The document contains a collection of photos from around the world showing memorials, tributes, and vigils held in the aftermath of the November 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris. The photos show people mourning the victims by leaving flowers, candles, and heartfelt messages at French embassies and consulates. Other images depict makeshift memorials at the sites of the attacks in Paris and crowds gathering for candlelight vigils in cities like Sydney, Rome, Kiev, and New York.
Las redes sociales educativas son nuevas estrategias centradas en el estudiante y el aprendizaje. Permiten la interactividad entre docentes y estudiantes y facilitan la publicación de contenidos educativos en línea. Algunas redes sociales educativas populares son Edmodo, Ning, Classroom 2.0, Mahara, Elgg, Moodle y Sakai, cada una con características como foros, cuestionarios, wikis y portafolios digitales para apoyar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje.
Aradhna is a marketing and communications professional with 9 years of experience in strategic communications. She has skills in marketing communications, writing and editing, and project management. Currently she works as Marketing & Communications Manager at SW Media Group in Surrey, BC, where her responsibilities include developing marketing collateral, managing social media, and coordinating with designers. She is also pursuing an online marketing certificate from BCIT to enhance her skills.
“El Gallito Granjero” es para fines educativos y de información.
Boletín Técnico del mes de Junio del 2014.
Para productores rurales en el Estado de Jalisco, México.
The presentation shows the trends in SEO for 2014 and beyond. It also highlights some of the changes from the recent past. I did this presentation for my speaking session at Digital Marketing Summit , Hyderabad ( 15th Feb, 2014).
Este documento describe la experiencia de un voluntario universitario en un orfanato para niños moribundos en Nairobi, Kenia. Una monja le pide que consuele a un niño que está llorando y muriendo; el voluntario lo arrulla y le canta, logrando calmarlo antes de que fallezca. Esta experiencia le enseña al voluntario sobre el verdadero significado del amor, la compasión y el cielo.
O documento descreve um resumo sobre um dentista especialista em ortodontia e anúncios de serviços de saúde na cidade de Cacoal. Também relata sobre os preparativos para o carnaval na cidade, com detalhes sobre a contratação de bandas e investimentos feitos, e sobre uma nova mobilização contra a dengue com mutirões de limpeza.
Este documento presenta un manual de buenas prácticas para la educación de personas con retraso mental. El manual incluye orientaciones sobre dimensiones de habilidades adaptativas como el cuidado personal, la salud y la seguridad, la vida en el hogar, las habilidades sociales y escolares funcionales, la utilización de la comunidad, el ocio, la autodirección, el trabajo y la comunicación. También cubre consideraciones psicológicas, de salud y ambientales, así como orientaciones para el funcionamiento de los servicios, los derechos de los client
This document provides instructions for using the Consumer Health Complete database available through DeVry University's online library resources. It explains how to access the database through the campus website, create an account if needed, perform searches on topics using specific terms for better results, view full text articles and other resource types, and save files to your personal folder for later access. Users are also directed to library resources for getting additional help or contacting a librarian.
Los docentes han contribuido al avance de la sociedad a través de la historia al ayudar a las personas a superarse mediante el conocimiento y las habilidades. En la actualidad, el inglés es el idioma más utilizado en el mundo para trabajar, estudiar y viajar, por lo que los docentes deben enseñar inglés para guiar a los estudiantes y prepararlos para un mundo competitivo. Además de enseñar inglés, los docentes establecen las bases para interactuar con respeto y difundir normas que permitan a los estudiantes
Software de credencializacion; software para hacer credenciales, sistema de credenciales, asureid, proveedor mexico de asureid, tarjetas de identificacion, asureid mexico, manual de asureid, descargar asureid, como hacer credenciales, identificacion segura, hologramas, base de datos. Compre en linea, compre en:
Este documento propone diseñar estrategias para mejorar la implementación del plan de bienestar 2012-2016 en el área de división y atención al cliente de la Empresa de Acueducto, Alcantarillado y Aseo de Bogotá, con el objetivo de examinar los resultados del informe de control interno de 2013 para mejorar el clima laboral, determinar estrategias para mejorar la ejecución del plan de bienestar, y diseñar un plan de acción para mejorar el clima laboral de los servidores públicos en dicha área.
