Pembahasan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi tentang mekanisme perlindungan yang diterapkan pada aplikasi android seperti root detection, ssl pinning, anti emulation, tamper detection dan bagaimana teknik yang digunakan untuk melakukan mekanisme bypass proteksi yang diimplementasikan dengan bantuan reverse engineering menggunakan tool seperti frida, ghidra, objection, magisk, dan sebagainya.
Mapping ATT&CK Techniques to ENGAGE ActivitiesMITRE ATT&CK
From ATT&CKcon 3.0
By David Barroso, CounterCraft
When an adversary engages in a specific behavior, they are vulnerable to expose an unintended weakness. By looking at each ATT&CK technique, we can examine the weaknesses revealed and identify an engagement activity or activities to exploit this weakness.
During the presentation we will see some real examples of how we can use different ATT&CK techniques in order to plan different adversary engagement activities.
This document summarizes the virtual ATT&CKcon 3 conference. It notes that over 5,000 people pre-registered to watch online from 75 countries. There were 125 people attending in-person. It provides submission and acceptance stats for presentations. It introduces the MITRE ATT&CK team members and lists the virtual event sponsors. It encourages continuing the discussion on their Slack channel.
PRISMA CSI • Cyber Security and Intelligence
Bu doküman, alıntı vererek kullanılabilir ya da paylaşılabilir ancak değiştirilemez ve ticari amaçla kullanılamaz. Detaylı bilgiye bağlantısından erişebilirsiniz.
Pentesting react native application for fun and profit - Abdullahidsecconf
React Native merupakan framework untuk membuat aplikasi native menggunakan Javascript. Aplikasi dibundling menjadi satu file .bundle yang berisi seluruh logika aplikasi. Hal ini menjadikan aplikasi rentan terhadap manipulasi kode. Beberapa celah keamanan yang mungkin ada meliputi manipulasi endpoint API, mengeksploitasi fitur Firebase, menemukan kredensial akun, atau penyimpanan data secara tidak aman.
Adversary Emulation and Its Importance for Improving Security Posture in Orga...Digit Oktavianto
The document discusses adversary emulation and its importance for improving security posture. It begins with an introduction to adversary emulation, comparing it to simulation. Adversary emulation involves closely mimicking the actual tactics, techniques, and procedures of a known adversary based on threat intelligence. The document outlines the benefits of adversary emulation, such as helping organizations test their defenses against the latest real-world threats. It also provides guidance on developing an adversary emulation plan, including researching a specific adversary and modeling their behaviors to design scenario-based tests that are executed sequentially.
What is ATT&CK coverage, anyway? Breadth and depth analysis with Atomic Red TeamMITRE ATT&CK
From ATT&CKcon 3.0
By Brian Donohue, Red Canary
This presentation will highlight the Atomic Red Team project's efforts to define and increase the test coverage of MITRE ATT&CK techniques. We'll describe the challenges we encountered in defining what "coverage" means in the context of an ATT&CK-based framework, and how to use that definition to improve an open source project that's used by a diverse audience of practitioners to satisfy an equally diverse array of needs. The audience will learn how the Atomic Red Team maintainers standardize and categorize atomic tests, perform gap analysis to achieve deep technique-level coverage and broad matrix-level coverage, and quickly fill those gaps with new tests.
ATTACKers Think in Graphs: Building Graphs for Threat IntelligenceMITRE - ATT&CKcon
From MITRE ATT&CKcon Power Hour January 2021
By Valentine Mairet, Security Researcher, McAfee
The MITRE ATT&CK framework is the industry standard to dissect cyberattacks into used techniques. At McAfee, all attack information is disseminated into different categories, including ATT&CK techniques. What results from this exercise is an extensive repository of techniques used in cyberattacks that goes back many years. Much can be learned from looking at historical attack data, but how can we piece all this information together to identify new relationships between threats and attacks? In her recent efforts, Valentine has embraced analyzing ATT&CK data in graphical representations. One lesson learned is that it is not just about merely mapping out attacks and techniques used into graphs, but the strength lies in applying different algorithms to answer specific questions. In this presentation, Valentine will showcase the results and techniques obtained from her research journey using graph and graph algorithms.
SCIM: Why It’s More Important, and More Simple, Than You Think - CIS 2014Kelly Grizzle
This document provides an overview of the System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) standard. It discusses what SCIM is, why it is important for managing identities across multiple systems, and how it is being used both within enterprises and between cloud applications. The document also includes deeper dives into SCIM schemas, operations, extensions, and argues that SCIM is simpler to implement than alternative identity management solutions.
Proactive cyber defence through adversary emulation for improving your securi...idsecconf
Organization using Adversary Emulation plan to develop an attack emulation and/or simulation and execute it against enterprise infrastructure. These activities leverage real-world attacks and TTPs by Threat Actor, so you can identify and finding the gaps in your defense before the real adversary attacking your infrastructure. Adversary Emulation also help security team to get more visibility into their environment. Performing Adversary Emulation continuously to strengthen and improve your defense over the time.
