The document provides an overview of proposed amendments to the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA) and the repeal of the Factories and Machinery Act 1967 (FMA) in Malaysia. Key points include:
- The OSHA amendment and FMA repeal aim to improve OSH legislation based on self-regulation, address gaps between existing acts, and improve enforcement effectiveness.
- The FMA and all associated regulations will be repealed. Pending applications and legal proceedings will be addressed under the amended OSHA or completed under the existing FMA.
- Major provisions from the FMA, like those relating to machinery certification, will be incorporated into the amended OSHA.
- The OSHA
This document outlines the permit to work system used for maintenance, repair, and construction activities. It defines key terms like permit authority and permit holder. The permit authority is responsible for issuing permits that specify the work, precautions, and conditions. Different types of permits are required for tasks like hot work, pressure system work, and confined space entry. The permit holder must be properly trained and qualified. A case study describes a fatal accident where failures in permit-to-work system training, management, practices, and communication contributed to an explosion during welding repairs on an offshore oil rig.
ICOP For Safe Working in A Confined Space 2010 by Mr Husdin Che MatMoon Girl
The document provides guidelines for safe working in confined spaces according to the Industry Code of Practice for Safe Working in a Confined Space 2010 (ICOP 2010). It defines a confined space and outlines general requirements including hazard identification, permit systems, and duties of responsible persons like employers, permit issuers, entry supervisors, and standby persons. The document also describes requirements for confined space entry programs, risk assessments, control measures, atmospheric testing, rescue plans, training, and record keeping.
The document outlines key aspects of occupational safety and health regulation in Malaysia, including:
1) The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 establishes duties for employers, employees, manufacturers and others to ensure a safe working environment and provides enforcement mechanisms.
2) Various regulations have been established under the Act to provide specific safety and health standards.
3) Several government agencies play roles in enforcing regulations and promoting occupational safety, including the Department of Occupational Safety and Health, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, and Social Security Organization.
The document discusses environmental health and safety awareness. It covers topics like signage, risk assessments, hazards, risks, health risks, safety task analysis, a health and safety management system, and ISO 14001 components. Risk assessments are used to reduce accidents through planning, organization, control, monitoring and review. Hazards are things that have potential to cause harm, while risks are the likelihood of hazards causing harm. A health and safety management system includes a policy, planning, implementation, checking and corrective action, and management reviews.
Occupational safety and health (use and standards of exposure of chemicals ha...blackwhitecat
This document outlines regulations from 2000 regarding occupational safety and health standards for exposure to chemicals hazardous to health in Malaysia. It defines key terms and outlines various duties of employers, including maintaining a chemical register, conducting risk assessments, implementing control measures to limit exposure, using approved personal protective equipment, and ensuring hazardous chemicals are properly labeled. The regulations aim to reduce employee exposure to chemicals and protect occupational safety and health.
The use of leading indicators - proactive, preventive and predictive measures to identify and eliminate risks and hazards in the workplace – is on the radar of many environmental, health and safety professionals.
In this webinar, John Dony and Joy Inouye of the Campbell Institute, will discuss their research into leading indicators. They will define leading indicators, explain their importance, describe applications, and share specific examples of indicators.
The presentation will include case studies and advice for getting started with leading indicators at your organization.
The Campbell Institute at the National Safety Council is built upon the belief that environment, health and safety (EHS) is at the core of business. It sees EHS as fundamental to operational and financial performance, and seeks to help organizations, of all sizes and sectors, achieve and sustain excellence.
Attend this webinar and learn:
How leading indicators could improve your EHS programs
Practical advice on how to implement them
Successful case studies from industry-leading organizations
This document outlines an occupational health and safety management system based on OHSAS 18001. It discusses the benefits of implementing such a system, including reducing risks, accidents, and financial losses. It then describes the key elements of OHSAS 18001, including performing hazard assessments, establishing objectives and procedures, implementing operational controls, and conducting audits and management reviews to ensure continual improvement of health and safety practices. Responsibilities are defined for managers, supervisors, safety representatives, and employees to maintain safe operations.
The document discusses the Factory and Machinery Act 1967 (FMA 1967) and associated regulations in Malaysia. The key points are:
1) FMA 1967 aimed to control factory operations regarding safety, health and welfare, and register machinery.