Presentation from "The challenges of measuring informal science learning" at the 2013 Science Communication Conference organised by the British Science Association - slides by Jenny Mollica
The 'Je Suis Charlie' message united people around the world in solidarity after the terrorist attack on the Paris office of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo that killed 12 people. People attended vigils holding signs, pens, and candles with the message 'Je Suis Charlie', which means 'I am Charlie', in cities across Europe and around the globe to pay tribute to the victims and show support for freedom of speech.
1. Over a million people flooded Republique Square in Paris for a historic demonstration against terrorism following deadly attacks earlier in the week.
2. World leaders including the leaders of Britain, Germany, Spain, and Israel joined French President Francois Hollande at the rally.
3. The rally was a show of defiance against the terror attacks that killed 17 people in attacks on the Charlie Hebdo magazine offices and a kosher supermarket.
1. Over a million people flooded Republique Square in Paris for a historic demonstration against terrorism following deadly attacks earlier in the week.
2. World leaders including the leaders of Britain, Germany, Spain, and Israel joined French President Francois Hollande at the rally.
3. The rally was a show of defiance against the terror attacks that killed 17 people in Paris, including 12 victims of the shooting at the Charlie Hebdo magazine office.
Lyon's Tribute in Light to Paris victimsmaditabalnco
The document summarizes Lyon, France paying tribute to the victims of the November 2015 Paris attacks through various light installations and candle displays on December 8, 2015. This included projections of the names of the 130 Paris attack victims on buildings, as well as a light installation on the banks of the Saone River displaying the message "Regards" in honor of the victims. Citizens also gathered to light candle displays as a replacement for the annual Festival of Lights event which was cancelled.
Magnum Photographer Thomas Dworzak: Aftermath of Paris terror attacksguimera
The document consists of photographs taken by Magnum photographer Thomas Dworzak in the days following the November 13, 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris. The photos show mourners gathering at sites of the attacks, people paying respects and leaving candles and flowers, crowds gathering in public squares, and Parisians going about their daily lives in the aftermath. The photos provide a visual documentation of the aftermath and mourning in Paris in the days after the deadly terrorist shootings and bombings.
2015 - Images of APRIL * Apr.16 - Apr. 23vinhbinh2010
This document contains 33 news articles from April 11-16, 2015 covering events from around the world including: continued violence in Syria with airstrikes hitting Aleppo and Idlib; refugees fleeing violence in Syria; a new royal baby expected in the UK; al-Qaeda taking control of airports in Yemen; Holocaust remembrance in Israel; and indigenous groups in Brazil protesting at the national legislature. The articles include photos and location information for events.
2015 - Pictures of the month_DECEMBER - Dec 09 - Dec 15vinhbinh2010
This document is a collection of photographs from December 9-15, 2015 with captions describing the location and subject of each picture. The photos show events around the world like refugees arriving in Germany, environmental activists in Paris, a family registering with Canadian officials in Jordan, and hot air balloons in Dubai.
'Life Ball', Europe's largest againts AIDS Eventmaditabalnco
The document summarizes the 2015 Life Ball, Europe's largest annual AIDS charity event held in Vienna, Austria. Vienna's City Hall Square was transformed into a mythical world for the event. The occasion raised money for AIDS/HIV research but was also a free-for-all gala emphasizing diversity. Celebrities like Conchita Wurst, Charlize Theron, and Sean Penn attended and various musical performances and fashion shows were held as part of the festivities.
2015 - Images of JANUARY - Jan.09 - Jan. 15.vinhbinh2010
This document provides a summary of news images from January 9th to 15th, 2015. It features over 50 photos from around the world including: demonstrations in France after the Charlie Hebdo attack; recovery efforts of AirAsia Flight 8501 in Indonesia; extreme cold weather in parts of the US; and portraits of daily life for the Naga people in Myanmar. The images offer a visual snapshot of major world events and life in different regions from that week.
2015 - Images of JUNE - June 01 - June 08vinhbinh2010
The document contains photographs from June 1-2, 2015 from various locations around the world. The photos show (1) a solar-powered plane landing in Japan, (2) a boy walking through the remains of burned tents at a Syrian refugee camp in Lebanon, and (3) smoke billowing from buildings in Yemen hit by Saudi-led airstrikes.