Ali - The Journey-Hack Electron App Desktop (MacOS).pdfidsecconf
Semakin berkembangnya teknologi di aplikasi Desktop terdapat celah keamanan yang dapat menyebabkan dampak langsung atau tidak langsung pada kerahasiaan, Integritas Data yang di bangun menggunakan Framework dari Electron khusus nya aplikasi Desktop di Sistem Operasi MAC. Dalam materi yang di persentasikan akan membahas celah keamanan Security Misconfiguration,RCE,Code Injection, Bypass File Quarantine dan juga bagaiman cara intercept Aplikasi Electron Desktop di system operasi macOS
Managing & Showing Value during Red Team Engagements & Purple Team Exercises ...Jorge Orchilles
Join Jorge Orchilles and Phil Wainwright as they cover how to show value during Red and Purple Team exercises with a free platform, VECTR. VECTR is included in SANS Slingshot C2 Matrix Edition so you can follow along the presentation and live demos.
VECTR is a free platform for planning and tracking of your red and purple team exercises and alignment to blue team detection and prevention capabilities across different attack scenarios. VECTR provides the ability to create assessment groups, which consist of a collection of Campaigns and supporting Test Cases to simulate adversary threats. Campaigns can be broad and span activity across the kill chain or ATT&CK tactics, from initial access to privilege escalation and lateral movement and so on, or can be a narrow in scope to focus on specific defensive controls, tools, and infrastructure. VECTR is designed to promote full transparency between offense and defense, encourage training between team members, and improve detection, prevention & response capabilities across cloud and on-premise environments.
Common use cases for VECTR are measuring your defenses over time against the MITRE ATT&CK framework, creating custom red team scenarios and adversary emulation plans, and assisting with toolset evaluations. VECTR is meant to be used over time with targeted campaigns, iteration, and measurable enhancements to both red team skills and blue team detection capabilities. Ultimately the goal of VECTR is to help organizations level up and promote a platform that encourages community sharing of CTI that is useful for red teamers, blue teamers, threat intel teams, security engineering, any number of other cyber roles, and helps management show increasing maturity in their programs and justification of whats working, whats not, and where additional investment might be needed in tools and team members to bring it all together.
Presented at the DEFCON27 Red Team Offensive Village on 8/10/19.
From the dawn of technology, adversaries have been present. They have ranged from criminal actors and curious children to - more modernly - nation states and organized crime. As an industry, we started to see value in emulating bad actors and thus the penetration test was born. As time passes, these engagements become less about assessing the true security of the target organization and more about emulating other penetration testers. Furthermore, these tests have evolved into a compliance staple that results in little improvement and increasingly worse emulation of bad actors.
In this presentation, we will provide a framework complementary to the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES). This complementary work, the Red Team Framework (RTF), focuses on the objectives and scoping of adversarial emulation with increased focus on the perspective of the business, their threat models, and business models. The RTF borrows part of the PTES, adding emphasis on detection capabilities as well as purple team engagements. We believe this approach will better assist organizations and their defensive assets in understanding threats and building relevant detections.
Using ATTACK to Create Cyber DBTS for Nuclear Power PlantsMITRE - ATT&CKcon
From MITRE ATT&CKcon Power Hour December 2020
By Jacob Benjamin, Principal Industrial Consultant Dragos, INL, & University of Idaho
Design Basis Threat (DBT) is concept introduced by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). It is a profile of the type, composition, and capabilities of an adversary. DBT is the key input nuclear power plants use for the design of systems against acts of radiological sabotage and theft of special nuclear material. The NRC expects its licensees, nuclear power plants, to demonstrate that they can defend against the DBT. Currently, cyber is included in DBTs simply as a prescribed list of IT centric security controls. Using MITRE’s ATT&CK framework, Cyber DBTs can be created that are specific to the facility, its material, or adversary activities.
Threat Modelling - It's not just for developersMITRE ATT&CK
The document discusses threat modeling and describes how to build threat intelligence from first principles when threat data is lacking. It provides background on the author and outlines a plan to discuss protecting networks through specific examples, understanding customers, preparing for conferences, and managing technical debt. Detection techniques and their corresponding ATT&CK techniques are also mapped out.