2) It specified requirements for machinery, duties of employees and occupiers, and required written approval and inspections.
3) Numerous regulations were gazetted to provide detailed provisions on specific safety and health matters.
4) The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA 1994) later superseded the FMA 1967 in the event of conflicts and had a broader scope of application.
This document defines hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk control (HIRARC) and explains the HIRARC process. It defines key terms like hazard, danger, risk, and risk assessment. The purpose of HIRARC is to identify hazards, assess risks, and control risks to ensure employee safety. The HIRARC process involves identifying hazards, assessing risks through analyzing hazards and determining risk rates, and controlling risks through measures like elimination, substitution, isolation and use of personal protective equipment. Risk assessment should be conducted before, during and after operations, and reviewed when changes are made or required by law.
This document provides an overview of health and safety policies and procedures for an organization. It outlines roles and responsibilities, key risks to be aware of, fire evacuation procedures, and what to do in the event of an emergency. Employees and learners are responsible for working safely, reporting any issues, and knowing who to contact for assistance. Managers must ensure safety policies are followed and that staff have the proper training and equipment to perform their roles safely.
This document provides an overview of occupational safety and health (OSH) in Malaysia. It discusses the objectives of OSH legislation including securing worker safety and health. Key points covered include the history and development of OSH laws in Malaysia such as the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1994, employers' and employees' responsibilities, and the roles of organizations like the Department of Safety and Health and National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health in enforcing regulations and conducting research. The overall purpose of OSH laws and these organizations is to promote a safe working environment for all Malaysian workers.
This document outlines the safety orientation process for new employees at Mohawk College. It notes that the orientation consists of three modules that must be completed, including an overview of occupational health and safety, WHMIS training, and workplace violence and harassment training. Upon completion of all modules and tests with a grade of 80% or higher, employees must review their job-specific safety requirements with their supervisor and submit documentation to confirm completion of the orientation. The document provides an overview of the key responsibilities of employers, supervisors, and workers under Ontario's Occupational Health and Safety Act. It also outlines workers' rights to know about hazards, to refuse unsafe work, and to participate in health and safety through joint committees.
Occupational Safety and Health Management in Construction IndustryNorrazman Zaiha Zainol
Management of occupational safety and health in construction industry. Module consists of related rules and regulations, OSHMS and HIRARC in work place. Discuss on OSHA 1994 and FMA 1967.
This document discusses hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk control. It defines key terms like hazard, danger, and risk. It outlines the risk management process of classifying activities, identifying hazards, assessing risks, implementing risk controls, and reviewing controls. Different types of risks are described like mechanical, electrical, chemical, and ergonomic risks. Methods of risk assessment include qualitative, semi-quantitative, and quantitative assessments using risk matrices to evaluate likelihood and severity of risks. Risk control actions are recommended to eliminate, substitute, isolate, use engineering or administrative controls, or personal protective equipment.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang Jawatankuasa Keselamatan dan Kesihatan di Tempat Kerja. Ia menjelaskan tentang komposisi, fungsi, dan tanggung jawab Jawatankuasa tersebut sesuai dengan Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan 1994 dan peraturan-peraturannya. Dokumen tersebut juga membahas tentang penyelenggaraan mesyuarat Jawatankuasa serta sanksi bagi pelanggaran peraturan yang ditetapkan
The document discusses effective workplace safety inspections. It outlines the inspection process, goals of inspections, what should be inspected, types of inspections, who can conduct inspections, examples of things to inspect like emergency equipment and electrical safety, documenting inspection findings, implementing controls for identified hazards, and required record keeping. Inspections help maintain a safe work environment, control hazards, and ensure operational efficiency. All agencies are required to conduct monthly and quarterly inspections and document findings.
This document provides an overview of safety policies and procedures for Fairdeal QHSE. It defines key safety terms and outlines responsibilities for management, supervisors, and employees to ensure a safe work environment and prevent accidents. Specific safety topics covered include personal protective equipment, housekeeping, electrical safety, fire prevention, lifting techniques, confined spaces, and prohibited behaviors. Management is responsible for training and safety compliance, while employees must follow safety rules and report any issues or injuries. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary actions up to termination.
