We held the largest ever Virtual SlideShare Summit a week back, if you missed it here's your chance to hear from the experts once more on some of the takeaways on presentation design and SlideShare Marketing
10 Insightful Quotes On Designing A Better Customer ExperienceYuan Wang
In an ever-changing landscape of one digital disruption after another, companies and organisations are looking for new ways to understand their target markets and engage them better. Increasingly they invest in user experience (UX) and customer experience design (CX) capabilities by working with a specialist UX agency or developing their own UX lab. Some UX practitioners are touting leaner and faster ways of developing customer-centric products and services, via methodologies such as guerilla research, rapid prototyping and Agile UX. Others seek innovation and fulfilment by spending more time in research, being more inclusive, and designing for social goods.
Experience is more than just an interface. It is a relationship, as well as a series of touch points between your brand and your customer. Here are our top 10 highlights and takeaways from the recent UX Australia conference to help you transform your customer experience design.
For full article, continue reading at https://yump.com.au/10-ways-supercharge-customer-experience-design/
The document describes a collection of 100 presentation slides from the 2010 Cannes Lions Advertising festival, where some of the world's best storytellers and advertisers gathered from June 20-26. The slides are meant to inspire the reader to create beautiful presentations by showcasing slide designs from top presenters at the annual advertising event. A brief description notes the slides were taken by the author at the festival to provide creative inspiration.
Incorporating photos and videos into your PowerPoint decks can greatly enhance a presentation. Learn how illustrating concepts with meaningful imagery can make your presentation great.
Learn more: http://www.lynda.com/Photography-training-tutorials/70-0.html
This document outlines 50 essential content marketing hacks presented by Matt Heinz, President of Heinz Marketing Inc. at CMWorld. It provides an agenda for the presentation and covers topics such as content planning, measurement, formats, distribution, influencer engagement, repurposing content, and getting sales teams to leverage content. The goal is to provide new tools, tricks and best practices to help convert readers into customers through effective content marketing.
The Great State of Design with CSS Grid Layout and FriendsStacy Kvernmo
This document discusses the importance of doing work that you love and believe is great. It includes a quote from Steve Jobs about finding truly satisfying work by doing what you believe is great work and loving what you do. The rest of the document provides examples of challenges, questions, and discussions that commonly come up for designers in their work.
Pitching Ideas: How to sell your ideas to othersJeroen van Geel
Learn how to convince others of your UX ideas by understanding them.
We are good in designing usable and engaging products and services. We understand the user's needs and have a toolkit with dozens of deliverables. But for some reason it remains difficult to sell an idea or concept to team members, managers or clients. After this session that problem will be solved!
Selling your ideas and convincing others is one of the most undervalued assets in our field. This ranges from convincing a colleague to use a certain design pattern to selling research to your boss and convincing a client to go for your concept. You can come up with the best ideas in the world, but if it is presented in the wrong way these ideas will die a lonely dead. This is sad, because everybody can learn how to bring a message across. The main thing is that you know what to pay attention to.
In this session I will take you on a journey through the world of presenting ideas. We will move through the heads of clients and your colleagues, learn what their thoughts and needs are. We will move to the core of your idea and into the world of psychology.
Three business basics to always remember! People don't care about your brand. They care about what you can do for them. Back to basics... Give people what they want, do it consistently and do it better than your competition.
Discover The Top 10 Types Of Colleagues Around YouAnkur Tandon
The best part being with different colleagues is we learn a lot from them. Good or bad, sooner or later, better or best, we learn something unique from the different personalities working with and around us at our workplace. Read more interesting content, at www.thecareermuse.co.in - We intend to inform and inspire recruiters, job seekers and anyone with an interest in the workplace and HR technology.
Hope you enjoyed reading the Infographic.
Feel free to share your feedback with us at @CareerBuilderIn
10 Things your Audience Hates About your PresentationStinson
See it with animations! https://vimeo.com/179236019
It’s impossible to win over an audience with a bad presentation. You might have the next big thing, but if your presentation falls flat, then so will your idea. While every audience is different, there are some universal cringe-worthy presentation mistakes that are all too common. Whether you’re an amateur or a seasoned presenter, you should always avoid this list of top 10 things your audience hates. Are you committing any of these 10 fatal presentation sins?
For more presentation help, visit stinsondesign.com/blog
If you are like many people, even the thought of delivering a speech in front of an audience will get your palms sweating. The fear of public speaking ranks high among the most common phobias, and for good reason: most of us approach the situation with the wrong mindset, which in turn makes us live out our worst fears in a public forum.
