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 This pose helps to warm the body and increase metabolism.
 It is an excellent asana for those who want to lose weight.
 It can also be used to treat the common cold.
 Surya mudra helps in dissolving extra fat, thus helps control
obesity and brings down high (Bad) LDL cholesterol levels.
 It improves metabolism, promoting weight loss. It also reduces
tension and stress.
 Strengthens the eyes and improves vision.
 It is excellent for people with high Kapha constitution (heavy,
slow, laid back attitude, excess mucous). It helps them by
increasing alertness and mobility.
 The mudra is helpful for people who have intolerance to cold and
encounter frequent shivering.
 Helps in treating the flu.
Udana Mudra (Upward Flying Energy Gesture)
 Udana mudra benefits the vocal cords (voice), the
respiratory system and the thyroid - parathyroid glands.
 Parathyroid gland is in control of kidneys. With this
mudra the para thyroid gland functions well and the
kidney problems are solved.
 The speech becomes clear
. The respiratory system works
. Limbs get strength and they becomes strong.
 The air element in your index finger is stimulated by the
fire of the thumb as you join their tips, and then freed of
all limitations by the ether element when you apply
pressure with the middle finger
. The air and ether
activate the throat chakra when positioned one upon the
Ushakaal Mudra (Mudra of Morning)
This is an extremely useful
Mudra if you want to make
a habit for waking up early
for exercise and workout.
This mudra awakens the
body and mind in morning
 This Mudra helps in reducing the increased
wind element. Helps in trembling and shivers.
 Helps in arthritis and joint pains.
 Helps in maintaining proper Blood Flow. Helps
in reducing gases.
Varada Mudra(Forgiveness Gesture)
Bringing all your fingers together indicates that
all your elemental energies are united.
Having the hand facing down demonstrates an
attitude of humility and loving generosity.
Varuna Mudra(Water Balancing Gesture)
 Dryness of eyes.
 Dryness of the digestive tract (mouth, throat, and
 Dryness of the skin leading to cracks, dry eczema,
psoriasis, etc.
 Degeneration of joint-cartilage, Osteo-Arthritis
 This mudra helps in indigestion, constipation problems
of the digestive system, etc.
 Varuna Mudra also prevents acne or pimple.
 Anaemia
 Cramps, dehydration
 Deficiency of hormones
 Scanty urination
 Scanty semen
 Scanty menses
 Loss of taste sensation, tongue-disorders
 This Mudra is extremely useful when you are suffering
from Diarrhoea and similar Gastro-intestinal disorders.
Vishnu Mudra(Universal Balance Gesture)
 Your right thumb represents the fire element and the
manipura chakra while your little finger is associated
with water and the swadhisthana chakra, and your
ring finger with the earth element and the
muladhara chakra.
 Extending these fingers balances your three lower
Vyana Mudra (Expansive Prana Gesture)
Blood pressure either high or low is regulated and balanced.
Lack of initiative, enthusiasm, slowness of thoughts and perception is corrected with vyana
Drowsiness, excessive sleep is overcome.
Intolerance to heat, sunstroke can be averted.
Excessive sweating, thirst, urination, loose motions and menorrhagia can be overcome.
When the fire element of your thumb joins the airiness of the index finger, it generates a
burning desire for peace. By adding pressure from your middle finger (associated with the
expansive nature of the element ether, or space), your aspiration radiates into the
Yoni Mudra (Gesture to detach from outer world chaos)
 Stress Relief
 Relaxation and rejuvenation of the mind. Stabilizing the nervous system
 Maintaining mental clarity and relaxation
 Achieving spiritual peace and mental growth.
 From the age of about thirteen girls have their periods and they get pain in the lower
abdomen. Performing this mudra only for 5-10 minutes relieves the pain.
 Scanty or excess bleeding will be regulated.
 Practicing this mudra every day for 10 minutes followed by prana mudra will solve the
menopause related problems.
Jalodar Nashak Mudra (Water Reducing Gesture)
1. Jalodara is a Sanskrit term for the disease - Dropsy. This disease is
2. caused due to excess of water content in the stomach. This mudra is
the disease - Jalodara.
2.This mudra can cure elephantitis.
3.Swelling in any part of the body like face, hands and legs can be
cured with this mudra.
4.This mudra cures excessive salivation, water eyes, running nose,
hyperacidity, diarrhoea (loose motion).
5. Pleurisy, effusion in a joint is cured.
6. Excessive menses is balanced.
7. Excessive urination is cured.
8. Menstrual date can be postponed by the practice of this mudra for
15 minutes daily 3 days prior to the date of periods.
9. By depressing the littlefinger (representing water) with your thumb,
element within your body.
named after the curing of
you reduce the water
Kaleshwara Mudra (Lord of Time Gesture)
•Helps in attaining a peaceful mind. Increases concentration.
•This Mudra is helpful in improving digestion.
•If you are feeling down, this Mudra will elevate your mood.
•Bringing the middle fingers together enhances the ether element, causing
greater awareness of time and space (here and now).
Depressing the other fingers reduces the effects of the other elements, except
fire, the driving force, which is emphasized as you point both thumbs to your
Kamajayi Mudra (Victory over Excessive Desires Gesture)
By pushing on the thumb nail, you
reduce any excesses of the fire element,
such as too much heat in the body
which can cause anger and rage and
instead focus your energy in healthier
and more creative directions.
Kangula Mudra (Mudra of Hidden Potential)
This is a harmonizing Mudra which corrects any
arrhythmic frequencies in your body and
improves digestion and assimilation capabilities.
Karana Mudra(Instrument Gesture)
 Cleansing and purifying, benefits the bladder
colon, and large intestine, detoxifies body and
mind, assists with the release of negative patterns
and habits.
 By pressing down on the nails of the middle and
ring fingers, you are reducing the influence of
both the ether (enclosing space) and earth
(grounding) elements.
 At the same time you free the purifying effects of
the water element (your little finger) and the
expansive effects of your airy index finger
Kidney Mudra
 The problem of running nose and watering of eyes is cured.
 Throat pain is pacified immediately
 Problems of phlegm in the throat and lungs is cured.
 Helps in curing kidney related problems.
 Helps in curing dropsy
 Loose motion is cured immediately
 Discontinue performing this mudra when alignment is
Kshepana Mudra(Letting Go Gesture)
By joining the energies of both
fingers (representing air),
stimulate the air element,
creating a gentle internal ‘breeze’
that blows away the pollution of
life and stale ideas.
Kubera Mudra (Guardian of Wealth Gesture)
1) Strongly focuses and concentratesenergy for the desired thing.
2) Puts powerful power behind future plans (accomplishing goals and what you want)
3) Stressesmore for future plans such as buying a car
, house, property or finding a spouse.
4) While doing this posture, bending upwards also helps in reducing sinus.
5) Imagine a goal or a particular desire while doing Kubera Mudra. Strength of thought is power
6) Confidence
7) It can also be used to search for something (lost object, parking spot etc.)
8) Physically
, it opens and deconstructsthe frontal sinus. Hold the pose while breathing as if you are smelling a flower
9) Regular practice of Kubera Mudra enhances memory and allows the practitioner to regain lost focus and concentration.
Linga Mudra(Mark of Siva)
1) Linga mudra generates excessive heat within t
bodyand is very useful for dealing with colds.
2) It also helps in boosting the immune system
and makes the body more resistant to colds
and similar infections.
