With smartphone and tablet ownership on the rise, device obsession is growing and spreading across generations, keeping consumers always-connected in new and unique ways. The 2015 US edition of the Deloitte global mobile consumer survey uncovers consumer preferences on a variety of topics from mobile device usage trends to the Internet of Things to security and privacy.
Download our 2015 US edition of the Deloitte global mobile consumer survey here: http://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/technology-media-and-telecommunications/articles/global-mobile-consumer-survey-us-edition.html?id=us:2sm:3ss:gmcs:awa:tmt
Internet Trends Report 2018 - KPCB - Mary Meeker - #CodeConIan Gertler
Technology analyst and venture capital icon Mary Meeker released the 2018 Internet Trends report at #CodeCon (the Recode Conference). The 294 page report covers a range of trends and topics including:
- Internet adoption
- Mobile usage
- Mobile ads
- Crypto/cryptocurrency/blockchain
- Voice/speech recognition
- Tech investment
- Ecommerce vs Brick & Mortar
- Subscription services
- Education
- Freelancing
- Transportation
- Enterprise
- China
- Immigration
25 amazing mobile phone statistics and factsAndy James
This document presents 25 statistics about mobile phone usage including: 89% of smartphone users use their phones consistently throughout the day, 9 out of 10 smartphone owners use their phones daily, iPhone users download the most apps while Android users download around 36 apps per month on average, and over 60% of people worldwide own at least one mobile phone. It also notes that mobile web traffic, searches, and commerce including coupons and Cyber Monday sales through mobile devices are significant and growing rapidly.
The impact of technology on consumer behaviourLaura Alemany
Technology has drastically evolved over the past couple of decades, fuelling the connectivity that brings the world together, while influencing and changing consumer behaviour. This presentation illustrates the impact of technology in our everyday lives.
Enabling best practice Web experiences for today's increasingly Mobile world: This white paper explores why a Web Content Management solution that’s not optimized for ‘customers in motion,’ could be the deal breaker for customer engagement. Find out how innovative approaches to WCM can keep your company aligned with customer expectations in a mobile world.
Selfies are dead. Long live the user generated content!Socialab
User Generated Content is King. Το ξέρουμε αυτό εδώ και χρόνια. Ωστόσο, δεν είναι όλοι... οι βασιλιάδες ίδιοι στο βασίλειο των social media.
Τα brands πρέπει να βρουν τρόπους να δημιουργήσουν περιεχόμενο γι’ αυτά πέρα από τα συνηθισμένα. Να δημιουργήσουν τα κατάλληλα triggers, τα κατάλληλα συναισθηματικά connections για να μπουν οι χρήστες στη διαδικασία να παράξουν πραγματικά valuable και shareable περιεχόμενο, πέρα από π.χ. μια απλή selfie με το προϊόν.
Μεγάλο challenge. Αλλά εκεί θα κριθεί η... ηγεμονία του κάθε brand στο χώρο των social media.
From modern transportation to monetary infrastructures, we depend on data to power global systems. Take a quick glimpse at what our lives would look like without data.
Learn more about our products and solutions here: http://www.netapp.com/us/
The document discusses how the digital landscape has changed significantly over the past decade, with social media and smartphones now ubiquitous. It recommends that businesses focus on actively engaging in the digital world by listening, monitoring social media, having social media policies and strategies, and embracing transparency and collaboration online. The future holds rising opportunities around data analytics, location-based apps and services, and augmented reality technologies.
Digital democracy survey: A multi-generational view of consumer TMT trendsDeloitte United States
For nearly a decade, Deloitte’s Technology, Media & Telecommunications practice has used this report to compare and contrast consumer attitudes and behaviors across generations related to entertainment devices, advertising, media consumption, social networking sites, and the Internet. This year’s survey puts a spotlight on the binge-watching culture, increased interest in streaming, social media’s influence on purchasing preferences, and more. Explore the trends that are influencing and reshaping media consumption behaviors among US consumers.
