The document summarizes 10 key facts about the future of work: 1) Jobs are becoming more knowledge-based, requiring skills like analytical thinking. 2) Employment has grown most in healthcare, education, and professional services. 3) Automation is replacing many traditional jobs, with estimates that 47-50% of current jobs could be automated. 4) People see other jobs as more at risk of automation than their own. 5) More people express worry than optimism about automation's impact. 6) Workers see technology as more positively impacting their careers. 7) Higher-educated workers report greater benefits from technology. 8) Skills in technology, communication, and lifelong learning are seen as most important for the future. 9)
10 Engagement Lessons Learned From 1 Million Survey AnswersD B
Officevibe released a research report called The State of Employee Engagement based on 1,200,000 survey answers from employees in 157 countries. After analyzing the data, we discovered some truly shocking statistics about the state of engagement across the world.
This actionable webinar will show you how you can keep your employees happy and productive.
See the recording of the webinar:
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Content by Officevibe, the simplest tool for a greater workplace.
Download a full version of the report at:
The PSFK Future of Work Report deep dives into the talent and development landscape to identify the conditions and qualities that cultivate tomorrow’s leaders in the workplace. In return for investing in greater opportunity and education, employers will reap the rewards of increased efficiency, engagement and entrepreneurship—reducing mistrust, stress and ultimately turnover across teams.
Additionally, PSFK has developed six workplace visions that were inspired by 10 strategies to develop a new era of internal leadership. These boundary-pushing product and workplace concepts reimagine how teams can onboard employees, expand the office, and prevent miscommunication.
Top Productivity Working Hacks by Jan RezabJan Rezab
This document provides productivity tips from Jan Rezab, a serial entrepreneur. Some key points include:
- Manage time by thinking in "blocks" of one hour and maximizing productivity in each block.
- Use tools like Wunderlist, Podio and Slack for communication and organization in addition to email.
- Design meetings purposefully with clear agendas and action items. Follow up immediately.
- Find ways to be productive during activities like driving or flights by taking calls or responding to emails.
- Hiring an excellent assistant can help optimize schedules and respond to urgent requests so the entrepreneur's time is freed up.
What does the future look like? Is it a dark space where we’re suffering from varying degrees of techamphetamine or are we heading towards a Utopian fantasy of abundance and harmony?
Understanding that our basic human needs and wants barely change, we explore the future state of a range of topics; from our need for physical sustenance through to our age-long fascination of transcending the limitations of our biology.
Looking at the future from a human perspective, our potential for greatness is teetering on a fine line between darkness and hope. We’re banking on the latter.
Statistics On The Importance Of Employee FeedbackOfficevibe
Here's an infographic displaying some of the statistics behind employee feedback. Try using some form of employee recognition or employee feedback.
Content by Officevibe
Rand Fishkin discusses why content marketing often fails and provides 5 key reasons: 1) Unrealistic expectations of how content marketing works, 2) Creating content without a community to amplify it, 3) Focusing on content creation but not amplification, 4) Ignoring search engine optimization, and 5) Giving up too soon and not allowing time for content to gain traction. He emphasizes that content marketing is a long-term process of building relationships and that most successful content took years of iteration before gaining significant reach.
Pitching Ideas: How to sell your ideas to othersJeroen van Geel
Learn how to convince others of your UX ideas by understanding them.
We are good in designing usable and engaging products and services. We understand the user's needs and have a toolkit with dozens of deliverables. But for some reason it remains difficult to sell an idea or concept to team members, managers or clients. After this session that problem will be solved!
Selling your ideas and convincing others is one of the most undervalued assets in our field. This ranges from convincing a colleague to use a certain design pattern to selling research to your boss and convincing a client to go for your concept. You can come up with the best ideas in the world, but if it is presented in the wrong way these ideas will die a lonely dead. This is sad, because everybody can learn how to bring a message across. The main thing is that you know what to pay attention to.
In this session I will take you on a journey through the world of presenting ideas. We will move through the heads of clients and your colleagues, learn what their thoughts and needs are. We will move to the core of your idea and into the world of psychology.
10 Practical Ways to Be More Efficient at
Efficiency has always been an ongoing process that you will keep fine tuning for the rest of your life. However, when it comes down to being efficient at work, there are whole industries coming up with solutions. We at Weekdone gathered the 10 best ways to be more efficient at work that we believe to be simple, practical and proven to make you more efficient at work.
Habits at Work - Merci Victoria Grace, Growth, Slack - 2016 Habit SummitHabit Summit
Presented at the 2016 Habit Summit at Stanford (see:
Merci Victoria Grace leads the Growth team at Slack.
Prior to joining Slack, she started a venture-backed game company, designed The Sims Social at Electronic Arts, and worked at a range of consumer, mobile and enterprise startups.
Here she shares insights on putting "Habits to Work at Work".
Joint talk with Sarah Johnson,
What does a career path in tech look like these days? You get to choose! The traditional career trajectory has changed as have the types of careers available, which makes career planning that much more challenging. Explore examples of career journeys with Sarah and Lauren, learn how to plan for a career that doesn’t exist, and reflect on your own path through hands-on activities. - We surveyed creative teams to discover their biggest challenges and bottlenecks, from conception to completion. And what we discovered was: creative teams have to organize requests, listen to feedback, and seek approvals, all while trying to incorporate their own creative vision, making it difficult to prioritize and meet deadlines. Check out the details in our Slideshare.
Top 5 Soft Skills: What Successful People Know that Every Employee Needs to K...BizLibrary
In this program, you’ll learn about the top 5 soft skills that are most predictive of employee, leadership and organizational success in today’s highly complex and rapidly changing environment. You’ll also gain quick tips to help jump-start your development efforts for each soft skill.
WTF - Why the Future Is Up to Us - pptx versionTim O'Reilly
This is the talk I gave January 12, 2017 at the G20/OECD Conference on the Digital Future in Berlin. I talk about fitness landscapes as applied to technology and business, the role of unchecked financialization in the state of our politics and economy, and why technology really wants to create jobs, not destroy them. (There is a separate PDF version, but some readers said the notes were too fuzzy to read.)
