How to set up, run and sustain a community hub to transform local service provision
This presentation contains:
An overview of Community Hubs
What they are and the benefits they bring
Examples of hubs in practice
Tips for setting up and sustaining community hubs.
This document provides an overview of a report by the Carnegie UK Trust on rural services and engaging communities in service delivery. It discusses the challenges rural areas face in accessing services due to centralization and budget cuts. It advocates for rural communities to have a role in determining what services are provided and moving away from viewing residents as passive recipients. The report examines examples of successful community involvement from the Trust's rural action research. It stresses the need for public sector organizations to work collaboratively and engage communities to develop innovative solutions to delivering services.
ISF Presentation for Skills for Care CEO network Chris Watson
- Individual Service Funds (ISFs) are transforming commissioning by shifting power and control to individuals through personal budgets.
- ISFs allow assessed funds to be held by an organization chosen by the individual to arrange flexible support outside of a traditional commissioned package.
- Key benefits of ISFs over commissioned support include increased choice, control, and flexibility to adjust support as needed without going through commissioners.
Community social work, community assets and Neighbourhood Network Schemes aim to address unsustainable costs on social care by focusing on prevention. The key aspects are:
1) Neighbourhood Network Schemes will be established in each constituency to invest in community assets, connect citizens to activities, and commission local activities through small grants.
2) Lead facilitators will manage each scheme, coordinating asset mapping, supporting groups, and linking assets to citizens and social workers.
3) The goals are to increase social participation, encourage healthy lifestyles, and give citizens a better experience of the social care system through community-based activities rather than services.
The Kirklees Democracy Commission Cross-Party Working Group discussed place-based based working in Kirklees at their meeting on Wednesday 24th October 2018. These are the presentations used during the meeting.
İn the scope of Urban projects at Erciyes University,Faculty of Architecture,Department of City and Regional planning,i benefited remarkably from Charles Montgomery Concept of HAPPY CİTY.
The concept has helped me plan for Alaçam Municipality(A Samsun district,a Black sea region in Turkey) 2019-2040 General land use plan(Urban project 311,1:5000 scale) and its İmplementation plan (411 urban project,1:1000 scale).
First annual economic inclusion update 031716 final (2)Harry Black
Progress report on the operationalization of the City's Department of Economic Inclusion and the recommendations of the Economic Inclusion Advisory Council.
This document discusses raising aspirations for young people through building capacity for change. It focuses on changing attitudes, behaviors, and contexts. Key questions are raised about what future challenges may shape opportunities for young people, and what outcomes are wanted for young people, councils, and communities. Changing attitudes of young people, councils, and communities are seen as key to enabling transformation. The document advocates for moving beyond merely meeting legal and political minimums to having a greater focus and awareness. It discusses creating a platform to build productive relationships and shared physical spaces.
Putting the Public into Public Services - #ppps14 Kathryn Wane
Slides from SCVO's Putting the Public into Public Services event held in Edinburgh on Friday 25th July. Contributions from: Katie Kelly, Strategic Manager of Vibrant Communities, East Ayrshire; Ella Simpson, Director at Edinburgh Council of Voluntary Organisations & Kevin Dicks, Chief Executive of Bromsgrove District and Redditch Borough Councils.
The document is Southwark's Voluntary and Community Sector Strategy for 2017-2022. It was developed through collaboration between the voluntary and community sector (VCS), Southwark Council, and Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group. The strategy aims to improve outcomes for residents by reducing demand on high-cost services and building strong, cohesive communities. It identifies four priority areas for enhancing the work of the VCS based on feedback from over 200 participants in listening events.
From Presence to Citizenship: Algonquin College DSWLiveWorkPlay
The From Presence to Citizenship initiative was a two-year project sponsored by the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services to share best practices in developmental services. It involved 11 partner agencies across Ontario with the goals of 1) providing tools and strategies to accelerate the transition to person-centered support and 2) creating an ongoing learning community. The project included regional presentations, a learning exchange conference, a newsletter and video profiling success stories to support developmental service organizations in improving person-centered outcomes.
