Terrance Lindall's Biography with Elephant Folio Paradise Lost in Satan Brings Color To The World by Bienvenido Bones Bañez Jr. At Williamsburg Art & Historical Center, Brooklyn, New York, United States of America.
One Space Gallery New York City With "VISIONARIES ALCHEMY 2017" By Master Olg...BBaez1
Visionaries Alchemy 2017, Olga Spiegel, Miguel Tio, France Garrido and Slideshow by Bienvenido Bones Bañez Jr. New York Art World Historical from Society Art of Imagination
May 19, 2024
Visionaries Alchemy 2017, Olga Spiegel, Miguel Tio, France Garrido and Slideshow by Bienvenido Bones Bañez Jr. New York Art World Historical from Society Art of Imagination
May 19, 2024
Visionaries Alchemy 2017, Olga Spiegel, Miguel Tio, France Garrido and Bienve...BBaez1
We should thankful from Master Olga Spiegel, France Garrido, Miguel Tio and Master Brigid Marlin. And more powerful than ever in only Prof Ernst Fuchs, HR Giger and Robert Venosa are the Society Art of Imagination, Visionaries Alchemy 2017 Bienvenido Bones Bañez Jr.
Dr. Robert J. Wickenheiser, & Bienvenido Bones Bañez, Jr with Obviously a Bod...BBaez1
Dr. Robert J. Wickenheiser, & Bienvenido Bones Bañez, Jr with obviously a body language inners Master Terrance Lindall ❤️🌷👌throwback 5/11/10. There is also an inner part, which we call the Inner Master, who gives spiritual instruction to each person as he or she needs it. In other words, each person is unique in how they look at life, because each person’s experiences have been totally unique intellectual & spiritual life as John Milton's Legacy by the Power of the Tree of Knowledge❤️for Satan Brings Color To The World. 👌✨. . .
📜Philosophical qouted by Bienvenido Bones Bañez Jr. https://tlindall.wordpress.com/author/tlindall/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3UIL8k3ffdGnoLCOuxyNNJM7XzGBXbZENyHbm2moAA4WSz6uoyYJBk7nM_aem_ATTRAYRfasZH_spulwOKmwKBuayPPBRzTdx1Oo6XHtdqHGRstQb1fOZK862C9LT5gmiPAO87MS6Hh9d33EW6_3HQ
It's WAH Center New York Art World and I received email from Sir Terrance Lindall, and I copy and paste here in Facebook. It's another NEW YORK ART WORLD REVELATIONS AND Truly BLESSINGS🗽to SURREALMAGEDDON VISUAL POETRY 👁️💥 🗽🇺🇸JONAH KINIGSTEIN, age 99 and my-(Sir Terrance Lindall) essays he-(Jonah Kinigstein) liked...
Terrance Lindall
30 Apr at 04:15
2 attachments
ON NPR 2023 https://www.npr.org/2023/01/01/1143842928/jonah-kinigstein-artist-figurative
He sent me his print with a note:
by Terrance Lindall
To succed as an artist, make art that is familiar to the yuppie Lawyers, architects and decorators. If you are a truly original artist people will not be able to recognize it as a “current trend.” Do not make it too expensive, because the yuppies are building their own careers too and live on a budget. 1960’s post modernism if the current hot market in Williamsburg. Call it “avante garde” and you can fool the art buyers, even though it is hack derivative trash. . Call it “neo-Pop” or some such thing. Most ≥people do not realize that “Neo” means new and what you are selling is a tired old rehashrehash. Most people do not think for themselves, and that is especially true of people who collect art.
The worse the art the better. That way nobody will understand it and with a little flim flam you can make them believe it is IMPORTANT because it is so “avant garde” it its over their heads. Nobody dares say 'the emperor has no clothes.'"
ÇBy the time they catch on, everybody will be too terrified about the bubble bursting to say anything. truth would leaving their collection of emerging art worthless.
The museums, will pursue the money crowd (the collectors) and so they will exhibit the same unfortunate "art" purchased by the lawyers architects and decorators. And the major auction house work hand in glove with qthe museums and collectors.
"As long as money, vanity and fear rule, and not taste, you've got it made!"