2015 - Images of JULY -July 16 - July 23vinhbinh2010
The document provides images and captions from July 16-17, 2015. Some of the key events summarized are:
1) Images from Ukraine show memorials for victims of MH17 plane crash. 2) Photos from around the world show Muslims breaking their fast for Ramadan. 3) Pictures capture protests in Greece over austerity measures and wildfires near Athens.
2015 - Pictures of the month_NOVEMBER - Nov 15- Nov 22vinhbinh2010
The document appears to be a collection of news photos from November 2015 focusing on events related to or in response to the terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015. The photos show scenes from Paris like the Eiffel Tower lit up in the French colors and people observing moments of silence. They also show commemorations and responses around the world, like candlelight vigils in Rio, Warsaw, and Cairo as well as world leaders discussing the attacks at the G20 summit.
Similar to Peace for Paris: November 13, 2015 (12)
from Friedrich to Gauguin, through Monet, Renoir and Sorolla
from the boards of Trouville and the ferocity of the cliffs of Amont to the seaside of Palavas and the shores of Tahiti
de Friedrich à Gauguin, en passant par Monet, Renoir et Sorolla
des planches de Trouville et la férocité des falaises d'Amont aux le bord de mer à Palavas et rivages de Tahiti
From Brueghel the Elder's Harvesters to Henri Martin's The Mowers
Cézanne's The Bathers and Van Gogh's The Wheatfield behind Saint Paul's Hospital with a Reaper
summer was especially an opportunity for painters to celebrate the joy of living and the harvest …
Des Moissonneurs de Brueghel l'Ancien aux Les faucheurs de Henri Martin
en passant par
Les Grandes Baigneuses de Cézanne et le Champ de blé derrière l’hospice Saint-Paul avec un faucheur de Van Gogh
l’été fut surtout pour les peintres l’occasion de célébrer la joie de vivre et les moissons …
jardins adorables, jardins sublimes, jardins romantiques, jardins élégants ...
Une grande promenade à travers les jardins dans la tradition picturale européenne …
big and small, lined and soft, round and angular
of felt or velvet
adorned with fur, embroidery, gorgeous bird feathers, ribbons, stones according to the owner’s fortune
grands et petits, doublés et doux, ronds et angulaires,
en feutre ou en velours,
ornés de fourrure, broderies, plumes d'oiseaux magnifiques, de rubans, pierreries selon la fortune du propriétaire ...
Recognised as the most beautiful woman in the Mediterranean civilisations, hers was the face that launched a thousand ships and inspired the legends ...
Rückenfigur ... back figure in paintings.ppsxguimera
Wanderer above the Sea of Fog is perhaps the most iconic Rückenfigur in German Romantic painting …
Rückenfigur, the back-figure is a pictorial theme with significant power.
Rückenfigur ... back figure in paintings
Rückenfigur ... figure de dos dans la peinture.ppsxguimera
Le Voyageur contemplant une mer de nuages est probablement la Rückenfigur la plus emblématique de la peinture romantique allemande ...
Rückenfigur, la figure de dos est un thème pictural d'une grande puissance.
Has been depicted
in mythological and religious paintings, in still life, vanities, allegories, in the genre painting.
From Caravaggio and Rubens to Millet, through Vermeer, Delacroix, Manet, Moreau …
Panier en osier dans la peinture européenne.ppsxguimera
A été représenté
dans les peintures mythologiques et religieuses, les natures mortes, vanités, allégories, dans la peinture de genre.
Du Caravage et Rubens à Millet, en passant par Vermeer, Delacroix, Manet, Moreau ...
Terrance Lindall is the Foremost illustrator of Paradise Lost in our age, com...BBaez1
Terrance Lindall has recently announced the upcoming Gold Elephant Folios, projected to be available by September 2014, in which Bienvenido Bones Bañez Satanic Verses will be illustrated with his own images centered and Lindall's images along the periphery. Lindall's work of this sort has already been praised highly by renowned Milton collector Robert J. Wickenheiser :
Without a doubt, Terrance Lindall is the foremost illustrator of Paradise Lost in our age, comparable to other great illustrators through the ages, and someone who has achieved a place of high stature for all time.
