The document outlines 10 steps to build a great company culture: 1) embrace transparency, 2) recognize and reward valuable contributions, 3) cultivate strong coworker relationships, 4) embrace and inspire employee autonomy, 5) practice flexibility, 6) communicate purpose and passion, 7) promote a team atmosphere, 8) encourage regular feedback, 9) stay true to core values, and 10) devote effort and resources to building culture. Following these steps such as being transparent, recognizing employees, and encouraging autonomy can help engage employees and create a strong organizational culture.
What does the future look like? Is it a dark space where we’re suffering from varying degrees of techamphetamine or are we heading towards a Utopian fantasy of abundance and harmony?
Understanding that our basic human needs and wants barely change, we explore the future state of a range of topics; from our need for physical sustenance through to our age-long fascination of transcending the limitations of our biology.
Looking at the future from a human perspective, our potential for greatness is teetering on a fine line between darkness and hope. We’re banking on the latter.
How to Be Happy at Work - 10 Simple Tips That WorkD B
Do you want to learn how to be happy at work? Here are 10 simple things that you can do that are proven to work.
By Officevibe, the Simplest Employee Engagement tool
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10 Shocking Stats About Disengaged EmployeesOfficevibe
Here are 10 shocking stats about employee engagement that our researchers have found. This infographic shows all that's wrong with disengaged employees.
Read more on Officevibe Blog:
Download the most comprehensive guide to having engaged employees:
Use these 22 simple ways to boost job satisfaction:
24 Time Management Hacks to Develop for Increased ProductivityIulian Olariu
These are some ideas I talk about in my Time Management training sessions. Try to approach each of them and develop in a new habit, in order to increase your productivity and manage your time better. Don't forget to share if you find them useful!
10 Steps great leaders take when things go wrongGetSmarter
The document outlines 10 steps that great leaders take when things go wrong: 1) Accept that failure is inevitable. 2) Confront failure by reflecting on mistakes. 3) Be vulnerable by openly admitting mistakes. 4) Fail forward by changing perspectives and learning from failures. 5) Recover fast by helping people understand problems and providing solutions. 6) Fight back by rising above failure and looking for opportunities. 7) Make tough choices by deciding whether to abandon or continue with mistakes. 8) Realize their responsibility to influence others positively. 9) Take one for the team by supporting risky decisions. 10) Know when to take a step back to reflect on lessons learned.
10 Engagement Lessons Learned From 1 Million Survey AnswersD B
Officevibe released a research report called The State of Employee Engagement based on 1,200,000 survey answers from employees in 157 countries. After analyzing the data, we discovered some truly shocking statistics about the state of engagement across the world.
This actionable webinar will show you how you can keep your employees happy and productive.
See the recording of the webinar:
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Content by Officevibe, the simplest tool for a greater workplace.
9 Unique Traits of High-Performing
High-performing teams have several traits in common that make them successful. Some of the key traits include embracing diversity of backgrounds, prioritizing work-life balance for all members, and maintaining laser-like focus on goals. These teams also engage well together both during formal meetings and outside of meetings through open communication. Fostering strengths of all members, healthy debates, and group cohesion are other characteristics of top teams.
10 Practical Ways to Be More Efficient at
Efficiency has always been an ongoing process that you will keep fine tuning for the rest of your life. However, when it comes down to being efficient at work, there are whole industries coming up with solutions. We at Weekdone gathered the 10 best ways to be more efficient at work that we believe to be simple, practical and proven to make you more efficient at work.
Top Productivity Working Hacks by Jan RezabJan Rezab
This document provides productivity tips from Jan Rezab, a serial entrepreneur. Some key points include:
- Manage time by thinking in "blocks" of one hour and maximizing productivity in each block.
- Use tools like Wunderlist, Podio and Slack for communication and organization in addition to email.
- Design meetings purposefully with clear agendas and action items. Follow up immediately.
- Find ways to be productive during activities like driving or flights by taking calls or responding to emails.
- Hiring an excellent assistant can help optimize schedules and respond to urgent requests so the entrepreneur's time is freed up.