3) The benefits of penis posture also extend to the
respiratory system and it can help loosen the
phlegm accumulated fromthe throat.
4) This posturealso helps in weight loss.
5) Discomfort experienced in an air conditioned roo
is relieved bythis mudra.
6) Difficulty in breathing can be relieved by thi
7) Congested nose can be relieved by this mudr
immediately and onecan get goodsleep.
8) It controls the flow of the menstrual cycle.
Performing the Linga mudra with the Sun
Mudra gives better results – both15 minutes
each, one after the other
9) When navel center is shifted from its original place,
comes back to its place by this mudra.
Maha Shirsha Mudra (Overactive Mind Relief Gesture)
 Relieves headaches, reduces tension in the eyes,
breaks up congestion in the frontal sinuses, and
improves mental clarity
 By using your ring finger (earth element), which
represents stability
, to push on the palm (the mind),
you reduce its fluctuations.
 The other elements are brought into balance as your
thumb (fire), index finger (air) and middle finger
(ether) come together
 This Mudra helps in curing headache.
 This Mudra should be performed for de-stressing
your Neck, Back and Spine. Also helpful in cases of
 This Mudra is also helpful on relaxing and calming
down your Eyes.
Mushti Mudra(Closed Fist Gesture)
 When
depress, discouraged or
physical discomforts like:
Shivering, phlegm in the wind pipe or feeling
of lethargy and inertia, perform this mudra for
50 minutes followed by prana mudra.
 Reduces the tingling in the body parts.
 This mudra is the combination of vayu mudra,
shoonya mudra, soorya mudra & jalodara
nashaka mudra which decreases all the four
elements there by solving the problems of the
excesses of the four elements namely vayu,
akasha, prithvi & jala.
 The agni affecting soorya mudra generates
heat and energy in the body
Naga Mudra (snake gesture)
1.This mudra kindles imagination.
2. Agni empowers pelvic region and solves the problems of the
womb, prostate gland and slowness in urination.
3.All five elements are increased hence intelligence
and wisdom grow and help in resolving day to day
4.Thinking becomes clear and one can face the world with a
fiery heart.
5.One has to ask questions about a problem to get the proper
Namaskar Mudra (My Essence Meets Y
our Essence Gesture)
Joining both hands in this simple
symmetrical way balances all your
energies, connecting the energetic
currents of your right-side, rational
brain with those of your left-side
intuitive brain.
Nivedana Mudra (Deep Listening Gesture)
• By pressing down on the middle finger
, you
bring the ether element under control.
• This helps you to focus by stopping any
wandering or chattering of the mind.
PadmaMudra (LotusGesture)
1) After this mudra you should feel frozen and strong like a
,opening yourheart for the happiness of life.
2) Lotus posture removes misunderstandings, helps release tension, and is also practiced
to increase the fire element in the body
. It is a wonderful reminder of the beauty and
grace around you and your surroundings.
) Y
ou can use it for cultivating love and affection, to reduce loneliness, and can also be
practiced when someoneisdrained,exploited,ormisunderstood.
4) By placing your finger and thumb sides together you intensify prana flow
. This mudra
directs back into yourheart centre the prana thatmight otherwise be dispersed.
Pankaja Mudra (Lotus Mudra)
 The thumb represents fire and the
little fingers represent water
 Joining these fingers means purifying
the body and mind.
 The thumb becomes calm and pure.
The body also becomes cool.
 This mudra pacifies fever in a short
 The beauty of the face is enhanced by
this mudra
Pitta Pacifying Mudra (Excess Heat Reducing Gesture)
The fire element represented by the thumb is pacified by the
earth and water elements of the ring and little fingers respectively
as it ‘bows’ to these elements.
Pitta Energizing Mudra (Blues banishing Gesture)
our right hand balances earth energy while your left hand reduces the
water element. The earth and water elements keep you immobile and
dampen your spirits. Reducing them allows the drive and inspiration of
your fire element to return.
Pooshana Mudra(god of nourishment)
1.This mudra has a relaxing effect on the solar
2. plexus - the area of stomach, liver
, spleen and gall bladder
3.Regulates energies in the automatic nervous system.
4.Mobilizes energies of elimination and detoxification.
5.Relieves acute nausea, flatulence, seasickness and the
6.feeling of fullness after meals.
7.Finger positions of the left hand aids in directing upwards. Concentration, memory
, logic,
9.enthusiasm are positively influenced.
10.If there are chronic complaints about lack of then the mudra of the right hand can be
12. modified as follows place the ring finger on top
13.of the little finger while the tip of the little finger touching the tip of the thumb. This alternate
15.finger position helps in activating energy in 16.the
pelvic floor
17.Excellent effect on general health.
1)Good for Eyes
2)Increases Stamina
3)Increases Vitality
4)Increases Strength
5)Strengthen and Boosts Immune System
6)Makes you mentally and physically Strong
7)Improves Vision
8)Blood Circulation and Purification
9)Builds Self Confidence
10)Renders Courage
11)Reduces Cramps
12)Prevents Insomnia
13)Bone and Cells Reproduction
14)Prana Mudra is like “cure for all” including cancer
It's regular practice.
On your right hand, by bringing the fire element of your thumb to the index and middle
fingers, you accentuate the air (index) and ether (middle finger) elements that relate to
prana, the subtle energy that causes you to breathe in.
On your left hand, by joining the thumb to the ring and middle fingers you accentuate
the earth (ring finger) and ether elements that relate to apana, the subtle energy that
enables you to breathe out.
 This Mudra is useful for people to sweat a lot,
this mudra helps the body to retain water
 There are no other specific uses of this Mudra.
 It is found that, if you have to pee but for some
reason you can’t go, performing this Mudra will
reduce the bladder pressure and you can hold it
in for a bit longer
Samana V
ayu Mudra (Gesture to coordinate all five elements)
1) SamanaVayuMudraimprovesdigestion.
2) Itbalances themetabolism.
3) Itimprovesthe functioning of the liver
4) SamanaVayu Mudra removeslossofappetite.
5) It balances the body energies and the Tri-Doshas
(Vata, Pitta and Kapha) of the body.
6) Samana Vayu mudra strengthens the body from
inside and givesconfidence of mind.
7) Ithelps with all gastrictroublesand hypertension.
Samasti Mudra
(Integrating Brain Hemispheres Gesture)
By holding down your ring and little fingers, you
reduce the heavy effect of the kapha elements of
earth and water on your mental faculties.
This releases your mind from restraints and helps
to integrate its components.
Sankalpa Mudra (Practice Intention Gesture)
The right hand, with the driving force of the thumb enhancing the earth element of the
ring finger, fosters your sense of inner stability and self-assurance.
The left hand brings the element of space into balance as the thumb presses on the
middle finger
Shaant Mudra (Calm Mudra)
 This Mudra is the Anger management
 It calms you down and helps in
reducing the stress.
Shankha Mudra (Conch Shell Gesture)
 One of the most important benefits of conch posture is the
 positive effect it has on the respiratory system.
 This mudra relieves allergies, caused by dust and smoke,
 so throat becomes clean; also pacifies skin rashes.
 T
onsillitis and other throat infections are cured.
 Shankha mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:
 Feverish feeling in the body
 Burning in the body/ body parts.
 Allergic disorders especially skin rashes.
 Voice larynx and throat pharynx problems.
 Weakness, paralysis of muscles.
 T
onsillitis and other throat infections are cured.
 Helps in increasing height of children.
