The panel discussed efforts by the Obama administration to use technology to make government services more accessible. President Obama emphasized using data and tech to streamline processes like voting and disability applications. He called on the tech community to help address issues of privacy vs security in light of debates like Apple vs FBI. Michelle Obama's keynote focused on the #62MillionGirls campaign to promote education for girls worldwide. Other panels covered challenges of ad blocking, using visual media for non-profits, and balancing the human element in digital storytelling.
Launching a startup isn't easy. At each stage of scaling - from founding to product-market fit, from product-market fit to hyper growth, and from hyper growth to maturity - entrepreneurs face unique challenges. Greylock Partners hosted an event, called Greyscale, focused on these challenges at each stage. In the opening keynote, Jerry Chen of Greylock Partners discusses the state of enterprise software after the first quarter of 2016. He summarizes the private and public markets, M&A activity, and explains how this climate affects the startup environment.
Transportation and the New Generation: Why Young People Are Driving Less and ...The Rockefeller Foundation
The trend away from driving has been led by young people. From 2001 to 2009, the average annual number of vehicle miles traveled by young people (16 to 34-year-olds) decreased from 10,300 miles to 7,900 miles per capita—a drop of 23 percent. The trend away from steady growth in driving is likely to belong-lasting—even once the economy recovers. Young people are driving less for a host of reasons—higher gas prices, new licensing laws, improvements in technology that support alternative transportation, and changes in Generation Y’s values and preferences—all factors that are likely to have an impact for years to come.
Wadds Inc. Almanac: Challenges and opportunities for public relations 2022Stephen Waddington
This document provides an almanac or guide to some of the biggest issues for the public relations profession in 2022. It contains eight short essays on strategic issues including challenges with Google and Meta displacing the internet, the problem of misinformation online, the need to improve accessibility of communications, and the long road to achieving diversity in the public relations industry. Each essay includes further reading links for more information on the topics.
Skillsoft Strategy: Harnessing the Power of Big DataSkillsoft
John Ambrose, SVP, Strategy Corporate Development and Emerging Business at Skillsoft, explores why big data is one of the hottest buzzwords in technology. Big data is already changing industries from retail to healthcare to transportation and more.
How can the learning industry benefit from big data? Skillsoft is undertaking groundbreaking research in collaboration with IBM, the biggest name in big data. John Ambrose shared some of the early findings of a multi-phase joint development agreement between Skillsoft and IBM Research to leverage the learning interactions of millions of learners to create more personalized, adaptive enterprise learning experience – in order to predict what content and topics learners will need based on a variety of factors including job role, company, and even day of the week.
In addition to sharing Skillsoft's efforts to harness the power of big data to transform enterprise learning, John shared other new developments and areas of strategic focus that Skillsoft is working on to bring the latest in learning innovation to our customers.
1. The document summarizes the key themes from the 2014 SXSW conference, including the prominence of wearable technologies and healthcare startups, but also a focus on developing for the Internet of Things and issues around privacy and security.
2. Major brands leveraged social media insights to predict future trends and engage with audiences about their visions of the future.
3. 3D printing became more mainstream with applications like 3D printed food, while privacy and personal security were emphasized by speakers like Edward Snowden.
50 Powerful Statistics About Tech Mega Trends Affecting Every BusinessVala Afshar
Mobile devices and social media are driving major changes in how people access the internet and interact with businesses. Billions of mobile devices are in use worldwide and people are spending more time on their phones each day for activities like social networking and shopping. The rise of big data and cloud computing is also transforming businesses, with more information and computing power available to analyze customer behavior and improve products. Apps have become a primary way people use mobile devices, and their popularity is driving significant revenue growth.
Millennials are not a monolithic group, but rather consist of diverse subgroups divided by factors like age and socioeconomic status. While some experts generalize about Millennials' interests, the realities of their experiences vary greatly from prosperous to impoverished. Though often characterized as uninterested in politics, Millennials have effectively used social media and online activism to enact political change on issues like internet regulation and LGBTQ rights.
The document discusses the rise of the sharing economy. It argues that economic challenges like unemployment, debt, and scarce resources are driving the growth of collaborative consumption models enabled by new networking technologies. These models allow underutilized assets and skills to be monetized, creating new opportunities for both individuals and businesses. The sharing economy empowers people in developing economies and removes physical boundaries to access global markets. While concerns exist around regulation and data privacy, the networking effects of these new platforms are opening up new peer-to-peer models that are disrupting traditional industries and hierarchies.
This document discusses the early history and development of television as a mass medium. It notes that television content initially borrowed from radio, with radio networks and executives helping to establish the first television networks and shape early programming. Government regulation restricted access to television broadcasts, ensuring networks became the dominant gatekeepers. While television grew slowly at first, by the 1950s it had become a ubiquitous part of American homes and culture, homogenizing society and fueling the need for more programming and advertising. This established the foundation and power structure of the television industry that still exists today.
A presentation by Fergal Coleman at the Mindshop conference in Sydney, Australia, May 2011.
The talk covers how technology is enabling changing behaviours in every facet of life. It explores the lessons that can be learnt from the bubble and the parallels between todays social media bubble and the late 90's and early 2000's. Attendees were then provided with a framework for implementing social media followed by a range of examples and case studies from the real world
Horizon Scan: ICT and the Future of RetailEricsson
A research report from Ericsson and Imperial College London examines how near-ubiquitous access to ICT and information is transforming relationships between consumers and retailers.
The traditional brick-and-mortar business model is no longer the only option for the aspiring entrepreneur. Many of today’s greatest successes belong to those who have captured the power of the viral loop by designing products and services that spread themselves through the channels of the Internet, propelled by word-of-mouth recommendations.
2014-10-23 Digital Transformation, Digital DarwinismMiquelEstape
This document discusses digital transformation and the need for organizations to adapt to changing technology. It notes that those who are most responsive to change will survive, like Charles Darwin said. It outlines technological revolutions from agriculture to computing and how digital is changing business. Key areas of transformation are operational processes, customer experience, and business models. The document argues that the biggest risk is doing nothing at all in response to digital changes. It concludes by thanking the reader for their attention.
Gain knowledge about the Future of Work(ers) in an on-demand economy. Understand how baby boomers are retiring and exiting the workforce in mass, and the Millennials are taking their place. Learn how job and career expectations have changed because of the shift. This includes workplace expectations, how people are searching for jobs, and how companies are hiring. See in detail how this shift is being driven by mobile app adoption and technology. #YourFutureWorkforce
How Social Media and Wearable Technology are Transforming EducationDr. William J. Ward
The document discusses how social media and wearable technology are transforming education. It notes that smartphones, tablets, and social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have been adopted extremely rapidly. New forms of wearable technology like smartwatches and fitness trackers are emerging. The document suggests that these technologies can make learning more social, dynamic, real-time, and collaborative by connecting students and teachers anywhere. Challenges include addressing privacy and transforming large amounts of data into meaningful insights. Overall, social media and wearables may help shift education from passive and location-based to active learning anywhere.
A presentation for public sector professionals about the benefits and risks of social media. Explains how rapid growth in technology is impacting on communication with citizens. Outlines a six-point plan for digital engagement. Gives winning tactics to mitigate risk and protect reputation/
This document discusses how authentic companies that create a strong, positive culture attract top talent. It notes that companies must earn trust to succeed as people no longer trust large corporations or advertising as much as personal recommendations. Great workplaces rise to the top as employees publicly share their experiences. The talent shortage and job-hopping nature of younger generations means companies must appeal to candidates through their culture and reputation. Authenticity, admitting mistakes, prioritizing people over processes, and focusing on social good are some keys to success.
Great design isn’t about beauty; it’s about knowing the right questions to ask, uncovering the right places to look, and agreeing on the right problems to solve.
At ThoughtWorks Live Australia 2016, Stephanie Rieger (Director of Design & Strategy at Yiibu) talked about three mindsets that combine design, business strategy, and technology to drive growth and embed experience design within your organisation.
This document provides an overview of the growing importance of trust and ethical data use for organizations. It discusses how data collection has become more ambient and intimate due to connected devices. Consumers report a lack of control over their personal data and distrust in how organizations use it. This distrust can have quantifiable negative impacts on business performance. The document outlines principles of ethical data use including data use being beneficial, progressive, sustainable, respectful and fair. It argues that following these principles through best practices can help organizations earn and maintain consumer trust.