Habits at Work - Merci Victoria Grace, Growth, Slack - 2016 Habit SummitHabit Summit
Presented at the 2016 Habit Summit at Stanford (see:
Merci Victoria Grace leads the Growth team at Slack.
Prior to joining Slack, she started a venture-backed game company, designed The Sims Social at Electronic Arts, and worked at a range of consumer, mobile and enterprise startups.
Here she shares insights on putting "Habits to Work at Work".
This document discusses better collaboration between agencies and clients. It notes that historically, agencies did not provide clients with a full understanding of the creative process or ideas, and clients did not know how to properly evaluate work. It advocates that agencies start presentations with the agreed upon creative brief to provide necessary context before presenting ideas. Agencies should tell a story that bridges the brief to the final idea, giving clients a complete understanding. The document also provides models for properly evaluating ideas and ensuring collaborative discussions between agencies and clients.
10 Ways Your Boss Kills Employee MotivationOfficevibe
This document outlines 10 ways that bosses can kill employee motivation, including micromanaging employees, focusing only on mistakes, dismissing new ideas, holding useless meetings, making empty promises, telling inappropriate jokes, not keeping their word, measuring employee success in the wrong way, setting unrealistic deadlines, and playing favorites. The document encourages bosses to listen to employee concerns to better motivate them.
11 Stats You Didn’t Know About Employee RecognitionOfficevibe
Recognizing employees is one of the most overlooked facets of managements that even great leaders sometimes forget about. Without a good employee recognition strategy, people will feel unappreciated and build up stress.
In fact, the number 1 reason why most Americans leave their jobs is that they don’t feel appreciated . The last thing you want is to have high employee turnover because of poor employee recognition.
Officevibe put together some incredible statistics about employee recognition.
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The Productivity Secret Of The Best LeadersOfficevibe
Content by Jacob Shriar & Kevin Kruse.
In this Officeviibe presentation, you'll see:
- 3 biggest problems leaders face and what you can do to fix them
- The secret to time management
- Examples from great leaders
- You'll find bonus content
Employee Development Strategies For Your Remote WorkforceO.C. Tanner
More and more employees are working remotely instead of commuting to a main office. Here are some strategies for effectively managing and developing your remote workforce.
Exemplary leaders can make a profoundly positive difference in workplace performance. An analysis of nearly two million participants of the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) shows that a leader's actions contribute more to commitment, loyalty, motivation, and productivity than any other single variable. Learn more about the many ways strong leadership can positively impact any organization.
Want to be seen as a leader at the office? Learn how to identify and push back against gender bias by supporting your female colleagues at work. Read the full tips at
Top 5 Soft Skills: What Successful People Know that Every Employee Needs to K...BizLibrary
In this program, you’ll learn about the top 5 soft skills that are most predictive of employee, leadership and organizational success in today’s highly complex and rapidly changing environment. You’ll also gain quick tips to help jump-start your development efforts for each soft skill.
How to Master Difficult Conversations at Work – Leader’s GuidePiktochart
Confrontation and having difficult conversations with employees is one of the hardest jobs of a leader. Learn how to approach them using the GROW acronym:
G is for Goals
Start every difficult conversation by stating its purpose
R is for Reality
State the reality of how the person is performing or how he or she is behaving.
O is for Options
Lay out a few options to help this person improve.
W is for Willingness
Ask this person what they would do and give them time to respond
Here's the full article about it:
Let us know how you approach difficult conversations!
The document discusses how startup entrepreneurs think and operate. It notes that startups like Airbnb and Uber were started due to identifying shortages or problems. It emphasizes that startups focus on providing customer benefit, eliminating waste, and creating value. It also highlights that startups operate with speed, embracing failure fast and pivoting quickly, with transparency and by breaking rules. Startups succeed by moving rapidly, with minimal processes and instead prioritizing speed above all else.
10 Things your Audience Hates About your PresentationStinson
See it with animations!
It’s impossible to win over an audience with a bad presentation. You might have the next big thing, but if your presentation falls flat, then so will your idea. While every audience is different, there are some universal cringe-worthy presentation mistakes that are all too common. Whether you’re an amateur or a seasoned presenter, you should always avoid this list of top 10 things your audience hates. Are you committing any of these 10 fatal presentation sins?
