Forget what you learned in Business schools. Here are 5 tips for an outstanding presentation from a TEDx Speaker. Make sure you remember each points and use it in your next presentation!
Sources: Flickr, Google, Presentation Panda
10 Killer Tips for an Amazing Presentation - Way Before You Actually Give OneSlide Studio
This document provides 10 tips for preparing an effective presentation before actually giving it. The tips include knowing your audience and purpose, outlining your content, avoiding templates, reducing text, using simple fonts and layouts, limiting content to 1 point per slide, keeping it simple, and being aware of any presentation guidelines. It emphasizes starting preparation offline without technology, letting visuals support the presenter rather than replace them, and always having a backup plan in case of technical issues. The overall message is to focus on clearly communicating the most important messages to the audience above all other presentation elements.
This document provides tips for creating effective presentations using slideware. It begins with an introduction of the author and his experience creating popular presentations. The bulk of the document then outlines 10 tips for crafting presentations with stories that engage audiences, such as using visually appealing first slides, building credibility within slides, changing topics every 8-10 minutes, and ending with a clear call to action. The goal is to share stories and insights that resonate with audiences and encourage them to share content.
We held the largest ever Virtual SlideShare Summit a week back, if you missed it here's your chance to hear from the experts once more on some of the takeaways on presentation design and SlideShare Marketing
Hi! We're the creative team behind Hypothesis's reports, presentations, and infographics, and we're sharing out our best tips. Please share with someone you think would enjoy this slideshow.
10 Things your Audience Hates About your PresentationStinson
See it with animations!
It’s impossible to win over an audience with a bad presentation. You might have the next big thing, but if your presentation falls flat, then so will your idea. While every audience is different, there are some universal cringe-worthy presentation mistakes that are all too common. Whether you’re an amateur or a seasoned presenter, you should always avoid this list of top 10 things your audience hates. Are you committing any of these 10 fatal presentation sins?
For more presentation help, visit
The document provides five design principles for creating slides that effectively communicate messages to audiences:
1. Focus on the main message you want the audience to remember.
2. Keep designs simple with less text and only 1 main point per slide.
3. Use interesting fonts instead of boring standard ones to engage audiences.
4. Include high quality images that visually represent the message.
5. Choose a color scheme that fits the theme and works cohesively.
This short PowerPoint presentation shows five great ways to get the attention of your audience during your speech or sales pitch.
Try them out in your next speech and you will see how you can engage your audience with these simple tips.
This presentation was created 100% in PowerPoint by my presentation design agency Slides. We are based in Spain (Europe) but have clients worldwide.
Drop me an email and we will discuss your project.
This is the first SlideShare adaption of Timothy E. Johansson's 100 Growth Hacks in 100 Days. The growth hacks that's included in the slide are 1 to 10. Timothy is the front-end developer at UserApp (
The document describes a collection of 100 presentation slides from the 2010 Cannes Lions Advertising festival, where some of the world's best storytellers and advertisers gathered from June 20-26. The slides are meant to inspire the reader to create beautiful presentations by showcasing slide designs from top presenters at the annual advertising event. A brief description notes the slides were taken by the author at the festival to provide creative inspiration.
The Science of Story: How Brands Can Use Storytelling To Get More CustomersDigital Surgeons
Storytelling is not only an entertaining source for information, but a way to engage and humanize our messages that helps them stick. Our brains are wired for stories. Like a drug, we seek them out. Good stories create lasting emotional connections that persuade, educate, entertain, and convert consumers into brand loyalists.
Here’s another good reason to believe in the power of stories: You don't have a goddamn choice. We spend a third of our waking hours crafting stories, and the rest of the time consuming them. Our brains are always searching for stories. You need stories. You live your life around stories. Your life itself is a story. So, now find out how you can use them to better understand how brands and businesses can use storytelling to increase engagement and sales.
10 Ways Your Boss Kills Employee MotivationOfficevibe
This document outlines 10 ways that bosses can kill employee motivation, including micromanaging employees, focusing only on mistakes, dismissing new ideas, holding useless meetings, making empty promises, telling inappropriate jokes, not keeping their word, measuring employee success in the wrong way, setting unrealistic deadlines, and playing favorites. The document encourages bosses to listen to employee concerns to better motivate them.
