- Having the right people in place is essential to accomplishing your goals and building your business. Follow these tips from Nancy Butler, business coach and award-winning author of Above All Else, to assemble the perfect high-performing team.
24 Time Management Hacks to Develop for Increased ProductivityIulian Olariu
These are some ideas I talk about in my Time Management training sessions. Try to approach each of them and develop in a new habit, in order to increase your productivity and manage your time better. Don't forget to share if you find them useful!
7 Ways Soft-Skills Power Organizational PerformanceBambooHR
Succeeding in today's increasingly competitive global landscape calls for our organizations to leverage everything they can, and increasingly, that leverage is coming down to your employees' soft skills.
But while it's easy (well, easier) to measure and hire for hard-skills competency, it's very difficult to recognize and hire for soft skills. And once hired, it becomes even more of a task to build these soft skills in our employees.
In this slideshare we'll take a hard look at the soft skills that really enable organizations to succeed. From recruiting to learning and development and performance management to the exit interview, we'll show how soft-skills focus can dramatically impact your company's bottom line.
In this slideshare, you will learn:
• Soft skills: What are they anyway?
• Soft skills and recruiting: The secret to successful hires
• What the bottomline results are for soft skills
• How to teach, measure, and mentor soft skills
Time management is one of the biggest struggles in our day-to-day lives. How to balance work and personal life? How to make sure things get done? How to stay happy while doing so?
To help you we gathered 12 best techniques to help you with your time management.
As a leader, you spend a lot of your time making sure that your team is working well together. Here are the secrets that every manager should know to make your team successful.
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9 Ways to Be More Productive - Backed by ScienceD B
Everyone wants to be more productive. Officevibe created a presentation to help explain science-based ways to be more productive. All of them are simple to do and free.
You can read the entire article on our blog:
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24 Productivity Habits of Successful People - by
These are the history’s most successful people. Being so successful, they must have failed more than others. They must have found how to make it work - in how they lived, their routines, their failures and their habits. Let’s look for theif formula for success, the tips and tricks they used to be successful at what they did best. Anything you may find inspiring?
Inspired by:
Created by: - We surveyed creative teams to discover their biggest challenges and bottlenecks, from conception to completion. And what we discovered was: creative teams have to organize requests, listen to feedback, and seek approvals, all while trying to incorporate their own creative vision, making it difficult to prioritize and meet deadlines. Check out the details in our Slideshare.
The Productivity Secret Of The Best LeadersOfficevibe
Content by Jacob Shriar & Kevin Kruse.
In this Officeviibe presentation, you'll see:
- 3 biggest problems leaders face and what you can do to fix them
- The secret to time management
- Examples from great leaders
- You'll find bonus content
10 Dead Simple Ways to Improve Your Company CultureBonusly
The document outlines 10 steps to build a great company culture: 1) embrace transparency, 2) recognize and reward valuable contributions, 3) cultivate strong coworker relationships, 4) embrace and inspire employee autonomy, 5) practice flexibility, 6) communicate purpose and passion, 7) promote a team atmosphere, 8) encourage regular feedback, 9) stay true to core values, and 10) devote effort and resources to building culture. Following these steps such as being transparent, recognizing employees, and encouraging autonomy can help engage employees and create a strong organizational culture.
Do you struggle to finish your daily tasks, juggle your work load and keep organised at work? If so, read our top tips to help work a little smarter everyday!
Habits at Work - Merci Victoria Grace, Growth, Slack - 2016 Habit SummitHabit Summit
Presented at the 2016 Habit Summit at Stanford (see:
Merci Victoria Grace leads the Growth team at Slack.
Prior to joining Slack, she started a venture-backed game company, designed The Sims Social at Electronic Arts, and worked at a range of consumer, mobile and enterprise startups.
Here she shares insights on putting "Habits to Work at Work".
Top 5 Soft Skills: What Successful People Know that Every Employee Needs to K...BizLibrary
In this program, you’ll learn about the top 5 soft skills that are most predictive of employee, leadership and organizational success in today’s highly complex and rapidly changing environment. You’ll also gain quick tips to help jump-start your development efforts for each soft skill.
The document discusses goal setting and provides tips for effective goal setting. It defines what goals are, the benefits of setting goals, and different types of goals. It also provides a template for setting goals and outlines steps for setting goals effectively such as writing goals down, stating them positively, setting priorities, being precise, anticipating obstacles, identifying required elements, creating an action plan, and setting a time frame.