The document provides information about the London Borough of Redbridge and a social action project being undertaken by youth in the borough. Key details include:
- Redbridge is located in northeast London and known for its parks, forests, and green spaces that cover a quarter of the borough.
- The borough's population is estimated at 296,800 as of 2015, with 23% aged 0-15 and 65% aged 16-64.
- The youth of Redbridge have been tasked by the borough council with creating a video about a local charity or issue to bring the community together.
- The project will help the youth develop skills like communication, teamwork, filming and editing that can benefit their careers and port
The document summarizes the Cities of Service model, which mobilizes volunteers to address key city challenges. It was piloted in 7 UK cities over 2 years with funding and support from Nesta and Bloomberg Philanthropies. Close to 10,000 volunteers were engaged across initiatives in areas like food access, aging, education, and neighborhoods. The model helped elevate the status of volunteering for councils and influenced them to see social action as a way to complement services. Councils continue working to embed the approach and share learning across the UK and Europe.
This document provides a practical agenda for policymakers and local authorities to better target public services to individuals' needs. It focuses on five domains: 1) Using data segmentation and sharing to gain deeper insights into diverse population needs; 2) Designing services around individuals rather than predefined models; 3) Examples of personalizing services in practice; 4) Mainstreaming preventative approaches; and 5) Effective partnerships. The report aims to point to achievable innovations that can be replicated across localities to improve commissioning and service integration without major structural reforms or new resources.
This document outlines the goals, objectives, examples, and implementation process of Rural Community Development (RCD) projects. The goal is to empower rural communities to solve socio-economic problems through mobilizing internal and external resources. Objectives include facilitating community mobilization, establishing community groups, reducing unemployment through jobs projects, encouraging natural resource use, and improving lives. Examples of projects are road construction, healthcare centers, schools, clean water, and job training. Implementation involves conception, acceptance, planning, community participation, monitoring, and ensuring sustainability. Challenges can include sustaining projects long-term and overcoming cultural and resource barriers. Lasting change requires long-term commitment and community involvement.
Collydean Community Connections in Fife aimed to bring together residents from different parts of the neighborhood and different age groups to improve community health. Through a survey and discussions, residents identified priorities such as developing green spaces, intergenerational activities, and job support. With funding for a part-time community worker, residents organized activities and decided on expenditures to address their priorities. This community-led approach helped strengthen community spirit and engagement between all parts of Collydean.
Alice Wiseman, Consultant in Public Health, Gateshead Councilbluestoneconsortium
Alice sets out the Council's priorities and calls for working together with the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector; at the launch of the Blue Stone Consortium on 1st February 2016
Sherwood Sustainability & Environmental Associates Ltd. provides services related to sustainable community development and engagement. They work to [1] create communities that are sensitive to the environment and provide a high quality of life for current and future residents. They [2] engage with stakeholders through various consultation and engagement methods tailored to each project. Their objectives are to gain input from community members from the beginning. They [3] follow best practices and national standards for community engagement.
Similar to June 2024: Neighbourhood Care in Doncaster (20)
Networked Energy: Energy independence for AlderneyCitizen Network
by Chris Cook and Marcus Saul, Island Power
As Research Fellows at the Institute for Strategy, Resilience and Security, at University College, London, Marcus Saul and Chris Cook researched and developed the Pacific Natural Grid resource resilience strategy.
Here they explain how Denmark has led the way in creating sustainable networks of community-based energy production and distribution.
This has been transformative for Denmark, enabling it to become independent from the oil and gas industry’s dominance. But it is also transformative for communities, who are now creating their own energy economies.
Dr Dave Beck gave this talk for Part 5 of the ‘Grassroots Policies for Farming, Food and Wildlife’ webinar series, hosted by Citizen Network.
In his presentation Dr Beck discusses the harms caused by the monopolisation of supermarkets in the food industry. He also explores the positive possibilities of local currencies.
Dr Beck is a Lecturer at the University of Salford, Manchester.
