Don't let your blood, sweat, and pixels be overlooked, great creative doesn't sell itself.
Every presentation is a story, an opportunity to sell not just your work, but what people actually buy — YOU.
This presentation will walk viewers through three core aspects of winning at any presentation, Confidence, Comprehension, and Conviction.
These concepts, central to your work as a creative professional, are backed by science and bolstered by thoughts from some of the world’s leading creative professionals.
This document provides 20 quotes from historical figures to inspire creative genius. The quotes encourage thinking outside the box, taking risks, being curious, breaking rules, and gaining an unfair advantage through creativity. They emphasize trusting instincts, changing the world through committed groups, and navigating without a map in creative pursuits. The document aims to banish creative roadblocks by sharing inspirational thoughts on creativity.
Discover The Top 10 Types Of Colleagues Around YouAnkur Tandon
The best part being with different colleagues is we learn a lot from them. Good or bad, sooner or later, better or best, we learn something unique from the different personalities working with and around us at our workplace. Read more interesting content, at - We intend to inform and inspire recruiters, job seekers and anyone with an interest in the workplace and HR technology.
Hope you enjoyed reading the Infographic.
Feel free to share your feedback with us at @CareerBuilderIn
What does the future look like? Is it a dark space where we’re suffering from varying degrees of techamphetamine or are we heading towards a Utopian fantasy of abundance and harmony?
Understanding that our basic human needs and wants barely change, we explore the future state of a range of topics; from our need for physical sustenance through to our age-long fascination of transcending the limitations of our biology.
Looking at the future from a human perspective, our potential for greatness is teetering on a fine line between darkness and hope. We’re banking on the latter.
This document contains slides from a presentation by Andre Woolery on designing effective presentations by making slides visually appealing. The presentation covers various design elements like fonts, color, composition, shapes, and images that can be manipulated to grab audiences' attention and keep them engaged. It provides examples and tips for using these elements like using bold text or different font sizes to create emphasis, leveraging color to attract the eye or accentuate points, and guiding the viewer's eye through slide composition and alignment.
Hi! We're the creative team behind Hypothesis's reports, presentations, and infographics, and we're sharing out our best tips. Please share with someone you think would enjoy this slideshow.
9 Unique Traits of High-Performing
High-performing teams have several traits in common that make them successful. Some of the key traits include embracing diversity of backgrounds, prioritizing work-life balance for all members, and maintaining laser-like focus on goals. These teams also engage well together both during formal meetings and outside of meetings through open communication. Fostering strengths of all members, healthy debates, and group cohesion are other characteristics of top teams.
10 Engagement Lessons Learned From 1 Million Survey AnswersD B
Officevibe released a research report called The State of Employee Engagement based on 1,200,000 survey answers from employees in 157 countries. After analyzing the data, we discovered some truly shocking statistics about the state of engagement across the world.
This actionable webinar will show you how you can keep your employees happy and productive.
See the recording of the webinar:
Get all the free bonuses and extra tips:
Content by Officevibe, the simplest tool for a greater workplace.
This document discusses better collaboration between agencies and clients. It notes that historically, agencies did not provide clients with a full understanding of the creative process or ideas, and clients did not know how to properly evaluate work. It advocates that agencies start presentations with the agreed upon creative brief to provide necessary context before presenting ideas. Agencies should tell a story that bridges the brief to the final idea, giving clients a complete understanding. The document also provides models for properly evaluating ideas and ensuring collaborative discussions between agencies and clients.
How I got 2.5 Million views on Slideshare (by @nickdemey - Board of Innovation)Board of Innovation
This document provides tips for creating engaging slide decks on SlideShare that garner many views. It recommends focusing on quality over quantity when creating each slide, using compelling images and headlines, and including calls to action throughout. It also suggests experimenting with sharing techniques and doing so in waves to build momentum. The goal is to create decks that are optimized for sharing and spread across multiple channels over time.
Things That Don't Matter in Your Presentation!Ayman Sadiq
We often spend hours together on stuffs that don’t really matter in your next presentation. You need to unclutter, focus, provide insight and yes, tell a story to convey the big idea. When you stop wasting time on the things that don’t really add any value to you presentation, we finally start adding proper value to the message and objective of your presentation. So here goes a list of things on which you should not even spend a minute. Cheers!
Pitching Ideas: How to sell your ideas to othersJeroen van Geel
Learn how to convince others of your UX ideas by understanding them.