10 Best Practices of a Best Company to Work ForO.C. Tanner
What does it take to be named a Best Company to Work for by FORTUNE magazine? For starters, a winning culture, collaboration, and creating an environment for learning and growth. Take a look at these slides for more ideas!
This is the first SlideShare adaption of Timothy E. Johansson's 100 Growth Hacks in 100 Days. The growth hacks that's included in the slide are 1 to 10. Timothy is the front-end developer at UserApp (
Employee Development Strategies For Your Remote WorkforceO.C. Tanner
More and more employees are working remotely instead of commuting to a main office. Here are some strategies for effectively managing and developing your remote workforce.
Learn why successful leaders are keeping a journal. See the direct benefits of journaling and how it can improve your life.
BONUS: Download this free Journaling Template:
If you liked this presentation you can download it here:
31 Quotes To Celebrate Teamwork and CollaborationHubSpot
When true team work happens, everything changes. You're working faster, finding mistakes easier, and innovating better. To inspire your team to band together and celebrate collaboration, we've gathered some of our favorite quotes on the power of teamwork.
New team leaders should focus first on building relationships within the team and establishing clear norms, goals, and expectations. Leaders should get to know team members, explain their values and vision, make processes and expectations clear, set or clarify goals with input, and over-communicate in the early days. Case studies demonstrate how over-communicating norms and processes helped address issues on one team, while off-site team building and continued social connections benefited another virtual team.
Building a successful team requires effort but yields significant benefits. Effective team building can prevent up to 80% of medical errors through improved coordination. Implementing an eight-hour team building course for one emergency department staff resulted in a 58% reduction in errors. Key aspects of building a strong team include selecting the right size of 10 people or less, establishing ground rules to create a safe environment, considering all ideas as valuable, and encouraging cooperation and communication to improve relationships over time. Ongoing attention to team building is important as needs change.
Members of Connect: Professional Women’s Network share how to work with over-attentive managers without losing your cool—or your job. To learn more about Connect and join the group for free, visit
The document outlines 10 simple strategies for improving teamwork: 1) lead by example, 2) build trust and respect, 3) encourage socializing, 4) cultivate open communication, 5) clearly outline roles and responsibilities, 6) organize team processes, 7) set defined goals, 8) don't micromanage, 9) create space, and 10) give frequent feedback. The strategies emphasize the importance of cooperation, communication, trust, respect, understanding roles, and providing feedback to improve teamwork.
Leaders have the responsibility and challenge to create an environment of respect, productivity and complete all the work they must do. There are eight qualities that are common among leaders who are able to accomplish these things.
Making Waves: 3 Secrets to Becoming a Highly Paid Executive FasterThe Management Coach
The document provides advice for aspiring executives on how to advance their careers faster. It discusses three key points:
1) Prioritizing the team and business results over oneself is important for building trust and loyalty, which leads to better results and faster career advancement.
2) Authentic leadership where one is true to their personality while also adapting their style to different situations builds respect and trust with the team.
3) Developing agreed upon working approaches and ground rules with the team establishes expectations and allows the team to work more efficiently and get results 80% faster. Setting clear priorities, building trust through authenticity and collaboration, and achieving results are keys to advancing to executive roles.
The document discusses recruitment trends for 2018, including a shift from an "Advertise & Apply" model to a "Find & Engage" model using technology and data to proactively find and engage candidates. It also discusses how job seekers can enhance their personal brand using video and provides tips on becoming a learning organization, including the role of leaders in fostering learning and communication of a shared vision.
Teamwork requires cooperation from all members toward a shared goal. It involves understanding each other, choosing complementary roles, and having open communication to solve problems together. When a team is empowered and performance is regularly measured, individuals can succeed in a way that leads to collective organizational success. Sharing outcomes builds trust and allows the team to learn from both victories and losses.
This document provides guidance on effective delegation for leaders. It discusses identifying core strengths and tasks that are suitable for delegation. Leaders should identify potential leaders within their team who demonstrate the skills and accountability for leadership roles. An effective process-driven organization with clearly defined roles and responsibilities enables better delegation. Leaders are encouraged to delegate tasks and authority to empower followers to become leaders and free up the leader's time for higher-value work.
Remote working, or telecommuting, has been around since the 1970s but has only made a measurable shift in adoption in the past ten years. Technology improvements in communication and security makes it possible for people to work from wherever & whenever. Remote workers need guidance and leadership like traditional co-located employees. You must use different leadership methods to be a successful remote leader.