The webinar recording is available to watch on Citizen Network's website at:
This document discusses key issues in disability and aged care systems and proposes ways to advance citizenship rights through self-directed support. It advocates for personal budgets and upstream solutions to prevent crises. It also highlights the need for innovation from communities, professionals, and individuals to develop sustainable and inclusive systems that respect people's freedom, support, participation, and citizenship.
Sabrina Espeleta of War on Want outlines the enormous and growing level of world hunger. She explains how a few global corporations control the vast majority of food production and supply and markets exploit the food market, leaving communities, especially in the Global South at great disadvantage. Local peasant farmers are now organising to achieve food sovereignty, seeking to farm in ways in harmony with nature and to meet local needs. The Global North needs to respect the rights and autonomy of these people rather than to continue the pattern of exploitation.
This presentation was given on 6 July in Part 4 of a webinar series on grassroots policies for farming, food and wildlife.
Watch the recording at:
Simon Duffy was asked by the Mayor’s Greater Manchester Charity and UBI Lab Manchester to talk at a recent roundtable event on the relevance of Universal Basic Income (UBI) to the problem of homelessness.
These are the slides from that talk. In summary Duffy argued that UBI is relevant to reducing homelessness in two slightly different ways:
1. UBI would help prevent homelessness - UBI addresses the inequalities in income and housing that create the risk of homelessness.
2. UBI would help people escape homelessness - UBI gives people a vital tool which significantly helps people change their situation in times of crisis.
Find more free resources on basic income at:
A presentation for the One Yorkshire Committee introducing Democratic Yorkshire - a voluntary alliance consisting of a group of organisations and individuals interested in planning a better future for our County through modern democratic means secured in a written constitution.
In this presentation exploring planning law, Laird Ryan talks us through the planning process, explores what we can and can't influence and helps us consider how best to create real, organic and local alliances that make the best use of our energy.
To find out more about the Neighbourhood Democracy Movement please visit:
Citizenship is our Business - The Avivo StoryCitizen Network
Avivo is one of the founding organisations in Citizen Network. they are also pioneers in self-direction and personalised support in Australia. Over the past few years they have been reorganising themselves around the principle that everyone is a citizen - and supporting everyone, including paid staff, to be citizens is their central purpose. Avivo are also leading Citizen Network's Rethinking Organisations programme and networking with other organisations on this journey.
Dr Simon Duffy spoke to Doncaster's Mental Wellbeing Alliance about the importance of thinking about what good help really means. He explored the importance of shifting power, resources and thinking upstream.
Markus Vähälä, CEO of Citizen Network, outlined the development of the cooperative as a framework to support the further development of Citizen Network as part of the 2022 Building Citizen network Together events hosted by Eberswalde University.
At BuildingCitizen Network Together in early 2022 Simon Duffy and James Lock discussed the development of Citizen Network and its current approach to membership and explored with members from all around the world next steps for its development.
These slides are from a talk Dr Simon Duffy of Citizen Network gave to Café Economique in Leeds, making the case for basic income. The argument set out is that UBI is one necessary part of a range of reforms necessary to support citizenship and strengthen community life. This talk preceded a (rather fiery) debate with Anna Coote of NEF who argued against UBI.
Donate for a Poor Elderly Woman's KurnoolSERUDS INDIA
Seruds is taking care of nutritious food thrice daily, accommodation, timely healthcare, clothes, recreation like tv, radio, devotional music, etc. By providing her with these minimum basic things, she is able to live with dignity and she feels grateful to Seruds for their support. In this regard, she also needs your support and for her well-being so that she can lead the rest of her healthy life happily
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Jennifer Schaus and Associates hosts a complimentary webinar series on The FAR in 2024. Join the webinars on Wednesdays and Fridays at noon, eastern.
Recordings are on YouTube and the company website.
Jennifer Schaus and Associates hosts a complimentary webinar series on The FAR in 2024. Join the webinars on Wednesdays and Fridays at noon, eastern.
Recordings are on YouTube and the company website.
CFATF Guyana Anti Money Laundering ReprtSteven Jasmin
Copy of the 2024 CFATF and GAFIC Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing measures
The Cooperative Republic of Guyana
Mutual Evaluation Report
All rights reserved to original Author.
