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Reviewer Plugin
Ultimate Reviews & User Ratings
Version 3.13.0 | Author: Michele Ivani | Twitter: @Michele_Ivani
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# Getting started 3
Install the plugin 3
Installation troubleshooting 4
Update the plugin to a new version 4
Register your license 4
Support & FAQs 5
Extended License Notes 6
# The Basics 7
Workflow 7
Plugin customization 8
How to replace default star icon 8
Enable Google ReCaptcha 9
Enable Google Rich Snippets 9
Reviewer themes 10
Review Box Shortcodes 11
Advance Shortcode Features 14
Comparison Tables 15
# Widgets 16
Review Boxes widget 16
User Reviews widget 16
# Review Boxes List Shortcode 17
# Translate the plugin 18
# Migrate Plugin’s Data 19
Import reviews from an other service 19
Reviewer API 21
API reference 21
# Credits 29
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# Getting started
This is a how-to guide to install your plugin copy. If you have any questions that are beyond the
scope of this help file, please follow the support rules described in section below. Thanks so
much for purchasing this project.
The Reviewer Plugin allows you to insert reviews and comparison tables inside your WordPress
blog posts, pages and custom post types in a quick and easy way. If you need to create a
gorgeous recap box for your full review post or just a simple but powerful user reviews system
this is the plugin your are looking for.
The plugin flexible structure allows you to create any review type: no limits, just create a template
and insert your personal review inside your posts or pages. Users and visitors can leave theirs
reviews on the review box your created.
The plugin offers different customizable themes so that you can adapt your reviews and
comparison tables to your need. Each theme has a responsive layout to adapt to any devices.
Install the plugin
The Reviewer Plugin requires a version of WordPress >= 4.2 and a PHP version >= 5.3. So make
sure you have the correct environment before installing the plugin.
When you are ready, you can install the plugin in two ways:
- Via WordPress backend: access to the admin area of your WordPress blog and navigate to
Plugins > Add New > Upload. Click browse and select the from your computer. Hit
Install Now and the plugin will be uploaded and installed.
- Via FTP: open your FTP client. Unzip the file and upload the non-zipped plugin
folder - reviewer - into your WordPress installation folder /wp-content/plugins.
Once the plugin is installed, you need to make it active. Go to Plugins and activate the Reviewer
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Installation troubleshooting
If the installation process returns some errors or you was not able to install the plugin check out
the common errors:
- Your environment - WordPress and PHP versions - does not have minimum requirements
- You tried to install the zip file you download form CodeCanyon. So unzip it and install the one.
You can contact the Support Team following the rules in the Support section for any issue.
Update the plugin to a new version
If you are going to install a brand new copy of the Reviewer plugin you can skip this section,
otherwise read this notes carefully.
If you are upgrading from version 1.0 or 1.1 you have to install the version 2.1.1 before installing
the latest release. So request the version 2.1.1 via the support section.
If you are upgrading from version 2.0.0 or above you can follow the next steps:
- Backup your blog database using a cPanel tool of your Host like PhpMyAdmin.
- If you translated the plugin, make a backup of your translation files you find at
…/wp-content/plugins/reviewer/languages folder on your host.
- Deactivate and delete the Reviewer plugin inside the Plugin page of your WordPress blog - this
step does not delete your reviews or plugin data ;-)
- Install the latest version and activate the plugin again.
Register your license
Version 3.12.0 requires license registration to work. This become necessary because the plugin is
used illegally by some customers and users.
The registration requires just 30 seconds. Once you installed and activated the Reviewer plugin go
to Reviewer > License page. Fill the form with requested informations like your Envato username
and purchase code and you will able to enjoy the Reviewer plugin.
If you have any problem during license registration, please contact the Support Team following
the rules in the next section. Please do not post comments on plugin’s page at CodeCanyon.
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Support & FAQs
The Reviewer Plugin takes care of its customers and their satisfaction is one of main goals. Before
contacting the Support Team please read the FAQs section inside the Support tab of plugin’s
page at CodeCanyon:
If you already purchased the plugin you need to register your license - inside the Reviewer >
License page of your admin area - before contacting the Support Team.
You can contact Support Team via the following methods:
- Send an email to including the your purchase code.
- Send a message via the plugin support page at Envato Market.
Please do not post comments on plugin page for support request the Support Team does
not manage the comments section.
Each support request is handled within 2 business days. If you do not receive a reply please
resubmit your enquiry.
Item support includes:
• Availability of the author to answer questions
• Answering technical questions about item’s features
• Assistance with reported bugs and issues
Item support does not include:
- Customization services
- Installation services
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Extended License Notes
If you did not purchase an Extended License of Reviewer plugin you can skip this section.
If you are continuing to read this section, that means you purchased an Extended License of
Reviewer Plugin. Thank you very much! :)
A few note when you redistribute/include the Reviewer plugin inside your theme/plugin:
- The Reviewer plugin must be activated before using it since version 3.12.0. The registration
process requires your Envato username and the purchase code related to the Reviewer plugin
purchase you made. So provide these two informations to your customers and the instructions
about Reviewer plugin activation.
The Extended License can be activated in unlimited number of web sites.
- Your customers that use the Reviewer plugin inside your theme or plugin can not have access
to the Reviewer Plugin support. They have to contact your support then you can forward the
issue to Reviewer plugin support if you are not able to resolve the issue.
Please provide these notes inside your documentation.
- If you forward the issue to Reviewer Plugin support make sure your Reviewer support license is
not expired.
Your collaboration as Theme/Plugin developer will be appreciated. Thank you.
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# The Basics
Before describe the workflow and the features of Reviewer Plugin, it’s convenient to introduce
some concepts for a better understanding of next sections.
The plugin main feature is review boxes, simple boxes you can insert inside post or pages that
contain author review and/or user reviews. There are three types of review box:
- Reviewer Box type is a review box that contain scores, pros and cons, summary and other
fields created by the author of the post. Users/visitors can leave theirs reviews on that box.
Think this type as a recap of the full review article the author has written. The Reviewer Box
must be created and insert in the post/page manually.
- Users Box type is a review box specific for site users. The scores - stars, bars, circles - are
related to users reviews. If you need a simple but powerful review system, this is the type for
you. The Users Box must be created and insert in the post/page manually.
- Auto Box type has the same behavior of Users Box type but it will be added automatically at
the bottom of post/page of specific type. The Auto Box can be enabled inside a Reviewer
template. If you need a custom position check “Advance Shortcode Features” section out.
The Reviewer plugin is ready in few simple steps. You can watch the video preview that show the
basic workflow to create Reviewer box, otherwise read the following process.
1. Customize the plugin settings inside Reviewer > Preferences.
2. Create a new Template inside Reviewer > Templates admin page. The template is a model for
your future review boxes. If you decide to use Auto Box type you need to enable it inside the
template, then skip next step.
