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By Aan @petruknisme
Hide `n seek with Android
App Protections
Beat `em
Aan Wahyu a.k.a petruknisme
● Lead Security Consultant @ Horangi
● Infosec Enthusiast & Part-time coder
● Passionate with OSINT, RE, and Red Team
Along with the rapid development of mobile application technology meeting
various needs and providing convenience to their users. In this case, significant
developments are also needed in the security aspect that guarantees
privacy and security, especially user data.
Therefore, a penetration testing or application audit process is needed to
ensure that an application is suitable for use by the public. If this is not done
properly, there is a high possibility of data leakage resulting in losses on the
user side and on the company.
To prevent modification, manipulation or hacking, it is not uncommon for
developers to apply protection to applications. This aims to minimize losses
that could occur.
As someone who works as a penetration tester, For applications can be tested
properly, it is often necessary to bypass the implemented protection so that
the required tools or processes can run according to the predetermined
penetration testing workflow.
Table of contents
Root Detection
SSL Pinning
Anti Emulation Frida Detection
Root Detection
Root Detection
To prevent modifications or manipulations that impact the application, root
detection is implemented. Basically, the application will check files that are
indicated to be part of the rooted device and when it finds this indication, the
application will prevent access or perform an exit/crash so that the application
cannot run on a rooted device.
Checking the BUILD
tag for test-keys
Checking SU binary
and installed root
Root Detection Methods
Checking common
root cloaking apps
Checking permission
for system directory
Checking dangerous
Many more
Sample Root Detection
Sample Root Detection
Apk Process
Several processes are required in
reverse engineering an APK. Start
by unpacking the APK using an
archive extractor such as
WinRAR, WinZip, etc. After that,
the dex file will be disassembled
and decompiled into java source
which is still a java class file.
Bypassing root detection using manual modification of smali
Manual Modification
Extracting Apk
To bypass root detection using the smali patch method, the first step that must be done
is to extract the content in the apk using apktool
Searching the right function
Then we can search for the word isRooted with the help of a code editor. In this example
case, the isRooted function is in the Rootbeer.smali file
As you can see, isRooted function
are calling other function for
1. Su Binary
2. RW Paths
3. Root via Native Checks
4. Magisk Specific checks
5. etc
Bypassing checkForSuBinary
In the checkForSuBinary() function, change move-result v0 to const/4 v0, 0x0 with the
aim of making the value of the variable v0 false instead of to taking a dynamic value
from the result of the checkForBinary() function
.method public checkForSuBinary()Z
.locals 1
const-string v0, "su"
.line 160
invoke-virtual {p0, v0}, Lcom/scottyab/rootbeer/RootBeer;->checkForBinary(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
const/4 v0, 0x0 <-- Edited
return v0
Bypassing checkSuExist
In the checkSuExist() function, change value of v0 to 0x0 after if-eqz v2
Bypassing checkForRWPaths
In the checkForRWPaths() function, add return v1 at the end of the function so that the
function always returns false because the v1 variable is already false.
Bypassing checkForRootNative
In the checkForRootNative() function, change the v1 value at the end of the function to
0x0 so that the returned value is false.
.method public checkForRootNative()Z
if-lez v0, :cond_2
const/4 v1, 0x0 <-- Edited
return v1
.end method
Bypassing checkForMagiskBinary
In the checkForMagiskBinary() function, change move-result v0 to const/4 v0, 0x0
with the aim of making the value of the variable v0 false instead of taking a dynamic
value from the result of the checkForBinary() function
Rebuild, sign and install
We are successfully bypassing
root detection with manual
modification of smali files
Bypassing root detection using frida instrumentation
Frida Instrumentation
Frida Instrumentation
As we know, we need to bypass these protection to be able to run the
app in rooted device:
● SU Binary
● RW Paths
● Root via Native Checks
● Magisk Specific Checks
I assume that we already know how to write frida script. For the first
step, we will try to hook one of the function to make sure that our
script is working
Frida Instrumentation
Final frida Script
For the rest of functions, we just need to copy and modify with the function name that
we will hook.
But, for keeping it simple(KISS) and
follow DRY principle, I’ve modified
the script to be more simple, short,
and easy to understand.
