What is machine learning? Is UX relevant in the age of artificial intelligence (AI)? How can I take advantage of cognitive computing? Get answers to these questions and learn about the implications for your work in this session. Carol will help you understand at a basic level how these systems are built and what is required to get insights from them. Carol will present examples of how machine learning is already being used and explore the ethical challenges inherent in creating AI. You will walk away with an awareness of the weaknesses of AI and the knowledge of how these systems work.
10 Insightful Quotes On Designing A Better Customer ExperienceYuan Wang
In an ever-changing landscape of one digital disruption after another, companies and organisations are looking for new ways to understand their target markets and engage them better. Increasingly they invest in user experience (UX) and customer experience design (CX) capabilities by working with a specialist UX agency or developing their own UX lab. Some UX practitioners are touting leaner and faster ways of developing customer-centric products and services, via methodologies such as guerilla research, rapid prototyping and Agile UX. Others seek innovation and fulfilment by spending more time in research, being more inclusive, and designing for social goods.
Experience is more than just an interface. It is a relationship, as well as a series of touch points between your brand and your customer. Here are our top 10 highlights and takeaways from the recent UX Australia conference to help you transform your customer experience design.
For full article, continue reading at https://yump.com.au/10-ways-supercharge-customer-experience-design/
- The document discusses digital transformation and how companies can master digital disruption. It provides 7 steps for digital transformation: 1) focus on solving customer problems, 2) involve everyone in intrapreneurship, 3) disrupt your own business model, 4) make digital a core part of your organization, 5) rapidly ship products, 6) develop digital leadership capabilities, and 7) introduce agile technology platforms.
- It emphasizes the importance of moving fast, embracing change, thinking like a startup, and developing a "garage mindset" to foster innovation.
The essential elements of a digital transformation strategyMarcel Santilli
This document discusses how digital transformation is inevitable for enterprises due to ongoing digital disruption. It defines digital transformation as using digital technologies to improve customer experience, products/services, and business operations. The document outlines three approaches to digital transformation: IT transformation, business operations transformation, and business model transformation. It recommends that enterprises focus on business operations transformation by recognizing disruption, focusing on customers, rethinking their business, and not waiting too long to transform.
Help Young Talent Develop a Professional MindsetDaniel Goleman
There is a chasm between what business leaders expect from recent graduates, and what these new hires offer. In a Hay Group study of 450 business leaders and 450 recent graduates based in India, the US, and China… a massive 76% of business leaders reported that entry-level workers and recent grads are not ready for their jobs.
In most cases, these hires are intelligent, ambitious, and technically savvy. They have proven their ability to accomplish the work. They’re committed and passionate about rising through the ranks. So what are these new professionals missing?
They’re lacking soft skills.
10 Things your Audience Hates About your PresentationStinson
See it with animations! https://vimeo.com/179236019
It’s impossible to win over an audience with a bad presentation. You might have the next big thing, but if your presentation falls flat, then so will your idea. While every audience is different, there are some universal cringe-worthy presentation mistakes that are all too common. Whether you’re an amateur or a seasoned presenter, you should always avoid this list of top 10 things your audience hates. Are you committing any of these 10 fatal presentation sins?
For more presentation help, visit stinsondesign.com/blog
Today we all live and work in the Internet Century, where technology is roiling the business landscape, and the pace of change is only accelerating.
In their new book How Google Works, Google Executive Chairman and ex-CEO Eric Schmidt and former SVP of Products Jonathan Rosenberg share the lessons they learned over the course of a decade running Google.
Covering topics including corporate culture, strategy, talent, decision-making, communication, innovation, and dealing with disruption, the authors illustrate management maxims with numerous insider anecdotes from Google’s history.
In an era when everything is speeding up, the best way for businesses to succeed is to attract smart-creative people and give them an environment where they can thrive at scale. How Google Works is a new book that explains how to do just that.
This is a visual preview of How Google Works. You can pick up a copy of the book at www.howgoogleworks.net
This document discusses better collaboration between agencies and clients. It notes that historically, agencies did not provide clients with a full understanding of the creative process or ideas, and clients did not know how to properly evaluate work. It advocates that agencies start presentations with the agreed upon creative brief to provide necessary context before presenting ideas. Agencies should tell a story that bridges the brief to the final idea, giving clients a complete understanding. The document also provides models for properly evaluating ideas and ensuring collaborative discussions between agencies and clients.
Here’s The Deck Andy Raskin Called “The Greatest Sales Pitch I’ve Seen All Year”Drift
Andy Raskin has led strategic story training at Uber, Intel, Yelp, General Assembly and Stanford and called this the greatest sales pitch he's seen all year. Have a look.
Pitching Ideas: How to sell your ideas to othersJeroen van Geel
Learn how to convince others of your UX ideas by understanding them.
We are good in designing usable and engaging products and services. We understand the user's needs and have a toolkit with dozens of deliverables. But for some reason it remains difficult to sell an idea or concept to team members, managers or clients. After this session that problem will be solved!
Selling your ideas and convincing others is one of the most undervalued assets in our field. This ranges from convincing a colleague to use a certain design pattern to selling research to your boss and convincing a client to go for your concept. You can come up with the best ideas in the world, but if it is presented in the wrong way these ideas will die a lonely dead. This is sad, because everybody can learn how to bring a message across. The main thing is that you know what to pay attention to.
In this session I will take you on a journey through the world of presenting ideas. We will move through the heads of clients and your colleagues, learn what their thoughts and needs are. We will move to the core of your idea and into the world of psychology.
A journey into the business world of artificial intelligence. Explore at a high-level ongoing business experiments in creating new value.
* Review AI as a priority for value generation
* Explore ongoing experimentation
* Touch on how businesses are monetising AI
* Understand the intent of adoption by industries
* Discuss on the state of customer trust in AI
Part 1 of a 9 Part Research Series named "What matters in AI" published on https://www.andremuscat.com
Technology Futurist Monty Metzger (http://blog.monty.de/keynote-speaker) speaks about how to master the fourth industrial revolution. The Digital Future will have far more impact — the next 25 years will usher more change than in the previous three centuries. What separates great leaders from the rest, is they have a precise vision of the future. A vision to enable change today.
Who will be leading the Fourth Industrial Revolution? How will our economy depend on data, analytics and AI? How Digital Transformation can boost your business?
Monty’s keynote speeches are for those who want to change things and for those who want embrace the opportunities of the Digital Future.
Book Monty for your conference, workshop or company meeting
How to Use AI in Your Digital Marketing (1).pdfVolume Nine
How to use A.I. (like ChatGPT & Bard) in your digital marketing, including:
- A brief history of A.I.
- How language models work
- Major categories of how to use ChatGPT & Bard for Digital
- Tactical ideas for SEO, Social Media, Email Marketing, Content Marketing and more
- Ideas of where this is all going for Digital Marketers
- AI resources & our favorite A.I. Tools
Dispatches From The New Economy: The Five Faces Of The On-Demand EconomyIntuit Inc.
From people determined to be their own boss, to those embracing the flexibility to do something they love, to workers finding a replacement for a traditional job – people working in the on-demand economy are just about as diverse as the labor market itself. A new report from Intuit Inc. and Emergent Research shows that there are a broad range of motivations – and differing levels of satisfaction – among five distinct groups of on-demand workers:
The Business Builders – primarily driven by the desire to be their own boss. They represent 22 percent of on-demand workers.
The Career Freelancers – happily building a career through independent work. They represent 20 percent of on-demand workers.
The Side Giggers – looking to find financial stability by supplementing existing income. They represent 26 percent of on-demand workers.
The Passionistas – looking for the flexibility to do something they love. They represent 18 percent of on-demand workers.
