The document summarizes key takeaways from the SXSW conference. Some of the main topics discussed include: 1) The importance of designing technology with purpose and creating positive human experiences. 2) How collaboration between companies can drive innovation. 3) The value of not being constrained by audiences and taking creative risks. 4) The growing role of virtual and augmented reality. 5) How the rate of technological change is accelerating exponentially. 6) How cognitive computing is being applied across many domains to solve problems. 7) Emerging technologies like self-driving cars that are closer to widespread use than perceived. 8) How ubiquitous computing is already integrating technology into many aspects of life. 9) The growing role of robots and focus on
10 Insightful Quotes On Designing A Better Customer ExperienceYuan Wang
In an ever-changing landscape of one digital disruption after another, companies and organisations are looking for new ways to understand their target markets and engage them better. Increasingly they invest in user experience (UX) and customer experience design (CX) capabilities by working with a specialist UX agency or developing their own UX lab. Some UX practitioners are touting leaner and faster ways of developing customer-centric products and services, via methodologies such as guerilla research, rapid prototyping and Agile UX. Others seek innovation and fulfilment by spending more time in research, being more inclusive, and designing for social goods.
Experience is more than just an interface. It is a relationship, as well as a series of touch points between your brand and your customer. Here are our top 10 highlights and takeaways from the recent UX Australia conference to help you transform your customer experience design.
For full article, continue reading at
The document discusses how to approach big ideas in today's digital world. It advocates defining the creative brief, big idea, and engagement strategy in a more participatory way that considers how technologies and culture have changed. Specifically, it recommends:
1) Fueling the brief by understanding real problems and how audiences participate rather than just saying things at people.
2) Defining ideas as platforms that live on and are generous, multifaceted, responsive, and propagated rather than just TV campaigns.
3) Awesifying ideas by building ecosystems and engagement strategies tailored to cultural behaviors on channels like social networks, rather than just disrupting them.
4) Using the RISE framework to recruit,
SXSW Interactive is amazing this year! I’m talking VR, AR, IoT, enter next acronym here, and even the P.O.T.U.S. made an appearance.
SXSW plays an increasingly important role in revolutionizing interactive media. While often known as a hotbed for tech startups, it’s the discussions around practical applications of such media, the opportunities they present, and the surrounding implications that have attracted the attention of a growing number of brands, platforms, and creators each year.
In this webinar we share key takeaways from SXSW 2016 and discuss what each means for the year ahead.
I was sifting through some old files of mine and found this guidebook I put together for my junior planners when I was still working in Korea.
The presentation deck might be a bit old (it's in 4:3 format), and slightly more tailored to how I saw the state of strategy & planning in Korea, but a lot of its content should still hold true today.
Hope you enjoy the read!
This document discusses better collaboration between agencies and clients. It notes that historically, agencies did not provide clients with a full understanding of the creative process or ideas, and clients did not know how to properly evaluate work. It advocates that agencies start presentations with the agreed upon creative brief to provide necessary context before presenting ideas. Agencies should tell a story that bridges the brief to the final idea, giving clients a complete understanding. The document also provides models for properly evaluating ideas and ensuring collaborative discussions between agencies and clients.
Top 10 Planning Departments in Advertising ShortlistJulian Cole
For more strategy resources sign up to Planning Dirty at
A common problem for planners moving markets is understanding the best agencies to work for. With a great list of international planners in the Planning Dirty newsletter group I thought I would ask the planners who they thought was the best agency to work for.
I compiled the first 10 agencies for the shortlist by analyzing the planning (IPA, Effies, Jay Chiats) and creative awards (Gunn Report) from the last three year looking at the agencies that consistently perform well.
I am making a shortlist of 20, so would love to get recommendations on agencies that you think should make the list.
Next week on the newsletter through an anonymous vote, I’ll put out the poll and report back the results. Sign up to the Planning Dirty newsletter to vote and get the best planning tools and resources fortnightly.
If you are like many people, even the thought of delivering a speech in front of an audience will get your palms sweating. The fear of public speaking ranks high among the most common phobias, and for good reason: most of us approach the situation with the wrong mindset, which in turn makes us live out our worst fears in a public forum.
As Michael Parker notes in IT’S NOT WHAT YOU SAY: How to Sell Your Message When It Matters Most (A TarcherPerigee paperback; on sale January 2016), our fixation on the content of our words – and not the presentation of ourselves – is what brings us down. Once the Vice-Chairman of London’s Saatchi & Saatchi, and one of the world’s most experienced advertising pitch men, having made more than 1,000 pitches in his successful career, Parker has learned first-hand that an effective presentation, a job interview, or even a speech at a wedding hinges on our ability to portray ourselves as passionate, relatable, and collected. But, if we are focused on what we say, and not how we act, we will fail to persuade our audience.
Applied in the boardroom, at the pulpit, or even in conversation, these tenets will help you present better in any situation.
Mobile-First SEO - The Marketers Edition #3XEDigitalAleyda Solís
How to target your SEO process to a reality of more people searching on mobile devices than desktop and an upcoming mobile first Google index? Check it out.
Jonathan Lee, Managing Director, Brand Strategy, and Ken Allard, Managing Director, Business Strategy at HUGE, gave this presentation at "Ambidexterity 2," the VCU Brandcenter's Executive Education program for account planning on June 24th at the VCU Brandcenter in Richmond, VA.
a collective of data from different sources and summarize into 7 insights for easy to understand.
GDP Venture is a venture builder, focusing on digital communities, media, commerce and solution companies in the Indonesian consumer internet industry.