Rama Tri Nanda - NFC Hacking Hacking NFC Reverse Power Supply Padlock.pdfidsecconf
Near Field Communication (NFC) saat ini adalah teknologi yang umumnya di gunakan untuk media pembayaran serta akses kontrol untuk keamanan ruangan dan gedung. Tidak terbatas untuk hal itu saja, teknologi NFC juga kerap di implementasikan untuk perangkat IoT. Beberapa perangkat menggunakan NFC tag untuk menyimpan informasi guna sinkronisasi dengan perangkat smartphone. Penggunaan teknologi NFC awalnya dianggap aman karna mengharuskan alat baca dengan tag berada dalam poisisi yang sangat dekat. Sehingga dianggap sulit untuk melakukan penyadapan informasinya. Seiring waktu banyak penilitian mengungkapkan bahwa komunikasi ISO 1443-3 ini bisa di intip dan di terjemahkan ke dalam bentuk perintah serta respon aslinya. Proxmark3 adalah salah satu alat yang dikembangkan untuk keperluan tersebut. Namun ada kondisi dimana perangkat proxmark tidak dapat di fungsikan maksimal lantaran berkurangnya sensititifitas pembaca dan tag ketika ada objek berada diantara keduanya. Di paper ini saya ingin menyajikan hasil penelitian saya tentang penggunaan Dynamic Instrumentation Frida untuk memantau penggunaan modul java nfc dalam platform Android dan menggunakannya untuk melakukan lockpicking pada gembok pintar berbasis NFC.
WebDav implementations are complex and have many vulnerabilities. Hackers should test for XXE issues by sending XML payloads to methods like PROPPATCH and PROPFIND. XXE can be used to read files on the system or perform SSRF. Other issues include CSRF, authentication bypass by overwriting configuration files, and DoS attacks using large payloads. Developers should carefully follow security best practices for XML parsing and input validation when building WebDav services.
Lex Crumpton leads MITRE's defensive ATT&CK efforts. In 2021, they added data sources and detections for monitoring processes interacting with LSASS.exe and detecting credential dumping tools. In 2022, they plan to add more detections and develop the Cyber Analytic Repository to share analytic knowledge. Crumpton invites attendees to learn more about defensive ATT&CK on their website and contact them directly with any other questions.
From Reversing to Exploitation: Android Application Security in EssenceSatria Ady Pradana
This document discusses techniques for analyzing and exploiting Android applications. It begins by explaining why security is important given people's growing dependency on digital technology and mobile devices. It then discusses decompiling APK files and using tools like Apktool, Dex2Jar, and decompilers to view an app's code. The document also covers using proxies like Burp Suite and Frida to intercept network traffic and manipulate app behavior at runtime. The goal is usually to obtain sensitive data, bypass restrictions, or modify the app. Examples of scenarios explored include tampering with network requests, bypassing security checks, and decrypting encrypted data.
Seminar on November 4, 2017
Currently many things has its own app on android. Are they secure enough? What if they are not engineered with security in mind? But most importantly, can we do something to them?
Slides from my beginner level talk on FRIDA and its usage while Pentesting Android Applications. Covers topics like Installation of Frida and Bypassing Pinning and Root Detection using Frida.
This document discusses the importance of mobile application security and penetration testing. It describes penetration testing as discovering vulnerabilities before attackers through vulnerability detection, comprehensive penetration attempts, and analysis/reporting. The document outlines static and dynamic analysis methods used for Android application security assessments. These include code review, function hooking, runtime debugging, and analyzing data at rest and in transit. It promotes understanding how applications work through reverse engineering, decompilation, and deobfuscation. The methodology uses tools like MARA, MobSF, Xposed, Frida, and BurpSuite.
The workshop will also provide a thorough guide on how the mobile applications can be attacked and provide an overview of how some of the most important security checks for the applications are applied and get an in-depth understanding of these security checks.
Course Content:
Android Introduction & Basics
Setting up the Pen testing environment
Reverse engineering & runtime manipulation
Application dynamic runtime analysis
Application Components and security issues
Data and Network interception – manipulation and analysis
Defensive Tools & Techniques for Android application
Mobile binary code - Attack Tree and MitigationSunil Paudel
This paper proves that the mobile app's binary code is at risk. Anyone can retrieve the binary source code using the free tool like apktool. In the paper, the authors have come up with an attack tree to steal the binary code of the android mobile app doing the reverse engineering and have given the mitigation as well. The paper also has a demo where the authors have exposed the binary codes using the tool named apktool. Just for an educational purpose, the authors changed the icon of the mobile app, rebuild it using their own private key and installed it back in the android phone.
Security process should be integrated with SDLC well to be successful. While many companies have already moved from Waterfall to Agile methodologies security remains behind more often than not. We have demonstrated in our presentation how security can move to agile by utilizing open source tools, customizing them to meet our needs and to implement a continuos security testing using dynamic scanners as well as manual testing.
It’s very important also to assure that false positives are not fed to the developers bug tracking systems and to assign a severity for each finding correctly. To make it happen we import all our findings to a security dashboard and review them before exporting to a bug tracking system.
The document introduces the Pyramid web framework tutorial. It will cover installing Pyramid, writing a simple Twitter clone application in stages, and answering questions. The teacher will be Carlos de la Guardia, a Pyramid contributor. Attendees should be familiar with web development and Python.
