BiCMOS technology incorporates both bipolar junction transistors and CMOS transistors on a single integrated circuit. This allows for circuits with higher speed, power, and density than either bipolar or CMOS alone. BiCMOS provides the high speed of bipolar transistors along with the low power advantages of CMOS transistors. It is used in applications such as microprocessors, memories, analog circuits, and mixed-signal circuits that require both analog and digital components.
Performance Analysis of Encoder in Different Logic Techniques for High-Speed ...Achintya Kumar
In designing a system, we can replace cell components by appropriate technique based cell so that the noise margin of overall circuit is improved. In future we can also implement some techniques for sequential circuits.
The document discusses the need for low power VLSI circuit design. Portable devices require low power consumption to extend battery life as battery energy density is still limited. Reducing power is also important for reliability and cooling complex high performance chips. Power in CMOS circuits has three main components - dynamic switching power when nodes charge and discharge, short circuit power during transitions, and leakage power even when static. Dynamic power depends on load capacitance, supply voltage, and switching activity. Lowering voltage significantly reduces dynamic power but increases delay.
The document discusses MOS transistor technology and CMOS logic circuits. It begins with an introduction to MOS transistors, including definitions of Moore's law, CMOS technology, and the advantages of CMOS over NMOS. It then covers MOS transistor characteristics, operating modes, and comparisons of NMOS/PMOS and enhancement/depletion devices. The document next discusses combination logic circuits, including definitions of Elmore delay model, types of power dissipation, and methods to reduce power. It also covers topics like transmission gates, pass transistors, and dynamic circuits.
This document provides an overview of digital CMOS logic circuits. It discusses CMOS technology and how it has become the dominant technology for digital circuit implementation due to its low power dissipation and high integration density. The document then covers different logic circuit families including CMOS, bipolar, BiCMOS, and GaAs. It discusses characteristics of logic circuits like noise margins, propagation delay, power dissipation, silicon area, and fan-in/fan-out. Different digital system design styles using off-the-shelf components or custom VLSI chips are presented. The role of design abstraction and computer aids in facilitating large digital system design is also covered. Finally, the document discusses CMOS inverter circuit operation and the voltage transfer
CMOS Analog IC design by Dr GS Javed - Refresher Course - Batch 1Javed G S, PhD
Topics covered in the course
1. DC Biasing of the circuits
2. Circuits for reference voltage and current generation
-Voltage Regulator
3. Precision Current References
4. Opamp design for Analog to digital converters
- Buffer
- Unity Feedback OTA
- Layout design strategies – 2stage opamp + CMFB
5. Sense and Return mechanisms in Feedback circuits
- Current and Voltage circuits
6. Sub-Threshold Conduction
- Low voltage Operation
7. ADC Design and Simulation
-Near Nyquist performance of Opamp for ADC Circuits
-Spectral Analysis and No. of FFT Points for simulation
-Simulation time for performance
-Resistors – their variation and Calibration
-Switch design for S/H
8. On-Chip Inductors
vlsi 2 unit.pdfvlsi unit 2 important notes for ece departmentnitcse
The document discusses power dissipation in CMOS circuits. It describes the two main sources of power dissipation as dynamic and static power. Dynamic power is caused by charging and discharging of capacitive loads during switching. Static power arises from leakage currents even when the circuit is not switching. The document outlines techniques to reduce both dynamic and static power consumption, such as multi-threshold CMOS, power gating, and minimizing switching activity.
Power Dissipation in CMOS :Sources of power dissipation – Physics of power dissipation in MOSFET devices: The MIS structure, long channel MOSFET, Submicron MOSFET, gate induced drain leakage– Power dissipation in CMOS: short circuit dissipation, dynamic dissipation, load capacitance– Low power VLSI design: Limits – principles of low power design, hierarchy of limits, fundamental limit, material limit, device limit, system limit.
This document outlines different types of MOS inverters used in integrated circuits. It discusses 7 main types: resistive load inverter, enhancement mode device (EMD) inverter, depletion mode device (DMD) inverter, CMOS inverter, pseudo CMOS inverter, BiCMOS inverter, and dynamic MOS inverter. For each type, it provides the circuit configuration, operating principles, advantages and disadvantages. It also gives examples of inverter symbols and their truth tables. The document aims to explain the basic concepts of MOS inverter design.
