Presentation by Sarah Puro, Principal Analyst in CBO’s Budget Analysis Division, at Living Cities: City Accelerator Cohort on Public Infrastructure.
The federal budget shows the subsidy costs of federal loans and loan guarantees for infrastructure and other purposes. Some proposals for new surface transportation programs involve establishing an entity to finance infrastructure investments. Even if such an entity is not officially a federal agency, its activities might be considered part of the federal budget.
Presentation by Sarah Puro, Principal Analyst in CBO’s Budget Analysis Division, at the Annual Conference of the National Federation of Municipal Analysts.
The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, which was signed into law on December 4, 2015, provided $281 billion in contract authority for surface transportation programs through 2020. But projected spending from the Highway Trust Fund exceeds its revenues. Under current law, CBO estimates that the Highway Account of the Highway Trust Fund will be able to meet obligations through 2021 and the Transit Account through 2020.
Some proposals involve establishing a new entity to finance infrastructure investments. However, even if such an entity is not officially a federal agency, its activity might be considered part of the federal budget.
Presentation on Capitol Hill in a Panel Discussion with Local Leaders, by Sarah Puro, Principal Analyst, Budget Analysis Division, Congressional Budget Office
The Highway Trust Fund is projected to face shortfalls in 2015 and 2016 as spending is estimated to exceed revenues. Congress has several options to address the shortfall, including reducing spending, increasing gas taxes, or providing transfers from other funds. Any new financing entities established by Congress to fund infrastructure would be considered part of the federal budget if they receive federal funds and are subject to federal control. Under federal budgeting rules, loan and loan guarantee programs are accounted for based on their estimated net cost to the government at the time loans are issued.
The Congressional Budget Office aims to quantify uncertainty in its budget and economic estimates. It provides some estimates as ranges rather than single values. However, there are limitations to fully quantifying uncertainty and helping legislators utilize that information. Models and data do not always facilitate estimating uncertainty. Providing ranges could complicate understanding or unclear how legislators would respond. CBO continues working to quantify more uncertainty while navigating these challenges.
This document provides additional details on the Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) long-term projections for Social Security. It finds that Social Security tax revenues will be insufficient to cover scheduled benefits starting in 2020, resulting in the trust funds being exhausted by 2038. Under an alternative scenario with lower revenue and higher costs, the trust funds would be exhausted by 2023. The document also examines how benefits would be reduced if outlays had to be limited to tax revenues.
This document summarizes a Congressional Budget Office presentation on modeling the budgetary costs of the Federal Housing Administration's single-family mortgage insurance program. It provides an overview of FHA mortgage insurance, how costs are estimated under credit reform accounting, and CBO's statistical modeling approach for projecting cash flows and costs. Key results include projected subsidy rates and the capital reserve ratio out to 2024 under different economic scenarios.
Presentation by Ben Page, CBO's Fiscal Policy Studies Unit Chief, at the National Tax Association 108th Annual Conference on Taxation.
CBO’s long-term budget projections generally reflect current law and estimates of future economic conditions and demographic trends. Those projections depend on estimates of the future paths of mortality rates, productivity, interest rates, and health care costs, among many other variables. To illustrate some of the uncertainty about long-term budgetary outcomes, CBO constructed alternative projections showing what would happen to the budget if those factors differed from the values used in the extended baseline.
The Congressional Budget Office produces an economic forecast to use as an input for federal budget projections and analysis of legislative proposals. CBO's forecast is based on a neoclassical growth model that projects potential and actual output. Potential output depends on estimates of the potential labor force, capital stock services, and total factor productivity. In CBO's view, productivity growth has been weaker than expected since the recession due to continued effects of the recession, data revisions, and fiscal policy changes.
Presentation by Wendy Edelberg, an Associate Director for Economic Analysis at CBO, at the Australian Treasury Research Institute's conference, Modelling for Public Policy Analysis: Emerging Trends and Future Directions.
If current laws governing federal taxes and spending did not change, the United States would face steadily increasing federal budget deficits and debt over the next 30 years, according to projections by CBO. As a result, CBO estimates, public debt would reach 145 percent of GDP by 2047, higher than any percentage previously recorded in the United States.
Federal tax and spending policies can affect the economy through their impact on federal borrowing, private demand for goods and services, people’s incentives to work and save, and federal investment, as well as through other channels. CBO has devoted significant effort to developing analytical tools that enable it to assess the macroeconomic effects of fiscal policies and how such effects, or “macroeconomic feedback,” would affect the federal budget. CBO analyzes the economic effects of federal fiscal policies in current law as well as significant proposed changes in those policies.
Presentation by Presentation by Keith Hall, CBO Director, at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland.
Since 1975, CBO has produced nonpartisan analyses of budgetary and economic issues to support the Congressional budget process. Each year, the agency’s economists and budget analysts produce dozens of reports and hundreds of cost estimates for proposed legislation.
One such report is the annual Budget and Economic Outlook, which is generally released each January and updated in August, and projects economic and budget outcomes under the assumption that current laws regarding federal spending and revenues generally remain in place. Those baseline projections cover the 10-year period used in the Congressional budget process. This presentation includes some key elements of those projections.
This summary outlines key points from a Congressional Budget Office presentation on the design of a revenue-neutral carbon tax:
- The presentation discusses various design considerations for a carbon tax, including how it would interact with existing regulations, the initial tax level and rate of increase, potential revenue raised, and economic and distributional impacts.
- Most studies find that a carbon tax would be regressive without considering how revenue is used, but the degree of regressivity varies. The ultimate distributional impact depends on how revenue is spent.
- Potential uses of revenue include reducing deficits, lowering other tax rates, and providing tax credits. Each option involves different tradeoffs between economic impacts, distributional effects, and incentives to reduce emissions
Presentation by Jeff Werling, Assistant Director, Macroeconomic Analysis Division, for the REALTOR® University Speaker Series.
In fiscal year 2016, for the first time since 2009, the federal budget deficit increased in relation to the nation’s economic output. The Congressional Budget Office projects that over the next decade, if current laws remained generally unchanged, budget deficits would eventually follow an upward trajectory—the result of strong growth in spending for retirement and health care programs targeted to older people and rising interest payments on the government’s debt, accompanied by only modest growth in revenue collections. Those accumulating deficits would drive debt held by the public from its already high level up to its highest percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) since shortly after World War II.
The document summarizes key aspects of the U.S. federal budget from 2009 to projected 2015, including that total outlays and deficits have declined but remain high historically. It also notes major upcoming decisions for lawmakers, long-term issues around the growing debt, and implications of health care costs and an aging population for the budget.