Visit to learn more: http://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/pages/technology-media-and-telecommunications/articles/digital-democracy-survey-generational-media-consumption-trends.html?id=us:2sm:3ss:dds10:awa:tmt:051316
Understand the cross-device consumer in just 15 minutesConversant, Inc.
To get the most out of your marketing and advertising programs, it’s essential that you understand today’s consumer and the multi-device phenomenon of how they connect, communicate, shop and buy. Get the facts about cross-device consumer behaviors, and then four tips on how to use them to your brand advantage.
Cross-device usage
Mobile’s share of total connected time
The "mobile-only" and "mobile-mostly" connected consumer
Cross-device purchasing
Download this compelling information today so you can develop a cross-device strategy that delivers better ROI.
How consumers use technology and its impact on their lives finalAndreiaSilva476
This document discusses how technology usage and digital trends have impacted consumer behavior. It covers how internet access has evolved over time, popular online activities like social media usage, and how digital devices are used. Some key points mentioned are that internet speeds have increased dramatically, mobile phones are the most widely used device to access the internet, and social media has become an important form of communication and part of daily life. E-commerce has also grown significantly, with consumers now doing more online shopping and research before purchases. The trends discussed reflect how digital innovations have accelerated human interaction and changed how consumers access information and make buying decisions.
This document provides an overview of mobile innovation in Southeast Asia based on interviews and research. It uses an "8 Cs" framework to analyze digital ecosystems. Key points:
1) Southeast Asia is a crossroads for mobile innovation, with both local giants and global players active in the region.
2) The report profiles mobile trends in 6 countries - Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam - examining connectivity, content, communities and other factors.
3) It finds Southeast Asia reflects diverse cultures and economies, with some nations having large, resource-rich markets and others focusing more on rural users. Mobile is increasingly important compared to other media.
TechCrunch - Mary Meeker 2018 Internet Trends ReportJosh Constine
This document provides a summary of trends from the 2018 Internet Trends report by Mary Meeker. It discusses slowing growth in new internet users and devices as markets reach mainstream levels. Innovation and competition are driving improvements in products that increase usage and engagement through personalization, while also facing more scrutiny. Emerging technologies like voice interfaces, digital payments, and messaging are expanding functionality and connectivity for consumers.
The document discusses the top 5 digital trends of 2016: mobile messaging apps, digital media and the rise of bots, mobile payments, e-commerce shipping innovations, and the Internet of Things. It provides insights and data on each trend, highlighting key developments like the growth of Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, the increase in ad fraud from traffic bots, the challenge of incentivizing mobile payments adoption, retailers creating their own shipping solutions, and the transformation of industries through IoT implementations.
The document discusses the rise of digital technology in Vietnam and its impacts. Key points include:
- Vietnam has seen rapid growth in internet and social media penetration, with 66% of the population now having internet access. Digital media has become the second largest touchpoint after TV.
- E-commerce is growing significantly and estimated to reach $33 billion by 2025. Mobile apps have disrupted transportation, food delivery, payments, and lending.
- While digital brings convenience, issues around privacy, cybersecurity and fake news have risen. The government is working to regulate data protection and promote e-government services and transparency.
- Market research is evolving digitally, with a trend away from paper/phone surveys towards online panels
Liberation from Location: Ericsson ConsumerLab Insight Report, Latin America ...Ericsson Latin America
Communication is a quintessential need. We meet it by being accessible to our friends, family and extended community in person and more often nowadays, online. Being able to make decisions on-the-go using relevant content that is accessible anytime, anywhere has assumed paramount importance among consumers. This Ericsson ConsumerLab Latin America study highlights the connectivity expectations of consumers as they go about their lives.
Overview of the mobile commerce market across the US and China, including its relationship to social, mobile payments and offline retail plus the key trends to watch.
Unlocking the Economic Impact of Digital Transformation in Asia PacificMicrosoft India
“Unlocking the Economic Impact of Digital Transformation in Asia Pacific” was conducted with 1,560 respondents in 15 economies by Microsoft Asia in partnership with IDC.