 Kidney problems are cured.
Shanmukhi Mudra (Tuning Into Silence Gesture)
 By inserting your thumbs into your ears, you enhance your
connection to inner silence.
 The pressure of the other fingers closing your sense organs helps
 Quieten your other senses.
Shuni Mudra (Gesture for patience)
 Shuni Mudra helps to encourage
kindness, understanding, and patience
towards others.
 It also helps to develop great thoughts
and convert negative feelings into
positive ones.
 If you feel yourself impatient with or
towards someone then it is great to
 Ear ache subsides immediately
 Audio weakness is remedied
 Deafness is cured if it is not by birth
 Numbness in the head, body parts, chest, and
abdomen can be remedied by this mudra
 Ear ailments like pain, tinnitus (noises) acquired
deafness will be certainly remedied
 Vertigo problem will be solved instantly when it is
cured perform akasha mudra every day for 15 minutes.
 It is an excellent pose to deal with all hearing related
 It can be used to treat ringing in the ears, noise in the
ears, and partial or complete deafness.
 It can also help you recover from travel sickness or
 By pressing down on the middle finger (which
represents ether), you decrease the ether element in
your body
, neutralizing excess vata dosha.
Aachaman Mudra (Mudra of Reservoir)
• Create the bowl with your palm, put a spoonful of water in it,
and drink that water from the wrist end of the palm and
without making any sound while taking the sip.
• Perform this before you start eating your meals.
• This helps in proper digestion of the food you eat.
Abhaya Mudra (Have No Fear Gesture)
• This Mudra removes fear and creates a sense of
. This pose produces peace of mind, assurance
and benevolence.
• The person feels power and peace within himself
. If
Abhay Mudra is trying regularly then it awakens the
feeling of awareness as well as the feeling of altruism.
• Strengthens internal resolution
• Calms the mind
• Relieves feelings offear
• Affects the energetic system of the body and the flow of
• Calms the mind, reduces anxiety and inner conflict,
and removes attachment and aversion to thoughts,
Adho Mukha Mudra(Downward Facing Gesture)
The joined thumbs accentuate all the
manifestations of the fire
element within your body and mind, an
accelerate their effects, improving
eyesight and digestion, among other
At the same time, the pressure applied to the backs of the
fingers serves to decrease the effects of the air and space
Adi Mudra (Gesture to relax nervous system)
Relax the nervous system.
Helps reduce snoring
Improvement of oxygen flow to the head
Increases lung capacity
Helps to reduce snoring, bringing more oxygen to the throat and head.
Brings about balance in the body
, as the focus is on all the elements or energy points (7 Chakras
It helps to balance and heal the sense organs.
It stimulates the brain, thus activating the Sahasrara Chakra (Crown).
Adi Mudra has soothing effects on the nervous system and hence best done at the end of the
yoga session along with pranayama.
Relaxes the nervous system.
Helps reduce snoring.
Improves the flow of oxygen to the head.
Increases capacity of the lungs.
Agni Mudra (Fire Gesture)
•By freeing your thumbs from the other fingers, you free the fire
element from the influence of the four other elements.
• This strengthens the nourishing fiery energy yogis call samana
• Holding Agni Mudra can increase your sensations of vitality
and energy
Akasha Mudra(T
ouching the Void Gesture)
1.Helps to detoxify the body by the elimination of metabolic wastes
2.through exhaled air, sweat, urine and stools.
3.Helps to overcome feeling of fullness, heaviness in the body.
4.Helps to overcome discomfort caused by over eating.
5.Helps to relieve congestion and pain in the head due to migraine or
6.sinusitis, ears due to infection, chest congestion, infection, asthma etc.
7.Relieves pain in angina pectoris, regularizes heart beats and high blood pressure. Practice
this mudra daily for 50 minutes.
8.This mudra aids in meditation. It helps purify emotions and thoughts. Vibration can be
felt on the top of the head at Sahasrara Chakra and one gets divine power with an
increase in intuition and alertness.
Anjali Mudra (Gesture of Offering)
Joining and opening your hands with
palms facing up indicates that you
are giving with an open heart and
desire to receive inspiration.
Anjali Mudra (Gesture of prayer)
1)It promotes respect for oneself and others.
2)It is considered a natural treatment of stress and
3)anxiety and is useful for entering a state of meditation.
4)When practicing this mudra include your own metaphors,
5)such as masculine and feminine energy
, logic and intuition, and balance of power and
6)Calming and centering, facilitates connection to the heart and central channel
(sushumna-nadi), evokes feelings of humility
, reverence, and devotion.
7)This Mudra helps in maintaining a balance and proper co-ordination between the Right
and the Left hemisphere of the Human brain.
8)It helps in increasing the concentration for meditation.
9)Also, it calms down your mind and helps in reducing any confusion you might have.
Antarchaitanya Mudra (Mudra of Inner Glow)
It’s a Spiritual Mudra, which helps in increasing
your concentration.
Apan Vayu Mudra
(Gesture to save life – heart mudra)
• Apana vayu mudra is considered very beneficial for the heart.
• People with a history of heart diseases should practice this mudra reg
• The benefits of Apan vayu mudra are also available to those who suf
problems like heartburn andindigestion.
• It relieves angina immediately.
• It normalizes blood pressure and thus saves us from both high as
• well as low blood pressure, as it stimulates the circulatory system.
• In case of palpitations or weak pulse, this Mudra will normalize the
• pulse rate immediately.
• It helps in removing acidity, gas formation, erosion, irritation and
• strengthens the digestive system. It resolves all diseases of the intestines, colic, colitis,
• It is highly effective in respiratory diseases like asthma. This mudra helps the lungs in
their functioning, by cleansing the blood circulatory system. Those who feel difficulty in
climbing stairs or breathing fast should perform this pose for about 10 minutes before
climbing the stairs; they will feel much better.
• It is also highly effective in curing migraine. Migraine or headache is mainly due to weak
digestion or agitated nerves. As already mentioned, this pose calms the nervous system
and strengthens the digestive system, leaving no reason for migraine.
er from gastric
Apana Mudra(Cleansing Energy Gesture)
1. This is a cleansing Mudra, all the waste elements trapped in
our body are drivenoutthrough our sweat,urine and stool.
2. This Mudra is extremely useful if you are having any Gastro-
intestinal disorders
3. Acidityand are feeling constipated.
4. ThisMudra is useful for Diabetic patientsasit alsohelps in cleansing the pancreas.
5. ThisMudra alsohelps in cleaning your throatof the cough.
6. This Mudra helps to induce sweating to cool down the body temperature in
some diseases if needed.
7. One of the foremost important benefits of Apana Mudra is the ability to cleanse the
8. This posture helps the body to get rid of unwanted toxins and is also helpful
in dealing with constipation,flatulence, Auria,and the absenceof sweat.
9. Itis also said that childbirth is delayed at the time of birth.
10. Apan mudra clears out toxinsfromthe body.
11. Asa side benefitof removal of toxins,it strengthens each bodyorgan.
Archaka Mudra (worshipping)
Benefits: Improves concentration, calms the
nerves, and balances left and right hemispheres
of the brain.
Ashva-Ratna Mudra (Jewelled Horse
Benefits: Balances Earth, Water
and Fire Elements, benefiting
circulation, and overall
. Cuts through ego clinging
and narrow- mindedness, gives
new perspective on your choices
and life’s path.
