The document discusses key themes and takeaways from the SXSW 2018 conference related to AI, automation, jobs, content creation, and democratization. It notes perspectives on both the promise and potential dangers of advanced AI, and how existing technologies like smartphones have already augmented human capabilities. The document also highlights examples of how platforms and tools are empowering more widespread content creation and sharing of knowledge.
Automation has significantly impacted jobs and the economy over time. While it initially takes away some jobs, it leads to an increase in new types of jobs and a higher overall employment rate. For example, while only 2% of Americans now work on farms compared to 40% in 1900, more people have jobs today. Automation has enabled new industries and more consumer products while increasing leisure time and work-life balance. However, preparing for future automation remains important to ensure new jobs are created that humans are still needed for.
The document appears to be a presentation about interactive innovation awards from the South by Southwest (SXSW) conference in 2015 and 2016. It lists the categories of the awards for both years, including health/biotech, connecting people, 3D printing, music, privacy/security, responsive design, smart cities, and emerging technologies like VR/AR and wearables. The presentation discusses key areas like AI, chatbots, VR/AR for health, diversity, and smart cities.
Mindshare shares the highlights and takeaways from Cannes Lions 2017, working across five key trends: Authenticity, Equality, Adaptive Marketing, People vs. Machines, and China Day.
World Government Summit on Open SourceTim O'Reilly
Tim O'Reilly discusses lessons that governments can learn from technology companies to improve government services. Some key points:
1) Governments should focus on reinventing the citizen experience and making interfaces to government simple, beautiful and easy to use like consumer websites.
2) Governments should use data to drive decisions and continuously improve services based on metrics, like Google and other tech companies.
3) Governments should create architectures of participation that engage citizens in developing and improving services, not just providing feedback.
4) Governments should act as platforms, providing open data and services for private companies and citizens to build upon, like the internet and GPS systems.
Reinventing Healthcare to Serve People, Not InstitutionsTim O'Reilly
My talk at South by Southwest on March 16, 2015. I use examples from consumer technology (the Apple Store, Uber/Lyft, and Google Now) to show where "the bar" is now for user experience, and what that should teach us about how to redesign healthcare. I also talk about the work of Code for America to debug the UX for CalFresh and MediCal.
From insights on Generation Z, to the new developments around VR and robotics, check out Mindshare NA's insights and takeaways from SXSW Interactive 2016.
The Maker Movement began in the early 2000s as a resurgence of do-it-yourself creativity fueled by new technologies like 3D printing and Arduino boards. Makers now number in the millions as people rediscover the satisfaction of making physical objects with their own hands. New low-cost tools and online communities have lowered barriers to entry, empowering a new generation of innovators and shifting production away from large corporations. The Maker Movement promises significant economic and social benefits by transforming industries, democratizing innovation, and inspiring self-sufficiency.
Every year, planners at Y&R share a roundup of today’s most interesting trends and their inherent tension. This year’s North American Trends with Tension report takes on an array of topics from privacy, wellness, and gender fluidity.
MRY's South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive recap from 2015 featuring trends in wearables, virtual reality, mobile video (Meerkat!), and more - plus what brands like GE, Taco Bell, Mazda, HBO and others did in Austin, TX for SXSWi
O'Reilly Media is a publishing company known for its technical books. It aims to change the world by spreading knowledge of innovators and technologies on the edge. It does this by finding interesting new technologies, amplifying their impact through publishing books and hosting conferences, and sharing information online to help others adopt these innovations. Some examples of early technologies they covered include Linux, Perl, the internet, web services, and the term "open source".
Oakland Public Ethics Commission: Transparency, Open Data, and Gov as PlatformTim O'Reilly
I spoke at the Oakland Public Ethics commission on June 25, 2013. I was trying to set some context about how the ideas of transparency, open data, and government platform should shape their thinking. This is a PDF with notes on my talking points below each slide.
Forces of Change & The Importance of NarrativeOgilvy
OgilvyEntertainment creates compelling narratives that fuel deeper connections between brands and consumers.