As Michael Parker notes in IT’S NOT WHAT YOU SAY: How to Sell Your Message When It Matters Most (A TarcherPerigee paperback; on sale January 2016), our fixation on the content of our words – and not the presentation of ourselves – is what brings us down. Once the Vice-Chairman of London’s Saatchi & Saatchi, and one of the world’s most experienced advertising pitch men, having made more than 1,000 pitches in his successful career, Parker has learned first-hand that an effective presentation, a job interview, or even a speech at a wedding hinges on our ability to portray ourselves as passionate, relatable, and collected. But, if we are focused on what we say, and not how we act, we will fail to persuade our audience.
Applied in the boardroom, at the pulpit, or even in conversation, these tenets will help you present better in any situation.
Things That Don't Matter in Your Presentation!Ayman Sadiq
We often spend hours together on stuffs that don’t really matter in your next presentation. You need to unclutter, focus, provide insight and yes, tell a story to convey the big idea. When you stop wasting time on the things that don’t really add any value to you presentation, we finally start adding proper value to the message and objective of your presentation. So here goes a list of things on which you should not even spend a minute. Cheers!
Here are 13 alternative ways to design and display content in presentations versus using bullet points. This will work in PowerPoint and other presentation authoring tools.
Rand Fishkin discusses why content marketing often fails and provides 5 key reasons: 1) Unrealistic expectations of how content marketing works, 2) Creating content without a community to amplify it, 3) Focusing on content creation but not amplification, 4) Ignoring search engine optimization, and 5) Giving up too soon and not allowing time for content to gain traction. He emphasizes that content marketing is a long-term process of building relationships and that most successful content took years of iteration before gaining significant reach.
This is a minimal concept you should consider for your PowerPoint slides in order to make them more engaging and exciting.
I work as a presentation designer and help speakers and marketers with their pitches. If you need help with any of these concepts, drop me an email and I will be happy to help.
How to Craft Your Company's Storytelling Voice by Ann Handley of MarketingProfsMarketingProfs
You know your company's story, but what's the right voice to use in telling it? Find out how to craft your company's storytelling voice. Ann Handley, chief content officer of MarketingProfs and author of "Content Rules" shares tips and ideas for crafting your brand's storytelling voice.
17 Ways to Design a Presentation People Want to ViewJim MacLeod
Tired of boring PowerPoint presentations? Me too. Here are 17 tips to help you create a presentation that not only engages the audience, but forces them to remember what you want them to remember.
This short PowerPoint presentation shows five great ways to get the attention of your audience during your speech or sales pitch.
Try them out in your next speech and you will see how you can engage your audience with these simple tips.
This presentation was created 100% in PowerPoint by my presentation design agency Slides. We are based in Spain (Europe) but have clients worldwide.
Drop me an email and we will discuss your project.
25 stats—13 positive, 12 negative—that reflect the marketing world, including content marketing, social media, email newsletters, analytics, blogging, digital video, and more.
Keep these stats in mind when crafting your marketing strategy.
14 Tips to Entrepreneurs to start the Right StuffPatrick Stähler
14 tips for Entrepreneurs how they can develop from an idea the Right Thing. The Right is being loved by your customers, gives meaning to you and employees and is profitable. Finding and later doing the Right Thing is an agile and iterative learning journey. With these 14 tips you can profit from the experience of successful entrepreneurs since you do not have to experience and fail by yourself. Hopefully, the slide deck helps other entrepreneurs.
Love reading comics? You're not the only one. What about these stories about super-beings keep our eyes glued to the pages and our minds salivating for more? We explore in this deck how comic writers use these storytelling techniques and how you can apply it in your presentation.
How to Master Difficult Conversations at Work – Leader’s GuidePiktochart
Confrontation and having difficult conversations with employees is one of the hardest jobs of a leader. Learn how to approach them using the GROW acronym:
G is for Goals
Start every difficult conversation by stating its purpose
R is for Reality
State the reality of how the person is performing or how he or she is behaving.
O is for Options
Lay out a few options to help this person improve.
W is for Willingness
Ask this person what they would do and give them time to respond
Here's the full article about it: https://piktochart.com/blog/master-difficult-conversations
Let us know how you approach difficult conversations!
