Federal and state laws were created to keep the public safe. But since state laws aren't updated often, there are some leftover rules that are just plain silly.
Instant Checkmate created an infographic of the most ludicrous laws in each state, so read on to see if you're breaking any rules you never knew existed!
Visit InstantCheckmate.com for more info on what's illegal in your neck of the woods!
Este documento presenta un resumen de tres oraciones del tema "Matrimonio" publicado por la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación. El documento analiza el concepto del matrimonio, su marco jurídico y los requisitos para su celebración. Se reconoce al matrimonio como una fuente importante de la constitución de la familia, aunque existen otras fuentes como el parentesco y el concubinato. Actualmente se acepta que las relaciones familiares no sólo pueden tener su origen en el matrimonio.
El documento describe las características del Poder Legislativo mexicano. Está compuesto por dos cámaras: la Cámara de Diputados, integrada por 300 diputados electos y 200 elegidos por representación proporcional; y la Cámara de Senadores, compuesta por 128 senadores. El Congreso se reúne dos veces al año en periodos de sesiones ordinarias para hacer, reformar y aprobar leyes.
El documento resume el libro "El Príncipe" de Nicolás Maquiavelo. Se divide en tres partes: 1) cómo gobernar ciudades y principados, 2) los tipos de milicias y mercenarios, y 3) cómo los príncipes deben actuar para ser queridos por su gente. Algunas ideas clave son que la riqueza y el poder van de la mano, es necesario contar con el favor de los habitantes aunque se tenga un ejército, y no atacar al enemigo en su territorio. El autor concluye que este libro
The document discusses the rule of law, defining it as the principle that no one is above the law and all individuals should be equal under the law. It originated in the 17th century and can be traced to ancient Greece. A.V. Dicey emphasized the rule of law and outlined three principles: governments should only use clearly defined powers, officials should have no special exemptions from the law, and judicial decisions should uphold individual rights. The rule of law is important as it is referenced in the constitutions of France and the U.S. to emphasize equality, fraternity, and liberty for citizens. The document also lists several legal cases related to upholding the rule of law.
La investigación, redacción, edición y diseño de esta obra estuvieron al cuidado de la Coordinación de Compilación y Sistematización de Tesis de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación.
Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher born in 1588 who studied at Oxford University. His main interests were political philosophy, history, ethics, and geometry. He was influenced by philosophers like Aristotle and Descartes. Hobbes is known for founding the social contract tradition and arguing that life without government (the state of nature) would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short". Some of his major works included The Elements of Law, Leviathan, and De Cive. In Leviathan, Hobbes portrayed the state as a great artificial man or monster (Leviathan) to represent an absolute monarchy as the best form of government. He believed the sovereign power of the Leviathan was needed to suppress the state
El documento resume las teorías políticas de varios pensadores como Platón, Maquiavelo, Hobbes y Hume. Platón propuso un comunismo idealista donde los gobernantes no tendrían propiedad privada. Schmitt definió la política como la distinción entre amigo y enemigo. Hobbes argumentó que en el estado natural los hombres viven en conflicto, por lo que crean el estado para lograr seguridad. Finalmente, Hume criticó las teorías contractualistas y propuso una visión utilitarista donde la legitimidad del estado depende de su util
Classical liberalism emerged in the 19th century promoting individual freedom and laissez-faire economics with little government involvement. It allowed a free market system and the division of social classes. Utopian socialism developed in response, proposing that collective ownership could eliminate poverty and unemployment by having people work for the common good rather than personal gain. Robert Owen established a utopian community called New Harmony to test these ideas in the early 1800s.
The True Timeline Behind The People vs. O.J. SimpsonInstant Checkmate
What really happened during the O.J Simpson trial? Instant Checkmate presents a timeline of true events — from the moment the bodies of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman were discovered to the controversial verdict.
For more information about the trial, read the original article (plus an excerpt from O.J. Simpson's book, If I Did It) here: https://www.instantcheckmate.com/crimewire/oj-simpson-timeline-infographic/
For some lawyers, especially litigators, social media is a tool that helps them provide better representation to their clients. Whether it’s mining social media for evidence or researching jurors online, social media is helping them to make their clients’ cases in court. Learn about Lawyers and Social Media in 2016 in this MyCase Legal Infographic.