In Forces of Change & The Importance of Narrative, President Doug Scott explores how disruptive innovation is driving new forms of content, creativity and engagement. While "storytelling" may be the latest trend, narratives have no limits in today's transmedia world. The state of play has shifted and the key is to activate deep content experiences driven by the power of NARRATIVE.
Like every year, BETC Digital travelled to Austin to bring you fresh inspiration and new ideas from SXSW, the famous digital festival.
Where is digital heading in the following years? We attended conferences by people such as Eric Schmidt, Julian Assange or Edward Snowden to gather their views of the topic.
FC Tech Group presented their SXSW recap at Olapic's NY office on April 4, 2016. These are the slides focus on the three themes pulled from SXSW sessions surrounding retail, e-commerce, fashion, digital marketing, & tech.
My talk at the White House Frontiers Conference at CMU on October 13, 2016. I was one of the warmup acts for the President, talking about why we should embrace an AI future. Full text can be seen here
Catch the highlights from MWC16 in this quick recap. Learn about everything that happened at Mobile World Congress, including new virtual reality devices, the latest developments in IoT, and much, much more.
8 Ways to Personalize Your App (in Under 30 Minutes)Localytics
Personalization is the future of mobile. If your app doesn't offer a personalized user experience, you're at high risk of user churn. Here we showcase actionable, real-life app examples on how you can make quick optimizations to improve your app's personalization, leading to stronger user engagement and retention.
The document discusses keys to the future of mobile video advertising, including pre-cached ads that load instantly, value-added ads that give users benefits in exchange for their attention, and making these ad formats available programmatically. It argues that these approaches can improve the user experience of mobile advertising by reducing load times, giving users control and incentives to engage with ads, and addressing issues like ad blocking.
In this update of his past presentations on Mobile Eating the World -- delivered most recently at The Guardian's Changing Media Summit -- a16z’s Benedict Evans takes us through how technology is universal through mobile. How mobile is not a subset of the internet anymore. And how mobile (and accompanying trends of cloud and AI) is also driving new productivity tools.
In fact, mobile -- which encompasses everything from drones to cars -- is everything.
Chinese New Year Reaches Mobile Tipping PointApp Annie
Long-held traditions enter the mobile age — and with that, a new opportunity for app publishers. Using App Annie’s Store Stats, we showcase how Chinese New Year has become a significant opportunity for mobile app publishers, and how a few of the most impactful developments in the app economy have fundamentally changed this holiday in critical areas such as transportation and payment.
M Dot Extinction: The Next Evolution of Mobile WebMobify
The technology world is facing an extinction – sites are slowly but surely dying out, and for good reason.
A survey of the Internet Retailer 500 found that sites for ecommerce dropped from 79% in 2013 to 59% in 2014, and the trend continues. While numbers still need to be confirmed for this past year, sites were expected to lose 50% share in 2015.
Unlike the dinosaur extinction 65 million years ago, for which the reasons are still widely debated, m.dots are an outdated technology and the reasons for their demise are clear. While m.dots were a huge improvement to serving the desktop site to mobile shoppers, they have failed to evolve with customers’ rising expectations and advancements in technology.
Download our Extinction Storybook to learn the 5 reasons that sites are disappearing.
Mobile-First SEO - The Marketers Edition #3XEDigitalAleyda Solís
How to target your SEO process to a reality of more people searching on mobile devices than desktop and an upcoming mobile first Google index? Check it out.
Our report, The Next Horizon of Emerging App Markets, investigates questions about market growth within regions, what causing certain countries to grow, and which categories have the most untapped opportunities. If you’re looking to expand into new, high-growth markets or invest in the world’s next powerhouse app economies, this report is a must-read.
UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and ArchivesNed Potter
1) The document discusses how the University of York Library has used various user experience (UX) techniques like ethnographic observation and interviews to better understand user needs and behaviors.
2) Some changes implemented based on UX findings include installing hot water taps, changing hours, and adding blankets - aimed at improving the small details of user experience.
3) The presentation encourages other libraries, archives and museums to try incorporating UX techniques like behavioral mapping and cognitive interviews to inform design changes that enhance services for users.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere, promising self-driving cars, medical breakthroughs, and new ways of working. But how do you separate hype from reality? How can your company apply AI to solve real business problems?