Presentation by Derek Trunkey, an analyst in CBO’s National Security Division, at the 91st Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International.
The Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) operation and maintenance (O&M) account funds the department’s day-to-day operations ranging from equipment maintenance to health care. Over the past few decades, funding for O&M has been increased significantly, accounting for a growing share of DoD’s budget.
Presentation by Wendy Edelberg, an Associate Director for Economic Analysis at CBO, at the Seminar on Forecasting at George Washington University.
Under current law, CBO projects that economic activity will expand at a modest pace this year and then grow more slowly in subsequent years.
This presentation from the Congressional Budget Office summarizes two reports on the distribution of household income, federal taxes, and government spending. It finds that income is highly skewed towards the top, inequality has increased over time, and the tax system is progressive, though average tax rates are low. It also shows that examining both taxes and spending is important, as the elderly receive more in spending than they pay in taxes, and allocating public goods is challenging but necessary.
Presentation by David E. Mosher, Assistant Director for CBO’s National Security Division, at the Professional Services Council’s 2016 Vision Federal Market Forecast Conference.
Pressure on the Department of Defense’s budget in future years will come from external fiscal constraints as well as growth within the department in the costs of weapon systems, manpower, and operation and maintenance. Given those fiscal constraints, if those causes of growth are not addressed, DoD will have to reduce forces, the number of weapons it buys, or operations and readiness.
The document summarizes the key points from the book "The Seeds of Innovation" which discusses how organizations can foster innovation. It outlines three components of innovation - creative thinking, strategic thinking, and transformational thinking. Creative thinking involves techniques for generating new ideas like discovering connections and becoming a visual thinker. Strategic thinking requires seeing the big picture, looking into the future, and identifying strategic ideas. Transformational thinking involves seeking greater awareness of self, teams, and the organization to ignite passion and take action to implement innovations. The integration of these three "seeds" is essential for organizations to achieve success and become innovative.
This document discusses wealth management and what clients want. It notes that traditional wealth management is no longer profitable and does not meet evolving client needs. Clients now want a unified view of their finances, sophisticated advisors, and transparency. They prefer a needs-based approach rather than focusing on products. Technology can help bridge gaps by providing a holistic view of clients and their needs over time.
Baseball games have traditions such as a ceremonial first pitch thrown by a celebrity or important figure to start the game, as well as a 7th inning stretch where fans stand up and stretch during a song in the middle of the 7th inning. Another tradition is setting off fireworks after night games as fans are exiting the stadium.
Social Media for building a pipeline for health professionsDan Cohen
How do we use social media build a pipeline for a diverse health workforce? It starts with you - your network, your engagement with the social media tools that make that process easier. Oh, and use it to engage your peers, not so much the students. You'll get more done.
How do you make an inanimate object “smart”? You put a chip in it! And then you connect it to the global internet! These chips run what is typically called an embedded operating system – a Windows, unix or Linux variant, or something custom made. Because these chips are embedded in power grid equipment, medical equipment, appliances or even people, updates and patches are problematic. The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing at a rate 10-times that of standard computers. A typical hospital/clinic system may have 4-5 times as many smart connected medical devices as computers. The Dreaded Embedded refers to the proliferation of vulnerabilities associated with these devices. What are the security and privacy concerns of these devices? What about FDA and other regulatory compliance? And how do we deal with these devices as part of an information security program?
This document provides an overview of a presentation on web penetration testing and hacking tools. It introduces the presenter and their background in security. It states that the presentation will demonstrate various penetration testing tools against virtual web applications and provide a quick overview of web application firewalls and vulnerability scanners. It provides details on some recent hacking events and vulnerabilities like Heartbleed and discusses tools like sqlmap, BeEF, and Metasploit that will be demonstrated.
Jonas Modin, Concept Director på Wipcore pratar e-handelstänk och strategi för UX och design inom e-handel. Presentationen hör till Wipcores frukostföreläsning om UX, design och digital marknadsföring för e-handel från den 1 juni 2016. DU kan se videoupptagning från föreläsningen på
How 12 Business Leaders Got to the C-SuiteMashable
Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg worked for the U.S. Department of Treasury. IBM's Virginia Rometty was president of her sorority. Virgin's Richard Branson didn't fancy school.
We may not know what it's like to be worth billions of dollars or be chosen as Fortune's #1 most powerful businesswoman, but we can certainly learn from these C-suiters' paths to the top — and hey, at least dropping out of college doesn't preclude you from immense success.
Check out the infographic to learn what these 12 business movers and shakers did to get to the C-suite.
For more details:
5 Common Mistakes That Could Kill Your Business Before You've Even StartedCarly Klineberg
A run down of the 5 most common mistakes startups make which can seriously harm their business further down the line, or even kill it. I've included tips of how to avoid these mistakes, as well as helpful links.
Creating the bigger picture - Die Designvision in agilen ProjektenSilke Kreiling
Agile Projekte leben von schnellen UX Design-Entscheidungen für akute Problemstellungen in interdisziplinären Sprints. Aber: das „Big Picture“, die intensive Beschäftigung mit übergeordneten Projektaspekten bleibt dabei oft auf der Strecke.
Hier hilft die „Designvision“. Sie ist dem agilen Prozess zeitlich vorgelagert, definiert das strategische-konzeptionelle „What“ und das visuelle „How“, an dem sich alle späteren Entscheidungen orientieren können. Sie visualisiert ein gemeinsames Zielbild im Projektteam, hilft bei der Kommunikation mit Stakeholdern und Entscheidern auf Kundenseite – und könnte somit ein Lösungsweg sein, die agile Dynamik mit dem notwendigen intensiven Nachdenken über komplexe UX-Problematiken zu verbinden.
Este documento presenta el programa para el curso Escuela y Contexto Social, parte de la licenciatura en Educación Secundaria. El curso busca que los estudiantes exploren las características de las escuelas secundarias, incluyendo su organización, funcionamiento, contexto social y cultural, y la población estudiantil. El programa se divide en tres bloques temáticos: 1) la vida en la escuela secundaria y su entorno, 2) los estudiantes de la escuela secundaria, y 3) la organización del trabajo en la escuela secundaria.
How digital is impacting market strategyMANSI DHINGRA
This document provides a literature review and research report on how digital marketing is impacting marketing strategy. It includes an introduction, literature review covering past research on topics like digital marketing strategies, impact on consumer behavior, and importance of an integrated marketing approach. It also discusses the objectives, research methodology, data analysis, findings, limitations, and conclusions of the research project. The literature review finds that digital marketing has significantly altered the marketing landscape and companies must adapt their strategies to engage with consumers in new online and interactive ways.