3. Create a new post/page or edit an existing one. You will find in the page editor a new section -
Reviewer - related to the plugin. Here you can manage the review boxes for the post/page.
Choose a review box type and create it. After the configuration you will find at the bottom of
the section a list of WordPress shortcodes that will display the full review box or some of its
parts. Just for testing, copy and paste the first one [rwp-review id=“0”] inside the post/page
content and make sure to save/update. View the changes.
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Just 3 steps to creating your first reviews box allowing users and visitors to leave their reviews.
You can modify your setting and preferences at any time. The plugin takes care to the changes for
you ;-)
Plugin customization
You can make the look and the layout of review boxes as you need by tweaking settings inside
templates or preferences page, but if you need a more customization you can edit the layout of
reviews box by adding your custom css rules inside related textarea of Reviewer > Preferences
Some important settings you can choose in the preferences page are:
- Choose the user review authorization
- All users/visitors can leave a review
- Only logged in users can leave a review
- Disable users reviews
- Decide the rating mode
- Standard 5 stars rating
- Single criterion rating with sliders
- Single criterion rating with stars
- Decide if users reviews need moderation before being published
- Enable reviewer box and users box in custom post types.
These are only few settings.
The plugin support does not include customizations but you can try to suggest them to Support
How to replace default star icon
The Reviewer plugin has a nice default icon for ratings, but you can create and upload a custom
one. It must follow some required specifications:
- It must be a sprite image exported in PNG format with alpha channel activated.
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- Its size must be 48 x 96 pixel with active and normal state.
You can use the Adobe Photoshop template included with the Reviewer Plugin to create a correct
When the Photoshop project is ready, export the image for the Web and upload the new icon
inside your Reviewer template.
Enable Google ReCaptcha
Version 3.7.0 replaces default captcha system (secure code for user reviews) with Google
ReCaptcha. Now your users can submit reviews more quickly and in more secure way.
To configure ReCaptcha you need the Site Key and Secret Key that Google provides and insert
them inside the Reviewer Preferences page. You can get the keys by following the official
Google’s documentation about ReCaptcha -
Do not add any extra file inside your theme source code as suggested by Google documentation.
The Reviewer plugin will handle it for you. You need the Site Key and Secret Key only.
Enable Google Rich Snippets
The Reviewer plugin has support for Google Rich Snippets. The snippets are added automatically
inside the review box layout. So you do not need to add any setting. You just need to follow a few
steps to make sure to configure them correctly.
- The snippets will be added in the page if you use the [rwp-review] or [rwp-review-recap]
shortcodes. You can add the other available shortcode make sure to use at least one of them.
- Validate the page at by pasting the link
or the source code.
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- Submit your site to Google Index. Once you
have registered your site go to Crawl > Fetch as Google and insert the page you want to fetch.
- You need to wait… Check the site status out after a while. It can take some hours or days.
Why does not my site have the stars inside Google Search?
First make sure you followed the previous step. It’s up to Google to show the stars inside the
Google Search. You can not control it. A possible test to check if the stars are available is to make
a google search as the following: site:FULL-URL-OF-THE-PAGE
Reviewer themes
The plugin includes several themes for your review boxes. You can choose the one you prefer
during the Reviewer template creation.
Each theme can be use with any reviews box but it can have a different behavior according to the
type of review box that will be displayed.
The themes fields available for the different reviews box types are:
- Reviewer Box type: title - criteria score - custom tab - pros & cons - summary - image - custom
links - user reviews.
- Users Box type: title - criteria score - custom tab - image - custom links - users reviews.
- Auto Box type: title - feature image - user reviews.
A hi-resolution preview of all themes is available at plugin page on Envato Market.
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Review Box Shortcodes
The Reviewer plugin offers several shortcodes for review boxes. They are available for types
reviewer box and users box only. Let’s describe them one by one.
[rwp-review id=“…”]
Display the review box.
id : the review box identifier - default: none - required
post : the post id of review box - default: current post id
[rwp-reviewer-rating-stars id=“…”]
Display rating stars about the reviewer score.
id : the review box identifier - default: none - required
post : the post id of review box - default: current post id
size : the size in pixel of stars - default: 24
stars : number of stars for representing the score - default: 5
[rwp-users-rating-stars id=“…”]
Display rating stars about the user score.
id : the review box identifier - default: none - required
post : the post id of review box - default: current post id
size : the size in pixel of stars - default: 24
stars : number of stars for representing the score - default: 5
[rwp-review-recap id=“…”]
Display some recap sections of review box. The user reviews and form sections are not shown.
id : the reviews box identifier - default: none - required
post : the post id of review box - default: current post id
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hide_criteria_scores : set to true to hide the criteria scores section - default: false
[rwp-review-scores id=“…”]
Display the scores of single criteria.
id : the review box identifier - default: none - required
post : the post id of reviews box - default: current post id
[rwp-review-ratings id=“…”]
Display the user reviews only.
id : the review box identifier - default: none - required
post : the post id of review box - default: current post id
[rwp-review-form id=“…”]
Display the form for user rating.
id : the review box identifier - default: none - required
post : the post id of review box - default: current post id
Let’s image the scenario in which you want to display the full reviews box (id:0, post:23) in the
related post (id:23) and the recap box in an other post (id:64). So easy…
Insert the [rwp-review id=“0”] in the post (id:23) then insert the [rwp-review-recap
id=“0” post=“23”] in the post (id:64).
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Advance Shortcode Features
Paragraph notes: the following section requires some developers skills so make sure you have
access to the source code of WordPress theme and have some knowledges about php language.
The Auto Box type allows to automatically add an Users Box at the bottom of a post or a page,
but if you’d like to render the review box in an other place of your post or page using the Auto Box
features follow the next steps.
1. Disable Auto Box inside the Reviewer template and copy the Template ID you want to use.
2. Open the file that manages your post/page/custom post type template inside your favorite
code editor. Place the cursor in the spot you want to render the reviews box.
3. Paste the following code:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[rwp-review id="-1" template="TEMPLATE_ID"]'); ?>
The id=“-1” is a wild card for Auto Box. The plugin knows it's AutoBox so it generates the id
automatically. Replace TEMPLATE_ID with the related reviewer template id you want to use.
All process works with the following shortcodes only:
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Comparison Tables
The plugin offers a feature to create tables for comparing reviews boxes. The tables has the same
workflow of review boxes and they do not work with auto box type.
You can create a new table inside post/page editor using the related box you find in it. Configure
the table and paste the shortcode in the post content.
[rwp-table id=“…”]
Display the comparison table.
id : the table identifier - default: none - required
post : the post id of table - default: current post id
Again, if you need to display the same table in a different post, make sure to add the post
parameter to the shortcode.