Designing high-speed low-power circuits with CMOS technology has been a major research problem for many years. Several logic families have been proposed and used to improve circuit performance beyond that of conventional static CMOS family. Fast circuit families are becoming attractive in deep submicron technologies since the performance benefits obtained from process scaling are decreasing as feature size decreases. This paper presents CMOS differential circuit families such as Dual rail domino logic and pseudo Nmos logic their delay and power variations in terms of adder design and logical design. Domino CMOS has become the prevailing logic family for high performance CMOS applications and it is extensively used in most state-of-the-art processors due to its high speed capabilities. The drawback of domino CMOS is that it provides only non-inverting functions because of its monotonic nature. Dual-Rail Domino logic, (also known as clocked Cascade voltage switch logic where both polarities of the output are generated, provides a robust solution to this problem.
Design of 64 bit SRAM using Lector Technique for Low Leakage Power with Read ...IOSRJVSP
: In complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) the power dissipation predominantly comprises of dynamic as well as static power. Prior to introduction of “Deep submicron technologies” it is observed that in case of technology process with feature size larger than 1micro meter, the consumption of dynamic power out of the overall power consumption of any circuit is more than 90%,while that of static power is negligible. But in the present deep submicron technologies in order to, reduce the dynamic power consumption in VLSI circuits, the power supply is being scaled down, keeping in view the principle that the dynamic power dissipated is directly proportional to the square of the supply voltage (Vdd).The threshold voltage also needs to be reduced since the supply voltage is scaled down. Overcoming the inherent limitations in the existing method for leakage power reduction, The Lector (Leakage controlled transistor) technique which works efficiently both in active and idle states of the circuit and results in better leakage power reduction is now proposed. The proposed system presents the analysis of power on “64-bit SRAM array using leakage controlled transistor technique
This document discusses CMOS digital integrated circuits and combinational logic circuits. It covers static CMOS circuits, NMOS and PMOS transistors, threshold calculations for logic gates like NOR and NAND, layout of logic gates, and device sizing in complex gates. The key points are:
- Static CMOS circuits have a continuous low-resistance path between outputs and power/ground.
- Threshold calculations allow NOR and NAND gates to switch at VDD/2.
- Layout and stick diagrams show transistor positions and connections for logic gates.
- Device sizing methods ensure all signal paths can support switching.
UNIT-4-Logic styles for low power_part_2.pptRavi Selvaraj
There are two approaches to realize digital circuits using MOS technology: gate logic and switch logic. Gate logic uses inverters and gates like NAND and NOR, while switch logic uses pass transistors. There are also two types of gates - static and dynamic. Static gates do not need a clock, while dynamic gates use intrinsic capacitors that must be refreshed regularly to avoid information loss. The document discusses three logic styles for low power design: static CMOS logic, dynamic CMOS logic, and pass transistor logic (PTL), outlining their advantages and disadvantages in area, power, speed, and complexity.
This document describes a hybrid full adder design using both CMOS and transmission gate technologies that achieves low power and high speed. The design is divided into modules: 1) an XOR-XNOR module using weak inverters to reduce power, 2) a sum generation module using transmission gates, and 3) a carry generation module using strong transmission gates to reduce delay. Simulation results show the hybrid full adder achieves a power dissipation of 2.94μW and delay of 61.4ps at 1.8V in a 180nm technology, with lower power at lower voltages. This design coupled weak inverters with strong transmission gates to achieve both low power and high speed.
This document discusses designing combinational logic circuits using static complementary CMOS design. It explains how to construct static CMOS circuits for logic gates like NAND and NOR by using pull-up and pull-down networks of PMOS and NMOS transistors respectively. Issues related to pass-transistor design like noise margins and static power consumption are also covered. The document provides details on implementing various logic functions using pass-transistor logic and differential pass-transistor logic. It discusses solutions to overcome the disadvantages of pass-transistor logic like level restoration and use of multiple threshold transistors.
A Simulation Based Analysis of Lowering Dynamic Power in a CMOS Inverteridescitation
With the increase in demand of high fidelity
portable devices, there is more and more emphasis laying
down on the development of low power and high performance
systems. In the next generation processors, the low power
design has to be incorporated into fundamental computation
units, such as adder. CMOS circuit design plays a crucial role
in designing of these computation units (like adder and
multiplier) so if there is any optimal way to reduce the power
dissipation in CMOS circuits then it will directly lower down
the power dissipation of other circuits and logic gates as well.
In this paper we have studied and analyzed different
techniques to reduce the dynamic power of CMOS circuit
with the help of performing simulation on some significant
factors (i.e device characteristics) of respective circuitry
designs by using Cadence-Virtuoso tool.