60 Minute Brand Strategist: Extended and updated hard cover NOW available.Idris Mootee
This book includes the very latest thinking on branding and brand strategy. It has been published in different many languages and use by top global brands to train their brand managers. New updated hard cover version is not available from Amazon May 2013
Pls view in full screen mode. Published in more than 5 languages.
- Email was originally designed for individual use, not team collaboration, so the company built the first shared email client to enable features like canned responses, automated rules, reminders, and analytics.
- The shared email client now has 2300 companies as customers across many industries using it for functions like customer support, operations, and sales. Usage and revenue have grown consistently while churn has decreased.
- Moving forward, the company aims to continue improving their platform and adding more users to increase value, with goals of positive operating margins by end of 2019 and $xx in ARR by end of 2018. Their long term vision is to become an extensible platform beyond just messaging.
10 Engagement Lessons Learned From 1 Million Survey AnswersD B
Officevibe released a research report called The State of Employee Engagement based on 1,200,000 survey answers from employees in 157 countries. After analyzing the data, we discovered some truly shocking statistics about the state of engagement across the world.
This actionable webinar will show you how you can keep your employees happy and productive.
See the recording of the webinar:
Get all the free bonuses and extra tips:
Content by Officevibe, the simplest tool for a greater workplace.
The Science of Story: How Brands Can Use Storytelling To Get More CustomersDigital Surgeons
Storytelling is not only an entertaining source for information, but a way to engage and humanize our messages that helps them stick. Our brains are wired for stories. Like a drug, we seek them out. Good stories create lasting emotional connections that persuade, educate, entertain, and convert consumers into brand loyalists.
Here’s another good reason to believe in the power of stories: You don't have a goddamn choice. We spend a third of our waking hours crafting stories, and the rest of the time consuming them. Our brains are always searching for stories. You need stories. You live your life around stories. Your life itself is a story. So, now find out how you can use them to better understand how brands and businesses can use storytelling to increase engagement and sales.
The document discusses the art and science of gaining insights. It outlines a 4-step process for insighting: 1) observe, 2) reframe, 3) validate, and 4) refine. The process involves looking at things from different perspectives, asking why, making new connections, and embracing creative chaos. It provides examples of insights that led to successful branding, advertising, and innovations. It emphasizes that insights are most powerful when they touch people emotionally and are simply and clearly expressed.
The document discusses how Accenture is helping drive digital transformation in the energy industry through the Open Group OSDU data platform. It summarizes that:
1) By standardizing a common data platform across the industry through OSDU, it will reduce costs, remove data silos, and enable innovation.
2) Accenture provides end-to-end services to help companies maximize their investment in OSDU, from data strategy to application development to sustaining performance.
3) Accenture tailors its capabilities to help companies discover challenges, envision solutions, co-create fit-for-purpose approaches, scale implementations, and sustain value from digital transformation.
This is the presentation that I gave to the Young Planners at Cannes 2014. The data herein is taken from survey distributed through @cheiluk, @yellif and @cr
The document discusses the state of the cloud and AI industries in 2023. It provides data on key trends like the performance of cloud indexes relative to broader markets, funding levels for SaaS companies, and the growth and valuation of "Centaur" companies worth over $100M in annual recurring revenue. It also presents predictions around areas like SaaS companies focusing on efficiency, the role of climate software in the energy transition, the emergence of multiple "pillar" AI companies, and the rapid adoption of large language models across SaaS applications. The document is an annual report from Bessemer Venture Partners analyzing major developments and forecasting areas of opportunity.
Apple's next press event happens on Monday, March 21 at the company's campus in Cupertino, California.
We've already talked about what to expect, in our PPT but to recap: Apple is expected to announce a new 4-inch iPhone that combines the size of the iPhone 5S with features from the iPhone 6 and 6S. It will also supposedly be upgrading the 9.7-inch iPad, giving it updated internals, a Smart Connector, and Apple Pencil support imported from the iPad Pro. The Apple Watch may get some love in the form of new band colors and combinations, but rumors say not to expect a full hardware refresh just yet.
Social media can provide your library with a world of opportunity when it comes to promoting programs and disseminating information; yet, to many STEM professionals and library staff, social media is a daunting challenge. What kind of language should you use when creating a post? How do you find the best images and videos to share? What is the most effective way of delivering high quality scientific content? What platform is right for your library’s needs?
STAR Net is thrilled to host Jason Townsend, NASA’s Deputy Social Media Manager, for our upcoming webinar: Social Media Tips from NASA. Jason will pilot you through the universe of social media and share tips, advice, and lessons that he has learned from his experience directing some of the most-followed Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat accounts in the world. While your library’s Twitter account may not have 26.5 million followers, you will surely learn a few tips to help your library’s social media presence blast off!
With over 2 billion active social media users, maintaining an active presence on these networks is crucial to getting in front of your ideal audience. You see, more consumers want to engage and connect with their favorite brands on social. One-third of millenials state they actually prefer to communicate with brands on social media (Source: Business2Community).
Developing a strong social media marketing strategy will help boost brand awareness, increase followership, drive traffic to your website and generate leads for your sales funnel. In 2017, no brand should be without a plan that actively places their business on social media.
Here are five simple yet profound steps to creating your social strategy to build a stronger presence today.
Multimedia refers to the combination and integration of different types of media such as audio, images, text, and video. The document traces the history of various media technologies from early cave paintings over 30,000 years ago to modern digital technologies. Key developments discussed include the printing press in 1455, newspapers in 1640, photography in the 1830s, movies in the late 1890s, television in the 1930s, home computers in the 1970s-80s, and personal media players in the 2000s. Throughout history, new electronic technologies have enabled storing and sharing various types of media content with more people.