We are good in designing usable and engaging products and services. We understand the user's needs and have a toolkit with dozens of deliverables. But for some reason it remains difficult to sell an idea or concept to team members, managers or clients. After this session that problem will be solved!
Selling your ideas and convincing others is one of the most undervalued assets in our field. This ranges from convincing a colleague to use a certain design pattern to selling research to your boss and convincing a client to go for your concept. You can come up with the best ideas in the world, but if it is presented in the wrong way these ideas will die a lonely dead. This is sad, because everybody can learn how to bring a message across. The main thing is that you know what to pay attention to.
In this session I will take you on a journey through the world of presenting ideas. We will move through the heads of clients and your colleagues, learn what their thoughts and needs are. We will move to the core of your idea and into the world of psychology.
Building an enduring, multi-billion dollar consumer technology company is hard. As an investor, knowing which startups have the potential to be massive and long-lasting is also hard. From both perspectives, identifying companies with this potential is a combination of “art” and “science” — the art is understanding how products work, and the science is knowing how to measure it. At the earliest stages of a company, it comes down to understanding how a product is built to maximize and leverage user engagement.
In this presentation, Sarah Tavel shares her "Hierarchy of Engagement" framework she uses to evaluate non-transactional consumer companies she is looking to invest in.
25 stats—13 positive, 12 negative—that reflect the marketing world, including content marketing, social media, email newsletters, analytics, blogging, digital video, and more.
Keep these stats in mind when crafting your marketing strategy.
Three business basics to always remember! People don't care about your brand. They care about what you can do for them. Back to basics... Give people what they want, do it consistently and do it better than your competition.
This document summarizes the key findings of a study conducted by Newsworks and PwC on attention to different media types. The study found that traditional print and broadcast media receive more focused attention from consumers compared to digital media. Specifically, newspaper readers were more likely to regularly set time aside for newspapers, feel personally connected to them, and trust their content more than most other media. The sustained attention received made newspaper readers more likely to discuss issues they read about and be influenced regarding purchases. Overall, the study showed that traditional media with higher attention levels can have a more powerful impact on consumers than digital media with less focused attention.
17 Ways to Design a Presentation People Want to ViewJim MacLeod
Tired of boring PowerPoint presentations? Me too. Here are 17 tips to help you create a presentation that not only engages the audience, but forces them to remember what you want them to remember.
This is the first SlideShare adaption of Timothy E. Johansson's 100 Growth Hacks in 100 Days. The growth hacks that's included in the slide are 1 to 10. Timothy is the front-end developer at UserApp (
10 Ways Your Boss Kills Employee MotivationOfficevibe
This document outlines 10 ways that bosses can kill employee motivation, including micromanaging employees, focusing only on mistakes, dismissing new ideas, holding useless meetings, making empty promises, telling inappropriate jokes, not keeping their word, measuring employee success in the wrong way, setting unrealistic deadlines, and playing favorites. The document encourages bosses to listen to employee concerns to better motivate them.
If you are like many people, even the thought of delivering a speech in front of an audience will get your palms sweating. The fear of public speaking ranks high among the most common phobias, and for good reason: most of us approach the situation with the wrong mindset, which in turn makes us live out our worst fears in a public forum.
As Michael Parker notes in IT’S NOT WHAT YOU SAY: How to Sell Your Message When It Matters Most (A TarcherPerigee paperback; on sale January 2016), our fixation on the content of our words – and not the presentation of ourselves – is what brings us down. Once the Vice-Chairman of London’s Saatchi & Saatchi, and one of the world’s most experienced advertising pitch men, having made more than 1,000 pitches in his successful career, Parker has learned first-hand that an effective presentation, a job interview, or even a speech at a wedding hinges on our ability to portray ourselves as passionate, relatable, and collected. But, if we are focused on what we say, and not how we act, we will fail to persuade our audience.
Applied in the boardroom, at the pulpit, or even in conversation, these tenets will help you present better in any situation.
The colours that dresses your brand are playing an important role in how they support this personality that you want to portray. Don’t panic when a colour speaks one thing, but in the relation to the brand it delivers a slightly different response.
Check out these examples of how brands used in conveying their message through branding and banner advertisement.
Read more
The document discusses an alternative payment service for large industries not served by banks. It provides revenue figures from October to January and details a business model with transaction and payment fees. The leadership team and an engineer are listed, and it notes processing over $1 million per day in payments.
Lightning Talk #9: How UX and Data Storytelling Can Shape Policy by Mika Aldabaux singapore
How can we take UX and Data Storytelling out of the tech context and use them to change the way government behaves?
