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UX Strategy
the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
Eric Reiss
UX Riga
February 25, 2016
Riga, Latvia
“Secret sauce”
“Pixie dust”
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
Where do you start?
What do you do?
What is UX?
User experience is the sum of a series of
interactions between people, devices, and
A simple definition of “UX”
What is the UX of Riga?
As a tourist, it looks a lot like this…
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
But if you live here, it probably looks
more like this…
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
And you are aware of local events
most visitors never hear about…
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
Good UX? For whom?
Define your UX goals
Do your research
A couple of questions for the app folks…
Do you have a successful product yet?
Or are you now looking for your
second successful product?
“This could be
SOOOOO cool!”
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
“We need to
build on our
“This could be
SOOOOO cool!”
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
So, let’s talk about
“strategy” and “tactics”
First, a war story…
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
Opening a second front in Sicily was
Taking Messina was
Generals decide
goals and strategies
Officers decide
strategies and tactics
NCOs decide
Fat guys behind rocks, skinny guys behind trees
So let’s make this personal…
(when you are the whole army)
Why you do something is your
What you do is
How you do it is
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
Why you decided to go to a conference is
a goal
What event you chose to attend is
How you choose your sessions is
Business plan
Business strategy
UX strategy
The Business Strategy
• Financial goals
• Market development
• Action plan
The UX Strategy
• Value proposition
• Generic UX guidelines
• Governance structure
Let’s look at these points individually
a clear definition of the company’s/brand’s
value proposition vis-á-vis the business plan
a statement of what the user experience should
bring customers/clients
an explanation of how your company’s products
will continue to provide value in the future
through UX.
The value proposition
a clear definition of what you mean by “UX”
a decision model that can help designers
evaluate and priortize their ideas/work
a simple list of do’s and don’ts (or questions)
that relate UX decisions back to the
company/brand value
Generic UX guidelines
Let’s look at these points individually, too
What it is
User experience is the sum of a series of
interactions between people, devices, and
What we do
Coordinate interactions that we can control
Acknowledge interactions beyond our control
Reduce negative interactions
A simple definition of “UX”
Can influence
Cannot influence
A simple decision model
The proposed project/feature makes things:
Easier to use
Easier to learn
Encourages use
More enjoyable
Supports the value proposition
Try to be specfic in the strategy document!
A simple list (Yes or no? Why and how?)
Suggests a chain of command
Who is ultimately responsible
Who will do the actual work
Insists on a timeline
Provides rules to measure and optimize UX
The governance structure
Keep the solution simple – don’t overthink it
Keep it flexible – there is no one right way
A few pointers…
Message: your UX tactics need to be flexible
enough to meet different user needs.
And if you still need help...
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
A case story:
The AI Factory
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
Business goal
Become a premium supplier of artificial-
intelligence engines for gaming
Business strategy
Showcase AI engines through their own
selection of games
Value proposition
“Our AI engines make gaming more realistic
and exciting”
UX strategy
Create the feeling that people are playing
against real players, not a CPU
My guesses regarding AI’s strategies
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
What’s wrong with this picture?
Another case story:
The Mark Hopkins Hotel
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
Business goal
Become the premium hotel in San Francisco
Business strategy
Draw on business partners to make MH services
even more appealing and to attract more guests.
Value proposition
“The Mark Hopkins has a long tradition of great
service on which we build in new, creative ways”
UX strategy
Make guests feel special by making the hotel’s
superior service more visible and personalized.
My guesses regarding MH’s strategies
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust
They are not communicated correctly
Not all departments are “on the same page”
The senior directors are not involved at all
The strategy is vague or unclear
The strategy does not ensure measurability
UX is considered a buzzword, not a tool
UX strategies fail when:
Inspired by (and partly plagerized from) the great Ronnie Battista
The 10 commandments of UX
If you don’t know where you’re going,
you’ll never get there.
And finally, the secret sauce you have all
been waiting for…
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 1/2 cups Heinz Ketchup (use no other!)
3 tablespoons barbeque spice (Sexton, Santa Maria, whatever)
3 tablespoons vinegar
1 tablespoon sweet paprika
1 teaspoon fine salt
1/2 teaspoon each of:
white pepper
black pepper
sweet chili
liquid smoke (optional)
Mix it all up in a pot over low heat. Let it simmer for about 15 minutes to make sure the sugar is completely
dissolved. Stir regularly. Thin with bourbon as needed.
If you cannot get liquid smoke, use smoked paprika. This works well, too.
If you add a little canning preservative (typically sodium benzoate), you can keep this in the refrigerator
Do NOT use this like ketchup on a burger. You need to slather it on during the final minutes of cooking so
the sugar caramelises and thereby cuts the sweetness a bit.
Uncle Eric’s hog’s-breath-style BBQ sauce
Liels paldies!
Eric Reiss can (usually) be found at:
The FatDUX Group ApS
Strandøre 15
2100 Copenhagen
Office: (+45) 39 29 67 77
Mobil: (+45) 20 12 88 44
Twitter: @elreiss

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UX Strategy - the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust

  • 1. UX Strategy the secret sauce that defines the pixie dust Eric Reiss @elreiss UX Riga February 25, 2016 Riga, Latvia
  • 4. Where do you start? What do you do? What is UX?