AND 👇👁️🇺🇸🌷🙏
by S.H. Rike
The subject of creativity the art world is an interesting one, mostly because there is so little of it. Many would be artists growing up are influenced by the work of other artists, which makes sense. A creative artist is one who diverges from what he sees and ventures into "new " territory. But how many artists really do this? It is far easier if one wants to be a successful artist, to imitate success. And imitating success is what we see in the fine art world of the great metropolis of New York City and the emerging art community of Williamsburg Brooklyn.
It's WAH Center New York Art World and I received email from Sir Terrance Lindall, and I copy and paste here in Facebook. It's another NEW YORK ART WORLD REVELATIONS AND Truly BLESSINGS🗽to SURREALMAGEDDON VISUAL POETRY 👁️💥 🗽🇺🇸JONAH KINIGSTEIN, age 99 and my-(Sir Terrance Lindall) essays he-(Jonah Kinigstein) liked...
Terrance Lindall
30 Apr at 04:15
2 attachments
ON NPR 2023 https://www.npr.org/2023/01/01/1143842928/jonah-kinigstein-artist-figurative
He sent me his print with a note:
by Terrance Lindall
To succed as an artist, make art that is familiar to the yuppie Lawyers, architects and decorators. If you are a truly original artist people will not be able to recognize it as a “current trend.” Do not make it too expensive, because the yuppies are building their own careers too and live on a budget. 1960’s post modernism if the current hot market in Williamsburg. Call it “avante garde” and you can fool the art buyers, even though it is hack derivative trash. . Call it “neo-Pop” or some such thing. Most ≥people do not realize that “Neo” means new and what you are selling is a tired old rehashrehash. Most people do not think for themselves, and that is especially true of people who collect art.
The worse the art the better. That way nobody will understand it and with a little flim flam you can make them believe it is IMPORTANT because it is so “avant garde” it its over their heads. Nobody dares say 'the emperor has no clothes.'"
ÇBy the time they catch on, everybody will be too terrified about the bubble bursting to say anything. truth would leaving their collection of emerging art worthless.
The museums, will pursue the money crowd (the collectors) and so they will exhibit the same unfortunate "art" purchased by the lawyers architects and decorators. And the major auction house work hand in glove with qthe museums and collectors.
"As long as money, vanity and fear rule, and not taste, you've got it made!"
AND 👇👁️🇺🇸🌷🙏
by S.H. Rike
The subject of creativity the art world is an interesting one, mostly because there is so little of it. Many would be artists growing up are influenced by the work of other artists, which makes sense. A creative artist is one who diverges from what he sees and ventures into "new " territory. But how many artists really do this? It is far easier if one wants to be a successful artist, to imitate success. And imitating success is what we see in the fine art world of the great metropolis of New York City and the emerging art community of Williamsburg Brooklyn. Some of the galleries that have managed to be around for a while like Pierogi 2000 or Eyewash...
👁️John Milton's Surrealmageddon In Wickedpedia Encyclopedia of Bienvenido Bon...BBaez1
KUNSTHERZ by Prof Gerhard Habarta commentary👇and here's the translation from German to English: "I got to know the work in preparation for the lexicon of fantastic artists. In person at the Society for Art of Imagination exhibition. We had a very strong image of him in the museum. Its themes are one theme: 666, the Bible number of the beast in the apocalypse - the evil one. And the book by John Milton (1608-1674). "Paradise lost", who was sentenced to death but pardoned. It tells the story of Satan's temptation. The poem is seen as a parable of the political situation in England in the 17th century. The title of a picture by Bienvenido Bones stands for his entire work: Our world 666 is the compromise from the tree of knowledge to the politics of domination and ruin" Therefore, war, disease, poverty and human domination in the power struggles over creation and destruction , the definition of the rough dialectic "rule and ruin policy". A man-made philosophy for their survival for the fittest and the great flesh tribulation.