Avahana Mudra (invitation or invocation)
Grounding and cantering, improves
digestion and assimilation,
strengthens devotion and
connection with one’s personal
deity or principle of divinity
, truth.
This Mudra Improved digestion and
assimilation, and also increases
your self- confidence.
Bhairava Mudra
(Fierce Determination Gesture)
Joining your hands in this way enhances
peaceful communication between the
two hemispheres of your brain. In terms
of yoga philosophy
, you bring about the
union of two of the main nadis, or energy
pathways: the ida channel that flows to
the left of your spine and the pingala to
the right.
Bhramara Mudra (Humming Bee Gesture)
Benefits: Improves the health of the lungs and large
intestine, balances the immune system (particularly in
cases of immune over-reaction), reduces allergic
reactions to food and pollen, soothes cough and
irritated lungs.
As you place your index fingers (air) on your thumbs
(fire), you decrease the fire element. Pressing the nail
of the middle fingers (ether) with the thumb increases
ether and stimulates your throat chakra and
communication skills.
Bhu Mudra(T
ouching the Earth Gesture)
The air and ether elements
your body
and mind
by the
connection of your index and
middle fingers to the earth.
Bhuchari Mudra (Gazing into the V
oid Gesture)
Amrita (the
immortality) is
nectar of
produced by a
minor centre of subtle energy
just above your palate known as
the soma chakra, then purified in
the vishuddha chakra. Normally,
the fluid flows down to the
manipura chakra, where it
consumed by the fire element,
reverses the
Bhumi Sparsha Mudra (Earth Witness Gesture)
our left hand faces up, ready to receive energy and
inspiration. As your left arm comes across your body it
creates an energetic circuit, completed when your right
hand touches the earth. Y
our right hand acts like a lightning
rod, grounding the energy running through your left hand.
Brahma or Poorna Mudra(Supreme Spirit Gesture)
1.It helps in Hyperthyroidism & Hypothyroidism, as it involves
Movement of the neck. Our thyroid gland
is located around the neck. So, it
stimulates the thyroid gland as well.
2.It improves spinal health, especially the cervical region located around the neck. It
can prevent the chances of getting cervical spondylitis.
3. Brings inner peace.
4. Good for eyesight.
5. It calms the imbalanced nervous system.
6. Helps to stimulate a full breathe.
7. In this mudra, the life force occurs to the whole body.
Chin Mudra (Unrestricted Consciousness Gesture)
1)Constructionof a pranic circuit, which maintains and
redirects the “prana” or energy flow within your body.
2)Improve and increase concentration even during
3) Increasing energy and stamina
4) Promotion of better sleep patterns
5) Reducescommon diseases such as lower back pain.
6)Relieving stress and any unnecessary tensionin the
7) Diffusion of energy based on Mooladhara Chakra.
8) Better retentionand concentration power.
9) Improves sleeppattern.
10) Increases energy in the body.
11) Alleviateslower backache.
Chinmaya Mudra (Gesture of Manifested Consciousness)
1)Improves the flow of energy in the body.
2) Stimulates digestion.
3)When stress and anxiety levels are under control, it leads to overall
improvement in body health, including blood pressure. However care should
be taken to practice under the guidance of a yoga teacher
4)When awareness is gained with the practice of Chinmaya Mudra, students
who struggle with anxiety and stress levels. Finding their root cause will help
them recover and hence help them to remain calm and stress-free.
5)Improves the flow of energy in the body.
6)Stimulates digestion.
Dhyana Mudra(Meditation Gesture)
Benefits: Helps in increasing concentration. Frees you from all the stress and
The palm contains heart related related nerve centers and the back of the hand
contains the spine related nerve centers.
So, placing the palms one upon the other
, activate the centers of heart, lungs,
pancreas and kidneys on one hand and spinal nerve points on the other
Ganesha Mudra(Remover of Obstacles)
1.Strengths the shoulders.
2. Activates heart and lungs.
3.Opens the Anahata chakra ans
instills courage to face any situation.
4.Ganapa has respect even for a small
mouse. This mudra encourages
mutual respect and harmony in the
5.The benefits of Ganesh Mudra extend to the muscles of the heart, the
muscles of the chest, shoulders and arms.
6. It also helps to relieve any pain from shoulder and chest.
Garuda Mudra (Eagle Gesture)
1.The mudra empowers vital organs of elimination, digestion,
respiration and blood circulation.
2.Pain during the menstruation subsides and the problems related to
prostate gland are resolved.
3. Stomach pain subsides gets solved.
4. Respiratory problem gets solved.
5. Tiredness and fatigue are removed.
. T
ension is removed.
7.Garuda mudra activates the circulation and blood flow of our body
and helps to balance the energies of the body
Gnana Mudra (A Gesture of knowledge)
1)Increases Memory Power
2) Sharpens Brain
3) Enhances Concentration
4) Prevents Insomnia
5) Prevents High blood Pressure
6) Reduces Mental Imbalance
7) Reduces Paranoia
8) Reduces Insanity
9) Reduces Anger
10) Decreases Laziness
11) Increases Happiness
12)Improves Efficiency of Nervous System
13)Beneficial for people having Migraine 14)Helps
in treatment of Depression and Agitation
Granthita Mudra(Knot Gesture)
Benefits: Prepares the mind for meditation,
opens Vishuddhi Chakra (the throat center),
benefits the voice, improves thyroid
function, increases the body’s self-healing
, especially in cases of cancer
By joining thumb and index fingers, you
accentuate the air element of the index
fingers by adding fire; making two circles
doubles the potency
. Interlocking the other
fingers adds the support of the other
Guru Mudra (Jupiter Gesture)
Placing your thumbs in this position promotes the steadiness of the
manipura chakra at the horizontal centre of your body
, leading to
increased emotional and energetic balance. If you meditate,
practising with your hands in this mudra helps align the spine,
creating vertical balance in your body
, too.
Hakini Mudra (Problem Solving Gesture)
1)Improve concentration and memory
2) Promote coordination between the left and right
hemispheres of the brain
3)Creating a sense of peace, which opens the mind to
clear thinking there are no known side effects associated
with hakinese posture.
4)Each fingertip stimulates and balances the respective
element and rebalances the energy of your ajna chakra.
Hridaya Mudra(Compassionate Heart Gesture)
 The heart posture improves the strength and
vitality of the heart by directing the flow of prana
(life force) from the hands to the area of the heart.
 This is very simple and safe to practice, yet
incredibly beneficial for the heart – which we trust
because of the source of our life force.
 Practices of this mudra are related to the heart and
digestive system, diseases like a migraine, blood
pressure (better oxygen to the heart) or asthma are
under control and can be cured by repeated
 The air element of the index finger bows deeply to
the fire energy of the thumb in this mudra. Y
thumb closes a circuit of energy by joining its fire
with both the stability of the ring (earth) finger and
the freedom of the middle (ether) finger

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  • 1. Benefits:  This pose helps to warm the body and increase metabolism.  It is an excellent asana for those who want to lose weight.  It can also be used to treat the common cold.  Surya mudra helps in dissolving extra fat, thus helps control obesity and brings down high (Bad) LDL cholesterol levels.  It improves metabolism, promoting weight loss. It also reduces tension and stress.  Strengthens the eyes and improves vision.  It is excellent for people with high Kapha constitution (heavy, slow, laid back attitude, excess mucous). It helps them by increasing alertness and mobility.  The mudra is helpful for people who have intolerance to cold and encounter frequent shivering.  Helps in treating the flu.