Showcasing the truth is the highest goal of data storytelling. Because the design of a chart can affect the interpretation of data in a major way, one must wield visual tools with care and deliberation. Using quantitative facts to evoke an emotional response is best achieved with the combination of UX and data storytelling.
Clickbait: A Guide To Writing Un-Ignorable HeadlinesVenngage
We looked at some of the top performing content on social media, from some of the top publications on the web. From this, we were able to figure out the recipe for crafting a click-worthy title. Here is what we learned...
Visit us at for more information.
The concept of a “brand” is no longer taboo at B2B companies. In fact, strong B2B brands outperform weaker ones by as much as 20%, according to recent research by McKinsey. Yet it’s not easy for ROI-obsessed marketers to justify spending money on their brand, which can be difficult to track. As a result, your brand is too often left either underfunded or on the back-burner altogether.
We’re going to help you solve this. In this presentation you’ll learn:
- How your brand can boost demand generation and other key performance indicators
- The elements of a B2B brand and how those are different from traditional consumer branding
- How to elevate your brand through B2B marketing channels and brand advocates
- Metrics to track the impact of your brand
The document discusses prototyping and provides examples of different types of prototypes including paper prototypes, digital prototypes, storyboards, role plays, and space prototypes. It explains that prototyping is used to make ideas tangible and test reactions from users in order to gain insights. Prototypes should be iterated on and fail early to push ideas further and save time and money. Both low and high fidelity prototypes are mentioned as ways to test ideas at different stages of the design process.
Get Featured: So You Want to be on the Front Page of SlideShare?Venngage
After trying to figure out whether or not there is a secret formula for getting featured on the SlideShare homepage, we decided to ask 13 pros who have been featured on multiple occasions. We created this deck to share their insights with you!
Featuring tips from:
Robert Katai
Julius Solaris
Jen Jones
Sandra Jovanovic
Ross Simmonds
Michael Brenner
Joe Gelman
Steve Williamson
Stephen Jeske
Ayesha Ambreen
Josh Steimle
Eugene Cheng
Pamela Pavliscak
Read their full and in depth tips here:
Top Productivity Working Hacks by Jan RezabJan Rezab
This document provides productivity tips from Jan Rezab, a serial entrepreneur. Some key points include:
- Manage time by thinking in "blocks" of one hour and maximizing productivity in each block.
- Use tools like Wunderlist, Podio and Slack for communication and organization in addition to email.
- Design meetings purposefully with clear agendas and action items. Follow up immediately.
- Find ways to be productive during activities like driving or flights by taking calls or responding to emails.
- Hiring an excellent assistant can help optimize schedules and respond to urgent requests so the entrepreneur's time is freed up.
Tips from Calvin and Hobbes on how to be a good customerFreshdesk Inc.
What could a careless, mischievous six year old possibly teach you about being a good customer? Well, not much really, but he can surely tell you a lot about what you should NOT do.
Here are a few things you can learn from Calvin about being a good customer.
For more tips on customer support, head over to the Freshdesk blog -
How NOT to Run Your Company – Lessons
The Internet is full of articles on „How to succeed“ and „How to build a great company“ But while following those guidelines we often forget that there's a lot you just can't do.
Learning from your own mistakes is good, but it's even better when you can learn from the mistakes of others.
Everyone's favorite billionaire and Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has said “Watch, listen, and learn. You can’t know it all yourself. Anyone who thinks they do is destined for mediocrity.”
Enjoy the slides and a sense of humor is advised.
Dispatches From The New Economy: The Five Faces Of The On-Demand EconomyIntuit Inc.
From people determined to be their own boss, to those embracing the flexibility to do something they love, to workers finding a replacement for a traditional job – people working in the on-demand economy are just about as diverse as the labor market itself. A new report from Intuit Inc. and Emergent Research shows that there are a broad range of motivations – and differing levels of satisfaction – among five distinct groups of on-demand workers:
The Business Builders – primarily driven by the desire to be their own boss. They represent 22 percent of on-demand workers.
The Career Freelancers – happily building a career through independent work. They represent 20 percent of on-demand workers.
The Side Giggers – looking to find financial stability by supplementing existing income. They represent 26 percent of on-demand workers.
The Passionistas – looking for the flexibility to do something they love. They represent 18 percent of on-demand workers.
The Substituters – replacing a traditional job that is no longer available. They represent 14 percent of on-demand workers.