The theme previews of comparison tables are shown at plugin page on Envato Market.
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# Widgets
The plugin offers two WordPress widgets. You can find them inside Appearance > Widgets page.
Choose the widget you need and drag into a widget area.
Review Boxes widget
The widget displays some informations about review boxes - auto box type is not included -
sorted in different ways.
You can filter the review boxes by template and sort them by:
- Latest boxes
- Top scores boxes by reviewer
- Top rated boxes by users
- Top score boxes by users
- Combo 1 | Average of reviewer and users scores
The widget has 3 gorgeous themes; previews are available at plugin’s page.
User Reviews widget
The widget displays a list of users reviews sorted by latest ratings or top scores. You can decide
which fields of user review you need to show.
Available fields:
- User Avatar
- User Name
- User Review Title
- User Review Comment
- User Review Score
- Post Title
- Link to the related reviews box
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# Review Boxes List Shortcode
The shortcode has same features of Review Boxes widget so you can create a custom list of
reviews boxes inside post or pages.
The shortcode has a complex structure so in order to make the life easier there is a new post
editor button that helps you to generate the correct shortcode.
The shortcode can be copy and paste in any post or page.
Display a list of review boxes.
template : reviewer templates ids separated by a colon ( : ) - default: all template ids
title : defines title of the list - default: none
sorting : defines sorting mode of the list - default: latest - options: latest, top_score,
top_rated, top_users_scores, combo_1
layout : defines if the list must be displayed inline or full width - default: auto - options:
auto, inline
stars : converts scores number in stars - default: no - options: yes, no
An example of this shortcode should be:
[rwp-reviews-list template=“rwp_template_1234:rwp_template_5678”
title=“Reviews Boxes List” sorting=“latest” stars=“yes” layout=“auto”]
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# Translate the plugin
The plugin supports WordPress localization. You can translate plugin in your language simply
translating a list of labels.
The plugin is localized in English (default) and Italian.
To translate the plugin in a supported languages you need to follow these simple steps:
- Download the free software Poedit from its website
- Inside the reviewer folder you can find a subfolder named languages that contains all available
language files.
- Duplicate the reviewer-default.po file and renamed as reviewer-[language extension].po You can
find your [language extension] on WordPress Codex site at this link.
- Open the new file in Poedit and translate all labels you need. You don’t need to translate all the
- If you translate the file outside the main reviewer/languages folder, you need to upload both .mo
and .po files that Peoedit created.
- Once you have completed the process you need to set language of your blog from Settings >
General > Site Language and you should get your Reviewer Plugin localized.
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# Migrate Plugin’s Data
Since version 2.4 the plugin offers the possibility to import and export the Reviewer data you
created. You can easily make I/O operations to backup or to move the Reviewer data to another
blog. The version 3.11.0 has the new Migration admin page for managing Reviewer backups and
migrate user reviews from other review services.
Note: You can import backups made with a plugin version greater or equal to v.3.11.0. So
make sure to make a backup if you recently update the plugin.
You can find a copy of all exported files inside the backup folder of reviewer folder.
Import reviews from an other service
Version 3.11.0 introduces a new tool for migrating user reviews from a review service to Reviewer
The plugin uses a JSON file with a specific structure that contains all user reviews for the different
review boxes you configured. You can find an example of json file in the plugin folder you
downloaded from CodeCanyon (migrate-user-reviews.json)
First, you need to configure the plugin and create all review boxes you need. The migration
process will import the user reviews only.
The migration file contains a list of json objects. Each object must have the following properties:
- review_post_id: The numeric ID of the post in which the review box was created .
- review_box_id: The numeric ID of the review box. If you are using Auto Boxes you can set the
value to -1.
- review_user_id: The numeric ID of the user who left the review. If the user is not a registered
one, you can set the value to 0.
- review_author: The name of the review’s author. Set the value to an empty string if the user ID is
greater then 0.
- review_author_email: The email of the review’s author. Set the value to an empty string if the
user ID is greater 0.
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- review_criteria: A json object that contains the couple (criterion id, score value). You can find
the criterion ids inside the related template of review box. Take a look at example file for all
- review_title: The title of review.
- review_comment: The comment of review
- review_status: The review status. Possible values: publish, pending.
- review_template: The template ID related to the review box.
- review_created_at: The review date in ISO 8601 format.
All fields are required.
Once your migration file is ready you can validate the json structure at and
import the file inside the Reviewer > Migration admin page of your site.
Note: the process requires some knowledges about json files and dev skills for generating a
correct migration file for Reviewer plugin.
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Reviewer API
Since version 2.4 the Reviewer Plugin offers its own API to integrate the plugin functionalities
easily with your theme.
Note: the APIs are made for web developers only or for users that has some knowledge of php
programming language. They are not shortcodes or standard WordPress features.
The Reviewer API are implemented inside the RWP_API php class. The class is already included
in your WordPress if the Reviewer plugin is active. All api are static methods.
API reference
Below is the API reference for the Reviewer plugin.
Get review box data of specific post. It returns an empty array if the review box does not exist,
otherwise an array with related fields. It works with Reviewer Box and Users Box types only.
The api requires the following parameters:
- $post_id (int) The post id that contains the reviews box.
- $reviews_box_id (int) The reviews box id. Find it inside the Reviewer > Reviews Boxes
admin page.
- $include_users_scores (boolean) If it is set to true the request will include the users
scores values and the count. Default: false.
- $include_criteria_labels (boolean) If it is set to true the review_scores and
review_users_score fields will contain the criteria labels. Default: false.
Call the api inside the source code of your theme or plugin.
<?php $box = RWP_API::get_reviews_box( $post_id, $reviews_box_id, true ); ?>
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Note: The review_users_score field will be set if the $include_user_rating parameter is set to
[review_status] => publish
[review_type] => PAR+UR
[review_title] => Reviews Box 0
[review_title_options] => custom_title
[review_template] => rwp_template_56b31f19e53cf
[review_scores] => Array
[3] => 9
[1] => 6.5
[8] => 3
[review_custom_overall_score] => 5.7
[review_criteria_source] => reviewer
[review_custom_tabs] => Array
[0] => Array
[tab_value] => A
[tab_link] =>
[review_pros] => Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
[review_cons] => Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
[review_summary] => Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
[review_use_featured_image] => no
[review_image] => http://localhost/reviews-box-img.jpg
[review_image_url] =>
[review_custom_links] => Array
[0] => Array
[label] => Link
[url] => #
[review_sameas_attr] =>
[review_disable_user_rating] => no
[review_id] => 0
[review_overall_score] => 6.625
[review_users_score] => Array
[scores] => Array
[3] => 9
[1] => 3.5
[8] => 4.5
[count] => 0
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The review_scores and review_users_score fields will have the following output if the
$include_criteria_labels parameter is set to true.
