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Prototyping for the unknown
…in an emergent living lab the case of civic robots
Image © Maria Luce Lupetti
Cities of Things
Wijkbot (Hoodbot)
Check some of my activities
- Iskander Smit -
making sense of
unpredictable futures in
human-AI partnerships
©, knightscope, db, starship tech
Wijkbot_PublicSpaces - adapted version.pdf
Wijkbot_PublicSpaces - adapted version.pdf
Near Future Cities of Things:
Addressing Dilemmas through Design
The smart city infrastructure will soon start to include
smart agents, i.e., agentic things, which co-exist and
co-perform with human citizens. This near-future
scenario explores the flexible types of collaborations
and relationships between the human and nonhuman
citizens. Drawing on current technology forecasts and
AI/robotics literature, we created five fictional concepts
for reflecting on themes we deem important for such
collaborations: responsibility, delegation, relationship,
priority, and adaptation. The promises, challenges and
threats of these themes are discussed in this paper,
together with the new questions that were opened up
through the use of design fiction as a method.
Author Keywords
Design fiction; future scenario; smart cities; co-
performance; agentic things; dilemmas.
ACM Classification Keywords
H.5.m. Information interfaces and presentation:
The smart cities operate with sensors embedded in the
urban infrastructure to collect all sorts of data, a digital
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights
for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored.
Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to
post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific
permission and/or a fee. Request permissions
NordiCHI'18, September 29-October 3, 2018, Oslo, Norway
© 2018 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6437-9/18/09 $15.00
Maria Luce Lupetti
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands
Iskander Smit
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands
Nazli Cila
Amsterdam University of Applied
Sciences, The Netherlands
Data-enabled artefacts with
performing capabilities
Able to:
• Connect with existing networks of data
• Sense and collect real time data
• Act proactively
• Behave socially
private – public
human – system
tool – social partner
human – thing
partial - total
Wijkbot_PublicSpaces - adapted version.pdf
WijkbotKit: toolkit for designing and prototyping of citizen-powered urban robots
The goal of the
eldlab Cities of Things Lab 010 (2022)
In several neighborhoods, we realise a 'biotope of smart
objects' that will work and live with residents as neighborhood
peers, improving social participation and inspiring new
from summary project proposal Cities of Things Lab 010
Wijkbot_PublicSpaces - adapted version.pdf
Wijkbot_PublicSpaces - adapted version.pdf
The Output: Wijkbot Kit
Wijkbot_PublicSpaces - adapted version.pdf
Wijkbot_PublicSpaces - adapted version.pdf
Wijkbot_PublicSpaces - adapted version.pdf
Wijkbot_PublicSpaces - adapted version.pdf
Wijkbot_PublicSpaces - adapted version.pdf
Wijkbot_PublicSpaces - adapted version.pdf
Wijkbot_PublicSpaces - adapted version.pdf
x x x x
The Relaxing Hoodbot
This hoodbot senses the people in the street
who are
ocking together. In case of potential
ict within a group or between groups, it
will interfere and de-escalate the tensions.
The hoodbot can have a strategy to release
the (aggressive) energy or distract the group.
These hoodbots prevent the need for special
police forces to operate.
The Circular Hoodbot
This hoodbot is part of the market of the
neighborhood and collects all left-over food
for reuse, as new resources for smoothies.
This hoodbot goes around the market
during the day on its own, and at the end of
the market together with someone that
actively collects the left-overs with the
market traders.
The Supporting Hoodbot
This hoodbot supports your neighbors
that can not easily walk and carry goods
due to their age or handicap.
It might be used as support while
wandering around or shopping—compare
it to a walker. Or it can be more like a
boosted shopping cart that can bring
groceries home at the end of the day.
The Gardening Hoodbot
This hoodbot orchestrates the social
engagements in a community garden. It
stimulates neighbors to work together to
maintain the garden.
The hood but is not a tool for gardening
but an inspirational social anchor point in
the garden. It is a walking coffee corner.