A total of 4,622 workers who find work opportunities via the platforms provided by the participating partner companies completed an online survey between September 11 and October 1, 2015. The results were weighted to reflect the proportion of workers in each of the following segments: Drivers/Delivery, Online Talent Marketplaces and Field Service/Onsite Talent. The weights were developed using earlier survey work that sized the on-demand economy. The largest weighted share of on-demand worker respondents from any single company is 16%, with most partner companies providing less than 10% of the respondents.
38 Employee Engagement Ideas Your Team Will LoveElodie A.
Team building is an important part of making employees happy. Here are 38 employee engagement ideas you can use right away with your team.
Read more on Officevibe blog:
Learn more about Officevibe, the simplest tool for a greater workplace:
Download the FREE guide about the 10 pillars of employee engagement:
The document discusses designing teams and processes to adapt to changing needs. It recommends structuring teams so members can work within their competencies and across projects fluidly with clear roles and expectations. The design process should support the team and their work, and be flexible enough to change with team, organization, and project needs. An effective team culture builds an environment where members feel free to be themselves, voice opinions, and feel supported.
Learn BEM fundamentals as fast as possible. What is BEM (Block, element, modifier), BEM syntax, how it works with a real example, etc.
This document provides tips for landing a first customer. It advises starting by offering potential customers a simple, free piece of help related to the problem being solved rather than immediately introducing the product or service. This builds trust by showing understanding of their complex needs. The next step is to listen to learn about their situation and solutions tried before leveling with them about options considered. The goal is for the customer and business to collaboratively develop a solution, with the business explaining what their product can and cannot do. Introducing the product fully only after understanding the customer's needs and determining if trust has been built.
10 Best Practices of a Best Company to Work ForO.C. Tanner
What does it take to be named a Best Company to Work for by FORTUNE magazine? For starters, a winning culture, collaboration, and creating an environment for learning and growth. Take a look at these slides for more ideas!
Each one of us is called to greatness. We can have a significant impact on the world around us—if we so choose.
This is a stylization of an article by Robin Sharma, "11 Reminders for Your Greatness in 2016". Do check his web site -
This presentation is designed to stand alone, without having to be presented in person. Enjoy
In this update of his past presentations on Mobile Eating the World -- delivered most recently at The Guardian's Changing Media Summit -- a16z’s Benedict Evans takes us through how technology is universal through mobile. How mobile is not a subset of the internet anymore. And how mobile (and accompanying trends of cloud and AI) is also driving new productivity tools.
In fact, mobile -- which encompasses everything from drones to cars -- is everything.
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Many of us are familiar with this saying and it is certainly a good thing to do! However, it’s not the only thing that you need to do to maintain a healthy life and lifestyle! The ABC’s of Living a Healthy Lifestyle is a fun way to help you focus on obtaining a good health.
In an ever changing economic environment, it is essential that analysts demonstrate added value by developing creative and imaginative solutions to our everyday business challenges. Creativity, as the root of innovation needs to be nurtured and encouraged in any business, yet it is all too often neglected. It is true that some analysts are naturally more creative than others, however there are tools and techniques that can be learned and practiced by all analysts that will drive out better business solutions when applied. This thought provoking and interactive session will explore a range of creative techniques and methods of ensuring that the most suitable innovation is achieved as a result, arming delegates with tools, approaches and a re-invigorated creative outlook to take back to the workplace.
10 Storytelling Tips for B2B Content MarketersWeAreWizard
Detail and expertise are important but nobody likes listening to a ton of technical gobbledygook. Here are 9 storytelling tips to captivate your audience.
As a writer I constantly look for ways to improve my art and connect better with my reader. I also try to develop ways of engaging with different audiences. So, in the little spare time I have, I write children's stories. Through this I have discovered something; whoever the audience, the key elements of great storytelling remain the same. So here are 10 storytelling tips that you can apply to your B2B content marketing.
Using the power of storytelling to create an emotional connection to your audience when presenting ideas and businesses. Used in a storytelling masterclass held August 2015 for the finalist entrepreneurs at INDEX AWARD — Design to improve life.
Firstborn 99U Studio Session: Selling to SkepticsFirstbornNY
Most client projects start with the unenviable task of the tough sell—earning a company's trust and asking them to shun the status quo. During our 99U Studio Session we shared some of our techniques and put them to the test to help attendees learn how to get stubborn skeptics on their side.
The term branding is relegated to companies, however today almost every individual has a personal brand. Start thinking of yourself as a brand, to be a better leader, to be a better employer brand, to celebrate your accomplishments.