Bypassing root detection using objection
objection is a runtime mobile exploration toolkit, powered by Frida, built to help you
assess the security posture of your mobile applications, without needing a jailbreak.
● Supports both iOS and Android.
● Inspect and interact with container file systems.
● Bypass SSL pinning.
● Dump keychains.
● Perform memory related tasks, such as dumping & patching.
● Explore and manipulate objects on the heap.
● And much, much more…
Installation is simply a matter of pip3 install objection. This will give you the objection command.
You can update an existing objection installation with pip3 install --upgrade objection.
No need script, only command line
No need script, only command line
Partially success
bypassing rootbeer
checker with objection
command “android root
Hook & patch the right function
Before patching the
functions, we need to
know the class first
android hooking list class_methods
Set return value
After we know the right
class_methods, we can
set the return value
android hooking set return_value
Bypassing root detection using Magisk Zygisk
Magisk Zygisk
In simple terms, Magisk is a tool to help users gain root access by patching the ROM.
For further information regarding installation and configuration, please refer to
The easiest method is to rely on Zygisk Denylist in the Magisk application. To be able
to enjoy Zygisk, Magisk version that must be installed is v24.1+.
SSL Pinning
SSL Pinning
SSL pinning is a technique that helps to
prevent MiTM attacks by hardcoding the
SSL/TLS certificate’s public key into the app
or device. This means that when the app
or device communicates with the server, it
will compare the server’s SSL/TLS
certificate’s public key with the one that is
hardcoded into the app or device.
Bypassing SSL Pinning using manual modification of smali
Manual Modification
In this discussion, I will start by explaining how we can bypass the SSL Pinning process by
manually modifying smalis. The target that will be used in this case study is an android
application that use Cordova Framework.
When connecting to the server, the application refused the connection because the
certificate on the device did not match, because I was intercept the traffic using Burp
Suite. With the help of “adb logcat | logcat-color”, I can find out the error message given
by the application when it refuses a connection to the server.
As you can see, android
certificate pinning is
failing and complaining
about mismatch
certificate hash. Our peer
certificate chain is for
but the Pinned Certificate
for a domain(masked) is
defined in the android
resource file.
Best Approach
Decompile apk and
search for the right
In this case, the file containing the word is in resource/assets/www/pinning/ . After
knowing which file is appropriate, the next step is to modify the string sha256/dGxxxxx to
sha256/fKxxxxx referring to the previous error message.
Bypassing SSL Pinning using Objection
As in the discussion for bypassing root detection, we can also do the same thing with
the help of objection. There are two methods that can be done, using the built-in
objection feature or manual patching of the return_value from class_method.
For the study case, we will use
Error when intercepted with burpsuite
Bypassing SSL Pinning using Frida
For bypassing SSL Pinning with Frida, we can use frida codeshare or create our own
Bypassing previous ssl pinning protection that failed when using objection, we can use
frida codeshare from
Frida scripting
For manual approach, we can search the right function, hook, replace the return value
same as in the bypassing root detection
Bypassing Flutter SSL Pinning
Bypassing Flutter
One of the reasons it is difficult to bypass SSL Pinning in Flutter is because Flutter
compiles the code into native machine code. This makes common techniques such
as method hooking or code injection in SSL Pinning bypass unable to be carried out,
even the experiments that we have carried out previously.
Flutter ignores proxy settings on the device so that applications cannot be
intercepted. If in the previous case the application would error when passing through
the proxy without the SSL pinning bypass process, this does not apply to Flutter
because the application will only make a direct connection to the server without
passing through the proxy even though it has been set on the device.
idsecconf2023 - Aan Wahyu - Hide n seek with android app protections and beat em.pdf
idsecconf2023 - Aan Wahyu - Hide n seek with android app protections and beat em.pdf
idsecconf2023 - Aan Wahyu - Hide n seek with android app protections and beat em.pdf
Bypassing Flutter SSL Pinning using reFlutter
This framework helps with Flutter apps reverse engineering using the patched version
of the Flutter library which is already compiled and ready for app repacking. This
library has snapshot deserialization process modified to allow you perform dynamic
analysis in a convenient way.
