Generative AI: Challenges and Implications Generative AI LLM ChatGPT Bard Generative AI Ecosystem Challenges and Implications
Discuss the impact and opportunity of using Generative AI to support your development and creative teams * Explore business challenges in content creation * Cost-per-unit of different types of content * Use AI to reduce cost-per-unit * New partnerships being formed that will have a material impact on the way we search and engage with content Part 4 of a 9 Part Research Series named "What matters in AI" published on
In this session, you'll get all the answers about how ChatGPT and other GPT-X models can be applied to your current or future project. First, we'll put in order all the terms – OpenAI, GPT-3, ChatGPT, Codex, Dall-E, etc., and explain why Microsoft and Azure are often mentioned in this context. Then, we'll go through the main capabilities of the Azure OpenAI and respective usecases that might inspire you to either optimize your product or build a completely new one.
In this event we will cover: - What is Generative AI and how it is being for future of work. - Best practices for developing and deploying generative AI based models in productions. - Future of Generative AI, how generative AI is expected to evolve in the coming years.