  • 2. Udana Mudra (Upward Flying Energy Gesture) Benefits:  Udana mudra benefits the vocal cords (voice), the respiratory system and the thyroid - parathyroid glands.  Parathyroid gland is in control of kidneys. With this mudra the para thyroid gland functions well and the kidney problems are solved.  The speech becomes clear . The respiratory system works better . Limbs get strength and they becomes strong.  The air element in your index finger is stimulated by the fire of the thumb as you join their tips, and then freed of all limitations by the ether element when you apply pressure with the middle finger . The air and ether activate the throat chakra when positioned one upon the other .
  • 3. Ushakaal Mudra (Mudra of Morning) Benefits: This is an extremely useful Mudra if you want to make a habit for waking up early for exercise and workout. This mudra awakens the body and mind in morning hours.
  • 4. VAAYU MUDRA (WIND GESTURE) Benefits:  This Mudra helps in reducing the increased wind element. Helps in trembling and shivers.  Helps in arthritis and joint pains.  Helps in maintaining proper Blood Flow. Helps in reducing gases.
  • 5. Varada Mudra(Forgiveness Gesture) Benefits: Bringing all your fingers together indicates that all your elemental energies are united. Having the hand facing down demonstrates an attitude of humility and loving generosity.
  • 6. Varuna Mudra(Water Balancing Gesture) Benefits:  Dryness of eyes.  Dryness of the digestive tract (mouth, throat, and intestines)  Dryness of the skin leading to cracks, dry eczema, psoriasis, etc.  Degeneration of joint-cartilage, Osteo-Arthritis  This mudra helps in indigestion, constipation problems of the digestive system, etc.  Varuna Mudra also prevents acne or pimple.  Anaemia  Cramps, dehydration  Deficiency of hormones  Scanty urination  Scanty semen  Scanty menses  Loss of taste sensation, tongue-disorders  This Mudra is extremely useful when you are suffering from Diarrhoea and similar Gastro-intestinal disorders.
  • 7. Vishnu Mudra(Universal Balance Gesture) Benefits:  Your right thumb represents the fire element and the manipura chakra while your little finger is associated with water and the swadhisthana chakra, and your ring finger with the earth element and the muladhara chakra.  Extending these fingers balances your three lower chakras.
  • 8. Vyana Mudra (Expansive Prana Gesture) Benefits: Blood pressure either high or low is regulated and balanced. Lack of initiative, enthusiasm, slowness of thoughts and perception is corrected with vyana mudra. Drowsiness, excessive sleep is overcome. Intolerance to heat, sunstroke can be averted. Excessive sweating, thirst, urination, loose motions and menorrhagia can be overcome. When the fire element of your thumb joins the airiness of the index finger, it generates a burning desire for peace. By adding pressure from your middle finger (associated with the expansive nature of the element ether, or space), your aspiration radiates into the environment.
  • 9. Yoni Mudra (Gesture to detach from outer world chaos) Benefits:  Stress Relief  Relaxation and rejuvenation of the mind. Stabilizing the nervous system  Maintaining mental clarity and relaxation  Achieving spiritual peace and mental growth.  From the age of about thirteen girls have their periods and they get pain in the lower abdomen. Performing this mudra only for 5-10 minutes relieves the pain.  Scanty or excess bleeding will be regulated.  Practicing this mudra every day for 10 minutes followed by prana mudra will solve the menopause related problems.
  • 10. Jalodar Nashak Mudra (Water Reducing Gesture) Benefits: 1. Jalodara is a Sanskrit term for the disease - Dropsy. This disease is 2. caused due to excess of water content in the stomach. This mudra is the disease - Jalodara. 2.This mudra can cure elephantitis. 3.Swelling in any part of the body like face, hands and legs can be cured with this mudra. 4.This mudra cures excessive salivation, water eyes, running nose, hyperacidity, diarrhoea (loose motion). 5. Pleurisy, effusion in a joint is cured. 6. Excessive menses is balanced. 7. Excessive urination is cured. 8. Menstrual date can be postponed by the practice of this mudra for 15 minutes daily 3 days prior to the date of periods. 9. By depressing the littlefinger (representing water) with your thumb, element within your body. named after the curing of you reduce the water
  • 11. Kaleshwara Mudra (Lord of Time Gesture) Benefits: •Helps in attaining a peaceful mind. Increases concentration. •This Mudra is helpful in improving digestion. •If you are feeling down, this Mudra will elevate your mood. •Bringing the middle fingers together enhances the ether element, causing greater awareness of time and space (here and now). Depressing the other fingers reduces the effects of the other elements, except fire, the driving force, which is emphasized as you point both thumbs to your centre.
  • 12. Kamajayi Mudra (Victory over Excessive Desires Gesture) Benefits: By pushing on the thumb nail, you reduce any excesses of the fire element, such as too much heat in the body , which can cause anger and rage and instead focus your energy in healthier and more creative directions.
  • 13. Kangula Mudra (Mudra of Hidden Potential) Benefits: This is a harmonizing Mudra which corrects any arrhythmic frequencies in your body and improves digestion and assimilation capabilities. also
  • 14. Karana Mudra(Instrument Gesture) Benefits:  Cleansing and purifying, benefits the bladder , colon, and large intestine, detoxifies body and mind, assists with the release of negative patterns and habits.  By pressing down on the nails of the middle and ring fingers, you are reducing the influence of both the ether (enclosing space) and earth (grounding) elements.  At the same time you free the purifying effects of the water element (your little finger) and the expansive effects of your airy index finger .
  • 15. Kidney Mudra Benefits:  The problem of running nose and watering of eyes is cured.  Throat pain is pacified immediately .  Problems of phlegm in the throat and lungs is cured.  Helps in curing kidney related problems.  Helps in curing dropsy .  Loose motion is cured immediately .  Discontinue performing this mudra when alignment is cured.
  • 16. Kshepana Mudra(Letting Go Gesture) Benefits: By joining the energies of both index you fingers (representing air), stimulate the air element, creating a gentle internal ‘breeze’ that blows away the pollution of life and stale ideas.
  • 17. Kubera Mudra (Guardian of Wealth Gesture) Benefits: 1) Strongly focuses and concentratesenergy for the desired thing. 2) Puts powerful power behind future plans (accomplishing goals and what you want) 3) Stressesmore for future plans such as buying a car , house, property or finding a spouse. 4) While doing this posture, bending upwards also helps in reducing sinus. 5) Imagine a goal or a particular desire while doing Kubera Mudra. Strength of thought is power . 6) Confidence 7) It can also be used to search for something (lost object, parking spot etc.) 8) Physically , it opens and deconstructsthe frontal sinus. Hold the pose while breathing as if you are smelling a flower . 9) Regular practice of Kubera Mudra enhances memory and allows the practitioner to regain lost focus and concentration.
  • 18. Linga Mudra(Mark of Siva) Benefits: 1) Linga mudra generates excessive heat within t bodyand is very useful for dealing with colds. 2) It also helps in boosting the immune system and makes the body more resistant to colds and similar infections. 3) The benefits of penis posture also extend to the respiratory system and it can help loosen the phlegm accumulated fromthe throat. he m s a 4) This posturealso helps in weight loss. 5) Discomfort experienced in an air conditioned roo is relieved bythis mudra. 6) Difficulty in breathing can be relieved by thi mudra. 7) Congested nose can be relieved by this mudr immediately and onecan get goodsleep. 8) It controls the flow of the menstrual cycle. Performing the Linga mudra with the Sun Mudra gives better results – both15 minutes each, one after the other . 9) When navel center is shifted from its original place, comes back to its place by this mudra.