The Emergency Hoodbot
This hoodbot serves as a city's
responder and provides healthcare for
the homeless.
It responds through a call to 112 and
wanders through the streets, actively
approaching homeless people.
The Activist Hoodbot
This hoodbot is a political activist. It
engages with demonstrations or activist
programs and pops up on the streets
during rush hour, spreading the message.
It is actively mingling in and is
distributing the message as lea
ets to
take by people in the street. It might even
initiate protest marses.
The Socializing Hoodbot
This hoodbot has one goal: connecting neighbors
through shared stories. It collects these stories by
going around, representing them with objects,
soundbites, or other content.
It is sure to connect the pieces in one narrative of
the neighborhood and give shape to the stories as
spread the story by signaling centerpieces in the
The evolving story is a conversation starter for
Follow us here! And build your own Wijkbot- Check
Iskander Smit
Cities of Things
+31 6 24 53 23 888
Tomasz Jaskiewicz
Hogeschool Rotterdam
Inspiration: 3 rules of Asimov
The First Law: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction,
allow a human being to come to harm.
The Second Law: A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings
except where such orders would con
ict with the First Law.
The Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such
protection does not con
ict with the First or Second Law.
Isaac Asimov; in I, Robot; 1950
Inspiration: 3 rules of Hoodbot
The First Law: A Hoodbot may not take over work done by a human being.
The Second Law: A Hoodbot must collaborate with human beings on a
basis of partnership following shared goals.
The Third Law: A Hoodbot must not protect its own existence as a goal on
its own, in order to reach the First and Second Law.
From a manifesto in the making…
Assignment for this workshop
Prototype a hoodbot that obeys these rules within the context of one of the
Make a performative hoodbot that expresses its goals invites to interact with
humans and other hoodbots.
Start with the scenario,
nd the one expression that you think will be the best
experience and prototype.
Keep in mind that a hoodbot is not a static object; its expression will be stronger if
it uses movement and interaction.
Start by building asap.
The Scenarios
The Relaxing Hoodbot
The Circular Hoodbot
The Supporting Hoodbot
The Gardening Hoodbot
The Healthy Hoodbot
The Activist Hoodbot
The Socializing Hoodbot

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USYD degree Cert diploma Transcripta USYD degree Cert diploma Transcripta
USYD degree Cert diploma Transcripta

Wijkbot_PublicSpaces - adapted version.pdf

  • 1. Prototyping for the unknown …in an emergent living lab the case of civic robots Image © Maria Luce Lupetti
  • 2. Cities of Things Wijkbot (Hoodbot) ThingsCon Check some of my activities - Iskander Smit - Target_is_New making sense of unpredictable futures in human-AI partnerships
  • 3. source: ©, knightscope, db, starship tech
  • 6. Near Future Cities of Things: Addressing Dilemmas through Design Fiction Abstract The smart city infrastructure will soon start to include smart agents, i.e., agentic things, which co-exist and co-perform with human citizens. This near-future scenario explores the flexible types of collaborations and relationships between the human and nonhuman citizens. Drawing on current technology forecasts and AI/robotics literature, we created five fictional concepts for reflecting on themes we deem important for such collaborations: responsibility, delegation, relationship, priority, and adaptation. The promises, challenges and threats of these themes are discussed in this paper, together with the new questions that were opened up through the use of design fiction as a method. Author Keywords Design fiction; future scenario; smart cities; co- performance; agentic things; dilemmas. ACM Classification Keywords H.5.m. Information interfaces and presentation: Miscellaneous. Introduction The smart cities operate with sensors embedded in the urban infrastructure to collect all sorts of data, a digital Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from NordiCHI'18, September 29-October 3, 2018, Oslo, Norway © 2018 Association for Computing Machinery. ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6437-9/18/09 $15.00 Maria Luce Lupetti Delft University of Technology The Netherlands Iskander Smit Delft University of Technology The Netherlands Nazli Cila Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
  • 7. Data-enabled artefacts with performing capabilities Able to: • Connect with existing networks of data • Sense and collect real time data • Act proactively • Behave socially THINGS AS CITIZENS THINGS AS SOCIAL ENTITIES
  • 8. Dilemmas Responsibility private – public Priority human – system Relationship tool – social partner Adaptation human – thing Delegation partial - total
  • 10. WijkbotKit: toolkit for designing and prototyping of citizen-powered urban robots
  • 11. The goal of the fi eldlab Cities of Things Lab 010 (2022) In several neighborhoods, we realise a 'biotope of smart objects' that will work and live with residents as neighborhood peers, improving social participation and inspiring new experiences. from summary project proposal Cities of Things Lab 010
  • 24. 24
  • 25. The Relaxing Hoodbot This hoodbot senses the people in the street who are fl ocking together. In case of potential con fl ict within a group or between groups, it will interfere and de-escalate the tensions. The hoodbot can have a strategy to release the (aggressive) energy or distract the group. These hoodbots prevent the need for special police forces to operate.