Lindall's art for Paradise Lost appears on the May 2014 edition of Cambridge University's Milton Companion to Paradise Lost
— with Terrance Lindall at Williamsburg Art & Historical Center.
K.Guzik-MLS (2020) ““This is a letter of reference, from personal corresponda...Kyle Guzik
Title: “Kyle Guzik Reference Letter (2020).”
AI-generated summary (please note this summary was created by an AI):
“Pamela Harris Lawton, a professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, highly recommends Kyle Guzik for the MLIS program at the University of Southern Mississippi. Kyle excelled in her Cultural Diversity in Art Education and Society class, earning an A and actively participating. For an assignment, he completed volunteer projects at a dog shelter, retirement home, and trail maintenance. Kyle also provided valuable feedback to undergraduate students during his graduate assistantship. With over five years of experience working with children, 2000+ hours of volunteer service, and a keen interest in discourse analysis, Kyle is well-prepared for a career as a youth services librarian.
From Pamela Harris Lawton.”
Crafting Fun: Creative Projects for Kidsshikhaberi912
Creative crafts for kids are a fantastic way to spark imagination and develop fine motor skills. These activities allow children to explore their creativity while learning to follow instructions and experiment with materials. Here’s a glimpse into some engaging craft ideas:
**1. Paper Crafts:** From origami to paper mache, the versatility of paper makes it a great medium for kids. Simple projects like paper flowers, paper dolls, or colorful collages can be both fun and educational. Children can learn to cut, fold, and glue, enhancing their dexterity and hand-eye coordination.
**2. Nature Crafts:** Incorporating natural materials, like leaves, sticks, and stones, into craft projects connects kids with nature. They can create leaf rubbings, stick sculptures, or rock paintings. These activities teach children about the environment and encourage them to appreciate the beauty of the natural world.
**3. Thread Crafts:** Using threads and yarns, kids can create beautiful textured projects. For example, they can make thread-wrapped flowers or woven bookmarks. These crafts develop their patience and precision as they learn to manipulate thread and follow patterns.
**4. Recycled Crafts:** Transforming recyclable materials into new creations is not only fun but also promotes environmental awareness. Kids can make robots from boxes, jewelry from bottle caps, or planters from old containers. These projects teach resourcefulness and the importance of recycling.
**5. Seasonal Crafts:** Crafting based on holidays or seasons adds a festive touch to any project. Creating decorations for Christmas, Halloween, or summer can help kids understand different celebrations and seasons while engaging in hands-on activities.
Crafts are a powerful tool for learning and self-expression, offering endless possibilities for fun and educational experiences.
Kailash Shankar's graphic design portfolio, showcasing his expansive and versatile body of work and chronological work-history timeline in the creative field.
2. A postcard and flowers are left in tribute to victims of Paris attacks outside the French Embassy in London, Britain November 14, 2015. REUTERS/Suzanne Plunkett
3. Flowers are offered as tribute to victims of Friday's attacks in Paris, in front of the French embassy in Berlin, Germany, November 14, 2015. REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke
4. A man holds a candle and a drawing depicting the French flag and carrying the words "I am Parisian" in front of the French embassy after attacks in Paris on Friday, in Warsaw, Poland
November 14, 2015. REUTERS/Kacper Pempel
6. Bullet impacts are seen in the window of the Le Carillon restaurant the morning after a series of deadly attacks in Paris , November 14, 2015. REUTERS/Christian Hartman
7. General view of the scene where a victim is seen on the sidewalk outside a cafe near the Bataclan concert hall following fatal shootings in Paris, France, November 14, 2015.
REUTERS/Christian Hartmann
8. A rose placed in a bullet hole in a restaurant window the day after a series of deadly attacks in Paris , November 14, 2015. The note reads "In the Name of What?" REUTERS/Pascal
9. A policeman stands near an abandoned shoe that was left in the street near the Bataclan concert hall the morning after a series of deadly attacks in Paris, November 14, 2015.