Изготавливаем презентации для компаний, проектов, услуг, продуктов. СТАТУСНЫЕ «О компании» - визуальной форме рассказ о Вашем профессиональных преимуществах. В результате – утверждается статус и признание компании, достигается доверие к фирме, как к надежному и солидному партнеру.
ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ «О продукте» - это прицельное сообщение о достоинствах и ценностях Вашего продукта/услуги, и перечень основных причин для гордости у покупателей по использованию Вашего товара.
ПРОЕКТНЫЕ «О проекте» – рассеять неизвестность, быть понятым, увеличить клиентов, познакомить и убедить участников или инвесторов данного мероприятия.
Презентация строительной компании Вильямс ГруппОльга Панфилова
Вильямс Групп одна из крупнейших компаний, которая сдает в аренду строительную технику и выполняет ряд строительных услуг.
Сайт компании:
Изготавливаем презентации для компаний, проектов, услуг, продуктов. СТАТУСНЫЕ «О компании» - визуальной форме рассказ о Вашем профессиональных преимуществах. В результате – утверждается статус и признание компании, достигается доверие к фирме, как к надежному и солидному партнеру.
ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ «О продукте» - это прицельное сообщение о достоинствах и ценностях Вашего продукта/услуги, и перечень основных причин для гордости у покупателей по использованию Вашего товара.
ПРОЕКТНЫЕ «О проекте» – рассеять неизвестность, быть понятым, увеличить клиентов, познакомить и убедить участников или инвесторов данного мероприятия. — это интернет-сервис поиска и консолидации предложений по заказу и доставке еды.
Задача перед нами была поставлена вполне ясная: создать «продающую» презентацию объемом в одну страницу формата А3, чтобы ее сподручно было нести на встречу с потенциальным клиентом и можно было оперативно показать, не пускаясь в путешествие по слайдам Пауэрпойнта.
Your monthly dose of the latest trends locally and abroad. This month we look at enhancing the experience and connection of being human in ways that go beyond what was thought possible.
The document discusses research on how technology will be deeply embedded in people's lives by 2025 and the impacts it may have. It covers trends like augmented reality, disruption of 20th century business models, the rise of social media and streaming services, and online education. It also discusses key drivers, projections, plans and uncertainties around issues like the future of companies like Tesla, safety concerns, and government regulation. Alternative futures discussed include a possible loss of interest in technology due to privacy and security concerns.
RPA - The new era of robotics and beyondRaymond Koh
To understand robotics, let us take a brief look back at the beginnings and the progress made over
the past 60 years (see diagram, “Robotics timeline”).
This talk looks at the future of AR/VR and the new and intimate relationship between humans and intelligent agents that XR - the next generation of AR/VR, makes possible. XR is intelligent and interactive connecting real humans and physical objects with digital agents and entities. VR/AR will evolve into XR to become the future interface for Cloud Computing, IoT, Big Data, Prediction, Self-driving cars, Personalized Medicine, Robots, Drones, Cryptocurrency, Smart Cities, and AI. Social VR and AR will connect people in new and powerful ways but XR will connect the intelligence of people to the intelligence of machines in a space shared and understood by both.
Tish Shute, Director AR/VR, Corporate Technology Strategy, Huawei
A talk from Inspire Track at AWE USA 2017 - the largest conference for AR+VR in Santa Clara, California May 31- June 2, 2017.
XR is intelligent and interactive connecting real humans and physical objects with digital agents and entities. VR/AR will evolve into XR to become the future interface for Cloud Computing, IoT, Big Data, Prediction, Self-driving cars, Personalized Medicine, Robots, Drones, Cryptocurrency, Smart Cities, and AI. Social VR and AR will connect people in new and powerful ways but XR will connect the intelligence of people to the intelligence of machines in a space shared and understood by both. This talk will look at this new and intimate relationship between humans and intelligent agents.
In this issue of WIN World Insights, we bring you the basics of the latest technological trends. Because, when you begin to understand them, you realize how they will hugely
impact our businesses, our lives and our future.
The document discusses predictions for technology and society in the year 2026. It describes how the 1962 cartoon The Jetsons depicted a futuristic family living with flying cars and robots, and notes that many of the technologies shown have now been realized. The document also discusses predictions that robots will be able to perform more jobs by 2026, including medical procedures, manufacturing, and customer service roles. Some experts estimate nearly half of US jobs could be automated in the next two decades. The summary also touches on predictions that smartphones will have new capabilities like 3D holograms and wireless charging by 2026.
Top 10 Advance Technology in (2022).docxAdvance Tech
Advance Technology is an online journal of news and opinions. We have teamed up with tech experts to bring the most beneficial information this upcoming year.
Technology is a blog and video series designed to advance the technological world. Better known for its tech-enthusiast audience.
Technology is an online journal of news and opinions. Along with special projects on upcoming technology or general new technology trends, touches on the tech issues and related discussions.
2008 vs. 2018: A Tech Odyssey - Louisville's Digital CrossroadsDavid Berkowitz
Presented at Louisville Digital Association's Digital Crossroads 2018, it covers the past ten years of emerging technology, including images, video, audio, podcasts, mobile barcodes, QR codes, the future of work, artificial intelligence, and related subjects, while looking ahead to see what we can learn going forward.
Design Careers in the Science Fiction FutureBill DeRouchey
What design challenges may exist when today’s junior designers are tomorrow’s design leaders? This extrapolates on current technology trends to speculate on what new design challenges may develop over the next 20 years, and how we can prepare ourselves for the unknown future.