9 Unique Traits of High-Performing
High-performing teams have several traits in common that make them successful. Some of the key traits include embracing diversity of backgrounds, prioritizing work-life balance for all members, and maintaining laser-like focus on goals. These teams also engage well together both during formal meetings and outside of meetings through open communication. Fostering strengths of all members, healthy debates, and group cohesion are other characteristics of top teams.
Secrets to impactful presentations volume 2 - 8 toolsHavain
What tools do experts use to create and deliver powerful presentations? We set out to find the answer by interviewing the people we have worked and people we think have interesting views to presentations.
Here´s eight tools to replace or complement PowerPoint in your next presentation.
If you want to discuss presentation creation or design.
Contact: / @Timo_Havain (Twitter) / -
Incorporating photos and videos into your PowerPoint decks can greatly enhance a presentation. Learn how illustrating concepts with meaningful imagery can make your presentation great.
Learn more:
10 Engagement Lessons Learned From 1 Million Survey AnswersD B
Officevibe released a research report called The State of Employee Engagement based on 1,200,000 survey answers from employees in 157 countries. After analyzing the data, we discovered some truly shocking statistics about the state of engagement across the world.
This actionable webinar will show you how you can keep your employees happy and productive.
See the recording of the webinar:
Get all the free bonuses and extra tips:
Content by Officevibe, the simplest tool for a greater workplace. - We surveyed creative teams to discover their biggest challenges and bottlenecks, from conception to completion. And what we discovered was: creative teams have to organize requests, listen to feedback, and seek approvals, all while trying to incorporate their own creative vision, making it difficult to prioritize and meet deadlines. Check out the details in our Slideshare.
This document discusses how leaders can use stories to inspire and influence others. It provides 5 types of stories that leaders can tell: 1) Challenge stories to overcome obstacles, 2) Connecting stories to relate experiences, 3) Metaphoric stories to articulate concepts visually, 4) Visionary stories to sell grand dreams and influence change, and 5) Cautionary stories to avoid past mistakes. Each story type is explained and an example leader is given to illustrate how that type of story can be used and its impact. The document encourages leaders to incorporate purposeful storytelling in their communication.
MacLeod, an advertising executive and popular blogger with a flair for the creative, gives his 26 tried-and-true tips for being truly creative. Each point illustrated by a cartoon drawn by the author himself.
If you've ever felt the draw to do something creative but just haven't been able to pull it together, you'll love this manifesto.
This is my talk for TEDx Youth. It's about the three lies about the teen-age that is preached by our day and age. If you want to watch the video of my talk using this Powerpoint deck, you can do so here:
Download a full version of the report at:
The PSFK Future of Work Report deep dives into the talent and development landscape to identify the conditions and qualities that cultivate tomorrow’s leaders in the workplace. In return for investing in greater opportunity and education, employers will reap the rewards of increased efficiency, engagement and entrepreneurship—reducing mistrust, stress and ultimately turnover across teams.
Additionally, PSFK has developed six workplace visions that were inspired by 10 strategies to develop a new era of internal leadership. These boundary-pushing product and workplace concepts reimagine how teams can onboard employees, expand the office, and prevent miscommunication.
Do You Struggle With Employee Recognition?Elodie A.
Recognizing employees is one of the most overlooked facets of managements that even great leaders sometimes forget about. Without a good employee recognition strategy, people will feel unappreciated and build up stress.
In fact, the number 1 reason why most Americans leave their jobs is that they don’t feel appreciated . The last thing you want is to have high employee turnover because of poor employee recognition.
Read Our Guide to Learn More:
At Officevibe, we end our daily standup meetings with an inspirational quote to start the day on a positive note.
Whoever’s turn it is to speak holds a basketball, and the last one to speak has to come up with a quote of the day.
Everyone puts their finger on the ball, and when the quote is said, the ball gets thrown up in the air and we all say “think about it”, as a reminder to really let the hidden meaning of the quote sink in.
How to Use Social Media to Influence the WorldSean Si
Here's the deck to my talk for the 23rd ASA Congress which was at The Grand Ballroom of Marriott Hotel. It was an awesome experience and I only had two points:
1) Use social media for good and
2) You have to have authority to use social media influentially.