Mobile Penetration Testing: Episode III - Attack of the CodeNowSecure
In the final installment of our mobile penetration testing trilogy, we dive deep to find security flaws in mobile apps by dissecting the code with reverse-engineering and code analysis.
Erik Costlow, Product Evangelist at Contrast Security, was Oracle's principal product manager for Java 8 and 9, focused on security and performance. His security expertise involves threat modeling, code analysis, and instrumentation of security sensors. He is working to broaden this approach to security with Contrast Security. Before becoming involved in technology, Erik was a circus performer who juggled fire on a three-wheel vertical unicycle.
Marco Grassi gives a presentation on reverse engineering, penetration testing, and hardening Android apps. The presentation covers techniques for reverse engineering APKs, dealing with obfuscation, tamper detection, securing network communications, attacks on IPC, and more advanced topics like runtime manipulation. Real-world examples are provided to demonstrate vulnerabilities found in apps and how they can be exploited.
Kunwar Atul presented techniques for pentesting Android applications without root access. This included bypassing SSL pinning by modifying the app's manifest to allow user certificates, extracting sensitive data from backup files without root using ADB, and exploiting insecure Firebase databases and deep links. Deep links could be triggered via ADB to load attacker URLs within an app's webview. References were provided on SSL pinning bypass with Burp Suite, Frida, and modifying apps; reading data without root; and exploiting Firebase and deep links. The presentation did not cover Android architecture, tools like Drozer and Apktool, or lab setups.
This document provides an overview of Android security and penetration testing. It discusses the Android runtime environment and application fundamentals. It then examines the contents of an Android APK file, including the AndroidManifest.xml and code files. The document outlines the Android sandbox security model and various tools for decompiling and analyzing APKs. It introduces the DIVA vulnerable Android app and demonstrates several common security issues like insecure data storage, input validation problems, and ways to capture network traffic.
IRJET- Secure Android Application Development and Security AssessmentIRJET Journal
This document discusses secure Android application development and security assessment. It provides a step-by-step procedure for assessing the security of an Android application, including static and dynamic analysis. Static analysis involves tools like apktool to decompile the APK, while dynamic analysis uses tools like Drozer and BurpSuite. Common vulnerabilities found during assessment are then discussed, such as improper permission settings, debuggable flags enabled, unrestricted component exposure, CORS misconfigurations, verbose server banners, insecure cookie settings, and lack of root detection. Solutions to address each vulnerability are also provided. The goal is to help developers improve security during the application development process.
Similar to idsecconf2023 - Aan Wahyu - Hide n seek with android app protections and beat em.pdf (20)
Dalam dunia keamanan siber, sinergi antara berbagai proses memiliki peran yang sangat penting. Salah satu proses atau framework yang tengah menjadi sorotan dan menarik perhatian luas adalah Detection Engineering. Proses Detection Engineering ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan struktur dan pengorganisasian dalam pembuatan detection use case atau rules di Security Operation Center (SOC). Detection Engineering bisa dikatakan masih baru dalam dunia keamanan siber, sehingga terdapat banyak peluang untuk membuat keseluruhan prosesnya menjadi lebih baik. Salah satu hal yang masih terlupakan adalah integrasi antara proses Detection Engineering dan Threat Modeling. Biasanya, Threat Modeling lebih berfokus pada solusi pencegahan dan mitigasi resiko secara langsung dan melupakanan komponen deteksi ketika pencegahan dan mitigasi tersebut gagal dalam menjalankan fungsinya. Dalam makalah ini, kami memperkenalkan paradigma baru dengan mengintegrasikan Detection Engineering ke dalam proses Threat Modeling. Pendekatan ini menjadikan Detection sebagai langkah proaktif tambahan, yang dapat menjadi lapisan pertahanan ekstra ketika kontrol pencegahan dan mitigasi akhirnya gagal dalam menghadapi ancaman sesungguhnya.
Modern organizations are facing the severe challenge of effectively countering threats and mitigating Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) within their network environments. The increasing complexity and volume of cyber threats has highlighted the urgency of building robust mechanisms to block specific IOCs independently. While some organizations have adopted Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) systems, these solutions often have limitations and require manual processes to collect and examine IOCs from multiple sources. These operational barriers prevent organizations from achieving a proactive and efficient defense posture, an obstacle that is particularly important due to the critical role that IOC blocking plays in containing the spread of threats and limiting potential damage. Hence, the need for a solution that orchestrates automated IOC blocking, utilizing tools such as AlienVault Open Threat Exchange (OTX), VirusTotal, CrowdStrike, and Slack. In this presentation, we examine the importance of automated IOC blocking and its potential to strengthen network security, while highlighting the critical role that these tools play in mitigating evolving cyber threats.