• 15 Asia Pacific economies involved: Australia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan,Thailand and Vietnam.
Presentation how consumers use technologyEmine Gul
This document discusses how technology and the internet have impacted consumer behavior. It notes that internet usage has skyrocketed since the 1990s, with nearly 4 billion users today relying on high-speed connections. Consumers now use a variety of digital devices like smartphones, tablets, and wearables to access the internet remotely. Online activities include social media, searches, and purchases. Reviews strongly influence buying decisions. Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and virtual/augmented reality will continue shaping the digital future and consumer expectations for personalized, immediate experiences.
Catch the highlights from MWC16 in this quick recap. Learn about everything that happened at Mobile World Congress, including new virtual reality devices, the latest developments in IoT, and much, much more.
8 Ways to Personalize Your App (in Under 30 Minutes)Localytics
Personalization is the future of mobile. If your app doesn't offer a personalized user experience, you're at high risk of user churn. Here we showcase actionable, real-life app examples on how you can make quick optimizations to improve your app's personalization, leading to stronger user engagement and retention.
This presentation by Kyle Sherman, LinkedIn iOS Developer for the SlideShare iOS app, goes over fixing issues with jittery scroll performance in iOS applications. The presentation goes over the basics of using Instruments to measure and fix problems, tips for using Instruments, and a concrete example from the new LinkedIn iOS flagship application.
This document discusses 5 mobile app trends for 2016:
1. Web app experiences within native apps through hybrid designs.
2. Context-aware apps that utilize existing data to provide sophisticated automation.
3. Artificial intelligence as the new user interface through technologies like Google Now.
4. One dominant messaging app to facilitate communication across platforms.
5. Notifications becoming a new medium of information with constant updates.
The document advocates thinking beyond just the mobile app and focusing on the entire user experience.
Chinese New Year Reaches Mobile Tipping PointApp Annie
Long-held traditions enter the mobile age — and with that, a new opportunity for app publishers. Using App Annie’s Store Stats, we showcase how Chinese New Year has become a significant opportunity for mobile app publishers, and how a few of the most impactful developments in the app economy have fundamentally changed this holiday in critical areas such as transportation and payment.
The document discusses keys to the future of mobile video advertising, including pre-cached ads that load instantly, value-added ads that give users benefits in exchange for their attention, and making these ad formats available programmatically. It argues that these approaches can improve the user experience of mobile advertising by reducing load times, giving users control and incentives to engage with ads, and addressing issues like ad blocking.
Go Beyond Opens & Clicks: Using Data to Optimize Your Client's CampaignsLitmus
"It's ok, we have good open and click rates." How many times have you heard that from a client or colleague? A campaign's success is often based on a handful of metrics, but these rarely give a well-rounded portrait of true customer engagement.
Are open rates declining on mobile? Have desktop and webmail opens increased? How long do subscribers actually spend reading each message?
In this actionable webinar, we dive into the other (often more) important metrics your team should be using to develop your clients' emails.
M Dot Extinction: The Next Evolution of Mobile WebMobify
The technology world is facing an extinction – m.dot sites are slowly but surely dying out, and for good reason.
A survey of the Internet Retailer 500 found that m.dot sites for ecommerce dropped from 79% in 2013 to 59% in 2014, and the trend continues. While numbers still need to be confirmed for this past year, m.dot sites were expected to lose 50% share in 2015.
Unlike the dinosaur extinction 65 million years ago, for which the reasons are still widely debated, m.dots are an outdated technology and the reasons for their demise are clear. While m.dots were a huge improvement to serving the desktop site to mobile shoppers, they have failed to evolve with customers’ rising expectations and advancements in technology.
Download our M.dot Extinction Storybook to learn the 5 reasons that m.dot sites are disappearing.
Identifying Millennial Buying Behavior On Mobile Logo Design Guru
Millennials are 2.5x more likely to be an early adopter. They are raised with tech gadgets. They are driving the shift from a PC-centric world to a mobile-first world. Find out how their personality traits are effecting their buying behavior on mobile and hand-held devices.