We live the reality of the 666- Theos Surreal Blasphemous Kingdom of the World and the 666- Theos Surrealmageddon Art World! And that's why Satan gave color to the world!" Bienvenido Bones paints this in flaming, burning colors and he paints it the way heavy metal bands make music. Loud, shrill, a staccato en movement and devilish color combinations. Brigid Marlin hosted at the same time with the exhibition of the SOCIETY FOR ART OF IMAGINATION, a conference to analyze the importance of fantastic art in our time. There were intelligent speeches. One artist and one artist who do important work as networkers, informants and chroniclers.”. 🌈——❤️— ✨💞🌈👎 💞. - --- Bienvenido Bones Banez Jr. on the listed on the KUNSTHERZ by Gerhard Habarta and one of the important art world historians. Forever In Our Memories & Forever In Our Art World of Prof Gerhard Habarta" and notability strongly believes in our three core values, representation matters, diversity matters and equality matters. Thus in doing so we can encourage greatness, foster inclusion, and explore the beauty of the diaspora and that is the reasons why we should thanks again and notable books on Lexikon Surreal Edition One and Two, KunstHerz, and other important art books as a notable museum galleries in the world. If you want to see more information on the art biographies in KunstHerz by Gerhard Habarta: Including Beksinski, Henry Moore, Ernst Fuchs, Salvador Dali, Brigid Marlin, Otto Rapp, and Bienvenido Bones Banez,👁️👌🌎🙏 We should thanks from Prof Gerhard Habarta and this is very informative and interest.. subject area: Biographies, Literature, Literary studies-Non Fiction. & Genre: Non-Fiction / Politics, Society, & Economic--👎
Satan Gives Color To The World by Bienvenido Bones Bañez, Terrance Lindall & ...BBaez1
THE LIFE DEATH AND APOTHEOSIS OF ADAM AND EVE, preliminary drawing for the mural -Here's the message from Master Terrance Lindall
This is the most complex drawing I have done. Because it is the basis for the mural, which will be more complex. More major figures: Archangel Michael, Milton dictating, visionary foal. Lots of new animals, fox, rabbit, snail, frog, turtle. rat, bat, cockroach, butterffy etc.. There s a "visual logic" to the composition too. if one analyzes it. Again, the Circular Orbit is intellectually more profound. But this will be as compositionally complex. You can see the biblical trials of early humanity on the road leading from Adam & Eve expulsion: Cain killing Abel, The flood, Slavery by Egyptians, Mary with baby Jesus, Christ Tempted in the desert, the Cruxifiction. across the way under Satan's fall is war on earth, the Armageddon, with an airplane dropping bombs, people fleeing, an Israeli tank rolling over people on the road from the American flag to Jerusalem. I have to develop the Apotheosis, but Adam and Eve will receive laurel wreaths from an archangel while God beams welcome. It is the archetypal mythical history of mankind from creation down to the end of time (for humanity).
The result of both the story, really the greatest story ever told put into the greatest poem ever written in the English language, inspires artists and composers. ( https://post-apocalyptic.fandom.com/wiki/Apocalyptic_Scenarios)-THERE IS BIENVENIDO POINTING AT SATAN as HIS INSPIRATION, BIEN IS THE GREATEST ILLUSTRATOR AND INTERPRETER OF SATAN OF ALL TIME. I SIT BEHIND BIEN PAINTING ADAM AND EVE. There is Amanda Husberg{ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanda_Husberg) singing and Peter Dizozza{ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Dizozza)playing an an unknown violinist. And, of curse blind Milton dictating to his daughter. And https://johnmilton51.wordpress.com/2024/01/18/%f0%9f%87%ba%f0%9f%87%b8the%f0%9f%92%a5life-death%e2%98%a0%ef%b8%8fand-apotheosis-of-adam-and-eve-preliminary-drawing-for-the-mural-from-master-terrance-lindall%f0%9f%91%81%ef%b8%8f%f0%9f%87%ba/
Satanic Verses Bienvenido Bones Banez Collaboration with Terrance Lindall in ...BBaez1
Surrealmageddon Visual Poetry, Acrostic Paradise Lost by Terrance Lindall, Robert J Wickenheiser, Yuko Nii Foundation at Williamsburg Art & Historical Center, Brooklyn, New York, United States of America. Prof Carter Kaplan, Peter Dizzoza, Phillip Somozo, Horace Jeffery Hodges, Bienvenido Bones Bañez Jr., Williamsburg Circle of International Arts and Letters, Satanic Verses Bones Banez Collaboration with Terrance Lindall, Paradise Lost Elephant Folio, John Milton Projects 2009-2015 by Terrance Lindall, Surrealism, Symbolism, Visionary, Fantastic, Allegorical, Surrealmageddon, Dystopian Literature, Utopian, Satanic Seeds, Lucifer, New York Art World Historical Contexts, Wickedpedia, 666 ART WORLD, Wild Beast Dreamers, Satan Brings Color To The World, William Blake, Michael Moorcock, Edgar Alan Poe, Revelation, Daniel Visionary, Biblical Verses, Bible Prophecy, The Tree of Knowledge, Spiritual Darkness, Technocratic Pandemonium, New World Order, World Economic Forum, United Nations, Big Pharma, University of South Carolina Library of John Milton, Thomas Cooper Society Newsletter Winter 2013,
🌈Surrealist Meaning of Wikipedia turned into the Subliminal Wickedpedia Desir...BBaez1
Bienvenido Bones Bañez Jr.