  • 5. User experience is the sum of a series of interactions between people, devices, and events. A simple definition of “UX”
  • 6. What is the UX of Riga? As a tourist, it looks a lot like this…
  • 20. But if you live here, it probably looks more like this…
  • 28. And you are aware of local events most visitors never hear about…
  • 31. Good UX? For whom?
  • 32. Define your UX goals Do your research
  • 33. A couple of questions for the app folks… Do you have a successful product yet? Or are you now looking for your second successful product?
  • 36. “We need to build on our momentum”
  • 39. So, let’s talk about “strategy” and “tactics”
  • 40. First, a war story…
  • 43. Opening a second front in Sicily was strategic Taking Messina was strategic/tactical
  • 44. Generals decide goals and strategies Officers decide strategies and tactics NCOs decide tactics
  • 45. Fat guys behind rocks, skinny guys behind trees
  • 46. So let’s make this personal… (when you are the whole army)
  • 47. Why you do something is your goal What you do is strategic How you do it is tactical
  • 49. Why you decided to go to a conference is a goal What event you chose to attend is strategic How you choose your sessions is tactical
  • 50. Business plan Business strategy UX strategy Products ] ]
  • 51. The Business Strategy • Financial goals • Market development • Action plan
  • 52. The UX Strategy • Value proposition • Generic UX guidelines • Governance structure
  • 53. Let’s look at these points individually
  • 54. a clear definition of the company’s/brand’s value proposition vis-á-vis the business plan a statement of what the user experience should bring customers/clients an explanation of how your company’s products will continue to provide value in the future through UX. The value proposition
  • 55. a clear definition of what you mean by “UX” a decision model that can help designers evaluate and priortize their ideas/work a simple list of do’s and don’ts (or questions) that relate UX decisions back to the company/brand value Generic UX guidelines
  • 56. Let’s look at these points individually, too
  • 57. What it is User experience is the sum of a series of interactions between people, devices, and events. What we do Coordinate interactions that we can control Acknowledge interactions beyond our control Reduce negative interactions A simple definition of “UX”
  • 59. The proposed project/feature makes things: Easier to use Easier to learn Encourages use More enjoyable Supports the value proposition Try to be specfic in the strategy document! A simple list (Yes or no? Why and how?)
  • 60. Suggests a chain of command Who is ultimately responsible Who will do the actual work Insists on a timeline Provides rules to measure and optimize UX The governance structure
  • 61. Keep the solution simple – don’t overthink it Keep it flexible – there is no one right way A few pointers…
  • 63. Message: your UX tactics need to be flexible enough to meet different user needs. And if you still need help...
  • 65. A case story: The AI Factory
  • 68. Business goal Become a premium supplier of artificial- intelligence engines for gaming Business strategy Showcase AI engines through their own selection of games Value proposition “Our AI engines make gaming more realistic and exciting” UX strategy Create the feeling that people are playing against real players, not a CPU My guesses regarding AI’s strategies
  • 73. What’s wrong with this picture?
  • 74. Another case story: The Mark Hopkins Hotel
  • 76. Business goal Become the premium hotel in San Francisco Business strategy Draw on business partners to make MH services even more appealing and to attract more guests. Value proposition “The Mark Hopkins has a long tradition of great service on which we build in new, creative ways” UX strategy Make guests feel special by making the hotel’s superior service more visible and personalized. My guesses regarding MH’s strategies
  • 79. They are not communicated correctly Not all departments are “on the same page” The senior directors are not involved at all The strategy is vague or unclear The strategy does not ensure measurability UX is considered a buzzword, not a tool UX strategies fail when:
  • 80. Inspired by (and partly plagerized from) the great Ronnie Battista The 10 commandments of UX
  • 81. If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll never get there.
  • 82. And finally, the secret sauce you have all been waiting for…
  • 83. 1 cup packed brown sugar 1 1/2 cups Heinz Ketchup (use no other!) 3 tablespoons barbeque spice (Sexton, Santa Maria, whatever) 3 tablespoons vinegar 1 tablespoon sweet paprika 1 teaspoon fine salt 1/2 teaspoon each of: white pepper black pepper cayenne sweet chili liquid smoke (optional) Mix it all up in a pot over low heat. Let it simmer for about 15 minutes to make sure the sugar is completely dissolved. Stir regularly. Thin with bourbon as needed. If you cannot get liquid smoke, use smoked paprika. This works well, too. If you add a little canning preservative (typically sodium benzoate), you can keep this in the refrigerator indefinitely. Do NOT use this like ketchup on a burger. You need to slather it on during the final minutes of cooking so the sugar caramelises and thereby cuts the sweetness a bit. Uncle Eric’s hog’s-breath-style BBQ sauce
  • 85. Eric Reiss can (usually) be found at: The FatDUX Group ApS Strandøre 15 2100 Copenhagen Denmark Office: (+45) 39 29 67 77 Mobil: (+45) 20 12 88 44 Twitter: @elreiss