Case Study: Mastering digital disruption in retailScopernia
Retail companies have quite some challenges with the way the world is (rapidly) changing due to digitization. That’s why Belgian retailer Torfs & Duval Union Consulting have worked together to set up a strategy to master the digital transformation of Torfs.
In the following case study, we discuss the current market situation and disruptive trends in retail based on our seven Drivers of Transformation.
It’s fundamental to understand what is going on at the moment in the retail industry, where it is going and identify critical threats when constructing a digital strategy towards the future.
Need help with your transformation?
Do contact us: through a series of workshops, we help you to understand digital disruption and offer you a model to shape your own future.
According to our Buisness Intelligence, this year’s Black Friday eCommerce in 2015 was 34% higher than 2014 and Cyber Monday was more of a European phenomenon.
5 tools for an awesome presentation-By Samid RazzakMd. Samid Razzak
Forget what you learned in Business schools. Here are 5 tips for an outstanding presentation from a TEDx Speaker. Make sure you remember each points and use it in your next presentation!
Sources: Flickr, Google, Presentation Panda
Some examples and motivation for creating data structures from nothing but functions - Church Encoding! There's particular detail on how it can make free monads more efficient.
The document shows net asset levels in 1,000 euros for households in various European countries based on 2015 data. Belgium had the highest level at 451.1 euros, followed by the Netherlands at 356.7 euros, with Greece having the lowest at 87.5 euros. For the average Eurozone household, real estate makes up 50% of net assets, with currency and bank deposits at 17%, pensions at 17%, and shares and equity at 14%. The remaining 2% consists of holdings of debt securities, loans, financial derivatives and employee stock options.
People are slowly beginning to realize that the times, they are a-changing. When it comes to the future of work and automation, it’s not a question of how, but when. We usually only react when it’s already too late. But this time, the writings on the wall are too overwhelming to just ignore them.
Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that you should stock up on guns, build a shelter and prepare for Skynet. But it’s probably a good idea to at least start considering the idea that things might change faster than you think. And in the end, we would hate to say we told you so. So start preparing right now with these 6 crucial tips to survive the second machine age.
Mobile devices have enabled new markets like mobile payments, the Internet of Things (IoT), and location-based advertising. People check their phones frequently throughout the day and night, with over 40% checking within 5 minutes of waking up and over 30% checking in the middle of the night. Smartphone ownership has grown across all age groups but is highest among 18-24 year olds, reaching near saturation levels. Interest in IoT technologies like smart home devices and wearables is growing, though autonomous vehicles and VR headsets remain niche. Security and privacy are top concerns, with most preferring PINs/passwords over biometrics and being willing to share some usage data if they can choose what is shared.
Blis insights: the influence of location on cross-screen advertisingBlis
Understanding the role of location in how consumers interact and respond to advertising is becoming a critical component for every brand looking to execute successful mobile-aware campaigns.
Technology has played its part in this evolution, with devices and connectivity combining to provide consumers with access to content and information anytime, anyplace. Consumers are using multiple devices to interact with brands in different ways depending on the kind of content being consumed, the services they are using, and the context of their location.
The data in this deck comes from a Blis White Paper based on consumer research from a nationally represented sample of UK consumers, designed to explore the following topics:
Device ownership and usage across demographics
How consumers engage with mobile advertising on different devices
The importance of context in mobile advertising
The influence of location on mobile advertising engagement
The survey found that digital consumers want the newest devices and technologies and plan to add more devices rather than replace existing ones. Interest is high in wearable devices, health/fitness trackers, and apps that provide functionality previously requiring separate devices. While many consumers prefer multiple devices for different purposes, some want an integrated single device. Early adopters are especially interested in new digital offerings and functionality. Consumer electronics companies need to understand how consumers are building personalized combinations of devices and services to ensure their products fill needs in consumers' digital lifestyles. An aggressive innovation strategy and engaging relationship with consumers is important as people pursue complete digital experiences.