Top 10 Emerging Technology in 2022.docxAdvance Tech
It's hard to believe that we're already nearing the end of 2020 - and with a new year comes new opportunities for businesses to adopt emerging technologies. But with so many options on the market, it can be tough to know which ones are worth investing in. In this article, we'll count down the top 10 emerging technologies that are expected to make a big impact in 2022!
here is always new and emerging technology. Some of it is mind-blowing and has the potential to change the world. Here are the top 10 emerging technologies in 2022
It's hard to predict the future, but that doesn't mean we don't try. In this article, we'll take a look at 10 different technologies that are emerging and could potentially have a big impact in the next few years. From Blockchain to quantum computing, these are the technologies you should keep an eye on!
Glimpses into the future of mobile devices, the internet, and more - updated ...Michael Harries
First given at Mobile Monday Sydney on 2 November 2009.
A thought provoking look at the forces affecting the future of the mobile internet.
(Let me know what you think.)
15 Startups to Watch in 2015 -2016 by Brian SolisBrian Solis
Digital analyst Brian Solis assembled a list of 15 startups he believes will stand out this year while also sparking new trends. From the sharing economy to AR/VR to 3D Printing to Messaging to Enterprise Collaboration and more, this list will help you see and appreciate top trends happening in Silicon Valley and around the world now.
Each year, art meets technology at the South by Southwest (SXSW) Interactive Festival in Austin, Texas. Celebrating the convergence of the interactive, film, and music industries, this year's conference featured panels, seminars, parties and live music. Topics ranged from artificial intelligence and chat bots to female leadership and social purpose, revealing future trends for brands and agencies to keep in mind this upcoming year. Here are Y&R's key takeaways from SXSW 2017.
SXSW Interactive is an annual conference in Austin, Texas that focuses on technology, digital media, and related topics. The 2013 event saw over 30,000 attendees, up from 25,000 in 2012. Key themes included the emerging collaborative economy, smarter connected devices, grassroots innovation through 3D printing and crowdsourcing, the intersection of physical and digital experiences, wearable technology, online retail reshaping the in-store experience, and brands promoting their products. Notable demonstrations included gesture interfaces, NFC payments replacing QR codes, connected devices as part of the Internet of Things, Google Glass, life logging cameras, and branded activations from companies like AT&T, Samsung, Beats by Dre, Oreo and Gr
The document provides an overview of a potential future presentation on various topics including possible futures, STEEP factors (social, technological, economic, environmental, and political), and how enterprises might respond. It discusses expectations and spheres of knowledge, insights into future disruption, business responses, and brief biographies of the presenter.
This document provides a summary of trends in marketing, storytelling, and digital culture for Africa from Native VML's October 2016 trends report. It discusses how collaboration and new technologies are enabling creativity through tools that allow designers and developers to work together. Examples highlighted include a startup called Fuse that offers collaboration tools, and how augmented and virtual reality are providing new experiences through technologies like Magic Leap. The document also notes how drones are being used innovatively for advertising and how 5G networks may help address high data costs in South Africa.
An overview on Virtual Reality and the rise of the Metaverse and Qbit Technologies approach in contributing to create immersive worlds and experiences.
With the Internet we have built the basic infrastructure for our next dimension to live in. This dimension is the one of Virtual Reality.
This presentation highlights the main factors that are driving virtual reality towards mainstream market.
The presentation is dated May 2015.
Lalo Huber - El impacto de la Economía Digital - Econ2017Lalo Huber
The document discusses the impact of the digital economy on organizations. It describes how the digital economy is significantly transforming business models, industries, and the relationship between business and technology. Key trends discussed include the rise of platforms, on-demand services, data and analytics, artificial intelligence, robots, sensors, and new technologies like blockchain. The document also addresses how organizations must change their strategies, structures, processes and culture to adapt to the digital world.
Es sieht gut aus – der Sommer ist endlich da und alle hoffen auf ein Ende der Pandemie. Die Konsum- und Reiselust steigt und das bringt Schwung in die Gesellschaft. Aber was ist der deutschen Gesellschaft aktuell wichtig und worauf legen sie in Zukunft wert? Eine Antwort darauf liefert der Havas Media Consumer Pulse.
COVID-19 // Media Behaviours Report Vol.10 // Havas Media UK POVHavas
UK media consumption has continued to rise in the last two weeks, with huge gains across live TV, video, social media, and video streaming, according to the latest Havas Media Group COVID-19 Media Behaviours Report.
The sixth iteration of Havas Media Group’s COVID-19 Media Behaviours Report, a research study into consumer behavior and media consumption based on a survey of 1,487 UK respondents, shows that 64% of people claim to be watching more live TV than they did prior to the coronavirus outbreak (a net increase of 15% versus the first set of findings two weeks ago).
COVID-19 // Media Behaviours Report Vol.12 // Havas Media UK POVHavas
UK media consumption has continued to rise in the last two weeks, with huge gains across live TV, video, social media, and video streaming, according to the latest Havas Media Group COVID-19 Media Behaviours Report.
The sixth iteration of Havas Media Group’s COVID-19 Media Behaviours Report, a research study into consumer behavior and media consumption based on a survey of 1,487 UK respondents, shows that 64% of people claim to be watching more live TV than they did prior to the coronavirus outbreak (a net increase of 15% versus the first set of findings two weeks ago).
COVID-19 // Media Behaviours Report Vol.11 // Havas Media UK POVHavas
UK media consumption has continued to rise in the last two weeks, with huge gains across live TV, video, social media, and video streaming, according to the latest Havas Media Group COVID-19 Media Behaviours Report.
The sixth iteration of Havas Media Group’s COVID-19 Media Behaviours Report, a research study into consumer behavior and media consumption based on a survey of 1,487 UK respondents, shows that 64% of people claim to be watching more live TV than they did prior to the coronavirus outbreak (a net increase of 15% versus the first set of findings two weeks ago).