Lawyers made the list of the top 10 most stressful jobs, but what are they so stressed about? Learn about the Top 10 Fears of Lawyers in this MyCase infographic.
The Truth about Tone from the Top by @EricPesikEric Pesik
Are your executives telling the truth when they say "ethics matter"? Senior executives are involved in 53% of bribery cases. And they know about 86% of corporate fraud cases. If management lies about ethics, what message does that send? What is the true "tone from the top"?
This document compares and reviews three online legal services - LegalZoom, Rocket Lawyer, and Docracy. It summarizes their prices and features for business formation services, legal forms, membership costs, attorney assistance, form quality, customization options, and customer support. Based on its analysis, the document concludes that LegalZoom is the best overall due to its more affordable prices for forms and membership, better quality forms, and best customer service, though both it and Rocket Lawyer are good services.
Top Technology Tools To Streamline Your Law PracticeNicole Black
This document discusses top technology tools that can streamline a law practice. It provides examples of tools that can help with billing time, collaboration, secure communication, document storage, document scanning, PDF annotation, legal research, and wearable technology. These include apps, software, and cloud-based services that allow lawyers to work more efficiently on desktops, mobile devices, and in the field using technology like smartwatches and Google Glass. The document emphasizes how the convergence of mobile, cloud, and other technologies has transformed legal practice.
Lawyers care about bitcoin and blockchain technology for several reasons. First, bitcoin presents novel legal issues as it enables decentralized collaborative organizations and autonomous agents. Second, bitcoin can affect many areas of law like banking, finance, taxation, and more. Finally, bitcoin provides opportunities for lawyers today such as using its features for proof of existence, avoiding the need for IOLTA accounts, and enabling governance controls for client funds through multisignature transactions.
This document outlines key events in the evolution of law from ancient times to the modern era. Some of the pivotal moments included Emperor Fu Xi laying down early laws on morality and social order in 2853 BC, God giving the Ten Commandments to Moses in 1300 BC, the trial of Socrates in 399 BC establishing the principle of defending one's beliefs, and Cicero formulating the basis of natural law and reason in 50 BC. More recent developments encompassed the European Court of Human Rights gaining jurisdiction over Council of Europe members in 1959.
FTC Compliance - You Know That Helpless Feeling You Get When You Worry If You...Chip Cooper
For FTC Compliance, 3 Critical Mistakes To Avoid, By Chip Cooper, Internet Attorney, SaaS Attorney - Do you sell to, or collect personal information from, consumers or persons who work at home who are located in the United States? If yes, you're subject to the jurisdiction of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Being sued by the FTC is a life-changing event. This SlideShare deck illustrates 3 critical mistakes you should avoid.
According to our Buisness Intelligence, this year’s Black Friday eCommerce in 2015 was 34% higher than 2014 and Cyber Monday was more of a European phenomenon.
This deck is a sample from the Jackdaw Research Quarterly Decks Service, which includes similar deck for around a dozen companies and industry sectors. You can learn more and sign up for the service at: https://jackdawresearch.com/quarterly-company-decks/.
Presentation given by CEO Jeff Weiner, and CFO Steve Sordello, at LinkedIn Q4 2015 Earnings Call. For more information, check out http://investors.linkedin.com/.
Futureproofing digital business models in Retail - Jacob Dutton, 383 - Byte B...383
Jacob Dutton, Partner & Commercial Director at digital experience studio 383, talks about the ways that traditional retail models are being disrupted. He also explore some practical ways that today's retailers can help to future proof their revenue streams for tomorrow
Jacob spoke at 383's monthly Byte Breakfast event. Each event features a guest speaker from inside one of the world’s most interesting companies and a related talk on product development and customer experience from a team lead at 383.
What does the future look like? Is it a dark space where we’re suffering from varying degrees of techamphetamine or are we heading towards a Utopian fantasy of abundance and harmony?