The document summarizes key findings from Deloitte's 2014 Global Mobile Consumer Survey on devices, connectivity, and usage among Dutch consumers:
1) While smartphone ownership continues growing, consumers are becoming more price sensitive, benefiting new budget-friendly brands. Tablet growth is slowing as smartphones get larger.
2) Free Wi-Fi remains the main internet connection due to cheaper data costs. 4G adoption will rise with affordable devices and plans. Bundle price and SIM-only contracts are growing in popularity.
3) Usage of basic services like social media is ubiquitous while newer services see slower adoption. Banks remain trusted for mobile payments despite popularity among all ages.
Como bien lo dice el título, es un estudio que hace eMarketer para conocer hábitos, comportamiento y consumo de medios digitales del segmento mejor definido como "millennial". Esta es su versión 2014.
Mobility in Belgium: Time to Invest
The survey of over 1,000 Belgian mobile device users provides insights into market trends to help companies develop their mobile offerings. It found that:
1) The digital customer segment is ready for mobile services and apps, as over 90% use their devices daily for online activities, however mobile offerings currently lag behind desktop experiences.
2) Users strongly prefer apps over mobile websites and intend to increase app usage, showing companies should focus on building quality apps rather than mobile sites.
3) The three dominant operating systems - iOS, Android, and Windows - cover 92% of the Belgian market, so companies need offerings supporting all three to reach most customers.
Mobile phone use among residents of Metro Manila has increased significantly in the past year according to a study by TNS. More residents are now taking photos/videos (75%, up from 73%), browsing the internet (45%, up from 32%), using social media (44%, up from 34%), and checking email (37%, up from 23%). Ownership of smartphones that offer more than just calling and texting has risen, reflecting users' desire for enhanced mobile experiences. Most respondents now see their mobile phone as their most important technology and own multiple digital devices at home.
Understand the cross-device consumer in just 15 minutesJim Nichols
To get the most out of your marketing and advertising programs, it’s essential that you understand today’s consumer and the multi-device phenomenon of how they connect, communicate, shop and buy. Get the facts about cross-device consumer behaviors, and then four tips on how to use them to your brand advantage.
Cross-device usage
Mobile’s share of total connected time
The "mobile-only" and "mobile-mostly" connected consumer
Cross-device purchasing
Download this compelling information today so you can develop a cross-device strategy that delivers better ROI.
Bank of America 2015 Consumer Mobility Report Philippe Dumont
Bank of America dévoile ce qu’attendent ses clients sur mobile
Il est très rare de voir un annonceur publier une étude complète sur ses propres clients, et dans cas précis sur leur utilisation détaillée du mobile. C’est pourtant ce que vient de faire Bank Of America avec son Consumer Mobility Report 2015 !
Cette étude (centrée sur les US) donne de très nombreux enseignements sur l’importance du mobile dans la vie de tous les jours, notamment quand il s’agit de banque et de mobile...
Myanmar Consumer Preference Study over COVID-19Simon Bailey
This study looks at the response by Myanmar consumers to the COVID-19 situation. This shows the significant shifts in Digital behaviours and requirements from the market
Smartphone addiction is on the rise, with 26% of iPhone owners and 60% of respondents admitting to being "very" or "quite" addicted to the internet and their mobile phones. Social networking now accounts for 22.7% of online time spent on websites like Facebook and Twitter. A growing number of children and teenagers are also showing signs of smartphone addiction, with over half of all teenagers admitting to copying information straight from the internet for schoolwork without attribution.
This year we have reached the stage where 50% of the world’s population is connected to the Internet, compared to 40% in 2016. And, with more people online than ever before, every minute that goes by witnesses 3.5 million Google search queries, $751,522 spent, 156 million emails sent, 342,000 apps downloaded in mobile app stores and 46,200 posts uploaded to Instagram.
- 60% of cellphones have internet access and 33% of consumers make online purchases using their phone's wireless connection.
- The most popular products purchased online using smartphones are smartphone apps (81%), electronics (64%), books (62%), and fashion (47%).