How do the people you admire the most choose to communicate? Words are powerful. Learn how to use them wisely with our latest SlideShare.
10 Insightful Quotes On Designing A Better Customer ExperienceYuan Wang
In an ever-changing landscape of one digital disruption after another, companies and organisations are looking for new ways to understand their target markets and engage them better. Increasingly they invest in user experience (UX) and customer experience design (CX) capabilities by working with a specialist UX agency or developing their own UX lab. Some UX practitioners are touting leaner and faster ways of developing customer-centric products and services, via methodologies such as guerilla research, rapid prototyping and Agile UX. Others seek innovation and fulfilment by spending more time in research, being more inclusive, and designing for social goods.
Experience is more than just an interface. It is a relationship, as well as a series of touch points between your brand and your customer. Here are our top 10 highlights and takeaways from the recent UX Australia conference to help you transform your customer experience design.
For full article, continue reading at
Change is inevitable and can cause fear of the unknown. But it doesn't have to—we can learn to master change and adapt to it quickly. These 5 tips will help you successfully cope with changes at work.
Creative Traction Methodology - For Early Stage StartupsTommaso Di Bartolo
The document discusses the Creative Traction Methodology (CTM) for gaining traction for new products and ideas. CTM has three parts: 1) The Idea Release Life Cycle which emphasizes validating ideas before development and engaging communities early. 2) Ransack Tools which means leveraging new growth hacking strategies and tools. 3) Act Creatively which involves lateral thinking with no biases to attract niche audiences and validate assumptions through experimentation. The document provides examples and case studies for applying each part of CTM.
As a leader, you spend a lot of your time making sure that your team is working well together. Here are the secrets that every manager should know to make your team successful.
Subscribe to our free 11-day email course on HOW TO BE A BETTER LEADER:
Read more on employee engagement on Officevibe blog: - Having the right people in place is essential to accomplishing your goals and building your business. Follow these tips from Nancy Butler, business coach and award-winning author of Above All Else, to assemble the perfect high-performing team.
AI and Machine Learning Demystified by Carol Smith at Midwest UX 2017Carol Smith
What is machine learning? Is UX relevant in the age of artificial intelligence (AI)? How can I take advantage of cognitive computing? Get answers to these questions and learn about the implications for your work in this session. Carol will help you understand at a basic level how these systems are built and what is required to get insights from them. Carol will present examples of how machine learning is already being used and explore the ethical challenges inherent in creating AI. You will walk away with an awareness of the weaknesses of AI and the knowledge of how these systems work.
This document provides a summary of fundraising rounds for AI and data startups in Europe in 2016. Some key findings include:
- Over 270 startups raised $774 million in 2016, up from $583 million in 2015.
- The average funding round was $3.7 million.
- France and the UK led fundraising totals, with 108 startups in the UK raising $188 million and 37 startups in France raising $118 million.
- Early stage investments boomed, with $215 million invested in 170 early stage startups.
- In 2016, focus shifted from marketing applications to technologies using natural language processing, speech recognition and other AI techniques, as well as applications in healthcare, agriculture and other industries
2017 holiday survey: An annual analysis of the peak shopping seasonDeloitte United States
Holiday retail spending is bucking trends this season with only one-third of holiday budgets going toward gifts. Online spending is expected to exceed in-store for the first time. In addition to gifts for others this year, spending on experiences and self-gifting increased. Explore more consumer spending trends in our 32nd annual holiday survey. For more:
Lee Rainie, director of internet and technology research at Pew Research Center, discussed recent findings about the prevalence and impact of online harassment at the Cyber Health and Safety Virtual Summit: 41% of American adults have been harassed online and 66% have witnessed harassment. The findings come from the Center’s recent report on these issues.
Google continues to dominate search and increase its share. According to data, Google's core search increased 5.9% from October 2016 to May 2017 while its closest competitors like Yahoo and Bing declined. Google distributes search traffic relatively evenly across sites while Facebook and YouTube tend to concentrate traffic on very large sites. Reddit and YouTube send the majority of their referral traffic to just a handful of top sites.
Harry Surden - Artificial Intelligence and Law OverviewHarry Surden
This document provides an overview of artificial intelligence. It defines AI as using computers to solve problems or make automated decisions for tasks typically requiring human intelligence. The two major AI techniques are logic and rules-based approaches, and machine learning based approaches. Machine learning algorithms find patterns in data to infer rules and improve over time. While AI is limited and cannot achieve human-level abstract reasoning, pattern-based machine learning is powerful for automation and many tasks through proxies without requiring true intelligence. Successful AI systems are often hybrids of the approaches or work with human intelligence.
Top 5 Deep Learning and AI Stories - October 6, 2017NVIDIA
Read this week's top 5 news updates in deep learning and AI: Gartner predicts top 10 strategic technology trends for 2018; Oracle adds GPU Accelerated Computing to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure; chemistry and physics Nobel Prizes are awarded to teams supported by GPUs; MIT uses deep learning to help guide decisions in ICU; and portfolio management firms are using AI to seek alpha.
Pinot is a realtime distributed OLAP datastore, which is used at LinkedIn to deliver scalable real time analytics with low latency. It can ingest data from offline data sources (such as Hadoop and flat files) as well as online sources (such as Kafka). Pinot is designed to scale horizontally.
This document discusses customizing the Storefront theme for WooCommerce. It provides an overview of Storefront and explains that it can be customized through extensions, child themes, or building a custom child theme. It then reviews how to build a basic child theme and customize aspects like styles, fonts, hooks, and more. Specific code examples are given for customizing the header, branding, homepage content, and other areas. The goal is to show how to override and extend the Storefront theme functionality to customize it for a specific site.
What is Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence Tutorial For Beginn...Edureka!