A look inside L'Oréal's Divisions: Active CosmeticsL'Oréal Talent
Discover the most amazing brand portfolio in Active Cosmetics: Vichy, La Roche Posay, SkinCeuticals, Sanoflore and Roger & Gallet. Learn about Digital & Active Cosmetics and discover the awesomeness of the Dermocosmetics Market.
Percorso di validazione dall'idea al business model per startupThe Doers
Il programma di validazione dall’idea al business model, promosso dallo sportello Startup di Sardegna Ricerche, è un percorso di accompagnamento ai primi mesi di attività dell’imprenditore startup e del suo team, strutturato in ore di formazione e ore di affiancamento diretto e coaching al team. L’obiettivo è trasmettere un approccio metodologico - il metodo Lean Startup - lungo un processo di sviluppo del mercato scandito da obiettivi e traguardi misurabili, sui quali ci si confronta ogni settimana. Nel corso del programma l’imprenditore impara a gestire il rischio e a ridurlo progressivamente, man mano che si confronta direttamente con il proprio mercato e valida le proporie ipotesi riguardo al modello di business. Perchè di ipotesi si tratta, altrimenti non ci sarebbe innovazione!
Il programma dura 16 settimane.
Digital Signage: dal merchandising tradizionale alla comunicazione digitaleG&P communication srl
Lia Guzzardi ( interviene alla Beauty Web Conference 2010, organizzata da
Scopriamo come Lean Startup può essere uno strumento fondamentale per il successo della nostra startup.
Presentazione tenuta al mini IAD di Vimercate (23 maggio 2015)
In this presentation I have tried to crisply cover 7 must components for a media brief. Most times its missed and the knowledge of these components can affect the media activity, platform & investment mix to a great extent. Hopefully useful for clients to know and agencies to use.
360° Marketing Campaign for OTOBI - Ad Maker 2014 - Round 2Sayem Faruk
Marketing campaign for a leading office furniture brand called OTOBI in Bangladesh. A 360° approach using multiple media channels. Winning slides for the second round of Ad Maker 2014.
il Personal Branding come percorso di consapevolezza per favorire il raggiungimento dei propri obiettivi - personali e professionali -, valorizzando il meglio di ciò che si è e coordinando ciò che gli altri vedono, e quindi pensano, di noi.
Paolo Chiaramida - CEO T-Shop interviene alla Beauty Web Conference 2011, organizzata da
From the world of high fashion to everyday food items, there are always brand names that cause embarrassment to us. Who knew that these famous brands which are so difficult to pronounce could become so successful.
Lean Startup Machine Napoli - Minimum Viable ProductSerendipity HQ
Perchè serve un Minimum Viable Product e come realizzarne uno che raggiunga lo scopo: entrare il più velocemente possibile nel feedback loop Costruisci - Misura - Apprendi
Dal Bilancio al cruscotto delle Competenze:
Competencies Positioning System (CPS). Il cruscotto di comando per individuare, misurare, sviluppare le
Competenze necessarie alla realizzazione dei risultati di business.
Beauty care e attuale scenario dei consumi: fatti, cifre, tendenze di sviluppoG&P communication srl
Laura Salibba - Client Business Partner Nielsen interviene alla Beauty Web Conference 2011, organizzata da
Attività Art Directors Club Italiano trienno 2011-2014cOOkies adv
"Ma cosa fa l'Adci?" Qui trovi quello che abbiamo fatto dal 19 febbraio 2011 al febbraio 2014. Non ci sono immagini, ho preferito privilegiare la sostanza. Ma quasi tutte le voci sono linkate a un resoconto in Rete ed è possibile farsi un'idea di ogni singola iniziativa.
Ti spaventa la fatica di leggerle tutte? Ti capisco. Non puoi avere idea di quanto abbia affaticato me e i Consiglieri che hanno avuto la pazienza e la costanza di supportarmi.
Qualcuno non ha ancora smesso di dirmi vaffanculo. (
Analisi web Customer Care con Social Intelligence | BEWEROIALTY
BEWE ha realizzato un'analisi sul tema del customer care su Facebook, attraverso il tool proprietario Social Intelligence (
The SXSW festival overview document discusses several themes that emerged around innovation, technology, and society based on sessions attended at SXSW 2016. Key themes included: 1) sorting fact from fiction around AI, robotics, and androids; 2) the role of data as an input for outcomes; 3) the growing presence of virtual reality; 4) how technology can be applied to social good; and 5) the continued focus on diversity, inclusion, and representation. Mobile applications were discussed but did not reveal major new platforms, while ad blocking was a hotly debated topic between publishers and proponents.
StoryShifter is a proposed online entertainment portal that aims to attract socially conscious millennials through art, fashion, and entertainment focused on social issues, while collecting data on user viewing habits to provide feedback to content producers. It seeks to be the "go-to" site for socially responsible entertainment by housing various creative works and generating recommendations like Netflix. StoryShifter is currently seeking $125,000 in seed funding to hire key staff, develop its minimal viable product, and launch private and public betas.
This year's Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity touched on a range of buzzworthy topics, from artificial intelligence to new media to gender equality. Here's our roundup of key takeaways and analysis from the event.
SXSW 2012 featured three major events - music, film, and interactive. The interactive portion from March 9-13 in Austin, Texas brought together 17,000 participants, 5,000 startups, and 200 conferences to discuss the future of digital technology. Popular keynotes discussed expanding human intelligence, the democratization of innovation, and replacing fear with curiosity. Emerging location-based apps like Highlight that connect users to nearby friends and interests were a major trend, as was the growing importance of visual content and social TV. Content curation was also highlighted as an important part of managing today's information abundance.
This document provides an overview of social media marketing practices and principles of influence. It discusses key concepts like the social graph, newsfeed/story feed, social gestures, and sharing stories. It also analyzes how principles of social influence from psychology can apply to social media, such as reciprocity, consistency, social proof, authority, and scarcity. Specific social media platforms and tactics are mentioned like Facebook likes, comments, EdgeRank, hashtags, and check-ins. The document also references theories around critical mass, commitment, bystander effect, and how to create requests that encourage consistency with previous actions.
The NTEN DMV Tech Club hosted a discussion about the latest tech trends featured at NTC and SXSW conferences. People who attended these conferences shared key highlights about nonprofit tech trends related to AI, social media and more.
- Steven Bond, Vice President of Strategy, Forum One (SXSW)
- Tina Crawley, Managing Director, Marketing, Forum One (NTC)
- Roshani Kothari, Digital Strategist (SXSW)
- Carie Wilt, Director of Digital, Oceana (NTC)
On March 28, 2024, NTEN's DMV Tech Club hosted a discussion about the latest tech trends featured at NTC and SXSW conferences. People who attended these conferences shared key highlights about nonprofit tech trends related to AI, social media and more.
- Steven Bond, Vice President of Strategy, Forum One (SXSW)
- Tina Crawley, Managing Director, Marketing, Forum One (NTC)
- Roshani Kothari, Digital Strategist (SXSW)
- Carie Wilt, Director of Digital, Oceana (NTC)
This year's SXSW conference saw discussions around privacy and data use following Edward Snowden's leaks about government surveillance programs. Both Snowden and Julian Assange appeared virtually to discuss these issues. Other popular topics included wearable tech, drones, crowdfunding platforms like Indiegogo challenging Kickstarter, and the growing "maker movement" enabled by accessible tools like Little Bits and free/open source software.
Change is a constant
Society is transforming. Powerful trends are reshaping businesses, driving new technologies, shifting talent needs, and changing human behaviour. It is crucial for all industries to stay up to date with these changes, and respond accordingly.
We’ve mapped these trends for over 20 years by collaborating with industry leaders across the world. We use the insights to shape our programs, so that our talented students meet market demand. With these reports we are sharing our insights with the world.
This is the second issue of the trend report Changes of Tomorrow. It builds on the first report released in Spring 2015. The focus stays the same with four themes framing the research, and we’ve collaborated to define new trends and update existing ones.
Regardless of your industry, it’s essential to consider the impact of these changes on your work. The “Reflect” sections at the end of each trend will help you do that. You will also find tips, tools, and methods to support you to stay up to date and lead the change.