Key features:
● is patched for traffic monitoring and interception;
● is modified to print classes, functions and some fields;
● display absolute code offset for functions
● contains minor changes for successfull compilation;
● if you would like to implement your own patches, there is manual Flutter code
change is supported using specially crafted Dockerfile
Bypassing Flutter SSL Pinning Ghidra & Frida pattern matching
Frida Pattern
Referring to the article
ttps-dio-pinning/, to bypass SSL pinning on Flutter , we can use the pattern matching
method after knowing the pattern of the SSL pinning checking offset address. In
simple terms, the steps taken are:
● Find references to the string “” and compare them to to find
● Find references to the method you identified in order to identify ssl_verify_peer_cert
Alternatively, we can use Frida’s pattern matching engine to search for functions that
look very similar to the function from the demo app. The first bytes of a function are
typically very stable, as long as the number of local variables and function arguments
don’t change. Still, different compilers may generate different assembly code (e.g.
usage of different registers or optimisations) so we do need to have some wildcards
in our pattern.
Emulator Detection
Emulator Detection
Emulators are usually used to make it easier for reverse engineers, hackers or pentesters
to run applications without needing to have the original device. Because usually,
emulators can be easily created and deleted when there are errors or different needs,
whereas the original device cannot. It is not uncommon for malware developers to use
this check to ensure that their application is able to obtain or control the victim's original
data or device. For this case study, we will use
The app detect emulator with this checks:
● checkHardware();
● checkMounts();
● checkModules();
● checkCPU();
● checkFiles();
● checkCPUArchitecture();
Emulator Detection
Different from the previous discussion, this time our target is using the Java Native
Interface. So, we can't do hooking like we did before. This is because all checking
processes occur in libraries that have been compiled into objects. In this example, all
the checks are in the file.
The first thing we have to do is find out what JNI functions are available, you can use
Frida's help or use nm demangle.
To bypass, the first thing to do is tracing with frida-trace. In this case, I will specifically
look for the dlopen function because this function is usually used to load shared
libraries. It can be seen that what is used is android_dlopen_ext to load the shared
library file So with this info, we can create code to hook Frida.
When we run Frida with this code, we can see that is
loaded from the android_dlopen_ext function
idsecconf2023 - Aan Wahyu - Hide n seek with android app protections and beat em.pdf
idsecconf2023 - Aan Wahyu - Hide n seek with android app protections and beat em.pdf
idsecconf2023 - Aan Wahyu - Hide n seek with android app protections and beat em.pdf
Frida Detection
In some cases, developers create protection so that the application checks the
existence of Frida on the device. This is to prevent pentesters/hackers from being able
to run Binary Instruments using Frida as in the previous discussion.
There are several mechanisms used to detect the presence of frida, including:
● Detection of named pipes used by Frida
● Detect frida specific thread names
● Detect the port used by Frida
● Etc
For this discussion, I used a customized application to detect frida existence
In some cases, developers create protection so that the application checks the
existence of Frida on the device. This is to prevent pentesters/hackers from being able
to run Binary Instruments using Frida as in the previous discussion.
There are several mechanisms used to detect the presence of frida, including:
● Detection of named pipes used by Frida
● Detect frida specific thread names
● Detect the port used by Frida
● Etc
For this discussion, I used a customized application to detect frida existence
Sample app
Frida-server detection
The mechanism used by
the application to detect
frida-server is to check
whether there are files in
Frida-server detection
/proc detection
The mechanism used is
to check /proc/self/maps
to detect the presence of
/proc detection
Default frida port detection
Another mechanism is to
check the default Frida
port, if the default port
can be accessed then
that indicates Frida is
Default frida port detection
To bypass this protection,
we can change the
default port used when
running frida-server with
the following command
Default frida port detection
Frida Thread Detection
The application detects the Frida thread by checking /proc/self/task/<PID>/status and
comparing its contents with FRIDA_THREAD_GUM_JS_LOOP and
Frida Thread Detection
To bypass this protection, we can easily manipulate the strstr function every time we
find the specified words
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, and
includes icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik
Do you have any questions?