The Substituters – replacing a traditional job that is no longer available. They represent 14 percent of on-demand workers.
A total of 4,622 workers who find work opportunities via the platforms provided by the participating partner companies completed an online survey between September 11 and October 1, 2015. The results were weighted to reflect the proportion of workers in each of the following segments: Drivers/Delivery, Online Talent Marketplaces and Field Service/Onsite Talent. The weights were developed using earlier survey work that sized the on-demand economy. The largest weighted share of on-demand worker respondents from any single company is 16%, with most partner companies providing less than 10% of the respondents.
Galieleo Galilei, Mother Theresa, Bill Gates, Larry Page--these are just four of the people you look up to because of their significant contribution to the world. How did they do it? How did they start working on their idea? Can you be as influential as them?
Yes! And we hope this presentation inspires you to change the world in your own ways.
Presented at Social Media Breakfast Red Deer. Website and social analytics give you lots of data to look at, but what should you do with it? Learn how to make analytics work for you and understand how your various marketing and communication efforts are having an impact.
Leveraging Generative AI & Best practicesDianaGray10
In this event we will cover:
- What is Generative AI and how it is being for future of work.
- Best practices for developing and deploying generative AI based models in productions.
- Future of Generative AI, how generative AI is expected to evolve in the coming years.
Digital Transformation From Strategy To ImplementationScopernia
Creating a digital transformation strategy is one thing but how do you put the insights and plans into practice. This presentation deals with vision, strategy, roadmap, governance, leadership, channel hacking, start-up-thinking and many more issues.
What industries have been digitally disrupted? What are being disrupted? What types of digital disruption are there? Where should you focus your digital disruption/transformation efforts?
This document provides a summary of fundraising rounds for AI and data startups in Europe in 2016. Some key findings include:
- Over 270 startups raised $774 million in 2016, up from $583 million in 2015.
- The average funding round was $3.7 million.
- France and the UK led fundraising totals, with 108 startups in the UK raising $188 million and 37 startups in France raising $118 million.
- Early stage investments boomed, with $215 million invested in 170 early stage startups.
- In 2016, focus shifted from marketing applications to technologies using natural language processing, speech recognition and other AI techniques, as well as applications in healthcare, agriculture and other industries
The SlideShare 101 is a quick start guide if you want to walk through the main features that the platform offers. This will keep getting updated as new features are launched.
The SlideShare 101 replaces the earlier "SlideShare Quick Tour".
The document summarizes 10 key facts about the future of work: 1) Jobs are becoming more knowledge-based, requiring skills like analytical thinking. 2) Employment has grown most in healthcare, education, and professional services. 3) Automation is replacing many traditional jobs, with estimates that 47-50% of current jobs could be automated. 4) People see other jobs as more at risk of automation than their own. 5) More people express worry than optimism about automation's impact. 6) Workers see technology as more positively impacting their careers. 7) Higher-educated workers report greater benefits from technology. 8) Skills in technology, communication, and lifelong learning are seen as most important for the future. 9)
Making Great User Experiences, Pittsburgh Scrum MeetUp, Oct 17, 2017Carol Smith
Everything is designed, yet some interactions are much better than others. What does it take to make a great experience? What are the areas that UX specialists focus on? How do skills in cognitive psycology, computer science and design come together? Carol introduces basic concepts in user experience design that you can use to improve the user's expeirence and/or clearly communicate with designers.
What is Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence Tutorial For Beginn...Edureka!
** Machine Learning Engineer Masters Program: https://www.edureka.co/masters-program/machine-learning-engineer-training **
This tutorial on Artificial Intelligence gives you a brief introduction to AI discussing how it can be a threat as well as useful. This tutorial covers the following topics:
1. AI as a threat
2. What is AI?
3. History of AI
4. Machine Learning & Deep Learning examples
5. Dependency on AI
6.Applications of AI
7. AI Course at Edureka - https://goo.gl/VWNeAu
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2017 holiday survey: An annual analysis of the peak shopping seasonDeloitte United States
Holiday retail spending is bucking trends this season with only one-third of holiday budgets going toward gifts. Online spending is expected to exceed in-store for the first time. In addition to gifts for others this year, spending on experiences and self-gifting increased. Explore more consumer spending trends in our 32nd annual holiday survey. For more: http://deloi.tt/2yH1VAn.
Google continues to dominate search and increase its share. According to data, Google's core search increased 5.9% from October 2016 to May 2017 while its closest competitors like Yahoo and Bing declined. Google distributes search traffic relatively evenly across sites while Facebook and YouTube tend to concentrate traffic on very large sites. Reddit and YouTube send the majority of their referral traffic to just a handful of top sites.
Harry Surden - Artificial Intelligence and Law OverviewHarry Surden
This document provides an overview of artificial intelligence. It defines AI as using computers to solve problems or make automated decisions for tasks typically requiring human intelligence. The two major AI techniques are logic and rules-based approaches, and machine learning based approaches. Machine learning algorithms find patterns in data to infer rules and improve over time. While AI is limited and cannot achieve human-level abstract reasoning, pattern-based machine learning is powerful for automation and many tasks through proxies without requiring true intelligence. Successful AI systems are often hybrids of the approaches or work with human intelligence.
Este documento presenta varias páginas web interesantes sobre las matemáticas, incluyendo enciclopedias, calculadoras, biografías de matemáticos, juegos, problemas y más. Algunos sitios recomendados son Enciclopedia Matemática, Sectormatemática.cl, Tareas-ya.com y Matemalia.tk, los cuales ofrecen recursos educativos sobre diversos temas matemáticos de manera divertida e interactiva. El autor invita al lector a visitar estas páginas para explorar y apre
Taming the ever-evolving Compliance Beast : Lessons learnt at LinkedIn [Strat...Shirshanka Das
Just when you think you have your Kafka and Hadoop clusters set up and humming and you’re well on your path to democratizing data, you realize that you now have a very different set of challenges to solve. You want to provide unfettered access to data to your data scientists, but at the same time, you need to preserve the privacy of your members, who have entrusted you with their data.
Shirshanka Das and Tushar Shanbhag outline the path LinkedIn has taken to protect member privacy in its scalable distributed data ecosystem built around Kafka and Hadoop.
They also discuss three foundational building blocks for scalable data management that can meet data compliance regulations: a centralized metadata system, a standardized data lifecycle management platform, and a unified data access layer. Some of these systems are open source and can be of use to companies that are in a similar situation. Along the way, they also look to the future—specifically, to the General Data Protection Regulation, which comes into effect in 2018—and outline LinkedIn’s plans for addressing those requirements.
But technology is just part of the solution. Shirshanka and Tushar also share the culture and process change they’ve seen happen at the company and the lessons they’ve learned about sustainable process and governance.
The document discusses Spring configuration and Java-based configuration. It covers topics like using @Configuration classes to define beans, @ComponentScan to find beans, @Bean to define beans, and using Java configuration as an alternative to XML configuration in Spring. It also provides examples of configuring ViewResolvers, controllers and enabling Spring MVC features with annotations like @EnableWebMvc.
Business Process Modeling in Goldman Sachs @ JJUG CCC Fall 2017tty fky
This is a presentation to talk about business process modeling in Goldman Sachs which presented in Japan Java User Group Cross Community Conference Fall 2017.
UX in the Age of AI: Where Does Design Fit In? Fluxible 2017Carol Smith
Cognitive computing and machine learning are not new concepts, but they are new to most UX’ers. Carol Smith addresses questions about artificial intelligence (AI) such as:
- What are these terms and technologies and how do they work?
- How can we take advantage of these powerful systems to help our users?
- Should I be concerned that computers will take over the world soon? Spoiler: It is extremely unlikely.