This document provides an overview for a panel discussion on identifying and avoiding hype in educational technology (EdTech). The panel will consist of four experts: a journalist who covers higher education, an education industry leader, a technology leader in higher education, and a communications strategist. They will discuss how to identify hype using examples of successful and failed EdTech initiatives. Panelists will also offer best practices for developing and promoting EdTech in a way that avoids hype and demonstrates real results and value for students. The goal is to help educators and EdTech companies set realistic expectations and position their products and services in a meaningful way.
SXSW 2016 Recap: Highlights of Brands and TechnologiesDavid Berkowitz
Which marketers stood out the most at South by Southwest Interactive? Which technologies look most impactful? Which speakers stood out? Find out in this annual tradition from MRY's David Berkowitz. Featured brands include Visa, Budweiser, Capital One, Miracle-Gro, McDonald's, Samsung, and more.
This document discusses Gen, a 28-year-old Singaporean woman who is highly engaged with social media and digital technologies. It summarizes how Gen lives her life primarily through social networking apps and does not engage with traditional media like newspapers or radio. The document then discusses some of the key trends and concepts related to digital media, social networks, and their influence on society, including how information and behaviors spread through social networks, the benefits and risks of social media, and emerging trends like mobility and big data.
Nike Foundation Girl Hub London ProjectJody Turner
Trend analysis of girl asset driven approaches focused on the empowerment of girls. How to get into the hands of girls what they need to do well while respecting local culture and family structure. How to reach the girl where she lives most effectively.
Leveraging Social Media for Development: Lessons Learned and Insight Jeongtae Kim
1. Social media offers opportunities for human-centered development by allowing local people to identify their real needs and ideas for innovation through platforms that facilitate listening and participation.
2. Case studies from organizations like Tella and Ushahidi demonstrate how social media can enable micro-work opportunities and crowd-sourced information sharing to support economic and social development goals.
3. Effective models for leveraging social media include using real-time sharing on platforms like Twitter, crowdsourcing via sites like Ushahidi, facilitating micro-work opportunities, and analyzing big data as done by UN Global Pulse to track development progress.
This document outlines the Global Action Project at MICDS high school, which aims to teach students how to create social entrepreneurship projects to effect sustainable change in the world. Students research current social problems and evaluate organizations addressing them. They then design their own social entrepreneurship idea to address a problem, considering sustainability, anticipated challenges, and how to convince others of the project. Students document their research and planning process. The final project involves creating a documentary and presentation to pitch their proposed social entrepreneurship idea to a panel. The goal is for students to develop skills like critical thinking, collaboration, communication and more to become agents of positive change.
The document summarizes themes from the South by Southwest (SXSW) conference in 2012, including the collision of digital and physical worlds through new location-based technologies. It discusses how brands are moving from passive to active viewer experiences and how social media is being used more in sports. Finally, it outlines several new startups presented at SXSW, such as Grandstand, Zaarly, GroupMe, Pinterest, Path, and Instagram.
Tell Me More's social storytelling series using #NPRBlacksinTech ends on December 20th. Since Decem- ber 2nd, black tech innovators from all over the country have spent a day tweeting about their lives. The social media series is creating new storytelling opportunities that run parallel to what Tell Me More does every day on the radio.
If you have been engaging with the #NPRBlacksinTech hashtag, please share your thoughts, comments and suggestions.
Mindshare shares the highlights and takeaways from Cannes Lions 2017, working across five key trends: Authenticity, Equality, Adaptive Marketing, People vs. Machines, and China Day.
This document discusses the rise of conversational agents and virtual assistants. It notes that artificial intelligence is becoming integrated into many industries and aspects of life. Virtual assistants are described as the third technological wave after the internet and smartphones. Key players in the virtual assistant space are Amazon's Alexa, Google Home, and Apple. The document outlines how virtual assistants are becoming specialized and will change customer expectations around customer service. It also provides best practices and strategies for brands to leverage virtual assistants.
The document discusses predictions for digital and tech trends in 2017. It covers the growth of connected TV and over-the-top services, increasing cord-cutting, and new forms of media consumption like social video. Other predictions include the rise of artificial intelligence, voice assistants, and the internet of things. The internet of things is expected to grow significantly by 2020. Smart home products and Amazon Echo are also discussed as gaining more mainstream popularity. Virtual, augmented and mixed reality are predicted to surpass wearables in revenue. Finally, the document discusses a potential shift away from traditional mobile apps to instant apps.
Snapchat: The Fastest Growing Platform EverDoug Robinson
The document discusses Snapchat's growth as an advertising platform over the past year. Snapchat released updates like Chat 2.0 that allow for better targeted ads [1]. It also developed ways to understand users through Discover publishers [2]. Snapchat is building an API to improve ad targeting and tracking [3]. Some key projects include Live Stories, Sponsored GeoFilters and Lenses, and entering the messaging app market. The document provides examples of successful brand campaigns and advises focusing on engagement, the right tone for the audience, and video to build relationships with users [4].
mCommerce - A Frsh Look At Why It Matters Doug Robinson
A brief overview of the growing mCommerce market, its characteristics and impacting trends. Our analysis looks into different segments of the industry: App-based services, On-Demand Services, Marketplace, Mobile Retail, Retail Enablement and Mobile Payments, and provides overall predictions for the future of the industry.
We are living in an era where data from multiple devices and connected objects and software systems are being intertwined to create a multitude of new services and performances– all without ruining the consumer experience.
If Apple Watch is successful, it will consolidate and standardize our expectations of wearable technology, in the same way that the iPhone did for the mobile market in 2007. This broad acceptance of the digitally-enhanced self will pave the way for other technologies that are still emerging at the fringes of the consumer domain.
Drones are a different kind of new technology from what we’re used to. They offer something else: the conquest of physical space, the extension of society’s compass, the ability to be anywhere and see anything.
For the past few years, one of the most exciting class of gadgets on display has been drones. They got cheaper, lighter, and easier to use even as they became more powerful.
We believe 2015 is an important year for drones as they will change how brands interact with consumers in both advertising and events, and here's everything you need to know about the drone technology.
This document contains predictions across several digital marketing disciplines for 2015, including digital industry trends, digital advertising, mobile industry, mobile advertising, and social media marketing. Some of the key predictions summarized are:
1) Mobile-first design and usage will be essential as mobile internet access surpasses desktop. Wearables and IoT adoption will increase significantly.
2) Data-driven strategies will drive growth through more effective marketing. Programmatic buying will continue to increase for video and native ads.
3) Mobile apps will be used more for enterprise tools and communication. "Phablets" will drive 30% of mobile traffic. Video consumption on mobile will surge 50%.
4) Beacon technology will see
Wearable technology is growing rapidly and being integrated into many areas of consumer products. Wearables can track health, fitness, and other personal data and connect to other devices and systems. This allows for new personalized services and experiences across industries like healthcare, fashion, and retail. However, companies must address privacy and security challenges to gain consumer trust as wearables start to access and share more personal information. An enterprise data platform is needed to securely connect devices and manage user identity and data permissions to deliver enhanced experiences while protecting privacy at scale.
Snapchat is a mobile app known for its disappearing photos and videos. It has grown rapidly since launching in 2011 and now has over 80 million active users globally. While most of its users are young (ages 13-25) and female, Snapchat has introduced new features like Stories that allow brands to reach this difficult demographic. Several major brands have had success using Snapchat to engage users and drive sales through exclusive content and discounts. However, Snapchat also has disadvantages for brands like a lack of metrics and an inability to achieve viral sharing within the app. Overall, Snapchat provides an innovative new format for brands to experiment with mobile advertising and messaging.
Native advertising is sponsored content that matches the style and tone of the publication it appears in. It aims to engage readers organically so they will share the content. Native ads see higher engagement and click through rates than traditional ads. Regulations require native ads be clearly labeled as sponsored content. To be successful, native ads must encourage natural interaction from users and generate interest in the brand.
Mobile spending is expected to hit $18 billion in 2014 and reach $41.9 billion by 2017. Various digital, mobile, and social media predictions are provided. It is predicted that mobile devices, advertising, and industries will continue to grow substantially in 2014.