The document discusses strategies for building a personal brand. It emphasizes that authenticity is important, and advises defining your brand with your niche, writing a compelling bio, developing a memorable tagline, and using relevant keywords. It also recommends starting a blog or website to share content and insights, using LinkedIn regularly to engage your network, and improving communication skills. The overall message is that developing a strong personal brand enhances credibility, visibility, and career opportunities.
Uncovering Your Unique Value Proposition (UVP): Explore Minnesota 2017Tim Miles
To quote Dan Heath, most mission statements are "really long on statement and really short on mission." We'll lead you through a series of questions to ask your team to discover what makes you truly unique and valuable to your customers.
53 Takeaways From The Wolf Of Wall Street's London SeminarSean McPheat
Jordan Belfort, known for his role in a financial scandal, now gives motivational speeches. The summary provides key points from Belfort's seminar:
1) Belfort advises to try new ideas quickly and fail fast to find what works.
2) He stresses the importance of having a clear vision and high standards.
3) Belfort also discusses the importance of marketing to generate leads for sales, entrepreneurship, and raising money.
The document discusses the importance of having a positive attitude, noting that attitude impacts everything one does. It provides tips for developing a positive attitude such as focusing on opportunities rather than failures, surrounding oneself with positive people, having clear goals and vision, and embracing change. The overall message is that having the right attitude is essential to success in life and business.
The document provides tips for job seekers to think of themselves as small businesses and brands, and to use personal branding strategies to market themselves. It recommends developing expertise in a field by writing a book, speaking publicly, joining organizations, and building an online presence. The goal is to become known as an authority and gain visibility, so employers will seek out and be impressed by your brand, rather than the other way around.
Effective Presentation and Pitching - Mr. Sohan B. KhatriMobileNepal
The participants were spellbound by the presentation of Mr. Sohan B. Khatri. He trained them on how to pitch their idea in front of judges or potential investors giving all the necessary ingredients to prepare for their presentation.
What's The Difference Between Good and Great Organizations?Jeph Maystruck
This document discusses key themes from several books and authors on building effective organizations. It highlights that visionary companies are guided more by a core ideology of values and purpose beyond just profits. Having a deeply held core ideology gives an organization a strong sense of identity and continuity. Effective strategies are about understanding your core capabilities and meeting customer needs to create competitive advantage. Mission statements should clearly convey how the organization intends to win in its industry through specific behaviors. Maintaining faith in prevailing while confronting brutal facts is seen as important for organizations.
Jenn Lim discussed her book "Delivering Happiness" which has sold over 300,000 copies worldwide. It details how Zappos built their culture and brand through prioritizing happiness, empowering employees, and providing excellent customer service. Lim then shared lessons on how any company can apply Zappos' strategies to build meaningful culture and relationships, hire the right team aligned with core values, and create a higher purpose beyond profits alone.
Drama Queens, Commercialization and YouDan Rockwell
This document discusses what makes ideas commercializable and provides advice on moving ideas forward. It suggests that commercializable ideas need to solve real problems or pains that customers currently have. The document advises defining the target customer and understanding why they want or need the solution. It also stresses the importance of testing ideas early with customers to validate whether the idea is worth pursuing at scale. The key is finding people who have the identified pain and will embrace the proposed solution.
PixelSpoke Lunch + Learn: Creating and Testing Marketing MessagesPixelSpoke
This document provides guidance on effective copywriting. It discusses that copywriting is salesmanship in print and outlines key principles such as doing research on your target market and understanding what is important to them. It recommends using headlines that interrupt, engage, and educate readers while appealing to their self-interest. The document also provides examples of different types of effective headlines that appeal to emotions like fear, greed, guilt, and exclusivity. It suggests writing body copy with benefits, proofs, and addressing objections. The overall message is that copywriting should be focused on the reader and what will motivate them to take the desired action.
Fundraising for Startups (500 Startups Batch 5)Paul Singh
This document discusses the rise of angel investors and what it means for startups fundraising. It provides tips for startups on how to effectively use AngelList to fundraise, including pitching the problem, leveraging traction, being confident but not arrogant, targeting early investors, emphasizing visual elements over text, and treating investors as potential customers rather than banks. The document emphasizes that fundraising is a process and that the internet has undermined gatekeepers by providing more equal access to information.