The purpose of an agenda is to provide structure and guidance for safety committee meetings. An effective agenda:
- Lists the topics that will be covered during the meeting
- Indicates the estimated time allotted for each topic
- Identifies who will lead the discussion of each topic
An agenda should typically include:
1. Call to order
2. Review and approval of previous meeting minutes
3. Review of outstanding action items and recommendations
4. Review of recent safety inspections, audits, or near misses
5. New business - New hazards identified or other safety issues to discuss
6. Set date and agenda for next meeting
7. Adjournment
The agenda helps keep meetings on track
Hospitality industry is an economic sector that generates high value income for some countries. As such ensuring the safety of the staff, guest and its property is much important just like the high level or service offered to the guest. A well managed property in terms of safety is key to high volume and growth. This presentation shares the basics on why, what and how to ensure the property operates in a safe manner for the staff, guest and the general public.
This document provides an overview of occupational safety and health considerations for construction projects in Malaysia. It discusses legal requirements, duties of employers and designers, hazard identification and risk assessment, emergency response planning, and safety measures for various construction activities. Specific requirements addressed include notifying authorities of construction work, appointing safety officers and supervisors, developing safety policies and manuals, protecting the public through hoarding and traffic control, and following safe work procedures. The document is intended as a reference for complying with Malaysian occupational safety and health regulations during construction projects.
1. The Government of Andhra Pradesh issued a notification amending Rule 61A of the Andhra Pradesh Factories Rules, 1950 regarding the qualifications, number, recruitment, conditions of service, and duties of Safety Officers in factories.
2. The amendment specifies the educational qualifications and experience required to be eligible for appointment as a Safety Officer. It also provides the minimum number of Safety Officers required based on the number of workers in a factory.
3. The recruitment and appointment of Safety Officers must be notified to the Chief Inspector of Factories, and the amendment details the terms and conditions of service for Safety Officers, including their status, pay and protection from unjust termination.
This document outlines regulations related to occupational safety and health for controlling industrial major accident hazards in Malaysia. It defines key terms and sets requirements for:
1) Identifying industrial activities involving hazardous substances and notifying authorities, including requirements to update notifications when details change.
2) Non-major hazard installations to demonstrate safe operation by providing information on hazards and safety measures to authorities.
3) Major hazard installations to register competent persons to prepare reports on industrial activities and hazards, develop on-site and off-site emergency plans, and notify authorities of any major accidents.
The document discusses the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA) in Malaysia, which aims to improve safety and health in workplaces. It outlines key provisions of the act including shared responsibilities of employers and employees. Employers must ensure a safe working environment, provide training and protective equipment, and report accidents. Employees must take reasonable safety precautions and cooperate with employers on health and safety matters. The act established the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health to oversee these regulations.
Co p avoiding_danger_from_underground_services_Mirela M
This document provides a code of practice for avoiding danger from underground services. It outlines roles and responsibilities during excavation work to minimize risks from damaging underground electricity cables, gas pipes, water pipes, sewers and telecommunications cables. Key points include:
- Clients must provide relevant information on underground services and appoint competent supervisors.
- Designers and contractors must locate underground services before excavation using plans and cable-locating devices.
- During excavation, safe digging practices like hand digging near located services and protecting exposed services must be followed.
- All damage to services must be reported immediately to the relevant utility/service provider. Training and instruction on safe excavation practices is also required.
The document provides an overview of the Factories and Machinery Act 1967 (FMA 1967) and associated regulations in Malaysia. It discusses the objectives of the FMA 1967, which are to control factory operations regarding safety, health and welfare, as well as machinery registration and inspection. It outlines the key parts and sections of the Act related to preliminary definitions, safety and health requirements, accident reporting, and machinery registration. The document also compares the FMA 1967 to the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, noting differences in application, scope, and objectives.
The document provides an agenda for a seminar on legal provisions and implementation to prevent major accidents involving hazardous materials (MAH) in India and a comparison with the Seveso II directives. The agenda is divided into three parts: background and definitions of MAH regulations; general and specific obligations and control systems for MAH prevention; and MAH information systems, reporting obligations, and administrative coordination. Key aspects that will be discussed include India's MAH regulations, major accident prevention policies, safety management systems, safety reporting requirements, and gaps in regulations and their implementation in India.