- The survey was conducted by FGI Research in February 2010 among 300 respondents from their SmartPanel, a nationally representative sample of US adults aged 18 and older, with a maximum margin of error of ±4 percentage points.
Internet of Things Study Acquity Group 2014Ludovic Privat
The document summarizes a study by Acquity Group on consumer adoption of internet of things (IoT) technology. The study found that while awareness of IoT is currently low, widespread adoption is inevitable over the next 5 years. Currently 7% own wearable devices and 4% own in-home smart devices, but these numbers are expected to rapidly increase. Barriers to adoption include lack of awareness, perceived value, price concerns, and privacy/security issues. However, the study also found that demonstrating value to consumers and offering incentives can help overcome these barriers to drive more sharing of data and adoption of connected technologies.
The document provides a global snapshot of mobile consumers and device usage. It finds that while smartphone ownership is rising globally, feature phones remain dominant in some markets like India where infrastructure is still developing. Younger consumers are more likely to own smartphones worldwide. Usage varies between countries, with games and social media being popular on smartphones globally, while mobile shopping is still emerging. Mobile video habits also differ between countries. The report is based on Nielsen surveys from 2012 in 10 countries.
The document discusses how consumer use of technology has changed over time. It notes that internet usage and the number of connected devices have grown dramatically in recent decades. The arrival of broadband in the 2000s marked an important transition by enabling faster internet speeds. Today, most people access the internet via mobile phones and use multiple devices for tasks. Technology is also transforming industries like retail and healthcare by providing more convenient access to services. The pace of technological change is expected to continue accelerating and further shaping many aspects of daily life.
Text 100 Consumer Electronic Index Asia-Pacificdigitalinasia
This report is the fourth in a series of Digital Indexes developed by Text100, a global communications agency. These Digital Indexes are designed to investigate the change in how and where buyers gain influence in sectors where there has been significant disruption caused by changes in technology and communications.
This latest index delves into how consumers are gaining influence as they consider buying consumer electronics. The consumer electronics buying journey has been dramatically disrupted and was one of the first sectors to adopt a heavy ecommerce presence. But, over the last two years additional information and purchase platforms have accelerated the change. Fundamental shifts in technology, business and society have accelerated how we go about fulfilling four very basic human needs: communication, collaboration, creation and consumption. Today, consumers expect a connected and consistent shopping experience across bricks and mortar, desktop, laptop, mobile, apps, social sites, magazines and many other platforms.
Find the original report and press release here:
The document summarizes key findings from a 2013 mobile path to purchase study. It finds that 1/3 of online retail activity now comes from mobile devices, with smartphones completing 77% of purchases in person and tablets completing 55% of purchases online. Location is the most important factor for smartphone users, while price and deals are most important for tablet users. Over half (55%) of mobile retail users went on to make a purchase.
The document discusses the evolution of digital technology and its impact on our lives and marketing. Some key points include:
- The internet has grown dramatically in the last 10 years, with over 55% of the world's population now online. Mobile internet usage accounts for 50% of total usage.
- Devices people use to access the internet have shifted heavily to mobile phones over laptops and desktops. 65% of internet access is now through mobile phones.
- How people search for products has changed significantly, with most consumers beginning searches online rather than in physical stores. Social media recommendations also influence over 75% of younger consumers.
- E-commerce has grown enormously, now representing over 16% of total retail spending globally
Similar to 2015 US Global Mobile Consumer Survey (20)
Digital Asset Risk and Regulatory Compliance Expectations for 2024Deloitte United States
Executives involved in managing digital assets like digital currencies, digital securities, and stablecoins expect digital asset risks to increase and the regulatory environment to become more complex in 2024, according to a recent Deloitte poll . Related investments at most organizations are expected to remain flat.
According to a recent Deloitte poll, 57.2% of legal, risk and compliance professionals say their organizations have or will have a strategy for Generative AI within the next year.
Over 215 private equity investors (PEIs) and in-house, corporate M&A professionals (corporates) were polled online during a Deloitte webcast titled “Turning diligence insights into actionable integration steps” on July 25, 2023.