Attached is an overview of 'unzip your soul'. This is a self discovery of blurring the distinction between work and life. I came to the other side of this journey after 10 years of enduring a professional life that did not inspire me in the slightest. Unzip Your Soul is a description of how I stopped striving to meet others expectations and developed my own! Enjoy!
Our guide will provide you with a roadmap of the current situation, what this means for brands, and what you can do in the coming months to protect your brand’s vitality.
This document discusses SVG animation techniques including SVG basics, paths and polylines, CSS animations, and JavaScript animations. It covers topics such as SVG viewboxes, drawing basic and complex shapes using paths, animating SVG elements with CSS, sequencing animations with JavaScript, and tools like Lottie and Bodymovin for exporting animations. The document provides examples and links to codepen demos for techniques like drawing curves, applying CSS animations, and manipulating the DOM with JavaScript animations.
This document provides an overview of CSS Grid layout and its properties for creating grid-based page layouts. CSS Grid allows dividing available space into columns and rows, and placing elements into specific areas. Key properties include display: grid;, grid-template-columns/rows to define the grid structure, and grid-column/row to position items. Grid provides a two-dimensional layout system as opposed to the one-dimensional Flexbox, and is well-suited for page-level layouts rather than component-level layouts.
Our Technology Lead Cory Zibell gave a presentation about Machine Learning. The algorithms, processes, techniques, and modules that it entails. It's meant for anyone to grasp, check it out!
Creating great decks: The Origins, the "Why", and 12 Tips to Make Yours Better.Digital Surgeons
A big part of what we do is in the story we tell and how it’s presented. You’re probably thinking… decks, decks, and more decks. We hate em’, yet we love the good ones. There’s a certain formula that is used for every impactful story, speech, slide, and keynote. In this presentation we take a step back and really try to look at the elements of an impactful presentation. We've codified all of what goes into making a great deck, starting with the origins, the why, and ending with few tips to help elevate yours for whatever purposes they serve.
Great content is rooted in your audience's natural language, delivering a great content experience, search discoverability, and engaging storytelling. Quality, informative content that educates, persuades, entertains, or converts content consumers is the way forward for content creators hoping to engage with their audience.
L.E.S.S. Stands for:
Search &
Unlock Your Organization Through Digital TransformationDigital Surgeons
Digital Transformation allows you to be disruptor, not the disrupted. See what you missed from our workshop at the Carnegie Mellon Engineering and Technology Innovation Management (ETIM) program’s 10th Anniversary Summit with senior leaders from academia and industry. Learn how to digitally optimize your business with principles of human-centered design that put the heart of the consumer at the center of business model innovation.
Digital Transformation
Design Thinking
Radical Candor: No BS, helping your team create better work.Digital Surgeons
Inspired by Google's Kim Scott, the Digital Surgeons team adapts Radical Candor to fit with their agile & innovative approach to designing the future of experiences.
Source: Candor, Inc.
Unlocking Creativity: How to Harness the Powers of Design, Art Direction & Cr...Digital Surgeons
Using gaming's concept of Progression, this presentation takes viewers on a journey that demystifies the roles and disciplines of Design, Art Direction, and Creative Direction – demonstrating how they can be mastered to take your creative work to the next level.
Better Twitch Broadcasting through Rapid Prototyping & Human Centered DesignDigital Surgeons
Human Centered Design is more than just another buzzword.
Players are now both the producers and the consumers of video content, creating new challenges and opportunities for publishers and brands.
The eSports industry is turning gaming into a lucrative spectator sport; over 200 million viewers in 2014 with over 3.7 billion hours watched.
The rise of Youtube Gaming, Periscope, and the $970m acquisition of Twitch show both the potential and popularity of streaming in the gaming community.
Twitch accounts for more than 43% of all live video-streaming traffic by volume.
-Red Bull Twitch ’n Ride - the Red bull Twitch channel has 65,000+ followers
-Old Spice Nature Man - this Twitch campaign alone earned Old Spice over 32,000 followers
-Coca-Cola - partnering with League of Legends
Snickers - partnering with Twitch for their “You’re not You” campaign
Author of Microinteractions: Designing with Details
eSports is changing the way we compete -
This document provides an overview of streaming on, including what streaming is, why you should stream, basic and advanced streaming setups, how to start streaming using OBS, an overview of the Twitch admin panel and profile, and some tips for streaming. Streaming involves broadcasting gameplay or other content live for viewers. The document outlines the equipment needed, how to set up scenes and sources in OBS, and features of the Twitch profile, channel, and dashboard. It emphasizes interacting with viewers and maintaining a consistent streaming schedule.