** Machine Learning Engineer Masters Program: **
This tutorial on Artificial Intelligence gives you a brief introduction to AI discussing how it can be a threat as well as useful. This tutorial covers the following topics:
1. AI as a threat
2. What is AI?
3. History of AI
4. Machine Learning & Deep Learning examples
5. Dependency on AI
6.Applications of AI
7. AI Course at Edureka -
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Lee Rainie, director of Internet, Science and Technology Research at the Pew Research Center, spoke on May 10, 2017 to the American Bar Association’s Section of Science and Technology Law about the rise of the Internet of Things and its implications for privacy and cybersecurity. The velocity of change today is remarkable and increasingly challenging to navigate. Rainie discussed Pew Research Center’s reports about “Digital Life in 2025” and “The Internet of Things Will Thrive by 2025,” which present the views of hundreds of “technology builders and analysts” on the future of the internet. He also highlighted the implications of the Center’s reports on “Americans and Cybersecurity” and “What the Public Knows about Cybersecurity.”
The SlideShare 101 is a quick start guide if you want to walk through the main features that the platform offers. This will keep getting updated as new features are launched.
The SlideShare 101 replaces the earlier "SlideShare Quick Tour".
Lee Rainie, director of Internet, Science and Technology research at the Pew Research Center, described the Center’s research about public views related to facts and trust after the 2016 election at UPCEA's “Summit on Online Leadership.” He explored how education is affected as students face challenges finding and using knowledge. In addition, he covered the Center’s latest research about how ubiquitous technology shapes the new information landscape for students.
The document discusses how digital technologies may change hospitals globally in the future based on a crowdsourcing simulation with healthcare experts. The simulation identified five potential uses of digital technologies in hospitals over the next 10 years: 1) clinical command centers to provide real-time patient data and predict patient harm, 2) personalized portable care through 3D printing and robotics, 3) cloud-based electronic health records using AI, 4) use of digital technologies to simplify processes and improve patient experience, 5) intelligent staff recruitment and scheduling using cognitive analytics. The document outlines benefits of each use and concludes that investments in digital technologies may improve quality of care and operational efficiencies in the long term.
Making Great User Experiences, Pittsburgh Scrum MeetUp, Oct 17, 2017Carol Smith
Everything is designed, yet some interactions are much better than others. What does it take to make a great experience? What are the areas that UX specialists focus on? How do skills in cognitive psycology, computer science and design come together? Carol introduces basic concepts in user experience design that you can use to improve the user's expeirence and/or clearly communicate with designers.
10 Best Practices of a Best Company to Work ForO.C. Tanner
What does it take to be named a Best Company to Work for by FORTUNE magazine? For starters, a winning culture, collaboration, and creating an environment for learning and growth. Take a look at these slides for more ideas!
Lee Rainie, Director of Internet and Technology research, spoke about the skills requirements for jobs in the future at the International Telecommunications Union’s “capacity building symposium” for digital technologies. He discussed the changing structure of jobs and the broad labor force and the attitudes of Americans about the likely changes that robots, artificial intelligence (AI) and other advances in digital life will create in workplaces. The session took place in Santo Domingo on June 18, 2018.
An integrating framework that reconciles the gaps of supply and demand side initiatives and fuses together numerous GOI programs is the need of the hour. Model of such a framework is proposed here.
( Tasc One members are Parasuram Balasubramanian, Padmanabhan Jayasimha, T.R. Sankaranarayanan and Hariharan Shankar. All are alumni of IIT Madras)
An abridged version of this article was published in "Report: IITMAA Sangam 2019 - Reimagining India in 2030"
Presentation to faculty and staff of Shenandoah University of two years of research into the state of higher education in the United States and trends that will impact colleges and universities
1) The document discusses preparing for the future of artificial intelligence, including timelines for developing capabilities like commonsense reasoning and learning from doing.
2) It outlines potential benefits of AI like access to expertise and improved productivity, as well as risks like job loss, and recommends preparing by contributing to open source projects and improving skills.
3) Other emerging technologies like augmented reality, blockchain, and advanced materials could also have major impacts on individuals, businesses, industries and societies.
It is time we recognize that learning, technology, and workforce development are experiencing a global convergence. In today’s technology-driven world, knowledge and information are growing exponentially. As globalization and advancements in technology reshape society, they also generate an accelerated pace of change that is outpacing humans’ ability to adapt. This requires new approaches to how we upskill and reskill learners to better meet the demands of today and the future.
Etim session 1 introduction and trendssanjivadubey
This document discusses an introduction to emerging technologies in management. It outlines the objectives of the course, which are to learn about emerging technological trends and their impact on business models, processes, and innovation. It also provides an overview of trends in areas like artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and other technologies. Organizations that can understand and adapt to technological changes will be best prepared to gain strategic advantages in the future.
India continues to witness strong economic growth that is aided by major economic reforms and transformation that country has witnessed in the past years. It is a well-accepted fact that major long-term and sustainable economic growth happens on the back of robust human resources capabilities that requires a strong education system. The Indian Higher Education sector is expected to play an even more important role to meet the growth aspirations of the country. The Indian education sector with around 800 universities will play a pivotal role in providing workforce and developing our leaders of the future.
- 2016 saw major growth in AI, with thousands of startups emerging and companies investing billions in AI research and development
- Machines ingested vast amounts of data to train themselves in fields like healthcare, finance, and customer service
- Experts predict that in 2017, AI will continue to rapidly transform many aspects of life as its applications become more commonplace and as research advances our understanding of how and why techniques like deep learning are so effective
The document discusses the work of Visayan Forum Foundation in providing innovative IT services, support, training and software/tools to non-profit organizations to help advance social and economic development. It promotes engagement with NGO IT communities and lists resources on their website for multiple monitor and mouse setups connected to one PC. The bottom section emphasizes the need to encourage risk-taking and innovation to prepare students for an exponentially changing world and unknown future jobs and technologies.
Ray Gallon's presentation at the Friends of Education conference in Struga, Macedonia, 8-9 April, 2017.
Industry 4.0 works on the mariage of the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence, among other things. In a world where decisions are taken autonomously by machines, there are ethical implications, questions of responsibility. Educators need strategies for preparing young people to deal with these questions, and to be flexible enough to change as the many unknowns of this development evolve. This presentation looks at the unknowns, and the questions we don't have answers to, in an attempt to focus attention on what needs to happen next, and proposes a collective space in which to start dealing with it.