Understanding that our basic human needs and wants barely change, we explore the future state of a range of topics; from our need for physical sustenance through to our age-long fascination of transcending the limitations of our biology.
Looking at the future from a human perspective, our potential for greatness is teetering on a fine line between darkness and hope. We’re banking on the latter.
Venture capitalists, especially those investing at the early stage, could be described as “relationship capitalists”. You’ll often hear how investors approach their commitments like a marriage, and that they think long and hard about with whom they want to go to bed. Avoid picturing that second part.
But the VC mystique can be inexplicable at times. Why do they send such curt emails? What the #%$! do they mean by “traction”? Are they even paying attention?!
Here are some things they might be thinking (but probably won’t flat-out say) during the courtship process, and how you can prepare, take ownership, and rock the pitch.
This document summarizes various unusual laws from different US states. Some of the laws mentioned include: it being illegal to be blindfolded while driving in Alabama; women in Florida not being allowed to go parachuting on Sundays or risk getting arrested; and Vermont making it obligatory for everyone to take a bath every Saturday night. The document is a collection of brief summaries of strange, old, and little-known laws from around the United States.
The Trinidad State Clays Shooting Team traveled to Wyoming for a shooting competition against other schools and squads. The five-member team from Trinidad State received several awards, including 3rd place overall and 1st place for highest squad in handicap trap. Individual team members also received 3rd place finishes in American trap and American skeet. The shooting team is open to all Trinidad State students and practices weekly at a local gun range, with rotating members selected based on their practice scores.
The document lists several odd and outdated laws from Massachusetts, including prohibitions on snoring without closed windows, wearing goatees without a license, and carrying rifles to church on Sunday. It also notes bans on things like tattoos and body piercings (until 2000), tomatoes in clam chowder, and bullets as currency. The document provides these laws mostly as curiosities or jokes rather than as currently enforceable statutes.
The document lists several odd and outdated laws from Massachusetts, including prohibitions on snoring without closed windows, wearing goatees without a license, and carrying rifles to church on Sunday. It also notes banned activities like using tomatoes in clam chowder, giving beer to hospital patients, and eating more than three sandwiches at a wake. Many of the laws are antiquated and no longer enforced.
This document lists various unusual and humorous "true laws" from different US states. Some examples given include laws banning women from parachuting on Sundays in Florida, prohibiting biting with false teeth in Louisiana, and requiring permits for dogs to congregate in groups of 3 or more in Oklahoma. The document seems aimed at providing entertainment through highlighting strange and little-known past or present laws in various states.
Prostitution is legal only in Nevada under certain conditions. It is permitted in licensed brothels located in counties with populations under 400,000 people. Currently there are about 30 legal brothels operating in Nevada, employing between 10 to 300 prostitutes each. Prostitutes working in brothels are independent contractors who do not receive benefits and are responsible for their own taxes.
I created this presentation for the Hickory City Council as they considered passing an ordinance regulating sex offenders\' access to public parks within the city.
This document discusses the differences between crime and deviance. It defines crime as an illegal act that is punishable by law, while deviance refers to behaviors, beliefs, or characteristics that violate social norms and elicit negative reactions. The document provides examples of things that are crimes, things that are deviant but not criminal, and things that are criminal but not necessarily deviant. It also discusses how perceptions of deviance can change over time and vary across cultures.
Our organization covers all 50 states and provides info about criminal law, contact info for courthouses, police depts, maps, notable cases, high-profile news stories, and more.
This document provides an overview of "blue laws" in the United States, which are laws designed to enforce religious standards such as prohibiting certain activities on Sundays. It then lists the blue laws of individual states regarding activities like alcohol sales, retail shopping, and car sales on Sundays. States vary widely in their blue laws, from strictly prohibiting almost all commerce on Sundays to having few or no restrictions. The origins and historical context of blue laws in the US are also briefly discussed.
Learning Unit 1 - Value-based Behavior and Attitude-CRJ 461Bonnie Black
This document discusses domestic violence and provides historical context on attitudes towards domestic violence. It notes that historically, domestic violence against wives was accepted in society and the law permitted husbands to physically discipline their wives. Over time, views have changed and domestic violence is now recognized as a crime. The document also discusses myths about domestic violence and notes that abuse is about power and control rather than anger. Domestic violence can include physical, emotional, sexual, and psychological abuse and tactics aim to dominate and control the victim.