Muh. Fani Akbar - Infiltrate Into Your AWS Cloud Environment Through Public E...idsecconf
This document discusses how to infiltrate an AWS cloud environment through publicly exposed services like Elastic Container Registry (ECR), Systems Manager (SSM) documents, Elastic Block Store (EBS) snapshots, Relational Database Service (RDS) snapshots, and Amazon Machine Images (AMI). It outlines attack flows showing how an attacker could access credentials, source code, personal information and other sensitive data from these publicly shared resources. The document recommends mitigation steps like encrypting shared resources, frequent credential rotation, using least privilege access, inventorying all resources, and proper Identity and Access Management (IAM) configuration.
Arief Karfianto - Proposed Security Model for Protecting Patients Data in Ele...idsecconf
This paper is a documentation of proposed security management for Electronic Health Records which includes security planning and policy, security program, risk management, and protection mechanism. Planning and policy are developed to provide a basic principle of security management at a hospital. The security program in this document includes Risk-Adaptable Access Control (RAdAC) and the implementation of security education, training and awareness (SETA). Regarding risk management, we perform risk identification, inventory of assets, information assets classification, and information assets value assessment, threat identification, and vulnerability assessment. For protection mechanism, we propose biometrics and signature as the authentication methods. The use of firewalls, intrusion detection system and encrypted data transmission is also suggested for securing data, application and network.
Nosa Shandy - Clickjacking That Worthy-Google Bug Hunting Story.pdfidsecconf
Menceritakan pengalaman bug hunting kerentanan clickjacking pada beberapa produk Google dan membahas beberapa teknik untuk melakukan bypass terhadap kerentanan tersebut. Serta menjelaskan clickjacking yang benar berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi
Baskoro Adi Pratomo - Evaluasi Perlindungan Privasi Pengguna pada Aplikasi-Ap...idsecconf
Evaluasi privasi pengguna pada aplikasi Android menemukan bahwa: (1) sebagian besar aplikasi mengumpulkan data pribadi pengguna seperti lokasi, kontak, dan aktivitas; (2) data tersebut dapat dibagikan ke pihak ketiga dan tidak mudah dihapus; (3) hanya beberapa aplikasi yang memiliki petugas perlindungan data yang tersedia. Analisis ini menunjukkan pentingnya perlindungan privasi pengguna yang lebih
Utian Ayuba - Profiling The Cloud Crime.pdfidsecconf
Cloud criminals are motivated by curiosity, recognition, thrill-seeking, and more. They exhibit aggressive and rude behaviors online due to reduced social cues and anonymity. Common traits include narcissism, neuroticism, and social awkwardness. While organizations cannot control criminal motivations and traits, they can minimize opportunities by strengthening security with talent, budgets, technologies, and diligence.
Perkembangan infrastruktur kunci publik di indonesia - Andika Triwidadaidsecconf
UU-ITE pasal 11 melegalkan Tanda Tangan Elektronik, membuat kedudukannya setara dengan tanda tangan basah. Implementasinya mengandalkan Infrastruktur Kunci Publik yang melibatkan beberapa organisasi dan jalinan trust. Akan di bahas gambaran umum implementasi IKP di Indonesia dan berbagai layanan yang telah beroperasi, serta sebagian aspek keamanannya.
Hacking oximeter untuk membantu pasien covid19 di indonesia - Ryan fabellaidsecconf
Pandemi covid-19 melonjak pada gelombang ke-2 di. Untuk mengantisipasi itu pemerintah membagikan oximeter ke puskesmas. Oximeter yang ada dipasaran mengharuskan tenaga kesehatan untuk kontak langsung dengan pasien. Dengan menggunakan Hacked Oxymeter ini dapat mengurangi intensitas bertemu dengan pasien dan mengurangi resiko terpapar covid-19. Secara metodologi, hacking oximeter ini membaca output komunikasi serial pada alat oximeter untuk kemudian diolah oleh mikrokontroler dan dikirim ke MQTT broker untuk diteruskan ke klien yang membutuhkan. Alat ini digunakan oleh pasien yang sedang isoman di hotel, fasilitas Kesehatan atau rumah sakit darurat/lapangan
Vm escape: case study virtualbox bug hunting and exploitation - Muhammad Alif...idsecconf
Eksploitasi kerentanan pada hypervisor semakin banyak diperbincangkan di beberapa tahun ini, dimulai dari kompetisi hacking Pwn2Own pada 2017 yang mengadakan kategori Virtual Machine dalam ajang lombanya, dan juga teknologi-teknologi terkini yang banyak menggunakan hypervisor seperti Cloud Computing, Malware Detection, dll. Hal tersebut menjadi ketertarikan bagi sebagian hacker, security researcher untuk mencari kelemahan dan mengeksploitasi hypervisor. Tulisan ini menjelaskan mengenai proses Vulnerability Research dan VM Escape exploitation pada VirtualBox.