. . .
[review_scores] => Array
[3] => Array
[label] => Criterion B
[score] => 9
[1] => Array
[label] => Criterion A
[score] => 6.5
[8] => Array
[label] => Criterion D
[score] => 3
. . .
[review_users_score] => Array
[scores] => Array
[3] => Array
[label] => Criterion B
[score] => 9
[1] => Array
[label] => Criterion A
[score] => 3.5
[8] => Array
[label] => Criterion D
[score] => 4.5
[count] => 0
get_review() with same parameters.
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Get reviews boxes data of specific post. It returns an empty array if the post has not reviews
boxes, otherwise an array with related reviews boxes. It works with Reviewer Box and Users Box
types only.
The api requires the following parameters:
- $post_id (int) The post id that contains the reviews boxes.
- $include_users_scores (boolean) If it is set to true the request will include the users
scores values and the count. Default: false.
Call the api inside the source code of your theme or plugin.
<?php $box = RWP_API::get_post_reviews_boxes( $post_id, true ); ?>
Note: The review_users_score field will be set if the $include_user_rating parameter is set to
true. Check the get_reviews_box output for the details about reviews box fields.
[0] => Array
[review_id] => 0
[review_title] => Reviews Box 0
. . .
[1] => Array
[review_id] => 1
[review_title] => Reviews Box 1
. . .
get_post_reviews() with same parameters.
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Get the users rating of specific reviews box. It returns an array with sigle criterion scores average
and the count. It works with Reviewer Box, Users Box and Auto Box types.
The api requires the following parameters:
- $post_id (int) The post id that contains the reviews box.
- $reviews_box_id (int) The reviews box id. Find it inside the Reviewer > Reviews Boxes
admin page. Use -1 if you setup Auto Box type.
- $template_id (string) The related template id of reviews box. Required if you setup Auto
Box type or $include_criteria_labels parameter is set to true.
- $include_criteria_labels (boolean) If it is set to true the scores field will contains the
criteria labels. Default: false.
Call the api inside the source code of your theme or plugin.
<?php $users_rating = RWP_API::get_reviews_box_users_rating( $post_id,
$reviews_box_id ); ?>
[scores] => Array
[3] => 6.5
[1] => 7
[count] => 12
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Note: if the $include_criteria_labels parameter is set to true the output is:
[scores] => Array
[3] => Array
[label] => Criterion B
[score] => 6.5
[1] => Array
[label] => Criterion A
[score] => 7
[count] => 12
get_review_users_rating() with same parameters.
Get the users overall rating and single users reviews of specific reviews box. It returns an array
with single criterion scores average, the count and all single users reviews. It works with Reviewer
Box, Users Box and Auto Box types.
The api requires the following parameters:
- $post_id (int) The post id that contains the reviews box.
- $reviews_box_id (int) The reviews box id. Find it inside the Reviewer > Reviews Boxes
admin page. Use -1 if you setup Auto Box type.
- $template_id (string) The related template id of reviews box.
Call the api inside the source code of your theme or plugin.
<?php $users_reviews = RWP_API::get_reviews_box_users_reviews( $post_id,
$reviews_box_id, $template_id ); ?>
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[overall] => 6
[count] => 12
[criteria] => Array
[3] => 6.5
[1] => 7
[reviews] => Array
[0] => Array
[rating_id] => rwp_rating_56b5c55ebe471
[rating_post_id] => 33
[rating_review_id] => 0
[rating_score] => Array
[3] => 4.5
[1] => 8.0
[rating_user_id] => 0
[rating_user_name] => John
[rating_user_email] =>
[rating_title] => Lorem ipsum
[rating_comment] => Lorem ipsum
[rating_date] => 1454756718
[rating_status] => published
[rating_template] => rwp_template_56b31f19e53cf
[rating_socials_url] => Array
[facebook] => http://. . .
[twitter] => http://. . .
[google] => http://. . .
[email] => mailto:? . . .
[link] => http://. . .
[rating_user_avatar] => http://. . .
[rating_overall] => 6
[rating_formatted_date] => 23 hours ago
[rating_helpful] => 0
[rating_unhelpful] => 0
[1] => Array
[rating_id] => rwp_rating_56b5c55eer474
. . .
Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di
27 29
Get all user reviews of Reviewer plugin filtered by the defined templates ids. It return an array of
users reviews. It works with Reviewer Box and Users Box and Auto Box types.
The api requires the following parameters:
- $templates (array) An array will the templates ids.
- $sort (string) Define the sorting mode. Default: latest. Available: latest, top_score.
- $limit (int) Define how many users reviews you want to return.
Call the api inside the source code of your theme or plugin.
<?php $reviews = RWP_API::get_reviews_box_users_reviews( array( template_1,
template_3 ), $sort, $limit ); ?>
[0] => Array
[rating_id] => rwp_rating_56b5c55ebe471
[rating_post_id] => 33
[rating_review_id] => 0
[rating_score] => Array
[3] => 6.5
[1] => 7.0
[rating_user_id] => 0
[rating_user_name] => John
[rating_user_email] =>
[rating_title] => Lorem ipsum
[rating_comment] => Ciao come va
[rating_date] => 1454756718
[rating_status] => published
[rating_template] => rwp_template_56b31f19e53cf
[rating_meta_id] => 66
[rating_post_title] => Test Post
[rating_user_avatar] => http://. . .
[rating_overall] => 6
[rating_formatted_date] => 1 day ago
[rating_url] =>
[rating_template_maximum_score] => 10
[rating_template_minimum_score] => 0
[rating_template_low_pct] => 30
[rating_template_high_pct] => 69
[rating_template_low_score_color] => #56b258
Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di
28 29
[rating_template_high_score_color] => #56b258
[rating_template_medium_score_color] => #56b258
[rating_template_rate_image] => http:// . . .
[1] => Array
[rating_id] => rwp_rating_56b5c55ebe471
. . .
# Credits
This plugin uses following assets:
- jQuery Knob Plugin by Anthony Terrien - under MIT License.