The passage discusses the passage of the 18th Amendment which instituted Prohibition in the United States from 1920 to 1933. It led to the banning of alcohol but struggled with enforcement issues. Loophole allowed for religious and medical uses of wine. Widespread disobedience of the law led to rise of organized crime and activities like bootlegging and speakeasies. By 1930, organized crime was profiting more than the federal government. Prohibition ultimately failed and was repealed by the 21st Amendment in 1933.
The document discusses the harsh punishments for illegally crossing borders in various countries such as North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, and Saudi Arabia, which include hard labor, indefinite detention, shooting, and imprisonment. However, it notes that if one illegally crosses into the United States, they will receive help from politicians, journalists, and media outlets. It further outlines benefits illegally crossing into the US can provide, such as obtaining fake IDs and social security cards to work illegally, sending money abroad, and having anchor babies who gain citizenship and access to free education and healthcare. The document expresses concerns that legalizing millions of illegal immigrants could change election outcomes and bankrupt the country.
How To Write A Problem Statement In QualitativeCrystal Alvarez
This document discusses the steps involved in conducting a telephone interview for research purposes. It outlines 5 questions that will be asked in the interview to understand employee motivation. Secondary data sources that will supplement the primary interview data are also mentioned, such as company policies and motivation mechanisms. Confidentiality of interviewees will be maintained.
The document discusses the prohibition of alcohol in the United States during the 1920s. It describes how the 18th Amendment banned alcohol nationwide and the National Prohibition Act was passed to enforce it. However, enforcing prohibition proved very difficult for the Treasury Department as many people ignored the law. Bootleggers smuggled alcohol and people made illegal homemade liquor. Speakeasies also opened illegally. Prohibition contributed to organized crime and the rise of gangsters like Al Capone who profited from illegal alcohol. Ultimately, prohibition failed to achieve its goals and was repealed by the 21st Amendment in 1933.
The document discusses the division of powers between the national and state governments in the United States. It identifies powers that are exclusively held by the national government, such as the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, and powers held concurrently with states. Powers are also denied to the national government to protect individual liberties and federalism. Concurrently, states hold reserved powers but are denied the ability to conduct foreign policy, coin money, or deprive citizens of rights.
The document is a game that teaches about constitutional rights in the United States through matching scenarios to the correct constitutional amendments. It presents scenarios involving things like freedom of expression, voting rights, protection from cruel punishment, and matches them to the relevant amendments like the 1st, 15th, and 8th Amendments. The player is then quizzed to match amendments like the 2nd, 4th, and 5th to the rights they protect regarding things like gun ownership, search and seizure, and double jeopardy. The game provides feedback that the player is doing well and asks if they would consider opening a law firm.
Vice crimes refer to offenses against public morality such as prostitution, gambling, and drug and alcohol offenses. The document provides an overview of various vice crimes including their historical development and current legal status. It summarizes laws around issues like obscenity, public intoxication, controlled substances, and drug courts as alternatives to incarceration for nonviolent drug offenders.
Gators for Free the Slaves biweekly newsletterKacey Christian
The document is a newsletter from the student organization Gators For Free the Slaves that discusses upcoming events to raise awareness and funds to fight human trafficking. It provides details on an upcoming Halloween party fundraiser and trick-or-treating event to benefit the organization Free the Slaves. It also discusses the group's tabling event and amounts raised so far, as well as future fundraising ideas like a "pie day". Facts about human trafficking are given, such as that there are an estimated 20-30 million slaves globally.
When you're using Instant Checkmate to run background checks on individuals, you may come across some specific terms in your reports that you might not be familiar with. To help you better understand exactly what you're seeing in your reports, we've compiled a list of the most frequently used and related terms in the personal criminal background check industry.
The black market may seem mysterious — but many items that are sold on the black market can be found in your own home. Seriously! Here are five surprisingly everyday items that are hot sellers.