10 Dead Simple Ways to Improve Your Company CultureBonusly
The document outlines 10 steps to build a great company culture: 1) embrace transparency, 2) recognize and reward valuable contributions, 3) cultivate strong coworker relationships, 4) embrace and inspire employee autonomy, 5) practice flexibility, 6) communicate purpose and passion, 7) promote a team atmosphere, 8) encourage regular feedback, 9) stay true to core values, and 10) devote effort and resources to building culture. Following these steps such as being transparent, recognizing employees, and encouraging autonomy can help engage employees and create a strong organizational culture.
The document discusses how startup entrepreneurs think and operate. It notes that startups like Airbnb and Uber were started due to identifying shortages or problems. It emphasizes that startups focus on providing customer benefit, eliminating waste, and creating value. It also highlights that startups operate with speed, embracing failure fast and pivoting quickly, with transparency and by breaking rules. Startups succeed by moving rapidly, with minimal processes and instead prioritizing speed above all else.
WTF - Why the Future Is Up to Us - pptx versionTim O'Reilly
This is the talk I gave January 12, 2017 at the G20/OECD Conference on the Digital Future in Berlin. I talk about fitness landscapes as applied to technology and business, the role of unchecked financialization in the state of our politics and economy, and why technology really wants to create jobs, not destroy them. (There is a separate PDF version, but some readers said the notes were too fuzzy to read.)
Ready to sharpen your #copywriting skills? Here are 125 quick tips organized in 14 chapters—from veteran copywriter, creative director, and SlideShare keynote author Barry Feldman.
Leader's Guide to Motivate People at WorkWeekdone.com
To motivate employees, leaders should provide more praise, attention, responsibility, and incentives. Specifically, leaders should recognize employees' good work, keep employees informed about company goals and strategies, assign more challenging tasks with autonomy, establish incentive programs with realistic yet challenging goals, and provide pay raises correlated with employee performance and development. Leaders can use a performance management tool like Weekdone to understand employee status, provide transparent feedback, and align goals across different levels.
The Productivity Secret Of The Best LeadersOfficevibe
Content by Jacob Shriar & Kevin Kruse.
In this Officeviibe presentation, you'll see:
- 3 biggest problems leaders face and what you can do to fix them
- The secret to time management
- Examples from great leaders
- You'll find bonus content
Google continues to dominate search and increase its share. According to data, Google's core search increased 5.9% from October 2016 to May 2017 while its closest competitors like Yahoo and Bing declined. Google distributes search traffic relatively evenly across sites while Facebook and YouTube tend to concentrate traffic on very large sites. Reddit and YouTube send the majority of their referral traffic to just a handful of top sites.
To help the curious class stay relevant, we’ve assembled an A-Z glossary of what we predict to be the 100 must-know terms and concepts for 2017.
We hope this cultural crib sheet will help prepare you for the year ahead.
Today we all live and work in the Internet Century, where technology is roiling the business landscape, and the pace of change is only accelerating.
In their new book How Google Works, Google Executive Chairman and ex-CEO Eric Schmidt and former SVP of Products Jonathan Rosenberg share the lessons they learned over the course of a decade running Google.
Covering topics including corporate culture, strategy, talent, decision-making, communication, innovation, and dealing with disruption, the authors illustrate management maxims with numerous insider anecdotes from Google’s history.
In an era when everything is speeding up, the best way for businesses to succeed is to attract smart-creative people and give them an environment where they can thrive at scale. How Google Works is a new book that explains how to do just that.
This is a visual preview of How Google Works. You can pick up a copy of the book at www.howgoogleworks.net
43 Expert Tips for Future Proofing Your Content StrategyVisme
Top content marketers and social media influencers provide their best advice and insights on how to future proof your content strategy against content shock and content fatigue.
Ever see great presentations on this site and wonder "How can I make slides like those?"
This quick, insight-packed course will distill many of the major lessons I've learned designing presentations (20 or so of which have been featured on the Slideshare homepage for clients like Honigman Media and Group 8A) over the past half decade.
The major areas of discussion include
Each of these are rigorously examined using easy to understand examples and practical, actionable takeaways.
Click through these slides and come out the other side a better presentation designer, guaranteed!
I currently teach Digital Marketing at General Assembly and have given this lecture to nearly unanimous positive feedback.
If you'd like to get access to this PDF or pick my brain about presentation design, marketing, etc... shoot me a line!
EMAIL: Jig813@gmail.com
TWITTER: twitter.com/JoeandTell
LINKEDIN: linkedin.com/in/josephgelman
Some think working remotely is a terrible setting that takes control away and let's employees stay at home and be useless. Others find that remote work increases overall productivity and lowers the need to micromanage.
And both sides might be correct as remote work, like all other structures, work really well for some and make others crazy.