AI BASICS FOR SCHOOLS - CodeWeek MOOC PresentationMarco Neves
The document discusses introducing AI concepts to schools. It describes different types of AI that could be used in education, including systems that assist learning, teaching, or students. It emphasizes teaching skills like critical thinking that AI is less capable of. The document provides several resources for teaching young people about AI through hands-on projects, interactive lessons, and ethics curriculum. It argues that AI education should be integrated into school curriculums to help students understand and possibly work in this field.
The document discusses trends in economics, information, and society in the 21st century including the shift to globalization, knowledge-based economies, flat organizations, customization, and virtual communication. It also outlines major challenges like climate change, environmental issues, and energy needs. Key themes discussed are the need for innovation in education to develop skills like creativity, adaptability, and critical thinking for a changing job market focused increasingly on knowledge and new technologies.
Did you ever wonder whether education has a role to play in preparing our societies for an age of artificial intelligence? Or what the impact of climate change might be on our schools, families and communities?
Trends Shaping Education ( examines major economic, political, social and technological trends affecting education. While the trends are robust, the questions raised in this book are suggestive, and aim to inform strategic thinking and stimulate reflection on the challenges facing education – and on how and whether education can influence these trends.
This book covers a rich array of topics related to globalisation, democracy, security, ageing and modern cultures. The content for this 2019 edition has been updated and also expanded with a wide range of new indicators. Along with the trends and their relationship to education, the book includes a new section on future’s thinking inspired by foresight methodologies.
This book is designed to give policy makers, researchers, educational leaders, administrators and teachers a robust, non specialist source of international comparative trends shaping education, whether in schools, universities or in programmes for older adults. It will also be of interest to students and the wider public, including parents.
Recap on the B2B focused insights we covered at The Big Picture 2018, with slides on:
- A Futurologist's perception on B2B markets Never Normal with Joshua McBain from Foresight Factory
- Panel session: What's next for the B2B website? with Stuart Castle, James Smee and Nick Andrew
- Using thought leadership content to drive brand awareness and sales, with Rachel Lockwood & Mui Luc from SAS
- The journey to integration with Giles Peddy from LEWIS
Dr. Lobna Karoui (Fortune 500) – Disruption, empathy & Trust for sustainable ...Codiax
This document outlines the agenda for a presentation on business growth in times of exponential technologies. The presentation will discuss the state of AI in 2020, how AI adoption can increase company revenues, and the future of employment and skills. It will also introduce the AI Exponential Thinker organization, which aims to leverage emerging technologies for a sustainable future for all. The presentation will explore uncertainties in predicting the future, exponential technology trends, and how organizations are using AI to generate value. It will also address skills needed for 2025 like problem solving, critical thinking, and creativity.
The document discusses the future of artificial intelligence and when smartphones may become intelligent enough to pass university entrance exams. It notes that AI has made significant progress in pattern recognition thanks to deep learning techniques and large labeled datasets, but important problems around video understanding, episodic memory, and commonsense reasoning remain unsolved. The document outlines an timeline for solving various AI problems between now and 2035. It also discusses the potential benefits of AI, such as access to expertise, but notes risks like job loss and potential for misuse if superintelligence is achieved before important issues are addressed.
Lee Rainie, Director of Internet and Technology Research at the Pew Research Center, presented this material on October 29, 2020 to scholars, policy makers and civil society advocates convened by New York University’s Governance Lab (GovLab). He described findings from two canvassings of hundreds of technology and democracy experts that captured their views about the future of democracy and the future of social and civic innovation by the year 2030. Among other subjects, the experts looked at the impact of misinformation, “techlash” and trust in government institutions.
Lee Rainie, Director of Internet and Technology Research at the Pew Research Center, presented this material on October 14, 2020 at a gathering sponsored by the International Institute of Communications. He described the most recent Center public opinion surveys since mid-March, covering the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, racial justice protests that began in the summer, and the final stages of the 2020 presidential election campaign. He particularly examined how and why people are using the internet in the midst of multiple national crises and their concerns about digital divide and homework gap issues. And he covered how the Center has researched the impact of misinformation in recent years.
Lee Rainie, director of internet and technology research, presented a synthesis of the Pew Research Center’s growing explorations of issues related to trust, facts and democracy at a forum hosted by the International Institute of Communications on December 5, 2018. His presentation covered Center findings related to declining trust in institutions, increasing challenges tied to misinformation and the ways in which concerns about trust and truth are linked to public attitudes about democracy.
Lee Rainie, director of Internet and Technology research at the Pew Research Center, gave the Holmes Distinguished Lecture at Colorado State University on April 13, 2018. He discussed the research the Center conducted with Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center about the future of the internet and the way digital technologies will spread to become the “internet of everywhere” and “artificial intelligence” everywhere. He also explored the ways in which experts say this will create improvements in people’s lives and the new challenges – including privacy, digital divides, anti-social behavior and stress tests for how human social and political systems adapt.
Lee Rainie, director of Internet, Science and Technology research at the Pew Research Center, discussed the Center's latest findings at the Mid-Atlantic Marketing Summit in Washington. He talked about how people use social media, how they think about news in the Trump Era, how they try to establish and act on trust and where they turn for expertise in a period where so much information is contested.
Lee Rainie, director of Internet, Science and Technology research at the Pew Research Center, discussed his group’s latest findings about the role of libraries and librarians on April 3 at Innovative Users Group conference. The latest work shows that many people struggle to find the most trustworthy information and they express a clear hope that librarians can help them. He explored recent research about how people are becoming “lifelong learners” and that library services are an element of how they hope to stay relevant in their jobs, as well as find ways to enrich their lives. He drew on Pew Research Center studies about the information and media sources people use and how they decide what to trust.
The survey found that many Americans see libraries as important community institutions that provide educational resources and promote learning. While library usage has remained steady, people are increasingly using library digital resources. The survey also identified different segments of the population based on their orientation to and trust in information sources. Most see libraries as helping to find trustworthy information and see them coordinating more closely with schools. There is strong support for libraries offering digital skills programs and early literacy programs.
The document summarizes four digital technology revolutions that have impacted politics and media:
1) The Internet revolution increased internet usage from 1% in 2000 to over 90% today, skewing younger, more educated, and urban.