My company:
Totally Excellent Tips for Righteous Local SEOGreg Gifford
Presented at MozCon Local on Tuesday, February 28, 2017. Learn about the latest updates to Local SEO, including the new 2017 Local Search Ranking Factor study results, just released on February 27th. Learn how to be more successful at selling your services and setting client expectations for Local SEO. Then, based off the hot-off-the-presses LSRF 2017 data, learn exactly which signals matter the most for local visibility and how to optimize them. At the end, there's a bonus section on Facebook ads and how you can use them to reach local customers.
Boring to Bold: Presentation Design Ideas for Non-DesignersMichael Gowin
This document provides presentation design ideas for non-designers to make their presentations more engaging. It recommends having a clear plan and purpose, telling a story with three acts, minimizing text, using powerful images, choosing fonts and slide layouts wisely, rehearsing, and delivering with confidence. Presenters should know their audience, brainstorm their key message, and make slides beautiful yet simple while focusing on one idea per slide. Rehearsing and dressing professionally can also boost delivery, and providing handouts reinforces the content. The overall goal is to make audiences feel something rather than just informing them.
Ever wonder how the world's greatest structures are built? There are many hands that go into building them. Engineers, architects, carpenters, resulting in many professionals being contracted and no matter the scope of the project, they were completed because the carpenter had the right tools. Just like any good carpenter, presenters should carry tool belts of their own.
What does the future look like? Is it a dark space where we’re suffering from varying degrees of techamphetamine or are we heading towards a Utopian fantasy of abundance and harmony?
Understanding that our basic human needs and wants barely change, we explore the future state of a range of topics; from our need for physical sustenance through to our age-long fascination of transcending the limitations of our biology.
Looking at the future from a human perspective, our potential for greatness is teetering on a fine line between darkness and hope. We’re banking on the latter.
Este documento ofrece consejos para crear presentaciones más efectivas. Recomienda usar una portada y título llamativos, una paleta de colores cohesiva, imágenes impactantes en lugar de texto, diseño simple con contraste, repetición, alineación y proximidad de elementos, y videos cortos cuando sean relevantes. También sugiere compartir la presentación en línea y resumir al final. El objetivo es inspirar e impactar al público más que aburrirlo.
20 Presentation Secrets You Won't Find ElsewhereNFN Labs
The document summarizes presentation tips from 20 experts interviewed by Effect Works, a communication consulting company. It lists the names of the experts, who come from fields like entrepreneurship, writing, and technology. The document encourages sharing the 20 tips with others on social media to help more people improve their presentation skills.
1) The document discusses the steps of the decision making process which includes identifying the problem, criteria, weighting criteria, developing alternatives, analyzing alternatives, selecting the best alternative, implementing it, and evaluating.
2) It provides an example of getting a job in a school and lists the relevant criteria as salary, opportunity to progress, job environment, incentives, facilities, job security, location, and timings.
3) The alternatives provided are jobs at Unique, American Lycetuff, LDA, Allied, and Cathedral schools. Each alternative is then analyzed and weighted against the criteria to select the best option.
17 Ways to Design a Presentation People Want to ViewJim MacLeod
Tired of boring PowerPoint presentations? Me too. Here are 17 tips to help you create a presentation that not only engages the audience, but forces them to remember what you want them to remember.
ReadySetPresent (Decision Making PowerPoint Presentation Content): 100+ PowerPoint presentation content slides. Successful and effective strategic decision making is a guarantee to increase productivity in every workplace. Decision Making PowerPoint Presentation Content slides include topics such as: the 6 C’s of decision making, inherent personal and system traps, 10+ slides on decision trees, 10+ slides on decision making methods and tips, 4 slides on the GOR approach to decision making, 8 slides on common pitfalls in decision making, 4 slides on effective strategies in making decisions, 35+ slides on the 8 major decision making traps and how to effectively minimize each, 7 slides on different decision making perspectives, 25 slides on the 3 different types of analysis (grid analysis – paired comparison analysis, and cost/benefit analysis), 4 slides on utilizing planning and overarching questions, 4 modes of decision making and 6 factors in decision making and more!