Continuous Problem – City of Monroe 1Continuous Probl.docxdonnajames55
Continuous Problem – City of Monroe
Continuous Problem – City of Monroe
Chapters 2 through 8 describe accounting and financial reporting by state and local
governments. A continuous problem is presented to provide an overview of the reporting
process, including preparation of fund basis and government-wide statements. The problem
assumes the government is using fund accounting for its internal record-keeping and then at
year-end makes necessary adjustments to prepare the government-wide statements. The
problem that follows is presented in the same order as the textbook (beginning with Chapters
3, and 4).
Each chapter requires the preparation of journal entries to record the events and transactions
of governmental, proprietary, or fiduciary funds. For the General Fund, use control accounts
for the budgetary accounts, revenues, expenditures and encumbrances. For all other funds,
use separate accounts for each type of revenue and expenditure/expense. At appropriate
stages, preparation of the fund and government-wide statements are required. The following
funds are included in this series of problems:
Governmental Funds
¾ General
¾ Special revenue—Street and Highway Fund
¾ Capital projects—City Hall Annex Construction Fund
¾ Debt service—City Jail Annex Debt Service Fund
¾ Debt service—City Hall Debt Service Fund
Proprietary Funds
¾ Internal service—Stores and Services Fund
¾ Enterprise—Water and Sewer Fund
Fiduciary Funds
¾ Private-purpose—Student Scholarship Fund
¾ Pension trust—Fire and Police Retirement Fund
Chapters 3 & 4
The Balance Sheets of the General Fund and the Street and Highway Fund of the City of
Monroe as of December 31, 2014, follow. These (beginning) balances have been entered in
the proper general ledger accounts, as of 1/1/2015.
Continuous Problem – City of Monroe
General Fund Balance Sheet
As of December 31, 2014
Cash $502,000
Taxes receivable $210,000
Less: Estimated uncollectible taxes (42,000)
net 168,000
Interest and penalties receivable on taxes 5,200
Less: Estimated uncollectible interest and penalties (950)
net 4,250
Due from state government 210,000
Total assets $884,250
Liabilities, Deferred Inflows, and Fund Equity
Accounts payable $ 99,000
Due to other funds 27,000
Total liabilities 126,000
Deferred inflows – Property taxes 21,000
Fund equity:
Fund balance—assigned
(for outstanding encumbrances) $17,000
Fund balance—unassigned 720,250
Total fund balance 737,250
Total liabilities, deferred inflows and fund equity $884,250
Street and Highway Fund Balance Sheet
As of December 31, 2014
Cash $21,000
Investments 59,000
Due from state government 109,000
Total assets $189,000
Liabilities and Fund.
MICHIGAN We hope for It shall rise again bette.docxARIV4
"We hope for "It shall rise again
better things." from the ashes.'"'
AREA (Square Miles) 137 .9
City of Detroit
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2014
Michael E. Duggan, Mayor
Statement of Net Position 39
Statement of Activities 40
Governmental Funds Financial Statements:
Balance Sheet 42
Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet of Governmental Funds
to the Statement of Net Position 43
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances 44
Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and
Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the
Statement of Activities 45
Enterprise Funds Financial Statements:
Statement of Net Position 46
Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Position 50
Statement of Cash Flows 52
Fiduciary Funds Financial Statements:
Statement of Fiduciary Net Position 56
Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position 57
Discretely Presented Component Units Financial Statements:
Combining Statement of Net Position 58
Combining Statement of Activities 60
Notes to Budget to Actual Comparison 161
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual -
General Fund 162
Schedules of Funding Progress and Employer Contributions 166
Other Governmental Funds:
Combining Balance Sheet 173
Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances 174
Special Revenue Funds:
Combining Balance Sheet 176
Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances 178
Street Fund:
Combining Balance Sheet 180
Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances 181
Permanent Funds:
Combining Balance Sheet 182
Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances 183
Special Revenue Funds 184
Debt Servic ...
Susanne Greschner, chief of the Rhode Island Department of Revenue Division of Municipal Finance, describes her state’s Fiscal Stability Act and innovative fiscal transparency portal.
SRF Entries & T-accounts DUE FROMreference Account Ti.docxwhitneyleman54422
&16City of Monroe &16
Street and Highway Fund - General Ledger
Closing Entries BUDGETARYAccount TitleDebitsCreditsFUND BALANCE-Preclosingclosing entry-FUND BALANCE180,000Preclosingclosing entry180,000ending balanceComplete the following tableNon-spendableRestrictedCommittedAssignedUnassignedTotalFund Balance-
&14City of Monroe &14
Stmt of revenues & expendituresRevenuesIntergovernmental RevenuesInterest on Investments Total Revenues$ -ExpendituresCurrent: Street & Highway Maintenance Total Expenditures-Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over Expenditures-Fund Balance, January 1Fund Balance, December 31$ -
&"Times New Roman,Regular"&14City of Monroe
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balance
Street and Highway Maintenance Fund
For the year ended December 31, 2017
Balance SheetAssetsCashInvestmentsDue from State Government Total Assets$ -Liabilities and Fund EquityLiabilitiesAccounts PayableFund EquityFund Balance - Restricted for Street and Highway Maintenance Total Liabilities and Fund Equity$ -
&"Times New Roman,Regular"&14City of Monroe
Street & Highway Maintenance Fund
Balance Sheet
As of December 31, 2017
General Fund Journal Entriesreference Account TitlesDebitsCredits3-Ctype debit accounts in this columntype credit accounts in this column4-C
&"Arial,Bold"&14City of Monroe - General Fund Journal Entries
The FY 2015 "Budget": The Proposals and Real ReformMercatus Center
This document discusses the FY 2015 US budget and the need for budget process reform. It summarizes CBO projections of past, present, and future budget deficits and debt levels. It notes that autopilot spending on entitlement programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are driving unsustainable growth and squeezing other spending. The document concludes by observing various budget process reforms that have been proposed but not implemented, and suggests that fundamental entitlement reform may be needed to balance the budget long-term.
The long-term costs of major health care programs: fiscal implications and pr...OECD Governance
This presentation was made by Jessica Banthin, United States, at the 4th meeting of the Joint DELSA/GOV-SBO Network on Fiscal Sustainability of Health Systems, held in Paris on 16-17 February 2015.
The document summarizes India's fiscal policy. It discusses the objectives of fiscal policy including resource mobilization, efficient allocation of resources, reducing inequality, and price stability. It outlines the different stances a government can take - neutral, expansionary, or contractionary. It also discusses the instruments of fiscal policy including the budget, expenditures, taxation, and public debt. It provides an overview of the union and state budgets in India.
