crisps, bread, honey, and milk. It then provides examples of questions using countable nouns and quantities like eggs, coffee, girls, cans of beer, time, and stars. Further examples are given using countable nouns and quantities like books, brothers, flowers, friends, and birds. The final examples ask for a quantity of water.
This document provides instruction on irregular verbs in the simple past tense in English. It begins with an objective and introduction to irregular verbs. It then provides examples of affirmative statements using irregular past tense verbs like "ate", "had", and "went". Tables show the base form and past form of common irregular verbs. Exercises have students complete sentences, questions and answers using the correct past tense irregular verbs.
The document contains an email to complete and dialogues to complete with grammar tenses.
The email is from Tobias catching up with Craig, mentioning Craig has been busy and asking if he has planned a holiday. Tobias discusses past family holidays to Canada and plans to travel to Morocco with Tanya.
The dialogues practice using 'just', 'already', and 'yet' to talk about timing of events. Ana hasn't emailed Yoshio yet while Tim already sent five emails. Bob already saw a film while Jill hasn't seen it yet. Jan just made biscuits while Lee isn't hungry as he already ate.
The document provides exercises to practice various English verb tenses and timing words in
This document provides a vocabulary test with multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions about shopping and daily activities. The test covers common shopping words like changing room, checkout, receipt, and size. It also includes verbs like doing, making, and putting as well as adjectives like tiring, bored, interested, and relaxing. The answer key is provided to check responses.
The document provides examples of using articles like "a", "an", and "the" correctly in sentences. It also addresses the differences between countable and uncountable nouns, the use of demonstrative pronouns like "this", "that", "these", and "those", and whether to use "some" or "any" in various contexts. The goal is to choose the appropriate article, pronoun, or quantifier based on the rules described.
This document provides a lesson on determiners in English. It defines determiners as words used to modify nouns, such as articles, demonstratives, possessive determiners, and quantifiers. Articles include the definite article "the" and indefinite articles "a" and "an". Demonstratives are words like "this", "that", "these", and "those". Possessive determiners are words like "my", "your", "his", "her", etc. that show ownership. Possessive pronouns are words like "mine", "yours", "his", "hers", etc. Quantifiers include words like "some", "any", "few", "more", "many", etc
This document contains an English grammar test with multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions assessing verb tenses and forms, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions. The test covers topics like subject-verb agreement, regular and irregular verbs, comparative and superlative adjectives, quantifiers, and conditional sentences. It provides an answer key for checking responses.
The document contains an English exercise with multiple parts. Part A asks students to fill in blanks with "There is" or "There are" depending on whether the subject is singular or plural. Part B asks students to complete sentences using either "is" or "are" to indicate singular or plural subjects. The exercise is testing students' understanding of using correct verbs to agree with singular and plural nouns in sentences.
The document contains an English exercise with multiple parts. Part A asks students to fill in blanks with "There is" or "There are" depending on whether the subject is singular or plural. Part B asks students to complete sentences using either "is" or "are" to indicate singular or plural subjects. The exercise is testing students' understanding of using correct verbs to agree with singular and plural nouns in sentences.
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The Volvo BM L120B Wheel Loader is a versatile and powerful machine used in various construction and material handling applications. As an operator, understanding the features, maintenance requirements, and operating procedures of this equipment is essential for efficient and safe operation.
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2. be
Pregunta 3
I need some help. Can you help _____?
Pregunta 4
How do you ______ that.
last name
3. your
Pregunta 5
Oh no, my legs ______.
Pregunta 6
Those are ______ trainers.
4. he's
Pregunta 7
He is in the ______. He is cooking.
Living room
Dining room
Pregunta 8
He is ______.
an explorer
5. a explorer
an explorers
Pregunta 9
Could I have ______ water, please?
Pregunta 10
The plane is ___________ way to travel.
6. faster
the fastest
more faster
to fast
Pregunta 11
He's my father. ______ office is over there.
Pregunta 12
I am not hungry. I have _______ eaten.
8. Pregunta 14
My friend ______________ my new dress yet.
haven't seen
didn't see
hasn't see
hasn't seen
didn´t see
Pregunta 15
I have a problem. What ______ I do?
9. can
Pregunta 16
A) Nice to meet you. B) _____
Nice to meet you too.
Good bye
You're welcome
I am well. Thank you.
Pregunta 17
Where ______ that girl from?
10. be
Pregunta 18
What ______ she eat last night?
Pregunta 19
A) Does she study English? B) _____.
Yes, she doesn't
No, she does
11. Yes, she does
Yes, she study
Yes, she studies
Pregunta 20
Are these your glasses?
Yes, they are.
No, it isn't.
Yes, it is.
No, it is.
Yes, they is.