Please keep this slide for attribution

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  • 1. By Aan @petruknisme Hide `n seek with Android App Protections & Beat `em
  • 2. HELLO! I’m… Aan Wahyu a.k.a petruknisme ● Lead Security Consultant @ Horangi ● Infosec Enthusiast & Part-time coder ● Passionate with OSINT, RE, and Red Team
  • 3. Background Along with the rapid development of mobile application technology meeting various needs and providing convenience to their users. In this case, significant developments are also needed in the security aspect that guarantees privacy and security, especially user data. Therefore, a penetration testing or application audit process is needed to ensure that an application is suitable for use by the public. If this is not done properly, there is a high possibility of data leakage resulting in losses on the user side and on the company.
  • 4. Background To prevent modification, manipulation or hacking, it is not uncommon for developers to apply protection to applications. This aims to minimize losses that could occur. As someone who works as a penetration tester, For applications can be tested properly, it is often necessary to bypass the implemented protection so that the required tools or processes can run according to the predetermined penetration testing workflow.
  • 5. Table of contents Root Detection 01 03 02 04 SSL Pinning Anti Emulation Frida Detection
  • 7. Root Detection To prevent modifications or manipulations that impact the application, root detection is implemented. Basically, the application will check files that are indicated to be part of the rooted device and when it finds this indication, the application will prevent access or perform an exit/crash so that the application cannot run on a rooted device.
  • 8. Checking the BUILD tag for test-keys Checking SU binary and installed root package Root Detection Methods Checking common root cloaking apps Checking permission for system directory Checking dangerous props Many more
  • 11. Reverse Engineering Apk Process Several processes are required in reverse engineering an APK. Start by unpacking the APK using an archive extractor such as WinRAR, WinZip, etc. After that, the dex file will be disassembled and decompiled into java source which is still a java class file.
  • 12. 01.1 Bypassing root detection using manual modification of smali Manual Modification
  • 13. Extracting Apk To bypass root detection using the smali patch method, the first step that must be done is to extract the content in the apk using apktool
  • 14. Searching the right function Then we can search for the word isRooted with the help of a code editor. In this example case, the isRooted function is in the Rootbeer.smali file As you can see, isRooted function are calling other function for checking: 1. Su Binary 2. RW Paths 3. Root via Native Checks 4. Magisk Specific checks 5. etc
  • 15. Bypassing checkForSuBinary In the checkForSuBinary() function, change move-result v0 to const/4 v0, 0x0 with the aim of making the value of the variable v0 false instead of to taking a dynamic value from the result of the checkForBinary() function .method public checkForSuBinary()Z .locals 1 const-string v0, "su" .line 160 invoke-virtual {p0, v0}, Lcom/scottyab/rootbeer/RootBeer;->checkForBinary(Ljava/lang/String;)Z const/4 v0, 0x0 <-- Edited return v0
  • 16. Bypassing checkSuExist In the checkSuExist() function, change value of v0 to 0x0 after if-eqz v2
  • 17. Bypassing checkForRWPaths In the checkForRWPaths() function, add return v1 at the end of the function so that the function always returns false because the v1 variable is already false.
  • 18. Bypassing checkForRootNative In the checkForRootNative() function, change the v1 value at the end of the function to 0x0 so that the returned value is false. .method public checkForRootNative()Z ---------------------SNIPPET------------- if-lez v0, :cond_2 const/4 v1, 0x0 <-- Edited :catch_0 :cond_2 return v1 .end method
  • 19. Bypassing checkForMagiskBinary In the checkForMagiskBinary() function, change move-result v0 to const/4 v0, 0x0 with the aim of making the value of the variable v0 false instead of taking a dynamic value from the result of the checkForBinary() function
  • 20. Rebuild, sign and install
  • 21. Result We are successfully bypassing root detection with manual modification of smali files
  • 22. 01.2 Bypassing root detection using frida instrumentation Frida Instrumentation
  • 23. Frida Instrumentation As we know, we need to bypass these protection to be able to run the app in rooted device: ● SU Binary ● RW Paths ● Root via Native Checks ● Magisk Specific Checks I assume that we already know how to write frida script. For the first step, we will try to hook one of the function to make sure that our script is working
  • 25. Final frida Script For the rest of functions, we just need to copy and modify with the function name that we will hook. But, for keeping it simple(KISS) and follow DRY principle, I’ve modified the script to be more simple, short, and easy to understand.