Beacons use Bluetooth technology to detect when a mobile device is in proximity and send push notifications. Beacons have various applications including in retail to send coupons, payments, maps and sales notifications. They can also be used in transportation to provide travel updates, in homes for reminders, and in museums for audio tours. Beacons allow location-based messaging and can improve the customer experience for various industries including retail, travel, real estate, dining and media. Fresh Beacons is a platform that enables proximity-based messaging through geofencing, beacon detection, notifications and user profiling to engage customers.
1) While mobile shopping accounts for less than 1% of retail sales currently, mobile devices influence a much greater portion (estimated at 40% in 2013) through product research conducted online and in-store.
2) Many shoppers prefer to do product research on mobile but complete purchases via desktop or in-store. They value mobile's convenience while still wanting to see products in person before buying.
3) Retailers have an opportunity to better merge online and offline experiences by offering in-store pickup, integrated inventory, and mobile services like maps, recommendations, and virtual try-ons to improve the shopping experience across channels.
10 Reasons to Adopt HTML5 for Mobile AppsDoug Robinson
HTML5 offers several advantages over native mobile apps, including the ability to write code once and deploy it on any device, lower development and maintenance costs, and easier updating of apps without app store approval. HTML5 apps can also take advantage of rich media capabilities and may soon integrate with device hardware features through open standards and APIs. The multimedia and app capabilities of HTML5 are underrated despite examples that showcase interactive graphics and games.
The document discusses augmented reality (AR) and its potential uses and growth. AR allows users to see additional digital information overlaid on the real world through their devices. It is being used in areas like games, education, fashion, and healthcare. The document predicts AR will reach $600 billion in revenue by 2016 and over 2.5 billion AR apps will be downloaded annually by 2017. It outlines best practices for using AR and argues that AR will become integrated into everyday life as the technology advances.
Real-time bidding (RTB) is an advertising technique that allows demand side platforms to evaluate each ad opportunity individually in real time and decide whether to bid. It provides advantages over traditional advertising like increased targeting, context, predictive analysis, and retargeting capabilities. The document predicts that RTB will continue growing internationally and in video, and that more premium inventory will move to private exchanges.
The document discusses a case study of ESPN's InPlay mobile app, which provided a second screen experience for viewers watching the 2012 US Open Tennis Tournament. The app allowed users to participate in live trivia games and predictive questions related to the matches as well as view leaderboards and share on social media. It saw much higher than anticipated user traffic, with over 20,000 visitors per night and over 100,000 total users over the two week period. The case study examines best practices for driving audience engagement through mobile second screen experiences and key learnings around content, social integration, and measurement across platforms.
Fresh Digital Group provides mobile analytics and measurement services. They help organizations understand mobile usage trends, measure the results of their mobile marketing efforts, and optimize campaigns. Their services include collecting data on mobile traffic, apps, websites and ads to provide insights into consumer behavior and preferences. They also utilize predictive analytics to help companies increase user retention, engagement and revenue.
This document provides a mobile app pre-launch checklist to ensure an app is perfect for launch day. It recommends checking for bugs, establishing good user interface and user experience, perfecting design efforts, ensuring backend services are functioning properly, and that the end user license agreement and terms of service are clearly defined. The goal is to avoid common issues in the last 20% of development that can undermine an otherwise good app.
The Future of Social Media Marketing | skillfloor.pdfgchaitya21
The future of social media marketing involves evolving strategies to engage audiences through emerging platforms, advanced analytics, and personalized content. Marketers will need to adapt to new technologies, changing consumer behaviors, and privacy regulations to remain effective and relevant in the digital environment. Learn more
AI-Powered Partnerships: Revolutionizing Channel Marketing with Authentic Sto...vivienne56
Vivienne Mata, B2B Marketing Consultant, presents a comprehensive analysis of AI's transformative impact on channel marketing strategies. This authoritative slide deck examines the intersection of artificial intelligence and partner ecosystems, offering empirical insights into next-generation marketing methodologies. Mata delves into AI-driven partner engagement frameworks that are redefining industry benchmarks. The presentation provides a strategic roadmap for C-suite executives and senior marketing leaders to leverage AI for optimizing channel performance, enhancing ROI, and fostering sustainable competitive advantages in the rapidly evolving B2B landscape. Drawing from extensive market research and case studies, this deck is an essential resource for organizations seeking to harness AI's full potential in their channel marketing initiatives.
Key Topics Covered:
Marketing Mix:
Explanation of the marketing mix and its elements: Product, Price, Place, Promotion.
Introduction to the 3 additional P’s: People, Process, Physical Evidence.
Distribution Channels:
Overview of different distribution channels: direct and indirect.
Types of distribution channels:
Zero Level: Direct-to-consumer model.
One Level: Producer to retailer to consumer.
Two Level: Producer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer.
Three Level: Producer to jobber to wholesaler to retailer to consumer.
Hybrid: Combination of direct and indirect channels.
Traditional Media Channels:
Various traditional media channels and their characteristics:
Print (Newspapers, Magazines)
Outdoor Advertising (Billboards, Transit Ads)
Advantages and disadvantages of traditional media channels.
Digital Media Channels:
Introduction to digital media channels and their impact:
Email Marketing
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Online Display Ads
Video Marketing (YouTube, Vimeo)
Pros and cons of digital media channels.
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Build Stunning Websites with DigitalSouls' Web Development Servicesmultiwoodpk1
Create a captivating online presence with DigitalSouls' web development services. As a leading digital marketing agency in Canada, we specialize in designing and developing user-friendly, responsive websites that reflect your brand's identity. Our skilled web developers ensure your site is optimized for performance, speed, and SEO, providing an exceptional user experience that drives engagement and conversions.
Digital Wolf: Premier Digital Marketing Agency, KolkataDigital Wolf
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About Jus Agency
Jus Agency, founded by Julia Ager in 2019, is a leading marketing agency with over 12 years of global advertising experience. We manage annual marketing budgets ranging from $30,000 to $1,000,000+, providing expert marketing solutions to diverse sectors including tech, healthcare, ecommerce, and more.
Marketing Strategy and Execution
Our JusX Strategy Framework delivers impactful marketing strategies tailored to your business needs. We conduct in-depth market research, competitor analysis, and develop customized marketing plans to ensure maximum ROI. Our strategies cover brand messaging, online presence, lead generation, social media marketing, and email marketing.
Fractional CMO and Expert Marketing Managers
Experience unparalleled marketing leadership with our Fractional CMO service. Our expert marketing managers bring over 50 years of combined international marketing experience to your business. Services include strategic planning, team building, and implementation of advanced systems and processes to streamline operations and boost efficiency.
Google Ads Management
Maximize your online visibility with our Google Ads services. Our certified team conducts extensive keyword research, creates compelling ad copy, manages campaign bids, and provides custom weekly and monthly reporting. We optimize your campaigns daily to ensure the highest ROI.
Client Success Stories
Explore our portfolio to see the success stories of our clients across various sectors:
Tech: Comprehensive marketing strategies, SEO, content creation, and social media management.
Healthcare: Web development, email marketing, clinic branding, and digital billboards.
Ecommerce: Website management, corporate branding, email campaigns, and ad management.
Service Ad Agencies: Launch strategies for platforms like Workplace by Facebook, event management, and content creation.
Personal Branding: Social media marketing, B2B lead generation, and corporate speaking engagements.
Results-Driven Approach
At Jus Agency, we deliver tangible results. Our clients have seen significant increases in sales revenue, conversion rates, staff engagement, and partnership opportunities. We provide flexible retainer support to meet your evolving business needs.
Contact Us
For expert marketing services that drive business growth, contact Jus Agency today. Visit for more information and to access a wealth of free marketing resources. Reach out to for tailored marketing solutions that elevate your business.
Get the information regarding consumer behavior with this detailed presentation, designed to offer a thorough understanding of how individuals, groups, and organizations select, buy, use, and dispose of goods and services.
Key Topics Covered:
Introduction to Consumer Behavior:
Definition and importance of studying consumer behavior.
Exploration of how consumer behavior influences marketing strategies.
Psychological Processes:
How consumers perceive, learn, and form attitudes about products and services.
Key psychological factors: motivation, perception, learning, beliefs, and attitudes.