Martin has been writing this novel for over a decade and is has pushed back the release date numerous times. The good news is that Martin is close to finishing the novel. In December 2022, he said that he has about 500 pages to go.
Since then, a writer’s strike has taken place. The good news is that Martin has said that it won’t affect the release date of the book. Even better, it may help Martin focus on the book since many TV shows and movies have been paused as a result. And as we all know, Martin is always working on something related to entertainment.
The Winds of Winter Release Date
With Martin focused on finishing the book, the only question left is when is The Winds of Winter going to be released? If there are isn’t any more delays, then the novel will be released late 2024. I wouldn’t be surprised if the novel ends up getting one final delay and ends up being released in early 2025.
A few more months isn’t bad compared to over a decade of waiting. What is going to frustrate readers is the release date of the final book in the series. Will it take even longer than this novel? Once fans finish reading The Winds of Winter , they will be craving the final book in the series and it will be years before it will be released.
The Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2019Gaurav Singh Rajput
The Occupational Safety, Health and Working Conditions Code, 2019 consolidates 13 labour laws related to occupational safety, health and working conditions. The key objectives are to secure better safety, health and working conditions for workers. The Code applies to all establishments employing 10 or more workers. It provides for registration of establishments, duties of employers and employees, constitution of safety committees, and provisions related to welfare, working hours, leaves and enforcement authorities like Inspectors. The Code also has special provisions for factories, mines, construction work and other sectors. Non-compliance can attract penalties up to Rs. 5 lacs and imprisonment up to 2 years for offences causing death or serious injury.
This document summarizes a presentation on the Factories Act of 1948 given by six individuals. It discusses key topics of the act including its extent and applications, definitions, general duties of occupiers, inspection staff, and manufacturing processes. The main points covered are that the act regulates work conditions in manufacturing establishments with 10 or more workers, defines important terms like "factory", "worker", and "occupier", outlines general health and safety duties of occupiers, and discusses the appointment and powers of inspection staff responsible for enforcing the act.
The document provides an analysis of key changes introduced by the Code on Social Security, 2020. Some notable changes include expanding the scope of social security coverage to more workers, including gig workers and platform workers. Definitions have been made more comprehensive and uniform across acts. Provisions have been introduced for voluntary opting out of social security schemes, compounding of offences, and appeals. Schedules have been introduced to consolidate provisions related to various schemes, benefits and funds. Overall, the aim of the code is to simplify, consolidate and rationalize existing social security laws to provide universal social security to all workers.
OHS&E Legal and Other Requirements for Construction Project by Sahil Bhutani ...sahil bhutani
Presentation is based upon legal requirements as per ISO standard and with reference to Occupational Safety, Health and working condition code 2020.Showcase Documents to be maintained to avoid any legal complications during the execution of project.
This document appoints someone as the COVID-19 Compliance Officer for a company. It outlines the officer's responsibilities which include implementing a plan for a phased return of employees to work according to health and safety guidelines, and ensuring adherence to hygiene and social distancing protocols. The appointee must sign to accept the duties, which involve developing a detailed plan for safely reopening the workplace and protecting employees from COVID-19.
The Factories Act, 1948 establishes requirements for health, safety, and welfare of workers in factories. It aims to protect workers from industrial hazards. The Act applies to premises with at least 10 power-driven workers or 20 other workers. It defines key terms like child, adolescent, worker, and factory. It establishes obligations of factory owners to protect worker health and safety. It also outlines the roles and powers of Inspectors responsible for enforcing the Act.
The document discusses occupational safety and health legislation and regulations in Malaysia. It begins by outlining several key acts related to occupational safety. It then focuses on the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1994, which was introduced to expand coverage beyond just the manufacturing sector and address limitations of previous legislation. The act covers all economic sectors and sets duties for employers, employees, designers, and safety committees. It aims to promote a safe work environment through a tripartite approach between government, employers, and employees.
The document discusses key aspects of the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1923 in India:
1) It establishes employer liability for compensation in cases of occupational injuries or diseases. Employers are liable if the injury or disease arose during the course of employment.