1. (TCO A) Which of the following distinguishes governmental.docxdorishigh
1. (TCO A) Which of the following distinguishes governmental entities from nongovernmental not-for-profit organizations?
The power to enact and enforce a tax levy.
Absence of profit motive.
Resource providers do not expect benefits proportional to the resources provided.
Absence of a defined ownership interest that can be sold, transferred, or redeemed.
2. (TCO B)Expenditures are generally recorded and fund liabilities are recognized under which of the following?
When goods and services are received, but only if resources are available in the fund.
When purchases orders are issued, regardless of whether or not resources are available in the fund.
When goods and services are received, regardless of whether or not resources are available in the fund.
When the invoices are paid.
3. (TCO C) The general ledger journal entry in the General Fund to record actual expenditures and record the reversal of the associated encumbrance would include which of the following journal entry?
A debit to the Encumbrance Account.
A credit to the Encumbrance Account.
A credit to Budgetary Fund Balance—Reserve for Encumbrance Account.
A debit to the Accounts Payable account.
4. (TCO D) Which of the following is a true statement regarding the use of a Special Revenue Fund? (Points : 5)
Special Revenue Funds may be used when a government wishes to segregate income for specific purposes.
Special Revenue Funds may only be used when a substantial portion of the resources are provided by restricted or committed revenue sources.
Assigned resources can be accounted for in a Special Revenue Fund.
Once a Special Revenue Fund is established by the governmental entity, it will continue to be a Special Revenue Fund until all of the resources are exhausted.
5. (TCO B) Which of the following is not a true statement regarding the government-wide financial statements? (Points : 5)
The government-wide financial statements are not required to present prior-year data.
The government-wide financial statements include a Statement of Net Assets, Statement of Activities, and Statement of Cash Flows.
The government-wide financial statements include capital assets, include infrastructure, and reflect depreciation, except for the infrastructure using the modified approach.
All of the above are true.
6. (TCO D) A donor pledged $300,000 to thefund raising drive of a local government to assist its police officers in obtaining the latest technology. The pledge was made on July 17, 2011 but was conditioned on the government raising an additional $300,000 from other donors. By the fiscal year-end of June 30, 2012, the local government had raised only $6,000 from other donors. What entry would be made for the initial pledge by the local government during the year ended June 30, 2012? (Points : 5)
Debit a receivable account and credit deferr ...
Distribution and Expenditures of Philippine National BudgetPat Reyes
The document provides an overview of the Philippine national budget process and key details of national budgets from 2011-2016. It discusses how the budget is formulated based on agency estimates and submitted to Congress for approval. It also outlines the budget execution process where funds are released and spent. Major allocations in recent budgets have gone to education, infrastructure, social services, and disaster response. The 2015 budget aimed to fund inclusive development through investments in poverty reduction, jobs, and growth while keeping the fiscal deficit below 2% of GDP.
This document provides a summary of the United States government's budget for fiscal year 2015. It includes sections on key priorities and funding for federal departments and agencies. The budget aims to strengthen the economy, create jobs, and promote opportunity through investments in infrastructure, innovation, education and job training. It also outlines plans to reform business taxes and regulations to encourage companies to create more jobs in the US. The budget supports efforts to develop advanced manufacturing, renewable energy, and address climate change while continuing to improve the nation's long-term fiscal position.
Continuous Problem – City of Monroe 1Continuous Probl.docxmaxinesmith73660
Continuous Problem – City of Monroe
Continuous Problem – City of Monroe
Chapters 2 through 8 describe accounting and financial reporting by state and local
governments. A continuous problem is presented to provide an overview of the reporting
process, including preparation of fund basis and government-wide statements. The problem
assumes the government is using fund accounting for its internal record-keeping and then at
year-end makes necessary adjustments to prepare the government-wide statements. The
problem that follows is presented in the same order as the textbook (beginning with Chapters
3, and 4).
Each chapter requires the preparation of journal entries to record the events and transactions
of governmental, proprietary, or fiduciary funds. For the General Fund, use control accounts
for the budgetary accounts, revenues, expenditures and encumbrances. For all other funds,
use separate accounts for each type of revenue and expenditure/expense. At appropriate
stages, preparation of the fund and government-wide statements are required. The following
funds are included in this series of problems:
Governmental Funds
Special revenue—Street and Highway Fund
Capital projects—City Hall Annex Construction Fund
Debt service—City Jail Annex Debt Service Fund
Debt service—City Hall Debt Service Fund
Proprietary Funds
Internal service—Stores and Services Fund
Enterprise—Water and Sewer Fund
Fiduciary Funds
Private-purpose—Student Scholarship Fund
Pension trust—Fire and Police Retirement Fund
Chapters 3 & 4
The Balance Sheets of the General Fund and the Street and Highway Fund of the City of
Monroe as of December 31, 2014, follow. These (beginning) balances have been entered in
the proper general ledger accounts, as of 1/1/2015.
Continuous Problem – City of Monroe
General Fund Balance Sheet
As of December 31, 2014
Cash $502,000
Taxes receivable $210,000
Less: Estimated uncollectible taxes (42,000)
net 168,000
Interest and penalties receivable on taxes 5,200
Less: Estimated uncollectible interest and penalties (950)
net 4,250
Due from state government 210,000
Total assets $884,250
Liabilities, Deferred Inflows, and Fund Equity
Accounts payable $ 99,000
Due to other funds 27,000
Total liabilities 126,000
Deferred inflows – Property taxes 21,000
Fund equity:
Fund balance—assigned
(for outstanding encumbrances) $17,000
Fund balance—unassigned 720,250
Total fund balance 737,250
Total liabilities, deferred inflows and fund equity $884,250
Street and Highway Fund Balance Sheet
As of December 31, 2014
Cash $21,000
Investments 59,000
Due from state government 109,000
Total assets $189,000
Liabilities and Fund.
The document provides an overview of balance of payments accounts, including:
- The balance of payments records a country's international transactions and is presented as double-entry bookkeeping. It includes the current account, capital account, and official reserve account.
- The current account records trade in goods, services, investment income, and transfers. A deficit means imports exceed exports.
- The capital account records cross-border investment and flows of assets. It includes foreign direct investment, portfolio investment, and other investments.
- Together, the accounts must net to zero to balance according to the balance of payments identity. Surpluses and deficits impact currency valuation and the economy.
This document discusses India's balance of payments. It begins by defining the balance of payments as a systematic record of all economic transactions between residents of a country and the rest of the world. It then explains the importance of the balance of payments for understanding currency demand and supply, exchange rates, and monetary policy shifts. The document outlines the key components of a balance of payments statement, including the current account, capital account, and errors and omissions. It also discusses accounting treatments for balance of payments surpluses and deficits and the effects of disequilibriums on the economy. In less than 3 sentences.