Decision-Making Processes:
Steps consumers take from recognizing a need to post-purchase evaluation.
Types of buyer behavior:
Complex Buying Behavior: High involvement with significant differences between brands.
Dissonance-Reducing Buying Behavior: High involvement with few perceived differences.
Habitual Buying Behavior: Low involvement with few perceived differences.
Variety-Seeking Buying Behavior: Low involvement with significant differences between brands.
External Influences:
Cultural, social, and environmental factors that affect consumer choices.
Examples of cultural influences like festivals and social classes affecting purchasing behavior.
Personal Influences:
Individual characteristics such as age, lifestyle, economic status, and occupation that shape consumer behavior.
The impact of personal factors like lifestyle choices and personality traits on purchasing decisions.
Marketing Implications:
How understanding consumer behavior can enhance marketing strategies.
Developing targeted marketing, improving customer satisfaction, forecasting market trends, and optimizing pricing strategies.
Enhancing product positioning and competitive differentiation through consumer insights.
mike waizman marketing portfolio projects 2024Mike Waizman
The portfolio document summarizes multiple projects from 2024, including a Facebook campaign that gained 39,362 new page subscribers. It also provides details on several advertising campaigns run on different platforms and projects, including their budgets, reach, clicks, and results. The largest campaign was for the Russian site, which gained over 140 million views per month during the campaign.
Boost Your Business Sales with the Power of AI & SEODigital Deep Tech
Boost Your Business Sales with the Power of AI & SEO
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for businesses aiming to boost sales. Combining these two powerful tools can drive more traffic to your website, increase conversions, and elevate your overall marketing strategy.
The Role of AI in SEO
Artificial Intelligence involves using advanced algorithms and machine learning to analyze data and automate processes that typically require human intelligence. In SEO, AI can enhance various aspects:
Keyword Research: AI tools analyze vast amounts of data to identify high-performing keywords and trends. This helps you target the right keywords, ensuring your content ranks higher on search engines.
Content Optimization: AI can generate content ideas based on user preferences and trending topics. This ensures your content is relevant, engaging, and optimized for search engines, improving your site’s visibility.
User Experience: AI analyzes user behavior to provide insights on improving site navigation, loading speed, and overall user experience, all of which are critical factors for SEO.
Voice Search Optimization: With the rise of voice-activated devices, optimizing for voice search is crucial. AI helps understand natural language patterns, ensuring your content is voice search-friendly.
Implementing AI and SEO Strategies
To effectively leverage AI and SEO, follow these steps:
Invest in AI Tools: Utilize AI-powered tools for keyword research, content creation, and data analysis. Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and HubSpot offer AI features to enhance your SEO efforts.
Focus on Quality Content: Create high-quality, relevant content that addresses your audience’s needs. Use AI insights to identify trending topics and optimize your content for SEO.
Optimize for Mobile and Voice Search: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and optimized for voice search. Mobile and voice search are becoming increasingly popular, and optimizing for these can boost your SEO rankings.
Monitor and Adjust: Regularly monitor your AI and SEO performance using analytics tools. Adjust your strategies based on data insights to continuously improve your results.
Combining AI and SEO is a game-changer for businesses looking to boost their sales. By leveraging AI’s data-driven insights and SEO’s visibility enhancement, you can attract more targeted traffic, provide personalized experiences, and ultimately increase your conversions. Start implementing AI and SEO strategies today and watch your business sales soar!
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The Social Key is full service digital marketing establishment known for its innovative and result-driven strategies. We offer best-in-class tailored services to meet the specific needs of every type of business.With a common goal of utilizing social media to build the gap between companies and their target markets. We are online advisors and work for different types of brands. Our team is full of energy and produces innovative digital marketing solutions that yield measurable outcomes.
🚀 Excited to Share Our Comprehensive Analysis on Ather! 🚀
I am thrilled to share a presentation that our team recently completed on Ather, focusing on an in-depth brand and customer analysis. This was a group project that brought together diverse expertise and insights, resulting in a holistic examination of Ather's market positioning and customer engagement strategies.
📊 Project Contributors:
@Deepyanti Maskara - Social Media Marketing Expert
@Siddhesh Kondaskar
@Sudip Ghimire
@Leah CX
Key Highlights of Our Analysis:
🔍 Buyer Persona & Customer Journey
In my role, I concentrated on developing detailed buyer personas and mapping out the customer journey. Understanding our customers' motivations, challenges, and decision-making processes allowed us to create targeted strategies that resonate with Ather's audience.
💡 Brand Analysis
We delved into Ather's brand identity, evaluating its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis). This helped us identify areas where Ather can enhance its brand equity and customer loyalty.
🔄 Customer Engagement
Our analysis also included a thorough examination of Ather's customer engagement tactics across various platforms. We assessed how effectively Ather communicates with its audience and the impact of these interactions on customer satisfaction and retention.
Key Takeaways:
Customer-Centric Strategies: Emphasizing a customer-first approach in all touchpoints can significantly boost brand loyalty.
Data-Driven Insights: Leveraging data to understand customer behavior and preferences leads to more personalized and effective marketing strategies.
Innovative Engagement: Continuous innovation in engagement tactics keeps the brand relevant and top-of-mind for customers.
I am incredibly proud of the collaborative effort and the insights we uncovered. This project has been a valuable learning experience, and I am excited about the potential it holds for enhancing Ather's brand strategy.
Feel free to reach out if you'd like to discuss our findings in more detail or share your thoughts on Ather's customer engagement strategies!
#BrandAnalysis #CustomerJourney #BuyerPersona #MarketingStrategy #Ather #TeamWork #CustomerEngagement
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Ellerton & a bespoke public relations and integrated marketing communications agency in Southeast Asia that drives brand advocacy, reputation building and customer engagement for companies.
Our team of international, multi award-winning consultants have partnered with a diverse clientele – from Fortune 500 industry leaders to ambitious startups, Michelin-starred restaurants, hospitality and architecture.
Our innovative approach ensures that a brand’s narrative is consistently engaging through social media, traditional media or physical events. We start and end with your business goals and objectives in mind – whether it is to build awareness and brand love, to drive sales, to excite investors, regulators and key stakeholders, or quite simply, to build a stronger brand.
Visit our website:
3. 30 Years Old, is SXSWi Still Relevant?
As the conference has shifted and evolved over the years, the question of whether SXSW is still worth
the hype, the answer is YES. 30 years ago Hugh Forrest came up with an idea to have a place where
innovators, entrepreneurs and leaders come to share ideas and push boundaries. 30 years later, it
has become the “toast” of innovation.
SXSW Interactive used to be the bad stepchild of music but now it’s heart of the project. SXSW Edu,
Sports, and Music spawn off of interactive. The path of convergence has lifted interactive to the
forefront of the weeklong activities.
The FDG team looks at SXSW to gain insight on what is relevant: Here is our take of what went
down... Hugh Forrest, director of SXSW Interactive, says that the brand takeover of
the festival is "reflective of the current environment we live in and the
current landscape we live in”
4. SXSW Benefits
SXSW provides immediate intellectual stimulation that can happen at any moment
with over 50 country representative to create an environment of exchange that is
● The networking possibilities are
endless and incredibly valuable
● The people make SXSW unique
with every year bringing new,
different, and worthwhile
experiences for festival goers
● It is a place to gain insight on the
latest trends from the best thought
leaders and tell your story
● It is also a good place for startups
to get some ground on their work
and the digital community to make
essential connections
● SXSW strengthens the ecosystem
and gives brands the opportunity to
6. Temple Grandin
Grandin is a Professor of Livestock Behavior & Welfare at
Colorado State University
There are three basic ways that people think differently when
solving problems:
• Photo realistic, visual, pattern mathematical, which is the
way most engineers think, and word verbal thinking
When projects are being designed, people with different ways of
thinking complement each other.
7. Ayah Bdeir In Conversation with Sean Cavanagh
Bdeir is the Founder & CEO of littleBits and Cavanagh is the editor of
Education Week
Bdeir discussed the role of maker education in classrooms, libraries
and makerspaces.
Using examples of students solving real world
problems using littleBits and other maker tools, Bdeir
argued that maker education should push beyond
career preparation and strive to create active and
creative citizens of the world.
