Don’t Expect to Be a Self-Made Millionaire Without these 10 Attributes. Adapted from Rhett Power’s 10 Steps to becoming a self made millionaire, we made a simple infographic that lists these 10 attributes of self-made millionaires.
Productivity Facts Every Employee Should KnowRobert Half
Tuesday is consistently found to be the most productive day of the week for employees according to multiple surveys of HR managers and executives over several decades. Employees are generally least productive between 4-6pm and the week before a major holiday. Taking vacations can boost productivity as employees tend to be more productive after a vacation when returning well-rested and recharged.
24 Time Management Hacks to Develop for Increased ProductivityIulian Olariu
These are some ideas I talk about in my Time Management training sessions. Try to approach each of them and develop in a new habit, in order to increase your productivity and manage your time better. Don't forget to share if you find them useful!
9 Unique Traits of High-Performing
High-performing teams have several traits in common that make them successful. Some of the key traits include embracing diversity of backgrounds, prioritizing work-life balance for all members, and maintaining laser-like focus on goals. These teams also engage well together both during formal meetings and outside of meetings through open communication. Fostering strengths of all members, healthy debates, and group cohesion are other characteristics of top teams.
How to Be Happy at Work - 10 Simple Tips That WorkD B
Do you want to learn how to be happy at work? Here are 10 simple things that you can do that are proven to work.
By Officevibe, the Simplest Employee Engagement tool
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24 Productivity Habits of Successful People - by
These are the history’s most successful people. Being so successful, they must have failed more than others. They must have found how to make it work - in how they lived, their routines, their failures and their habits. Let’s look for theif formula for success, the tips and tricks they used to be successful at what they did best. Anything you may find inspiring?
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10 Practical Ways to Be More Efficient at
Efficiency has always been an ongoing process that you will keep fine tuning for the rest of your life. However, when it comes down to being efficient at work, there are whole industries coming up with solutions. We at Weekdone gathered the 10 best ways to be more efficient at work that we believe to be simple, practical and proven to make you more efficient at work.
9 Ways to Be More Productive - Backed by ScienceD B
Everyone wants to be more productive. Officevibe created a presentation to help explain science-based ways to be more productive. All of them are simple to do and free.
You can read the entire article on our blog:
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10 Shocking Stats About Disengaged EmployeesOfficevibe
Here are 10 shocking stats about employee engagement that our researchers have found. This infographic shows all that's wrong with disengaged employees.
Read more on Officevibe Blog:
Download the most comprehensive guide to having engaged employees:
Use these 22 simple ways to boost job satisfaction:
Every startup begins with an idea. This is a talk on how to come up with startup ideas and how to use validation to pick the ones worth working on. It's based on the book "Hello, Startup" ( You can find the video of the talk here:
Discover The Top 10 Types Of Colleagues Around YouAnkur Tandon
The best part being with different colleagues is we learn a lot from them. Good or bad, sooner or later, better or best, we learn something unique from the different personalities working with and around us at our workplace. Read more interesting content, at - We intend to inform and inspire recruiters, job seekers and anyone with an interest in the workplace and HR technology.
Hope you enjoyed reading the Infographic.
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Here are a few tips on selling from David Ogilvy and other experts. Can you sell?
Enter the Search for the World's Greatest Salesperson. Deadline May 16, 2010 at
This short PowerPoint presentation shows five great ways to get the attention of your audience during your speech or sales pitch.
Try them out in your next speech and you will see how you can engage your audience with these simple tips.
This presentation was created 100% in PowerPoint by my presentation design agency Slides. We are based in Spain (Europe) but have clients worldwide.
Drop me an email and we will discuss your project.
The document discusses designing teams and processes to adapt to changing needs. It recommends structuring teams so members can work within their competencies and across projects fluidly with clear roles and expectations. The design process should support the team and their work, and be flexible enough to change with team, organization, and project needs. An effective team culture builds an environment where members feel free to be themselves, voice opinions, and feel supported.