Once this baseline understanding is established, we’ll look at examples of AI in use and discuss the relevancy of design work in the age of AI. Additionally, we’ll explore the ethical challenges inherent with the use of AI from the user’s perspective, specifically regarding trust and transparency.
This was presented at Fluxible 2017 in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, Canada on 23 Sept 2017.
Big Data Tutorial For Beginners | What Is Big Data | Big Data Tutorial | Hado...Edureka!
This Edureka Big Data tutorial helps you to understand Big Data in detail. This tutorial will be discussing about evolution of Big Data, factors associated with Big Data, different opportunities in Big Data. Further it will discuss about problems associated with Big Data and how Hadoop emerged as a solution. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial:
1) Evolution of Data
2) What is Big Data?
3) Big Data as an Opportunity
4) Problems in Encasing Big Data Opportunity
5) Hadoop as a Solution
6) Hadoop Ecosystem
7) Edureka Big Data & Hadoop Training
Designing AI for Humanity at dmi:Design Leadership Conference in BostonCarol Smith
As design leaders we must enable our teams with skills and knowledge to take on the new and exciting opportunities that building powerful AI systems bring. Dynamic systems require transparency regarding data provenance, bias, training methods, and more, to gain user’s trust. Carol will cover these topics and challenge us as design leaders, to represent our fellow humans by provoking conversations regarding critical ethical and safety needs.
Presented at dmi:Design Leadership Conference in Boston in October 2018.
IA in the Age of AI: Embracing Abstraction and Change at IA Summit 2018Carol Smith
This session focuses on the questions we need to ask to create good, ethical experiences for our users.
Information Architects must push to…
- Keep people at the center of our work.
- Lead with our user’s goals.
- Ease of use, usability, findability, effectiveness, efficiency…
We must work to mature organizations approach
- Push back on “technology first” ideas.
- Lead on ethics - for our users, humanity.
UX in the Age of AI: Leading with Design UXPA2018Carol Smith
How can designers improve trust of cognitive systems? What can we do to make these systems transparent? What information needs to be transparent? The biggest challenges inherent with AI will be discussed, specifically the ethical conflicts and the implications for your work, along with the basics of these concepts so that you can strive for making great AI systems.
The document discusses the importance of user experience design in developing artificial intelligence systems. It notes that AI systems are only as good as the data used to train them and the humans who design, develop and monitor them. It emphasizes that UX designers must focus on understanding user needs, ensuring transparency in how AI systems work, addressing potential biases and unintended consequences, and enabling oversight of systems to prioritize ethics and user trust. The talk suggests UX professionals will play a key role in developing AI responsibly and keeping people at the center of technology.
AI for IA's: Machine Learning Demystified at IA Summit 2017 - IAS17Carol Smith
What is machine learning? Is IA relevant in the age of AI? How can I take advantage of cognitive computing? Learn the basics of these concepts and the implications for your work in this presentation. Carol Smith provides examples of machine learning use and will discuss the challenges inherent in in AI.
Data Science for Beginner by Chetan Khatri and Deptt. of Computer Science, Ka...Chetan Khatri
What is Data Science?
What is Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and AI?
Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Role of AI in Daily life
Use cases/Applications
Tools & Technologies
Challenges: Bias, Fake Content, Digital Psychography, Security
Detect Fake Content with “AI”
Learning Path
Career Path
Designing Trustable AI Experiences at World Usability Day in ClevelandCarol Smith
How can designers improve trust of cognitive systems? What can we do to make these systems transparent? What information needs to be transparent? The biggest challenges inherent with AI will be discussed, specifically the ethical conflicts and the implications for your work, along with the basics of these concepts so that you can distinguish between simply smart systems and AI.
Presented at the World World Usability Day 2018 celebration in Cleveland, Ohio.
Dynamic UXR: Ethical Responsibilities and AI. Carol Smith at Strive in TorontoCarol Smith
This document summarizes a presentation about ethical responsibilities in artificial intelligence and user experience research. It discusses how AI systems are imperfect like humans, different types of AI, and how algorithms only know what they are taught. It emphasizes that UXR for AI needs to provoke discussions around important decision points regarding content curation, training, and management. Ethical considerations include preventing bias, maintaining accuracy, intentional oversight, and representing human values and safety. The goal is developing AI that is ethical, transparent and fair.
The document discusses artificial intelligence and provides an overview of key topics including:
- A brief history of AI beginning with the 1956 Dartmouth conference where the field was first proposed.
- Types of AI such as artificial weak intelligence, artificial hybrid intelligence, and artificial strong intelligence.
- Applications of AI such as computer vision, machine translation, and robotics.
- Progress in deep learning including speech recognition, computer vision, and machine translation.
- Demos of AI services including a cognitive race between AWS and Azure and using an AWS bot with Lex.
Tallk given at #SXSW2019 in the Intelligent Future track as part of the Interactive Festival. We explain 3 frameworks for MachineEthics and how they affect the supervised and unsupervised methods, and the data engineering discipline.
A Guide to AI for Smarter Nonprofits - Dr. Cori Faklaris, UNC CharlotteCori Faklaris
Working with data is a challenge for many organizations. Nonprofits in particular may need to collect and analyze sensitive, incomplete, and/or biased historical data about people. In this talk, Dr. Cori Faklaris of UNC Charlotte provides an overview of current AI capabilities and weaknesses to consider when integrating current AI technologies into the data workflow. The talk is organized around three takeaways: (1) For better or sometimes worse, AI provides you with “infinite interns.” (2) Give people permission & guardrails to learn what works with these “interns” and what doesn’t. (3) Create a roadmap for adding in more AI to assist nonprofit work, along with strategies for bias mitigation.
The document discusses recent trends in artificial intelligence, including Gartner's Hype Cycle for AI technologies and where AI currently stands. It covers neural networks and how they are trained through techniques like backpropagation and stochastic gradient descent. Computer vision applications of AI like image recognition, convolution, max pooling, and autoencoders are described. Recurrent neural networks and LSTMs are discussed in the context of temporal data and prediction. Potential career paths in AI fields like data analytics, user experience, natural language processing, and computer science research are listed. Free online learning resources for AI are provided, and some examples of AI startup companies are mentioned.
Generative Artificial Intelligence and Data Privacy: A Primer Internet Law Center
This document provides an overview of generative artificial intelligence and related data privacy issues. It defines generative AI as a type of AI that can generate new content like text, images, and videos by learning from existing data. It discusses how generative AI models require large datasets for training, which are often scraped from the publicly available internet without consent. Some key policy considerations for Congress around these privacy issues are existing U.S. sectoral privacy laws, proposed comprehensive privacy legislation, existing agency authorities, regulation of data scraping, and supporting alternative technical approaches.
This document discusses Microsoft's efforts in artificial intelligence and machine learning. It provides context on the current state of AI, highlighting how machine learning has progressed from addressing specific tasks to becoming more general. It outlines Microsoft's investments in AI, including forming a new 5,000-person division and making AI pervasive across its products. The document also discusses challenges around developing machine learning programs and ensuring AI is developed in a responsible, trustworthy manner.
On March 26, 2015 Steve Omohundro gave a talk in the IBM Research 2015 Distinguished Speaker Series at the Accelerated Discovery Lab, IBM Research, Almaden.