COVID-19 // Media Behaviours Report Vol.3 // Havas Media UK POVHavas
UK media consumption has continued to rise in the last two weeks, with huge gains across live TV, video, social media, and video streaming, according to the latest Havas Media Group COVID-19 Media Behaviours Report.
The fourth iteration of Havas Media Group’s COVID-19 Media Behaviours Report, a research study into consumer behavior and media consumption based on a survey of 1,487 UK respondents, shows that 64% of people claim to be watching more live TV than they did prior to the coronavirus outbreak (a net increase of 15% versus the first set of findings two weeks ago).
This document provides a weekly industry update on COVID-19 from HostHavas in Australia. It summarizes that Australia is beginning to relax restrictions as the first phase ends. It notes changing consumer moods around both a desire to resume normal activities and economic anxiety. It previews findings from a Meaningful Brands study on how brands can be meaningful during COVID-19.
This document provides a summary of responses from various brands to the COVID-19 pandemic in the 3rd edition of an industry update. It identifies 4 main types of responses: 1) proactively adapting products and services, 2) addressing implications of lockdown such as anxiety and inactivity, 3) celebrating social connection amid isolation, and 4) repurposing media space for messages of support. Several brands are highlighted as examples for each response type. The document also discusses the ubiquitous language around COVID-19 and provides links to articles on how the advertising industry is adapting amid disruption.
This document provides a summary of responses from various individuals at HostHavas to the COVID-19 pandemic. It outlines four main responses that brands have taken: 1) Traditional governments partnering with progressive brands, 2) Health workers becoming celebrities, 3) Moving physical experiences online, and 4) Donating core competencies. For each response, several examples are given of brands and organizations that have taken actions aligned with that response. The document concludes with some recommended articles about brand responses during the pandemic. The overall purpose is to highlight different ways that brands have stepped up and reacted to the current situation.
This document provides a weekly update on COVID-19 in Belgium from Havas Media. It includes:
- A summary of Belgium's four-phase plan to end lockdown restrictions and reopen businesses.
- Key findings from a consumer sentiment survey in Belgium on shopping habits during lockdown and expected future purchases, including increased interest in local and buying less.
- Updates on major events in the lockdown timeline and reopening phases in Belgium.
- Expert opinions on the importance of empathetic communication and focusing on people during this time.
Vol.18: Havas Media Italy conducted a quantitative ad hoc research on 706 cases 18+, a sample that represents Italian citizens.
The aim is to investigate how Italian habits are changing since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The document summarizes the results of a 9th survey wave conducted in August 2020 regarding media usage and consumer behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some key findings include:
- Podcast and online shopping popularity increased significantly compared to pre-pandemic levels and are expected to remain elevated post-pandemic. Younger people also upgraded gaming hardware and software more during the pandemic.
- Television and video streaming saw heightened usage during lockdowns but have since returned closer to normal levels. Sports viewing rebounded strongly once competitions resumed broadcasting.
- While online time decreased slightly on weekends, activities like news, videos, shopping significantly increased on weekdays compared to before the pandemic.
- Most consumers expect to maintain
The document provides an update on media consumption and consumer behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic from Havas Media Netherlands. It summarizes that media reach has returned to normal levels after initially increasing, though some channels like Instagram still see higher usage. Consumers are pessimistic about spending but value connecting with others. Industries like hospitality and transportation are seen as needing more support than automotive or finance. In general, consumers don't strongly judge industry responses to the crisis.
COVID-19 // Media Behaviours Report Vol.9 // Havas Media UK POVHavas
The document summarizes key findings from a survey on media consumption behaviors during the Covid-19 pandemic. Some key findings include:
- Media consumption remains higher than pre-pandemic levels, but many channels like live TV, video on demand, social media and video streaming saw declines compared to previous waves as people return to more normal routines.
- Confusion about Covid guidelines is high, especially among younger age groups, as more places reopen with evolving rules. Avoidance of public places continues to fall.
- Online spending remains higher than before Covid-19 while in-store spending is increasing, particularly for clothing and beauty products. People are less likely to delay booking holidays now.
PUMA digital marketing content analysisApurba Lahiri
Learn about the PUMA product brand and analyse the brand positioning in the market. The brand content ideas are given from the various platforms.
Subject: Marketing
Topic: PUMA
Understanding All About Digital Marketingh03629750
Digital marketing involves promoting products or services through internet platforms and tools. It utilizes various methods such as SEO, content marketing, social media, and email marketing to reach and engage audiences, drive traffic, and achieve measurable results. Effective digital marketing services increase brand visibility and promote business growth.
Customer relationship management and supply chain managementICFAI University
Key Topics Covered:
Customer Relationships:
Importance of building and maintaining strong brand-customer relationships.
Strategies for enhancing customer loyalty and engagement:
Excellent customer service.
Customer events and community-building activities.
Discounts and bonuses for repeat customers.
Active social media engagement.
Publicly thanking customers.
Celebrating customer milestones.
Rewards for word-of-mouth active customers.
Referral programs.
Customization options.
Supply Chain Management (SCM):
Overview of SCM and its significance in business.
Process of managing the flow of goods and services:
From raw materials to final products.
Ensuring efficient delivery to the ultimate customer.
Challenges in Marketing:
Competition: Strategies to address competition including differentiation, CRM, and competitive analysis.
Technology: Leveraging marketing automation, data analytics, digital channels, and cybersecurity measures.
Globalization: Adapting to cultural differences, regulatory challenges, logistical complexities, and currency fluctuations.
Social Responsibility: Implementing CSR initiatives, sustainable practices, and transparent reporting.
