Wireless technology uses radio waves to transmit and receive data without wires. It is increasingly used for data transmission. There are several types of wireless communication technologies including satellite, wireless networking, WiMAX, and Wi-Fi. Wireless data transmission can occur through wireless routers, wireless adapters, wireless repeaters, microwave transmission between towers, and infrared light transmission between devices. Common wireless devices include radios, wireless phones, and other devices that use radio signals like garage door openers. While wireless networks are cheaper to install and allow quick information transmission, they present security risks as hackers can easily capture wireless signals without authorization.
WIRELESS NETWORKS & CELLULAR WIRELESS NETWORKS Wireless network, Wireless network Architecture Classification of wireless networks – WBAN, WPAN, WLAN, WMAN, WWAN. IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.16, Bluetooth – Standards, Architecture and Services Principles of cellular networks – cellular network organization Operation of cellular systems, Generation of cellular networks – 1G, 2G, 2.5G, 3G and 4G.
This document discusses wireless technology and wireless networks. It defines wireless as technology that does not require wires and describes various wireless systems including radio, satellite radio and TV, and wireless internet access. It provides a brief history of wireless networks and defines types of wireless networks including WPANs, WLANs, WMANs, and WWANs. It also discusses wireless access points, wireless routers, and different wireless communication technologies such as radio transmission, microwave transmission, infrared waves, and light wave transmission.
The past several years have witnessed a rapid development in the wireless network area. So far wireless networking has been focused on high-speed and long range applications. Zigbee technology was developed for a Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN), aimed at control and military applications with low data rate and low power consumption. Zigbee is a standard defines the set of communication protocols for low-data-rate short-range wireless networking. Zigbee-based wireless devices operate in 868 MHz, 915 MHz, and 2.4 GHz frequency bands. The maximum data rate is 250K bits per second. Zigbee is mainly for battery-powered applications where low data rate, low cost, and long battery life are main requirements. This paper explores Verilog design for various blocks in Zigbee Transmitter architecture for an acknowledgement frame. The word digital has made a dramatic impact on our society. Developments of digital solutions have been possible due to good digital system design and modeling techniques. Further developments have been made and introduced VLSI in order to reduce size of the architecture, to improve speed of operation, improvements in predictability of the circuit behavior. Digital Zigbee Transmitter comprises of Cyclic Redundancy Check, Bit-to-Symbol block, Symbol-to-chip block, Modulator and Pulse shaping block. The work here is to show how we can design Zigbee transmitter with its specifications by using Verilog with less number of slices and Look up tables (LUTs).
Computer networking refers to interconnected computing devices that can exchange data and share resources with each other.
In this presentation i have explained about advance network and there advantage and disadvantages and types of networks