2) It covers employees in mines, factories, plantations, transport, and construction. Compensation is provided for death, permanent or temporary disablement, and occupational diseases.
3) The amounts of compensation are specified, such as 50% of monthly wages for death or 60% for permanent total disability. Compensation amounts are subject to minimum and maximum limits.
4) Employers are liable even when work is contracted to others, if the
The document traces the evolution of maintenance practices and regulations in coal mines from 1912 to the present. Early regulations focused on basic safety inspections and testing of equipment. Over time, expectations grew for maintenance to improve availability, reliability and prevent failures. Major industrial accidents in the 1970s-80s increased pressure on maintenance. Modern regulations now require risk-based mechanical engineering control plans and adherence to lifecycle asset management standards like ISO 55000. The changing regulations reflect an evolution from reactive to proactive maintenance approaches aimed at continuous improvement of safety and asset performance.
This document outlines health and safety guidelines for scaffolding erection and use according to New Zealand law, providing definitions, design requirements, standards for different scaffolding types, safety procedures, and responsibilities of those involved in scaffolding work to help prevent injuries. It summarizes key aspects of New Zealand's Health and Safety in Employment Act of 1992 regarding employer and employee duties to ensure workplace safety. The document serves as a reference for scaffolding work and prepares readers to obtain a certificate of competency as a scaffolder.
Similar to OSHA 2022 and FMA 2022 Ammendments New Briefings (20)
Conflict of interest presentation phD 2024drxrajdeep
8.2 Conflicts of Interest
8.2.1 What Is a Conflict of Interest?
The classical situation in which a researcher’s decision-making may be compro
mised because of certain financial interests is called a conflict of interest
(COI). Conflicts of interest are more common in the bio-medical and pharmaceuti
cal sciences, where large financial gains are at stake, and the development of new
medication is a costly affair. In the social sciences, financial conflicts of interest do
exist but the temptations differ from those of the bio-medical and pharmaceutical
Let’s start with an example from the pharmaceutical sciences. Resnik (1998)
cites a classic case of a scientist who researched the effects of a certain medication
on the alleviation of common cold symptoms. The scientist also owned stock in a
company that produced the same medication he was researching (a tablet of zinc
lozenges). When their findings showed a positive result, the company’s stock soared,
from which the researcher benefited. This raised a serious question: Was the
researcher’s scientific judgement being influenced by the expectation of a finan
cial profit?
In the social sciences, direct financial gains are rarer. Rather, the problem lies
in indirect gains, having to do with the formation of dependency on the research
itself. Soudijn (2012) quotes the case of a Dutch psychologist, who set up a project
offering help to clients suffering from phobias. The clients received free treatment
(in the form of experimental therapy, given by his students) on the condition that
they agreed to participate in the research project. Thus, the clients became reliant
on the research as a means of free therapy. These dependency relationships obfus
cate the research project to the point that by today’s standards, the data would no
longer be considered valid, and although the research participants did not profit
from the research financially, financial gains (free therapy for the client) posed a
COI in this case.
Whether these influences actually impair a researcher’s judgement is not of
importance in our understanding of a COI. It is the potential to cloud or impair
judgement that defines the problem.
In any conflict of interest, objectivity as one of sciences’ key values is at stake:
• How do I know your conclusions are not biased?
• How can I trust your judgement?
In the coming sections, we discuss cases from within the social sciences where
differing financial interests were at stake to differing degrees (Box 8.2). Note that
not every situation with financial interests at stake automatically leads to a conflict
of interest. Furthermore, it can be difficult to establish whether a researcher acts in
bad faith or not.
8.2 Conflicts of Interest
Box 8.2: Funding Bias
Often regarded as a specific form of COI, the term funding bias indicates the
tendency found in scientific studies to support the interests of the study’s
inancial sponsor. Funding bias is
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OSHA 2022 and FMA 2022 Ammendments New Briefings
1. Briefing on
OSHA (Amendment) 2022 &
FMA (Repeal) 2022
(AMENDMENT) 2022 & FMA (REPEAL) 2022
To introduce an OSH
legislation based on
self regulation
To develop
legislation to suit
with latest
technology or
To eliminate the
legislation gaps
between both Act To improve
effectiveness of
To eliminate Act
514 loopholes
To ratify ILO
(C 155)
Factories and Machinery Act 1967
[Act 139]
Occupational Safety & Health Act 1994
[Act 514]
An Act to provide for the
control of factories related
Safety, Health &
Welfare of the person
in the factories;
Registration &
inspection of
Matters connected with
factories &
Prescriptive in
philosophy or concept.