Devsecops: membangun kemampuan soc di dalam devsecops pipeline - Dedi Dwiantoidsecconf
Proses DevSecOps saat ini banyak digunakan dikalangan industri yang membutuhkan kecepatan baik dalam pengembangan maupun implementasi. Setiap tahapan pada pipeline DevSecOps merupakan tahapan yang harus diperhatikan dan masuk kedalam pantauan SOC (Security Operation Center). Untuk itu diperlukan kemampuan SOC untuk bisa memantau setiap pipeline DevSecOps sehingga dapat memberikan gambaran kondisi keamanan pada organisasi
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang penggunaan aplikasi live streaming untuk kejahatan online di Indonesia. Aplikasi ini memungkinkan penipuan romantis, penipuan acara, pornografi, prostitusi online, judi online, rekrutmen kurir narkoba, dan pencucian uang. Dokumen ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan masalah-masalah keamanan dan kejahatan yang dapat terjadi di platform streaming langsung.
The achilles heel of GPN Card implementationidsecconf
The document summarizes the findings of an analysis of the implementation of chip-based debit cards in Indonesia that comply with the National Standard Indonesian Chip Card Specification (NSICCS).
The analysis found that: (1) data stored on the chip cards was not encrypted and could be easily read, (2) one bank's cards had similar data in the chip and magnetic stripe, and (3) modifying the data to be written to magnetic stripes allowed most test cash withdrawals at off-network ATMs and point-of-sale terminals to go through successfully.
The document suggests that as long as magnetic stripes continue to be used alongside chip cards, NSICCS card users remain at risk of card skimming
This document summarizes a presentation on analyzing the security of smart locks. It defines IoT and describes the target smart lock device. It details analyzing the device components and chipset, reverse engineering the mobile app, intercepting BLE communications, and finding vulnerabilities in the API and BLE authentication that allow exploiting the lock. Solutions proposed include updating firmware to add BLE crypto and adding authentication to the API backend.
Paper - semi-automated information gathering tools for subdomain enumeration ...idsecconf
Aplikasi Sudomy dirancang untuk mengumpulkan informasi subdomain secara otomatis dan menganalisis domain target dengan menggunakan teknik aktif dan pasif. Aplikasi ini menggabungkan bash script dan bahasa pemrograman Python untuk mengumpulkan data dari sumber pihak ketiga seperti SecurityTrails dan VirusTotal serta melakukan pengujian terhadap subdomain yang ditemukan.
Reconnaissance not always about resourcesidsecconf
This document discusses Information Of Everything (IoE) and the importance of information for success as a bug hunter and penetration tester. It provides tips on bug bounty hunting and penetration testing, noting they involve a time constraint. It introduces the Sudomy tool for automated reconnaissance and subdomain enumeration. Sudomy utilizes both active and passive techniques to efficiently gather subdomain information, resolve IPs, check for duplicates, scan ports, and more. Comparisons are made to other enumeration tools and the benefits of Sudomy's customized workflow are discussed.
A tale story of building and maturing threat hunting programidsecconf
The document discusses building and maturing a threat hunting program. It covers the key aspects of people, process, and technology in threat hunting. For people, it discusses skillsets needed for threat hunters and establishing a threat hunting team. For process, it outlines the threat hunting life cycle and framework. For technology, it provides examples of data sources and platforms that can be used for threat hunting and analysis.
MUWP SOLUTION by MUWPAY Bridging the current defi world to the future withYvesTshefu1
To MUWP [mu-oop] :
facilitate transfers and payments of multiple tokens from various wallets across different blockchains networks simultaneously, in a single operation
2. HELLO! I’m…
Aan Wahyu a.k.a petruknisme
● Lead Security Consultant @ Horangi
● Infosec Enthusiast & Part-time coder
● Passionate with OSINT, RE, and Red Team
3. Background
Along with the rapid development of mobile application technology meeting
various needs and providing convenience to their users. In this case, significant
developments are also needed in the security aspect that guarantees
privacy and security, especially user data.
Therefore, a penetration testing or application audit process is needed to
ensure that an application is suitable for use by the public. If this is not done
properly, there is a high possibility of data leakage resulting in losses on the
user side and on the company.
4. Background
To prevent modification, manipulation or hacking, it is not uncommon for
developers to apply protection to applications. This aims to minimize losses
that could occur.
As someone who works as a penetration tester, For applications can be tested
properly, it is often necessary to bypass the implemented protection so that
the required tools or processes can run according to the predetermined
penetration testing workflow.
7. Root Detection
To prevent modifications or manipulations that impact the application, root
detection is implemented. Basically, the application will check files that are
indicated to be part of the rooted device and when it finds this indication, the
application will prevent access or perform an exit/crash so that the application
cannot run on a rooted device.