This document provides guidance on making decisions through a 7 step process. It uses the example of a person named Amy who wants a new cell phone that costs more than she has saved. The 7 steps are: 1) Relax 2) Say something positive 3) Identify the problem 4) Consider choices 5) Weigh consequences 6) Prioritize what's important 7) Make the decision. For Amy, the document outlines her choices, consequences, and recommends waiting to save more money as the best option based on her priorities.
The document discusses various aspects of decision making. It defines decision making as choosing one alternative from among options. It describes the decision making process as recognizing the need for a decision, identifying alternatives, choosing the best option, and implementing it. Decision making can occur under certainty, risk, or uncertainty. Rational models of decision making propose a logical, step-by-step process while behavioral models recognize limitations and biases that influence decisions. Political forces, intuition, escalation of commitment, risk tolerance, and ethics also shape organizational decision making.
This document outlines Bill Aulet's presentation on improving entrepreneurship education. It discusses defining entrepreneurship, assessing student needs through personas, and designing a comprehensive curriculum with modular "tiles" addressing each persona's needs. The goal is to make entrepreneurship education more rigorous, practical, and tailored through open-source sharing of best practices. This will help address the increasing demand for high-quality entrepreneurship training.
TEDx events are independently organized local events that bring people together to share ideas in the spirit of TED's mission of spreading ideas. The TEDx program provides guidelines for organizing these events including obtaining a license, choosing a theme, finding speakers, promoting the event, livestreaming options, and reporting back to TED. Organizers are responsible for following TED's guidelines to ensure a quality experience for participants.
This is our slides for Sociocamp 2015 Grand Finale. Our objective was to reduce use of harmful plastic water bottles. It was a fun yet challenging competition. With the Grace of Almighty, we Team Dexters became the champion of it. Enjoy. :D
This document proposes an integrated marketing communications plan to promote tourism in Char Kukri Mukri, a protected mangrove forest area in Bangladesh. The plan includes television, radio, print, online and event-based advertising campaigns to generate awareness and interest among target audiences like experience seekers, adventure seekers, and nature lovers. A detailed budget is provided allocating funds across multiple quarters for different advertising elements. Monitoring and contingency strategies are also outlined to evaluate effectiveness and make adjustments if needed.
Service Marketing Presentation-Tabaq and Pool ZoneMd. Samid Razzak
This is a presentation I made for my course "Service Marketing". It was fun presenting the greats' and the worsts' of service marketing firms. I tried to keep it simple because it was an academic presentation. Enjoy. :)
It is believed that China will soon dethrone USA, the leading economic power of the world. This is my infographic that shows American Companies and their Chinese equivalents.
Source: World Economic Forum
These 10 Life Lessons by Bill Gates have always inspired me in every aspect. Hence, designed this a few minutes back.
Rule # 4: If you think your teacher is tough, Wait until you get a boss is my personal favourite. Enjoy. :)
We all know Greece is all over the news. Here is my presentation to give you 10 mind blowing facts about Greece's economy.
Source: Investopedia, Greece's Horizons: Reflecting on the Country's Assets and Capabilities, and Business Insider.
IMC Campaign for Robi presents Ad Maker Bangladesh 2015- Team DextersMd. Samid Razzak
The document outlines a marketing campaign for a Robi Cricket Anthem song aimed at uniting Bangladeshi cricket fans. The campaign's big idea is to make people celebrate cricket together with one song. It proposes using TV, print, radio, and social media ads as well as on-ground activations like hand fans, karaoke vans, and buzz agents to promote the song. The budget is approximately 59.4 million BDT. Effectiveness will be evaluated through surveys and monitoring changes in brand awareness and perception among the target audience of cricket fans aged 18-35. Contingency plans include conducting more research and modifying the campaign based on evaluation results.
MD SAMID RAZZAK is a content creator and musician from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has a bachelor's degree from North South University and over 10 years of experience in community service, event management, and social media content development. His areas of expertise include print and web branding, research, digital recording, typography, and basic photo, video, and graphic design skills.
This is the Round 2 slides of the Awareness Change Campaign competition we participated, Socio Camp 2014. I personally loved the concept, because we got to work on something that contributed to the benefit of the society. It was a wonderful experience working with some great minds and getting advice from greaters.