Google, IBM, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Baidu, Foxconn, and others have recently made multi-billion dollar investments in artificial intelligence and robotics. Some of these investments are aimed at increasing productivity and enhancing coordination and cooperation. Others are aimed at creating strategic gains in competitive interactions. This is creating “arms races” in high-frequency trading, cyber warfare, drone warfare, stealth technology, surveillance systems, and missile warfare. Recently, Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, and others have issued strong cautionary statements about the safety of intelligent technologies. We describe the potentially antisocial “rational drives” of self-preservation, resource acquisition, replication, and self-improvement that uncontrolled autonomous systems naturally exhibit. We describe the “Safe-AI Scaffolding Strategy” for developing these systems with a high confidence of safety based on the insight that even superintelligences are constrained by the laws of physics, mathematical proof, and cryptographic complexity. “Smart contracts” are a promising decentralized cryptographic technology used in Ethereum and other second-generation cryptocurrencies. They can express economic, legal, and political rules and will be a key component in governing autonomous technologies. If we are able to meet the challenges, AI and robotics have the potential to dramatically improve every aspect of human life.
UX for Artificial Intelligence / UXcamp Europe '17 / Berlin / Jan KorsankeJan Korsanke
/ My talk from the UXcamp Europe in Berlin. Please enjoy and feel free and don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions or want to talk about UX and AI
What is artificial intelligence, how do we create collaboration and what’s gonna happen in the future?
This document discusses the development of artificial intelligence and perspectives on its impact. It provides quotes from experts expressing both optimism and pessimism about AI's development. It also summarizes the advancement of AI technologies like deep learning and self-driving cars. Additionally, it profiles three major AI research institutes and their focus on areas such as machine learning, robotics, and developing open platforms for industry and academic collaboration. In summary, the document outlines the progress and challenges of AI, as well as perspectives on both its risks and opportunities.
Navigating the Complexity of Trust at UXPA Boston 2021Carol Smith
This document provides an overview of the complexity of trust as it relates to human-machine interactions. It discusses trust as a psychological state involving vulnerability and positive expectations. Trust is complex and personal, changing based on experience, context, and new information. Appropriate trust calibrates to a system's capabilities. The document advocates designing systems with awareness of human values and through speculative consideration of potential harms.
Implementing Ethics: Developing Trustworthy AI PyCon 2020Carol Smith
Ethics discussions abound, but translating “do no harm” into our work is frustrating at best, and obfuscatory at worst. We can agree that keeping humans safe and in control is important, but implementing ethics is intimidating work.
Learn how to wield your preferred technology ethics code to make an AI system that is accountable, de-risked, respectful, secure, honest and usable. The presenter will introduce the topic of ethics and then step through a user experience (UX) framework to guide AI development teams successfully through this process.
Presented virtually for PyCon 2020 which was to be held in Pittsburgh, PA, but was reorganized online due to Covid-19.
Designing Trustworthy AI: A User Experience Framework at RSA 2020Carol Smith
Artificial intelligence (AI) holds great promise to empower us with knowledge and scaled effectiveness. To harness the power of AI systems, we can—and must—ensure that we keep humans safe and in control. This session will introduce a new user experience (UX) framework to guide the creation of AI systems that are accountable, de-risked, respectful, secure, honest and usable.
Presented at the RSA Conference 2020 in San Francisco, CA on February 28, 2020.
IA is Elemental: People are Fundamental at World IA Day 2020 PittsburghCarol Smith
Information architects work in a system with ourselves at the center. We are fundamental to making great experiences and as such, we must care for ourselves in order to best represent the people using the systems we are creating. Prioritizing the needs of users comes next, and with that protecting them by caring about diversity, inclusion and ethics. Finally, collaboration with colleagues and communities that influence our work can be done by educating them about IA work.
Gearing up for Ethnography, Michigan State, World Usability Day 2019Carol Smith
Prepping for UX research can be intimidating, and there is never enough time or resources. Carol will share her personal experiences in the field, both good and bad. She has learned the hard way, doing observations in moving vehicles, coal mines, hospitals, schools, homes, and offices. She will also share interesting anecdotes from colleagues and review both ethical and behavioral standards for researchers. The key is to prepare well, learn to be flexible and to adapt to the situation.
Presented at World Usability Day 2019 at Michigan State University with Michigan UXPA
Designing Trustworthy AI: A Human-Machine Teaming Framework to Guide Developm...Carol Smith
"Designing Trustworthy AI: A Human-Machine Teaming Framework to Guide Development" is a paper presented at the AAAI 2019 Fall Symposium on AI in Government and the Public Sector, (sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence) in Washington, DC, November 7–9, 2019.
Artificial intelligence (AI) holds great promise to empower us with knowledge and augment our effectiveness. We can -- and must -- ensure that we keep humans safe and in control, particularly with regard to government and public sector applications that affect broad populations. How can AI development teams harness the power of AI systems and design them to be valuable to humans? Diverse teams are needed to build trustworthy artificial intelligent systems, and those teams need to coalesce around a shared set of ethics. There are many discussions in the AI field about ethics and trust, but there are few frameworks available for people to use as guidance when creating these systems. The Human-Machine Teaming (HMT) Framework for Designing Ethical AI Experiences described in this paper, when used with a set of technical ethics, will guide AI development teams to create AI systems that are accountable, de-risked, respectful, secure, honest, and usable. To support the team's efforts, activities to understand people's needs and concerns will be introduced along with the themes to support the team's efforts. For example, usability testing can help determine if the audience understands how the AI system works and complies with the HMT Framework. The HMT Framework is based on reviews of existing ethical codes and best practices in human-computer interaction and software development. Human-machine teams are strongest when human users can trust AI systems to behave as expected, safely, securely, and understandably. Using the HMT Framework to design trustworthy AI systems will provide support to teams in identifying potential issues ahead of time and making great experiences for humans.
On the Road: Best Practices for Autonomous Experiences at WUC19Carol Smith
The document summarizes Carol J. Smith's presentation "On the Road: Best Practices for Autonomous Experiences" given at the World Usability Congress in Graz, Austria in October 2019. The presentation discusses best practices for autonomous vehicle experiences, including designing for real people in context, considering social implications, and recognizing that the near future of autonomy will involve slower, shared rides on private property with more opportunity for iteration. Key topics covered include vulnerable populations, gender considerations, environmental factors, motion sickness, and ensuring diverse riders are included in research.
Designing More Ethical and Unbiased Experiences - AbstractionsCarol Smith
Presented at Abstractions, Pittsburgh, PA
Karen Bachmann and Carol Smith, August 23, 2019
Humans are biased, and sadly, we are not always able to filter our deeply ingrained biases. UX designers and researchers have long understood this, but as we watch major technology companies make significant mistakes with regard to ethics and bias, the cost of not accounting for bias and ethics is becoming more evident and widely known.
Even knowing what pitfalls exist, we still miss opportunities for doing good as a result of our own human biases obscuring our vision. We need tools to explore and challenge our biases in a productive way to deliver better outcomes. We need a set of shared values within teams and, ultimately, across the industry to promote our common responsibility to deliver the greatest benefit while causing the least amount of harm. How can we work together to intensify the focus on ethical design? In this session, we’ll share ways you can empower yourself and your teams to do the right thing for people.
Prototyping for Beginners - Pittsburgh Inclusive Innovation Summit 2019Carol Smith
To design for inclusion we often must try out different ideas. In this interactive session you'll learn about all types of prototyping and how to get feedback on your ideas from your users. This session will briefly introduce a variety of prototypes and materials and evaluation methods for early learning.
Participants will have time to build a quick prototype and practice getting feedback on it. We'll cover designing for accessibility and inclusion even at the prototype stage. You'll have the information you need to launch your ideas as early as possible to learn from the experience and improve more quickly.
Presented at the Pittsburgh Inclusive Innovation Summit March 30, 2019 held at Point Park University.
Navigating challenges in IA people management at IAC19Carol Smith
This document summarizes Carol Smith's presentation on navigating challenges in information architecture (IA) people management. Some of the key challenges discussed include employees quitting due to poor management, lack of recognition, feeling overworked, company culture not being a priority, and lack of growth opportunities. The presentation provides suggestions on building diverse and inclusive teams, providing support to employees, conducting regular 1-on-1 meetings, setting reasonable expectations, recognizing good work, and helping employees transition when needed. The overall message is that navigating these people management challenges can help create great work experiences for employees.
