Spice up your content marketing with just 3 ingredients! Discover how the art of rhetoric can help you to develop, commission and produce more effective, persuasive and exceptional content in a repeatable workflow. In this presentation by Jonathan Crossfield, you'll discover: - The three ingredients of exceptional and persuasive content - How to generate original and powerful content ideas - A five-step workflow from Ancient Greece that still works today! You can also watch video version of the presentation here: www.semrush.com/webinars/3-ingredients-to-spice-up-your-content-marketing/
The document discusses employer brand thinking from an agency perspective. It emphasizes that the labor market is highly competitive and HR communication must be a strategic partner, not just tactical. Employer brand thinking involves managing a total employer identity through consistent employer stories and an integrated employer marketing mix across internal and external channels. An employer brand is alive and must be constantly measured and steered to have lasting impact on both current and prospective employees. It requires organization-wide coordination to be effective.
This document outlines 50 essential content marketing hacks presented by Matt Heinz, President of Heinz Marketing Inc. at CMWorld. It provides an agenda for the presentation and covers topics such as content planning, measurement, formats, distribution, influencer engagement, repurposing content, and getting sales teams to leverage content. The goal is to provide new tools, tricks and best practices to help convert readers into customers through effective content marketing.
This is the first SlideShare adaption of Timothy E. Johansson's 100 Growth Hacks in 100 Days. The growth hacks that's included in the slide are 1 to 10. Timothy is the front-end developer at UserApp (www.userapp.io).
This document outlines 10 ways that bosses can kill employee motivation, including micromanaging employees, focusing only on mistakes, dismissing new ideas, holding useless meetings, making empty promises, telling inappropriate jokes, not keeping their word, measuring employee success in the wrong way, setting unrealistic deadlines, and playing favorites. The document encourages bosses to listen to employee concerns to better motivate them.
Rand Fishkin discusses why content marketing often fails and provides 5 key reasons: 1) Unrealistic expectations of how content marketing works, 2) Creating content without a community to amplify it, 3) Focusing on content creation but not amplification, 4) Ignoring search engine optimization, and 5) Giving up too soon and not allowing time for content to gain traction. He emphasizes that content marketing is a long-term process of building relationships and that most successful content took years of iteration before gaining significant reach.
We held the largest ever Virtual SlideShare Summit a week back, if you missed it here's your chance to hear from the experts once more on some of the takeaways on presentation design and SlideShare Marketing
Developers Boost 2019にて発表した「C-5 入社2年目からスクラムマスターとしてチーム改善に取り組んだ話」の発表資料となります。 https://event.shoeisha.jp/devboost/20191130/session/2248/
We often spend hours together on stuffs that don’t really matter in your next presentation. You need to unclutter, focus, provide insight and yes, tell a story to convey the big idea. When you stop wasting time on the things that don’t really add any value to you presentation, we finally start adding proper value to the message and objective of your presentation. So here goes a list of things on which you should not even spend a minute. Cheers!
Tired of boring PowerPoint presentations? Me too. Here are 17 tips to help you create a presentation that not only engages the audience, but forces them to remember what you want them to remember.
Officevibe released a research report called The State of Employee Engagement based on 1,200,000 survey answers from employees in 157 countries. After analyzing the data, we discovered some truly shocking statistics about the state of engagement across the world. This actionable webinar will show you how you can keep your employees happy and productive. See the recording of the webinar: http://bit.ly/2gjJg3o Get all the free bonuses and extra tips: http://bit.ly/2g7Q3xM Content by Officevibe, the simplest tool for a greater workplace.
Hi! We're the creative team behind Hypothesis's reports, presentations, and infographics, and we're sharing out our best tips. Please share with someone you think would enjoy this slideshow. www.hypothesisgroup.com www.linkedin.com/companies/hypothesis-group www.instagram.com/hypothesisgroup
Pre-order Vitaly's book "Accelerated Startup – The New Business School" http://golomb.net/book Apple owes the title of the world’s most valuable company to its genius in design. Good design is never accidental and at the core of a successful product is an elegant solution to a painful problem. Design has earned a very important seat at the table with today’s companies especially in the world of software and apps. In this highly engaging presentation, Vitaly covers principles and business value of good design, design disciplines, how to hire and work with designers, and the design success formula.