Be careful with these black market items. Dealing with stolen goods can end up on your criminal record — which shows up on your background check. Want to learn more? Run a background check today using Instant Checkmate!
We can all be selfish at times, but when does "sometimes selfish" turn into a problem? If someone you know has more than a few of these characteristics, they may be a covert narcissist!
For more information, and an online test developed by psychologists, read the original article here:
We watch the debates and listen to the stump speeches, but what about the facts they don't want us to know? Instant Checkmate has gathered the most infamous scandals about each 2016 presidential candidate. Make sure you know who you're voting for!
Want to see what's floating around the internet about your past? Run a background check on InstantCheckmate.com today!
5 Shocking Truths About Human Trafficking in AmericaInstant Checkmate
Did you know the Super Bowl is the single largest human trafficking event in the United States? Human trafficking isn't a foreign problem — and it's a massive issue. Instant Checkmate compiled 5 shocking truths you have to see to believe.
If you or someone you know may be a victim of human trafficking, contact the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733).
For more information about human trafficking, read more here: https://www.instantcheckmate.com/crimewire/10-shocking-truths-about-human-trafficking-in-america/
The document discusses signs that a boyfriend may be cheating, such as being secretive with his phone, taking a long time to respond to messages, and working more or taking frequent business trips. It recommends running a reverse phone lookup on suspicious phone numbers to identify the owner, and looking for other evidence like questionable social media profiles or arrest records by doing a background check. Finding even one suspicious message may indicate more widespread cheating, so the document encourages using these tools to get definitive proof and understand who may be texting him.
Think you can easily spot a sociopath? Think again. Sociopaths aren’t always the stereotypical “serial killer type” you might be thinking of. These individuals come in all shapes and sizes.
Your best friend, significant other, roommate, or family member could be hiding a dark secret. Instant Checkmate compiled the 11 signs of a sneaky sociopath. Ready to learn more? Run a background check on them today at www.InstantCheckmate.com!
This document lists signs that a long distance partner may be cheating and provides tips for gathering evidence of infidelity. Key signs of potential cheating include the partner not wanting video calls, new friends of the opposite sex on social media, and not publicly acknowledging the relationship. The document recommends making surprise visits, checking phone/text records, and running background checks to look for evidence like nervousness during visits or unrecognized numbers. It cautions that rebuilding trust after long distance betrayal can require a lot of difficult work.
We love it when celebrities do good things — but we love it even more when a scandal breaks. From Jerry Sandusky to Roman Polanski, Instant Checkmate presents some of the most infamous celebrity crimes.
Ready to learn more about your favorite celebs (and people you know)? Run a background check at InstantCheckmate.com today!
Plenty of people use horoscopes to make sure they’re compatible with their significant other. But what do you do when your loved one has the same sign as the Zodiac Killer?
From Donald Trump to Charles Manson, the star sign profiles behind some of history’s most infamous baddies are shockingly accurate. So, before you head out on that first date, take some time to double-check the dark side of your partner’s sign. The result might surprise you! (We’re looking at you, Cancer.)
Interested in learning more about your partner? Run a background check today using Instant Checkmate! Click the link on the final slide for more info.
Craigslist Code Words: Do You Know What They Really Mean?Instant Checkmate
Craigslist is a great resource to buy concert tickets and lightly used furniture, but time has proven that it’s also the digital equivalent of a dark alley at 4a.m.. Beyond the mainstream sections is a hellish congregation of criminals using code words to deceive the unknowing masses.
Instant Checkmate did some digging and found the most common Craigslist code words and their meanings. So before you agree to a date with a gal asking for a dozen roses or befriend a stranger who brags about his Rolls Royce, check out what those words really mean! Spoiler alert: It’s not flowers or luxury cars.
View our latest presentation to find out how to avoid trouble while using this popular internet marketplace.
This document discusses how criminals are increasingly using social media to target and victimize people. It notes that 81% of internet-initiated crimes involve social networking sites. Approximately 1 in 5 adults and 39% of social media users have reportedly been victims of crimes like hacking, scams, or fake links on social media. More than 1 million people fall victim to cybercrime every day, with financial losses exceeding illegal drug markets. The document promotes the website www.instantcheckmate.com as a way for people to check on the safety and backgrounds of their social media friends and followers.