  • 26. The Circular Hoodbot This hoodbot is part of the market of the neighborhood and collects all left-over food for reuse, as new resources for smoothies. This hoodbot goes around the market during the day on its own, and at the end of the market together with someone that actively collects the left-overs with the market traders.
  • 27. The Supporting Hoodbot This hoodbot supports your neighbors that can not easily walk and carry goods due to their age or handicap. It might be used as support while wandering around or shopping—compare it to a walker. Or it can be more like a boosted shopping cart that can bring groceries home at the end of the day.
  • 28. The Gardening Hoodbot This hoodbot orchestrates the social engagements in a community garden. It stimulates neighbors to work together to maintain the garden. The hood but is not a tool for gardening but an inspirational social anchor point in the garden. It is a walking coffee corner.
  • 29. The Emergency Hoodbot This hoodbot serves as a city's fi rst responder and provides healthcare for the homeless. It responds through a call to 112 and wanders through the streets, actively approaching homeless people.
  • 30. The Activist Hoodbot This hoodbot is a political activist. It engages with demonstrations or activist programs and pops up on the streets during rush hour, spreading the message. It is actively mingling in and is distributing the message as lea fl ets to take by people in the street. It might even initiate protest marses.
  • 31. The Socializing Hoodbot This hoodbot has one goal: connecting neighbors through shared stories. It collects these stories by going around, representing them with objects, soundbites, or other content. It is sure to connect the pieces in one narrative of the neighborhood and give shape to the stories as spread the story by signaling centerpieces in the neighborhood. The evolving story is a conversation starter for neighbors.
  • 32. Follow us here! And build your own Wijkbot- Check Iskander Smit Cities of Things +31 6 24 53 23 888 Tomasz Jaskiewicz Hogeschool Rotterdam
  • 34. Inspiration: 3 rules of Asimov The First Law: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. The Second Law: A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would con fl ict with the First Law. The Third Law: A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not con fl ict with the First or Second Law. Isaac Asimov; in I, Robot; 1950
  • 35. Inspiration: 3 rules of Hoodbot The First Law: A Hoodbot may not take over work done by a human being. The Second Law: A Hoodbot must collaborate with human beings on a basis of partnership following shared goals. The Third Law: A Hoodbot must not protect its own existence as a goal on its own, in order to reach the First and Second Law. From a manifesto in the making…
  • 36. Assignment for this workshop Prototype a hoodbot that obeys these rules within the context of one of the scenarios. Make a performative hoodbot that expresses its goals invites to interact with humans and other hoodbots. Start with the scenario, fi nd the one expression that you think will be the best experience and prototype. Keep in mind that a hoodbot is not a static object; its expression will be stronger if it uses movement and interaction. Start by building asap.
  • 37. The Scenarios The Relaxing Hoodbot The Circular Hoodbot The Supporting Hoodbot The Gardening Hoodbot The Healthy Hoodbot The Activist Hoodbot The Socializing Hoodbot