- noUISlider by Leon Gersen - Free to use in any scenario
- 1942 report font by Johan Holmdahl - under Font Squirrel Applications License - this free
license allows you to embed the fonts in applications and software. http://
- Vue.js by Evan You - under MIT License
- PhotoSwipe by Dmitry Semenov - under MIT License
Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di
29 29

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MPLTOTO - Situs Togel Online Resmi Terpercaya 2024

  • 1. Reviewer Plugin Ultimate Reviews & User Ratings Version 3.13.0 | Author: Michele Ivani | Twitter: @Michele_Ivani Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 1 29
  • 2. Index # Getting started 3 Install the plugin 3 Installation troubleshooting 4 Update the plugin to a new version 4 Register your license 4 Support & FAQs 5 Extended License Notes 6 # The Basics 7 Workflow 7 Plugin customization 8 How to replace default star icon 8 Enable Google ReCaptcha 9 Enable Google Rich Snippets 9 Reviewer themes 10 Review Box Shortcodes 11 Advance Shortcode Features 14 Comparison Tables 15 # Widgets 16 Review Boxes widget 16 User Reviews widget 16 # Review Boxes List Shortcode 17 # Translate the plugin 18 # Migrate Plugin’s Data 19 Import reviews from an other service 19 Reviewer API 21 API reference 21 # Credits 29 Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 2 29
  • 3. # Getting started This is a how-to guide to install your plugin copy. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please follow the support rules described in section below. Thanks so much for purchasing this project. The Reviewer Plugin allows you to insert reviews and comparison tables inside your WordPress blog posts, pages and custom post types in a quick and easy way. If you need to create a gorgeous recap box for your full review post or just a simple but powerful user reviews system this is the plugin your are looking for. The plugin flexible structure allows you to create any review type: no limits, just create a template and insert your personal review inside your posts or pages. Users and visitors can leave theirs reviews on the review box your created. The plugin offers different customizable themes so that you can adapt your reviews and comparison tables to your need. Each theme has a responsive layout to adapt to any devices. Install the plugin The Reviewer Plugin requires a version of WordPress >= 4.2 and a PHP version >= 5.3. So make sure you have the correct environment before installing the plugin. When you are ready, you can install the plugin in two ways: - Via WordPress backend: access to the admin area of your WordPress blog and navigate to Plugins > Add New > Upload. Click browse and select the from your computer. Hit Install Now and the plugin will be uploaded and installed. - Via FTP: open your FTP client. Unzip the file and upload the non-zipped plugin folder - reviewer - into your WordPress installation folder /wp-content/plugins. Once the plugin is installed, you need to make it active. Go to Plugins and activate the Reviewer Plugin. Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 3 29
  • 4. Installation troubleshooting If the installation process returns some errors or you was not able to install the plugin check out the common errors: - Your environment - WordPress and PHP versions - does not have minimum requirements - You tried to install the zip file you download form CodeCanyon. So unzip it and install the one. You can contact the Support Team following the rules in the Support section for any issue. Update the plugin to a new version If you are going to install a brand new copy of the Reviewer plugin you can skip this section, otherwise read this notes carefully. If you are upgrading from version 1.0 or 1.1 you have to install the version 2.1.1 before installing the latest release. So request the version 2.1.1 via the support section. If you are upgrading from version 2.0.0 or above you can follow the next steps: - Backup your blog database using a cPanel tool of your Host like PhpMyAdmin. - If you translated the plugin, make a backup of your translation files you find at …/wp-content/plugins/reviewer/languages folder on your host. - Deactivate and delete the Reviewer plugin inside the Plugin page of your WordPress blog - this step does not delete your reviews or plugin data ;-) - Install the latest version and activate the plugin again. Register your license Version 3.12.0 requires license registration to work. This become necessary because the plugin is used illegally by some customers and users. The registration requires just 30 seconds. Once you installed and activated the Reviewer plugin go to Reviewer > License page. Fill the form with requested informations like your Envato username and purchase code and you will able to enjoy the Reviewer plugin. If you have any problem during license registration, please contact the Support Team following the rules in the next section. Please do not post comments on plugin’s page at CodeCanyon. Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 4 29
  • 5. Support & FAQs The Reviewer Plugin takes care of its customers and their satisfaction is one of main goals. Before contacting the Support Team please read the FAQs section inside the Support tab of plugin’s page at CodeCanyon: If you already purchased the plugin you need to register your license - inside the Reviewer > License page of your admin area - before contacting the Support Team. You can contact Support Team via the following methods: - Send an email to including the your purchase code. - Send a message via the plugin support page at Envato Market. Please do not post comments on plugin page for support request the Support Team does not manage the comments section. Each support request is handled within 2 business days. If you do not receive a reply please resubmit your enquiry. Item support includes: • Availability of the author to answer questions • Answering technical questions about item’s features • Assistance with reported bugs and issues Item support does not include: - Customization services - Installation services Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 5 29
  • 6. Extended License Notes If you did not purchase an Extended License of Reviewer plugin you can skip this section. If you are continuing to read this section, that means you purchased an Extended License of Reviewer Plugin. Thank you very much! :) A few note when you redistribute/include the Reviewer plugin inside your theme/plugin: - The Reviewer plugin must be activated before using it since version 3.12.0. The registration process requires your Envato username and the purchase code related to the Reviewer plugin purchase you made. So provide these two informations to your customers and the instructions about Reviewer plugin activation. The Extended License can be activated in unlimited number of web sites. - Your customers that use the Reviewer plugin inside your theme or plugin can not have access to the Reviewer Plugin support. They have to contact your support then you can forward the issue to Reviewer plugin support if you are not able to resolve the issue. Please provide these notes inside your documentation. - If you forward the issue to Reviewer Plugin support make sure your Reviewer support license is not expired. Your collaboration as Theme/Plugin developer will be appreciated. Thank you. Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 6 29