We looked at some of the top performing content on social media, from some of the top publications on the web. From this, we were able to figure out the recipe for crafting a click-worthy title. Here is what we learned...
This document provides 11 common website mistakes that marketers can make and how to avoid them. It recommends using current programming languages and plug-ins, optimizing for search engines and mobile users, including clear calls to action, prioritizing photos and video over just text, and collecting analytics to improve content and outreach over time. The overall message is that websites need frequent updates, multichannel content, and data-driven optimization to effectively engage audiences.
Presented in the Paper app on an iPad. Buy out my books on sketchnoting - http://rohdesign.com/books
1) The document is satire providing purposely bad marketing advice. 2) It suggests outdated practices like cold-calling customers, spamming emails, and not tracking results. 3) The goal is to humorously convince the reader that their marketing may suck if relying on these outdated tactics.
Our annual content marketing research, with this report focusing on B2C marketers and their content marketing budgets and trends. New questions, an interesting twist to our research, and valuable budgets and trends as we head into 2017 planning season.
14 experts reveal their secrets to building an actionable audience. Highlights from The Content Code, including Guy Kawasaki, David Meerman Scott, Anne Handley, Chris Brogan and Seth Godin.
This document provides a summary of the top 10 most remarkable marketing campaigns ever. It describes each campaign in 1-2 sentences, highlighting what made them remarkable. Some of the campaigns featured include Burger King's "Whopper Sacrifice" Facebook app, HBO's alternate reality game for True Blood, Pepsi's crowd-sourced philanthropy campaign "The Refresh Project", and Barack Obama's use of social media in his 2008 presidential campaign. The document encourages the reader to learn from these innovative campaigns and find new ways to make their own marketing remarkable.
It's back! The annual Content Marketing Institute/Content Marketing research returns again to dissect content marketing benchmarks, budgets and trends for B2B marketers in North America.
The document discusses conversion rate optimization (CRO) strategies framed as "The Four Riders of the Apocalypse: War, Famine, Plague & Death." Each rider represents an area of focus: winning the war involves targeting competitors' keywords; feeding the famine focuses on customer retention; pawning the plague reduces distractions on landing pages; and cheating death improves page speed. Specific tactics are provided under each rider, such as brandjacking keywords, remarketing to past customers, simplifying choices on pages, and optimizing for mobile speeds.
Less is more. One of the biggest problems in today's world is choice overload. We all want customized experiences and products — but when faced with 700 options, consumers freeze up. Sheena Iyengar demonstrates how businesses (and others) can improve the experience of choosing.
A presentation I did at the Agile Marketing Meetup in SF. It's about the lessons I've learned in the past 10 years of doing content marketing.
Communication and presentation tips for do-gooders, created by Dr. Carmen Simon and Bruce Kasanoff. Learn more at http://www.memzy.com/ and http://kasanoff.com/
The document discusses several SEO techniques and strategies including instant penalties that may impact individual URLs, sending handwritten notes, link reclamation techniques, brand mentions techniques, monitoring SEO visibility, link acquisition speed, and penalty risk monitoring. It also provides an email address for more information.
The challenge for designers is how to measure their design work to ensure that it’s solving the right problems—before the designs are implemented. Analytics are a powerful tool. But if you don’t understand the “why” behind the data, it’s not going to do you any good. This presentation is a crash course in how to measure the success of your work. You’ll learn how to think like a scientist, using a hypothesis-driven approach to design, and creating successful tests to help you improve your work through focused iteration.