Giving a presentation? It’s your job to keep people’s attention, but in our world of consistent sensory input, that’s becoming increasingly difficult to do. Winning over the hearts and minds of a distracted audience requires a killer presentation that makes both eyes and ears perk. Incorporate these elements in every PowerPoint presentation you create to make people forget about their email inbox and incoming texts for five minutes.
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10 Steps great leaders take when things go wrongGetSmarter
The document outlines 10 steps that great leaders take when things go wrong: 1) Accept that failure is inevitable. 2) Confront failure by reflecting on mistakes. 3) Be vulnerable by openly admitting mistakes. 4) Fail forward by changing perspectives and learning from failures. 5) Recover fast by helping people understand problems and providing solutions. 6) Fight back by rising above failure and looking for opportunities. 7) Make tough choices by deciding whether to abandon or continue with mistakes. 8) Realize their responsibility to influence others positively. 9) Take one for the team by supporting risky decisions. 10) Know when to take a step back to reflect on lessons learned.
Each one of us is called to greatness. We can have a significant impact on the world around us—if we so choose.
This is a stylization of an article by Robin Sharma, "11 Reminders for Your Greatness in 2016". Do check his web site -
This presentation is designed to stand alone, without having to be presented in person. Enjoy
How to be as Productive as US
US Presidency is considered one of the hardest jobs in the world. Presidents work hard 24 hours a day. How do they do it?
They have a lot of valuable insights you can use to be more productive yourself.
The document discusses common dolphins, including their scientific names as either short-beaked or long-beaked common dolphin. It notes their global range in oceans from Atlantic to Pacific and diet of fish and squid. Details are provided on their physical description of being under 9 feet long and 440 pounds, breeding habits of 12 month pregnancies and 2 year intervals between calves. Cool facts presented include jumping up to 20 feet and holding their breath for 30 minutes. Weird facts stated are sleeping with one eye open and using sonar to locate prey.
Whales and dolphins are mammals that live in ocean waters. They breathe air through blowholes, give birth to live babies that drink milk, and live together in family groups called pods. While whales and dolphins are closely related, they have different diets - whales have baleen plates or teeth to eat krill, plankton or fish depending on the species, while dolphins mostly eat fish and squid. Both whales and dolphins communicate through sounds and migrate long distances between feeding and breeding areas.
Yoga : What is Yoga? (All you need to know about World Yoga Day)Vertechx 9
Derived from the Sanskrit word yuj, Yoga means union of the individual consciousness or soul with the Universal Consciousness or Spirit. Yoga is a 5000 year old Indian body of knowledge.
The United Nations (UN) last Sep declared June 21 as the World's First International Yoga Day following a proposal by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and since then preparations were on in India to make the event historic and world class.
by Vertechx9
Yoga is not just physical exercises but a blend of physical and mental practices that purifies the intellect and leads to spiritual consciousness. There are different types of yoga including Hatha yoga which focuses on cleansing the mind and body, Karma yoga which emphasizes selfless service, Bhakti yoga which involves devotion to God, Jnana yoga focusing on knowledge, and Raja yoga which controls the mind through practices like meditation. Famous yogis have specialized in different types such as Mother Teresa in Karma yoga and Ramakrishna in Bhakti yoga. The ultimate goal of yoga is to unite the individual soul with the divine.
There’s more to employee wellness than what management perceives it to be. For example, the actual “way we work.”
Here at Officevibe we think the way that we work is becoming a bit outdated. We are facing a heavier “mental” workload, that typically requires us to be in front of a computer from the morning to the evening.
Not to mention the fact that we are living in a generation where management demands expedience for every task; This is messing up employee health, employee wellness (both physical and mental), and employee morale.
The mental fatigue that we face is worsened by the fact that we’re sitting down all day and we barely move around.
So, we have compiled a list of stretches that will ease the tension and help you function better and become a little healthier.
Read the full article:
The document provides information about the history and benefits of yoga. It discusses that yoga originated in ancient India and has roots as far back as the Indus Valley civilization from 3300-1300 BC. It summarizes the key aspects of yoga including the eight limbs defined by Patanjali - yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi. The benefits of yoga outlined include physical and spiritual purification, disease prevention and cure, stress reduction, flexibility, health improvement, and moral/ethical development.