8. Jane McGonigal
Director of Games Research & Development, Institute for the
• McGonigal is best known for her work as a pioneering
game designer and author of the bestselling books
Reality is Broken and SuperBetter and has also spent
the past decade working as a futurist.
She taught us how to think and learn like a futurist
• The key is to keep a focus on what is coming and
behave accordingly
9. College Success: Is there an App for That
9% of students from low-income communities earn a bachelor’s degree by their mid-20s vs 77%
of wealthy students.
Beyond 12, launched in 2010, has coached over 7,000 college students using near-peer, virtual
coaches and an analytics platform.
• While its current model works, the organization aspires to serve 250,000+ students annually
With the help of visionary funders like Google, the
Michael and Susan Dell Foundation, Tipping Point
Community, and the creative minds at IDEO, Beyond
12 is re-imagining college coaching to scale its
student impact, and create a human-centered
design model for the field.
12. Out with Emojis, In with Snapchat Filters
Geofilters took over the digital world of SXSW this
year with companies leveraging the filter's
geotargeting capability.
Attendees were able to share what they were up to
with a filter connected to what they were
experiencing in real time.
Some of the best filters at SXSW 2016 include
Vans, Mr. Robot (our favorite), Spotify, and
Samsung. Filters Continued
14. Japanese roboticist Hiroshi Ishiguro brought along several foot-high
robots he calls “consumers” and a full-scale, lifelike, android
resembling himself.
• The Ishiguro android held two unassisted conversations – one in
English, another in Japanese – that seemed to have the
spontaneity and inflection of a human interaction
Out with Human Intelligence, In with AI
Robotics and artificial intelligence have seized media and
consumer interest.
Social roboticist Cynthia Breazeal from MIT talked about
emotive computing and introduced an emotive AI called Jibo,
one of the most advanced robots on display at SXSW this
15. Out with Gamergate, In with Apple vs FBI
The heavily politicized standoff has pitted
one of the world's most powerful
companies against the top law-
enforcement agency in the country.
• Positioned the tech industry and
privacy advocates against the
federal government and national
security stalwarts
John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight
segment aired the Sunday of the festival
and got people at SXSW talking about
the issue of privacy and what a “master
key” could mean for Americans.
17. Obama Keynote Speech
Interviewed by Evan Smith
● Founder of The Texas Tribune
● Did not shy away from asking the questions President Obama did not
necessarily want to answer
Topics Covered
● Government Services and
● Voting
● Technological Divide
● Apple/FBI Privacy Situation
18. POTUS: Government Services and Technology
The President spoke about new efforts to make government services easier through
● FAFSA made easier and more electronic
● Social Security can now be applied for online
● Allows government to tackle big problems in new ways
● Need to use Big Data to make civic participation easier
● Things like increasing voting rates
Making sure community organizations—
activists—can get together
19. POTUS: Call to Action in Tech World
The big theme was Obama’s pitch for the crowd to help him—or more accurately, his
successor—find technological solutions to many of the problems that make people’s
interactions with government difficult.
On the subject of voting, the President was blunt: after calling for increased use of
technology to make the voting process more streamlined, he pointed out that the United
States is the only advanced democracy in the world that makes it harder for people to
● “The United States take enormous pride in the fact that they’re the world’s oldest
consistent democracy but… it’s much easier for people to order pizza or organize a
trip than it is to take part in the most important part of democracy.”
20. POTUS: The Balance of Privacy and Safety
The issue of security took up nearly a third of the discussion
● Nodding at the current fight between Apple and the FBI, President Obama noted
there are legitimate concerns on both sides of the debate
He told the crowd we accept there needs to be a balance between privacy and security
in many other areas of our lives, citing drunk-driver checkpoints and warrant-enabled
searched of private residences as examples.
The danger, he warned, is that if nothing is done now to provide law enforcement access
to critical private data while protecting privacy, it’s likely that the issue will be handled
badly in the future.
21. Keynote Speaker Michelle Obama
She shared the stage with Missy Elliott, Diane Warren,
Sophia Bush and Queen Latifah for a broad discussion of
music, activism, and diversity.
Michelle Obama spoke at SXSW Music, hosting a keynote
to discuss Let Girls Learn, a White House initiative
dedicated to educating girls around the world.
The campaign, #62MillionGirls on social media, is
intended to help the 62 million girls around the world who
are prevented from getting an education.
22. “We’re Not Gonna Take It: Ad Blocking and User Revolt”
● Ben Williams, Head of Operations at Adblock
● Lewis Dvorkin, Chief Productions Officer at
Forbes Media
● Marjorie Gray, Digital Brand Manager at Dish
● Rob Griffin, Chief Innovation Officer at Almighty
The panel prompted us to ask the questions:
● Are ad-blocking users “stealing” content
without paying in ad views?
● Is it the publishers and advertisers’ own fault?
● Most importantly, how is this problem to be
Media consumers don’t like the ad-cluttered
user experience
23. “Visual Media Strategies for Nonprofits”
• Marcia Stepanek, New Media Directory/Faculty Member at
Columbia University
The presentation was a four-hour workshop to help nonprofits
learn to build a cutting-edge visual media strategy to make, share
and curate better stories.
These stories could be anything from infographics to maps to
videos, a series of photographs.
The workshop concluded with a lesson on distributing these stories effectively cross-
channels, using the latest mobile apps and media platforms.
24. “The Eyes of Robots and Murderers”
● Andrew Jarecki: American Film Director and
Co-founder of Moviefone
● JJ Abrams: Founder and President of Bad
Robot Productions
The presentation was a conversation between
the two presenters about the relevance of the
human factor in digital communications.
Advances in digital storytelling tools have
enhanced storytellers’ ability to create but also
pose the risk of overtaking the story and losing
the viewer in CGI.
They also unveiled unseen clips and introduced
KnowMe, a new mobile video platform for
authentic self-expression.
25. “We the People: Using Tech to Solve Big Challenges”
• Aden Van Noppen: Advisor to the Us CTO, Executive Office Of The
• Clarence Wardell: US Digital Service, The White House
• Haley Van Dyck: Deputy Administrator, US Digital Service
• Megan Smith: US Chief Technology Officer, White House Office Of Science
& Technology
Specifically, the team will look at:
● Data-driven justice and building trust
● Digital government and the Obama
● Accelerating opportunity creation
In this session, presenters discussed efforts to
drive change at the Federal level, as well as
innovations taking place in communities around
the country.
26. Anthony Bourdain as Interviewed by Nathan Thornburgh
Bourdain became a partner in Roads & Kingdoms, a digital media
startup and gave insight on his success.
• Not caring what people think of his work is his business
• Don’t worry what other people might think of you or the
content you put out there
Bourdain’s ability to ignore if his content might bother people is
proof that it can ultimately lead to success
27. Kevin Plank Under Armor
Under Armor Principles to Making Profit
1. Make great products
2. Tell a great story
3. Service the business
4. Build a great team
Plank believes loving your business is at the heart of success.
He gave us expert advice on how to achieve in business and
lead your brand in the right direction:
• Everything needs a tangible benefit with the first
obligation to stay in business
• Start with being an expert in your terrain
• There is nothing static about a brand: it ebbs, flows, and
evolves constantly focuses on the consumer’s wants
and needs.
• A good director will give you perspective: Here’s what I
heard, here’s what I think, here’s what we’re going to do.
• Never stand when you can sit.
28. Brand Innovator: Mark Cuban
Mark Cuban is a strong believer that effort is the one thing you can
control in business. At SXSW he stresses this philosophy; it’s a grind,
but it is important not to lose track of that.
Cuban discouraged entrepreneurs from mimicking ideas
that already exist, such as trying to be the next Uber.
True entrepreneurs learn by researching similar business
concepts that have failed
● “Look where the bullets hit the companies that
might have been there before you and look to see
what went out of business. Assume somebody’s
done it before and failed.”
30. Storytelling Takes the Stage
Old dogs – analog brands – are testing new tricks for
news and storytelling with digital tools.
USA Today announced that it was developing “the
first branded news experience presented in virtual
reality,” which it’s calling ‘Vrtually.’
● Its VR newscast will debut this spring with
regularly scheduled segments and advertising
units available in VR.