  • 7. # The Basics Before describe the workflow and the features of Reviewer Plugin, it’s convenient to introduce some concepts for a better understanding of next sections. The plugin main feature is review boxes, simple boxes you can insert inside post or pages that contain author review and/or user reviews. There are three types of review box: - Reviewer Box type is a review box that contain scores, pros and cons, summary and other fields created by the author of the post. Users/visitors can leave theirs reviews on that box. Think this type as a recap of the full review article the author has written. The Reviewer Box must be created and insert in the post/page manually. - Users Box type is a review box specific for site users. The scores - stars, bars, circles - are related to users reviews. If you need a simple but powerful review system, this is the type for you. The Users Box must be created and insert in the post/page manually. - Auto Box type has the same behavior of Users Box type but it will be added automatically at the bottom of post/page of specific type. The Auto Box can be enabled inside a Reviewer template. If you need a custom position check “Advance Shortcode Features” section out. Workflow The Reviewer plugin is ready in few simple steps. You can watch the video preview that show the basic workflow to create Reviewer box, otherwise read the following process. 1. Customize the plugin settings inside Reviewer > Preferences. 2. Create a new Template inside Reviewer > Templates admin page. The template is a model for your future review boxes. If you decide to use Auto Box type you need to enable it inside the template, then skip next step. 3. Create a new post/page or edit an existing one. You will find in the page editor a new section - Reviewer - related to the plugin. Here you can manage the review boxes for the post/page. Choose a review box type and create it. After the configuration you will find at the bottom of the section a list of WordPress shortcodes that will display the full review box or some of its parts. Just for testing, copy and paste the first one [rwp-review id=“0”] inside the post/page content and make sure to save/update. View the changes. Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 7 29
  • 8. Just 3 steps to creating your first reviews box allowing users and visitors to leave their reviews. You can modify your setting and preferences at any time. The plugin takes care to the changes for you ;-) Plugin customization You can make the look and the layout of review boxes as you need by tweaking settings inside templates or preferences page, but if you need a more customization you can edit the layout of reviews box by adding your custom css rules inside related textarea of Reviewer > Preferences page. Some important settings you can choose in the preferences page are: - Choose the user review authorization - All users/visitors can leave a review - Only logged in users can leave a review - Disable users reviews - Decide the rating mode - Standard 5 stars rating - Single criterion rating with sliders - Single criterion rating with stars - Decide if users reviews need moderation before being published - Enable reviewer box and users box in custom post types. These are only few settings. The plugin support does not include customizations but you can try to suggest them to Support Team. How to replace default star icon The Reviewer plugin has a nice default icon for ratings, but you can create and upload a custom one. It must follow some required specifications: - It must be a sprite image exported in PNG format with alpha channel activated. Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 8 29
  • 9. - Its size must be 48 x 96 pixel with active and normal state. You can use the Adobe Photoshop template included with the Reviewer Plugin to create a correct image. When the Photoshop project is ready, export the image for the Web and upload the new icon inside your Reviewer template. Enable Google ReCaptcha Version 3.7.0 replaces default captcha system (secure code for user reviews) with Google ReCaptcha. Now your users can submit reviews more quickly and in more secure way. To configure ReCaptcha you need the Site Key and Secret Key that Google provides and insert them inside the Reviewer Preferences page. You can get the keys by following the official Google’s documentation about ReCaptcha - Do not add any extra file inside your theme source code as suggested by Google documentation. The Reviewer plugin will handle it for you. You need the Site Key and Secret Key only. Enable Google Rich Snippets The Reviewer plugin has support for Google Rich Snippets. The snippets are added automatically inside the review box layout. So you do not need to add any setting. You just need to follow a few steps to make sure to configure them correctly. - The snippets will be added in the page if you use the [rwp-review] or [rwp-review-recap] shortcodes. You can add the other available shortcode make sure to use at least one of them. - Validate the page at by pasting the link or the source code. Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 9 29
  • 10. - Submit your site to Google Index. Once you have registered your site go to Crawl > Fetch as Google and insert the page you want to fetch. - You need to wait… Check the site status out after a while. It can take some hours or days. Why does not my site have the stars inside Google Search? First make sure you followed the previous step. It’s up to Google to show the stars inside the Google Search. You can not control it. A possible test to check if the stars are available is to make a google search as the following: site:FULL-URL-OF-THE-PAGE Reviewer themes The plugin includes several themes for your review boxes. You can choose the one you prefer during the Reviewer template creation. Each theme can be use with any reviews box but it can have a different behavior according to the type of review box that will be displayed. The themes fields available for the different reviews box types are: - Reviewer Box type: title - criteria score - custom tab - pros & cons - summary - image - custom links - user reviews. - Users Box type: title - criteria score - custom tab - image - custom links - users reviews. - Auto Box type: title - feature image - user reviews. A hi-resolution preview of all themes is available at plugin page on Envato Market. Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 10 29
  • 11. Review Box Shortcodes The Reviewer plugin offers several shortcodes for review boxes. They are available for types reviewer box and users box only. Let’s describe them one by one. [rwp-review id=“…”] Display the review box. Parameters: id : the review box identifier - default: none - required post : the post id of review box - default: current post id [rwp-reviewer-rating-stars id=“…”] Display rating stars about the reviewer score. Parameters: id : the review box identifier - default: none - required post : the post id of review box - default: current post id size : the size in pixel of stars - default: 24 stars : number of stars for representing the score - default: 5 [rwp-users-rating-stars id=“…”] Display rating stars about the user score. Parameters: id : the review box identifier - default: none - required post : the post id of review box - default: current post id size : the size in pixel of stars - default: 24 stars : number of stars for representing the score - default: 5 [rwp-review-recap id=“…”] Display some recap sections of review box. The user reviews and form sections are not shown. Parameters: id : the reviews box identifier - default: none - required post : the post id of review box - default: current post id Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 11 29
  • 12. hide_criteria_scores : set to true to hide the criteria scores section - default: false [rwp-review-scores id=“…”] Display the scores of single criteria. Parameters: id : the review box identifier - default: none - required post : the post id of reviews box - default: current post id [rwp-review-ratings id=“…”] Display the user reviews only. Parameters: id : the review box identifier - default: none - required post : the post id of review box - default: current post id [rwp-review-form id=“…”] Display the form for user rating. Parameters: id : the review box identifier - default: none - required post : the post id of review box - default: current post id Let’s image the scenario in which you want to display the full reviews box (id:0, post:23) in the related post (id:23) and the recap box in an other post (id:64). So easy… Insert the [rwp-review id=“0”] in the post (id:23) then insert the [rwp-review-recap id=“0” post=“23”] in the post (id:64). Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 12 29
  • 13. Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 13 29
  • 14. Advance Shortcode Features Paragraph notes: the following section requires some developers skills so make sure you have access to the source code of WordPress theme and have some knowledges about php language. The Auto Box type allows to automatically add an Users Box at the bottom of a post or a page, but if you’d like to render the review box in an other place of your post or page using the Auto Box features follow the next steps. 1. Disable Auto Box inside the Reviewer template and copy the Template ID you want to use. 2. Open the file that manages your post/page/custom post type template inside your favorite code editor. Place the cursor in the spot you want to render the reviews box. 3. Paste the following code: <?php echo do_shortcode('[rwp-review id="-1" template="TEMPLATE_ID"]'); ?> The id=“-1” is a wild card for Auto Box. The plugin knows it's AutoBox so it generates the id automatically. Replace TEMPLATE_ID with the related reviewer template id you want to use. All process works with the following shortcodes only: [rwp-review] [rwp-review-recap] [rwp-review-scores] [rwp-review-ratings] [rap-review-form] [rwp-users-rating-stars] Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 14 29