The document discusses how stress, lack of sleep, and weight issues affect many Americans and provides yoga as a solution. It states that 62% of Americans experience work-related stress and over 30% of college students feel overwhelmed. Poor sleep is impacting 65% of Americans. Two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese. The document then explains how yoga can help relax the body and mind through controlled breathing. It recommends three yoga poses - a standing forward bend, side sleeping pose, and zero-point release - that can help induce sleep. Yoga is promoted as a way to reduce stress, anxiety, improve flexibility and strength, and support weight loss.
At Officevibe, we end our daily standup meetings with an inspirational quote to start the day on a positive note.
Whoever’s turn it is to speak holds a basketball, and the last one to speak has to come up with a quote of the day.
Everyone puts their finger on the ball, and when the quote is said, the ball gets thrown up in the air and we all say “think about it”, as a reminder to really let the hidden meaning of the quote sink in.
In 1934 the Academy Awards introduced a new category: Film Editing, awarding an Oscar to Conrad A. Nervig for his work on the movie Eskimo. Often called “the invisible art,” editing has made movies possible since they first began, but the field still struggles to gain the appreciation from the general public that it deserves. Not us. We've always been big fans. To celebrate the art of editing, we’ve put together a quick visual timeline spanning 125 years.
Yoga originated in ancient India over 4000 years ago and is described in early Hindu scriptures. It was systematically compiled by Sage Patanjali around 150 BC. Yoga involves eight limbs including physical postures, regulated breathing, meditation, and achieving self-realization. The physical aspects of yoga like poses help relax the body and mind, while the deeper spiritual practices of meditation and breath control allow practitioners to experience higher states of consciousness and union with the divine. Regular yoga practice has benefits for both physical and mental health and well-being.
Fundamental analysis and technical analysisMohammed Umair
This document discusses fundamental analysis techniques for evaluating securities. It defines fundamental analysis as focusing on underlying business factors like financials, management, and prospects to determine a security's value. The document outlines different levels of analysis, including analyzing the overall economy, individual industries, and specific companies. It provides examples of analyzing economic indicators, using Porter's Five Forces for industry analysis, evaluating competitors, and assessing profitability metrics. The goal of fundamental analysis is to answer questions about a company's growth, profits, competitive positioning, debt repayment ability, and accounting practices.
Employee motivation isn’t very hard to get right, but, unfortunately, many companies are still stuck in the past.
What truly motivates employees is the opportunity to grow and make a real difference in the world.
Intrinsic Vs. Extrinsic Motivators
There is so much debate on this subject that I want to try and explain it as simply as possible. When people make the argument that extrinsic motivators don’t work, the response will often be about money and a proper paycheck.
It’s true that everyone needs to earn a living. They have to pay the bills.
People also have to feel that they are fairly compensated for the amount of work that they do, this is what’s known as equity theory.
If it’s not an equal exchange, then the focus will be exclusively on that. But once the subject of compensation is taken off the table, what motivates employees long term are intrinsic motivators.
It’s pretty well known that more money doesn’t ever lead to anything effective. What usually ends up happening, is we adjust our lifestyles to account for the increase in money, so it makes no real difference. We’re often still in the same position financially at the end of the day.
What makes people happy is the feeling of pride from accomplishing something amazing
In one study, that Dan Pink talks about in his book Drive, looks at what happens with rewards and kids drawing.
Researchers divided the children into three groups.
The first was the “expected award” group. They showed each child a “Good Player” certificate and asked if the child wanted to draw in order to receive the award.
The second group was the “unexpected award” group. Researchers asked these children simply if they wanted to draw. If they decided to, when the session ended, the researchers handed each child one of the “Good Player” certificates.
The third group was the “no award” group. Researchers asked these children if they wanted to draw, but neither promised nor gave them a certificate at the end.
Children in the “unexpected award” and “no award” groups drew just as much, and with the same enthusiasm as they had before the experiment. But children in the first group showed much less interest and spent much less time drawing.
The prizes had turned play into work.