The only thing that we can say for certain is that telecommuting is increasingly popular and there are problems you need to face to make it work.
This list is more or less a curation of tips I've surfaced from my reading or research and from what I've observed from being around some incredible investors and successful entrepreneurs. Note, this advice is geared towards ideation through product-market fit level startups, but the life tips are universally applicable I would say.
When possible, I tried to make the tip "actionable", which I define as something that's able to be done;
or an action having practical value.
So, in no particular order, I give you the Startup and Life Tips for Entrepreneurs: a Journal of Thoughts...
Second webinar in the 3 webinar master class, Secrets of a WordPress Web Designer Revealed. One of the reasons aspiring web designers stay swirling around feeling less than competent is that they never stay with a theme and learn to customize it. Of course, they do need to start with the right theme framework for their skills.
Building your brand for freelancers and consultantsMolly O'Kane
Consultants and freelancers encounter unique challenges, participants will explore the ways to build a strong personal brand and market presence, and practice communicating the value of their time and expertise. Attract the customers you love working with.
The document provides Dell's principles for social media engagement. It states that employees should use their real names, not share confidential information, comply with laws and Dell's code of conduct, be respectful and responsible representatives of the Dell brand, and maintain a conversational tone. It also gives tips for blogging, including exploring topics, linking to influencers, using a conversational voice, thinking globally, keeping content fresh, short, visual, and SEO-optimized to be easily shared.
The document provides Dell's new media principles for engaging on social media. It outlines that Dell uses social media to listen to and engage with customers as an extension of their brand. The principles state to never share partner, customer, intellectual property or employee information. Representatives should use their real names and identify themselves as working for or with Dell. Guidelines recommend complying with laws and Dell's internal code of conduct while being respectful, responsible, and maintaining a positive tone. Tips are provided for blogging, including exploring topics, building relationships, using multimedia, and making content easily shareable.
One of the most difficult challenges of public speaking is creating a presentation that best represents your topic. You can spend hours upon hours attempting to craft something that will impact and entertain your audience.
That's why we wrote the SlideShare Handbook- to help you learn how to write, design, and market powerful content.
If you’re a creative or technical professional, odds are you need a great portfolio website. What makes a good portfolio? What if you’re a writer, or a developer, and don’t have a lot of visual work to show? We’ll go over how to navigate the intimidating world of personal portfolio websites, using WordPress as our guide.
Presented by Danielle Hueston, Founder of Deelightful Studios- a boutique social media & marketing agency.
This presentation was given as the keynote address at the 2014 Greater Rochester Association of Realtors annual tradeshow Tech-KNOW-Palooza; attended by 250+ licensed brokers and real estate agents.
This document provides guidance for startups preparing a pitch deck for a demo day event in order to raise investment. It recommends developing interesting company content before creating the deck, establishing a clear objective and messages, and telling a compelling story through 5-10 simple, visual slides that each convey their key point within 5 seconds. It also stresses the importance of practicing the delivery to successfully convey the pitch within the 2-5 minute time limit on stage. SketchDeck offers a service to help design effective demo day decks.
Nonprofits. No money? No worries. Read through this presentation given to the Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management and learn to get your nonprofit noticed!!!
10 Tips for Landing on the Front Page of SlideShareIdeas 2 Propel U
The document provides tips for landing a presentation on the front page of SlideShare to maximize views and traffic. Key tips include spending extra time on the title and cover page to grab attention, optimizing the presentation with keywords, making presentations longer with fewer slides, embedding links to encourage sharing, choosing a narrow topic, timing uploads to get full-day exposure, leveraging guest blogging, using appealing design, and promoting on social media like Twitter and LinkedIn. Following these tips can result in more traffic, better search rankings, increased followers, and stronger brand recognition.
From Developer to Startup CEO: Things I've Learned on the Journey (CEE MVP Co...Alan Mendelevich
As developers we are logical, methodical and intelligent creatures. We learn the advanced development practices from the best books, greatest minds in our peer group and our own experiences. Then some of us decide to start companies building our own products and we realize that our earlier beliefs are sometimes at odds with what's best for our startup, and that there are issues we have to deal with that we didn't even know existed. In this talk Alan shares his experiences transitioning from a developer with more than 15 years of experience to running a startup company.
Ideas for improving one's consulting practice and presence in the business community in order to improve lead generation and opportunities to bid on contracts.
The Social Experiment: A Presentation from Staffing World 2016Haley Marketing
Great ideas on how to quickly and effectively capitalize on social media.