  • 19. Maha Shirsha Mudra (Overactive Mind Relief Gesture) Benefits:  Relieves headaches, reduces tension in the eyes, breaks up congestion in the frontal sinuses, and improves mental clarity .  By using your ring finger (earth element), which represents stability , to push on the palm (the mind), you reduce its fluctuations.  The other elements are brought into balance as your thumb (fire), index finger (air) and middle finger (ether) come together .  This Mudra helps in curing headache.  This Mudra should be performed for de-stressing your Neck, Back and Spine. Also helpful in cases of Indigestion.  This Mudra is also helpful on relaxing and calming down your Eyes.
  • 20. Mushti Mudra(Closed Fist Gesture) Benefits:  When suffering feeling from depress, discouraged or physical discomforts like: Shivering, phlegm in the wind pipe or feeling of lethargy and inertia, perform this mudra for 50 minutes followed by prana mudra.  Reduces the tingling in the body parts.  This mudra is the combination of vayu mudra, shoonya mudra, soorya mudra & jalodara nashaka mudra which decreases all the four elements there by solving the problems of the excesses of the four elements namely vayu, akasha, prithvi & jala.  The agni affecting soorya mudra generates heat and energy in the body .
  • 21. Naga Mudra (snake gesture) Benefits: 1.This mudra kindles imagination. 2. Agni empowers pelvic region and solves the problems of the womb, prostate gland and slowness in urination. 3.All five elements are increased hence intelligence and wisdom grow and help in resolving day to day problems. 4.Thinking becomes clear and one can face the world with a fiery heart. 5.One has to ask questions about a problem to get the proper advice.
  • 22. Namaskar Mudra (My Essence Meets Y our Essence Gesture) Benefits: Joining both hands in this simple symmetrical way balances all your energies, connecting the energetic currents of your right-side, rational brain with those of your left-side intuitive brain.
  • 23. Nivedana Mudra (Deep Listening Gesture) Benefits: • By pressing down on the middle finger , you bring the ether element under control. • This helps you to focus by stopping any wandering or chattering of the mind.
  • 24. PadmaMudra (LotusGesture) Benefits: 1) After this mudra you should feel frozen and strong like a lotusflower ,opening yourheart for the happiness of life. 2) Lotus posture removes misunderstandings, helps release tension, and is also practiced to increase the fire element in the body . It is a wonderful reminder of the beauty and grace around you and your surroundings. 3 ) Y ou can use it for cultivating love and affection, to reduce loneliness, and can also be practiced when someoneisdrained,exploited,ormisunderstood. 4) By placing your finger and thumb sides together you intensify prana flow . This mudra directs back into yourheart centre the prana thatmight otherwise be dispersed.
  • 25. Pankaja Mudra (Lotus Mudra) Benefits:  The thumb represents fire and the little fingers represent water .  Joining these fingers means purifying the body and mind.  The thumb becomes calm and pure. The body also becomes cool.  This mudra pacifies fever in a short time.  The beauty of the face is enhanced by this mudra
  • 26. Pitta Pacifying Mudra (Excess Heat Reducing Gesture) Benefits: The fire element represented by the thumb is pacified by the earth and water elements of the ring and little fingers respectively as it ‘bows’ to these elements.
  • 27. Pitta Energizing Mudra (Blues banishing Gesture) Benefits: Y our right hand balances earth energy while your left hand reduces the water element. The earth and water elements keep you immobile and dampen your spirits. Reducing them allows the drive and inspiration of your fire element to return.
  • 28. Pooshana Mudra(god of nourishment) Benefits: 1.This mudra has a relaxing effect on the solar 2. plexus - the area of stomach, liver , spleen and gall bladder . 3.Regulates energies in the automatic nervous system. 4.Mobilizes energies of elimination and detoxification. 5.Relieves acute nausea, flatulence, seasickness and the 6.feeling of fullness after meals. 7.Finger positions of the left hand aids in directing upwards. Concentration, memory , logic, 9.enthusiasm are positively influenced. 10.If there are chronic complaints about lack of then the mudra of the right hand can be 12. modified as follows place the ring finger on top 13.of the little finger while the tip of the little finger touching the tip of the thumb. This alternate 15.finger position helps in activating energy in 16.the pelvic floor . 17.Excellent effect on general health.
  • 29. PRANA MUDRA (LIFE FORCEGESTURE) Benefits: 1)Good for Eyes 2)Increases Stamina 3)Increases Vitality 4)Increases Strength 5)Strengthen and Boosts Immune System 6)Makes you mentally and physically Strong 7)Improves Vision 8)Blood Circulation and Purification 9)Builds Self Confidence 10)Renders Courage 11)Reduces Cramps 12)Prevents Insomnia 13)Bone and Cells Reproduction 14)Prana Mudra is like “cure for all” including cancer . It's regular practice.
  • 30. PranapanaMudra(T akingInandThrowingOutGesture) Benefits: On your right hand, by bringing the fire element of your thumb to the index and middle fingers, you accentuate the air (index) and ether (middle finger) elements that relate to prana, the subtle energy that causes you to breathe in. On your left hand, by joining the thumb to the ring and middle fingers you accentuate the earth (ring finger) and ether elements that relate to apana, the subtle energy that enables you to breathe out.
  • 31. RUKSHA MUDRA (DRY MUDRA) Benefits:  This Mudra is useful for people to sweat a lot, this mudra helps the body to retain water .  There are no other specific uses of this Mudra.  It is found that, if you have to pee but for some reason you can’t go, performing this Mudra will reduce the bladder pressure and you can hold it in for a bit longer .
  • 32. Samana V ayu Mudra (Gesture to coordinate all five elements) Benefits: 1) SamanaVayuMudraimprovesdigestion. 2) Itbalances themetabolism. 3) Itimprovesthe functioning of the liver . 4) SamanaVayu Mudra removeslossofappetite. 5) It balances the body energies and the Tri-Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) of the body. 6) Samana Vayu mudra strengthens the body from inside and givesconfidence of mind. 7) Ithelps with all gastrictroublesand hypertension.
  • 33. Samasti Mudra (Integrating Brain Hemispheres Gesture) Benefits: By holding down your ring and little fingers, you reduce the heavy effect of the kapha elements of earth and water on your mental faculties. This releases your mind from restraints and helps to integrate its components.
  • 34. Sankalpa Mudra (Practice Intention Gesture) Benefits: The right hand, with the driving force of the thumb enhancing the earth element of the ring finger, fosters your sense of inner stability and self-assurance. The left hand brings the element of space into balance as the thumb presses on the middle finger .
  • 35. Shaant Mudra (Calm Mudra) Benefits:  This Mudra is the Anger management mudra.  It calms you down and helps in reducing the stress.
  • 36. Shankha Mudra (Conch Shell Gesture) Benefits:  One of the most important benefits of conch posture is the  positive effect it has on the respiratory system.  This mudra relieves allergies, caused by dust and smoke,  so throat becomes clean; also pacifies skin rashes.  T onsillitis and other throat infections are cured.  Shankha mudra can be used to overcome the following disorders:  Feverish feeling in the body .  Burning in the body/ body parts.  Allergic disorders especially skin rashes.  Voice larynx and throat pharynx problems.  Weakness, paralysis of muscles.  T onsillitis and other throat infections are cured.  Helps in increasing height of children.  Kidney problems are cured.