Sites like Facebook and Twitter have taken over as the go-to places for cyberbullies to strike. Only 1 in 10 victims report this abuse to their parents, which means the majority of those targeted are suffering in silence. As kids head back to school after summer vacation, it is now more important than ever that parents understand cyberbullying in order to prevent their children from being victimized this school year. View our latest presentation to get all the facts, and learn what you can do to protect your loved ones from being tormented online.
In order to catch someone in a lie, you must pay close attention to the details in their story, compare their behavior to their baseline temperament (how they act when they’re comfortable) and most importantly you must ask yourself, “Do I really want to know the truth?” According to Robert Feldman, a professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts, one reason liars often succeed in deceiving someone is because on some level, the other party wants to remain in the dark. But, if you think you can handle the truth, check out our slideshow to learn how to spot deception like a pro!
When it comes to urban legends, most of them have been told time after time with little variation in the story. The terrifying not-sure-if-this-is-true feelings associated with urban legends is part of what makes these stories so popular. People like being scared; even if they say they don’t, which is why you’re embarking on this nightmare-inducing list right now.
Our list does have one little difference: the urban legends we’ve included here are—dun, dun, dun—TRUE! Yep, each one of these incidents really happened, and we’ve got all the gruesome details. Oh yeah, and about those nightmares you’ll be having tonight. . . don’t say we didn’t warn you!
The 25 Worst Face Tattoos To Ever Appear In A Mugshot Instant Checkmate
This document provides a humorous summary of 25 men with poor face tattoos who have appeared in mugshots. It describes each man's tattoo with a nickname like "The Casanova" or "The Psycho" and a brief quip about the tattoo and man's apparent mindset or circumstances. It concludes with a disclaimer that the information provided is not meant to be used for decisions governed by the Fair Credit Reporting Act and may not be fully accurate.
Does it seem like you keep seeing the same people on your social media profiles? Check out the 14 most common types you typically spot in your news feed.
35 Hilarious Police Blotters You Won’t Believe Are RealInstant Checkmate
If you've ever picked up a newspaper, then surely you've seen the police blotters section. We found 35 of the most hilarious and ridiculous police blotters that have ever been printed!
This document provides brief summaries of 10 celebrities who have been convicted of killing someone. It describes the incidents and outcomes for Phil Spector, Keith Moon, Brandy Norwood, Vince Neil, Don King, Rebecca Gayheart, Laura Bush, Matthew Broderick, Robert Blake, and Corey "C-Murder" Miller. It also includes advertisements for a background check website and disclaims the accuracy of the information provided.
The case of Michel Moll, the internal policies of Sheriff Jim Arnott, and the 2023 ruling by the Missouri Supreme Court,
all demonstrate that we have reached a boiling point in the way state sex offender registration and notification laws are operating and being enforced. And everyone pays the price, when the house of justice is deaf, mute, and blind.
Why Degree Certificate Attestation is Crucial for Immigration Processes.pdfandrewabshire123
Degree certificate attestation is the process of verifying the authenticity of a degree certificate by relevant authorities to ensure its validity for use in foreign countries for educational or employment purposes.
How to get Cambridge FCE Certificate online?GlethDanold
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This presentation covers the fundamental principles of taxation law, focusing on the provisions within the Indian Constitution (Articles 264-289) that deal with finance, contracts, and property. It outlines the need for government finance, details the Income Tax Act of 1961, and discusses the distribution of revenues between the union and states. The presentation also delves into the structure of income tax, including its determination, exemptions, deductions, and the categorization of income. Additionally, it explores the residential status for tax purposes and distinguishes between capital and revenue receipts and expenditures.
Body Corporates Beware: Defamation in Sectional Title SchemesAshwini Singh
Defamation in Body Corporates of Sectional Title Schemes (South Africa)
Examples of Slander in a Body Corporate:
- Unit Owner A makes a false statement that Unit Owner J is being sequestrated and foreclosed at an Annual General Meeting.