FAIRY TALE: CONTENT IS AN ART AND RELIES ON GUT INSTINCT FACT: SUCCESSFUL CONTENT IS DATA DRIVEN AND SEMANTIC KEYWORD RIDDEN 03 How to Get Data Driven WITH YOUR CONTENT MARKETING KEYWORD PLANNER IS YOUR FRIEND • Enter words around your company or service • Enter words around your competitors or enemies • Don’t be afraid of two or three word phrases • Find Search Volume FIND WORDS THAT HAVE VOLUME TWEET OF THE DAY If no one is looking for your content, then no one will read your content. GET KEYWORD IDEAS USE THESE IDEAS TO CREATE BLOG TOPICS JUST DON’T USE THE TYPOS GOOGLE ‘HOW TO’ + ‘KEYWORD’ IN INCOGNITO PREDICTIVE SEARCH YOUR TOPICS SELECT A TOPIC BASED ON YOUR SEARCH • Read the top 3 most recent posts • Write 3 things that suck about each of them SELECT A TOPIC BASED ON YOUR SEARCH • Read the top 3 most recent posts • Write 3 things that suck about each of them • Think of 3 ways to make your post better • Make it 10X better than those posts • Use the keywords and semantics from earlier • Distribute it like crazy! TWEET OF THE DAY Google loves great content, but it ranks content it can find no matter how people search for it. Content Marketing is Worthless if it Doesn’t Move the Needle AGENCY CLIENT Grow traffic, generate leads, and increase revenue . . . Improve Current Process and Content BLOG ITALIAN WAS FIRST LANGUAGE OUR COPYWRITER FIXED THAT Redevelop Content Strategy to Attract New Customers CHUPAMOBILE Flappy Bird The Flappy Miley Clone “Flappy bird ruined everything.” Paolo de Santis Founder, Chupamobile App re-skinners were ruining the site and causing havoc in the app store APPRENEURS • Want to build a business or an app • Do not have development experience • Development shops are expensive • Freelance Mobile Devs are flaky CONDUCT KEYWORD AND SEARCH RESEARCH BLOG TOPICS • Hiring a mobile dev • Teach people how to launch apps • How to make money from apps • Build apps with no code MATCH BLOG POSTS TO EBOOK DOWNLOAD CONTENT BUILD LANDING PAGES LOTS OF THEM MAKE IT EASY TO BECOME A LEAD • CTA on bottom of blog posts • CTA on sidebar • Exit intent pop-up CREATE CONTENT CALENDAR Launch Posts and Distribute Like a Mofo DISTRIBUTION PROCESS FOR EVERY POST NETWORK AND LINK BUILD AN OUTREACH LIST LINKEDIN IS AMAZING AGGREGATORS HELP! TWEET OF THE DAY If content gets published on the internet with no one around to read it, does it still get found19% INCREASE IN ORGANIC IN 3 MONTHS 696 LEADS IN 3 MONTHS 44% CONVERSION RATE Has Leads, Will Nurture 3.4 NURTURE LEADS TO CREATE CUSTOMERS • Downloaded guide • Introduction to Chupa email • How it works email • Chupa success story email TWEET OF THE DAY Growth hacking isn’t one tactic; it is how you string tactics together and automate them. That’s how you create growth!
The document discusses using visual content and Uberflip to create engaging content experiences. It promotes Visual.ly and Uberflip, highlighting how Visual.ly uses Uberflip to create killer content experiences through discoverable and shareable content, calls-to-action, and lead generation. The document encourages attendees to ask questions and talks to them about starting their next content project.
In these slides Gianluca Fiorelli presents how to create Buyer Personas, what tools and methods to follow for collecting qualitative and quantitative data, how to create an editorial calendar and project campaigns that can effectively target the Buyer Personas we individuated.
The document discusses marketing insights from a survey of 3,500 global marketing leaders. Key findings include: 1. Marketers continue struggling with gaining a single customer view and leveraging disparate data sources, which are made more difficult by new channels and elevated customer expectations of personalization. 2. While most marketers recognize the importance of coordinated journeys across channels, over half use identical broadcasts and only a quarter evolve messages. 3. High performers are much more likely than others to coordinate heavily across channels and evolve messages, and see significant benefits to customer loyalty, revenue, and other metrics from connected journeys.
Pubcon Austing 2015 presentation on "Why Visual Content Works" and trends of content marketing in 2015