  • 37. Shanmukhi Mudra (Tuning Into Silence Gesture) Benefits:  By inserting your thumbs into your ears, you enhance your connection to inner silence.  The pressure of the other fingers closing your sense organs helps to  Quieten your other senses.
  • 38. Shuni Mudra (Gesture for patience) Benefits:  Shuni Mudra helps to encourage kindness, understanding, and patience towards others.  It also helps to develop great thoughts and convert negative feelings into positive ones.  If you feel yourself impatient with or towards someone then it is great to use.
  • 39. Benefits:  Ear ache subsides immediately  Audio weakness is remedied  Deafness is cured if it is not by birth  Numbness in the head, body parts, chest, and abdomen can be remedied by this mudra  Ear ailments like pain, tinnitus (noises) acquired deafness will be certainly remedied  Vertigo problem will be solved instantly when it is cured perform akasha mudra every day for 15 minutes.  It is an excellent pose to deal with all hearing related problems.  It can be used to treat ringing in the ears, noise in the ears, and partial or complete deafness.  It can also help you recover from travel sickness or vertigo.  By pressing down on the middle finger (which represents ether), you decrease the ether element in your body , neutralizing excess vata dosha.
  • 40. Aachaman Mudra (Mudra of Reservoir) Benefits: • Create the bowl with your palm, put a spoonful of water in it, and drink that water from the wrist end of the palm and without making any sound while taking the sip. • Perform this before you start eating your meals. • This helps in proper digestion of the food you eat.
  • 41. Abhaya Mudra (Have No Fear Gesture) Benefits: • This Mudra removes fear and creates a sense of security . This pose produces peace of mind, assurance and benevolence. • The person feels power and peace within himself . If Abhay Mudra is trying regularly then it awakens the feeling of awareness as well as the feeling of altruism. • Strengthens internal resolution • Calms the mind • Relieves feelings offear • Affects the energetic system of the body and the flow of life. • Calms the mind, reduces anxiety and inner conflict, and removes attachment and aversion to thoughts, emotions,andsensations.
  • 42. Adho Mukha Mudra(Downward Facing Gesture) Benefits: The joined thumbs accentuate all the manifestations of the fire element within your body and mind, an accelerate their effects, improving eyesight and digestion, among other things. At the same time, the pressure applied to the backs of the fingers serves to decrease the effects of the air and space elements. d
  • 43. Adi Mudra (Gesture to relax nervous system) Benefits: Relax the nervous system. Helps reduce snoring Improvement of oxygen flow to the head Increases lung capacity Helps to reduce snoring, bringing more oxygen to the throat and head. Brings about balance in the body , as the focus is on all the elements or energy points (7 Chakras Y oga). It helps to balance and heal the sense organs. It stimulates the brain, thus activating the Sahasrara Chakra (Crown). Adi Mudra has soothing effects on the nervous system and hence best done at the end of the yoga session along with pranayama. Relaxes the nervous system. Helps reduce snoring. Improves the flow of oxygen to the head. Increases capacity of the lungs.
  • 44. Agni Mudra (Fire Gesture) Benefits: •By freeing your thumbs from the other fingers, you free the fire element from the influence of the four other elements. • This strengthens the nourishing fiery energy yogis call samana vayu. • Holding Agni Mudra can increase your sensations of vitality and energy .
  • 45. Akasha Mudra(T ouching the Void Gesture) Benefits: 1.Helps to detoxify the body by the elimination of metabolic wastes 2.through exhaled air, sweat, urine and stools. 3.Helps to overcome feeling of fullness, heaviness in the body. 4.Helps to overcome discomfort caused by over eating. 5.Helps to relieve congestion and pain in the head due to migraine or 6.sinusitis, ears due to infection, chest congestion, infection, asthma etc. 7.Relieves pain in angina pectoris, regularizes heart beats and high blood pressure. Practice this mudra daily for 50 minutes. 8.This mudra aids in meditation. It helps purify emotions and thoughts. Vibration can be felt on the top of the head at Sahasrara Chakra and one gets divine power with an increase in intuition and alertness.
  • 46. Anjali Mudra (Gesture of Offering) Benefits: Joining and opening your hands with palms facing up indicates that you are giving with an open heart and desire to receive inspiration.
  • 47. Anjali Mudra (Gesture of prayer) Benefits: 1)It promotes respect for oneself and others. 2)It is considered a natural treatment of stress and 3)anxiety and is useful for entering a state of meditation. 4)When practicing this mudra include your own metaphors, 5)such as masculine and feminine energy , logic and intuition, and balance of power and tenderness. 6)Calming and centering, facilitates connection to the heart and central channel (sushumna-nadi), evokes feelings of humility , reverence, and devotion. 7)This Mudra helps in maintaining a balance and proper co-ordination between the Right and the Left hemisphere of the Human brain. 8)It helps in increasing the concentration for meditation. 9)Also, it calms down your mind and helps in reducing any confusion you might have.
  • 48. Antarchaitanya Mudra (Mudra of Inner Glow) Benefits: It’s a Spiritual Mudra, which helps in increasing your concentration.
  • 49. Apan Vayu Mudra (Gesture to save life – heart mudra) Benefits: • Apana vayu mudra is considered very beneficial for the heart. • People with a history of heart diseases should practice this mudra reg • The benefits of Apan vayu mudra are also available to those who suf problems like heartburn andindigestion. • It relieves angina immediately. • It normalizes blood pressure and thus saves us from both high as • well as low blood pressure, as it stimulates the circulatory system. • In case of palpitations or weak pulse, this Mudra will normalize the • pulse rate immediately. • It helps in removing acidity, gas formation, erosion, irritation and • strengthens the digestive system. It resolves all diseases of the intestines, colic, colitis, etc.; • It is highly effective in respiratory diseases like asthma. This mudra helps the lungs in their functioning, by cleansing the blood circulatory system. Those who feel difficulty in climbing stairs or breathing fast should perform this pose for about 10 minutes before climbing the stairs; they will feel much better. • It is also highly effective in curing migraine. Migraine or headache is mainly due to weak digestion or agitated nerves. As already mentioned, this pose calms the nervous system and strengthens the digestive system, leaving no reason for migraine. ularly. er from gastric f
  • 50. Apana Mudra(Cleansing Energy Gesture) Benefits: 1. This is a cleansing Mudra, all the waste elements trapped in our body are drivenoutthrough our sweat,urine and stool. 2. This Mudra is extremely useful if you are having any Gastro- intestinal disorders 3. Acidityand are feeling constipated. 4. ThisMudra is useful for Diabetic patientsasit alsohelps in cleansing the pancreas. 5. ThisMudra alsohelps in cleaning your throatof the cough. 6. This Mudra helps to induce sweating to cool down the body temperature in some diseases if needed. 7. One of the foremost important benefits of Apana Mudra is the ability to cleanse the body. 8. This posture helps the body to get rid of unwanted toxins and is also helpful in dealing with constipation,flatulence, Auria,and the absenceof sweat. 9. Itis also said that childbirth is delayed at the time of birth. 10. Apan mudra clears out toxinsfromthe body. 11. Asa side benefitof removal of toxins,it strengthens each bodyorgan.
  • 51. Archaka Mudra (worshipping) Benefits: Improves concentration, calms the nerves, and balances left and right hemispheres of the brain.