Leading a traditional team in a physical office is a demanding role but has years of training and resources available to learn from. Leading a remote team is a newer concept and there isn't a real well-defined way of how leaders should operate in these environments. Remote teams can be set up in different ways which each affect how leaders run their teams.
In this session, you'll learn ways to help manage your remote workers in ways that'll support them to be productive and prevent you from coming across as a micro-manager. Remote working brings a whole set of challenges that should be addressed by every employee and it's a good leader's role to make sure nobody is blocked by them. You'll also learn the importance of cultural bias and how it can affect communication and team harmony. Lastly you'll find out how critical regular feedback is and how to put in place with your teams. Throughout the session you'll get some tips on tools and processes that you can start to use immediately.
The document summarizes Peter Drucker's views on executive effectiveness from his work "Effective Executive". It discusses that effective executives focus on contribution, make strengths productive, and concentrate on major areas that will produce outstanding results. They also know where their time goes, build on strengths rather than weaknesses, and make effective decisions by focusing on opportunities rather than problems.
7 underrated job skills that will get you a raiseFrank DiMichele
This article discusses 7 underrated job skills that can help one get a raise. The skills are: 1) concise communication, 2) high emotional quotient, 3) the ability to influence others, 4) positivity, 5) tracking accomplishments, 6) mindfulness, and 7) networking within one's own organization. Experts provide tips for developing each skill, such as reviewing messages to remove unnecessary words, identifying one's own emotions, volunteering for challenging tasks, creating a spreadsheet to track achievements, practicing meditation, and getting to know one's coworkers. Developing these lesser-known skills can help one's career advancement and salary negotiations.
Working effectively as a team provides several benefits. It allows people to contribute different skills and fill in for each other when someone is absent. Healthy competition between teammates can increase productivity and motivation. When conflicts arise, coming up with resolutions as a group teaches valuable skills. Brainstorming ideas together encourages risk-taking within a safe environment. Effective teamwork boosts efficiency by allowing more work to get done faster without employees getting in each other's way. Establishing trust between teammates through collaborative projects makes future work and sharing ideas easier.
This document provides 31 productivity tips for getting more work done in less time. Some key tips include getting proper sleep, eating healthy foods, staying hydrated, limiting distractions by turning off notifications and focusing on one task at a time. It also recommends scheduling time for uninterrupted work, taking breaks when needed, tracking how time is spent to identify opportunities for improvement, and automating repetitive tasks. The overall message is that small changes to daily habits and routines can significantly boost productivity.
This document provides advice from various entrepreneurs on optimizing a team's productivity. It discusses assembling a winning team by focusing on character over technical skills. It emphasizes the importance of clear onboarding, putting people first through equal treatment, leading with a disciplined vision, cultivating an entrepreneurial culture, and maintaining a scrappy culture through scale. Key recommendations include transparent communication, empowering problem-solving, celebrating contributions, and fighting bureaucracy.
This document provides advice from various entrepreneurs on optimizing a team's productivity. It discusses assembling a winning team by focusing on character over technical skills. It emphasizes the importance of a strong onboarding process to set new hires up for success. It also stresses putting people first by treating all employees equally and developing a culture of entrepreneurship where problems are solved at the front lines. Maintaining a scrappy culture through scale requires hiring the right people and fighting bureaucracy.
The document discusses employee empowerment, defining it as a process of developing a culture of empowerment, sharing information and goals, developing competency through training, providing resources, and offering support. Empowerment benefits organizations by increasing productivity, job satisfaction, and motivation. While empowerment involves delegating authority, it is more than just delegation - it requires preparing employees by developing their skills and confidence so they feel empowered to make decisions. Effective empowerment is a long-term process of incrementally increasing an employee's responsibilities as their competence grows.
4 Tips for Effective Collaboration | Creative UniverseTania de Jong AM | 4 tips for effective collaboration - It was interesting to note that successful collaboration had nothing to do with the latest technology or the most complicated Gantt charts – it was all about the people.
“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” Andrew Carnegie
Here are 4 tips to help you collaborate more effectively:
Trigger strategies human edge the hiring process - a unique approachNeil Thornton HBA, MA
The document outlines an 8 step hiring process developed by Trigger Strategies to help companies find and hire the best talent. The process includes listening to client needs, posting jobs, screening resumes, phone interviews, in-person interviews, candidate interaction with current employees, online profiling, and implementing a 90 day success plan for new hires. Trigger Strategies claims this process helps hire people that are the right fit for both the job and company culture over just skills. Their goal is to challenge the status quo and produce results for clients.