This document discusses low power VLSI design techniques, including pass transistor logic synthesis and asynchronous circuits. It covers the basics of pass transistor logic, how Boolean functions can be represented using binary decision diagrams to enable logic synthesis with pass transistors. Asynchronous circuit principles are explained, including how computation works without a global clock through signal propagation delays. The prospects of asynchronous circuits for low power applications are also summarized.
Implementation of Area Effective Carry Select AddersKumar Goud
Abstract: In the design of Integrated circuit area occupancy plays a vital role because of increasing the necessity of portable systems. Carry Select Adder (CSLA) is a fast adder used in data processing processors for performing fast arithmetic functions. From the structure of the CSLA, the scope is reducing the area of CSLA based on the efficient gate-level modification. In this paper 16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit and 128 bit Regular Linear CSLA, Modified Linear CSLA, Regular Square-root CSLA (SQRT CSLA) and Modified SQRT CSLA architectures have been developed and compared. However, the Regular CSLA is still area-consuming due to the dual Ripple-Carry Adder (RCA) structure. For reducing area, the CSLA can be implemented by using a single RCA and an add-one circuit instead of using dual RCA. Comparing the Regular Linear CSLA with Regular SQRT CSLA, the Regular SQRT CSLA has reduced area as well as comparing the Modified Linear CSLA with Modified SQRT CSLA; the Modified SQRT CSLA has reduced area. The results and analysis show that the Modified Linear CSLA and Modified SQRT CSLA provide better outcomes than the Regular Linear CSLA and Regular SQRT CSLA respectively. This project was aimed for implementing high performance optimized FPGA architecture. Modelsim 10.0c is used for simulating the CSLA and synthesized using Xilinx PlanAhead13.4. Then the implementation is done in Virtex5 FPGA Kit.
Keywords: Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), efficient, Carry Select Adder (CSLA), Square-root CSLA (SQRTCSLA).
Similar to VLSI _4_UNIT PPT FINAL.pdf ppt for design (20)
Cardiovascular system it is related to biomedicalHimabindu905359
The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. The heart acts as a four-chambered pump to circulate blood through two circuits: pulmonary circulation between the heart and lungs, and systemic circulation between the heart and body. Blood enters the right atrium from veins, is pumped to the right ventricle and then to the lungs, where it receives oxygen before returning to the left atrium and being pumped through the body. The cardiovascular system transports oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products throughout the body.
The document discusses different types of natural disasters including cyclones, earthquakes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, floods, wildfires, droughts, avalanches, and landslides. It provides examples of some of the largest or deadliest events for each type of natural disaster, such as the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake tsunami that killed over 200,000 people. Natural disasters can occur suddenly and destroy cities or affect large regions, causing loss of life and property damage. The document serves to outline and describe the main categories of natural disasters that can occur worldwide.
The document discusses the effects of music on mental health. It states that music can raise or lower mood, excite or relax the listener by influencing neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Listening to music is linked to reduced stress and depression symptoms by relaxing muscles and releasing oxytocin. Music therapy is an evidence-based practice that uses music to accomplish goals like stress reduction and improved mood through listening, singing, or playing instruments. In conclusion, music positively impacts mental health by changing brain chemistry and stimulating functions related to pleasure, love, and stress relief.
Mobile phone addiction, also known as smartphone addiction, refers to excessive mobile phone use that interferes with daily life. Studies show the prevalence of mobile phone addiction varies globally, ranging from 2-39% depending on the country and population studied. Excessive mobile phone use can be caused by factors like instant gratification from social media and the release of dopamine. Signs include constantly checking the phone and feeling anxious without it. Left unchecked, mobile phone addiction can negatively impact physical health and mental well-being.
This document provides an overview and instructions for using EasyEDA, an online PCB design tool. It discusses that EasyEDA allows engineers to design, simulate, and share schematics and PCB designs publicly or privately. A step-by-step process for creating a simple PCB design in EasyEDA is outlined, including adding components to a schematic, arranging components on the board, auto-routing traces, adding copper pours, and downloading fabrication files. Key features and advantages of EasyEDA like its web-based access and integrated component libraries are highlighted. The only disadvantage mentioned is that an internet connection is needed to use the online tool.
This document provides an overview of EasyEDA, an online PCB design tool. It discusses how EasyEDA was created by designers who struggled to find the right tools, and how it aims to be platform independent, free, easy to learn and use. The document reviews EasyEDA's wiring tools, components library integrated with LCSC and JLCPCB, and placement and editing features to allow designing circuits and boards with ease.