666 Artworld the GOLDEN BLASPHEMY!!!
Why be interested in 666 art world?
Regardless of where you live ,you have no doubt seen for yourself how 666 art world affect the lives of 6 to 7 billions of people. For thousands of years mankind has had a spiritual need and yearning. Most people lived with his trial and burden, his doubt and question ,including the mystery of 666 man's number.On the other hand ,there are billions of people who profess no religion nor any belief in god. Some are atheist,agnostic and they believe God is unknown and unknowable.
But we are talking about a special kind of knowledge that is for greater than 666 human wisdom. If you found certain parts of the document hard to understand,and let us examine the book reveals the knowledge of God. How do we find happiness through the book of 666 revelation? We do so by searching out the meaning of its vivid sign, phenomena or symbols and acting in harmony there with.
Logically, question come to our mind. From where did all these 666 art world come? Did they start independently, or could they developed from one source? The answer to these question are of vital important to all who are interested in finding the truth about 666 art world to Surrealmageddon!
A name identified a person of the worldly system. So how does this number identify the beast? John says that it "is a man's number" not that of a spirit person or demons so the names help to confirm the wild beast is Earthly ,symbolizing human rulers this worldly system they are political artist, religions as an artists, and business as an artists too they can manipulate the people of the world into visible art. Just as six fails to measure up to seven, so 666 is a degree- is a fitting name for the world gigantic political system that fails so miserably to measure up to God's standard of perfection. Therefore we are living of the 666 art world to SURREAL BLASPHEMOUS DESIRES! And those who loves the worldly desire of the flesh and desire of the eyes and the showy display of ones means of life its a 666 art world sucker and blasphemous way! Hence, it reflects human failing resulting from sin and imperfection its very interesting for the artists to inspired us. And these are very interesting the matters of ''MAN's WISDOM-666'' into a Mystic various way of seeing to our progeny artists are universal movement like : Egyptian artwork, Assyrian artwork, Babylon artwork, Medo-Persia artwork, Greek artwork, Roman artwork, Asean artwork and these presents days as Modern Art World its a universal movement they are very interesting.
🇺🇸🌈Celebrating John Milton’s 400th Birthday, The unrivaled arts festival hono...BBaez1
🇺🇸🇬🇧Williamsburg Art & Historical Center
The unrivaled arts festival honoring Milton’s birthday and Paradise Lost,
the greatest poem in the English language.
Bridging classic literature and contemporary fine art,
performing arts and poetry reading.
September 27th — November 2nd, 2008
Saturday, September 27th, 8pm to midnite
Couched amid historical artifacts and contemporary art celebrating PARADISE LOST, the greatest poem in the English language. Perhaps the largest birthday party for Milton in the world, with poets, artists and composers. We will be documenting this extravaganza on video to produce a documentary for this historical event that we believe will be seen for centuries to come. Milton’s centennial birthday will not come again for another 100 years. Be part of it! If you attend the gala, you will probably be in this video!
“The exhibit and programs promise to be a diverse collection of multiple perspectives and strategies that should engage the audience you hope to reach.” From a letter to Terrance Lindall from Wendy Woon, the Edward John Noble Foundation Deputy Director for Education of the Museum of Modern Art, New York
John Milton
John Milton was born in 1608. In 1667, the world received from him the book that would influence English thought and language nearly as much as the King James Version of the bible and the plays of Shakespeare. Let us then celebrate both the birth of John Milton who used the English language for supreme art, as well as celebrate the evolving English language itself throughout the world, which has become the world’s foremost international language. As a young man, John Milton wrote a friend: “Do you ask what I am meditating? By the help of Heaven, an immortality of fame.” Not many can actually achieve such a goal, but Milton did. Next to William Shakespeare, he is regarded by many as the greatest English poet and the author of the language’s finest epic poem, Paradise Lost. While Milton wrote Paradise Lost, he was blind, embittered by his heroic political/religious battles, and hampered by insufficient finances. Few images in the history of literature are more poignant that of the blind Puritan dictating day after day his great epic, Paradise Lost, the theme of which is announced in the opening lines:
Of man’s disobedience, and the fruit
Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal taste
Brought death into the world, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden.