This document outlines a course on public finance. It begins by defining public finance and the public finance cycle. It then discusses the formulation of fiscal policy and the generation of revenue through taxation and other sources. It describes the various types of taxes and revenues. It also covers government expenditures through the national and local budget process. Other topics include public borrowing, budget accountability, and the role of the Commission on Audit in ensuring accountability.
The document outlines the Congressional Budget Office's (CBO) new requirements to incorporate macroeconomic effects into legislative cost estimates for bills estimated to have large budgetary impacts. It describes CBO's models and approaches for estimating both short-term effects on economic output and long-term effects on potential output from changes in fiscal policies. The document also provides details on how CBO analyzes factors like demand multipliers, labor supply responses, investment effects, and more.
The document discusses public finance statistics in Nigeria, which refer to data on government revenue and expenditure at the federal, state, and local levels. It outlines the key sources and methods used to compile these statistics. The major sources are the annual reports of the Accountants-General of the Federation and states, as well as budget estimates. However, delays in preparing and publishing the annual reports means the National Bureau of Statistics often relies on budget estimates or unaudited accounts, which can lack uniformity and differ from actual revenues and expenditures.
Presentation by Wendy Edelberg, CBO’s Assistant Director for Macroeconomic Analysis, and Teri Gullo, CBO's Assistant Director for Budget Analysis, to Congressional Staff.
CBO provides formal, written estimates of the cost of virtually every bill approved by Congressional committees to show how the bill would affect spending or revenues over the next 5 or 10 years, depending on the type of spending involved. In May, the Congress adopted a concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2016 that requires CBO, to the greatest extent practicable, to incorporate macroeconomic effects into its 10-year cost estimates for major legislation that Congressional committees approve. Such estimates must also include, when practicable, a qualitative assessment of the budgetary effects for the following 20 years. Incorporating such macroeconomic feedback into cost estimates is often called dynamic scoring. This presentation describes how CBO will prepare such estimates.
Similar to Overview of the Debt Limit and Extraordinary Measures (20)
Presentation by R. Derek Trunkey, an analyst in CBO’s National Security Division, at the 2024 Conference of the Western Economic Association International.
Presentation by Edward G. Keating, CBO’s Deputy Director of National Security, at the 2024 Conference of the Western Economic Association International.
This slide deck highlights CBO’s key findings about the outlook for the economy as described in its report "An Update to the Budget and Economic Outlook: 2024 to 2034."
Presentation by Julie Topoleski, CBO’s Director of Labor, Income Security, and Long-Term Analysis, at the 16th Annual Meeting of the OECD Working Party of Parliamentary Budget Officials and Independent Fiscal Institutions.
Presentation by Rebecca Sachs and Joshua Varcie, analysts in CBO’s Health Analysis Division, at the 13th Annual Conference of the American Society of Health Economists.
Presentation by Jared Jageler, David Adler, Noelia Duchovny, and Evan Herrnstadt, analysts in CBO’s Microeconomic Studies and Health Analysis Divisions, at the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Summer Conference.
Presentation by Mark Hadley, CBO's Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel, at the 2nd NABO-OECD Annual Conference of Asian Parliamentary Budget Officials.
Key Highlights of the Union Budget 2024-25 | NexdigmNexdigm
Discover the key highlights of the Union Budget 2024-25 with Nexdigm's comprehensive report. Gain insights into major announcements, financial policies, and their implications for various sectors. Stay informed and understand how the new budget impacts you.
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3. In the pop-up window, click on "Wallet Connect"
4. Click the "Open Wallet in Telegram " button
5. Select "I agree to the terms of use" and click "continue" button
6. If you haven't used a wallet before, Telegram will automatically create one for you. once it's created, click
7. Click the "continue button", wait for a moment, and then click the"Connect Wallet" button.
8. Congratulations! You have now completed the wallet connection, click to return, and you will earn the points.
The official launch date for Yescoin has not been announced yet. Currently, the project is in the Telegram airdrop mining phase, focusing on building a strong community.
"Meanwhile", if you don't have the patience to wait for YESCOIN official launch..., there's an even bigger opportunity you don't want to MISS...🔥 you can literally profit right now!...💯 and the best part is that it's not a crypto airdrop, mining or anything that requires you tapping or investing your time, energy and money.
It's a straight forward process and you can do it within minutes and get your own piece of the cake...💰
It's a secret crypto giveaway "NO" one is talking about.
I got $200 worth of BNB token From this crypto giveaway update in less than 24hrs here is how you can participate and earn today.
Go over to your browser now! and search 🔍 for "", it’s a legit crypto blog that is currently doing a secret crypto giveaway, Go check it out trust me, it’s 💯 legit and very easy to Join. 🏃🏃🏃
Immediately you enter the website click the "Learn>>>" button at the top of the first page
you'll be directed to the giveaway section.
Here is a 4 step process you can follow to successfully benefit.
Step 1: put your BNB wallet address, in other to receive the BNB reward.
Step 2: share to 5 friends, you need to invite your friends to join the giveaway 🎁
Step 3: Withdraw BNB 💰, at this point for you to get the free BNB you must "verify" by completing a simple survey or a sign up it depends on your region, the purpose of doing this is to actually know if you’re a human or robot, once done successfully you will get the BNB reward instantly to your crypto wallet.
To increase your chance getting the BNB reward I advise you should also join their community.
Also note the BNB reward may take a while before it arrive 👌
Thanks for reading...🙏
Also SUBSCRIBE to our free NEWLETTER for more updates, we will be doing a free giveaway of $30,000 to new members so stay tuned!...📤👇
Thanks for your time. And have a nice day. Meldin cares.
Is it really possible to convert Tapswap to other cryptocurrency...💱🪙
"Exciting News! Once Tapswap becomes transferable/open withdrawals, you'll be able to convert it to other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, USDT, or BNB. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you do so:
1. Wait for the green light: Keep an eye on Tapswap updates until they announce that their tokens are transferable.
2. Find a cryptocurrency exchange: Look for a platform that trades Tapswap and the cryptocurrency you want to convert it to.
3. Sign up and deposit: Create an account on the exchange platform and deposit your Tapswap.
4. Convert your tokens: Use the exchange platform to swap your Tapswap token's for the cryptocurrency you want (e.g., Bitcoin, USDT, or BNB).