For more presentation help, visit
WTF - Why the Future Is Up to Us - pptx versionTim O'Reilly
This is the talk I gave January 12, 2017 at the G20/OECD Conference on the Digital Future in Berlin. I talk about fitness landscapes as applied to technology and business, the role of unchecked financialization in the state of our politics and economy, and why technology really wants to create jobs, not destroy them. (There is a separate PDF version, but some readers said the notes were too fuzzy to read.)
Ready to sharpen your #copywriting skills? Here are 125 quick tips organized in 14 chapters—from veteran copywriter, creative director, and SlideShare keynote author Barry Feldman.
10 Insightful Quotes On Designing A Better Customer ExperienceYuan Wang
In an ever-changing landscape of one digital disruption after another, companies and organisations are looking for new ways to understand their target markets and engage them better. Increasingly they invest in user experience (UX) and customer experience design (CX) capabilities by working with a specialist UX agency or developing their own UX lab. Some UX practitioners are touting leaner and faster ways of developing customer-centric products and services, via methodologies such as guerilla research, rapid prototyping and Agile UX. Others seek innovation and fulfilment by spending more time in research, being more inclusive, and designing for social goods.
Experience is more than just an interface. It is a relationship, as well as a series of touch points between your brand and your customer. Here are our top 10 highlights and takeaways from the recent UX Australia conference to help you transform your customer experience design.
For full article, continue reading at
We held the largest ever Virtual SlideShare Summit a week back, if you missed it here's your chance to hear from the experts once more on some of the takeaways on presentation design and SlideShare Marketing
14 Tips to Entrepreneurs to start the Right StuffPatrick Stähler
14 tips for Entrepreneurs how they can develop from an idea the Right Thing. The Right is being loved by your customers, gives meaning to you and employees and is profitable. Finding and later doing the Right Thing is an agile and iterative learning journey. With these 14 tips you can profit from the experience of successful entrepreneurs since you do not have to experience and fail by yourself. Hopefully, the slide deck helps other entrepreneurs.
Leader's Guide to Motivate People at
To motivate employees, leaders should provide more praise, attention, responsibility, and incentives. Specifically, leaders should recognize employees' good work, keep employees informed about company goals and strategies, assign more challenging tasks with autonomy, establish incentive programs with realistic yet challenging goals, and provide pay raises correlated with employee performance and development. Leaders can use a performance management tool like Weekdone to understand employee status, provide transparent feedback, and align goals across different levels.
Love reading comics? You're not the only one. What about these stories about super-beings keep our eyes glued to the pages and our minds salivating for more? We explore in this deck how comic writers use these storytelling techniques and how you can apply it in your presentation.
Google continues to dominate search and increase its share. According to data, Google's core search increased 5.9% from October 2016 to May 2017 while its closest competitors like Yahoo and Bing declined. Google distributes search traffic relatively evenly across sites while Facebook and YouTube tend to concentrate traffic on very large sites. Reddit and YouTube send the majority of their referral traffic to just a handful of top sites.
How I got 2.5 Million views on Slideshare (by @nickdemey - Board of Innovation)Board of Innovation
This document provides tips for creating engaging slide decks on SlideShare that garner many views. It recommends focusing on quality over quantity when creating each slide, using compelling images and headlines, and including calls to action throughout. It also suggests experimenting with sharing techniques and doing so in waves to build momentum. The goal is to create decks that are optimized for sharing and spread across multiple channels over time.
Today we all live and work in the Internet Century, where technology is roiling the business landscape, and the pace of change is only accelerating.
In their new book How Google Works, Google Executive Chairman and ex-CEO Eric Schmidt and former SVP of Products Jonathan Rosenberg share the lessons they learned over the course of a decade running Google.
Covering topics including corporate culture, strategy, talent, decision-making, communication, innovation, and dealing with disruption, the authors illustrate management maxims with numerous insider anecdotes from Google’s history.