This document discusses strategies for building and coaching successful teams. It emphasizes the importance of setting clear goals and direction for the team. An effective team structure depends on factors like organizational culture and project goals. The ideal structure for most marketing teams discussed is a flat structure to empower team members. Regular evaluation of team and individual performance is important to ensure goals are on track. Effective communication, cultural fit of new members, and addressing issues like employee retention are also discussed as key factors for successful teams. - Adobe Premiere Pro is one of those powerful tools that allow you to bring a vision to life onscreen. Here are the top 10 most useful and most popular Adobe Premiere Pro add-ons, both paid and free, that can enhance your video work. - Today, more and more companies manage projects across multiple locations. Distributed teams and remote work are made possible with all the new technologies. But how do you efficiently
manage remote workers? Here are 5 rules for successfully coordinating your distributed team.
В отчете компания Wrike анализирует частоту использования нецензурных выражений на рабочем месте в зависимости от пола, возраста, индустрии и его влияние на продуктивность и взаимоотношения в команде.
Das Wrike Playbook: Die 11 besten Möglichkeiten, wie Sie Ihre Arbeit mit Wrik...Wrike
Auch wenn Wrike ursprünglich als Projektmanagement-Tool entwickelt wurde, ist es so flexibel, dass unsere Kunden weitere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten dafür entdeckt haben. Im Wrike Playbook finden Sie 11 kreative Möglichkeiten, um Wrike einzusetzen.
Manual de estrategia de Wrike: Las 11 principales formas de usar WrikeWrike
Presentamos 11 formas diferentes en que nuestros clientes usan Wrike. Se pueden combinar y coordinar, por lo que te ayudamos a llevar a cabo varias de estas funciones simultáneamente o, si lo deseas, todas ellas.
Le manuel stratégique de Wrike : 11 façons d'utiliser Wrike pour accomplir vo...Wrike
Voici les 11 façons dont nos clients utilisent Wrike. Tous ces cas peuvent être combinés et associés, si bien que Wrike vous permet d'exploiter plusieurs de ces fonctions, voire toutes.
Which Leadership Style is Right for You? (Decision Tree)Wrike - Given dozens of leadership styles, each based on a different set of skills, philosophies, and personality traits, which one is the best fit for you? Use our infographic decision tree below to discover your ideal approach. Then head over to the blog post for a complete explanation of each management style.
15 Statistics to Help Improve Your Sales PerformanceWrike - As you improve the performance of your sales organization, check out these stats on what works (and what doesn't) when trying to close a deal.
3 Schritte zur Auswahl einer Projektmanagement-MethodeWrike
Projektmanagement-Methoden gibt es in reichlicher Auswahl. Doch wie findet man die passende Methode, die am besten zum eigenen Projekt und Team passt? Eine Anleitung in drei Schritten.
How to Hook Customers with Habit-forming ProductsWrike - Engaging products don't happen by mistake. We interviewed Nir Eyal, author of Hooked: How To Build Habit-Forming Products. His background in advertising and gaming has led him to write about consumer psychology principles that change customers' behavior. He explains how to create engaging products using the Hook model.
Votre guide en 3 étapes pour découvrir la méthode de gestion de projet parfai...Wrike
Les méthodes de gestión de projet servent a trouver la meillleure façon de planifier et développer vos projets.
Servez-vous de cette guide en 3 étapes pour découvrir la méthode la plus adaptée à vos besoins. - There's nothing better than engaging in a fun, non-cheesy, and well-thought out team building exercise to get the camaraderie flowing. Here's a list of our 8 favorite team games that won't bore your people.
The Wrike Playbook - 11 Ways to Get Things Done with WrikeWrike
The document discusses 11 ways that Wrike, an online work management tool, can be used. It describes Wrike's core functions like project management and team collaboration. It also provides examples of more flexible uses, including content publishing, product development, event management, onboarding/training, to-do lists, productivity aids, objectives and key results tracking, reference organization, and as an informal company intranet/bulletin board. The document aims to illustrate Wrike's versatility in organizing work for a variety of business needs and processes. - As a manager, you will inevitably encounter a difficult team member and must prepare for that eventuality. The trick is to manage difficult team situations without coming off as the bad guy. And for that you will need our infographic tips for properly identifying and addressing difficult team members. Read on! - You may not be a project manager, but that doesn't mean you don't manage projects. As the task of managing projects spans across all departments, we wanted to find out how non-project managers are handling it. Are people practicing standard approaches? Or is it all ad-hoc? And how is that affecting work management? Check out this SlideShare to find out how these "accidental project managers" are dealing with this role and how it's affecting their workplace satisfaction and productivity.