Here’s what AI learnings your business should keep in mind for 2017.
This document discusses 5 mobile app trends for 2016:
1. Web app experiences within native apps through hybrid designs.
2. Context-aware apps that utilize existing data to provide sophisticated automation.
3. Artificial intelligence as the new user interface through technologies like Google Now.
4. One dominant messaging app to facilitate communication across platforms.
5. Notifications becoming a new medium of information with constant updates.
The document advocates thinking beyond just the mobile app and focusing on the entire user experience.
Go Beyond Opens & Clicks: Using Data to Optimize Your Client's CampaignsLitmus
"It's ok, we have good open and click rates." How many times have you heard that from a client or colleague? A campaign's success is often based on a handful of metrics, but these rarely give a well-rounded portrait of true customer engagement.
Are open rates declining on mobile? Have desktop and webmail opens increased? How long do subscribers actually spend reading each message?
In this actionable webinar, we dive into the other (often more) important metrics your team should be using to develop your clients' emails.
With smartphone and tablet ownership on the rise, device obsession is growing and spreading across generations, keeping consumers always-connected in new and unique ways. The 2015 US edition of the Deloitte global mobile consumer survey uncovers consumer preferences on a variety of topics from mobile device usage trends to the Internet of Things to security and privacy.
Download our 2015 US edition of the Deloitte global mobile consumer survey here:
This presentation by Kyle Sherman, LinkedIn iOS Developer for the SlideShare iOS app, goes over fixing issues with jittery scroll performance in iOS applications. The presentation goes over the basics of using Instruments to measure and fix problems, tips for using Instruments, and a concrete example from the new LinkedIn iOS flagship application.
An immersive workshop at General Assembly, SF. I typically teach this workshop at General Assembly, San Francisco. To see a list of my upcoming classes, visit
I also teach this workshop as a private lunch-and-learn or half-day immersive session for corporate clients. To learn more about pricing and availability, please contact me at
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your NicheLeslie Samuel
Are bloggers thought leaders? Here are some tips on how you can become one. Provide great value, put awesome content out there on a regular basis, and help others.
TEDx Manchester: AI & The Future of WorkVolker Hirsch
TEDx Manchester talk on artificial intelligence (AI) and how the ascent of AI and robotics impacts our future work environments.
The video of the talk is now also available here:
David Sable, global CEO of Y&R, gave a guest speaker presentation in September 2014 covering 4 topics: 1) Internet profitability and how companies like Amazon and Outbrain make money online, 2) connecting with consumers by understanding behaviors and identities that transcend demographics, 3) creating resonant content by pushing boundaries and focusing on global citizenship, and 4) Y&R's intellectual property including concepts like brand tensity and how Pope Francis and Breaking Bad found widespread popularity through nontraditional means.
Conventional marketing often ignores the wider context of culture. Not at Zambezi. We practice cultural planning - gathering cultural knowledge and insights in order to build brand equity by creating cultural currency.
Since 2014 is still fresh, we’d like to present our report on some of the most relevant cultural and marketing trends for the year ahead. We hope this report will provide you with rich context to better understand our industry, our audiences and where the world is heading.
Enjoy & feel free to share with your peers.
Earth Hour 2013 lunch + Building Community & Actionali Bullock
Ali Bullock, Head of Communications at WWF Hong Kong, gave a presentation about how to build communities and influence through social media to drive global change. Some of the key points included the need to strike an emotional chord with audiences to engage them, taking time to build communities by sharing real stories, and ultimately converting social media influence into real-world action by empowering communities to make changes themselves. She provided examples of successful social media campaigns for Earth Hour and helping adopt dogs at the SPCA to illustrate her points.
This document provides a summary of trends, marketing strategies, research insights, and creative campaigns from January 2013. It includes summaries of 14 creative advertisements and campaigns on topics such as ebooks, Alzheimer's disease, homelessness, space travel, Windows 8, flight codes, and dating websites. The document is intended to inspire readers and provide insights into hot trends and target audiences.
The document discusses various quotes from 2007 about trends in advertising, media, technology, brands, and other topics. Some key points summarized are: advertising is changing rapidly due to new technologies; social networks and user-generated content are becoming more prominent; and brands must adapt to remain relevant as boundaries between media become blurred and consumers demand more control.