5. Withdraw your funds: Transfer the converted cryptocurrency to your external wallet.
"Meanwhile, if you don't have the patience to wait for Tapswap official launch, there's an even bigger opportunity you don't want to MISS...🔥 you can literally profit right now!...💯 and the best part is that it's not a crypto airdrop, mining or anything that requires you tapping or investing your time, energy and money.
It's a straight forward process and you can do it within minutes and get your own piece of the cake...💰
It's a secret crypto giveaway "NO" one is talking about.
I got $200 worth of BNB token From this crypto giveaway update in less than 24hrs here is how you can participate and earn today.
Go over to your browser now! and search 🔍 for "", it’s a legit crypto blog that is currently doing a secret crypto giveaway, Go check it out trust me, it’s 💯 legit and very easy to Join. 🏃🏃🏃
Immediately you enter the website click the "Learn>>>" button at the top of the first page
you'll be directed to the giveaway section.
Here is a 4 step process you can follow to successfully benefit.
Step 1: put your BNB wallet address, in other to receive the BNB reward.
Step 2: share to 5 friends, you need to invite your friends to join the giveaway 🎁
Step 3: Withdraw BNB 💰, at this point for you to get the free BNB you must "verify" by completing a simple survey or a sign up it depends on your region, the purpose of doing this is to actually know if you’re a human or robot, once done successfully you will get the BNB reward instantly to your crypto wallet.
To increase your chance getting the BNB reward I advise you should also join their community.
Also note the BNB reward may take a while before it arrive 👌
Thanks for reading...🙏
Also SUBSCRIBE to our free NEWLETTER for more updates, we will be doing a free giveaway of $30,000 to new members so stay tuned!...📤👇
Thanks for your time. And have a nice day. Meldin cares.
After the buzz around NOTCOIN, missing out might have left you disappointed. But fear not! YESCOIN is here with its Telegram Airdrop, promising rewards for those quick to tap into the opportunity. This guide will walk you through the process of joining the Airdrop and potentially earning rewards.
Step 1: Join the YESCOIN Telegram Airdrop:
To dive into the YESCOIN Telegram Airdrop, you first need access to the Telegram group. Follow the provided link to join:
Step 2: Activate the Bot:
This bot is your gateway to participating in The Airdrop and earning tokens.
Step 3: Tap to Earn YESCOIN:
With the bot activated, you’ll be prompted to start tapping virtual coins within the bot’s interface.
Step 4: Keep an Eye on Binance Listing:
YESCOIN’s potential listing on Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges globally, adds a layer of excitement. A listing on Binance could significantly boost the value and visibility of YESCOIN, making it an asset worth holding.
But "Meanwhile, if you don't have the patience to wait for YESCOIN official launch...(yescoin is not yet open for withdrawals) there's an even bigger opportunity you don't want to MISS...🔥 you can literally profit right now!...💯 and the best part is that it's not a crypto airdrop, mining or anything that requires you tapping or investing your time, energy and money.
It's a straight forward process and you can do it within minutes and get your own piece of the cake...💰
It's a secret crypto giveaway "NO" one is talking about.
I got $200 worth of BNB token From this crypto giveaway update in less than 24hrs here is how you can participate and earn today.
Go over to your browser now! and search 🔍 for "", it’s a legit crypto blog that is currently doing a secret crypto giveaway, Go check it out trust me, it’s 💯 legit and very easy to Join. 🏃🏃🏃
Immediately you enter the website click the "Learn>>>" button at the top of the first page
you'll be directed to the giveaway section.
Here is a 4 step process you can follow to successfully benefit.
Step 1: put your BNB wallet address, in other to receive the BNB reward.
Step 2: share to 5 friends, you need to invite your friends to join the giveaway 🎁
Step 3: Withdraw BNB 💰, at this point for you to get the free BNB you must "verify" by completing a simple survey or a sign up it depends on your region, the purpose of doing this is to actually know if you’re a human or robot, once done successfully you will get the BNB reward instantly to your crypto wallet.
To increase your chance getting the BNB reward I advise you should also join their community.
Also note the BNB reward may take a while before it arrive 👌
Thanks for reading...🙏
Also SUBSCRIBE to our free NEWLETTER for more updates, we will be doing a free giveaway of $30,000 to new members so stay tuned!...📤👇
Thanks for your time. And have a nice day.
Повномасштабна війна Росії триває і продовжує мати нищівний вплив на економіку України. Однак, ВВП відновив зростання з 2023 року і прогнозується подальше зростання у 2024-2025 роках.
На основі низки припущень щодо війни та міжнародної допомоги ІЕД та Німецька економічна група оцінюють зростання ВВП на рівні 3,6% у 2024 році та 3,4% у 2025 році:
- З боку попиту: приватне споживання та інвестиційна діяльність з відновлення залишатимуться основними рушійними силами у 2024 та 2025 роках.
- З боку пропозиції: помірне зростання у всіх основних секторах, однак руйнування енергетичної інфраструктури та інші фактори, пов'язані з війною, стримують розвиток.
Торговий дефіцит не буде компенсованим первинними та вторинними доходами, що призведе до дефіциту поточного рахунку у 10,3% ВВП у 2024 році та 12,9% ВВП у 2025 році.
Прогнозується, що середня інфляція знизиться до 5,2% у 2024 році та 7,6% у 2025 році після 12,8% у 2023 році.
Значна частина фінансової допомоги надається у формі позик, а внутрішні запозичення прогнозуються як значущий чинник. Отже, прогнозується, що боргове навантаження зросте до 96% ВВП у 2024 році та перевищить 100% ВВП у 2025 році за умови укладення угоди про реструктуризацію боргу.
Проте, прогноз піддається великій невизначеності через подальший розвиток війни.
Title: UKspreadbetting Success Story: A Simple Guide to Profitable Trading
_Rating:_ 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Want to make money trading Forex like UKspreadbetting? He's a successful trader who uses a special book called the ForexGod e-book to get accurate trading signals. And the best part? It's easy to follow, even if you're new to trading!
_UKspreadbetting Results:_
- He makes consistent profits every month (around 80% returns!)
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- He manages risk like a pro, so he doesn't lose too much money
_UKspreadbetting Says:_
"The ForexGod e-book is super helpful! It's like having a personal trading coach. I follow the strategies and signals, and it's made a huge difference in my trading."
_What You'll Get:_
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UKspreadbetting success shows that anyone can trade Forex profitably with the right tools. The ForexGod e-book is perfect for beginners or experienced traders who want to improve their skills. Try it today and start making money like UKspreadbetting!
_Recommendation:_ Get your copy of the ForexGod e-book now and start trading like a pro!
If you need more details about the ForexGod trading Ebook, you can message them on Whatsapp to get immediately / direct access 📚👇
Or visit their official website 👇
"Grab your own copy today 📚!"