Other media brands experimenting with VR
journalism include:
● The New York Times
● The United Nations
● The Washington Post
● Time Inc.’s Sports Illustrated
31. Virtual Reality is Everywhere at SX Interactive
Panels were on tap to discuss everything from
Cinematic VR, virtual football, and VR storytelling to city
planning using social VR.
Additionally, there were various branded
installations such as the Samsung Gear VR
Lounge and the McDonald’s Loft.
Marketers must pay attention to Gear VR as
it will quickly become one of the most
accessible forms of VR for consumers.
32. Entrim 4D by Samsung
Samsung released their new VR accessory designed to
combat the problem of motion sickness in VR users.
Entrim 4D sends electrical messages through
electrode-equipped headphones to a nerve in the
user's ear.
The idea, eventually, is to use the same technology to
create a sensation of rotational motion and make the
user feel like they are moving along with their virtual
33. Virtual Beer Experience
For their big activation, Anheuser-Busch transformed
Austin's Ironwood Hall into the Budweiser Beer Garage.
A big attraction to the activation (besides the beer) was
the 4-D Immersive Reality Budweiser Brewery Tour.
● Attendees strap on a VR headset and are transported
to Anheuser-Busch's St. Louis facility where they go
on a multi-sensory journey, getting to see, hear,
smell—and finally taste—how Budweiser is made.
34. Google VR Happy Hour and Fiber Space
Google held two VR activations
The first, VR Happy Hour, was a chance for festival
goers to try out a new 360 photo booth then watch a
Tilt Brush (app for 3D painting in virtual reality) demo.
The second, Google Fiber Space, allowed users to
demo — essentially play with — Google VR as well
as build Google's Next Big Thing in the Cloud studio.
35. Samsung Gear VR Lounge
The activation allowed users to try out the Samsung
Gear VR while seated in a 4D motion simulated chair for
a fully immersive virtual reality experience.
Users were able to virtually ride two of Six Flags
Signature Roller Coasters.
● Twisted Colossus: a dual rollercoaster with plenty of
twists and turns
● Tatsu: a hanging roller coaster complete with a
breathtaking sky view
36. NASA
NASA has been at SXSW hoping to inform people that
the National Aeronautics Space Administration is alive
and well.
They set up an activation with virtual reality films and
other displays (20-foot-by-30-foot booth with a 30-foot
inflatable depiction of the SLS rocket) to show the future
of crewed shuttle missions.
The activation featured two VR setups:
• The first was an Oculus Rift VR piece that allowed
viewers to ride to the top of the 300 foot tall SLS
• The second was a Google Cardboards setup walking
users around Mars
37. The New York Time and VR News
In a panel titled "New York Times Reality Through VR-Tinted Glasses" The New York
Times' CEO, Mark Thompson, and new media columnist, Jim Rutenberg, discussed
how VR is changing the way news publishers can fully immerse the "reader" in a story.
The Times has already committed to putting money into a full slate of VR films in 2016.
The panel educated journalists and anyone interested in the possibilities of VR (read: us)
for news organizations and marketers.
39. Gnack
Gnack helps brands and agencies
programmatically purchase user-generated
content from Snapchat and Instagram
influencers and micro influencers (people
with 10,000 followers on a given platform).
Snapchat and Instagram stars log into their
Facebook accounts and the system will
automatically analyze their social profile
and further pair them with brands.
Brands enter a parameters
● Campaign objectives
● Price they are willing to pay
● Target demographics
● Preferred hashtags
● Desired number of influencers
40. Hooch
This membership cocktail app seemed to be in every nook and
cranny of SXSW, promoting their launch to the Austin market.
Members get one drink a day at hundreds of venues for $9.99 per
month (less than the price of one cocktail in most cities).
It is currently live in NY, LA, Miami, Dallas, and now Austin (with
amazing expansion cities coming in a matter of weeks.
This app is a no-brainer if you like to try new bars and restaurants
and the advertising opportunities run the gamut from obvious
endemic liquor/retail applications to more integrated plays for
urban adults with discretionary income.
41. Ditty
An app that sings your text as a song of your choosing then overlays images and videos over
your singing text, making your message into a video.
As a brand, you could use your iconic jingle or imagery and allow fans of your brands to
interact in unique ways.
Users have to pay to unlock premium songs but have some limited access for free.
42. Recess
RECESS Music + Ideas Festival took place on college campuses
across the nation.
They have also been able to spot musical up-and-comers for their
tour from Calvin Harris to Chain Smokers.
At SXSW this year, they launched an online destination for the 18-
25 year olds that flock to their events.
43. Dynamite!
The app provides users with video face masks and audio
filters that allow people to craft uniquely personal
stories and seamlessly share them across social
You can mask yourself with anyone from athletes to
superheroes and even use custom masks you create as
A unique feature is that users can utilize multiple masks per
45. Mobcrush
Mobcrush is a mobile game streaming platform
that enables anyone with a mobile device to
start streaming live gameplay to a vibrant
community of gamers, influencers and
developers with just a tap.
Mobcrush is currently in open beta, with a full
launch coming soon to Android, iOS, Web, Mac
and PC.
46. Hum On! by Samsung
Hum On! scores, arranges, and shares melodies hummed by the user.
The app transcribes the melodies into musical notations and then plays it back according to
the user's selected style (R&B, classical, or rock) in just a few minutes.
Users can then share their songs on social media or use them for their own purposes.
47. Waffle by Samsung
Samsung released their new social media content-sharing application.
The user interface that resembles the grid on a waffle and can be customized by users.
The app lets users create a new feed of expandable content or add to existing related
48. Down to Lunch
Down To Lunch, a new phone app created to make
scheduling lunch dates and other social gatherings easier.
The app itself is a button that users press when they are
available to eat or, in more recent versions, to meet up to
hang out with friends.
It instantly notifies all users' friends on the app that he or
she wants to meet to eat, and friends who are interested
text back.
49. Gotta Go!
Gotta Go! is your free excuse-to-leave generator, made by comedian
Chelsea Handler.
If you find yourself in an awkward conversation or anytime you need
an excuse to leave, Gotta Go will send you a text with something
Everything is customizable, from the type of excuse to the time and
frequency of when your phone starts buzzing.
50. Peach
A blank canvas for posting anything from images, links,
GIFs, to 6-second clips (fun fact: the app was created
by the founder of Vine).
If you’re not sure what to post, the app will ask you
some questions so you can post your answers
• Example: “What is your favorite food?”
All of it goes to your Home where people can like your
stuff and comment on it.
No “direct” messaging here, all out in the open like
51. The List App
The List App is a new way to create and discover lists about
anything and everything
• Share your experiences, opinions, and expertise and
enjoy lists from friends and the leading voices in TV & film,
music, food, sports, news, fashion, comedy and more in a
vibrant and positive community.
You can follow people, get notified when they create and add
to a list, and even “request a list” from other people.
53. Robots Replacing Humans?
During a keynote conversation, Rodney Brooks, Chairman of Rethink
Robotics and former director of the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab,
predicted that the future of Uber and Lyft is in robotics.
The next big breakthrough, he predicted, would be evolving from
robotic floor cleaners to eldercare
• His main reasoning was that the global population is aging and
young people simply won’t want to care for geriatric citizens, which
will necessitate robots capable of performing those tasks
In fact, he described the next generation of self-driving cars as
“eldercare robots,” because they will help older people retain their
mobility and autonomy.
54. Robotic Innovation and the Importance of Patents
Pepper, the robot from SoftBank, made an appearance at a panel
hosted by Mashable chief correspondent Lance Ulanoff and
featured Rodolphe Gelin, EVP and chief scientific officer at
Aldebaran, SoftBank Robotics
The Innovation Alliance and Save the Inventor created a patched-
together towering robot and asked people to take their photo with
the robot and tweet on Twitter with the hashtag #PatentsMatter,
bringing awareness to U.S. patents
• The organization also wants to promote innovation in the U.S.
to help America's economy flourish and thrive
55. Lifelike Robots Engagement
Japanese roboticist Hiroshi Ishiguro presented lifelike android resembling himself called Geminoid.
The Ishiguro android held two unassisted conversations – one in English, another in Japanese – that
seemed to have the spontaneity and inflection of a human interaction.
The robotics group at SXSW also
included the Telenoid, which looks
neither lifelike nor particularly robotic.