The document discusses poverty as a global issue, providing statistics on the number of people living in poverty worldwide. It notes that extreme poverty results in 18 million deaths each year and 30,000 child deaths daily. While some facts note that relatively small amounts of money spent on things like weapons and chocolate could eliminate poverty, the main problem is defined as an intergenerational poverty cycle where children of poor parents grow up in poverty without means to support themselves. The document promotes the SmileKIDS Foundation, which aims to raise funds through various community events to build a shelter in Nairobi, Kenya to help address poverty.
BeWise loeng: Miks on nii raske teha head sisuturundust ja kuidas neid raskus...JCI Tallinn BeWise
Sisuturundus on muutunud tänapäeva maailmas aina moodsamaks trendiks ja samas tekitab ka väga palju küsimusi, kuidas siis ikkagi seda teha ja mille jaoks see vajalik on?
Et sisuturundusest paremini aru saada, kutsusime 16.12.2015 teemat tutvustama Best Marketing Internationali juhi, Hando Sinisalu. Loengus oli juttu:
- miks iga ettevõte on tänapäeval kirjastaja?
- mis on real-time marketing, näiteid edukatest kampaaniatest?
- mis on native advertising ja mille poolest erineb see sisuturundusest?
- millist sisu sinu kliendid tegelikult vajavad ja miks on seda nii raske toota?
- edukad sisuturunduse näited Eestist ja kogu maailmast.
Hando Sinisalu on Best Marketing Internationali juht alates 2003.a., varem töötanud reklaamiagentuuri Bates juhina ja Eesti Päevalehe peadirektorina. Hando kogub ja analüüsib edukaid digiturunduse case-studysid kogu maailmast ja esitleb neid koolitustel ja konverentsidel rohkem kui 30s maailma riigis. Ta on avaldanud arvukaid turundusteemailis artikleid erinevates maailma turundusportaalides ja -ajakirjades. Eestis olles tegeleb Sinisalu Best Marketingi konverentside programmide koostamise ja turundusteemaliste artiklite kirjutamisega.
What Happened? Why Are We Here? Show Me Something Awesome & How Can I Join In...James Denman
In June 2012, I was invited to speak at ICOM, Ikea's creative team based out of Almhult Sweden. This presentation was intended to de-mystify, explain and inspire with some of the best examples of digital creativity of the last few years and some learnings for the department to work from. It was, by all accounts, a hugely inspiring session for everyone involved, and I thought it was time to share some of those examples, and of course some of the methods to help build better digital ideas.
The document discusses trends in consumer behavior among the next generation that will shape brand interactions in the coming years. It notes that this generation values altruism, empathy, and social causes. They are idea-driven and champion activism through ethical brands and embracing culture. This generation is digital-native and will consume media anywhere and anytime through mobile and social platforms. Brands need to focus on co-creation, values, and relevance to engage with them by taking stands on issues, collaborating, and understanding their desires.
This document describes Prototype Camp Chicago, an event focused on prototyping and design. It includes quotes about design and its importance from Bill Moggridge and Christopher Alexander. The document outlines the format of the camp, which will include press releases, prototypes, and iterating based on monthly themes and audiences. It references lean startup methodology and notes the camp's goal is world-saving through design and prototyping.
This document provides an overview of Snapchat and Instagram, comparing their basic functionality and discussing how each social network is used. It outlines that Snapchat is used for sharing behind-the-scenes clips and messages, while Instagram is used for jealousy-inducing photos. The document then discusses tips and case studies for how charities can create engaging content on each platform, such as using geofilters, customizing QR codes, and sharing behind-the-scenes content to build authentic connections with audiences. It emphasizes testing different content concepts to understand what resonates most with target audiences.