2) The mobile revolution increased cell phone ownership, especially smartphones, from 29% in 2011 to over 95% in 2016.
3) The social media revolution grew major platforms from 5-15% usage in 2012 to 67-79% in 2016.
4) These changes networked people, information, the public square, and the political ecosystem, making it easier for individuals and groups to organize but also increasing ideological and affective polarization between parties.
Lee Rainie, director of Internet, Science and Technology research at the Pew Research Center, discussed the Center’s latest findings on digital divides based a survey conducted from Sept. 29 to Nov. 6, 2016. The presentation was to the board of Feeding America. Rainie looked at differences tied to internet access, home broadband ownership, and smartphone ownership by several demographic measures, including household income, educational attainment, race and ethnicity, age, and community type. He also discussed the Center’s research related to “digital readiness gaps” among technology users.
Lee Rainie, Director of Internet, Science, and Technology research at the Pew Research Center, presented this material on December 12, 2016 to a working group at the National Academy of Sciences. The group is exploring how to think about creating an academic discipline around "data science."
Lee Rainie, director of Internet, Science and Technology research at the Pew Research Center, presented the Center’s latest findings about the use of digital technology and its future at the Federal Reserve Board’s Editors and Designers conference in Philadelphia on October 6, 2016. During the keynote he discussed the impact of social media, collaboration, and future trends in technology with a special focus on the issues tied to security and reputational risk that face the Federal Reserve System. He described how the Center’s research can help communicators:
-Disseminate their messages across multiple digital and traditional media channels
-Engage their audience and encourage amateur evangelism
-Assess the impact of their outreach and observe challenges to their material
-Think like long a long-tail organization that also has real-time immediacy
Lee Rainie, director of Internet, Science and Technology Research at the Pew Research Center will cover the latest findings of the center’s public opinion polling about Americans use of libraries and their feelings about the role that libraries play in their lives and in their communities at the American Library Association Conference in Orlando. The new findings will cover the latest library-usage trends, book-reading trends, and insights into the ways more and more Americans hope libraries will offer community-oriented and educational services.
Lee Rainie will present findings from Pew Research Center’s report titled "The Internet of Things Will Thrive by 2025" to the American Bar Association Section of Science & Technology law on March 30, 2016. The report presents the views of hundreds of “technology builders and analysts” on the question of whether Internet of Things will have widespread and beneficial effects on the everyday lives of the public.
Innovation and technology go hand in hand in developing the vision and strategy for the business solutions these leaders employ to engage current and new customers (boomers and beyond), and to establish new business models. Explore the best practices in innovation that drive new revenue generation. How is innovation affected by the adoption of technology by older consumers? Lee Rainie and Andrew Perrin present what works and what doesn’t when innovating in large public and nonprofit organizations at the Boomer Summit in Washington.
Lee Rainie, director of Internet, Science and Technology research at Pew Research Center, will describe how the Center’s research provides guideposts for librarians along three dimensions of library activity: the people, the place, and the platform, at the VALA2016 conference in Melbourne, Australia.
Lee Rainie, director of Internet, Science, and Technology research at Pew Research Center, will present new survey findings about how people use libraries, the kinds of services and programs people would like from libraries, and how libraries are connected to communication education and learning environments at the 2016 American Library Association Midwinter conference in Boston
Lee Rainie discusses the latest Pew Research Center findings about the state of technology and media in 2015 and looks at five major trends that will shape the media environment and consumer habits in the coming years. This is a presentation he gave at the recent Tencent Media Summit in Beijing, China.
Lee Rainie, Director of Internet, Science and Technology research at the Pew Research Center in the U.S., will discuss three technology revolutions of the past decade and how a fourth revolution is now underway at the State of the Net conference in Milan, Italy. He will cover global trends in adoption of 1) the internet and broadband; 2) mobile connectivity; and 3) social media and then will discuss how the “Internet of Things” will affect people and businesses in the next decade.
Lee Rainie, Director of Internet Science and Technology research, details the digital divide among Americans' internet usage to the the U.S. Census Bureau's National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic, and Other Populations.
More from Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project (20)
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Step 2: share to 5 friends, you need to invite your friends to join the giveaway 🎁
Step 3: Withdraw BNB 💰, at this point for you to get the free BNB you must "verify" by completing a simple survey or a sign up it depends on your region, the purpose of doing this is to actually know if you’re a human or robot, once done successfully you will get the BNB reward instantly to your crypto wallet.
To increase your chance getting the BNB reward I advise you should also join their community.
Also note the BNB reward may take a while before it arrive 👌
Thanks for reading...🙏
Also SUBSCRIBE to our free NEWLETTER for more updates, we will be doing a free giveaway of $30,000 to new members so stay tuned!...📤👇
Thanks again...🚀
Title: ClayTrader Success Story: A Simple Guide to Profitable Trading
_Rating:_ 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Want to make money trading Forex like ClayTrader? He's a successful trader who uses a special book called the ForexGod e-book to get accurate trading signals. And the best part? It's easy to follow, even if you're new to trading!
_ClayTrader Results:_
- He makes consistent profits every month (around 80% returns!)
- He gets precise signals to buy or sell currencies
- He manages risk like a pro, so he doesn't lose too much money
_ClayTrader Says:_
"The ForexGod e-book is super helpful! It's like having a personal trading coach. I follow the strategies and signals, and it's made a huge difference in my trading."
_What You'll Get:_
- A simple, step-by-step guide to trading Forex
- Accurate signals to help you make profitable trades
- Tips on managing risk, so you don't lose too much money
ClayTrader success shows that anyone can trade Forex profitably with the right tools. The ForexGod e-book is perfect for beginners or experienced traders who want to improve their skills. Try it today and start making money like ClayTrader!
_Recommendation:_ Get your copy of the ForexGod e-book now and start trading like a pro!
If you need more details about the ForexGod trading Ebook, you can message them on Whatsapp to get immediately / direct access 📚👇
Or visit their official website 👇
"Grab your own copy today 📚!"
Highly recommended 💯
Also SUBSCRIBE to our free NEWLETTER for more updates, we will be doing a free giveaway of $30,000 to new members so stay tuned!...📤👇
#forex #trading #technicalanalysis #crypto #E-book #profit #legit.