  • 15. Comparison Tables The plugin offers a feature to create tables for comparing reviews boxes. The tables has the same workflow of review boxes and they do not work with auto box type. You can create a new table inside post/page editor using the related box you find in it. Configure the table and paste the shortcode in the post content. [rwp-table id=“…”] Display the comparison table. Parameters: id : the table identifier - default: none - required post : the post id of table - default: current post id Again, if you need to display the same table in a different post, make sure to add the post parameter to the shortcode. The theme previews of comparison tables are shown at plugin page on Envato Market. Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 15 29
  • 16. # Widgets The plugin offers two WordPress widgets. You can find them inside Appearance > Widgets page. Choose the widget you need and drag into a widget area. Review Boxes widget The widget displays some informations about review boxes - auto box type is not included - sorted in different ways. You can filter the review boxes by template and sort them by: - Latest boxes - Top scores boxes by reviewer - Top rated boxes by users - Top score boxes by users - Combo 1 | Average of reviewer and users scores The widget has 3 gorgeous themes; previews are available at plugin’s page. User Reviews widget The widget displays a list of users reviews sorted by latest ratings or top scores. You can decide which fields of user review you need to show. Available fields: - User Avatar - User Name - User Review Title - User Review Comment - User Review Score - Post Title - Link to the related reviews box Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 16 29
  • 17. # Review Boxes List Shortcode The shortcode has same features of Review Boxes widget so you can create a custom list of reviews boxes inside post or pages. The shortcode has a complex structure so in order to make the life easier there is a new post editor button that helps you to generate the correct shortcode. The shortcode can be copy and paste in any post or page. [rwp-reviews-list] Display a list of review boxes. Parameters: template : reviewer templates ids separated by a colon ( : ) - default: all template ids title : defines title of the list - default: none sorting : defines sorting mode of the list - default: latest - options: latest, top_score, top_rated, top_users_scores, combo_1 layout : defines if the list must be displayed inline or full width - default: auto - options: auto, inline stars : converts scores number in stars - default: no - options: yes, no An example of this shortcode should be: [rwp-reviews-list template=“rwp_template_1234:rwp_template_5678” title=“Reviews Boxes List” sorting=“latest” stars=“yes” layout=“auto”] Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 17 29
  • 18. # Translate the plugin The plugin supports WordPress localization. You can translate plugin in your language simply translating a list of labels. The plugin is localized in English (default) and Italian. To translate the plugin in a supported languages you need to follow these simple steps: - Download the free software Poedit from its website - Inside the reviewer folder you can find a subfolder named languages that contains all available language files. - Duplicate the reviewer-default.po file and renamed as reviewer-[language extension].po You can find your [language extension] on WordPress Codex site at this link. - Open the new file in Poedit and translate all labels you need. You don’t need to translate all the labels. - If you translate the file outside the main reviewer/languages folder, you need to upload both .mo and .po files that Peoedit created. - Once you have completed the process you need to set language of your blog from Settings > General > Site Language and you should get your Reviewer Plugin localized. Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 18 29
  • 19. # Migrate Plugin’s Data Since version 2.4 the plugin offers the possibility to import and export the Reviewer data you created. You can easily make I/O operations to backup or to move the Reviewer data to another blog. The version 3.11.0 has the new Migration admin page for managing Reviewer backups and migrate user reviews from other review services. Note: You can import backups made with a plugin version greater or equal to v.3.11.0. So make sure to make a backup if you recently update the plugin. You can find a copy of all exported files inside the backup folder of reviewer folder. Import reviews from an other service Version 3.11.0 introduces a new tool for migrating user reviews from a review service to Reviewer plugin. The plugin uses a JSON file with a specific structure that contains all user reviews for the different review boxes you configured. You can find an example of json file in the plugin folder you downloaded from CodeCanyon (migrate-user-reviews.json) First, you need to configure the plugin and create all review boxes you need. The migration process will import the user reviews only. The migration file contains a list of json objects. Each object must have the following properties: - review_post_id: The numeric ID of the post in which the review box was created . - review_box_id: The numeric ID of the review box. If you are using Auto Boxes you can set the value to -1. - review_user_id: The numeric ID of the user who left the review. If the user is not a registered one, you can set the value to 0. - review_author: The name of the review’s author. Set the value to an empty string if the user ID is greater then 0. - review_author_email: The email of the review’s author. Set the value to an empty string if the user ID is greater 0. Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 19 29
  • 20. - review_criteria: A json object that contains the couple (criterion id, score value). You can find the criterion ids inside the related template of review box. Take a look at example file for all details. - review_title: The title of review. - review_comment: The comment of review - review_status: The review status. Possible values: publish, pending. - review_template: The template ID related to the review box. - review_created_at: The review date in ISO 8601 format. All fields are required. Once your migration file is ready you can validate the json structure at and import the file inside the Reviewer > Migration admin page of your site. Note: the process requires some knowledges about json files and dev skills for generating a correct migration file for Reviewer plugin. Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 20 29
  • 21. Reviewer API Since version 2.4 the Reviewer Plugin offers its own API to integrate the plugin functionalities easily with your theme. Note: the APIs are made for web developers only or for users that has some knowledge of php programming language. They are not shortcodes or standard WordPress features. The Reviewer API are implemented inside the RWP_API php class. The class is already included in your WordPress if the Reviewer plugin is active. All api are static methods. API reference Below is the API reference for the Reviewer plugin. get_reviews_box() Description Get review box data of specific post. It returns an empty array if the review box does not exist, otherwise an array with related fields. It works with Reviewer Box and Users Box types only. Parameters The api requires the following parameters: - $post_id (int) The post id that contains the reviews box. - $reviews_box_id (int) The reviews box id. Find it inside the Reviewer > Reviews Boxes admin page. - $include_users_scores (boolean) If it is set to true the request will include the users scores values and the count. Default: false. - $include_criteria_labels (boolean) If it is set to true the review_scores and review_users_score fields will contain the criteria labels. Default: false. Usage Call the api inside the source code of your theme or plugin. <?php $box = RWP_API::get_reviews_box( $post_id, $reviews_box_id, true ); ?> Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 21 29