What can DesignOps do for you? by Carol Smith at TLMUX in MontrealCarol Smith
You have probably seen the terms DesignOps and/or ResearchOps float by in your social media queue. These teams make designing (and researching) at scale beautifully efficient and successful. Carol steps through how these teams work, the types of activities they perform, situations they are helpful for, and ways you can leverage these types of programs in your organization. Carol will share examples from her experiences and stories from other organizations that are using Design Ops to do effective design at scale.
Presented at Tout le monde UX in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on February 28, 2019. http://toutlemonde-ux.com/
Gearing up for Ethnography at Midwest UX 2018Carol Smith
We are all low on time and resources, and our UX research must occur wherever and whenever possible. Carol will share her personal experiences in the field, both good and bad. She has learned the hard way doing observations in moving vehicles, coal mines, hospitals, schools, homes, and offices. She will also share interesting anecdotes from colleagues and review both ethical and behavioral standards for researchers. The key is to prepare well, learn to be flexible and to adapt to the situation.
Presented at Midwest UX 2018 held in Chicago, IL.
Product Design in Agile Environments: Making it Work at ProductCamp PittsburghCarol Smith
Can Product Design work in Agile environments? Yes! Balancing people and process can be complicated, and in this talk, Carol will provide you guidance to make it work. You can inform good design with strong user experience (UX) research and support continuous releases in a fast-paced environment. We'll look at ways to achieve a flexible approach that meets the needs of these seemingly conflicting efforts. Participants will come away with the tools they need to successfully integrate design thinking methods, in an Agile environment, one sprint at a time.
Selected for presentation at ProductCamp Pittsburgh in September 2018 at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU).
Demystifying Artificial Intelligence: Solving Difficult Problems at ProductCa...Carol Smith
This document discusses a presentation on demystifying artificial intelligence and solving difficult problems. The presentation covers topics such as why AI experiences can be challenging, what AI is, different types of machine learning, how humans teach and monitor AI systems, ensuring AI is designed responsibly, and communicating about AI systems. It uses examples such as a hypothetical lawn care treatment selection system to illustrate concepts around data collection and training, potential biases, and unintended consequences that can arise.
Making Great User Experiences at Cleveland C# .Net Meetup July 27 2017Carol Smith
Everything is designed, yet some interactions are much better than others. What does it take to make a great experience? Carol introduces basic concepts in user experience design that you can use to improve your work. You'll learn the basics of: cognitive psychology; accessibility; design thinking; interaction design; and visual design. These concepts work together to make great user experiences and Carol will help you to understand how this work can be integrated into your existing software development process.
Faster Usability Testing in an Agile World - Agile UX Virtual Summit 2017 by ...Carol Smith
Carol Smith presented "Faster Usability Testing in an Agile World" via webinar during the Agile UX Virtual Summit 2017 by UXPin.
This presentation covers:
- Brief intro to how the IBM Watson Design team runs continuous usability tests and integrates the UX team
- How design work fits into the Agile process via dual track development
- When to run moderated, un-moderated, remote, and in-person studies
- How to effectively communicate UX findings and recommendations
Making Faster UX in an Agile World - HOAPitt 2017Carol Smith
Carol Smith presented this topic at the Heart of Agile conference in Pittsburgh, PA in April 2017.
UX Slows Agile down! Do you hear that a lot? Carol shared best practices and how to dispel this myth in this session. The presentation included discussions of how to successfully embedding the UX team and the pros and cons of Agile projects. Carol will introduce methods for the UX team to break down and include their work in the backlog so it can get prioritized. Finally, Carol will discuss several successful ways to integrate usability testing across iterations.
Design vs.Cancer: Patients Win UXDC 2017Carol Smith
This 10 minute talk concluded with a panel with two other presenters.
How do you make an impact on people’s lives in three weeks? I was selected to work on a pro-bono project to help health providers in Ethiopia, Nigeria and Uganda to increase the availability and lower the cost of cancer treatments. We were challenged to create a fully functioning software solution that would meet the needs of health care workers in forecasting the need for chemotherapy during the 3-week timeline. I’ll share the experience of working on a fast-paced project with a cross-functional team in this session.
We worked closely with the American Cancer Society, Clinton Health Access Initiative, NCCN and oncologists to create the ChemoQuant solution.
DIY Usability Testing for Business Analysts (BA)Carol Smith
This presentation provides techniques for business analysts (BA's) to begin conducting their own usability tests. This was presented to the Pittsburgh IIBA Chapter on January 9, 2017.
Mature Products: The Cycle of UX Reinvention UXPA 2016Carol Smith
As products mature, the user’s needs change over time and so must the way we work. This presentation discusses various experiences working on mature software and complex Web applications and a set of best practices.
The Impact of Declining Sales on Businesses and the Economy_ Resolution AI Em...Esther White
The Impact of Declining Sales on Businesses and the Economy: Resolution through AI Empowerment Profitability Program
In today's volatile economic climate, declining sales have become a significant challenge for businesses across various industries. This downturn affects not only individual companies but also the broader economy, leading to a ripple effect of negative consequences. The AI Empowerment Profitability Program offers a cutting-edge solution to these challenges, providing businesses with the tools they need to stabilize and grow even in the face of economic uncertainty.
The Problem: Declining Sales and Its Broad Impact
Reduced Revenue: As sales decline, businesses experience a direct hit to their revenue streams. This reduction can limit their ability to invest in new products, hire new employees, and maintain operational efficiencies.
Job Losses: Lower sales often lead to cost-cutting measures, including layoffs. This results in higher unemployment rates, which further depresses consumer spending and exacerbates the economic downturn.
Market Instability: Consistent declines in sales can lead to market instability, with businesses struggling to maintain their market positions. This instability can result in increased competition and price wars, further reducing profitability.
Operational Challenges: Businesses facing declining sales may struggle with cash flow issues, making it difficult to cover operational expenses such as rent, utilities, and inventory costs. This can lead to a vicious cycle of debt and financial instability.
Investor Confidence: Persistent sales declines can shake investor confidence, leading to decreased investments and funding opportunities. This can stifle innovation and growth, leaving businesses unable to adapt to changing market conditions.
The Solution: AI Empowerment Profitability Program
The AI Empowerment Profitability Program is designed to address these challenges head-on, leveraging the power of artificial intelligence to boost sales, optimize operations, and enhance profitability.
Enhanced Sales Strategies: AI can analyze vast amounts of data to identify trends, preferences, and buying behaviors. This enables businesses to craft personalized marketing strategies that resonate with their target audience, driving higher conversion rates and sales.
Operational Efficiency: AI tools can streamline operations by automating routine tasks, optimizing supply chains, and improving inventory management. This reduces operational costs and enhances efficiency, allowing businesses to focus on growth and innovation.
Real-Time Insights: AI provides real-time analytics and insights, helping businesses make informed decisions quickly. This agility is crucial in responding to market changes and seizing new opportunities.
Predictive Analytics: By predicting future sales trends and customer behaviors, AI helps businesses plan more effectively. This proactive approach reduces risks and ensures that resources are
Newsweek CEO Dev Pragad's Leadership JourneyChristopher
Explore the remarkable journey of Newsweek CEO Dev Pragad, who transformed the iconic media brand into a digital powerhouse. This presentation covers Dev's early life, education, professional beginnings, strategic vision, and the significant milestones achieved under his leadership. Discover how strategic partnerships, digital innovation, and a strong leadership philosophy drove Newsweek’s growth, making it a case study in successful media turnaround. Ideal for business leaders, media professionals, and anyone interested in digital transformation and strategic leadership.