In another study, two Swedish economists found that offering a small payment in exchange for giving blood decreased the number of people willing to donate by half.
The researchers suggest “the payment tainted an altruistic act and ‘crowded out’ the intrinsic desire to do something good.”
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Millennials & Money: One Generation, Many Goals & ValuesEdelman
In the 2016 Millennials & Money research, the Edelman Financial Services Sector and Edelman Intelligence teams explored the role of money and financial services in the lives of Millennials throughout the U.S. The research revealed their beliefs and attitudes towards money and uncovered how their goals and values differ based on ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
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The document contains 20 quotes from Prince ranging from short phrases to full sentences on a variety of topics including music, life, freedom, spirituality, happiness, and more. Some of the quotes say music should make you feel good, life is a party that doesn't last, too much freedom can lead to soul decay, and a strong spirit transcends rules.
The document summarizes key lessons from the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. It discusses how the rich earn money through assets instead of just salaries, and defines assets as things that generate monthly cash flow. Some examples of assets mentioned include real estate, businesses, stocks and bonds. The document also talks about how the rich use corporations and taxes to their advantage, and stresses the importance of developing one's financial intelligence in order to gain more options. Overall, it provides a high-level overview of several chapters from the book and important concepts around accumulating wealth.
The document summarizes key lessons from the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. It discusses how the rich earn money through assets instead of just salaries, and defines assets as things that generate monthly cash flow. Some examples of assets mentioned include real estate, businesses, stocks and bonds. The document also talks about how the rich use corporations and taxes to their advantage, and how developing your financial intelligence can open more career options. Overall, it provides an overview of several important concepts around building wealth that are expanded upon in the book.
The document summarizes key lessons from the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. It discusses how the rich see assets differently than the poor and middle class, generating income rather than just having value. The rich use tools like corporations and real estate to generate this income and pay less taxes. They are also constantly looking for new opportunities rather than just working for a salary. The document advocates developing your financial intelligence to identify opportunities and have your money work for you to achieve financial independence.
1) The book provides 5 specific paths to wealth: entrepreneurship, working your way up in a company, becoming a professional, entering sales, or investing well.
2) Becoming wealthy is a matter of developing the right habits and mindsets, not luck, and taking consistent steps like the wealthy have done.
3) Small, consistent actions like saving $100 per month can make you a millionaire over the long run through compound interest. Guarding your integrity and becoming a "no limits" person are also emphasized.
Mad About Money is financial management with a difference. It aims to make financial freedom a reality through interactive media and personal and group connect. It is about developing a mindset apart from the general mindset – A mindset which has made the rich rich and left the poor to remain poor.
Mad About Money is financial management with a difference. It aims to make financial freedom a reality through interactive media and personal and group connect. It is about developing a mindset apart from the general mindset – A mindset which has made the rich rich and left the poor to remain poor.
Rich dad poor dad book a briefy summary. tells about how rich teaches their children about money that poor dad does not and also tells about savings and start ups
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Rich Dad Poor Dad teaches that the rich teach their kids different financial lessons than the poor and middle class. The rich focus on having money work for them through assets that generate income, while the poor focus on jobs for income. The book advocates developing financial intelligence through understanding accounting, investing, markets, and law to manage cash flow and assets for financial independence. It teaches overcoming obstacles like fear, cynicism, and arrogance to succeed financially.
The document discusses achieving financial freedom at a young age rather than waiting until retirement. It argues that students should be smart about managing their time and money to pay off debts quickly. Working jobs related to your field during the summer can help you earn more and gain experience, while jobs like waiting tables can offer flexible hours for studying but may not help pay down loans. The document advocates making time and money work for you through passive income sources, rather than exchanging all your time for money. This allows enjoying financial luxury earlier in life, like at age 30 instead of waiting until 80.
The document summarizes key lessons from the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. The book contrasts the perspectives of Kiyosaki's two fathers - his biological father who pursued higher education but struggled financially, and his best friend's father who had less formal education but achieved financial independence. Some of the main lessons discussed are: the importance of financial literacy and letting one's money work for them through assets rather than liabilities; focusing on owning businesses and assets rather than solely relying on employment income; and how corporations can be used strategically to mitigate taxes. The book advocates taking an entrepreneurial approach to building wealth through investing rather than just working for an income.