Smart City Clearing Company(Sc3) does not own this content and is only resharing it for all to access.
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Our NGO is dedicated to improving the livesSERUDS INDIA
Seruds is an NGO helping children whose parents abandoned them were affected by deadly diseases like HIV, cancer, AIDS, and rare viruses. Some lost their parents and some lost their families in floods, which were caused due to climate change. Due to lack of education the children are choosing the wrong path, getting involved in drug rackets, addicted to alcohol, losing their consciousness, fighting with people and behaving like a rogue.Seruds is providing them with education and assisting these people, empowering them with knowledge, skill, and empathy, such that they can have a meaningful life.
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Ngo Causes Together we can bring positive changeSERUDS INDIA
Seruds is an NGO helping children whose parents abandoned them were affected by deadly diseases like HIV, cancer, AIDS, and rare viruses. Some lost their parents and some lost their families in floods, which were caused due to climate change. Due to lack of education the children are choosing the wrong path, getting involved in drug rackets, addicted to alcohol, losing their consciousness, fighting with people and behaving like a rogue.Seruds is providing them with education and assisting these people, empowering them with knowledge, skill, and empathy, such that they can have a meaningful life.
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#disabledpeople #disability #disabled #disabilityawareness #disabledchildren #awareness #seasonaldiseases #education #economic #empowerment #awarenessprograms #healthcareforelders #healthcareforchildren #savetheenvironment #savetheplanet #environment #ecofriendly #seruds #kurnool
2. Doncaster Update
Page 2
Doncaster Thrive
Case study discussions:
• Health
• Well Doncaster
• Adult Social Care
• Children, Young People and
4. Developing a Thrive System Specification
• Mission:
o Work alongside people & communities across the
whole of Doncaster,
o Understand what people really want & need to
thrive in their lives
• Strong prevention & community centred
• “Thrive”
o City Strategy: thriving people, places & planet
o Individuals & communities thriving to meet their
potential & to improve outcomes
• Guide detailed design, development &
• Test & evolve Page 4
5. Our Journey to date: summary timeline
• Start of neighbourhood management approach in CDC. In the age of Neighbourhood Renewal, we built
a solid platform of local joined up action and relationships ‘joined up solutions for joined up problems’.
• Floods emergency, community leadership came into its own as vanguard
• As austerity bit, we held our nerve, retained our presence locally, understanding the value of local
working and relationships with communities
• Doncaster Growing Together and the Place Plan took us deeper into reform territory – across further
service areas (Children's, Adults, Health, Community Safety, Complex Lives)
• Our Public Health Agenda drove work on wider determinants, and the community, asset - based
approaches needed to impact on root causes locally, with a prevention focus
• Our Localities approach aimed to place our learning in a single shared model, focused on local joined
up delivery, early intervention and stimulating deeper service reforms
• The floods towards the end of 2019 and Covid hitting early 2020 took us into emergency management
mode for a long time – this interruption provided valuable lessons about the art of the possible when
organisational barriers fade, and about the power of community self-determination and framed our
Doncaster Delivering Together approach
• We picked up our progress and take the next steps – more local, more integrated, more impact – with
local demonstrators, fresh ideas fueled by our original belief
7. Five Core Capabilities + Enabling Support
1. Local Team Doncaster Delivery Model Consistent, strong and clear partnership arrangements and business processes
that enable effective engagement of partners, to ensure coordination of delivery at local level, with an emphasis on prevention and early
intervention. These will create the conditions for a relationship focused approach between partner organisations and with residents and
2. Leadership & Coordination of Delivery at Local Level To provide effective leadership and coordination of CDC and
Team Doncaster delivery at locality and neighbourhood level. This will operate as a core function in all neighbourhoods and will be intensified
where needed – our Regenerative Neighbourhoods.
3. Community Centred Prevention & Early Intervention To engage with communities and services to develop
community centred ways of working together, to address local social, economic, and environmental challenges that
drive demand for acute service responses.