Case Study: Reliance Jio
How Reliance Jio disrupted the Indian telecom market with innovative marketing strategies.
Impact of disruptive pricing, affordable data plans, and strategic partnerships on the market.
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of improving a website’s visibility on search engines like Google. It involves optimizing the content, structure, and technical aspects of a site to make it more attractive to search engines. The goal is to rank higher in search results, which can drive more traffic to your site.
There are several factors why your business needs SEO. Higher visibility in search results means more potential customers can find your business. In today’s digital world, people rely heavily on search engines to find information, products, and services. If your website doesn’t appear in the top results, you’re missing out on valuable traffic and potential sales.
The benefits of SEO are numerous. It can increase website traffic, improve brand awareness, and generate leads and sales. SEO also builds trust and credibility with your audience. Unlike paid advertising, the effects of good SEO are long-lasting and provide ongoing returns.
At Search Markup, we provide the best SEO services with proven results. Our team of experts uses the latest techniques and tools to ensure your website ranks high in search results. We focus on delivering quality traffic to your site, helping your business grow. With our simple and effective approach, achieving top rankings is easier than ever.
The Future of Social Media Marketing | skillfloor.pdfgchaitya21
The future of social media marketing involves evolving strategies to engage audiences through emerging platforms, advanced analytics, and personalized content. Marketers will need to adapt to new technologies, changing consumer behaviors, and privacy regulations to remain effective and relevant in the digital environment. Learn more
SEM- Boost Your Business with Search Engine Marketing Strategies.pptxRakesh Jalan
Slide 1: Title Slide
- Title: SEM: Boost Your Business with Search Engine Marketing Strategies
Slide 2: Introduction
- With the rise of digitalization, marketing has evolved from billboards and newspapers to social media and the internet.
- This shift has given birth to Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
Slide 3: What is SEM?
- SEM increases your online visibility through paid methods.
- Considered as paid search marketing, brands pay to appear in search results.
Slide 4: Importance of Keywords
- Keywords play a crucial role in SEM.
- Brands use selected keywords to ensure their content appears at the top of search results.
Slide 5: SEM Platforms
- Top SEM platforms include Google, Bing, Yahoo, Baidu, YouTube, Yandex, and DuckDuckGo.
- Google is the most commonly used search engine.
Slide 6: Why is SEM Important?
- Increased profit: Effective use of SEM can double your investment.
- Conversion-centric approach: High conversion rates through targeted ads.
- Increased brand awareness: Ads ensure your brand name and logo are seen.
Slide 7: Benefits of SEM
- Reach potential customers quickly.
- Gain real-time data and detailed reports.
- Quick results and increased ROI.
Slide 8: SEM Strategies
- Understand your target customers and reach.
- Create a user-friendly website.
- Use relevant keywords and regularly update content.
Slide 9: SEM Tools
- Use tools like Supermetrics, Shape, SEMrush, and HubSpot to enhance your SEM strategy.
Slide 10: Conclusion
- SEM helps boost your brand's online presence and engagement.
- It’s an essential tool in today’s digital marketing landscape.
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Top Rated Marketing Team: Jus Agency Services DeckJus Group
Jus Agency - Expert Marketing Team for Business Growth
Welcome to Jus Agency, your top-rated expert marketing team. We specialize in comprehensive marketing solutions to help businesses launch, expand, and scale. Our services include strategic marketing, Fractional CMO services, expert team hires, Google Ads management, and more. Visit for detailed information.
Comprehensive Marketing Services
About Jus Agency
Jus Agency, founded by Julia Ager in 2019, is a leading marketing agency with over 12 years of global advertising experience. We manage annual marketing budgets ranging from $30,000 to $1,000,000+, providing expert marketing solutions to diverse sectors including tech, healthcare, ecommerce, and more.
Marketing Strategy and Execution
Our JusX Strategy Framework delivers impactful marketing strategies tailored to your business needs. We conduct in-depth market research, competitor analysis, and develop customized marketing plans to ensure maximum ROI. Our strategies cover brand messaging, online presence, lead generation, social media marketing, and email marketing.
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Experience unparalleled marketing leadership with our Fractional CMO service. Our expert marketing managers bring over 50 years of combined international marketing experience to your business. Services include strategic planning, team building, and implementation of advanced systems and processes to streamline operations and boost efficiency.
Google Ads Management
Maximize your online visibility with our Google Ads services. Our certified team conducts extensive keyword research, creates compelling ad copy, manages campaign bids, and provides custom weekly and monthly reporting. We optimize your campaigns daily to ensure the highest ROI.
Client Success Stories
Explore our portfolio to see the success stories of our clients across various sectors:
Tech: Comprehensive marketing strategies, SEO, content creation, and social media management.
Healthcare: Web development, email marketing, clinic branding, and digital billboards.
Ecommerce: Website management, corporate branding, email campaigns, and ad management.
Service Ad Agencies: Launch strategies for platforms like Workplace by Facebook, event management, and content creation.
Personal Branding: Social media marketing, B2B lead generation, and corporate speaking engagements.
Results-Driven Approach
At Jus Agency, we deliver tangible results. Our clients have seen significant increases in sales revenue, conversion rates, staff engagement, and partnership opportunities. We provide flexible retainer support to meet your evolving business needs.
Contact Us
For expert marketing services that drive business growth, contact Jus Agency today. Visit for more information and to access a wealth of free marketing resources. Reach out to for tailored marketing solutions that elevate your business.
🚀 Excited to Share Our Comprehensive Analysis on Ather! 🚀
I am thrilled to share a presentation that our team recently completed on Ather, focusing on an in-depth brand and customer analysis. This was a group project that brought together diverse expertise and insights, resulting in a holistic examination of Ather's market positioning and customer engagement strategies.