This document summarizes key points from Rich Dad's CASHFLOW Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki. It discusses the four financial quadrants - E (employee), S (self-employed), B (business owner), and I (investor) - and encourages the reader to move from the left side (E and S) to the right side (B and I) for more financial freedom. It also provides tips for becoming a business owner or investor, such as understanding risk, focusing on long-term investments, and learning from mentors. The overall message is that one should work to earn money and have others work for them, rather than spending their life working hard for others.
The document summarizes the key lessons from the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki. It discusses two different perspectives on financial independence - a "rich dad" and a "poor dad". Some of the main points made include don't depend on salary, make your money work for you through wise investing, be a business owner not just an employee, develop financial intelligence to build wealth that lasts generations, and seek passive income from assets that generate cash flow.
Rich people deliberately set goals to become wealthy and work diligently to achieve them. They focus intently on one goal at a time and value their time, thinking in terms of hourly earnings rather than monthly or annual income. Additionally, rich people are generous philanthropists and continually learn to enhance their skills and add more value.
Becoming a millionaire might sound impossible to some, while others view it as something within their grasp, requiring effort and commitment. Unbeknown to many, becoming a millionaire has nothing to do with whether they come from a wealthy family or not or where they got their degree.
1) The document discusses factors that contribute to wealth accumulation, finding that living below one's means, allocating resources efficiently, prioritizing financial independence over displays of status, and choosing the right occupation are key characteristics of wealthy individuals.
2) "Economic outpatient care" or substantial financial gifts from parents to adult children are found to decrease productivity and wealth accumulation, as they promote consumption over saving and investing.
3) Rules for wealthy parents include not discussing inheritances, minimizing cash gifts that could enable dependent behavior, and emphasizing achievements over symbols of success to encourage independence in children.
This document provides a summary of key concepts from the book "Rich Dad's Guide to Investing" by Robert Kiyosaki. Some of the main ideas discussed include:
- There are different types of investors defined by their income, net worth, and experience. Only "accredited" and "sophisticated" investors can access the best investment opportunities.
- Most people are trained from a young age to pursue employment, but the wealthy train their children to be business owners and investors from the start.
- Having a written long-term financial plan is essential to achieving lifelong financial security and wealth. The plan should consider goals for security, comfort, and wealth.
- Investing is
Turn your financial house right side up with clarity on how money works and why debt increases so quickly. If you are upside down you may believe that it's more important to contribute to a retirement account before paying off your debt. When you view this course you'll see why paying off debt is one of the most important steps toward turning your financial house right side up. This information not only works against you but it can work for you too.
You'll also receive positive tips on how to think about financial challenges so that you can move forward quickly toward building wealth and keeping it.
In "Wealth is the Capacity to Push or Precipitate Action on Others with or Without Opposition by Using Several Techniques," readers will delve into the topic of wealth and its inherent power. This book explores how wealthy individuals possess the capacity to push or precipitate action on others, with or without opposition, by using various techniques.
Through the pages of this book, readers will discover how wealth not only has the power to accomplish goals but also enables individuals to shape other people's actions towards a specific purpose. The ability to use riches to control or benefit others can be a double-edged sword, as some individuals may reject being forced to perform certain actions.
This book provides insights into how to influence others like the wealthy, highlighting the techniques and strategies employed by successful individuals to attain and wield their power. Whether you're seeking to improve your own influence or seeking to understand the motivations of those around you, this book is a must-read. With its rich exploration of the relationship between wealth and power, "Wealth is the Capacity to Push or Precipitate Action on Others with or Without Opposition by Using Several Techniques" offers readers a thought-provoking and engaging read.
Similar to 10 Steps to Becoming Self Made Millionaire by Rhett Power (20)
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We believe that we can empower your presentations with great design. That’s why we give out hundreds of free templates 100% free. Just sign up for a free account and you’ll instantly gain access to hundreds of templates. We upload new presentation templates every single week.