In the competitive world of public relations (PR), having a robust and innovative strategy is essential for success. Impact Authority PR Agency has established itself as a leader in PR strategy, offering comprehensive solutions that cater to diverse needs across various industries. This article delves into the elements that make Impact Authority a standout leader in PR strategy, particularly for the European market.
Buy Changeover Switch At Best Price On Eleczovishupadhya1213
Eleczo is a well-versed online shopping destination to procure uninterrupted and secured electrical equipment. We at Eleczo aim to deliver ideal and trustworthy brands’ Changeover switches at an affordable price. Being the most trusted changeover switches supplier in India and worldwide, Eleczo offers an extensive range of electrical items including lights, fans, power sockets, miniature circuit breakers, switchgear, and many more. Our ultimate customer-support network serves the best possible using cutting-edge technology to meet our customers’ needs. Each product is built and designed with supreme material, enhanced safety & adhered to safety guidelines before deliver to your doorstep.
Softwide Security is a security company providing the world's best IT security solutions with the best support.
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The Indisputable Value of an Effective Qualitative Data PracticeRocketSource
Qualitative data is perhaps one of the most critical parts of modern organizational strategies today, yet many enterprises don’t know where to start collecting it or how to collect it properly. Even more of a struggle is analyzing the qualitative data available to extract insights that can shape the trajectory of the business as a whole.
With emerging technologies, such as Large Language Models and Generative AI breaking onto the enterprise scene with force, organizations today want to dive in and leverage these tools for maximum growth. There are more opportunities than ever to take data and speed the time to insights, but it all starts with having the right data to train these models on and the right strategic framework to extract the best insights to deliver higher ROI on your marketing campaigns, higher ROAS, lower CAC, higher LTV, and lower churn rates.
AI Affiliate Empire: Your Blueprint to Financial FreedomThat Makes You Passiv...Esther White
Daily, Direct Deposits!
AI Affiliate Empire: Your Blueprint to Financial Freedom
In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, financial stability is more challenging to achieve than ever. The traditional nine-to-five job no longer guarantees the security it once did. Economic uncertainties, job market fluctuations, and the rising cost of living have left many people searching for alternative income sources. Enter the AI Affiliate Empire—a groundbreaking, cost-effective, non-saturated, and non-competitive affiliate program that promises to transform your financial future with passive $247 daily direct deposits. This detailed guide will explore why this program is the perfect solution to the pain points of today's society and how it can lead you to financial freedom.
The Economic Challenges We Face Today
Job Insecurity:
Pain Point: The traditional job market is no longer stable. Layoffs, downsizing, and automation have made job security a thing of the past.
Solution: The AI Affiliate Empire provides an alternative income stream that is not dependent on the job market. With AI-driven strategies, you can build a stable income without worrying about job cuts.
Rising Cost of Living:
Pain Point: The cost of living is skyrocketing, making it hard for individuals and families to make ends meet.
Solution: By generating multiple daily direct deposits, the AI Affiliate Empire offers a consistent and significant boost to your monthly income, helping you keep up with rising expenses.
Debt and Financial Stress:
Pain Point: Many people are buried under mountains of debt, leading to constant financial stress.
Solution: The AI Affiliate Empire's passive income can help you pay off debts faster, reducing financial stress and providing peace of mind.
Lack of Savings and Retirement Funds:
Pain Point: Many individuals lack adequate savings or retirement funds, leaving them unprepared for the future.
Solution: The consistent income from the AI Affiliate Empire allows you to save more and invest in your future, ensuring financial security in the long run.
Balancing Work and Life:
Pain Point: The demanding nature of traditional jobs makes it hard to balance work and personal life.
Solution: With the AI Affiliate Empire, you can work from anywhere, at any time, giving you the flexibility to manage your personal and professional life better.
The Unique Advantages of the AI Affiliate Empire
Cost-Effective Entry:
Starting with the AI Affiliate Empire is affordable. Unlike many business ventures requiring significant capital, this program requires minimal investment, making it accessible to everyone.
Non-Saturated Market:
Traditional affiliate markets are highly competitive and saturated, making it difficult for newcomers to succeed. The AI Affiliate Empire focuses on unique niches with low competition, ensuring higher success rates and profitability.
Non-Competitive Nature:
The AI Affiliate Empire's unique approach and niche targeting reduce competition.
Key Factors To Consider When Finding Clothing ManufacturersIn House Creations
Choosing a Canadian clothing manufacturer can offer numerous advantages, from high-quality production to ethical practices, making it a compelling option for businesses looking to produce garments.
Navigate the Narrative Landscape Measuring Change with Stories FiveWhyz.pdfDaniel Walsh
In a world where change and organizational transformation are ever-shifting landscapes, 'Sense-making' and participative narrative inquiry emerge as fit-for-purpose methods to guide leaders at every level through the fog. This session delves into the art of detecting weak signals and understanding the dynamics and patterns of organizations through the lived experiences shared by individuals.
Sense-making is a participatory form of ethnography. Individuals share personal experiences or observations and enrich these narratives by answering targeted questions, adding depth and layers of meaning. This method uniquely marries hard data with soft, qualitative insights. It inherently reduces bias, as participants, rather than external analysts, interpret and code their own stories. This approach not only lends authenticity to the data but also ensures that real-life stories, supported by data, are at the forefront of driving culture change and measuring progress.
The power of these narratives, especially when they reveal consistent patterns supported by quantitative evidence, is undeniable. They offer a detailed, multifaceted view, aiding leaders in spotting trends and behaviors within their organizations. By analyzing a broad collection of such narratives, organizations can detect subtle changes and inform targeted actions, making sense-making an invaluable tool for understanding complex systems and guiding interventions.
In this workshop, we'll learn how to apply sense-making and narrative inquiry methods to identify patterns and measure change. Additionally, we'll share how participants can leverage this same approach within their organizations as part of a retrospective or as a way to measure progress for a transformation.
What Sets Robert Schwachenwald Apart in Sales and Sales Management?Robert Schwachenwald
Robert Schwachenwald, with a strong sales and management background, consistently drives revenue and fosters client relationships at Bizzy Bee Plumbing.
Equinox Gold is a growth-focused gold producer with eight gold mines and a plan to be producing more than 1 Moz of gold per year within a few years by advancing a pipeline of development and expansion projects.
Uncover the Best Mortgage Lenders in Florida | The Doce Groupthedocegroup12
Find Florida's top mortgage lenders at The Doce Group. Benefit from personalized mortgage loan solutions, comprehensive service, and competitive rates. Our expert team ensures an easy mortgage process, guiding you every step of the way. Visit our platform for more information!
The 10 Best ITAD Solution Providers to Watch in 2024.pdfInsightsSuccess4
Asia Data Destruction is one such organization that helps companies accomplish this. Founded by Laurent Landie and Supaksorn Saelim, ADD arose from their ambition to establish something of their own after he was let go from two organizations.
In a shocking turn of events, renowned Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela found herself at the center of an unwarranted privacy invasion. A private bathroom video of the actress surfaced online, leading to widespread outrage and discussions about the importance of privacy in the digital age. This incident highlights the ongoing struggle celebrities face in safeguarding their personal lives from public scrutiny.
Marel Q2 2024 Investor Presentation from July 24, 2024Marel
On July 25, 2024, Marel hosted an investor meeting where Arni Sigurdsson CEO and Sebastiaan Boelen CFO gave an overview of the financial results and operational highlights in the first quarter.