In an era when everything is speeding up, the best way for businesses to succeed is to attract smart-creative people and give them an environment where they can thrive at scale. How Google Works is a new book that explains how to do just that.
This is a visual preview of How Google Works. You can pick up a copy of the book at
What Would Steve Do? 10 Lessons from the World's Most Captivating PresentersHubSpot
The document provides 10 tips for creating captivating presentations based on lessons from famous presenters like Steve Jobs, Scott Harrison, and Gary Vaynerchuk. The tips include crafting an emotional story with a beginning, middle, and end; creating slides that answer why the audience should care, how it will improve their lives, and what they must do; using simple language without jargon; using metaphors; ditching bullet points; showing rather than just telling through images; rehearsing extensively; and that excellence requires hard work with no shortcuts.
Rand Fishkin discusses why content marketing often fails and provides 5 key reasons: 1) Unrealistic expectations of how content marketing works, 2) Creating content without a community to amplify it, 3) Focusing on content creation but not amplification, 4) Ignoring search engine optimization, and 5) Giving up too soon and not allowing time for content to gain traction. He emphasizes that content marketing is a long-term process of building relationships and that most successful content took years of iteration before gaining significant reach.
Slide Marvels is a leading PowerPoint Presentation Design Company. Our passion is to build and design any type of PowerPoint presentations from pitch decks, team meeting, training documents up to webinar documents and more.
9 things you need to do to build your dream teamNaomi Simson
The document provides 9 things to do to build a dream team: 1) Know your purpose, 2) Get your people involved, 3) Make everyone accountable for culture, 4) Recognize progress, 5) Build trust through transparency, 6) Create opportunities to connect, 7) Hire for attitude and train for skill, 8) Reward value with value, and 9) Build advocacy. The key is connecting each individual to something meaningful and showing their contribution counts through autonomy, advocacy, transparency, and empowering each team member as a custodian of culture. This transforms the team into a place people want to be a part of to do their best work.
Successful Personal and Personnel Professional DevelopmentProformative, Inc.
Proformative presents Successful Personal & Personnel Professional Development. Special thanks to Ernie Humphrey, Vice President, Proformative.
To download the entire presentation, visit
11 Tips & Tricks for effective teamwork at your workplace!Prasanjit Das
Looking for the mantra to effective teamwork ?
What is the secret that some organizations seem to grow while others don't ? How are some teams better than others ? What are the attributes of a good team ?
Search no more. Here are your answers:
10 commandments for first time managers outlines essential tips for new managers. They should 1) learn about their new roles and team, 2) communicate openly and listen to their team, and 3) commit fully to their work and demand the same commitment from their team. New managers should also 4) encourage high performance, 5) recognize both good and poor performance, and 6) interact positively with their team to build confidence and comradery. Additionally, managers should 7) help their team visualize how their work contributes to company goals, 8) facilitate learning opportunities, and 9) control key metrics while avoiding an autocratic style. The final tip is to 10) lead by creating more leaders through quality work, career development, and
Employee motivation is important for a strong team and high performance. Low motivation can negatively impact morale, initiative, energy levels and increase mistakes and staff turnover. A self-motivation action plan in three steps can help boost motivation: 1) Clarify goals, 2) Identify obstacles, 3) Handle each obstacle. Common myths include thinking money alone motivates or that the employee is always right. Effective strategies involve finding the right job for each person, empowering employees, cooperation over competition, performance over "presenteeism", and making employees feel safe, valued and involved.
5 tips to Integrate Purpose Into Your WorkplaceKristi Pastore
Creating a purpose-centered organization leaders to a better company culture with more engaged employees. Learn how to integrate purpose into your workplace with these tips!
Leaders have the responsibility and challenge to create an environment of respect, productivity and complete all the work they must do. There are eight qualities that are common among leaders who are able to accomplish these things.
To re-engage employees, leaders must understand why workers feel disconnected through fact-finding, address issues like burnout, provide growth opportunities, and help employees see how their work contributes to organizational success. Regular feedback, participation, clear expectations, and ensuring personal goals align with company goals are also important for engagement. With the right workplace conditions and management practices, leaders can renew employees' commitment and pride in their work.