20 Advanced Google Hacks Every Salesperson Should Know24Slides
Bet you didn't know about these 20 Advanced Google Calendar hacks!
Master Google Calendar's advanced features to maximize your productivity and optimize your life. You'll never miss an opportunity again.
Article by Aja Frost, Hubspot. Infographic by 24Slides.
Data is only useful when your audience can understand it. One of the best ways to decipher a jumble of figures and statistics is to turn it into a visual representation. Learn how to become a data visualization pro.
This PowerPoint presentation provides tips for giving better presentations. It lists various dos and don'ts such as smiling, being enthusiastic, maintaining eye contact, keeping the flow smooth, avoiding repetition, and ending strongly. The presentation emphasizes keeping the focus, engaging the audience, and targeting the message. It encourages presenters to be personable, share stories and jokes to make it interesting, and address issues directly while avoiding unnecessary words and conjunctions.
Say No Thank You to the PowerPoint Thank You Slide24Slides
This document provides tips for concluding a presentation effectively. It recommends ending with an impactful last slide like a summary, discussion starter, call to action, or story rather than just saying "thank you." The last slide and words should leave the audience wanting more and reinforce the main message. Ending with energy and enthusiasm is also important even if the presenter is tired. The conclusion is the last impression and only chance to impact the audience so it merits careful consideration.
12 Ideas for More Interactive Presentations24Slides
If you think about it, providing an engaging presentation is a win-win situation. Not only will your audience less likely doze off, tinker with their phones or daydream but as a presenter, you can also be relieved of anxiety facing a crowd that’s more enthusiastic and dynamic. Read more:
5 Point Checklist to Create Powerful Cover Slides24Slides
Does your cover slide pop or flop? Once you have an awesome looking cover slide, you’re off to a great start and so long as you have consistently good design and quality throughout, can more easily sustain this momentum through your entire deck. Still stuck? Let us help do or re-do your cover slide for FREE!
How to Create a Sales Pitch Deck that Gets the Job Done24Slides
Successful startups don’t just happen overnight. Aside from having a great idea, one must also have the funding that is necessary to turn that idea into a reality. In order to attract clients or investors into your corner, you must be able to convince them it will be worth their time to invest their money to you. You can do this by creating a convincing and compelling sales pitch deck.
Muslims around the world are practising fasting from June 6 to July 5 this year. There are cultural traditions in different countries celebrating the Ramadan month. Our presentation covers unique cultures from Egypt to Indonesia.
6 Presentation Styles of Famous Presenters24Slides
Are you afraid of public speaking? You’re not alone.
If you look at some of the most famous speakers, you’d also realize that there’s not just one best way to present. There are many ways to create a memorable and lasting impression to your audience. Here are 6 presentation styles as well as some examples of popular presenters who’ve adapted them.
Pan-town is never short of interesting characters to meet and get to know further. Anyone who enters into this colorful realm will surely be captivated by the mix of wonderful personalities you can’t find elsewhere.
Read more:
This infographic is designed for illustration purposes only to celebrate the Colors of the Year designated by the Pantone Color Institute since 2000. Pantone and all its other trademarks including color codes are the property of Pantone LLC.
5 Myths on How to be More Eloquent during Presentation24Slides
Delivery will need just as much attention as your PowerPoint and content. Here are some of the common myths on how to be more eloquent when presenting and how to correct these.
We published this infographic originally as a Gifographic, go take a look at it
10 Powerful Tips for an Effective Brainstorming24Slides
If I were to ask you what brainstorming is, how would you describe it?
Perhaps it’s better to see what it is NOT first by looking at common myths about it:
Myth #1: Brainstorming is just a free flowing building of ideas.
Myth #2: The goal of brainstorming is simply to come up with a solution to a problem.
So what is it then?
Fact #1: Brainstorming is not just free form; it requires structure, planning and an active participation of each member in a fruitful dialogue.
Fact #2: The goal of brainstorming is not just to solve a problem; it’s to expand each other’s ideas and explore possibilities.