A brief primer for designers looking to improve their writing, learn about the historic intertwining of art directors and copywriters, and gain some tips on how to work collaboratively when marrying art and copy to create great work.
You’re not the expert. Your customers are, and who your customer is, is changing rapidly. Learn more about the digital consumer, how to bring new life to your customer experience, and inspire your team with workshop activities. Take a deeper look into the key drivers of your business, reinvigorate your customer experience, and gain insight from one of the newest inspiring entrepreneurs, who built his business around an out-of-the-ordinary customer experience. Why not create an experience that will leave your customers talking and sharing your brand with everyone? These musings were gathered after attending the Next Generation Customer Experience Conference in San Diego, March 2015.
Having a strong, unique and consistent Brand Voice is key to creating a successful brand across all marketing channels. This Brand Voice Toolkit will help you build a voice for your brand by first introducing the concept of Brand Voice and why it is imperative for a brand to be recognizable, identifiable, and relatable.
Your Brand Voice Toolkit should contain:
1. Brand Character + Personification
2. Brand Personality
3. Defined Vocabulary
4. Words Your Brand Says + Doesn’t Say
5. Writing Samples
Learn what each of these tools are and how they can be used to craft your Brand Voice in this deck and even explore an example toolkit.
Design Thinking: The one thing that will transform the way you thinkDigital Surgeons
What's the one thing that will transform the way you think? Design Thinking. The startups, trailblazers, and business mavericks of our world have embraced this process as a means of zeroing in on true human-centered design.
Design Thinking is a methodology for innovators that taps into the two biggest skills needed in today’s modern workplace: critical thinking & problem solving.
Of course, if you ask 100 practitioners to define it, you’ll wind up with 101 definitions.
Pete Sena of Digital Surgeons believes that Design Thinking is a process for solving complex problems through observation and iteration. At its core, he describes it as a vehicle for solving human wants and needs.
Minds are like parachutes; they only function when open. Thomas Dewar was a Scottish whiskey distiller.
Communicating ideas or insights is often the hardest part of the design process. And PowerPoint and Excel spreadsheets are limited in their ability to do this. But the communication tools used in Design Thinking—maps, models, sketches, and stories—help to capture and express the information required to form and socialize meaning in a very straightforward, human way.
The Five things that all definitions of Design Thinking have in common:
1. Isolating and reframing the problem focused on the user.
2. Empathy. A design practitioner from IDEO, the popular design and innovation firm strapped a video camera to his head and it was only then that he recognized why the ceiling is such an important factor when working with hospital patients. As a patient you lay in bed and stare at it all day. It’s these little details and true empathy that can only be realized by putting oneself in the user’s shoes.
3. Approach things with an open mind and be willing to collaborate. Creativity with purpose is a team sport.
4. Curiosity. We have to harness our inner 5-year-old here and really be inquisitive explorers. Instead of seeing what would be or what should be, consider what COULD be.
5 - Commitment. Brainstorming is easy. It’s easy to want to start a business or solve a problem. Seeing it into market and making it successful is not for the faint of heart. We’ve all read about big “wins” (multi-billion dollar acquisitions like Instagram and WhatsApp). What we don’t read about are people like Tony Fadell and Matt Rogers, who work for years before becoming industry sensations.
Pete describes what he refers to as the “Wheel of Innovation” as a process that continuously focuses on framing, making, validating, and improving on your concept. Be it as small as a core feature in your product down to the business model and business idea itself.
Design is about form and function, not art.
What are the business benefits for Design Innovation?
IDEO started an idea revolution when they coined this phrase DESIGN THINKING. Organizations ranging from early-stage startups up to Fortune 50 organizations have capitalized on this iterative appr
How YouTube is Drastically Changing the Beauty IndustryDigital Surgeons
Marketers of cosmetics can no longer simply rely on the photoshopped models of billboards, lifestyle magazines, and urban murals to secure market share.
32% of social gamers say shopping made them happy. There is a large opportunity to engage with these gaming enthusiasts. Here are 3 ways to connect with them.