In experiments by Ishiguro and fellow
researchers, the Telenoid helped to
draw out some dementia patients who
were wary of interaction with human-
like robots.
56. Artificial Intelligence
As artificial intelligence systems gain more control over
users’ information, it is important that there is a common
understanding between companies, users, and the
systems of how data is being collected and used.
Robots replaced blue collar jobs in the Industrial
Revolution, and now it seems that white collar jobs are
The three expert panelists, however, claimed that AI was simply better at connecting the
dots, and actually doing something with those connected dots should be left to the
57. AI & Big Data
Kris Hammond, a “Narrative Scientist” and professor, is
working on a program that will analyze big data and
deliver the results to you.
• Hammond believes humans are far more inclined to
engage with data if it resonates with them
o As storytelling is an integral part of the human
experience, they chose that method
• This could improve company campaigns and
meetings, allowing people to focus on actually
creating a product with the data instead of focusing
on the data collection itself.
58. Public Policy of AI
Rayid Ghani, director of the Center for Data Science and
Public Policy, was the more cautious voice at SXSW.
He stressed that while customized ads and programming are
great, researchers need to consider the ethical issues of AI.
We may be susceptible to AI segregating certain groups of
people when it comes to loan applications, political views, or
even medical care.
Rayid stressed that it is the role of the researcher to always
question the machine on how it reached those decisions.
59. AI & Education
Dr. Doug Lenat with Cycorp discussed how AI can be used to
improve the human experience, from governments to
households to education.
We now know that humans learn information more efficiently
when they need to teach it to others.
Dr. Lenat is working on AI that is always slightly more
confused than the student, so the student is consequently
learning and becoming more confident in their own
knowledge through teaching their AI counterpart.
61. Social Media to Social Messaging
The focus of many panels is discussing the shift that’s happening with consumers
moving from social media to social messaging.
• This includes the rise of the conversational user experience as well as the next
multibillion-dollar opportunity: marketing in messaging.
Platforms such as Twitter are integrating features
normally associated with the more private Snapchat
Facebook views Messenger as a primary commerce
driver moving forward
62. Dark Social
Dark social is the sharing activity that is somewhat
invisible to traditional analytics.
It’s the culmination of referrals and sharing of content
that originates from instant messages, emails containing
links, and, most recently, the rise of ephemeral social
communication platforms such as Snapchat, WeChat,
and WhatsApp.
Marketers need to start thinking about dark social and its
role as part of their customer experience.
63. New Ad Formats
BuzzFeed unveiled Swarm, a new ad format to create mass awareness of an event to
gather a swarm of people.
• The format allows advertisers to launch a campaign across all of BuzzFeed’s
social accounts: Facebook, Snapchat Discover, YouTube, Vine, Instagram and
AdBlock Plus indicated they will be releasing a new revenue
model for publishers.
• Speculation surrounds the idea that publishers could be
able to pay to get their ads unblocked.
65. FDG’s SXSW Squad
With a team from 5 countries and 7 states, FDG’s
global baller team was able to truly experience
dozens of events, takeover the W hotel, and even
provide interactive fun at the mashable party.
66. American Greetings Activation
The greeting card company decided it would disrupt the tech focus of SXSW with a wholly analog
activation and promote why paper still matters.
The event included:
• Engaging in paper-based crafts like do-it-
yourself printmaking and pop-up cards
• Learn about lettering techniques from an
American Greetings' artist,
• Get a selfie stitched with thread by fashion
designer Michael-Birch Pierce
• Fill in a coloring-book mural by Kelsey
• Create an analog GIF and then record a video
to share on social
67. The activation included:
• The DJI Phantom 4 Hologram Experience
o Users were converted to a hologram and
flew a hologram drone with their arms
• A chance to win a brand new Phantom4 drone
• Make history and be part of the largest
crowdsourced drone mosaic with DJI
• Test fly a drone
DJI Phantom 4 Lounge
68. USA Network's Mr. Robot returned to Austin after
premiering the show there last year to get fans
excited for the upcoming second season.
The activation includes
• 100-foot Ferris wheel designed to look like
Coney Island's famed Wonder Wheel
• F Society hacker den on Coney Island
The activation was designed in part to spark
conversation on social media.
Mr. Robot Activation
69. Disney erected a 20-foot tall TIE Fighter to promote The Force Awakens.
The display was a pleasant surprise for festival-goers as Disney had kept the
construction of the giant TIE Fighter a relative secret.
Star War Activation
The activation was right near “SouthBites”,
a collection of food trucks, so that hungry
passersby could stop to take a picture with
the space ship.
70. Deloitte RAC Party
At #ARCafterDark Deloitte Digital brought early concert
performances from the world’s top indie bands.
Deloitte Digital’s Interplay featured
• Grammy-nominated artist RAC performed live
sets inside a massive sound-light installation
• Lab Oberhofer
• Baio
71. Mashable House was bigger and better than ever because this
year, we brought you to the future - to the Internet of the future.
Mashable’s Austin, Texas digs, now a staple of the festival,
serve as a way for the digital-only Mashable to interact with its
readers and fans in the real world.
• Roughly 7,000 guests showed up over three days
Pepsi, Qualcomm, Amazon Launchpad, Las Vegas Convention
and Visitors Authority, Facebook, Hasbro's Transformers,
Quaker and HBO all had activations in the House.
Mashable House
72. The night was filled with surprise giveaways and late-night
snacks to get partiers in the mood for dancing.
Featuring DJ sets from:
• Brooklyn-based MICK
• Former Northern State MC DJ Hesta Prynn
Some celebrities to show up included:
● Anna Kendrick and Adam Devine from
the Blockbuster Pitch Perfect
● The cast of HBO Silicon Valley
● Transformers, BB8, and VR also made
features at the event
73. The New York Times Magazine took to SXSW to
celebrate the inaugural “Music Issue” at Easy Tiger in
The event featured music by DJ Chris Rose, the band
Hard Proof, and a menu courtesy of Franklin Barbecue.
The party also featured The Optimist Index,
from OppenheimerFunds, where guests
participated in an experience to find out how
optimistic they are about the world we live in.
74. BuzzFeed #BFFClubhouse
BuzzFeed hosted a party at the #BFFClubhouse featuring
• BFF Illustrators doing caricatures
• The Foodstagram set helping you take the best food photos
ever imaginable
• Emoji fortune telling
• Vine booth
• Limited edition BFF totes for the first 200 people
• Custom swag when you sign up for Visa Checkout
• Free food from East Side King when you demo Apple Pay
with Visa
• DJ TJ Mizell
• Dark Horse Wine
75. Pandora Discovery Den
Pandora hosted its fifth annual Discovery Den with incredible
performances from a diverse group of 39 acts across dance, Americana,
hip hop/R&B, and rock genres; our favorite was G Eazy.
Tied the activation into content with exclusive 30 Years of SXSW mixtape
featuring music from past performers, including:
• Beastie Boys
• Florence and the Machine
• Katy Perry
• Lil’ Wayne
• Mumford & Sons
76. Funny or Die
Funny or Die Junction took over an awesome east side venue this year for
a two-day comedy and music event.
Penguin Prison brought the music and celebrities along featuring:
• Tracey Morgan
• Ghostface Killah
• Raekwon of Wu-Tang Clan
77. McDonald's has been rolling out futuristic kiosks in its stores that let
you create your own custom burgers at the VIP Lounge.
• The kiosks let you customize your burger with toppings like
guacamole, bacon, and sriracha mayo.
• To pay you just swipe your card at the bottom on the kiosk, no
cashier required.
McDonald's VIP Lounge & VR
Designed for the HTC Vive, users can immerse themselves in a world
where they paint the inside of a gigantic Happy Meal box with gobs of
virtual reality paint
● McDonald's restaurants in Sweden are distributing Happy Meal
boxes that can turn into a VR headset
● The "Happy Goggles," allows users to play a virtual reality skiing
78. SXSW Interactive
Although some people have doubted the value of attending South by Southwest
Interactive this year, we are here to prove that this is still and forever will be the
country’s best gathering of creative minds.
Missing out on SX is one of the worst things a tech/creative/digital/smart person can do.
The opportunities for intelligent
communication are endless and the reason
SX Interactive will never disappear!