In this presentation:
- The theory behind a social media strategy
- A review of best practices in using social media for sales, recruiting, personal branding, and inbound marketing.
- How to put theory into practice.
Watch free social media related webinars: http://www.lunchwithhaley.com/?s=social+media
Top 10 Things To Do If You Want To Get Fired Over A WordPress ProjectWilliam Bergmann
A rundown of 10 of the most common ways to wreck a WordPress project, along with tips to avoid them for Project Managers on both the Client and Agency side.
Content to Convert :: Part Deux / Putting Strategy into your Content Marketinge-Strategy
What is content.
Content is...
• the staff within your business. Think of Hooters... not literally. Be Unique.
• the design of your shop/office. Google for example - Free WiFi lets them share
• your products and services. Think of Coffee shops and ‘Latte Art’
• things like the menus on your tables. You could deliver your Menus on iPads?
• the Branding of your Business. Sofa King & “prices that are Sofa King low!”
• your company values. Associations with charities and causes are great.
• your customers. User generated content on experiences via social.
• EVERYTHING. Just understand your goal & what you are trying to achieve.
This document provides tips for getting more engagement from content published on SlideShare. It recommends beginning with a clear content marketing strategy that identifies target audiences. Content should be optimized for SlideShare by using compelling visuals, headlines, and calls to action. Analytics and search engine optimization techniques can help increase views and shares. SlideShare features like lead generation and access settings help maximize results.
Speaker GuideYou’ve been selected to give a TEDx Talk. Cong.docxAASTHA76
Speaker Guide
You’ve been selected to give a TEDx Talk. Congrats! You’re doing great so far. Now what?
Over the years we’ve come up with a few dos and don’ts on how to give a great talk.
Though these steps are in no way comprehensive, they contain some guiding principles
that have been known to work.
Step 1: Get familiar with the form »
Step 2: Develop an idea »
Step 3: Make an outline and script »
Step 4: Create slides »
Step 5: Rehearse »
Step 6: Give your talk »
Step 7: Savor the glory »
1) Get familiar with the form
What is a TEDx Talk?
TEDx Talks are a showcase for speakers presenting well-formed ideas in under 18
minutes. If you haven’t seen a TEDx Talk, go to TED.com and watch at least one. Like this
one: Phil Plait: How to defend Earth from asteroids
Why 18 minutes?
Because it works. An audience is good at focusing on one subject at a time in relatively
short chunks.
But, really, can I go over 18 minutes?
No -- it wouldn't be a TEDx Talk. The time limit is part of what makes TEDx Talks work.
And remember: Shorter talks are not lesser talks. It may only take 5 minutes to make your
point unforgettably. Like this one: Joe Smith: How to use a paper towel
2) Develop an idea
What makes a good idea for a talk?
Like a good magazine article, your idea can be new or surprising, or challenge a belief your
audience already has. Or it can be a great basic idea with a compelling new argument
behind it.
An idea isn’t just a story or a list of facts. A good idea takes evidence or observations and
draws a larger conclusion.
Do I need to be an expert on my topic?
You do not need to be the world’s foremost expert on the topic, but you do have to be an
expert. Please remember that the audience relies on you to give accurate information, so
whatever you say in your talk, please fact-check — especially facts you may take for
granted: statistics, historical anecdotes, scientific stats. If you're drawing an example from
a discipline that is not your main area of knowledge, use research from widely accepted
and peer-reviewed sources, and, if at all possible, consult with experts directly.
Is my idea ready?
Write your idea down in one or two sentences. Ask yourself three questions:
Is my idea new?
Are you telling people something you're pretty sure they have not heard before?
Is it interesting?
Think about how your idea might apply to a room full of varied kinds of people. Who might
be interested in it?
Is it factual and realistic?
If you are presenting new research, make sure your idea is backed by data and peer-
reviewed. If you are presenting a call to action, make sure it can be executed by members
of your audience.
If you ans.
Technology to Personalize Learning for Gifted KidsBrian Housand
Brian Housand, Ph.D.
Since the dawn of the computer revolution, the promise of PERSONAL Computing has been ever present. Yet, when we simply leave gifted kids to their own devices, technology can serve to depersonalize their experiences. However, this need not be the case. Together, we will explore the possibilities and potential afforded by today’s technology and empower you to utilize technology resources to make learning personal and meaningful for today’s connected gifted students.