- Body Corporate Chairman O makes a false statement that a
registered Professional Land Surveyor has committed fraud at an Annual General Meeting.
Examples of Libel in a Body Corporate:
- Former Trustee A makes false statements via email (sent to multiple other owners) that Unit Owner J is illegally parking on common property, when Unit Owner J is parked within a registered Exclusive Use Area.
- Unit Owner A makes false statements via email (sent to multiple other owners) that accuse specific owners and occupants of creating network names that Unit Owner A finds offensive.
Case Law: Body Corporate of Sunnyside Gardens v Perreira
What are the Conditions for Obtaining British Citizenship by Descent?BridgeWest.eu
The formalities for obtaining UK citizenship can be explained by our experts in immigration. Information and contact details can be found here:
The Russian Spy Embedded in the World of Embedded FinanceVladislav Solodkiy
When Vladimir Putin launched his full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the world responded with a swift and unprecedented wave of sanctions. Within months, the financial landscape for Russian companies, particularly those associated with oligarchs supporting Putin and his war, underwent a seismic shift. Access to foreign banking services, once taken for granted, became a scarce and highly sought-after commodity. The Wirecard scandal and the involvement of Jan Marsalek have highlighted stark differences in how Singapore and Russia, under Vladimir Putin's leadership, approach fintech and its potential use for money laundering and espionage. Catherine Belton's (FT, WSJ) book "Putin's People" provides numerous examples and insights into the behavior patterns of Putin-related oligarchs, especially the tendency to say one thing and do another (including the Wirecard-like scandal schemes). This duplicity is a recurring theme in the behavior of many Putin-era oligarchs, reflecting their background and strategies derived from KGB practices. Despite these settlements, both Fridman and Abramovich have been sanctioned by the US and UK for their connections to Putin and alleged support for his activities, including the invasion of Ukraine. This juxtaposition highlights the pattern of public denial and legal action against accusations while simultaneously being implicated by international authorities for their close ties to the Kremlin and support for Putin's regime. In many instances, Putin-related oligarchs would verbally justify actions like canceling deals using strategic reasons (such as ROFR?). However, their written communications would often cite absurd or unrelated reasons (such as "the inability to attract financing"?) without logically explaining how this related to their actual strategic maneuvers. This pattern of giving one explanation verbally and another in writing creates a veil of confusion and obscures their true intentions and actions. Belton's extensive research and interviews with key players reveal a consistent theme of manipulation and strategic deception, characteristic of the ex-Soviet oligarchs' approach to consolidating power and wealth under Putin's regime. These are just a few examples of the far-reaching consequences of the sanctions and the ongoing efforts to combat money laundering and financial crime associated with the Russian regime. The situation continues to evolve as governments and international organizations tighten the screws on those who seek to evade accountability and profit from war and corruption.
UILA - Red Cross Webinar Series - Criminal Law - ENG.pptxirishredcross1
Do you have questions about criminal law in Ireland?
Do you know what your rights are if you victim of a crime?
Do you want to know how criminal law works in Ireland?
Do you know where to go if you wish to report a crime?
Union Budget 2024 presented by Nirmala Sitharaman – LIVE.pdfTheBharatWeekly
The Union Budget 2024, presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on July 23, 2024, has garnered significant attention for its focus on infrastructure, income tax reforms, and economic growth. This budget aims to address various sectors, including railways, healthcare, education, and more, with a vision of making India a developed nation by 2047.
2. You may not agree with every U.S. law, but we can
all admit that they are necessary to keep the peace.
3. You may not agree with every U.S. law, but we can
all admit that they are necessary to keep the peace.
However, there are a few that are so downright
silly, outdated, and bizarre that we don’t know
why they sEll exist.
4. Passing a new law is no laughing ma8er, but some
of these state-specific rules are total jokes.
5. Passing a new law is no laughing ma8er, but some
of these state-specific rules are total jokes.
If you plan on si:ng on a sidewalk in Reno or
owning more than two cats in Oklahoma, think
again. Those offenses may just land you in jail!
6. Let’s take a road trip and find the most
OUTRAGEOUS law that has been passed in
every state.