Emerging Technologies in Transformations Drive the Need for Evolving Internal...Deloitte United States
C-suite and other executives see artificial intelligence (AI) – which includes generative AI and machine learning – as the emerging technology that poses both the top risk (44.7%) and the top opportunity (35.9%) for their organizations’ internal controls environments in the year ahead, according to a new Deloitte poll.
Almost Half of Executives Expect Supply Chain Security Challenges in Year AheadDeloitte United States
Of over 1,000 C-suite and other executives, almost half (44.9%) expect an increase in the number and size of cyber events targeting their organizations’ supply chains in the year ahead, according to a new Deloitte poll. The expected increase seems to indicate higher go-forward concerns, as just 33.8% of respondents say their organizations experienced one or more supply chain cybersecurity events during the past year.
This document discusses pivotal moments for family enterprises and provides guidance on preparing for them. It covers topics like family business governance, assessing capital needs, succession planning, setting up a family office, and more. The goal is to help family businesses strengthen, grow, and evolve by identifying and preparing for important events. Strong governance structures and planning are presented as ways for family enterprises to build on their legacy and manage challenges, positioning them to capitalize on future opportunities.
Divestiture Trends: 2023 Could See More Sell-Offs, but Expect Lengthier and M...Deloitte United States
Against the backdrop of continued economic uncertainty, inflation and rising interest rates, nearly half (47.9%) of M&A professionals say they are likely to pursue a divestiture in the coming 12 months, according to a recent Deloitte poll. Among those contemplating divestitures, 40.4% of those polled say their organizations are likely to pursue 1-2 divestitures in the year ahead while 7.5% say their organization may pursue as many as 3-4.
Cash and Liquidity Management Confidence Levels Declining Among Executives, a...Deloitte United States
Despite high expectations of a recession in the next 18 months and declining confidence in cash and liquidity management, C-suite and other executives are turning to cost containment strategies and advanced technologies to ease concerns, according to a recent Deloitte poll.
The document discusses strategies for organizations to lead through disruption by managing cyber and business risk with confidence. It outlines 12 key objectives including protecting devices and operations through security, building trust with customers and data use, managing multifaceted risk through dynamic programs, and providing vision for growth. Each objective is described in more detail with considerations around stakes, needs, and potential outcomes.
This document provides summaries of forecasts from cybersecurity leaders at Deloitte about challenges and opportunities in 2023 and beyond. The forecasts focus on themes like the need for organizational resilience to manage multifaceted risks, growing emphasis on future-ready strategies to seize emerging opportunities, and importance of building trusted customer experiences through data-centric security and privacy. Deloitte can help organizations address complex cyber challenges through a unified approach to build new capabilities and move forward fast.
Few are Confident in Their Organizations’ Ability to Report on ESG FinancialsDeloitte United States
Less than half of professionals (45.7%) say they are confident in the ability of their organizations’ financial reporting teams to gather and report on environmental, social and governance (ESG) financial metrics for regulatory compliance purposes, according to a recent Deloitte poll.
Deloitte Poll: Legacy Tech Poses a Challenge to Zero Trust AdoptionDeloitte United States
C-suite and other executives at organizations adopting Zero Trust say complexity and compatibility issues with legacy systems and environments pose the greatest challenge to adoption (44.6%), according to a new Deloitte poll. Yet, Zero Trust adoption efforts at polled executives’ organizations will be driven in the year ahead by an expected increase in cyber threats (30.1%) and the need to better manage third-party risks (25.1%).
Private equity investors (PEI) could be early leaders when it comes to environmental, social and governance (ESG) efforts in M&A, according to a new Deloitte poll. Based on the data, PEIs lead their corporate M&A counterparts by factors of two and three when it comes to the use of ESG clauses in deal contracts and routine ESG due diligence.
Almost Half of Executives Expect a Rise in Cyber Events Targeting Accounting ...Deloitte United States
Nearly half (48.8%) of C-suite and other executives expect the number and size of cyber events targeting their organizations’ accounting and financial data to increase in the year ahead according to a new Deloitte Center for Controllership poll. Yet just 20.3% of those polled say their organizations’ accounting and finance teams work closely and consistently with their peers in cybersecurity.