Content Sharing Success Recipes from 6 of the most socially-sharedi-SCOOP
How does content get shared? How does it get tweeted and retweeted? And why? There are many ways and no one size fits all answer. So, we asked six of the most social-shared marketing experts to share their views and recipes. Check out what Jay Baer, Lee Odden, Shelly Kramer, Michael Brenner, Mark W. Schaefer and Mack Collier responded. Bonus: the SlideShare success recipe of Doug Kessler. Offered by the Content Marketing Conference Europe.
5 Secrets to Killer Lead Generation Using SlideShareEugene Cheng
So you've tried all way and means to drive leads for your business. But B2B leads are just so damn hard especially with mediums like Facebook and Twitter. Enter SlideShare and it's unlimited potential. With these simple hacks you'll start generating leads in no time!
You and I have wasted enough time on PowerPoint Presentations. It's a necessary evil, but there are much better ways to approach it. Based off a talk I gave @ APTS. Enjoy!
This document summarizes key facts about depression from the World Health Organization, including that over 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression, 80% of those affected do not receive treatment, and close to 1 million people take their own lives each year due to depression. It encourages early detection and effective treatment, noting that treatment is effective for 60-80% of those affected and will allow them to smile again. It also provides signs of depression and tips for how to help those suffering.
3 Beliefs of Success: A Singaporean Perspective by @itseugenecEugene Cheng
I've been hearing a lot of debate regarding the education system in Singapore recently as it's nearing graduation.
Here's my brief opinion. In a Slide Deck
5 min Presentation Slide deck done for the Moove Media Magic Four Challenge.
Deck was to be done in 30 mins. Objective of presentation is to sell a fictitious branded Toilet Brush to a retailer.
Smile From Within 2 - Intro PowerPoint Eugene Cheng
Short deck done to introduce a charity event held at Republic Polytechnic: "Smile From Within 2 : a reason to dance" All event proceeds were donated to Operation Smile to help fund operation for children born with cleft lips. God Bless those who volunteered; The dancers from different disciplines who came together for a good cause.
Elevate PowerPoint Deck Introduction - by @itseugenecEugene Cheng
A PowerPoint deck done in Pecha Kucha Style ( Auto advances slides every 20 seconds ) to appeal to potential sponsors such as NEBO & Shaw Towers Realty to endorse Elevate: The Business Pitch Challenge.
7 Tips to Beautiful PowerPoint by @itseugenecEugene Cheng
Short talk about presentations given at Startup Dynamo, a workshop held by Startup@Singapore NUS using the Learn Startup Methodology.
My segment was on Presentation Design to make an impact on VCs. Many thanks to @ryanlou for the invite. And not to forget Emiland De Cubber for his amazing slide deck inspirations and invaluable advice. Disclaimer: this is a reimagination off some of Emiland's presentations. I do not make any money of this.
Download for just a tweet: http://goo.gl/fbM4j
Want something similar done for your next pitch? Contact me at my site: http://itseugene.me/contact/
BA Champs PowerPoint Inauguration 2012Eugene Cheng
The document summarizes the BA CHAMPS inauguration event for 2022. It introduces the people behind the event, Felix and Jerrick, and describes how the BA CHAMPS brand started to empower and support people. The core of the brand is focused on the individual. The document outlines how people can accomplish their goals through industrial talks, learning and sharing. It encourages people to join the fortnightly Wednesday evening sessions to brand themselves and rehearse in front of an audience.
The summary provides an overview of the First Ever AGM 2013, looking back on the years 2011-2012, and inviting attendees to submit their ideas to prove if it has the potential to be the next big thing by entering the Pro Next competition for a chance to win seed funding.
Making It Stick - UHU Marketing Presentation by @itseugenecEugene Cheng
A case study marketing proposal done for UHU's product - The UHU Ultra Montage. Presentation Includes visual mockups and campaign timeline. ( Download Now Available! )
Want something like this done for your next pitch? Contact me at my site : http://itseugene.me/contact
ELEVATE 2013 Lecture Presentation by @itseugenecEugene Cheng
Slide deck created to publicize said event during lecture intermissions.
*Experimental emulation of Steve Jobs slide layout.
Want something like this done for your next pitch? Contact me at my site : http://itseugene.me/contact
Pecha Kucha & Presentation Design by @itseugenecEugene Cheng
This document provides a brief introduction to presentation design. It discusses keeping presentations simple with no more than 6 words per slide and 20 seconds per slide. Effective design principles like contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity are covered to help guide visuals and keep the audience engaged. Pictures are said to be superior to words, and considering where the eyes move is important for design.