The document discusses 7 trends shaping brands in Mexico:
1. Increased citizen participation and demand for rewards through social media networks.
2. Emergence of more transparent and socially responsible brands.
3. Growth of women's roles in business and the workforce.
4. Rise of apps and initiatives to prevent, respond to, and mitigate natural disasters.
5. Debate around privacy with new laws enabling real-time phone tracking.
6. Evolution of dining experiences beyond traditional restaurants.
7. Younger generations embracing independent festivals and nature.
The document discusses issues faced by migrant workers globally. It notes that millions of people migrate internationally for work each year to find better opportunities and living standards. However, migrant workers often find themselves in low-wage jobs with difficult conditions, referred to as the "three Ds" - dirty, dangerous and degrading work. Their home countries also face challenges like loss of skilled labor. The document proposes raising awareness of these issues and helping migrant workers through donations to Kiva, an organization that provides loans to entrepreneurs around the world.
Lemn Sissay, a London poet, is proposed to lead a workshop on poetry and public works in Cape Town, South Africa around the time of the 2010 World Cup. The workshop would involve local students and adults working together with Lemn to paint poems on landmarks in the townships to shine a light on lives there beyond just the soccer event. Funding of $5,000 is requested for supplies, Lemn's participation fees, and volunteer expenses. The goal is to create poetic landmarks that will continue inspiring the community long after the World Cup.
4x4 at SXSW is:
4 speakers that rocked the convention
4 startups or companies to keep an eye on
4 insiders for your next SXSW visit
4 trends that will accompany us in the coming years
This document discusses how brands should operate online in the digital age. It recommends that brands exist as a single, unified entity across online and offline channels. Successful online strategies make use of second screens, create content that is snackable, native, mobile and respectful, and use social media to establish a personality without being intrusive. Overall, the document argues that brands must adapt to the digital landscape by integrating online and offline campaigns and producing engaging content.
Results from France's national election are in: They're our first story today on CNN 10. Following that, we're reporting on the return of dozens of kidnapped schoolgirls from Chibok, Nigeria. And after a story about the struggles faced by U.S. malls, we're introducing you to a CNN Hero whose simple provision is helping Cambodian children.
For the last CS Presents of 2015 we asked top creatives to look into the future. The presentation includes:
Simon Goodall, Chief Strategy Officer, Lowe Open - Sci-Fi Trend Spotting
Rose Lewis, Co-Founder & Coach, Collider - The Future of Start-Ups
Matt Follows, Sustainable High Performance Coach, Leading Left - Future Proofing Your Brain
Lawrence Weber, Managing Partner Innovation, Karmarama - Reclaiming The Agency
Nadya Powell, MD, Sunshine - Marketing To Future Generations
Similar to Y&R Global CEO David Sable on Mobile Disruption at 2016 Mobile World Congress (20)
Creators, innovators, futurists and blockchain enthusiasts all descended on Austin for the annual SXSW Interactive Conference. The mash-up of industries, technologies and eyeopening presentations makes for an event that is ripe with insights and inspiration.
This year, we were joined by team members from New York, Austin, Singapore and San Juan to learn about what’s on the horizon, what’s here already and why it matters to brands and marketers. Read on for our 2018 takeaways from SXSW.
The Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas is one of the largest tech conferences in the world, featuring breakthrough products and innovations from over 150 countries. Attendees were given insights into the latest applications and significant advances in innovative technology. Key highlights from this year's event included rapid improvements in areas like chip technology, screens, quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and the growing presence of Chinese technology firms.
Each year, art meets technology at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas. Celebrating the convergence of the interactive, film, and music industries, this year's conference featured panels, seminars, parties and live music. Topics ranged from artificial intelligence and chat bots to female leadership and social purpose, revealing future trends for brands and agencies to keep in mind this upcoming year. Here are Y&R's key takeaways from SXSW 2017.
7 Predictions for 2017 from a Cloudy Crystal Ball Young & Rubicam
This document provides 7 predictions for 2017 from a global CEO. The predictions are:
1. Algorithms and programmatic advertising will lose their luster as there is a movement toward adding more human insight.
2. Media will return to more human roots with more accountability for ad placement.
3. Fake news will continue to be an issue with the creators, platforms and publishers profiting while brands find audiences.
4. TV will continue to grow in importance across all platforms and devices, and advertising will play a key role in reducing content costs.
5. Live events will remain uniquely powerful experiences that are enhanced but not replaced by virtual reality and augmented reality.