Yescoin - TON Wallet Connection Step-by-step Tutorial
1. Open the Yescoin mini-program and click on the "Earn" button to enter the task interface.
2. Click to initiate the brand-new wallet connecting task.
3. In the pop-up window, click on "Wallet Connect"
4. Click the "Open Wallet in Telegram " button
5. Select "I agree to the terms of use" and click "continue" button
6. If you haven't used a wallet before, Telegram will automatically create one for you. once it's created, click
7. Click the "continue button", wait for a moment, and then click the"Connect Wallet" button.
8. Congratulations! You have now completed the wallet connection, click to return, and you will earn the points.
For more better understanding you can download PDF 🗂️ for Free.
The official launch date for Yescoin has not been announced yet. Currently, the project is in the Telegram airdrop mining phase, focusing on building a strong community.
"Meanwhile", if you don't have the patience to wait for YESCOIN official launch, there's an even bigger opportunity you don't want to MISS...🔥 you can literally profit right now!...💯 and the best part is that it's not a crypto airdrop, mining or anything that requires you tapping or investing your time, energy and money.
It's a straight forward process and you can do it within minutes and get your own piece of the cake...💰
It's a secret crypto giveaway "NO" one is talking about.
I got $200 worth of BNB token From this crypto giveaway update in less than 24hrs here is how you can participate and earn today.
Go over to your browser now! and search 🔍 for "", it’s a legit crypto blog that is currently doing a secret crypto giveaway, Go check it out trust me, it’s 💯 legit and very easy to Join. 🏃🏃🏃
Immediately you enter the website click the "Learn>>>" button at the top of the first page
you'll be directed to the giveaway section.
Here is a 4 step process you can follow to successfully benefit.
Step 1: put your BNB wallet address, in other to receive the BNB reward.
Step 2: share to 5 friends, you need to invite your friends to join the giveaway 🎁
Step 3: Withdraw BNB 💰, at this point for you to get the free BNB you must "verify" by completing a simple survey or a sign up it depends on your region, the purpose of doing this is to actually know if you’re a human or robot, once done successfully you will get the BNB reward instantly to your crypto wallet.
To increase your chance getting the BNB reward I advise you should also join their community.
Also note the BNB reward may take a while before it arrive 👌
Thanks for reading...🙏
Also SUBSCRIBE to our free NEWLETTER for more updates, we will be doing a free giveaway of $30,000 to new members so stay tuned!...📤👇
Thanks for your time. And have a nice day. Meldin cares.
Hamster Kombat launch date: A detail breakdown 🔥💱💰 🚀🚀🚀
The Hamster Kombat group has not formally affirmed the specific airdrop date until the primary portion of July 2024. Notwithstanding, in view of the latest information, three dates are the most probable for the eagerly awaited launch.
Speculated Airdrop Announcement Date: July 10, 2024
Speculated Airdrop Launch Date: August 6, 2024
The team initially shared several clues pointing to a July 2024 airdrop launch and posted several related tweets on X to generate hype without being specific.
The most notable clue is the “Token in-game utility launch” reference on the official website’s Roadmap, which has remained unchanged since April 2024.
"Meanwhile, if you don't have the patience to wait for Hamster Kombat's official launch...🐹, there's an even bigger opportunity you don't want to MISS...🔥 you can literally profit right now!...💯 and the best part is that it's not a crypto airdrop, mining or anything that requires you tapping or investing your time, energy and money.
It's a straight forward process and you can do it within minutes and get your own piece of the cake...💰
It's a secret crypto giveaway "NO" one is talking about.
I got $200 worth of BNB token From this crypto giveaway update in less than 24hrs here is how you can participate and earn today.
Go over to your browser now! and search 🔍 for "", it’s a legit crypto blog that is currently doing a secret crypto giveaway, Go check it out trust me, it’s 💯 legit and very easy to Join. 🏃🏃🏃
Immediately you enter the website click the "Learn>>>" button at the top of the first page
you'll be directed to the giveaway section.
Here is a 4 step process you can follow to successfully benefit.
Step 1: put your BNB wallet address, in other to receive the BNB reward.
Step 2: share to 5 friends, you need to invite your friends to join the giveaway 🎁
Step 3: Withdraw BNB 💰, at this point for you to get the free BNB you must "verify" by completing a simple survey or a sign up it depends on your region, the purpose of doing this is to actually know if you’re a human or robot, once done successfully you will get the BNB reward instantly to your crypto wallet.
To increase your chance getting the BNB reward I advise you should also join their community.
Also note the BNB reward may take a while before it arrive 👌
Thanks for reading...🙏
Also SUBSCRIBE to our free NEWLETTER for more updates, we will be doing a free giveaway of $30,000 to new members so stay tuned!...📤👇
Thanks for your time. And have a nice day. Meldin cares.
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Title: Ahikyirize Daniel Success Story: A Simple Guide to Profitable Trading
_Rating:_ 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Want to make money trading Forex like Ahikyirize Daniel? He's a successful trader who uses a special book called the ForexGod e-book to get accurate trading signals. And the best part? It's easy to follow, even if you're new to trading!
_Ahikyirize Daniel Results:_
- He makes consistent profits every month (around 80% returns!)
- He gets precise signals to buy or sell currencies
- He manages risk like a pro, so he doesn't lose too much money
_Ahikyirize Daniel Says:_
"The ForexGod e-book is super helpful! It's like having a personal trading coach. I follow the strategies and signals, and it's made a huge difference in my trading."
_What You'll Get:_
- A simple, step-by-step guide to trading Forex
- Accurate signals to help you make profitable trades
- Tips on managing risk, so you don't lose too much money
Ahikyirize Daniel success shows that anyone can trade Forex profitably with the right tools. The ForexGod e-book is perfect for beginners or experienced traders who want to improve their skills. Try it today and start making money like Ahikyirize Daniel!
_Recommendation:_ Get your copy of the ForexGod e-book now and start trading like a pro!
If you need more details about the ForexGod trading Ebook, you can message them on Whatsapp to get immediately / direct access 📚👇
Or visit their official website 👇
"Grab your own copy today 📚!"