Entrepreneur’s Connect Promotional Presentation by @itseugenecEugene Cheng
Presentation re-design done for Entrepreneur's Connect @ Ngee Ann Polytechnic in Singapore : An initiative to aid budding student entrepreneurs. Slides are used to promote entrepreneur-aid initiatives by the entity to students.
Want something like this done for your next pitch? Contact me at my site : http://itseugene.me/contact
Ellerton & Co. Credential Deck - July 2024.pdfJade35554
Ellerton & Co.is a bespoke public relations and integrated marketing communications agency in Southeast Asia that drives brand advocacy, reputation building and customer engagement for companies.
Our team of international, multi award-winning consultants have partnered with a diverse clientele – from Fortune 500 industry leaders to ambitious startups, Michelin-starred restaurants, hospitality and architecture.
Our innovative approach ensures that a brand’s narrative is consistently engaging through social media, traditional media or physical events. We start and end with your business goals and objectives in mind – whether it is to build awareness and brand love, to drive sales, to excite investors, regulators and key stakeholders, or quite simply, to build a stronger brand.
Visit our website: https://ellerton.co/
Understanding All About Digital Marketingh03629750
Digital marketing involves promoting products or services through internet platforms and tools. It utilizes various methods such as SEO, content marketing, social media, and email marketing to reach and engage audiences, drive traffic, and achieve measurable results. Effective digital marketing services increase brand visibility and promote business growth.
Digital Wolf: Premier Digital Marketing Agency, KolkataDigital Wolf
Digital Wolf, a renowned digital marketing company in Kolkata, helps businesses grow with customized SEO, social media, and PPC strategies. Let's take your brand to the next level.
Visit Us t.ly/3ISo6
AI-Powered Partnerships: Revolutionizing Channel Marketing with Authentic Sto...vivienne56
Vivienne Mata, B2B Marketing Consultant, presents a comprehensive analysis of AI's transformative impact on channel marketing strategies. This authoritative slide deck examines the intersection of artificial intelligence and partner ecosystems, offering empirical insights into next-generation marketing methodologies. Mata delves into AI-driven partner engagement frameworks that are redefining industry benchmarks. The presentation provides a strategic roadmap for C-suite executives and senior marketing leaders to leverage AI for optimizing channel performance, enhancing ROI, and fostering sustainable competitive advantages in the rapidly evolving B2B landscape. Drawing from extensive market research and case studies, this deck is an essential resource for organizations seeking to harness AI's full potential in their channel marketing initiatives.
PUMA digital marketing content analysisApurba Lahiri
Learn about the PUMA product brand and analyse the brand positioning in the market. The brand content ideas are given from the various platforms.
Subject: Marketing
Topic: PUMA
The Future of Social Media Marketing | skillfloor.pdfgchaitya21
The future of social media marketing involves evolving strategies to engage audiences through emerging platforms, advanced analytics, and personalized content. Marketers will need to adapt to new technologies, changing consumer behaviors, and privacy regulations to remain effective and relevant in the digital environment. Learn more
Key Topics Covered:
Marketing Mix:
Explanation of the marketing mix and its elements: Product, Price, Place, Promotion.
Introduction to the 3 additional P’s: People, Process, Physical Evidence.
Distribution Channels:
Overview of different distribution channels: direct and indirect.
Types of distribution channels:
Zero Level: Direct-to-consumer model.
One Level: Producer to retailer to consumer.
Two Level: Producer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer.
Three Level: Producer to jobber to wholesaler to retailer to consumer.
Hybrid: Combination of direct and indirect channels.
Traditional Media Channels:
Various traditional media channels and their characteristics:
Print (Newspapers, Magazines)
Outdoor Advertising (Billboards, Transit Ads)
Advantages and disadvantages of traditional media channels.
Digital Media Channels:
Introduction to digital media channels and their impact:
Email Marketing
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Online Display Ads
Video Marketing (YouTube, Vimeo)
Pros and cons of digital media channels.
Boost Your Business Sales with the Power of AI & SEODigital Deep Tech
Boost Your Business Sales with the Power of AI & SEO
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for businesses aiming to boost sales. Combining these two powerful tools can drive more traffic to your website, increase conversions, and elevate your overall marketing strategy.
The Role of AI in SEO
Artificial Intelligence involves using advanced algorithms and machine learning to analyze data and automate processes that typically require human intelligence. In SEO, AI can enhance various aspects:
Keyword Research: AI tools analyze vast amounts of data to identify high-performing keywords and trends. This helps you target the right keywords, ensuring your content ranks higher on search engines.