A well researched content of Academic Writing Assignments Compiled & Curated as per Criterion's & Rubrics with stringent guidelines as per Referencing Styles.
Revolutionizing Giving_ The Emergence of Impact-Driven Philanthropy by Peter ...Peter Eckerline
This new era of giving, known as impact-driven philanthropy, prioritizes precise results and sustainable changes over mere monetary donations. It's about making a lasting difference by strategically addressing the root causes of societal issues.
Groval Euler's specializes in transformative sales coaching, driving performance and fostering a culture of continuous learning. Our expert team works with organizations to enhance sales skills, align with business goals, and achieve measurable improvements. Discover more at: -
The 5 Mindsets and skills of Today’s Top Leaders
Leaders can improve their effectiveness by being open to feedback, learning from successful peers, and seeking mentorship or coaching when necessary.
Put People First: Great leaders care about their team’s well-being and success.
Listen with Empathy: putting yourself in others’ shoes helps you understand and connect
Stay Humble: Humility helps leaders stay grounded and open to learning from others.
Build Trust: It’s the foundation for all strong and healthy relationships
Communication clearly: Effective communication ensures that everyone is aligned and informed
Leadership is a dynamic skill that requires constant attention and improvement.
Know more about our efforts to develop leadership capabilities especially regarding developing the capabilities for creating business impact through the art of prioritization :
Business Strategy: Strategic Planning, Logical Incrementalism, Strategic Lead...ICFAI University
ey Topics Covered:
Introduction to Strategic Planning:
Understanding the comprehensive process of defining an organization’s direction.
Importance of aligning efforts with vision and mission.
Components of Strategic Planning:
Vision and Mission Statements: Crafting clear and inspiring statements that guide organizational direction.
Goals and Objectives: Setting SMART objectives to achieve broad, long-term aims.
Environmental Scanning: Conducting SWOT and PESTEL analyses to assess internal and external environments.
Strategy Formulation: Developing corporate, business, and functional strategies.
Implementation and Monitoring: Executing strategies and tracking progress through performance metrics.
Benefits of Strategic Planning:
Provides direction, enhances decision-making, and facilitates resource allocation.
Helps in identifying and mitigating risks and encourages long-term thinking.
Logical Incrementalism:
Gradual, systematic progress through small, manageable steps.
Emphasizes flexibility, continuous learning, and avoiding strategic drift.
Learning Organizations:
Facilitating continuous learning and transformation to adapt and succeed in changing environments.
Characteristics include knowledge sharing, systems thinking, and fostering innovation.
Strategic Leadership:
Influencing others to achieve long-term success and financial stability.
Key elements include visionary leadership, decision-making, and change management.
Developing Strategic Leadership:
Leadership training, mentoring, exposure to strategic roles, and fostering a leadership culture.
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10 Steps to Becoming Self Made Millionaire by Rhett Power
People who spend money like it's going out of style
generally end up broke. Self-made millionaires know
waiting for what you want and saving for what you need
is the only way to succeed.
an Infographic by together with Rhett Power
Charitable donations not only help the conscience- those
who give sizeable donations to charitable organizations,
and have receipts for it, can take those contributions
off their taxes.
Self-made millionaires are wise with their money so don't
spend every penny you have, just because you have it.
Millionaires don’t let the money sitting. Even if they
don't invest it, but they put it into a high interest
account, it is more likely to accrue money for them
later on than money in their pocket.
The majority of millionaires see the value of an education,
in getting a better job and compensated more for their
work even though school is expensive.
They marry someone with the same goals and value of
money as their own so they know how to become
millionaires together.
Millionaires teach their children how to work hard
and be millionaires. Their children know how
to save for and earn what they want.
Self-made millionaires know how to work more hours
at their job just to get that paycheck a little bit higher
and do whatever it takes not to have to live paycheck
to paycheck.
Many millionaires work one to three jobs, and their spouses
do the same thing. They work as much as they can to
bring home as much as they can.
Self-millionaires know what each of their assets are doing
They do their own money managing and don’t let anyone
who may potentially mess it all up take care of their money.
an Infographic by together with Rhett Power