8. Checking the BUILD
tag for test-keys
Checking SU binary
and installed root
Root Detection Methods
Checking common
root cloaking apps
Checking permission
for system directory
Checking dangerous
Many more
11. Reverse
Apk Process
Several processes are required in
reverse engineering an APK. Start
by unpacking the APK using an
archive extractor such as
WinRAR, WinZip, etc. After that,
the dex file will be disassembled
and decompiled into java source
which is still a java class file.
13. Extracting Apk
To bypass root detection using the smali patch method, the first step that must be done
is to extract the content in the apk using apktool
14. Searching the right function
Then we can search for the word isRooted with the help of a code editor. In this example
case, the isRooted function is in the Rootbeer.smali file
As you can see, isRooted function
are calling other function for
1. Su Binary
2. RW Paths
3. Root via Native Checks
4. Magisk Specific checks
5. etc
15. Bypassing checkForSuBinary
In the checkForSuBinary() function, change move-result v0 to const/4 v0, 0x0 with the
aim of making the value of the variable v0 false instead of to taking a dynamic value
from the result of the checkForBinary() function
.method public checkForSuBinary()Z
.locals 1
const-string v0, "su"
.line 160
invoke-virtual {p0, v0}, Lcom/scottyab/rootbeer/RootBeer;->checkForBinary(Ljava/lang/String;)Z
const/4 v0, 0x0 <-- Edited
return v0
17. Bypassing checkForRWPaths
In the checkForRWPaths() function, add return v1 at the end of the function so that the
function always returns false because the v1 variable is already false.
18. Bypassing checkForRootNative
In the checkForRootNative() function, change the v1 value at the end of the function to
0x0 so that the returned value is false.
.method public checkForRootNative()Z
if-lez v0, :cond_2
const/4 v1, 0x0 <-- Edited
return v1
.end method
19. Bypassing checkForMagiskBinary
In the checkForMagiskBinary() function, change move-result v0 to const/4 v0, 0x0
with the aim of making the value of the variable v0 false instead of taking a dynamic
value from the result of the checkForBinary() function
23. Frida Instrumentation
As we know, we need to bypass these protection to be able to run the
app in rooted device:
● SU Binary
● RW Paths
● Root via Native Checks
● Magisk Specific Checks
I assume that we already know how to write frida script. For the first
step, we will try to hook one of the function to make sure that our
script is working
25. Final frida Script
For the rest of functions, we just need to copy and modify with the function name that
we will hook.
But, for keeping it simple(KISS) and
follow DRY principle, I’ve modified
the script to be more simple, short,
and easy to understand.
28. What?
objection is a runtime mobile exploration toolkit, powered by Frida, built to help you
assess the security posture of your mobile applications, without needing a jailbreak.
● Supports both iOS and Android.
● Inspect and interact with container file systems.
● Bypass SSL pinning.
● Dump keychains.
● Perform memory related tasks, such as dumping & patching.
● Explore and manipulate objects on the heap.
● And much, much more…
Installation is simply a matter of pip3 install objection. This will give you the objection command.
You can update an existing objection installation with pip3 install --upgrade objection.
31. No need script, only command line
Partially success
bypassing rootbeer
checker with objection
command “android root
32. Hook & patch the right function
Before patching the
functions, we need to
know the class first
android hooking list class_methods
33. Set return value
After we know the right
class_methods, we can
set the return value
android hooking set return_value
35. Magisk
In simple terms, Magisk is a tool to help users gain root access by patching the ROM.
For further information regarding installation and configuration, please refer to
The easiest method is to rely on Zygisk Denylist in the Magisk application. To be able
to enjoy Zygisk, Magisk version that must be installed is v24.1+.
40. SSL Pinning
SSL pinning is a technique that helps to
prevent MiTM attacks by hardcoding the
SSL/TLS certificate’s public key into the app
or device. This means that when the app
or device communicates with the server, it
will compare the server’s SSL/TLS
certificate’s public key with the one that is
hardcoded into the app or device.
42. Manual
In this discussion, I will start by explaining how we can bypass the SSL Pinning process by
manually modifying smalis. The target that will be used in this case study is an android
application that use Cordova Framework.
When connecting to the server, the application refused the connection because the
certificate on the device did not match, because I was intercept the traffic using Burp
Suite. With the help of “adb logcat | logcat-color”, I can find out the error message given
by the application when it refuses a connection to the server.
43. Manual
As you can see, android
certificate pinning is
failing and complaining
about mismatch
certificate hash. Our peer
certificate chain is for
but the Pinned Certificate
for a domain(masked) is
defined in the android
resource file.
44. Best Approach
Decompile apk and
search for the right
In this case, the file containing the word is in resource/assets/www/pinning/ . After
knowing which file is appropriate, the next step is to modify the string sha256/dGxxxxx to
sha256/fKxxxxx referring to the previous error message.