4. Relational Practice To establish a culture and practice of relational working across partners, and to grow local pools of relational key
workers across public services and in the community and voluntary sector, who can work alongside individuals and families to prevent escalation
of their situation.
5. Elected Members Community Leadership Role To enable renewed, elected member engagement, to enable members
to play a community leadership role, that also provides effective oversight and support and that strengthens confidence in democratic processes.
Plus: Enabling Support All of this work will be supported by the enabling function to help establish the whole system and culture
change involved.
Page 7
9. Doncaster Health and Care – Place Future Vision – 1 Plan Development
Resident and
Fairness and
Health and
Wellbeing Board
Place CEO
Health and
1 Doncaster Plan
10. Rebalancing the City’s Health and Care System
City Centre Health and
Wellbeing Hub
Relocated and redesigned OP
services from hospitals
Digital Tech
Bringing together primary and community care, and the CDC Community Prevention Model in order to support
people to stay healthy and well in their homes and communities and to better anticipate and prevent problems.
Technology enabled care
Proactively supporting older people to live longer independent lives
Centre of Excellence for Frailty
Tickhill Road site proposal
Reshaping health and
care services
DRI estate redevelopment plan
Digital Doncaster
12. • Co-production via Making It Real Board (50% lived experience) means overriding strategic focus
on “what matters to you” – also driving supporting workstreams. Connecting co-production with
better use of resources.
• Published language guide – No more “othering”. Human rights instead.
• Crisis narrative reduced in front-line teams by removing bureaucracy and focusing on what adds
value for people – waiting times hugely reduced in social work and occupational therapy
• Starting to see this shift with hospital – next step to introduce a proper “discharge to assess”
model and move social work team out of hospital – pull from community instead of pushing from
• Safeguarding – shifting to local rather than centralised decision-making
• Homecare and Direct Payments recommissioning opportunities to get smaller and more local –
building social and economic capital in neighbourhoods
• Liberated Method would fundamentally challenge “specialist” assumptions about adult social
care. Huge implications for professional roles / skill mix. If we avoid throwing baby out with
bathwater it’s the next logical step. Page 12
Opportunities in Doncaster Adult Social Care
15. Individual: Promote increased heath literacy,
behaviour change, self-management and self-
efficacy leading to improved health and
Community: Build resilience, social capital and
strengthen community resources and leadership
Organisational: Embed evidence based
community centred approaches across Team
Doncaster, utilise VCFS intelligence and
collaboration in shaping locality commissioning
and redesigning services.
Well Doncaster Themes
and Outputs
16. To create a society where everybody can thrive, we need all
of the right building blocks in place:
• Stable jobs
• Good pay
• Quality housing
• Good education
But right now, in too many of our communities, blocks are
missing. It’s time to fix the gaps.
We can all make a difference
18. Children,
People and
Family Hubs – 12 across the city
Access, Connection, Relationships
3 drivers for footfall: Midwifery, Early Years, Youth
Remake learning – offers inspiring and
engaging learning outside of the classroom,
sparking curiosity, passion and interest with all
age learners and communities.
2nd annual city festival, located in communities,
interesting collaborations between public sector,
educators, business, VCS, learners
2,000 people at Night at the Museum, 10,000
residents attending 350 events/activities across
38 places.
Early impact
19. Neighbourhood Partnerships - Edlington
Coordination of targeted
activity via Place Tasking
Group: clean-ups,
enforcement action, Clear
Hold Build, secure vulnerable
empty properties;
community safety
Local Solutions
Groups – all about
people: Police,
housing, social care,
schools, early help.
•Crime prevention,
reduction in ASB,
intelligence, delivery,
safeguarding in
•Impact: reduction in ASB,
crime, OCG activity.
Earlier intervention and
focussed activity based
on intelligence
Your Families
•Have hubs in local areas,
including community
centres, libraries and pop
ups in schools
•local support very early
•finances, housing,
childcare, managing
behaviour, employment,
community activities
20. Next steps
Family Help: MD, whole family approach in the
Partnership working across the spectrum of
need and provision
Restorative practice/ liberated model