SlideShare a Scribd company logo
A Concert Planners Brand
Identity Allyson
• The purpose of this project is to
really figure out what is going to
suit your brand. I will be finding a
kit of fonts and colors that will
help me to put together a site for
my brand. This kit will help me to
learn what are the best choices for
my website in order for it to be one
that people want to visit and would
enjoy looking at.
• As a fangirl myself, I want to be
able to put together events that I
know the other fans would enjoy.
Over the last 11 years I have gone
to over 100 concerts, so I like to
think I have a good eye for the do’s
and do nots of a concert. I would
like to work independently and as a
team to include every aspects of
concerts that the fans would like.
This includes things such as having
confetti and other goodies for fans
to get, making sure the crowd is
safe, and so many more things that
leave good memories for the fans
instead of bad ones.
Header Font: Freight Neo Pro Bold Italic
While going through fonts this one caught my eyes as a good font for a header as it was bold. It
really stood out to me which is a key factor in choosing a header font. The header font is what is
going to catch the eye of the audience, so it has to be able to stand out, but also be readable,
which is why I thought that a bolded and italicized font would work perfect.
Paragraph Font: Freight Neo Pro Book
A paragraph font is very important because it is going to be the main font that site visitors are
looking at. This font needs to be readable. Nothing too big, but nothing too small, and in my
opinion should not be bold or italicized if you are putting the title of something. Therefore, I think
I picked the perfect font because it is nothing too extravagant, but also is not completely boring
to look at.
I chose blues and greens because of the emotions
that are felt by those colors. It was said that blue
helps to see calmness and peace, which I wanted to
include because I do not want my brand to come off
as something that is hectic. On top of the blues, I
also chose different shades of green. Green is a
color that represents not only wealth, but also shows
wellbeing and health. I want people to know that my
brand is something that I plan on becoming
successful. Therefore, I can show that with the color
green as it is seen as a sign of wealth.
For now, my logo just consists of my
initials with my name stated below. I do
not know exactly where I want to go
yet for the name of my brand, therefore
I thought the next best thing would be
to just include my name. It is important
for me to make my name known, so I
need to get it out there. I thought to
myself, what better way to do so then
making that my logo while I work
things out?
Psychology of Fonts and Colors
Fonts and colors are two very important aspects when trying to attract an audience to a piece of work. “Proper font
choices fuel your site’s user experience and ultimately affect the design side of your conversion rate optimization”
(Svaiko, 2023). The success of something such as a website can easily be determined just by something as simple as
a font. For example, using a cursive font may not be the best idea as not everyone can read cursive, when choosing a
font, it should be one that everyone is able to read. While fonts are very important in content making, so are the
colors. “Color helps call attention to your text, but you may not realize that colors also evoke emotions” (Iarson, 2018).
Listed in this article is the different emotions each color can give off. For example, blue gives off peace, green gives off
wealth and yellow gives off optimistic. Using certain colors can help to show the audience what you were feeling in the
moment that you were writing.
Iarson, R. (2018, May 10). The psychology of colours and fonts in content and branding. RELEVANCE.
Svaiko, G. (2023, June 11). Font psychology: Here’s everything you need to know about fonts. Designmodo.

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Allyson Franzo Brand Identity Kit 07-25-24

  • 1. A Concert Planners Brand Identity Allyson Franzo
  • 2. • The purpose of this project is to really figure out what is going to suit your brand. I will be finding a kit of fonts and colors that will help me to put together a site for my brand. This kit will help me to learn what are the best choices for my website in order for it to be one that people want to visit and would enjoy looking at.
  • 3. • As a fangirl myself, I want to be able to put together events that I know the other fans would enjoy. Over the last 11 years I have gone to over 100 concerts, so I like to think I have a good eye for the do’s and do nots of a concert. I would like to work independently and as a team to include every aspects of concerts that the fans would like. This includes things such as having confetti and other goodies for fans to get, making sure the crowd is safe, and so many more things that leave good memories for the fans instead of bad ones.
  • 4. FONT FAMILIES Header Font: Freight Neo Pro Bold Italic While going through fonts this one caught my eyes as a good font for a header as it was bold. It really stood out to me which is a key factor in choosing a header font. The header font is what is going to catch the eye of the audience, so it has to be able to stand out, but also be readable, which is why I thought that a bolded and italicized font would work perfect. Paragraph Font: Freight Neo Pro Book A paragraph font is very important because it is going to be the main font that site visitors are looking at. This font needs to be readable. Nothing too big, but nothing too small, and in my opinion should not be bold or italicized if you are putting the title of something. Therefore, I think I picked the perfect font because it is nothing too extravagant, but also is not completely boring to look at.
  • 5. I chose blues and greens because of the emotions that are felt by those colors. It was said that blue helps to see calmness and peace, which I wanted to include because I do not want my brand to come off as something that is hectic. On top of the blues, I also chose different shades of green. Green is a color that represents not only wealth, but also shows wellbeing and health. I want people to know that my brand is something that I plan on becoming successful. Therefore, I can show that with the color green as it is seen as a sign of wealth. COLOR PALETTE
  • 7. For now, my logo just consists of my initials with my name stated below. I do not know exactly where I want to go yet for the name of my brand, therefore I thought the next best thing would be to just include my name. It is important for me to make my name known, so I need to get it out there. I thought to myself, what better way to do so then making that my logo while I work things out?
  • 8. Psychology of Fonts and Colors Fonts and colors are two very important aspects when trying to attract an audience to a piece of work. “Proper font choices fuel your site’s user experience and ultimately affect the design side of your conversion rate optimization” (Svaiko, 2023). The success of something such as a website can easily be determined just by something as simple as a font. For example, using a cursive font may not be the best idea as not everyone can read cursive, when choosing a font, it should be one that everyone is able to read. While fonts are very important in content making, so are the colors. “Color helps call attention to your text, but you may not realize that colors also evoke emotions” (Iarson, 2018). Listed in this article is the different emotions each color can give off. For example, blue gives off peace, green gives off wealth and yellow gives off optimistic. Using certain colors can help to show the audience what you were feeling in the moment that you were writing. Iarson, R. (2018, May 10). The psychology of colours and fonts in content and branding. RELEVANCE. Svaiko, G. (2023, June 11). Font psychology: Here’s everything you need to know about fonts. Designmodo. SELECTION RATIONALE