  • 27. 01.3 Bypassing root detection using objection Objection
  • 28. What? objection is a runtime mobile exploration toolkit, powered by Frida, built to help you assess the security posture of your mobile applications, without needing a jailbreak. ● Supports both iOS and Android. ● Inspect and interact with container file systems. ● Bypass SSL pinning. ● Dump keychains. ● Perform memory related tasks, such as dumping & patching. ● Explore and manipulate objects on the heap. ● And much, much more… Installation Installation is simply a matter of pip3 install objection. This will give you the objection command. You can update an existing objection installation with pip3 install --upgrade objection.
  • 30. No need script, only command line
  • 31. No need script, only command line Partially success bypassing rootbeer checker with objection command “android root disable”
  • 32. Hook & patch the right function Before patching the functions, we need to know the class first android hooking list class_methods
  • 33. Set return value After we know the right class_methods, we can set the return value android hooking set return_value
  • 34. 01.4 Bypassing root detection using Magisk Zygisk Magisk Zygisk
  • 35. Magisk In simple terms, Magisk is a tool to help users gain root access by patching the ROM. For further information regarding installation and configuration, please refer to The easiest method is to rely on Zygisk Denylist in the Magisk application. To be able to enjoy Zygisk, Magisk version that must be installed is v24.1+.
  • 36. Setup
  • 37. Setup
  • 40. SSL Pinning SSL pinning is a technique that helps to prevent MiTM attacks by hardcoding the SSL/TLS certificate’s public key into the app or device. This means that when the app or device communicates with the server, it will compare the server’s SSL/TLS certificate’s public key with the one that is hardcoded into the app or device.
  • 41. 02.1 Bypassing SSL Pinning using manual modification of smali Manual Modification
  • 42. Manual In this discussion, I will start by explaining how we can bypass the SSL Pinning process by manually modifying smalis. The target that will be used in this case study is an android application that use Cordova Framework. When connecting to the server, the application refused the connection because the certificate on the device did not match, because I was intercept the traffic using Burp Suite. With the help of “adb logcat | logcat-color”, I can find out the error message given by the application when it refuses a connection to the server.
  • 43. Manual As you can see, android certificate pinning is failing and complaining about mismatch certificate hash. Our peer certificate chain is for PortSwigger(BurpSuite), but the Pinned Certificate for a domain(masked) is defined in the android resource file.
  • 44. Best Approach Decompile apk and search for the right string. In this case, the file containing the word is in resource/assets/www/pinning/ . After knowing which file is appropriate, the next step is to modify the string sha256/dGxxxxx to sha256/fKxxxxx referring to the previous error message.
  • 47. 02.2 Bypassing SSL Pinning using Objection Objection
  • 48. Approach As in the discussion for bypassing root detection, we can also do the same thing with the help of objection. There are two methods that can be done, using the built-in objection feature or manual patching of the return_value from class_method. For the study case, we will use sl-pinning-demo/releases/download/v1. 3.1/pinning-demo.apk
  • 53. 02.3 Bypassing SSL Pinning using Frida Frida
  • 54. Frida For bypassing SSL Pinning with Frida, we can use frida codeshare or create our own script.
  • 55. Frida-codeshare Bypassing previous ssl pinning protection that failed when using objection, we can use frida codeshare from
  • 56. Frida scripting For manual approach, we can search the right function, hook, replace the return value same as in the bypassing root detection
  • 57. 02.4 Bypassing Flutter SSL Pinning Bypassing Flutter
  • 58. Flutter One of the reasons it is difficult to bypass SSL Pinning in Flutter is because Flutter compiles the code into native machine code. This makes common techniques such as method hooking or code injection in SSL Pinning bypass unable to be carried out, even the experiments that we have carried out previously. Flutter ignores proxy settings on the device so that applications cannot be intercepted. If in the previous case the application would error when passing through the proxy without the SSL pinning bypass process, this does not apply to Flutter because the application will only make a direct connection to the server without passing through the proxy even though it has been set on the device.