Content Optimization: AI can generate content ideas based on user preferences and trending topics. This ensures your content is relevant, engaging, and optimized for search engines, improving your site’s visibility.
User Experience: AI analyzes user behavior to provide insights on improving site navigation, loading speed, and overall user experience, all of which are critical factors for SEO.
Voice Search Optimization: With the rise of voice-activated devices, optimizing for voice search is crucial. AI helps understand natural language patterns, ensuring your content is voice search-friendly.
Implementing AI and SEO Strategies
To effectively leverage AI and SEO, follow these steps:
Invest in AI Tools: Utilize AI-powered tools for keyword research, content creation, and data analysis. Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and HubSpot offer AI features to enhance your SEO efforts.
Focus on Quality Content: Create high-quality, relevant content that addresses your audience’s needs. Use AI insights to identify trending topics and optimize your content for SEO.
Optimize for Mobile and Voice Search: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and optimized for voice search. Mobile and voice search are becoming increasingly popular, and optimizing for these can boost your SEO rankings.
Monitor and Adjust: Regularly monitor your AI and SEO performance using analytics tools. Adjust your strategies based on data insights to continuously improve your results.
Combining AI and SEO is a game-changer for businesses looking to boost their sales. By leveraging AI’s data-driven insights and SEO’s visibility enhancement, you can attract more targeted traffic, provide personalized experiences, and ultimately increase your conversions. Start implementing AI and SEO strategies today and watch your business sales soar!
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The Social Key is full service digital marketing establishment known for its innovative and result-driven strategies. We offer best-in-class tailored services to meet the specific needs of every type of business.With a common goal of utilizing social media to build the gap between companies and their target markets. We are online advisors and work for different types of brands. Our team is full of energy and produces innovative digital marketing solutions that yield measurable outcomes.
In today’s competitive digital landscape, understanding the full impact of both organic and paid search efforts is crucial for driving effective marketing strategies.
Let us help.
Check out as we delve into the intricate relationship between organic and paid search channels, offering actionable insights for measuring success to maximize their combined potential.
We’re providing a comprehensive understanding of how to measure, analyze, and optimize holistic search marketing efforts, ensuring sustainable growth and superior ROI.
You’ll learn tips for:
- Integrated Metrics and KPIs: Define and track key metrics to capture performance of organic and paid search, to make informed strategic decisions with a holistic view.
- Attribution Models: Explore attribution models to understand the customer journey, identify influential touchpoints, and allocate budget effectively for maximum ROI.
- Optimization Strategies: How to leverage data from organic and paid search to optimize campaigns and increase conversions.
With Shaubhik Ray, we’ll equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to excel in holistic search measurement. We’ll share marketing strategies that are data-driven, aligned with business goals, and poised to lead your organization to success.
The Best Digital Marketing Service in Delhi InfotechSolutionHubinfotechsolutionhub1
Discover the unparalleled digital marketing services from InfotechSolutionHub, your go-to solution for elevating your online presence. As the best digital marketing service in Delhi, we specialize in a range of services designed to drive results and maximize your ROI. Whether you need cutting-edge Google Ads services to boost your visibility, expert SEO services in Delhi to enhance your search engine rankings, or comprehensive online marketing services in Delhi, InfotechSolutionHub has you covered.
Experience the difference with our tailored strategies and innovative solutions. Contact us today and let’s embark on a journey to digital success together. Visit us at infotechsolutionhub.com for more details.
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SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of improving a website’s visibility on search engines like Google. It involves optimizing the content, structure, and technical aspects of a site to make it more attractive to search engines. The goal is to rank higher in search results, which can drive more traffic to your site.
There are several factors why your business needs SEO. Higher visibility in search results means more potential customers can find your business. In today’s digital world, people rely heavily on search engines to find information, products, and services. If your website doesn’t appear in the top results, you’re missing out on valuable traffic and potential sales.
The benefits of SEO are numerous. It can increase website traffic, improve brand awareness, and generate leads and sales. SEO also builds trust and credibility with your audience. Unlike paid advertising, the effects of good SEO are long-lasting and provide ongoing returns.
At Search Markup, we provide the best SEO services with proven results. Our team of experts uses the latest techniques and tools to ensure your website ranks high in search results. We focus on delivering quality traffic to your site, helping your business grow. With our simple and effective approach, achieving top rankings is easier than ever.
11. “Content may be King but
Distribution is the Queen…
and we all know who runs
the house. Make sure you
devote MORE time to get your
content out there”