📊 Project Contributors:
@Deepyanti Maskara - Social Media Marketing Expert
@Siddhesh Kondaskar
@Sudip Ghimire
@Leah CX
Key Highlights of Our Analysis:
🔍 Buyer Persona & Customer Journey
In my role, I concentrated on developing detailed buyer personas and mapping out the customer journey. Understanding our customers' motivations, challenges, and decision-making processes allowed us to create targeted strategies that resonate with Ather's audience.
💡 Brand Analysis
We delved into Ather's brand identity, evaluating its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis). This helped us identify areas where Ather can enhance its brand equity and customer loyalty.
🔄 Customer Engagement
Our analysis also included a thorough examination of Ather's customer engagement tactics across various platforms. We assessed how effectively Ather communicates with its audience and the impact of these interactions on customer satisfaction and retention.
Key Takeaways:
Customer-Centric Strategies: Emphasizing a customer-first approach in all touchpoints can significantly boost brand loyalty.
Data-Driven Insights: Leveraging data to understand customer behavior and preferences leads to more personalized and effective marketing strategies.
Innovative Engagement: Continuous innovation in engagement tactics keeps the brand relevant and top-of-mind for customers.
I am incredibly proud of the collaborative effort and the insights we uncovered. This project has been a valuable learning experience, and I am excited about the potential it holds for enhancing Ather's brand strategy.
Feel free to reach out if you'd like to discuss our findings in more detail or share your thoughts on Ather's customer engagement strategies!
#BrandAnalysis #CustomerJourney #BuyerPersona #MarketingStrategy #Ather #TeamWork #CustomerEngagement
digital marketing strategies for business growth.pptxthesocialkey78
The Social Key is full service digital marketing establishment known for its innovative and result-driven strategies. We offer best-in-class tailored services to meet the specific needs of every type of business.With a common goal of utilizing social media to build the gap between companies and their target markets. We are online advisors and work for different types of brands. Our team is full of energy and produces innovative digital marketing solutions that yield measurable outcomes.
AI-Powered Partnerships: Revolutionizing Channel Marketing with Authentic Sto...vivienne56
Vivienne Mata, B2B Marketing Consultant, presents a comprehensive analysis of AI's transformative impact on channel marketing strategies. This authoritative slide deck examines the intersection of artificial intelligence and partner ecosystems, offering empirical insights into next-generation marketing methodologies. Mata delves into AI-driven partner engagement frameworks that are redefining industry benchmarks. The presentation provides a strategic roadmap for C-suite executives and senior marketing leaders to leverage AI for optimizing channel performance, enhancing ROI, and fostering sustainable competitive advantages in the rapidly evolving B2B landscape. Drawing from extensive market research and case studies, this deck is an essential resource for organizations seeking to harness AI's full potential in their channel marketing initiatives.
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Discover the unparalleled digital marketing services from InfotechSolutionHub, your go-to solution for elevating your online presence. As the best digital marketing service in Delhi, we specialize in a range of services designed to drive results and maximize your ROI. Whether you need cutting-edge Google Ads services to boost your visibility, expert SEO services in Delhi to enhance your search engine rankings, or comprehensive online marketing services in Delhi, InfotechSolutionHub has you covered.
Experience the difference with our tailored strategies and innovative solutions. Contact us today and let’s embark on a journey to digital success together. Visit us at for more details.
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mike waizman marketing portfolio projects 2024Mike Waizman
The portfolio document summarizes multiple projects from 2024, including a Facebook campaign that gained 39,362 new page subscribers. It also provides details on several advertising campaigns run on different platforms and projects, including their budgets, reach, clicks, and results. The largest campaign was for the Russian site, which gained over 140 million views per month during the campaign.
"Discover how Admya Infotech offers cutting-edge online reputation management and brand management services. Our expert team uses advanced methodologies to build, repair, manage, and promote your brand's online presence. Learn about our services, case studies, and success stories in this detailed presentation. Visit for more information."
Key Topics Covered:
Marketing Mix:
Explanation of the marketing mix and its elements: Product, Price, Place, Promotion.
Introduction to the 3 additional P’s: People, Process, Physical Evidence.
Distribution Channels:
Overview of different distribution channels: direct and indirect.
Types of distribution channels:
Zero Level: Direct-to-consumer model.
One Level: Producer to retailer to consumer.
Two Level: Producer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer.
Three Level: Producer to jobber to wholesaler to retailer to consumer.
Hybrid: Combination of direct and indirect channels.
Traditional Media Channels:
Various traditional media channels and their characteristics:
Print (Newspapers, Magazines)
Outdoor Advertising (Billboards, Transit Ads)
Advantages and disadvantages of traditional media channels.
Digital Media Channels:
Introduction to digital media channels and their impact:
Email Marketing
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Online Display Ads
Video Marketing (YouTube, Vimeo)
Pros and cons of digital media channels.
Cause-driven entrepreneurs, companies, and
platforms were at the forefront of SXSW.
The momentum was spearheaded by Casey
Gerald, cofounder and CEO of MBAs Across
America, who is shutting his organization
down despite its success to move toward
an open-source model. Meanwhile, Airbnb’s
Steve Selzer sparked an insightful discussion
about the future of human-centric design.
In a world that’s becoming more automated
and on demand, we need to design positive
friction back in to create more authenticity,
tolerance, and self-awareness.
How do you scale success over time? Capital
One gave a frank talk about the importance
of communication and constant collision in
diffusing issues that might grind a project
to a halt. Taking collaboration a step further,
Lego and Cartoon Network shared how their
partnership spurs product development and
marketing on both sides, as they learn from
each other (and each other’s customers).