  • 52. Ashva-Ratna Mudra (Jewelled Horse Gesture) Benefits: Balances Earth, Water , and Fire Elements, benefiting circulation, and overall digestion, vitality . Cuts through ego clinging and narrow- mindedness, gives new perspective on your choices and life’s path.
  • 53. Avahana Mudra (invitation or invocation) Benefits: Grounding and cantering, improves digestion and assimilation, strengthens devotion and connection with one’s personal deity or principle of divinity , truth. This Mudra Improved digestion and assimilation, and also increases your self- confidence.
  • 54. Bhairava Mudra (Fierce Determination Gesture) Benefits: Joining your hands in this way enhances peaceful communication between the two hemispheres of your brain. In terms of yoga philosophy , you bring about the union of two of the main nadis, or energy pathways: the ida channel that flows to the left of your spine and the pingala to the right.
  • 55. Bhramara Mudra (Humming Bee Gesture) Benefits: Improves the health of the lungs and large intestine, balances the immune system (particularly in cases of immune over-reaction), reduces allergic reactions to food and pollen, soothes cough and irritated lungs. As you place your index fingers (air) on your thumbs (fire), you decrease the fire element. Pressing the nail of the middle fingers (ether) with the thumb increases ether and stimulates your throat chakra and communication skills.
  • 56. Bhu Mudra(T ouching the Earth Gesture) Benefits: The air and ether elements within are your body grounded and mind by the connection of your index and middle fingers to the earth.
  • 57. Bhuchari Mudra (Gazing into the V oid Gesture) Benefits: Amrita (the immortality) is nectar of produced by a minor centre of subtle energy just above your palate known as the soma chakra, then purified in the vishuddha chakra. Normally, the fluid flows down to the is manipura chakra, where it consumed by the fire element, causing Bhuchari process. physical Mudra degeneration. reverses the
  • 58. Bhumi Sparsha Mudra (Earth Witness Gesture) Benefits: Y our left hand faces up, ready to receive energy and inspiration. As your left arm comes across your body it creates an energetic circuit, completed when your right hand touches the earth. Y our right hand acts like a lightning rod, grounding the energy running through your left hand.
  • 59. Brahma or Poorna Mudra(Supreme Spirit Gesture) Benefits: 1.It helps in Hyperthyroidism & Hypothyroidism, as it involves Movement of the neck. Our thyroid gland is located around the neck. So, it stimulates the thyroid gland as well. 2.It improves spinal health, especially the cervical region located around the neck. It can prevent the chances of getting cervical spondylitis. 3. Brings inner peace. 4. Good for eyesight. 5. It calms the imbalanced nervous system. 6. Helps to stimulate a full breathe. 7. In this mudra, the life force occurs to the whole body.
  • 60. Chin Mudra (Unrestricted Consciousness Gesture) Benefits: 1)Constructionof a pranic circuit, which maintains and redirects the “prana” or energy flow within your body. 2)Improve and increase concentration even during meditation. 3) Increasing energy and stamina 4) Promotion of better sleep patterns 5) Reducescommon diseases such as lower back pain. 6)Relieving stress and any unnecessary tensionin the body 7) Diffusion of energy based on Mooladhara Chakra. 8) Better retentionand concentration power. 9) Improves sleeppattern. 10) Increases energy in the body. 11) Alleviateslower backache.
  • 61. Chinmaya Mudra (Gesture of Manifested Consciousness) Benefits: 1)Improves the flow of energy in the body. 2) Stimulates digestion. 3)When stress and anxiety levels are under control, it leads to overall improvement in body health, including blood pressure. However care should be taken to practice under the guidance of a yoga teacher . 4)When awareness is gained with the practice of Chinmaya Mudra, students who struggle with anxiety and stress levels. Finding their root cause will help them recover and hence help them to remain calm and stress-free. 5)Improves the flow of energy in the body. 6)Stimulates digestion.
  • 62. Dhyana Mudra(Meditation Gesture) Benefits: Helps in increasing concentration. Frees you from all the stress and tensions. The palm contains heart related related nerve centers and the back of the hand contains the spine related nerve centers. So, placing the palms one upon the other , activate the centers of heart, lungs, pancreas and kidneys on one hand and spinal nerve points on the other .
  • 63. Ganesha Mudra(Remover of Obstacles) Benefits: 1.Strengths the shoulders. 2. Activates heart and lungs. 3.Opens the Anahata chakra ans instills courage to face any situation. 4.Ganapa has respect even for a small mouse. This mudra encourages mutual respect and harmony in the society. 5.The benefits of Ganesh Mudra extend to the muscles of the heart, the muscles of the chest, shoulders and arms. 6. It also helps to relieve any pain from shoulder and chest.
  • 64. Garuda Mudra (Eagle Gesture) Benefits: 1.The mudra empowers vital organs of elimination, digestion, respiration and blood circulation. 2.Pain during the menstruation subsides and the problems related to prostate gland are resolved. 3. Stomach pain subsides gets solved. 4. Respiratory problem gets solved. 5. Tiredness and fatigue are removed. 6 . T ension is removed. 7.Garuda mudra activates the circulation and blood flow of our body and helps to balance the energies of the body .
  • 65. Gnana Mudra (A Gesture of knowledge) Benefits: 1)Increases Memory Power 2) Sharpens Brain 3) Enhances Concentration 4) Prevents Insomnia 5) Prevents High blood Pressure 6) Reduces Mental Imbalance 7) Reduces Paranoia 8) Reduces Insanity 9) Reduces Anger 10) Decreases Laziness 11) Increases Happiness 12)Improves Efficiency of Nervous System 13)Beneficial for people having Migraine 14)Helps in treatment of Depression and Agitation
  • 66. Granthita Mudra(Knot Gesture) Benefits: Prepares the mind for meditation, opens Vishuddhi Chakra (the throat center), benefits the voice, improves thyroid function, increases the body’s self-healing capacity , especially in cases of cancer . By joining thumb and index fingers, you accentuate the air element of the index fingers by adding fire; making two circles doubles the potency . Interlocking the other fingers adds the support of the other elements.
  • 67. Guru Mudra (Jupiter Gesture) Benefits: Placing your thumbs in this position promotes the steadiness of the manipura chakra at the horizontal centre of your body , leading to increased emotional and energetic balance. If you meditate, practising with your hands in this mudra helps align the spine, creating vertical balance in your body , too.
  • 68. Hakini Mudra (Problem Solving Gesture) Benefits: 1)Improve concentration and memory 2) Promote coordination between the left and right hemispheres of the brain 3)Creating a sense of peace, which opens the mind to clear thinking there are no known side effects associated with hakinese posture. 4)Each fingertip stimulates and balances the respective element and rebalances the energy of your ajna chakra.
  • 69. Hridaya Mudra(Compassionate Heart Gesture) Benefits:  The heart posture improves the strength and vitality of the heart by directing the flow of prana (life force) from the hands to the area of the heart.  This is very simple and safe to practice, yet incredibly beneficial for the heart – which we trust because of the source of our life force.  Practices of this mudra are related to the heart and digestive system, diseases like a migraine, blood pressure (better oxygen to the heart) or asthma are under control and can be cured by repeated exercises.  The air element of the index finger bows deeply to the fire energy of the thumb in this mudra. Y our thumb closes a circuit of energy by joining its fire with both the stability of the ring (earth) finger and the freedom of the middle (ether) finger .