48. Approach
As in the discussion for bypassing root detection, we can also do the same thing with
the help of objection. There are two methods that can be done, using the built-in
objection feature or manual patching of the return_value from class_method.
For the study case, we will use
54. Frida
For bypassing SSL Pinning with Frida, we can use frida codeshare or create our own
55. Frida-codeshare
Bypassing previous ssl pinning protection that failed when using objection, we can use
frida codeshare from
56. Frida scripting
For manual approach, we can search the right function, hook, replace the return value
same as in the bypassing root detection
58. Flutter
One of the reasons it is difficult to bypass SSL Pinning in Flutter is because Flutter
compiles the code into native machine code. This makes common techniques such
as method hooking or code injection in SSL Pinning bypass unable to be carried out,
even the experiments that we have carried out previously.
Flutter ignores proxy settings on the device so that applications cannot be
intercepted. If in the previous case the application would error when passing through
the proxy without the SSL pinning bypass process, this does not apply to Flutter
because the application will only make a direct connection to the server without
passing through the proxy even though it has been set on the device.
63. reFlutter
This framework helps with Flutter apps reverse engineering using the patched version
of the Flutter library which is already compiled and ready for app repacking. This
library has snapshot deserialization process modified to allow you perform dynamic
analysis in a convenient way.
Key features:
● is patched for traffic monitoring and interception;
● is modified to print classes, functions and some fields;
● display absolute code offset for functions
● contains minor changes for successfull compilation;
● if you would like to implement your own patches, there is manual Flutter code
change is supported using specially crafted Dockerfile
68. Concepts
Referring to the article
ttps-dio-pinning/, to bypass SSL pinning on Flutter , we can use the pattern matching
method after knowing the pattern of the SSL pinning checking offset address. In
simple terms, the steps taken are:
● Find references to the string “” and compare them to to find
● Find references to the method you identified in order to identify ssl_verify_peer_cert
71. Concepts
Alternatively, we can use Frida’s pattern matching engine to search for functions that
look very similar to the function from the demo app. The first bytes of a function are
typically very stable, as long as the number of local variables and function arguments
don’t change. Still, different compilers may generate different assembly code (e.g.
usage of different registers or optimisations) so we do need to have some wildcards
in our pattern.
74. Emulator Detection
Emulators are usually used to make it easier for reverse engineers, hackers or pentesters
to run applications without needing to have the original device. Because usually,
emulators can be easily created and deleted when there are errors or different needs,
whereas the original device cannot. It is not uncommon for malware developers to use
this check to ensure that their application is able to obtain or control the victim's original
data or device. For this case study, we will use
The app detect emulator with this checks:
● checkHardware();
● checkMounts();
● checkModules();
● checkCPU();
● checkFiles();
● checkCPUArchitecture();
76. Concepts
Different from the previous discussion, this time our target is using the Java Native
Interface. So, we can't do hooking like we did before. This is because all checking
processes occur in libraries that have been compiled into objects. In this example, all
the checks are in the file.
The first thing we have to do is find out what JNI functions are available, you can use
Frida's help or use nm demangle.
77. Bypass
To bypass, the first thing to do is tracing with frida-trace. In this case, I will specifically
look for the dlopen function because this function is usually used to load shared
libraries. It can be seen that what is used is android_dlopen_ext to load the shared
library file So with this info, we can create code to hook Frida.
78. When we run Frida with this code, we can see that is
loaded from the android_dlopen_ext function
83. Concepts
In some cases, developers create protection so that the application checks the
existence of Frida on the device. This is to prevent pentesters/hackers from being able
to run Binary Instruments using Frida as in the previous discussion.
There are several mechanisms used to detect the presence of frida, including:
● Detection of named pipes used by Frida
● Detect frida specific thread names
● Detect the port used by Frida
● Etc
For this discussion, I used a customized application to detect frida existence
84. Concepts
In some cases, developers create protection so that the application checks the
existence of Frida on the device. This is to prevent pentesters/hackers from being able
to run Binary Instruments using Frida as in the previous discussion.
There are several mechanisms used to detect the presence of frida, including:
● Detection of named pipes used by Frida
● Detect frida specific thread names
● Detect the port used by Frida
● Etc
For this discussion, I used a customized application to detect frida existence
86. Frida-server detection
The mechanism used by
the application to detect
frida-server is to check
whether there are files in
90. Default frida port detection
Another mechanism is to
check the default Frida
port, if the default port
can be accessed then
that indicates Frida is
91. Default frida port detection
To bypass this protection,
we can change the
default port used when
running frida-server with
the following command
93. Frida Thread Detection
The application detects the Frida thread by checking /proc/self/task/<PID>/status and
comparing its contents with FRIDA_THREAD_GUM_JS_LOOP and
94. Frida Thread Detection
To bypass this protection, we can easily manipulate the strstr function every time we
find the specified words
95. CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, and
includes icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik
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