Groval Euler's specializes in transformative sales coaching, driving performance and fostering a culture of continuous learning. Our expert team works with organizations to enhance sales skills, align with business goals, and achieve measurable improvements. Discover more at: -
The 5 Mindsets and skills of Today’s Top Leaders
Leaders can improve their effectiveness by being open to feedback, learning from successful peers, and seeking mentorship or coaching when necessary.
Put People First: Great leaders care about their team’s well-being and success.
Listen with Empathy: putting yourself in others’ shoes helps you understand and connect
Stay Humble: Humility helps leaders stay grounded and open to learning from others.
Build Trust: It’s the foundation for all strong and healthy relationships
Communication clearly: Effective communication ensures that everyone is aligned and informed
Leadership is a dynamic skill that requires constant attention and improvement.
Know more about our efforts to develop leadership capabilities especially regarding developing the capabilities for creating business impact through the art of prioritization :
Business Strategy: Strategic Planning, Logical Incrementalism, Strategic Lead...ICFAI University
ey Topics Covered:
Introduction to Strategic Planning:
Understanding the comprehensive process of defining an organization’s direction.
Importance of aligning efforts with vision and mission.
Components of Strategic Planning:
Vision and Mission Statements: Crafting clear and inspiring statements that guide organizational direction.
Goals and Objectives: Setting SMART objectives to achieve broad, long-term aims.
Environmental Scanning: Conducting SWOT and PESTEL analyses to assess internal and external environments.
Strategy Formulation: Developing corporate, business, and functional strategies.
Implementation and Monitoring: Executing strategies and tracking progress through performance metrics.
Benefits of Strategic Planning:
Provides direction, enhances decision-making, and facilitates resource allocation.
Helps in identifying and mitigating risks and encourages long-term thinking.
Logical Incrementalism:
Gradual, systematic progress through small, manageable steps.
Emphasizes flexibility, continuous learning, and avoiding strategic drift.
Learning Organizations:
Facilitating continuous learning and transformation to adapt and succeed in changing environments.
Characteristics include knowledge sharing, systems thinking, and fostering innovation.
Strategic Leadership:
Influencing others to achieve long-term success and financial stability.
Key elements include visionary leadership, decision-making, and change management.
Developing Strategic Leadership:
Leadership training, mentoring, exposure to strategic roles, and fostering a leadership culture.
A well researched content of Academic Writing Assignments Compiled & Curated as per Criterion's & Rubrics with stringent guidelines as per Referencing Styles.
Revolutionizing Giving_ The Emergence of Impact-Driven Philanthropy by Peter ...Peter Eckerline
This new era of giving, known as impact-driven philanthropy, prioritizes precise results and sustainable changes over mere monetary donations. It's about making a lasting difference by strategically addressing the root causes of societal issues.
Revolutionizing Giving_ The Emergence of Impact-Driven Philanthropy by Peter ...
How to Build the Perfect Team
1. How to Build the Perfect Team
essential Tips
from Author
Nancy Butler
2. Knowing what to look for when putting
together a project team can mean the
difference between stress, struggle, and
missed deadlines, and achieving above and
beyond your target.
3. Follow these simple
tips from Nancy
Butler, business
coach and award-
winning author, to
assemble the perfect
4. “Instead of searching for people that were the
same as me, I looked for the opposite. The goal
was to get as close as possible to everyone doing
the tasks that they really enjoy, they’re good at,
and make them want to come to work.”
1. Find People With Complementary Skills
5. "Most every business has tasks or projects that are worked on many times
throughout the day, month, or year. Whenever there is a repeatable task,
there should always be a well documented system in place to enable greater
efficiency and effectiveness. Figure it out once, document it, and then follow
the plan.”
2. Only Touch Things Once
Click here for 5 more
strategies to boost
team productivity!
6. 3. Shared Responsibilities Trump Specialization
"It is important that the success of
the business is not reliant on any
one person, including the owner.
If someone was out sick, away on
vacation, quit, or was out for any
reason, systems should be in
place to enable others in the
office to easily step in and see
what needs to be done and have
the skills to complete it."
7. 4. Know When to Grow Your Team
"Do not wait until you can afford staff to hire
them. If you hire the right person for the job,
they will more than pay for themselves. Once
I took the leap of faith and hired the right
person at an appropriate level
of pay, my business took off
very quickly."