Highly recommended 💯
Also SUBSCRIBE to our free NEWLETTER for more updates, we will be doing a free giveaway of $30,000 to new members so stay tuned!...📤👇
#forex #trading #technicalanalysis #crypto #E-book #profit #legit.
Title: Trading Nut Success Story: A Simple Guide to Profitable Trading
_Rating:_ 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Want to make money trading Forex like Trading Nut? He's a successful trader who uses a special book called the ForexGod e-book to get accurate trading signals. And the best part? It's easy to follow, even if you're new to trading!
_Trading Nut Results:_
- He makes consistent profits every month (around 80% returns!)
- He gets precise signals to buy or sell currencies
- He manages risk like a pro, so he doesn't lose too much money
_Trading Nut Says:_
"The ForexGod e-book is super helpful! It's like having a personal trading coach. I follow the strategies and signals, and it's made a huge difference in my trading."
_What You'll Get:_
- A simple, step-by-step guide to trading Forex
- Accurate signals to help you make profitable trades
- Tips on managing risk, so you don't lose too much money
Trading Nut success shows that anyone can trade Forex profitably with the right tools. The ForexGod e-book is perfect for beginners or experienced traders who want to improve their skills. Try it today and start making money like Trading Nut!
_Recommendation:_ Get your copy of the ForexGod e-book now and start trading like a pro!
If you need more details about the ForexGod trading Ebook, you can message them on Whatsapp to get immediately / direct access 📚👇
Or visit their official website 👇
"Grab your own copy today 📚!"
Highly recommended 💯
Also SUBSCRIBE to our free NEWLETTER for more updates, we will be doing a free giveaway of $30,000 to new members so stay tuned!...📤👇
#forex #trading #technicalanalysis #crypto #E-book #profit #legit.
Union Budget Analysis Booklet 2024 ver 1.2writer28
India Union Budget 2024 evidence that India is forging ahead towards "Amrit Kaal," a significant stride in our pursuit of 'Viksit Bharat.' The budget outlines a comprehensive roadmap with a strong commitment to nine priorities. CBVA snapshots the provisions in the Finance Bill covering the direct tax, indirect tax, and transfer pricing provisions.
"What is Dotcoin?
Dotcoin is a Tap-to-Earn game on Telegram, leveraging the platform's user base.
How to Play:
1. Visit ( and start the game.
2. Tap the central tile to accumulate Dotcoin and grow your rewards.
3. Complete tasks in the "Earn" section and engage with social media for extra rewards.
How to withdraw token on Dotcoin
Step 1: Ensure you use a TON wallet: Users need a compatible TON wallet like Tonkeeper.
Step 2: Connect the wallet to Dotcoin:
Open the Dotcoin game on Telegram.
Go to the “Portfolio” section.
Press the “Connect wallet” option.
Step 3: When the project allows Dotcoin conversion, users can withdraw tokens by clicking “Claim.” Users can also withdraw any TON coin similarly.
Step 4: Enter the number of tokens to withdraw and confirm the transaction. The converted tokens will be transferred to the user's connected TON wallet.
"Meanwhile, if you don't have the patience to wait for DOTCOIN official launch...(withdrawals - Time), there's an even bigger opportunity you don't want to MISS...🔥 you can literally profit right now!...💯 and the best part is that it's not a crypto airdrop, mining or anything that requires you tapping or investing your time, energy and money.
It's a straight forward process and you can do it within minutes and get your own piece of the cake...💰
It's a secret crypto giveaway "NO" one is talking about.
I got $200 worth of BNB token From this crypto giveaway update in less than 24hrs here is how you can participate and earn today.
Go over to your browser now! and search 🔍 for "", it’s a legit crypto blog that is currently doing a secret crypto giveaway, Go check it out trust me, it’s 💯 legit and very easy to Join. 🏃🏃🏃
Immediately you enter the website click the "Learn>>>" button at the top of the first page
you'll be directed to the giveaway section.
Here is a 4 step process you can follow to successfully benefit.
Step 1: put your BNB wallet address, in other to receive the BNB reward.
Step 2: share to 5 friends, you need to invite your friends to join the giveaway 🎁
Step 3: Withdraw BNB 💰, at this point for you to get the free BNB you must "verify" by completing a simple survey or a sign up it depends on your region, the purpose of doing this is to actually know if you’re a human or robot, once done successfully you will get the BNB reward instantly to your crypto wallet.
To increase your chance getting the BNB reward I advise you should also join their community.
Also note the BNB reward may take a while before it arrive 👌
Thanks for reading...🙏
Also SUBSCRIBE to our free NEWLETTER for more updates, we will be doing a free giveaway of $30,000 to new members so stay tuned!...📤👇
Thanks again...🚀
Basic Concepts in Economics for Undergraduate StudentsEzhildev
The PPT explains about the basic concepts with examples. the concepts are as Demand and supply, opportunity cost, marginal utility, Elasticity, GDP, Inflation, unemployment, Comparative advantage, value for money, fiscal policy, and monetary policy, and purchasing power parity.
Key Highlights of the Union Budget 2024-25 | NexdigmNexdigm
Discover the key highlights of the Union Budget 2024-25 with Nexdigm's comprehensive report. Gain insights into major announcements, financial policies, and their implications for various sectors. Stay informed and understand how the new budget impacts you.
Title: Ross cameron - Warrior Trading Success Story: A Simple Guide to Profitable Trading
_Rating:_ 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Want to make money trading Forex like Ross cameron? He's a successful trader who uses a special book called the ForexGod e-book to get accurate trading signals. And the best part? It's easy to follow, even if you're new to trading!
_Ross cameron Results:_
- He makes consistent profits every month (around 90% returns!)
- He gets precise signals to buy or sell currencies
- He manages risk like a pro, so he doesn't lose too much money
_Ross cameron Says:_
"The ForexGod e-book is super helpful! It's like having a personal trading coach. I follow the strategies and signals, and it's made a huge difference in my trading."
_What You'll Get:_
- A simple, step-by-step guide to trading Forex
- Accurate signals to help you make profitable trades
- Tips on managing risk, so you don't lose too much money
Ross cameron success shows that anyone can trade Forex profitably with the right tools. The ForexGod e-book is perfect for beginners or experienced traders who want to improve their skills. Try it today and start making money like Ross cameron!