  • 62. 02.4.1 Bypassing Flutter SSL Pinning using reFlutter reFlutter
  • 63. reFlutter This framework helps with Flutter apps reverse engineering using the patched version of the Flutter library which is already compiled and ready for app repacking. This library has snapshot deserialization process modified to allow you perform dynamic analysis in a convenient way. Key features: ● is patched for traffic monitoring and interception; ● is modified to print classes, functions and some fields; ● display absolute code offset for functions ● contains minor changes for successfull compilation; ● if you would like to implement your own patches, there is manual Flutter code change is supported using specially crafted Dockerfile
  • 67. 02.4.1 Bypassing Flutter SSL Pinning Ghidra & Frida pattern matching Frida Pattern Matching
  • 68. Concepts Referring to the article ttps-dio-pinning/, to bypass SSL pinning on Flutter , we can use the pattern matching method after knowing the pattern of the SSL pinning checking offset address. In simple terms, the steps taken are: ● Find references to the string “” and compare them to to find session_verify_cert_chain ● Find references to the method you identified in order to identify ssl_verify_peer_cert
  • 71. Concepts Alternatively, we can use Frida’s pattern matching engine to search for functions that look very similar to the function from the demo app. The first bytes of a function are typically very stable, as long as the number of local variables and function arguments don’t change. Still, different compilers may generate different assembly code (e.g. usage of different registers or optimisations) so we do need to have some wildcards in our pattern.
  • 74. Emulator Detection Emulators are usually used to make it easier for reverse engineers, hackers or pentesters to run applications without needing to have the original device. Because usually, emulators can be easily created and deleted when there are errors or different needs, whereas the original device cannot. It is not uncommon for malware developers to use this check to ensure that their application is able to obtain or control the victim's original data or device. For this case study, we will use The app detect emulator with this checks: ● checkHardware(); ● checkMounts(); ● checkModules(); ● checkCPU(); ● checkFiles(); ● checkCPUArchitecture();
  • 76. Concepts Different from the previous discussion, this time our target is using the Java Native Interface. So, we can't do hooking like we did before. This is because all checking processes occur in libraries that have been compiled into objects. In this example, all the checks are in the file. The first thing we have to do is find out what JNI functions are available, you can use Frida's help or use nm demangle.
  • 77. Bypass To bypass, the first thing to do is tracing with frida-trace. In this case, I will specifically look for the dlopen function because this function is usually used to load shared libraries. It can be seen that what is used is android_dlopen_ext to load the shared library file So with this info, we can create code to hook Frida.
  • 78. When we run Frida with this code, we can see that is loaded from the android_dlopen_ext function
  • 83. Concepts In some cases, developers create protection so that the application checks the existence of Frida on the device. This is to prevent pentesters/hackers from being able to run Binary Instruments using Frida as in the previous discussion. There are several mechanisms used to detect the presence of frida, including: ● Detection of named pipes used by Frida ● Detect frida specific thread names ● Detect the port used by Frida ● Etc For this discussion, I used a customized application to detect frida existence
  • 84. Concepts In some cases, developers create protection so that the application checks the existence of Frida on the device. This is to prevent pentesters/hackers from being able to run Binary Instruments using Frida as in the previous discussion. There are several mechanisms used to detect the presence of frida, including: ● Detection of named pipes used by Frida ● Detect frida specific thread names ● Detect the port used by Frida ● Etc For this discussion, I used a customized application to detect frida existence
  • 86. Frida-server detection The mechanism used by the application to detect frida-server is to check whether there are files in /data/local/tmp/frida-se rver.
  • 88. /proc detection The mechanism used is to check /proc/self/maps to detect the presence of frida-agent
  • 90. Default frida port detection Another mechanism is to check the default Frida port, if the default port can be accessed then that indicates Frida is running
  • 91. Default frida port detection To bypass this protection, we can change the default port used when running frida-server with the following command
  • 92. Default frida port detection
  • 93. Frida Thread Detection The application detects the Frida thread by checking /proc/self/task/<PID>/status and comparing its contents with FRIDA_THREAD_GUM_JS_LOOP and FRIDA_THREAD_GMAIN.
  • 94. Frida Thread Detection To bypass this protection, we can easily manipulate the strstr function every time we find the specified words
  • 95. CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, and includes icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik Thanks! me@petruknisme Do you have any questions? Please keep this slide for attribution