This document provides information about designing PCB layouts in EasyEDA. It discusses how to create an account in EasyEDA, design schematics, simulate circuits, create PCB traces at 45 degree angles to reduce path length and interference, and convert projects to PCB layouts. Key steps include opening EasyEDA, creating a new project, adding components to schematics, simulating circuits, and converting the schematic to a PCB layout.
Social networking allows people to connect worldwide in real-time but also poses some risks. It provides advantages like making connections, sharing information, and free advertising. However, it can also lead to cyberbullying, privacy issues, and identity theft if personal information is shared publicly. While social networking has benefits, it is important to use privacy controls and not overshare in order to avoid disadvantages like addiction, loss of motivation, and safety risks from predators accessing location data.
This document provides an overview of EasyEDA, an online PCB design tool. It discusses how EasyEDA was created by designers who struggled to find the right tools, and how it aims to be platform independent, free, easy to learn and use. Key features of EasyEDA discussed include its integrated component catalog from LCSC and PCB manufacturing services from JLCPCB. The document also reviews EasyEDA's wiring tools, components library, placement options, and batch renaming tool.
This document discusses relationships and how they change over time. It begins by outlining key relationships in a person's life from birth through adulthood. [1] A person's first relationship is with their parents, who meet physical needs as infants. [2] Relationships then expand to include family members like siblings and grandparents. [3] As children grow, friendships form outside the family through activities like preschool and playgroups. The document stresses that building positive relationships requires skills like good communication and responsibility.
This document discusses a seminar on printed circuit board (PCB) design using PCB Wizard software. It provides an overview of the software, describing its features for schematic design, component placement, automatic routing, and file generation for manufacturing. It also lists the system requirements and provides an example circuit to design using the software, walking through the steps of selecting components like a thermistor, transistor, LED, and resistors to light the LED.
This document discusses different types of natural and man-made disasters. It lists the top 10 natural disasters as cyclones, earthquakes, tornados, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, floods, wildfires, droughts, avalanches, and landslides. Unusual natural disasters mentioned are firenados and limnic eruptions. Man-made disasters discussed include the 1945 atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
This document discusses relationships and how they change over time. It begins by outlining key relationships in a person's life from birth through childhood and into adulthood. [1] Family relationships are the first and most important, starting with parents providing physical needs as infants. [2] Relationships gradually expand to include other family members, then friends through playgroups and preschool. [3] As people age, romantic relationships may form, which can lead to new families being started. However, relationships require work to thrive as situations, roles, and responsibilities change over time.
Through the document, the author discusses how technology has evolved and impacted human interaction with nature and each other. Originally, people lived closely with nature and communicated through writing letters. Over time, technology emerged in industries, communication, and households. People began spending less time in nature and more with newly available technologies like mobile phones. While technology has benefits like easier communication, overuse of devices can negatively impact lifestyles, social interaction, health, and disconnect people from the real world. The author advocates for using technology with control and limits rather than becoming addicted to or letting it control our lives.
Technology is continuously changing society in many ways. It has impacted communities, work, health, and communication. Regarding communities, technology has influenced traditions but also allows for more access to information. At work, technology improves communication, encourages innovation, aids human resource management, and creates mobility. In health, it has led to advances like minimally invasive surgeries and more accurate diagnoses. Communication has been transformed through social media, email, and teleconferencing which connects people in new ways. Overall, technology both shapes and is shaped by society in complex and intertwined sociotechnical effects.
This document outlines an agenda for a seminar on Amazon Web Services cloud computing held from March 6-17, 2023. It discusses launching Ubuntu, Linux, and Windows servers on AWS. For the Ubuntu server section, it provides steps for setting up a server, launching an instance, and connecting via EC2 instance connect. For Linux server, it discusses connection methods and provides commands for configuration. For Windows server, it highlights security features and provides steps for creating an EC2 instance and connecting via RDP. The conclusion states that AWS provides a stable, flexible, and cost-effective server solution for businesses and individuals.
How safety is important in day to day life is shown with the help of crime prevention in environmental design (CPTED) in housing project
we rather design in such a way where there is no need to install the camera's after construction
Short-Tail Keywords:
Short-tail keywords are brief and general search queries, typically consisting of one or two words. These keywords usually have high search volumes and competition. For example, "digital marketing" or "best headphones" are short-tail keywords. They are broader in scope and can be more challenging to rank for due to their popularity.
Long-Tail Keywords:
Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific phrases that visitors are more likely to use when they're closer to a point-of-purchase or when using voice search.