_Recommendation:_ Get your copy of the ForexGod e-book now and start trading like a pro!
If you need more details about the ForexGod trading Ebook, you can message them on Whatsapp to get immediately / direct access 📚👇
Or visit their official website 👇
"Grab your own copy today 📚!"
Highly recommended 💯
Also SUBSCRIBE to our free NEWLETTER for more updates, we will be doing a free giveaway of $30,000 to new members so stay tuned!...📤👇
#forex #trading #technicalanalysis #crypto #E-book #profit #legit.
Title: the moving average Success Story: A Simple Guide to Profitable Trading
_Rating:_ 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Want to make money trading Forex like the moving average? He's a successful trader who uses a special book called the ForexGod e-book to get accurate trading signals. And the best part? It's easy to follow, even if you're new to trading!
_the moving average Results:_
- He makes consistent profits every month (around 85% returns!)
- He gets precise signals to buy or sell currencies
- He manages risk like a pro, so he doesn't lose too much money
_the moving average Says:_
"The ForexGod e-book is super helpful! It's like having a personal trading coach. I follow the strategies and signals, and it's made a huge difference in my trading."
_What You'll Get:_
- A simple, step-by-step guide to trading Forex
- Accurate signals to help you make profitable trades
- Tips on managing risk, so you don't lose too much money
the moving average success shows that anyone can trade Forex profitably with the right tools. The ForexGod e-book is perfect for beginners or experienced traders who want to improve their skills. Try it today and start making money like the moving average!
_Recommendation:_ Get your copy of the ForexGod e-book now and start trading like a pro!
If you need more details about the ForexGod trading Ebook, you can message them on Whatsapp to get immediately / direct access 📚👇
Or visit their official website 👇
"Grab your own copy today 📚!"
Highly recommended 💯
Also SUBSCRIBE to our free NEWLETTER for more updates, we will be doing a free giveaway of $30,000 to new members so stay tuned!...📤👇
#forex #trading #technicalanalysis #crypto #E-book #profit #legit.
Union Budget 2024 25 Impact on Education Sector.pdfaakash malhotra
Union Budget 2024: Top Highlights and Economic Indicators
This page provides a comprehensive overview of the Union Budget 2024, highlighting key economic indicators and their implications. It delves into the government's fiscal strategies, economic growth projections, and significant policy measures aimed at boosting the nation's economic landscape. The analysis covers crucial aspects such as GDP growth, inflation rates, employment trends, and sector-specific impacts, offering valuable insights for businesses, investors, and policymakers.
Union Budget 2024 25 Impact on Education Sector.pdf
10 facts about jobs in the future
1. The future of work
10 facts about jobs in the future
Lee Rainie - @lrainie
Director Internet and Technology Research at PRC
IMF- World Bank Youth Dialogue on the future of work
Oct. 10, 2017
2. October 10, 2017
1) The nature of jobs is changing as the knowledge economy
3. October 10, 2017
1) The nature of jobs is changing as the knowledge economy
All occupations
Occupations requiring
higher levels of ...
Analytical skills
Physical skills
Social skills
% change in employment, 1980-2015
4. October 10, 2017 4
2) Since 1990, employment growth most rapid in education and
health services
Educational services
Health care and social
Professional and
business services
Leisure and hospitality
Transportation and
Other services
Financial activities
% change in industry employment, 1990-2015
6. 3) Automation, robots, artificial intelligence are taking over
workers’ traditional tasks
Oxford researchers calculate
this is the percentage of
American employment that
is at risk because of the
expected impacts of
computerization in the
foreseeable future
McKinsey analysts estimate
this is the share of activities
workers are paid to do now that
could be automated using
currently available technologies
– accounting for $15 trillion in
October 10, 2017 6
7. 3) Automation, robots, artificial intelligence are taking over
workers’ traditional tasks
October 10, 2017
45 years
The timeframe estimated by artificial intelligence experts
when “high level machine intelligence” – unaided machines
that can accomplish any given task better and more
cheaply than humans – will be developed
- 2024: outperform language translators
- 2027: drive a truck
- 2031 : work in retail
- 2049: write best selling book
- 2053: work as a surgeon
8. October 10, 2017
4) People think many professions at risk – but not their own jobs
% of U.S. adults who think it is ___ likely that the following jobs will be replaced by robots or computers in their lifetimes
9. 5) People express more worry than optimism about future
October 10, 2017
10. October 10, 2017
6) Workers express more positive than negative views on overall
impact of technology on their careers
% of U.S. workers who say the following
11. 7) Workers with higher levels of education more likely to say tech
has increased opportunities, made jobs more interesting
October 10, 2017
Made their work more
Increased their opportunities
for advancement
College grad+ Some college HS grad or less
12. 40
Having a detailed understanding of
how to use computer technology
Being able to work with people from
many different backgrounds
Training in writing and
Access to training to keep skills up
to date
Mastering social media
Knowing a foreign language
Training in math and science
Knowing a computer or
programming language
NET 85%
8) People think knowledge of computers, social dexterity,
communications skills and access to training are key to success
13. October 10, 2017
9) Americans think individuals and public schools should have
the most responsibility to make sure workers have the right skills
A lot of Some Only a little None
Individuals themselves
Public K-12 education system
Colleges and universities
State governments
Federal government
% saying these groups should have ___ responsibility in making sure that the American workforce has the right skills and
education to be successful in today's economy
14. In the next 10 years, do you think we will see the emergence of
new educational and training programs that can successfully
train large numbers of workers in the skills they will need to
perform the jobs of the future?
70% “yes”
30% “no
10) Experts see major changes in education and jobs training
15. Theme 1) The training ecosystem will evolve, with a mix of
innovation in all education formats
Theme 2) Learners must cultivate 21st-century skills,
capabilities and attributes: Tough-to-teach intangibles
such as emotional intelligence, curiosity, creativity,
adaptability, resilience and critical thinking will be most
highly valued
Theme 3) New credentialing systems will arise as self-
directed learning expands