P.S: Nuhin you can find yourself portrayed as celebirty in one of the slide .:P
This basically outlines the Consumer Behavior. It basically focuses from External influences, Consumer decision making and post decision behavior. This infographic is prepared from the exact model in the book Consumer behavior by Leon G . Schiffman and Leslie Lazar Kanuk.
stackconf 2024 | Test like a ninja with Go by Ivan Presenti.pdfNETWAYS
Not tested? Not done! Yet another talk about tests? I aim to present you with the techniques and tools you might use to build efficient and reliable tests. We’ll use Go, which provides a great testing experience. I’ll show you overlooked techniques such as benchmarking, fuzzing, etc. Plus, I’ll introduce you to the most popular libraries and packages used to test Go code.
stackconf 2024 | Make You Ops-Life Easy – ansible usecases you didn´t out of ...NETWAYS
Most of you are familiar with Ansible. We are excited to show you some use cases within the “normal Ansible scope”. Using Ansible-AWX as a platform, we have streamlined tasks for admins and for developers, enabling effortless automation of routine operations. With services designed to simplify the daily work, we can all be a bit more lazy (#faul) 😉
The Tata Technologies investor deck provides an overview of the company's strategic vision, financial performance, and growth prospects. It introduces the company’s mission, values, and core business segments, highlighting its competitive edge and market position. Financial performance is detailed with key metrics like revenue growth and profitability. The deck outlines strategic initiatives for innovation and market expansion, recent operational achievements, and key client partnerships. Future growth projections and investment opportunities are discussed, emphasizing the company's potential. Additionally, it highlights Tata Technologies' commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility, offering potential investors a clear understanding of the company's business model and future prospects.
stackconf 2024 | Ignite: Is rust good for Kubernetes by Natalie Serebryakova ...NETWAYS
Rust is a powerful and safe systems programming language that has been gaining popularity among developers due to its emphasis on safety, speed, and concurrency. Kubernetes, on the other hand, is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates deploying, scaling, and managing containerized applications written in Go.
This talk will cover how easy it is to develop Rust-based Operators in Kubernetes using an example of an operator for Managing the PVC Lifecycle.
stackconf 2024 | Ignite: Distributed Tracing using OpenTelemetry and Jaeger b...NETWAYS
Several years ago, when you had a monolithic application, it was fairly easy to debug and diagnose since there was probably only one service with a couple of users. Nowadays systems are broken up into smaller microservices deployed in containers on top of Kubernetes in multiple clusters across different cloud environments. In these kinds of distributed environments, there is a need to observe it all, both the overall picture, and, if need be, at a more granular level. Observability can be roughly divided into three sub-categories: logging, metrics, and tracing. In this blog post we’ll show you how simple it is to get set up with tracing in your new or existing MinIO application. We’ll build a small MinIO app that does a few basic requests; this will be our base application to which we’ll add tracing to gain a better picture of how system components and functions interact.
stackconf 2024 | Ignite DevOps Driving School – Explaining DevOps in 5 Minute...NETWAYS
DevOps is not a title, not a box to buy, nor a software to install – how can you explain DevOps in 5 minutes, e.g. as an elevator pitch riding up to the top floor with your boss?
DevOps is like a driving license for running code in production.
stackconf 2024 | Rethinking Package Management in Kubernetes with Helm and Gl...NETWAYS
Package Management on Kubernetes is one of the most pressing issues in the Cloud Native community. A concept which is widely known from other ecosystems like desktop and mobile computing has not yet been realized for cloud computing. In order to solve this issue, we released our Open Source, Apache 2.0 licensed, package manager Glasskube in the beginning of 2024. Glasskube has already more than 600 stars and is part of the CNCF landscape. In this session, we will learn about the different possibilities for deploying cloud-native applications into a Kubernetes cluster and its configuration options, dependency management, upgrade possibilities, and backups. We will take a look at the inner workings of Helm from both a distributor and user perspective. How can a distributor create a package and distribute it, and how can a user install and use the packages? In addition to Helm, we will provide a brief overview of Timoni, which uses OCI images as package bundles, and compare the advantages and challenges of this approach. We will also introduce – that is designed as a cloud-native application itself and features real dependency management, ArgoCD integration, unified updates, and a GUI. During a live demo we will try out Glasskube and explore the possibilities of using Glasskube in combination with Argo CD and also showcase the possibility to use Apples pkl configuration language to create and maintain type-safe Glasskube packages.