An Act for controlling the safety &
health risk in connection with or
arising from the activities of
persons at work related to;
Ensuring the safety, health &
welfare of persons at work;
Protecting persons other than
employees from the safety &
health risk;
To promote an occupational
environment for persons at
work which is adapted to their
physiological and
psychological needs;
To provide the means for
progressive maintenance &
improvement of safety &
health standards;
Self regulation concept.
Dialogue session
to gather input from
May 2011
Public comments
on the first draft
2011 - 2015
Drafting the bill.
DOSH internal
policy meeting.
May 2015
Presentation to
Aug 2015
Presentation to
National Labour Advisory
Council (NLAC)
Jan 2019
Circulation of
Jemaah Menteri
(MJM) to Ministries
/ Agencies
Sept 2020
Cabinet approval
Oct 2020
1st reading in Dewan Rakyat
(2nd Nov 2020).
Nov 2020
2nd reading & approval
by Dewan Rakyat.
Oct 2021
2nd reading &
approval in Dewan
Negara. (13/12/2021)
Dec 2021
2017 - 2019
Review draft by
6. Act 139 and Act 514
Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994
[Act 514]
• 28 years and never amended.
• 67 Sections and 3 Schedules
• 8 Regulations
• 2 Orders
Factories and Machinery Act 1967
[Act 139]
• 55 years and amended thrice in 1973,
1978 & 2006
• 70 Sections and 3 Schedules
• 13 Regulations
• 6 orders
FMA (Repeal) 2022
Whole Acts and Regulations
will be repealed
OSHA (Amendment) 2022
Deleted Amended Added
67 Sections
3 Schedules
35 Sections 27 Sections
2 Schedules
Total :
92 Sections and 5 Schedules
8. Factories and Machinery
(Repeal) Act 2022
What will happen to the action
made under the FMA 1967 [Act 139] ?
What will happen to the pending
application under the FMA 1967
[Act 139] ?
What will happen to the legal
proceeding started under the FMA
1967 [Act 139] ?
9. Any registration, order, notice, direction, written authority, approval,
certificate of fitness, Special Scheme Inspection or certificate of competency
will be dealt under the OSHA 1994 [Act 514].
2. Section 4(2)
1. Section 4(1)
Notice form JKJ 110 (Subsection 19(2) or Notice form JKJ 26 (Subsection
39(3) & 40(4)) will be dealt under the FMA 1967 until its revocation.
What will happen to the action made under the
FMA 1967 [Act 139] ?
New Regulations under OSHA will prescribe what happen to each action. I.E:
Certificate of fitness (CF) for machineries to remain valid until expiry date on
the CF.
10. Application for approval in relation to
a special scheme of inspection under
subsection 40(5) Act 139
Section 5(g)
Section 5(f)
Section 5(e)
Section 5(d)
Section 5(c)
Section 5(b)
Section 5(a)
Periodical inspection under
section 40 Act 139
Pending appeal under subsection
36(6) Act 139
Application of certificate of
competency (CoC) or written authority
under subsection 29(2) Act 139
Application of written permission in
relation to the use of any premises as a
factory under subsection 34(2) Act 139
Application for a written approval in
relation to installation of machinery
under subsection 36(1) Act 139
Initial inspection under
subsection 36(3) Act 139
What will happen to the pending
application under the FMA 1967 [Act 139] ?
Dealt under FMA 1967 [Act 139) until completion
11. What will happen to the legal proceeding
started under the FMA 1967 [Act 139] ?
Section 6: Any pending legal proceeding started before coming
into operation the FMA (Repeal) 2022, may be instituted,
continued or enforced under the FMA 1967 [Act 139]
Any investigation, compounds and prosecution shall be
continued under the FMA 1967 [Act 139] until completion.