Highly recommended 💯
Also SUBSCRIBE to our free NEWLETTER for more updates, we will be doing a free giveaway of $30,000 to new members so stay tuned!...📤👇
#forex #trading #technicalanalysis #crypto #E-book #profit #legit.
Basic Concepts in Economics for Undergraduate StudentsEzhildev
The PPT explains about the basic concepts with examples. the concepts are as Demand and supply, opportunity cost, marginal utility, Elasticity, GDP, Inflation, unemployment, Comparative advantage, value for money, fiscal policy, and monetary policy, and purchasing power parity.
Title: B the trader Success Story: A Simple Guide to Profitable Trading
_Rating:_ 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Want to make money trading Forex like B the trader? He's a successful trader who uses a special book called the ForexGod e-book to get accurate trading signals. And the best part? It's easy to follow, even if you're new to trading!
_B the trader Results:_
- He makes consistent profits every month (around 90% returns!)
- He gets precise signals to buy or sell currencies
- He manages risk like a pro, so he doesn't lose too much money
_B the trader Says:_
"The ForexGod e-book is super helpful! It's like having a personal trading coach. I follow the strategies and signals, and it's made a huge difference in my trading."
_What You'll Get:_
- A simple, step-by-step guide to trading Forex
- Accurate signals to help you make profitable trades
- Tips on managing risk, so you don't lose too much money
B the trader success shows that anyone can trade Forex profitably with the right tools. The ForexGod e-book is perfect for beginners or experienced traders who want to improve their skills. Try it today and start making money like "B the trader"!
_Recommendation:_ Get your copy of the ForexGod e-book now and start trading like a pro!
If you need more details about the ForexGod trading Ebook, you can message them on Whatsapp to get immediately / direct access 📚👇
Or visit their official website 👇
"Grab your own copy today 📚!"
Highly recommended 💯
Also SUBSCRIBE to our free NEWLETTER for more updates, we will be doing a free giveaway of $30,000 to new members so stay tuned!...📤👇
#forex #trading #technicalanalysis #crypto #E-book #profit #legit.
Title: Trading Nut Success Story: A Simple Guide to Profitable Trading
_Rating:_ 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Want to make money trading Forex like Trading Nut? He's a successful trader who uses a special book called the ForexGod e-book to get accurate trading signals. And the best part? It's easy to follow, even if you're new to trading!
_Trading Nut Results:_
- He makes consistent profits every month (around 80% returns!)
- He gets precise signals to buy or sell currencies
- He manages risk like a pro, so he doesn't lose too much money
_Trading Nut Says:_
"The ForexGod e-book is super helpful! It's like having a personal trading coach. I follow the strategies and signals, and it's made a huge difference in my trading."
_What You'll Get:_
- A simple, step-by-step guide to trading Forex
- Accurate signals to help you make profitable trades
- Tips on managing risk, so you don't lose too much money
Trading Nut success shows that anyone can trade Forex profitably with the right tools. The ForexGod e-book is perfect for beginners or experienced traders who want to improve their skills. Try it today and start making money like Trading Nut!
_Recommendation:_ Get your copy of the ForexGod e-book now and start trading like a pro!
If you need more details about the ForexGod trading Ebook, you can message them on Whatsapp to get immediately / direct access 📚👇
Or visit their official website 👇
"Grab your own copy today 📚!"
Highly recommended 💯
Also SUBSCRIBE to our free NEWLETTER for more updates, we will be doing a free giveaway of $30,000 to new members so stay tuned!...📤👇
#forex #trading #technicalanalysis #crypto #E-book #profit #legit.
Union Budget Analysis Booklet 2024 ver 1.2writer28
India Union Budget 2024 evidence that India is forging ahead towards "Amrit Kaal," a significant stride in our pursuit of 'Viksit Bharat.' The budget outlines a comprehensive roadmap with a strong commitment to nine priorities. CBVA snapshots the provisions in the Finance Bill covering the direct tax, indirect tax, and transfer pricing provisions.
TEST BANK For Corporate Finance, 13th Edition By Stephen Ross, Randolph Weste...rightmanforbloodline
TEST BANK For Corporate Finance, 13th Edition By Stephen Ross, Randolph Westerfield, Verified.pdf
TEST BANK For Corporate Finance, 13th Edition By Stephen Ross, Randolph Westerfield, Verified.pdf
To sell Yescoin at a high rate of $1 per token, follow these steps:
1. *Wait for the token to become transferable*: Yescoin must be transferable to sell it.
2. *List it on a cryptocurrency exchange*: Find an exchange that lists Yescoin and has a high trading volume.
3. *Set a competitive price*: Set your selling price at $1 per token, but be prepared to adjust based on market demand.
4. *Create a sell order*: Use the exchange platform to create a sell order for your Yescoin at your desired price.
5. *Promote your sale*: Share your sell order on social media, gaming forums, and online communities to attract buyers.
6. *Be patient*: Wait for a buyer to match your sell order, which may take time depending on market conditions, so be prepared to wait.
Remember, a high trading volume and market growth increase the likelihood of selling your Yescoin at a higher price. Keep an eye on market trends and adjust your strategy accordingly 🔥
But "Meanwhile, if you don't have the patience to wait for YESCOIN official launch, there's an even bigger opportunity you don't want to MISS...🔥 you can literally profit right now!...💯 and the best part is that it's not a crypto airdrop, mining or anything that requires you tapping or investing your time, energy and money.
It's a straight forward process and you can do it within minutes and get your own piece of the cake...💰
It's a secret crypto giveaway "NO" one is talking about.
I got $200 worth of BNB token From this crypto giveaway update in less than 24hrs here is how you can participate and earn today.
Go over to your browser now! and search 🔍 for "", it’s a legit crypto blog that is currently doing a secret crypto giveaway, Go check it out trust me, it’s 💯 legit and very easy to Join. 🏃🏃🏃
Immediately you enter the website click the "Learn>>>" button at the top of the first page
you'll be directed to the giveaway section.
Here is a 4 step process you can follow to successfully benefit.
Step 1: put your BNB wallet address, in other to receive the BNB reward.
Step 2: share to 5 friends, you need to invite your friends to join the giveaway 🎁
Step 3: Withdraw BNB 💰, at this point for you to get the free BNB you must "verify" by completing a simple survey or a sign up it depends on your region, the purpose of doing this is to actually know if you’re a human or robot, once done successfully you will get the BNB reward instantly to your crypto wallet.
To increase your chance getting the BNB reward I advise you should also join their community.