7. Alabama: bear wrestling matches are prohibited.
Alaska: in juneau, flamingo owners are prohibited from bringing their pet into a barbershop.
Arizona: it is illegal to refuse a person a glass of water
Arkansas: it is against the law to honk a car horn at a sandwich shop after 5pm.
california: in el monte, it’s illegal to own a pinball machine.
colorado: in boulder it’s legal to taunt or insult a police officer until he or she asks you to stop.
8. Connecticut: in Meriden, it is prohibited to use a bean whistle in public.
Delaware: it is illegal to show an “R” rated movie at drive-in theaters.
Florida: it is illegal to sell your children.
Georgia: it is illegal for bars to run 2-for-1 deals on alcoholic drinks
Hawaii: you cannot have more than one alcoholic drink in front of you at one time.
Idaho: in eagle, residents may not sweep dirt from their house onto the street.
9. Illinois: It is legal for people under 21 to drink alcohol if they are enrolled in culinary school.
Indiana: it is against the law to catch a fish with your bare hands.
Iowa: in Bettendorf, liquor store owners are forbidden from placing beer advertisement signs outside the store.
Kansas: In Topeka, it is unlawful to whistle on public streets after 11p.m.
Kentucky: In Fort Thomas, dogs are prohibited from chasing people or other animals.
Louisiana: Stealing another person’s alligator is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
Illinois: It is legal for people under 21 to drink alcohol if they are enrolled in culinary school.
Indiana: it is against the law to catch a fish with your bare hands.
Iowa: in Bettendorf, liquor store owners are forbidden from placing beer advertisement signs outside the store.
Kansas: In Topeka, it is unlawful to whistle on public streets after 11p.m.
Kentucky: In Fort Thomas, dogs are prohibited from chasing people or other animals.
Louisiana: Stealing another person’s alligator is punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
10. Maine: In Biddeford, riding a bicycle on any public sidewalks is prohibited.
Maryland: In Rockville, it is a misdemeanor to use profane language within earshot of passers by.
Massachusetts: In Cambridge, a $50 permit is required to play soccer in the park on Sundays.
Michigan: Being drunk on a train is prohibited.
Minnesota: In Minnetonka, it is a misdemeanor to enter a massage parlor after 6pm.
Mississippi: Purposely disturbing church service is punishable by up
11. Missouri: in University City, it is illegal to ask someone to “watch over’ your parked car.
Montana: In Billings, it is illegal to own a pet rat.
Nebraska: It is against the law for someone with an STD to get married.
Nevada: In Reno, it is illegal to sit down on a public sidewalk.
New Hampshire: It is a violation to take seaweed from the beach at night.
New Jersey: It is illegal for dealerships to open on Sundays.
12. New Mexico: It is against the law to spit on public sidewalks.
New York: It is illegal for a group of people to wear masks in public.
North Carolina: In Zebulon, it’s illegal to stand outside a police station after dark.
North Dakota: In Devils Lake fireworks are prohibited after 11pm, even on New Year’s Eve.
Ohio: In Canton, it’s a misdemeanor to play any game in a public park without the superintendent’s permission.
Oklahoma: In Bartelsville, it is against the law to own more than two cats.
13. Oregon: Drivers are not allowed to pump their own gas
Pennsylvania: In Bansalem, convicted felons are forbidden from taking part in bingo games.
Rhode Island: It is illegal to race horses on the highway.
South Carolina: It’s illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to play a pinball machine.
South Dakota: It is illegal to fall asleep in a cheese factory.
Tennessee: It’s against the law to share your netflix password with others.
14. Texas: In El Paso, provocative clothing is prohibited.
Utah: it’s illegal for beer to be sold in containers larger than 2 liters.
Vermont: Women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear dentures.
Virginia: Raccoons are the only animal that can be hunted on Sundays.
Washington: The undiscovered species protection act states that it is illegal to hunt or harass sasquatch, bigfoot, or any other undiscovered creatures.
West Virginia: Public profanity is punishable by up to one dollar per swear word.
15. Wisconsin: Tattooing is illegal unless it is for medical reasons.
Wyoming: It is illegal to use a firearm to fish.
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