Certificate of fitness for machinery
Installation of machinery
Inspection of machinery
Special Scheme Inspection (SSI)
Notice of occupation place of work
Licensed person
Director General Special Order
14. 14
7. OSH Training
8. Machinery Integrity
9. Licensed person
10. Regulate OSH
11. Empower NCOSH
12. Increasing the penalty
1. Application
2. Risk assessment
3. Duties of principal
4. Rights of employee
5. Occupational health
6. OSH Coordinator
15. Apply to all place of work except :
• Domestic servant
• Armed forces (ATM)
• Work on board ships
S1(2) Subject to subsection (3), this Act shall apply to
all places of work throughout Malaysia including in
the public services and statutory authorities.
S1(3) Nothing in this Act shall apply to the work
specified in the First Schedule.
16. Specific provision imposes the duty to
employer, self-employed person or principal to
conduct risk assessment and implement risk
control at the place of work.
• Hazard Identification
• Risk Analysis / Risk Evaluating
• Risk Control
Risk Assessment
Duty to conduct and implement risk assessment
18B. (1) Every employer, self-employed person or principal shall
conduct a risk assessment in relation to the safety and health risk
posed to any person who may be affected by his undertaking at the
place of work.
(2) Where a risk assessment indicates that risk control is required to
eliminate or reduce the safety and health risk, the employer, self-
employed person or principal shall implement such control.
(3) For the purposes of this section, “risk assessment” means the
process of evaluating the risks to safety and health arising from
hazards at work and determining the appropriate measures for risk
17. Imposes duties to the “principal”.
• Explain the duties of the developer/owner
towards his contractors or sub-contractors, etc.
Duties of principal
18A. (1) It shall be the duty of every principal to take, so far
as is practicable, such measures as are necessary to ensure
the safety and health of—
(a) any contractor engaged by the principal when at work;
(b) any subcontractor or indirect subcontractor when at
work; and
(c) any employee employed by such contractor or
subcontractor when at work.
(2) The duty imposed on the principal in subsection (1) shall
only apply where the contractor, subcontractor or
employee referred to in that subsection is working under
the direction of the principal as to the manner in which
the work is carried out.
To ensure, issues related to OSH is foreseen
and taken into consideration at the initial
planning and design stage.
18. Improve the rights of employee conforming to
the Article 13, ILO C155
• Employees' right to remove themselves
from the place of work if there are imminent
danger that could risk their safety and
Rights of employees
26A. (1) An employee, after informing his employer or his
representative that he has reasonable justification to believe
there exist an imminent danger at his place of work, shall have
the right to remove himself from the danger or the work if the
employer fails to take any action to remove the danger.
(2) An employee who removes himself from the danger in
accordance with subsection (1) shall be protected against
undue consequences and shall not be discriminated against.
For the purposes of this section, “imminent danger” means a serious risk of death or serious
bodily injury to any person that is caused by any plant, substance, condition, activity, process,
practice, procedure or place of work hazard.
19. • The provision of services for the
protection of employee health while
• Promotion of occupational health
and well-being at the place of work;
• Prevention of occupational disease
and occupational poisoning.
Occupational Health Services
Occupational Health Services
28. (1) Where it appears to the Minister that in any of the place of work or
class or description of place of work —
(a) cases of illness have occurred which he has reason to believe may be
due to the nature of the process or other conditions of work;
(b) by reason of changes in any process or in the substance used in any
process or, by reason of the introduction of any new process or new
substance for use in a process, there may be risk of adverse effect to
the health of persons employed in the process; or
(d) there may be risk of adverse effect to the health of persons
employed in any of the occupations specified in the Third Schedule,
or from any substance or material brought to the place of work to
be used or handled therein or from any change in the conditions in
the place of work ,
he may make regulations requiring such arrangements for the
occupational health service.
20. The need to appoint an employee to
act as an Occupational Safety and
Health Coordinator (OSH-C).
• To assist employers in
coordinating OSH legislation and
OSH programs in the workplace.
Appointment of OSH-C
29A (1) An employer whose place of work is NOT included in any
class or description of place of work as published in the Gazette
under subsection 29(1) shall appoint one of his employees to act as
an occupational safety and health coordinator if he employs five
or more employees at his place of work.