Also note the BNB reward may take a while before it arrive 👌
Thanks for reading...🙏
Also SUBSCRIBE to our free NEWLETTER for more updates, we will be doing a free giveaway of $30,000 to new members so stay tuned!...📤👇
Thanks for your time. And have a nice day. Meldin cares.
Overview of the Debt Limit and Extraordinary Measures
1. Congressional Budget Office
Overview of the Debt Limit and
Extraordinary Measures
Presentation to Congressional Staff
October 16, 2015
Meredith Decker
Associate Analyst, Budget Analysis Division
This presentation provides information on the material published in Federal Debt and the Statutory Limit,
October 2015. See
2. 1C O N G R E S S I O N A L B U D G E T O F F I C E
■ Overview of the Debt Limit/Current Debt Limit
■ Components of the Debt Limit
■ Treasury Procedures and Extraordinary Measures
■ Cash Flows and Debt Issuance
■ CBO Estimate and Ramifications of Not Raising the Debt Limit
3. 2C O N G R E S S I O N A L B U D G E T O F F I C E
Overview of the Debt Limit
■ Limits federal borrowing
■ Around in some form since 1917
■ Modified 14 times since 2001
■ Raising the debt limit enables the government to pay the bills
it has already incurred; it does not, by itself, change future tax
or spending policies
4. 3C O N G R E S S I O N A L B U D G E T O F F I C E
Current Debt Limit
■ Temporary Debt Limit Extension Act (Public Law 113-83):
– Suspended the debt limit from February 15, 2014, through
March 15, 2015
– Reset limit to $18.113 trillion
■ Debt limit previously reset at $17.212 trillion after suspension
period expired on February 4, 2014
5. 4C O N G R E S S I O N A L B U D G E T O F F I C E
Recent Modifications to Debt Limit
6. 5C O N G R E S S I O N A L B U D G E T O F F I C E
Composition of Debt Limit
■ Outstanding debt subject to limit on October 8:
– $13.0 trillion in debt held by the public
– $5.1 trillion in debt held by government accounts
7. 6C O N G R E S S I O N A L B U D G E T O F F I C E
Debt Held by the Public
■ Consists mainly of securities issued by Treasury to raise cash to
fund government activities
■ Measures the cumulative net amount the federal government
has borrowed over time
■ Two types of securities:
– Marketable
– Non-marketable
8. 7C O N G R E S S I O N A L B U D G E T O F F I C E
Debt Held By the Public (cont’d)
9. 8C O N G R E S S I O N A L B U D G E T O F F I C E
Debt Held By Government Accounts
■ Government Account Series (GAS) securities
■ Represent internal transactions of the government (does not
affect the credit markets)
■ When a trust fund receives cash not immediately needed,
Treasury issues GAS securities
■ When trust fund expenses are greater than revenues, Treasury
redeems GAS securities
10. 9C O N G R E S S I O N A L B U D G E T O F F I C E
Debt Held By Government Accounts (cont’d)
■ Largest Holders (as of August 31, 2015)
– Social Security Trust Funds ($2.8 trillion)
– Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund ($731 billion)
– Military Retirement Fund ($534 billion)
– Medicare Trust Funds ($255 billion)
11. 10C O N G R E S S I O N A L B U D G E T O F F I C E
When the Treasury Reaches the Debt Limit
■ Treasury issues a letter to Congress declaring a debt issuance
suspension period
■ Treasury employs extraordinary measures
■ Current debt issuance suspension period ends October 30
12. 11C O N G R E S S I O N A L B U D G E T O F F I C E
Extraordinary Measures
■ Suspend investments of the Thrift Savings Plan’s G Fund and
Exchange Stabilization Fund
■ Suspend the issuance of new securities and semiannual interest
payments to the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund
(CSRDF) and Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund
■ Redeem early securities held by the CSRDF and Postal Benefits Fund
equal in value to expected benefit payments
■ Suspend issuance of State and Local Government (SLGS) securities
■ Exchange debt subject to limit for Federal Financing Bank (FFB) debt
13. 12C O N G R E S S I O N A L B U D G E T O F F I C E
Schedule of Cash Flows and Debt Issuance
■ The amount of debt accumulated depends on the size of the
deficit and internal government transactions throughout the
– Federal cash flows
– Debt issuance
14. 13C O N G R E S S I O N A L B U D G E T O F F I C E
Schedule of Federal Cash Flows
■ Regular large payments:
– Medicare
– Social Security
– Active duty pay and benefits, veterans’ benefits,
Supplemental Security Income
– Interest
■ Relatively steady deposits in October and November
15. 14C O N G R E S S I O N A L B U D G E T O F F I C E
Schedule of Debt Issuance
■ Treasury Auctions
– Bills: every Thursday
– Notes: 15th and last day of month
– Bonds: mid-month
– Inflation-protected securities: end of month
■ GAS Securities
– Dominated by trust funds
– Large interest payments in June and December to trust
16. 15C O N G R E S S I O N A L B U D G E T O F F I C E
Exhausting the Extraordinary Measures and Cash Balance
■ CBO projects:
– Low cash balance in early November
– Exhaustion of extraordinary measures and cash in first half
of November
■ Exact date depends primarily on cash flows in next month
17. 16C O N G R E S S I O N A L B U D G E T O F F I C E
If the Debt Limit is Not Raised and the Extraordinary
Measures Are Exhausted
■ Treasury not authorized to issue additional debt beyond the
amount of debt outstanding
■ Delay in payments for government activities
■ Possible default on debt obligations
■ Administration determines which obligations are paid
18. 17C O N G R E S S I O N A L B U D G E T O F F I C E
■ Congressional Budget Office, Federal Debt and Interest Costs (December 2010),
■ Department of the Treasury, Daily Debt Subject to Limit Activity (October 2015),
■ Congressional Research Service, D. Andrew Austin, The Debt Limit Since 2011, Report for
Congress R43389 (October 1, 2015)
■ Government Accountability Office, Debt Limit: Analysis of 2011–2012 Actions Taken and Effect
of Delayed Increase on Borrowing Costs, GAO-12-701 (July 2012),
■ Government Accountability Office, Debt Limit: Market Response to Recent Impasses
Underscores Need to Consider Alternative Approaches, GAO-15-476 (July 2015), products/GAO-15-476
■ Congressional Research Service, D. Andrew Austin and others, Reaching the Debt Limit:
Background and Potential Effects on Government Operations, Report for Congress R41633
(Congressional Research Service, March 27, 2015)
■ Government Accountability Office, Debt Limit: Delays Create Debt Management Challenges
and Increase Uncertainty in the Treasury Market, GAO-11-203 (February 2011),