REUTERS/Charles Platiau
10. Abandoned clothes of victims are out of the Bataclan concert hall the morning after a series of deadly attacks in Paris, November 14, 2015. REUTERS/Charles Platiau
11. A watch lays on the ground outside the Bataclan concert hall, Nov. 14, 2015 in Paris. (AP Photo/Christophe Ena)
12. People hug on the street near the Bataclan concert hall following fatal attacks in Paris, France, November 14, 2015. REUTERS/Christian Hartmann
13. Rescue services personnel work near covered bodies outside a restaurant following a shooting incident in Paris, France, November 13, 2015. REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer
14. A woman wears the painted colours of France's national flag on her cheek during a candlelight vigil for the victims of the Paris attacks, in Sydney, Australia, November 14, 2015.
REUTERS/Jason Reed
15. Italian Lower House President Laura Boldrini lays flowers, in sympathy with the victims of the Paris attacks, in front of the French embassy in Rome, Italy November 14, 2015.
REUTERS/Remo Casilli
16. Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko kneels near the French embassy as he commemorates victims of attacks in Paris, in Kiev, Ukraine, November 14, 2015. REUTERS/Valentyn
17. A woman places a flower, in sympathy with the victims of the Paris attacks, in front of the French embassy in Rome, Italy November 14, 2015. REUTERS/Remo Casilli
18. People lay flowers outside the French embassy in Berlin, Germany, November 14, 2015, after gunmen and bombers attacked restaurants, a concert hall and a sports stadium at
locations across Paris on Friday. REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke
19. People take pictures of a makeshift memorial for the victims of the Paris attacks in front of the a French flag in Sydney, Australia, November 14, 2015. REUTERS/Jason Reed
20. Flowers are offered as tribute to victims of Friday's attacks in Paris, in front of the French embassy in Berlin, Germany, November 14, 2015. REUTERS/Hannibal Hanschke
21. A makeshift memorial honoring the victims of the terror attack in Paris is seen outside the Consulate General of France in San Francisco, California November 13, 2015.
REUTERS/Stephen Lam
22. Flowers and candles are seen placed outside the Le Carillon restaurant the morning after a series of deadly attacks in Paris , November 14, 2015. REUTERS/Christian Hartman
23. Flowers are seen placed on the doorstep of the Le Carillon restaurant the morning after a series of deadly attacks in Paris , November 14, 2015. REUTERS/Christian Hartman
24. A man places a candle in front of the Carillon cafe in Paris on Nov. 14, 2015, a day after over 120 people were killed in a series of shooting and explosions. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)
25. Candles in the French national colours are placed at Place de la Republique near the Bataclan concert hall the morning after a series of deadly attacks in Paris , November 14, 2015.
REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol
26. Women cry as they lay flowers at the French embassy in Moscow. Photograph: TASS/Barcroft Media
27. People gather in Aotea Square, in Auckland, New Zealand.. Photograph: Hannah Peters/Getty Images
28. Frenchman Aurelian Renault holds an image of the Eiffel Tower as he gathers with others outside Liverpool’s Lime Street train station. Photograph: Paul Ellis/AFP/Getty Images
29. College students huddle against the wind to light a peace sign of candles outside the French embassy in Washington, US.. Photograph: Jay Mallin/Zuma Press/Corbis
30. People light candles and lay flowers at the French embassy in Warsaw, Poland.. Photograph: Kacper Pempel/Reuters
31. In Paris, a man grieves outside the Le Carillon restaurant, one of the venues attacked, on Saturday morning.. Photograph: Christian Hartmann/Reuters
32. In Agartala, India, children hold candles and pictures as they pray for the victims.. Photograph: Jayanta Dey/Reuters
33. Books are seen placed outside the Le Carillon restaurant the morning after a series of deadly attacks in Paris , November 14, 2015. REUTERS/Christian Hartman
34. Women comfort each other as they stand in front of the Carillon cafe, in Paris, Nov.14, 2015. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus)
35. cast Peace for Paris: November 13,
images and text credit www.
Music Edith Piaf - Mon Dieu (My God)
created olga.e.
Union Square was also the venue for a vigil held to remember those killed in Paris.. Photograph: Zach D Roberts/NurPhoto/Corbis
36. A tribute is chalked on the pavement in Union Square, New York.. Photograph: Zach D Roberts/NurPhoto/Corbis