6. There will be
The document provides a summary of key takeaways and insights from CES 2017 from the perspective of Y&R team members. Some of the main insights include:
- Virtual reality is still in its infancy with a need for more high-value content to drive consumer adoption.
- Chatbots and AI continued to expand, with a focus on interpreting unstructured data.
- Wearables delivered more personalized solutions but adoption remains a challenge.
- TVs focused on larger screens, higher resolution, and innovations like haptic feedback.
- Fitness and health remained areas of heavy investment and product innovation.
Mongolia is a country better known for its vast wilderness and harsh climate than its business potential, but a growing number of international brands are warming to this fast-growth market – and with good reason.
Planners in advertising embark upon all sorts of quests to uncover the truths about our audiences, learning about people through data and focus groups— eXploring, as we call it at Y&R. But rarely do they attempt something as ambitious as a recent Y&R project: seven days of literal exploration in Myanmar, a country that’s a mystery to the outside world.
Through the pains of early British colonization and decades of military rule, today’s Myanmar is finally emerging from isolation. We wanted to understand this wildcard of a country—and potential new market. Rather than researching from a distance, we explored the country. The result is a new VML, Y&R, VICE Media collaboration: an adventurous, groundbreaking new feature called “7 Days Out.”
The collaboration was the brainchild of VML Singapore planning director, Rahul Chawra. Vice Media sent VML Planner Siddharth Seth to Yangon, the cultural capital of Myanmar, where he immersed himself for seven days in its culture and uncovered unexpected and inspiring insights. In “The New Faces of Yangon” Seth met with modern day artists, spiritual leaders, business innovators, and trailblazers like Thazin Nyut Aung from the female rap group Y.A.K.
Read more and watch the feature produced with VICE Media here:
Every year, planners at Y&R share a roundup of today’s most interesting trends and their inherent tension. 2015 Asia Trends with Tension report takes on an array of topics from women to craftsman to culture.
Y&R once again sent some of its brightest minds to the interactive portion of the annual event and here’s what they had to say about the trends at the intersection of technology and advertising, and what they mean for brands today.
Every year, planners at Y&R share a roundup of today’s most interesting trends and their inherent tension. This year’s North American Trends with Tension report takes on an array of topics from big data to PC culture to food fetishization.
For one week each year Sin City plays host to the next-generation of innovations and technologies before they’re introduced to the marketplace. This year, more than 200,000 attendees came to CES to walk through 2.5 million square feet of trade show space to see the latest drones, connected cars, TVs and smartphones, and even a VR device that gives you the sensation of flying through the sky like a superhero.
Y&R sent some of our brightest minds to take in the sights and sounds of CES 2016. Here’s what they had to say:
Highlights from WPP's Stream (Un)Conference 2015Young & Rubicam
The WPP Stream (Un)Conference was a mash-up of discussions on the industry's biggest challenges, demos of new potentially-disruptive technology, a pitch to solve a major world crises - and so much more!
With no agenda, no PowerPoints and no pre-determined content planned, Y&R worked with an on-site illustrator to capture the loose structure of the conversations, the honesty of the questions, and the openness of the participants.
Enjoy the highlights...and Stream On!
Closing the Money Gap: What Marketers Need to KnowYoung & Rubicam
This document discusses changing attitudes towards money and careers among young Asians aged 18-35. It finds that they prioritize happiness and passion over making money. They see money as a means to an end rather than the goal. Careers are chosen based on interest not salary. Experiences through travel are valued more than possessions. They expect to change paths frequently and money is meant to enable exploration not anchor them. Banks are advised to enable passions instead of prudence and support flexible career paths.
Today, the word "innovation" is often overused to describe a number of lackluster things and has really become meaningless in a lot of senses. However, we were really floored when we heard that Cannes was hosting its first ever "Innovation Conference" during the 2015 Cannes Lions festival in France. We sent the Labstore team to check out the conference first-hand, and brought back 5 key takeaways we believe represent innovation, framed through the lens of retail. From robots in the retail space, to the rise of RFID technology, we saw some, what we'd call, innovative showcases.