And why wouldn’t Google’s self-driving cars
and Trulia partner up to take you around the
apartments that you’ve marked as interesting?
Collaboration between players across industry
barriers offers infinite possibilities.
Bravery never ceases to inspire. Anthony
Bourdain, American chef, author, and TV
personality, was upfront about the fact that
he doesn’t pander to his audience and doesn’t
create his show Parts Unknown for the fans.
When asked in his interview, “Who are you
shooting for?” he responded: “We never
think about that. That’s the road to madness.
Otherwise, every week we would do a show
about barbecue. Ideally, people who watched
last week should not even be sure they are on
the right channel this week.”
This approach keeps Bourdain doing things
he might not otherwise (like his New York
Times bestseller Kitchen Confidential). He
offered a powerful reminder that comfort can
kill creativity—and that conviction can lead to
great ideas.
Virtual reality was everywhere in Austin. The
experience, primarily created with 360 cams,
is still in its nascent stages. It’s sometimes
buggy, sometimes out of focus, and always
requires you to be in a stationary position.
But the potential is here for brands looking to
innovate with truly immersive experiences. VR
has been designed to give users more control
over the story—which extends to a larger
theme we’ve been seeing in the industry.
The technology also has implications for
anyone dreaming of space travel. NASA and
MIT Space Systems Lab are working on a free
virtual reality experience of Mars. The team
plans to release the collaboration for Oculus
Rift, Google Cardboard, and Samsung VR
Gear, as well as for iPhone and Android. Down
the road, it could help train astronauts, but for
now it will help us take a trip of our own.
The VC Steve Jurvetson gave a mind-blowing
talk about something we all feel but can’t fully
articulate: the rate of change in technology is
accelerating. Moore’s Law of doubling in speed
and halving in cost is now considered too slow
to explain changes in computing power.
Reusable rockets are allowing us to put more
low-cost satellites in orbit, which can be
used to bring broadband internet to every
square inch of the planet. This will bring
billions of people online, gaining access to
the information and tools that will drive the
global economy. And then there’s quantum
computing: with these “science fiction”
computers processing data at the speed
of light, we’ll be able to easily solve huge,
complex problems, freeing up both time and
money to spur innovation.
From enterprises to governments, everyone is
looking to cognitive computing to solve hard
problems—like business analytics and human
immortality—faster than brute force computing.
Dag Kittlaus, the co-founder of Siri, is currently
working on VIV, which aims to be the open
cognitive platform for the world, letting you
talk to the entire internet and app ecosystem
in a natural language. Wired founder Kevin Kelly
predicted, “The next 10,000 startups will be
about: take X, add AI.” And Havas client IBM
engaged people’s imaginations with its
Cognitive Studio. The overall consensus: every
decision that can be computerized will be—
and we’ll continue to release more and more
control to our meta-selves, acting in the world
on our behalf.
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to
differentiate between hype and reality.
One thing that’s very real: self-driving cars.
According to the lead engineer of Google’s
self-driving car program, its vehicles have self-
driven over 1.3 million miles, the equivalent of
90 years of human driving experience. In fact,
the world’s first fully self-driven cars operate
better and safer than a human. And like a
human, the more these cars drive, the more
they learn and the better they become. Self-
driving cars will be on the road and in service
in three years, and one of the most likely mass
entry points is as a replacement to Uber.
But wait, that’s not all: Get ready for pilotless
planes and more automation across the board.
The future is right around the corner, and it’s
about to unleash shake-ups across human
behavior, society, and multiple industries.
Will technology eat the world, our jobs,
and ultimately us? This was a question
asked in many sessions this year. In a sense,
the singularity is already happening: the
singularity of function for our devices. As
product designer, futurist, and inventor Jared
Ficklin said: “It used to be the goal to get
one computer into every one home for one
thousand dollars. Now the idea is to get one
thousand computers into every one home.”
Our homes, offices, and wearables are already
a web of computers learning about the world
and us—and they’re doing it faster every year.
While many speakers emphasized the need
to keep tech in check, the overall mood was
naturally tech positive. Even as many jobs
will become obsolete, we’re quite sure that
humans will still find things to do.
If you’re wondering when the robots are
coming, we can tell you now that they’re
already here. In fact, Hilton Hotels has
replaced registration desk workers with a
robot in a few locations. And this is just the
first step toward robots being a part of our
everyday life. In fact, this is expected to be a
$2 billion industry by 2025.
With this rise in robotics, we’ll see user
experience become a much larger focus in
the future. After all, in order to make live-
in robots palatable, we’ll need to make sure
they’re not annoying the humans. As we
continue to bridge the gap between tech
and advertising, we’ll be able to create better
experiences that are valuable, engaging, and
potentially life-changing.
Marking the first time in SXSW’s 30-year
history that a sitting U.S. president has given
a keynote, Barack Obama delivered a riveting
talk spanning privacy, internet culture, and the
emerging technology that’s rapidly changing
the nation.
Obama sought to engage modern digital
thinking to drive societal change and solve
government issues such as outdated IT
infrastructures, voting, and even climate
change: “The reason I’m here is to recruit all
of you. We can start coming up with new
platforms, new ideas across disciplines, and
across skill sets to solve some of the big
problems we’re facing today.” #ThanksObama
Toygar Bazarkaya
Randi Conner
Matthew Drengler
Janna Greenberg
Maggie Gross
Matt Howell
Larry Lac
Patricia Lopez
Hillary Meahl
Ambika Samarthya
Caitlin Schmidt
Sami Viitamaki
Kelsee Wadas