The Tata Technologies investor deck provides an overview of the company's strategic vision, financial performance, and growth prospects. It introduces the company’s mission, values, and core business segments, highlighting its competitive edge and market position. Financial performance is detailed with key metrics like revenue growth and profitability. The deck outlines strategic initiatives for innovation and market expansion, recent operational achievements, and key client partnerships. Future growth projections and investment opportunities are discussed, emphasizing the company's potential. Additionally, it highlights Tata Technologies' commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility, offering potential investors a clear understanding of the company's business model and future prospects.
stackconf 2024 | Ignite: Distributed Tracing using OpenTelemetry and Jaeger b...NETWAYS
Several years ago, when you had a monolithic application, it was fairly easy to debug and diagnose since there was probably only one service with a couple of users. Nowadays systems are broken up into smaller microservices deployed in containers on top of Kubernetes in multiple clusters across different cloud environments. In these kinds of distributed environments, there is a need to observe it all, both the overall picture, and, if need be, at a more granular level. Observability can be roughly divided into three sub-categories: logging, metrics, and tracing. In this blog post we’ll show you how simple it is to get set up with tracing in your new or existing MinIO application. We’ll build a small MinIO app that does a few basic requests; this will be our base application to which we’ll add tracing to gain a better picture of how system components and functions interact.
stackconf 2024 | Ignite DevOps Driving School – Explaining DevOps in 5 Minute...NETWAYS
DevOps is not a title, not a box to buy, nor a software to install – how can you explain DevOps in 5 minutes, e.g. as an elevator pitch riding up to the top floor with your boss?
DevOps is like a driving license for running code in production.
Are you navigating the complexities of compliance frameworks like SOC2, CIS, and HIPAA and seeking a more efficient path? This talk breaks down these frameworks simply and shows you a time-saving trick, making it perfect for anyone wanting to make their organization’s compliance journey much easier. I’ll start by outlining the basics of these frameworks and highlighting the challenges businesses face in implementing them. As the creator and maintainer of the terraform-aws-modules projects, I’ll be excited to share how using these open-source Terraform AWS modules can streamline the compliance process. I’ll walk you through real-life examples showing how such solutions significantly reduce the effort and time required for compliance. At the end of the talk, attendees will get actionable insights on using Terraform AWS modules for efficient compliance management.
This Presentations defines communication skills as the ability to exchange information via the use of language, both receptively and expressively. It examines several forms of communication based on organizational linkages and flow. Semantic concerns, emotional/psychological considerations, corporate policies, and personal attitudes can all operate as communication barriers. Effective communication is two-way, with active listening and feedback, and it is clear, concise, complete, concrete, respectful, and accurate. Good communication skills are essential for career success, dispute resolution, connection building, and increased productivity.
stackconf 2024 | Talos Linux One (Immutable) OS to Rule Them All by Pip Oomen...NETWAYS
Talos Linux is Linux designed for Kubernetes – secure, immutable, and minimal. It is based on a hardened kernel and a minimal user space, ie. no SSH, shell or console. All system management is done via a gRPC API. In this presentation the audience will be introduced to Talos Linux and be shown how to get a full-blown Kubernetes cluster up and running within minutes on a Cloud Platform, as well as on a developer workstation.
stackconf 2024 | Make You Ops-Life Easy – ansible usecases you didn´t out of ...NETWAYS
Most of you are familiar with Ansible. We are excited to show you some use cases within the “normal Ansible scope”. Using Ansible-AWX as a platform, we have streamlined tasks for admins and for developers, enabling effortless automation of routine operations. With services designed to simplify the daily work, we can all be a bit more lazy (#faul) 😉
9. So how do you sell your work?
10. CONFIDENCEAs much as people buy ideas, they buy you first.
Stand tall.
Never slump.
Stay grounded in truth,
but be original
Believe it or
they won’t
11. COMPREHENSIONYou must understand their business; you must
understand their why.
How are they
Pains, gains, &
unarticulated needs
Business Model.
12. CONVICTIONIf you don’t believe it they won’t either. Only present informed ideas
that target the agreed upon problem.
Maintain eye contact. Be bold, not desperate Trust your instincts
Comprehension Conviction
Comprehension Confidence
• Frame & Reframe the problem
• Dig into the Data
• Research the consumer
• Behavioral Insights
• Posture / Stance
• Original Point of View
• Charisma & Optimism
• Believe in yourself & the idea
• Why your idea will succeed
• Knowledge of their business
• Understand the competition
• Knowledge of their business
• Understand the competition
• Why your idea will succeed
The Setup The Idea Overcoming Objections
20. -Ray Kurzweil
“With 30 linear steps, you get to 30; with 30 steps exponentially,
you get to one billion. In 25 years, a computer as powerful as
today’s smartphones will be the size of a blood cell.”
28. “The belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses
of action required to manage prospective situations.”
- Albert Bandura