Could M&A Activity be a Springboard for Controllership Transformation?Deloitte United States
- A poll of over 1,700 professionals involved in M&A deals found that 68.4% of organizations undertake finance transformation efforts as part of M&A activity, most commonly after a deal closes.
- When asked about challenges for the next 12 months, the greatest was identified as manual, outdated, or duplicative business processes (28.4%).
- In terms of implemented technologies as a result of M&As, analytics (21.2%) and workflows (21.1%) were most common.
- Over 60% of organizations expect to pursue 1-5 M&A deals in the next 12 months.
Putting intercompany accounting back in the spotlight: Controllership Perspec...Deloitte United States
In the year ahead, 40.6% of finance and accounting professionals say their organizations will increase the time and effort put into intercompany accounting (ICA) management, according to a new Deloitte poll.
Many C-suite Executives Say Their Organizations Want to Build Trust in Year A...Deloitte United States
In the next year, 61.3% of C-suite executives say that their organizations will work to improve trust levels with key stakeholders — including customers, employees, third parties and shareholders — yet few report having a C-suite-level leader in place to manage efforts (19%) and fewer still have a way to track stakeholder trust levels (13.8%), according to a new Deloitte poll.
Harvest Now, Decrypt Later Attacks Pose a Security Concern as Organizations C...Deloitte United States
Just over half of responding professionals at organizations considering quantum computing benefits believe that their organizations are at risk for “harvest now, decrypt later” (HNDL) cybersecurity attacks (50.2%), according to a new Deloitte poll.
2002’s Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) led to the establishment of SOX 404 programs. Many, though, haven’t been updated since their inception, and don’t account for new developments in technology, business environment, and operating methods. What’s the first step in modernizing your SOX program? A SOX assessment can help you extract new value.
A new working relationship: Aligning organizations with the workforce of the ...Deloitte United States
According to a new poll from Deloitte’s Center for Controllership, public companies are facing significant challenges (more so than private companies) in the war for financial talent, including attrition caused by the Great Resignation which remains a top three issue.
MUWP SOLUTION by MUWPAY Bridging the current defi world to the future withYvesTshefu1
To MUWP [mu-oop] :
facilitate transfers and payments of multiple tokens from various wallets across different blockchains networks simultaneously, in a single operation
1. The evidence is out and the Deloitte 2015 Global Mobile Consumer Survey
reveals that consumers are more connected than ever.
own smartphones5%
own tablets
9% own all three devices
68% Car
53% Home
14% own wearables
Users aged 18-24
Consumers are willing to
compromise privacy compared
to security. Top reasons against smart home
technology are security-related.
All ages
Talking to
Watching TV
Dining out
look at their phone within
3 hours of waking up
number of times they
check phones a day
48% 53%
of people are concerned
about being recorded
or tracked
youngest and oldest
generations have similar
‘security profiles,’ both
are worried about hacks
Consumers are using their mobile devices more
and more while engaging in other activities.
Mobile devices are most
used while:
In-store payment rose
almost 4x from last year.
Mobile device ownership and
usage is growing and spreading
across generations.
As reliance on mobile devices
continues to grow, so does
consumer interest in IoT (Internet of Things) technology.
Reasons for appeal:
Consumer interest in autonomous cars is far
greater than typical interest in new products.
20% of consumers under 44
consider owning one.
Top mPayments usage:
public parking
gas station
coffee shops, fast food
public transport
For additional insights from the 2015 Global Mobile Consumer Survey,
U.S. edition, visit www.deloitte.com/us/mobileconsumer
@DeloitteTMT #GMCS2015
eliminates stress of driving
relieves worry about
directions/getting lost
enables multitasking
leisure time
check their phones one last time about
15 minutes before going to sleep
2014 2015
most worry that
home system
can be hacked
name ‘security’ as the main reason
not to use mPayments