Company Culture is your company’s personality. It is the shared beliefs, values and practices that make up your company and the unique way everybody at the company sees the rest of the world.A properly implemented company culture is necessary to help companies develop a well-defined market position.
This document outlines the methodology of Managing The Mist, a consulting firm that helps organizations create "mist-free" high performance cultures during change initiatives. The methodology involves 5 rules: 1) getting organizational house in order by aligning strategies, processes and behaviors; 2) asking employees for input instead of just telling them changes; 3) developing leaders to step back and focus on continuous improvement; 4) embracing failure so employees are not afraid to take risks; 5) holding each other accountable through feedback and evaluation of actions and results. The firm uses experiential learning techniques to build high performance cultures and measures impact to ensure a return on investment.
The document provides guidance for onboarding new members within their first 10 days. It emphasizes the shared responsibility of talent management and team leaders to ensure new members feel welcomed and gain clarity on why they joined, where they belong, and what their responsibilities are. The team leader checklist outlines key activities for the first 10 days like having lunch to get to know the new member, giving them real work, connecting them with a peer buddy, and helping them build their social network. The document also discusses considering members' expectations, retention factors, and involving other roles to make the onboarding process successful.
A presentation that focuses on team building from an I/O organization point of view. Useful in describing the four principles of successful team building storming, forming, norming, and performing. Item has also been created into a YouTube video with music.
1. Maintaining staff harmony and morale is important for workplace success and requires understanding what motivates employees.
2. Motivation comes from meeting employees' needs, which vary between individuals, through self-esteem, validation, participation, and rewards.
3. Managers must align employee and department goals, understand individual motivations, and view motivation as an ongoing process rather than a single task.
I am sharing a PowerPoint I developed 20 years ago to coach and train all levels of Management. Through the years I have made changes to offer Managers a better understanding of what employees in the workforce look for from their Leadership. I hope you enjoy it.
This document discusses how to build a successful brand and high-performing team. It emphasizes the importance of having a clear brand vision and objectives focused on distinction, added value, quality, structured communications, direction, and innovation. It also stresses the importance of open communication, clear roles and goals, leadership support, and coordination within a team to achieve projects effectively. Regular updates and participation from leadership helps build trust while allowing independence. The key is properly aligning all members' efforts like a puzzle to achieve success.
This document provides terms and conditions for a legal notice. It strives to be accurate while noting that errors may occur. It assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or interpretations. Practical advice is provided, but readers are advised to rely on their own judgment. The document is not intended as a source of legal, business, or financial advice.
This document discusses how to build a successful brand and high-performing team. It emphasizes the importance of having a clear brand vision and objectives focused on distinction, added value, quality, structured communications, direction, and innovation. It also stresses the importance of open communication, clear roles and goals, leadership support, and coordination within a team to achieve projects effectively. Regular updates and participation from leadership helps build trust while allowing independence. The key is properly aligning all members' efforts like a puzzle to achieve success.
This document discusses various leadership skills and human resource development. It covers the importance of training employees and developing their skills. It emphasizes that developing existing employees is a cost-effective way for companies to fill roles. The document also discusses the knowledge and qualities needed to be an effective leader, including communication skills, ability to motivate teams, and learning from others. It highlights transformational leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Steve Jobs as examples.
Similar to 10 Dead Simple Ways to Improve Your Company Culture (20)
A well researched content of Academic Writing Assignments Compiled & Curated as per Criterion's & Rubrics with stringent guidelines as per Referencing Styles.
Business Strategy: Strategic Planning, Logical Incrementalism, Strategic Lead...ICFAI University
ey Topics Covered:
Introduction to Strategic Planning:
Understanding the comprehensive process of defining an organization’s direction.
Importance of aligning efforts with vision and mission.
Components of Strategic Planning:
Vision and Mission Statements: Crafting clear and inspiring statements that guide organizational direction.
Goals and Objectives: Setting SMART objectives to achieve broad, long-term aims.
Environmental Scanning: Conducting SWOT and PESTEL analyses to assess internal and external environments.