He rose at four or five each morning, listened to a chapter from the Hebrew Bible, ate breakfast, and then wrote until noon. After an hour walk and another hour playing the organ or viola, he worked until night. Then he would have a supper of “olives or some light thing,” a pipe, and a glass of water.
Surrealmageddon Visual Poetry In John Milton, Terrance Lindall, Robert J. Wic...BBaez1
Surrealmageddon Visual Poetry, Acrostic Paradise, Terrance Lindall, Robert J. Wickenheiser, Yuko Nii Foundation, Satanic Verses Bones Banez Collaboration with Terrance Lindall, Prophecy, Revelation, Pandaemonium, Surrealism, Symbolism, Visionary, Fantastic, Allegorical, and John Milton in Outer Space, Inspired from the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE.
Terrance Lindall, Robert J. Wickenheiser and Bienvenido Bones Bañez Jr Collec...BBaez1
Terrance Lindall, Robert J. Wickenheiser, Bienvenido Bones Bañez Jr. and Yuko Nii Foundation at Williamsburg Art & Historical Center, Brooklyn, New York, United States of America. Photo Documentary, References and citations for WAH Center art world historical context.
Dr Robert J. Wickenheiser collecting experience at the Williamsburg Art & His...BBaez1
Dr Robert J. Wickenheiser on Paradise Lost Collectors Weekend and Antiquarian Books and Art Exhibit 2012, And his collecting experience at the Williamsburg Art & Historical Center.
Images Documentary on the Brooklyn Book Festival Bookends Events 2014 with di...BBaez1
Brooklyn Book Festival Bookends Events 2014 with dinner celebrating the Satanic Verses Bones Banez Collaboration with Terrance Lindall, WAH Center New York, United States of America.
🇺🇸New York Images of Terrance Lindall, Robert J. Wickenheiser, Yuko Nii, Bien...BBaez1
Williamsburg Art & Historical Center, Brooklyn, New York. Images of Williamsburg Art & Historical Center, and Williamsburg Circle of International Arts and Letters, New Art World Historical Contexts, Images of Terrance Lindall, Robert J. Wickenheiser, Yuko Nii, Peter Dizzoza, Bienvenido Bones Bañez Jr.
K.Guzik-MLS (2020) ““This is a letter of reference, from personal corresponda...Kyle Guzik
Title: “Kyle Guzik Reference Letter (2020).”
AI-generated summary (please note this summary was created by an AI):
“Pamela Harris Lawton, a professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, highly recommends Kyle Guzik for the MLIS program at the University of Southern Mississippi. Kyle excelled in her Cultural Diversity in Art Education and Society class, earning an A and actively participating. For an assignment, he completed volunteer projects at a dog shelter, retirement home, and trail maintenance. Kyle also provided valuable feedback to undergraduate students during his graduate assistantship. With over five years of experience working with children, 2000+ hours of volunteer service, and a keen interest in discourse analysis, Kyle is well-prepared for a career as a youth services librarian.
From Pamela Harris Lawton.”
दिल से दिल कभी मिला नहीं_ Bewfai ki Dard Bhari Shayari.pdfShayari Dilse
दिल से दिल कभी मिला नहीं_ Bewfai ki Dard Bhari Shayari
Dil se dil kabhi mila nahi,
Pyaara to tha jismaani
Kahne ki bas baatein thi,
Tu mera raja, main teri rani
Powerfull Sad Shayari In hindi
Casa Vicens is widely regarded as being his first masterpiece and responsible for helping to kick off the Modernisme movement in Catalonia and Europe.
Read more: https://jeremycasson.wordpress.com/2024/06/26/the-pioneering-architecture-of-antoni-gaudi/
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