  • 22. Output Note: The review_users_score field will be set if the $include_user_rating parameter is set to true. Array ( [review_status] => publish [review_type] => PAR+UR [review_title] => Reviews Box 0 [review_title_options] => custom_title [review_template] => rwp_template_56b31f19e53cf [review_scores] => Array ( [3] => 9 [1] => 6.5 [8] => 3 ) [review_custom_overall_score] => 5.7 [review_criteria_source] => reviewer [review_custom_tabs] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [tab_value] => A [tab_link] => ) ) [review_pros] => Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. [review_cons] => Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. [review_summary] => Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. [review_use_featured_image] => no [review_image] => http://localhost/reviews-box-img.jpg [review_image_url] => [review_custom_links] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [label] => Link [url] => # ) ) [review_sameas_attr] => [review_disable_user_rating] => no [review_id] => 0 [review_overall_score] => 6.625 [review_users_score] => Array ( [scores] => Array ( [3] => 9 [1] => 3.5 [8] => 4.5 ) [count] => 0 ) ) Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 22 29
  • 23. The review_scores and review_users_score fields will have the following output if the $include_criteria_labels parameter is set to true. Array ( . . . [review_scores] => Array ( [3] => Array ( [label] => Criterion B [score] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [label] => Criterion A [score] => 6.5 ) [8] => Array ( [label] => Criterion D [score] => 3 ) ) . . . [review_users_score] => Array ( [scores] => Array ( [3] => Array ( [label] => Criterion B [score] => 9 ) [1] => Array ( [label] => Criterion A [score] => 3.5 ) [8] => Array ( [label] => Criterion D [score] => 4.5 ) ) [count] => 0 ) ) Alias get_review() with same parameters. Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 23 29
  • 24. get_post_reviews_boxes() Description Get reviews boxes data of specific post. It returns an empty array if the post has not reviews boxes, otherwise an array with related reviews boxes. It works with Reviewer Box and Users Box types only. Parameters The api requires the following parameters: - $post_id (int) The post id that contains the reviews boxes. - $include_users_scores (boolean) If it is set to true the request will include the users scores values and the count. Default: false. Usage Call the api inside the source code of your theme or plugin. <?php $box = RWP_API::get_post_reviews_boxes( $post_id, true ); ?> Output Note: The review_users_score field will be set if the $include_user_rating parameter is set to true. Check the get_reviews_box output for the details about reviews box fields. Array ( [0] => Array ( [review_id] => 0 [review_title] => Reviews Box 0 . . . ), [1] => Array ( [review_id] => 1 [review_title] => Reviews Box 1 . . . ), ) Alias get_post_reviews() with same parameters. Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 24 29
  • 25. get_reviews_box_users_rating() Description Get the users rating of specific reviews box. It returns an array with sigle criterion scores average and the count. It works with Reviewer Box, Users Box and Auto Box types. Parameters The api requires the following parameters: - $post_id (int) The post id that contains the reviews box. - $reviews_box_id (int) The reviews box id. Find it inside the Reviewer > Reviews Boxes admin page. Use -1 if you setup Auto Box type. - $template_id (string) The related template id of reviews box. Required if you setup Auto Box type or $include_criteria_labels parameter is set to true. - $include_criteria_labels (boolean) If it is set to true the scores field will contains the criteria labels. Default: false. Usage Call the api inside the source code of your theme or plugin. <?php $users_rating = RWP_API::get_reviews_box_users_rating( $post_id, $reviews_box_id ); ?> Output Array ( [scores] => Array ( [3] => 6.5 [1] => 7 ) [count] => 12 ) Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 25 29
  • 26. Note: if the $include_criteria_labels parameter is set to true the output is: Array ( [scores] => Array ( [3] => Array ( [label] => Criterion B [score] => 6.5 ) [1] => Array ( [label] => Criterion A [score] => 7 ) ) [count] => 12 ) Alias get_review_users_rating() with same parameters. get_reviews_box_users_reviews() Description Get the users overall rating and single users reviews of specific reviews box. It returns an array with single criterion scores average, the count and all single users reviews. It works with Reviewer Box, Users Box and Auto Box types. Parameters The api requires the following parameters: - $post_id (int) The post id that contains the reviews box. - $reviews_box_id (int) The reviews box id. Find it inside the Reviewer > Reviews Boxes admin page. Use -1 if you setup Auto Box type. - $template_id (string) The related template id of reviews box. Usage Call the api inside the source code of your theme or plugin. <?php $users_reviews = RWP_API::get_reviews_box_users_reviews( $post_id, $reviews_box_id, $template_id ); ?> Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 26 29
  • 27. Output Array ( [overall] => 6 [count] => 12 [criteria] => Array ( [3] => 6.5 [1] => 7 ) [reviews] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [rating_id] => rwp_rating_56b5c55ebe471 [rating_post_id] => 33 [rating_review_id] => 0 [rating_score] => Array ( [3] => 4.5 [1] => 8.0 ) [rating_user_id] => 0 [rating_user_name] => John [rating_user_email] => [rating_title] => Lorem ipsum [rating_comment] => Lorem ipsum [rating_date] => 1454756718 [rating_status] => published [rating_template] => rwp_template_56b31f19e53cf [rating_socials_url] => Array ( [facebook] => http://. . . [twitter] => http://. . . [google] => http://. . . [email] => mailto:? . . . [link] => http://. . . ) [rating_user_avatar] => http://. . . [rating_overall] => 6 [rating_formatted_date] => 23 hours ago [rating_helpful] => 0 [rating_unhelpful] => 0 ) [1] => Array ( [rating_id] => rwp_rating_56b5c55eer474 . . . ) ) ) Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 27 29
  • 28. get_users_reviews() Description Get all user reviews of Reviewer plugin filtered by the defined templates ids. It return an array of users reviews. It works with Reviewer Box and Users Box and Auto Box types. Parameters The api requires the following parameters: - $templates (array) An array will the templates ids. - $sort (string) Define the sorting mode. Default: latest. Available: latest, top_score. - $limit (int) Define how many users reviews you want to return. Usage Call the api inside the source code of your theme or plugin. <?php $reviews = RWP_API::get_reviews_box_users_reviews( array( template_1, template_3 ), $sort, $limit ); ?> Output Array ( [0] => Array ( [rating_id] => rwp_rating_56b5c55ebe471 [rating_post_id] => 33 [rating_review_id] => 0 [rating_score] => Array ( [3] => 6.5 [1] => 7.0 ) [rating_user_id] => 0 [rating_user_name] => John [rating_user_email] => [rating_title] => Lorem ipsum [rating_comment] => Ciao come va [rating_date] => 1454756718 [rating_status] => published [rating_template] => rwp_template_56b31f19e53cf [rating_meta_id] => 66 [rating_post_title] => Test Post [rating_user_avatar] => http://. . . [rating_overall] => 6 [rating_formatted_date] => 1 day ago [rating_url] => [rating_template_maximum_score] => 10 [rating_template_minimum_score] => 0 [rating_template_low_pct] => 30 [rating_template_high_pct] => 69 [rating_template_low_score_color] => #56b258 Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 28 29
  • 29. [rating_template_high_score_color] => #56b258 [rating_template_medium_score_color] => #56b258 [rating_template_rate_image] => http:// . . . ) [1] => Array ( [rating_id] => rwp_rating_56b5c55ebe471 . . . ) ) # Credits This plugin uses following assets: - jQuery Knob Plugin by Anthony Terrien - under MIT License. - noUISlider by Leon Gersen - Free to use in any scenario - 1942 report font by Johan Holmdahl - under Font Squirrel Applications License - this free license allows you to embed the fonts in applications and software. http:// - Vue.js by Evan You - under MIT License - PhotoSwipe by Dmitry Semenov - under MIT License Reviewer Plugin v. 3.13.0 di 29 29