Strategy Formulation: Developing corporate, business, and functional strategies.
Implementation and Monitoring: Executing strategies and tracking progress through performance metrics.
Benefits of Strategic Planning:
Provides direction, enhances decision-making, and facilitates resource allocation.
Helps in identifying and mitigating risks and encourages long-term thinking.
Logical Incrementalism:
Gradual, systematic progress through small, manageable steps.
Emphasizes flexibility, continuous learning, and avoiding strategic drift.
Learning Organizations:
Facilitating continuous learning and transformation to adapt and succeed in changing environments.
Characteristics include knowledge sharing, systems thinking, and fostering innovation.
Strategic Leadership:
Influencing others to achieve long-term success and financial stability.
Key elements include visionary leadership, decision-making, and change management.
Developing Strategic Leadership:
Leadership training, mentoring, exposure to strategic roles, and fostering a leadership culture.
The 5 Mindsets and skills of Today’s Top Leaders
Leaders can improve their effectiveness by being open to feedback, learning from successful peers, and seeking mentorship or coaching when necessary.
Put People First: Great leaders care about their team’s well-being and success.
Listen with Empathy: putting yourself in others’ shoes helps you understand and connect
Stay Humble: Humility helps leaders stay grounded and open to learning from others.
Build Trust: It’s the foundation for all strong and healthy relationships
Communication clearly: Effective communication ensures that everyone is aligned and informed
Leadership is a dynamic skill that requires constant attention and improvement.
Know more about our efforts to develop leadership capabilities especially regarding developing the capabilities for creating business impact through the art of prioritization :
Groval Euler's specializes in transformative sales coaching, driving performance and fostering a culture of continuous learning. Our expert team works with organizations to enhance sales skills, align with business goals, and achieve measurable improvements. Discover more at: -
Revolutionizing Giving_ The Emergence of Impact-Driven Philanthropy by Peter ...Peter Eckerline
This new era of giving, known as impact-driven philanthropy, prioritizes precise results and sustainable changes over mere monetary donations. It's about making a lasting difference by strategically addressing the root causes of societal issues.
6. Transparency is the key to building a strong
organizational culture, and an engaged team.
Don’t ask: “Is it absolutely necessary to
share this information with the team?”
Do Ask: “Is it absolutely necessary to keep
this information from the team?”
8. Employees make valuable contributions to
your organization every day.
Recognize and reward their contributions,
and make it ridiculously easy for everyone on
your team to do the same.
Companies that exhibit a recognition-rich
culture tend to have dramatically lower
turnover rates.
10. Think about both the physical and cultural
environment in your organization.
Is it conducive to building strong relationships?
If it isn’t, engineer spaces and situations that
promote coworker interaction.
12. Trust your employees to manage their
responsibilities effectively.
Let go of the idea that work has to happen a
certain way at a certain time.
Help your team grow from being held
accountable, to embracing autonomy and
14. Modern organizations understand the value
of practicing flexibility. It can improve
morale and even reduce turnover.
A CareerBuilder survey of nearly four
thousand workers revealed flexibility as one
of the biggest drivers of employee retention.
16. Purpose is not exclusive, and there are no
"purpose professions."
Find out what's important to your employees,
and where that intersects with your
organizational goals.
The better you understand your team’s goals
and aspirations, the better you can help your
team to see the purpose in their work.
18. Your employees and your coworkers are not
simply a group of other people you work with;
they are integral members of your team.
Promote a team atmosphere and
accomplish more together than you ever
could as individuals.
20. Employees don't get enough regular
feedback, and when they do it's often vague
or perceived as inauthentic.
It's vital to give employees the tools they
need to understand when and why they're
doing well, and how to fix it when they're not.
22. Make your core values more than bullet
points on your 'about us' page.
Core values are a company's guiding light.
They're the inseparable principals at the
heart of an organization.
24. Building a company culture takes time and
energy. It doesn't just happen.
A great company culture is a constant work in
progress, because as a company evolves, so
do its constituents.
Devote time and effort toward developing
and nurturing your organizational culture.