Employers who have appointed a Safety and Health Officer (SHO)
even though the workplace is not included in the SHO Order under
S.29, do not need to appoint OSH-C
21. Existing Act 514 Amendment Act 514
Safety and Health Officer
S.29. (1) This section shall apply to such class or description
of industries as the Minister may, by order published in the
Gazette, specify.
(2) An occupier of a place of work to which this section
applies shall employ a competent person to act as a safety
and health officer at the place of work.
S.29(4) to replace
Safety and Health Officer
S.29. (1) (1) This section shall apply to such class or
description of place of work as the Minister may, by order
published in the Gazette, specify.
(2) An occupier of a place of work to which this section
applies shall appoint a person who is competent to act as a
safety and health officer at the place of work.
S.29 (4) A person shall be appointed as a safety and
health officer only for one place of work at any one time,
unless permitted otherwise by the Director General;
22. The needs for certain “class or
description of persons” to attend
prescribed OSH training.
• Ensure those prescribed employees
gain enough exposure and knowledge
before performing work activities.
OSH Training
Occupational Safety and Health Training Courses.
(1) The Minister may, by order published in the Gazette, require any
class or description of persons to attend an occupational safety
and health training course as specified in the order that is conducted
by a registered training provider.
(2) The employer of any person required to attend any training course
under subsection (1) shall ensure that the person has completed
such training course before allowing that person to perform any
work for which the training is required.
Director General may, issue instructions to the prescribed
employees attending the refresher course.
23. Machinery Integrity
Incorporate management
elements of machinery integrity,
machinery inspection, Certificate
of Fitness and Special Scheme of
Part VIA: Notification of Occupation of Place of Work,
Installation and Inspection of Plant, Etc.
Periodical Inspections of factory is abolished
To be stipulated in the Certificated Machinery Regulations
which is being drafted.
Regulations related to Special of Scheme Inspection is
maintained and improved
Provision to enable Licensed Persons to be
appointed to carry out plant inspections and
issue Certificates of Fitness.
• Improving plant management by industry.
Address the issue of machinery inspection
Licensed Person (OBL)
24. Registration, monitoring and accountability of
OSH practitioners (Competent Persons,
Training Providers, Competent Firms) are
standardized under the legislation.
• To increase the commitment and level of
professionalism of OSH practitioners.
OSH Practitioner
Application of registration Validity of registration
Renewal of registration Cancellation of registration
Purpose of provisions:
Allows legal action to
be taken if competent
person or registered
trainig provider fails to
carry out their duties.
25. Improving the effectiveness of
• Maximum membership of 25
people (government,
employers, employees,
NGOs, academics and
• Inline with the complexity
industrial development..
Empowering NCOSH
Representative Existing Act 514 (members) Amendment Act 514 (members)
(organizations that represent
(organizations that represent
(organizations that represent
(organizations that represent
government ≥ 3
(include DG of MOH & representative
of the Ministry or Department)
Organisation /
≥ 3 including 1 woman ≥ 3 including 1 woman
Agency under
Non member(observer)
12 < member< 15
(include Chairman and Deputy
22 < member< 25
(include Chairman, Deputy Chairman
and Secretary)
26. Comparison
• Other local Acts (i.e: Act 127, Act 520) which introduce same concept of legislations imposed maximum
penalty of RM 500K.
• Other countries OSH Act impose high amount of penalty.
Increasing the penalty - deterrent effect
Existing Act 514 Amendment Act 514
General penalty
RM10K RM100K
- Imprisonement : 1 year
Employers, Principal, etc.
RM 50K RM 500K
Imprisonement : 2 years Imprisonement : 2 years
Employees duties
Imprisonement : 3 months Imprisonement: 3 months
Competent Person - RM 100K
Failure to comply with
RM 50K RM 500K
Imprisonement : 5 years Imprisonement: 2 years
Further fine for each day offence
continues - RM 500
Further fine for each day
offence continues – RM 2K
Amendment of OSHA and Repeal of FMA
will be enforce together on the same date.
The enforcement date also will take into
consideration the readiness of new
subsidiary legislations in substituting
Regulations repealed under FMA.
Readines of MyKKP online service system.
Expected enforcement date will be on June
The announcement of the enforcement date will be publish through Gazette.