Y&R Global Planning Director Sandy Thompson delves into the concept of "Living Brands" and details how today advertising should focus on moving brands from static entities to actively living and participating in the world around us. "When it comes to marketing I think we need to stand up and fight the comfort that we have built into the old in order to discover and build new ways of helping our client's brands connect and engage with the people who matter most - their consumers," she says.
In the two decades that Y&R’s BrandAsset® Valuator (BAV®) - the world’s largest database of brand perceptions - has studied the brandscape, brands have become 200% less distinct from one another. Marketers must work harder than ever in order to make their brands stand out. But how? By studying thousands of brands - from the most iconic to the most commoditized - we found that breakaway brands have an inherent tension that makes them irresistible. We call this BRAND TENSITY®
Cinco de Mayo – or the fifth of May – observes the Mexican army’s 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War. While a relatively minor holiday in Mexico, in the United States Cinco de Mayo has evolved into a celebration of all things Mexico.
Y&R’s BrandAsset Valuator® – our proprietary brand management tool and global database of consumer perception of brands – looked at its latest data figures on brand Mexico to get a glimpse of what the country represents to the consumers who are passionate about it.
Reduce, Reuse, Rethink: 9 Things You Can Do Right Now to Make Your Office Mor...Young & Rubicam
In celebration of Earth Day, Y&R's INSPIRE shares practical tips on how you can "go green" in your office today. INSPIRE is Y&R's sustainability practice, find out more at
Y&R Advertising sent some of its brightest minds to the SXSW Interactive Festival and here’s what they had to say about the trends at the intersection of technology, innovation, and advertising, and what they mean for brands today.
MUWP SOLUTION by MUWPAY Bridging the current defi world to the future withYvesTshefu1
To MUWP [mu-oop] :
facilitate transfers and payments of multiple tokens from various wallets across different blockchains networks simultaneously, in a single operation
It is the Policy of Our House to
Supply the Consumer Everything on
which we can save him money,
goods that can be delivered at your
door anywhere in the United States
for less than they can be procured
from your local dealer.
UP 1,100% Y/Y
“Trying to duplicate what local pizza shops have been doing
for decades—usually for free—is not necessarily innovation…”
— New York Times Jan 2016
12. DISSIDENCEA dissident, broadly defined, is a person who actively challenges an
established doctrine, policy, or institution. When dissidents unite for a
common cause they often affect a dissident movement.
"Are you afraid of Arabs? Are you afraid
of Jews? By us there are no Arabs, but
also no Jews. We have human beings!
And real excellent Arab hummus! And
great Jewish falafel!”
-NPR Oct 2015
“The idea’s been well received by Arabs and Jews
alike, as well as people online from as far as Japan,
Brazil, UK, Switzerland, Italy, and Arab countries..”
In South Africa, reTHINK Education presents
subject matters in a chat format as if
someone was ''text messaging the student
the topic...”
“Users are most active between 4am and
8am while travelling to school.”
— Jan 2016
22. A new prosthetic arm can be endlessly
customized with Lego pieces so that kids
can make it whatever they want it to be.”
—WIRED July 2015
“The majority of big start-ups are actually glorified distribution companies that are trying, in some sense, to copy what Domino’s Pizza mastered in the 1980s when it delivered a hot pie to your door in 30 minutes or less…Or maybe it’s simpler than that. As one technologist overheard and posted on Twitter,
Whats the next evolution?
Kobi Tzafrir, owner of the Humus Bar in a shopping mall in north of Tel Aviv, advertised a 50% discount on Facebook to jews and arabs who eat together at his restaurant
“The initiative is designed to help employees empathize with users in booming markets like India, Thailand, and much of Latin America, but also to help them work out what they could improve about the app to make it more usable on slower connections”
Kobi Tzafrir, owner of the Humus Bar in a shopping mall in north of Tel Aviv, advertised a 50% discount on Facebook to jews and arabs who eat together at his restaurant
Torres is a Chicago-based Colombian designer who developed Iko during a six-month internship at Lego’s Future Lab, the experimental research leg of the Danish toy brand. While at Lego’s lab, Torres was struck by Lego’s ability to foster social connections, and he saw the potential to make prosthetic-wearing kids into social magnets through their hackable limbs..
Iko lets kids build the Lego creations they need on a pop-and-lock connector terminal on the forearm component.