Transform your outdoor space with Melbourne's premier landscape gardeners. Combining expert design, local knowledge, and sustainable practices, they create beautiful, functional gardens tailored to your needs. Utilizing high-quality materials and offering comprehensive services from design to maintenance, these professionals enhance your home's curb appeal and value. Experience exceptional landscaping that thrives in Melbourne’s unique environment.
Mounded storage has proved to be safer compared to above ground storage as it provides passive & safe environment & eliminates possibility of boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion.
This PPT provides some details regarding design guideline for mounded storage vessels.
4. Take, for example, the case of a relatively
straightforward MSI logic circuit comprising, say, 500
transistors. A reasonable time to allocate to the design
and proving of such a circuit could be some two
engineer months.
Consider now the design of a 500,000 transistor VLSI
system. Even if a linear relationship exists between
complexity and design time, the required design time
would be 2000 engineer-months or 170 engineer-years.
5. 1. Define the requirements (properly and carefully).
2. Partition the overall architecture into appropriate
3. Consider communication paths carefully in order to
develop sensible interrelationships between subsystems.
4. Draw a floor plan of how the system is to map onto
the silicon (and alternate between 2, 3 and 4 as
6. 5. Aim for regular structures so that design is largely
a matter of replication.
6. Draw suitable (stick or symbolic) diagrams of the
leaf-cells of the subsystems.
7. Convert each cell to a layout.
8. Carefully and thoroughly carry out a design rule
check on each cell.
9. Simulate the performance of each cell/subsystem.
7. Switch logic is based on the 'pass transistor' or on
transmission gates. This approach is fast for small
arrays and takes no static current from the supply rails.
Thus, power dissipation of such arrays is small since
current only flows on switching.
8. Switch (pass transistor) logic is similar to logic
arrays based on relay contacts in that the path
through each switch is isolated from the signal
activating the switch. In consequence, the designer
has a considerable amount of freedom in
implementing architectural features compared with
bipolar logic-based designs.
18. Clearly, if we replace the depletion mode pull-up
transistor of the standard nMOS circuits with a p-
transistor with gate connected to Vss, we have a
structure similar to the nMOS equivalent.
1.Power dissipation is reduced to about 60% of that
associated with the comparable nMOS device.
2. Owing to the higher pull-up resistance, the inverter
pair delay is larger by a factor of 8.5:5 than the 4:1
minimum size nMOS inverter.
20. The actual logic is implemented in the inherently faster
nMOS logic (the n-block); a p-transistor is used for the
non-time-critical precharging of the output line 'Z' so that
the output capacitance is charged to V DD during the off
period of the clock signal .
During this same period the inputs are applied to the n-
block and the state of the logic is then evaluated during
the on period of the clock when the bottom n-transistor is
turned on.
21. The output voltage level is stored in a capacitor during the
precharge phase of the clock cycle, and then evaluated
during the evaluation phase. Dynamic CMOS logic has
high speed, low area, and simple layout. However, it also
has some challenges, such as high power dissipation, low
noise margin, and low fan-out.
29. 1. Such logic structures can have smaller areas than
conventional CMOS logic.
2. Parasitic capacitances are smaller so that higher
operating speeds are possible.
3. Operation is free of glitches since each gate can make
only one '1' to '0' transition.
4. Only non-inverting structures are possible because of
the presence of the inverting buffer.
5. Charge distribution may be a problem and must be
30. DCVS Logic
• DCVS - Differential
Cascode Voltage
• Differential inputs,
• Two pulldown networks
• Tradeoffs
– Lower capacitative
loading than static
– No ratioed logic
– Low static
– More transistors
– More signals to route
between gates
34. Introduction
Definition: What are low power gates?
Importance: Why is low power design crucial in
modern electronics?
Power Consumption in Digital Circuits
Dynamic Power Consumption: Switching activity,
capacitive load
Static Power Consumption: Leakage currents,
subthreshold leakage
35. Techniques for Low Power Design
Voltage Scaling: Lowering supply voltage
Clock Gating: Reducing clock signal to idle portions
of the circuit
Power Gating: Shutting off power to inactive blocks
Multi-Threshold CMOS (MTCMOS): Using
transistors with different threshold voltage
36. Types of Low Power Gates
Standard CMOS Gates: Basic CMOS inverter,
Sub-threshold Gates: Operating at voltages below
the threshold voltage
Adiabatic Logic Gates: Energy recovery logic
FinFET Technology: Reducing leakage current
and dynamic power
37. A FinFET is a type of field-effect transistor (FET) that
has a thin vertical fin instead of being completely
planar. The gate is fully “wrapped” around the
channel on three sides formed between the source and
the drain.