Marel Q2 2024 Investor Presentation from July 24, 2024
AI and Machine Learning Demystified by Carol Smith at Midwest UX 2017
1. AI and Machine Learning Demystified
Carol Smith @carologic
Midwest UX 2017, Cincinnati, Ohio
October 13, 2017
2. AI is when Machines
– Exhibit intelligence
– Perceive their environment
– Take actions/make decision to
maximize chance of success at a goal
NAO’s New Job as “Connie” the concierge at Hilton Hotels
3. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
In the extreme…
Google Search for “movies with AI” Copyrights as labeled.
4. “Most people working in AI have a healthy skepticism for the idea
of the singularity.
We know how hard it is to get even a little intelligence into a
machine, let alone enough to achieve recursive self-
– Toby Walsh
5. Remember: “We can unplug the machines!”
Grady Booch, Scientist, philosopher, IBM’er https://www.ted.com/talks/grady_booch_don_t_fear_superintelligence
6. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Cognitive computers are
• Made with algorithms
• Knowledgeable ONLY about what taught
• Control ONLY what we give them control of
• Aware of nuances and can continue to learn more
7. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Cognitive computers (algorithms) can…
• Do very boring work for you
• Often make better, more consistent decisions than humans
• Be efficient, won’t get tired
Q&A: Should artificial intelligence be legally required to explain itself?
By Matthew Hutson, May. 31, 2017. Interview with Sandra Wachter, data ethics researcher
at Univ. of Oxford and Alan Turing Institute.
8. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Exhibit intelligence
- transfer human concepts and relationships
Photo by sunlightfoundation
9. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Dependent on Experts
• Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) Availability
– Lawyers
– Machinists
– Insurance adjusters
– Physicians
• Usually not experienced in machine learning
– Need close collaboration with those making algorithms
10. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Number Five “Needs Input”
Short Circuit (1986 film) - Ally Sheedy and Number Five
11. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Content is annotated by experts
Image created by Angela Swindell,
Visual Designer, Watson Knowledge Studio
12. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
AI is taxonomies and ontologies coming to life
(NOT like humans learn)
Photo: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Baby_Boy_Oliver.jpg
14. Only as good as data
and time spent improving it
Biased based on what it taught
15. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Creating an AI requires
• Algorithms
• Documents
• Ground truth (annotation)
• Teaching
• Iteration
• Repeat
16. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Supervised (by a human) Machine Learning
Watson Knowledge Studio
17. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Knowledge and Accuracy
• How important is
• Consider a reverse card
sorting exercise
Image: Gerry Gaffney. (2000) What is Card Sorting? Usability Techniques Series,
Information & Design. http://www.infodesign.com.au/usabilityresources/design/cardsorting.asp
18. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Across industries – priority of accuracy varies
Higher Priority
Lower Priority
60-89% accuracy is acceptable
19. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Goal is saving time
Machine learning creates
more highly trained specialists
Not an “all knowing” being
20. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Cancer Burden in Sub-Saharan Africa
Risk of getting cancer
Risk of Dying
The Cancer Atlas http://canceratlas.cancer.org/the-burden/
21. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
What if we could reduce the burden?
• Bring taxonomies and ontologies to life
• Broaden access to evidence based medicine
• More informed treatment decisions
22. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
AI actions for success
• Example: Healthcare
– AI analyzes data (treatment options, similar patients)
– Goal: Provide quick, evidence based options
– Physician selects treatment for patients based on situation
• AI success is helping physician (not replacing)
23. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
of AI and Cognitive
24. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Consider for each example
• What intelligence does the system need?
• What is the AI perceiving in their environment?
• What actions are taken to maximize chance
of success at goal?
25. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Strategic Games
• 1997 Chess, IBM
• 2016 Go, Google
• Intelligence?
• Perception?
• Action/Decision?
Floor goban, 2007, By Goban1
26. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Understanding human speech
• Watson developed for quiz show Jeopardy!
• Won against champions in 2011 for $1 million
Video: “IBM's Watson Supercomputer Destroys Humans in Jeopardy!
Engadget” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFR3lOm_xhE
Watson definition: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watson_(computer)
27. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Decision Making: Self Driving (autonomous) vehicles
Junior, a robotic Volkswagen Passat, in a parking lot at Stanford University
24 October 2009, By: Steve Jurvetson
28. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Image Recognition – Google Photos
Carol’s search for “cats” on her Google Photos account.
29. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Sound recognition: Labeling of birdsongs
“Comparison of machine learning methods applied to birdsong element classification”
by David Nicholson. Proceedings of the 15th Python in Science Conference (SCIPY 2016).
Photo by Gallo71 (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3ARbruni.JPG
30. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Analyzing Text: Personality of @carologic (not quite)
Personality Insights applied to @Carologic on Twitter
IBM Watson Developer Cloud: https://personality-insights-livedemo.mybluemix.net/
31. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Automating Repetitive Work
• Automated
• Radiologist
IBM’s Automated Radiologist Can Read Images and Medical Records,
MIT Technology Review
32. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
88,000 retina images
• Watson knows what a
healthy eye looks like
• Glaucoma is the second
leading cause of
blindness worldwide
–50% of cases go
Seeing is preventing.
33. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Chatbots for Easy ordering
• Order via text, email,
Facebook Messenger or
with a Slackbot
• Cognitive pieces:
–API’s in backend
Story: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20161025006273/en/Staples%E2%80%99-%E2%80%9CEasy-
Photo: Easy Button from Staples: http://www.staples.com/Staples-Easy-Button/product_606396
34. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Chatbots – not really AI, yet
• Mapping Q & A
–Expected language
–Appropriate automated
–When to escalate
to a human
Images: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-of-mobile-phone-248512/
35. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Optical character recognition (OCR)
• Used to be AI
• Now considered routine computing
Portable scanner and OCR (video)
36. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Ethics in Design for AI
37. Humans teach what we feel is important… teach them to share our values.
Super knowing - not super doing
Grady Booch, Scientist, philosopher, IBM’er https://www.ted.com/talks/grady_booch_don_t_fear_superintelligence
38. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
How might we…
• build systems that have ethical and moral foundation?’
• that are transparent to users?
• teach mercy and justice of law?
• extend and advance healthcare?
• increase safety in dangerous work?
Inspired by Grady Booch, Scientist, philosopher, IBM’er
40. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Guiding Principles – Ethical AI
• Purpose
– Aid humans, not replace them
– Symbiotic relationship
“3 guiding principles for ethical AI, from IBM CEO Ginni Rometty”
by Alison DeNisco. January 17, 2017, Tech Republic http://www.techrepublic.com/article/3-guiding-
41. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
• How was AI taught?
• What data was used?
• Humans remain in control of the system
“3 guiding principles for ethical AI, from IBM CEO Ginni Rometty”
by Alison DeNisco. January 17, 2017, Tech Republic http://www.techrepublic.com/article/3-guiding-
42. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
• Built with people in the industry
• Human workers trained
how to use tools to their advantage
“3 guiding principles for ethical AI, from IBM CEO Ginni Rometty”
by Alison DeNisco. January 17, 2017, Tech Republic http://www.techrepublic.com/article/3-guiding-
43. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
• Almost everyone agrees they are necessary
• Who will create regulations?
• Enforce?
44. “We often have
no way of knowing
when and why people
are biased.”
- Sandra Wachter
Q&A: Should artificial intelligence be legally required to explain itself?
By Matthew Hutson, May. 31, 2017. Interview with Sandra Wachter, data ethics researcher at Univ. of Oxford and Alan Turing Institute.
45. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
• Framework for transparency rights
and safeguards against automated decision-making
• Right to contest a completely automated decision
if it has legal or other significant effects on them
Q&A: Should artificial intelligence be legally required to explain itself?
By Matthew Hutson, May. 31, 2017. Interview with Sandra Wachter, data ethics researcher at Univ. of Oxford and Alan Turing Institute.
46. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Regulations take forever
• Humans and algorithms aren’t without bias
• ML has potential to make less biased decisions
• Algorithms trained with biased data
pick up and replicate biases, and develop new ones
Q&A: Should artificial intelligence be legally required to explain itself?
By Matthew Hutson, May. 31, 2017. Interview with Sandra Wachter, data ethics researcher at Univ. of Oxford and Alan Turing Institute.
47. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
How do we evolve the practice of UX
to deal with the new issues
these technologies bring
and the new information that is created?
48. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Take Responsibility
• Create a code of conduct
– What do you value?
– What lines won’t your AI cross?
• Make your AI transparent
– How was it made and what does it do?
– How do you reduce bias?
• Keep humans in control
49. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Don’t fear AI - Explore AI
Try the tools
Pair with others
IBM Watson Developer Tools (free trials):
50. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Go forth and create ethical AI’s
• Purpose: Intelligence and actions to maximize success
• Transparency: Code of Conduct
• Skills: How will humans learn to use it?
51. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Contact Carol
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caroljsmith
Twitter - @Carologic: https://twitter.com/carologic
Slides on Slideshare: https://www.slideshare.net/carologic
52. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Additional Information
and Resources
53. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Watson is a cognitive technology that can think like a human.
• Understand
• Analyze and interpret all kinds of data
• Unstructured text, images, audio and video
• Reason
• Understand the personality, tone, and emotion of content
• Learn
• Grow the subject matter expertise in your apps and systems
• Interact
• Create chat bots that can engage in dialog
54. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
More on Strategic Games
Graphic, Science Magazine: http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/03/update-why-week-s-
55. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
The Job Question
• Make new economies
and opportunities –
–Create jobs
–Entire new fields
• Some jobs will be lost
–What can we do to
mitigate this?
Jobs that no longer exist
The Lector http://www.ranker.com/list/jobs-that-no-longer-exist/coy-jandreau
56. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Tone Analyzer - Watson
IBM Watson Developer Cloud, Tone Analyzer
57. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Optimist’s guide to the robot apocalypse - @sarahfkessler
“The optimist’s guide to the robot apocalypse” by Sarah Kessler. March 09, 2017. QZ.
@sarahfkessler https://qz.com/904285/the-optimists-guide-to-the-robot-apocalypse/
58. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Additional Resources
• “How IBM is Competing with Google in AI.” The Information. https://www.theinformation.com/how-ibm-is-
• “The business case for augmented intelligence” https://medium.com/cognitivebusiness/the-business-case-for-
• “Comparison of machine learning methods applied to birdsong element classification” by David Nicholson.
Proceedings of the 15th Python in Science Conference (SCIPY 2016).
• “Staples’ “Easy Button” Comes to Life with IBM Watson” in Business Wire, October 25, 2016.
• “How Staples Is Making Its Easy Button Even Easier With A.I.” by Chris Cancialosi, Forbes.
• “Inside Intel: The Race for Faster Machine Learning”
59. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
More Resources
• “Update: Why this week’s man-versus-machine Go match doesn’t matter (and what does)” by Dana
Mackenzie. Science Magazine. Mar. 15, 2016 http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/03/update-why-week-s-
• “For IBM’s CTO for Watson, not a lot of value in replicating the human mind in a computer.” by Frederic
Lardinois (@fredericl), TechCrunch, Posted Feb 27, 2017. https://techcrunch.com/2017/02/27/for-ibms-cto-for-
• “Google and IBM: We Want Artificial Intelligence to Help You, Not Replace You” Most Powerful Women by
Michelle Toh. Mar 02, 2017. Fortune. http://fortune.com/2017/03/02/google-ibm-artificial-intelligence/
• “Facebook scales back AI flagship after chatbots hit 70% f-AI-lure rate - 'The limitations of automation‘” by
Andrew Orlowski. Feb 22, 2017. The Register https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/02/22/facebook_ai_fail/
• “Microsoft is deleting its AI chatbot's incredibly racist tweets” by Rob Price. Mar. 24, 2016. Business Insider
UK. http://www.businessinsider.com/microsoft-deletes-racist-genocidal-tweets-from-ai-chatbot-tay-2016-3
Special Thanks: Soundtrack to 'Run Lola Run', 1998 German thriller film written and directed by Tom Tykwer, and
starring Franka Potente as Lola and Moritz Bleibtreu as Manni. Soundtrack by Tykwer, Johnny Klimek, and
Reinhold Heil
60. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Even More Resources
• “IBM’s Automated Radiologist Can Read Images and Medical Records” by Tom Simonite, February 4, 2016.
Intelligent Machines, MIT Technology Review. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/600706/ibms-automated-
• “The IBM, Salesforce AI Mash-Up Could Be a Stroke of Genius” by Adam Lashinsky, Mar 07, 2017. Fortune.
• "Google can now tell you're not a robot with just one click" by Andy Greenberg. Dec. 3, 2014. Security: Wired.
• “Essentials of Machine Learning Algorithms (with Python and R Codes)” by Sunil Ray, August 10, 2015.
Analytics Vidhya. https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2015/08/common-machine-learning-algorithms/
• IBM on Machine Learning https://www.ibm.com/analytics/us/en/technology/machine-learning/
• “At Davos, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty Downplays Fears of a Robot Takeover” by Claire Zillman, Jan 18, 2017.
Fortune. http://fortune.com/2017/01/18/ibm-ceo-ginni-rometty-ai-davos/
• “Google and IBM: We Want Artificial Intelligence to Help You, Not Replace You” by Michelle Toh. Mar 02,
2017. Fortune. http://fortune.com/2017/03/02/google-ibm-artificial-intelligence/
61. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Yes, even more resources
• Video: “IBM Watson Knowledge Studio: Teach Watson about your unstructured data”
• “The optimist’s guide to the robot apocalypse” by Sarah Kessler, @sarahfkessler. March 09, 2017. QZ.
• “AI Influencers 2017: Top 30 people in AI you should follow on Twitter" by Trips Reddy @tripsy, Senior
Content Manager, IBM Watson . February 10, 2017 https://www.ibm.com/blogs/watson/2017/02/ai-
• “3 guiding principles for ethical AI, from IBM CEO Ginni Rometty” by Alison DeNisco. January 17, 2017, Tech
Republic http://www.techrepublic.com/article/3-guiding-principles-for-ethical-ai-from-ibm-ceo-ginni-rometty/
• "Transparency and Trust in the Cognitive Era" January 17, 2017 Written by: IBM THINK Blog
• "Ethics and Artificial Intelligence: The Moral Compass of a Machine“ by Kris Hammond, April 13, 2016.
Recode. http://www.recode.net/2016/4/13/11644890/ethics-and-artificial-intelligence-the-moral-compass-of-a-
62. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Last bit: I promise
• "The importance of human innovation in A.I. ethics" by John C. Havens. Oct. 03, 2015
• "Me, Myself and AI" Fjordnet Limited 2017 - Accenture Digital.
• "Testing AI concepts in user research" By Chris Butler, Mar 2, 2017. https://uxdesign.cc/testing-ai-
• "CMU prof says computers that can 'see' soon will permeate our lives“ by Aaron Aupperlee. March
16, 2017. http://triblive.com/news/adminpage/12080408-74/cmu-prof-says-computers-that-can-
• “The business case for augmented intelligence” by Nancy Pearson, VP Marketing, IBM Cognitive.
63. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Definition: Artificial Intelligence
• Artificial intelligence (AI) is intelligence exhibited by machines.
• In computer science, an ideal "intelligent" machine is a flexible rational agent that
perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of success
at some goal.[1] Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence" is applied when a
machine mimics "cognitive" functions that humans associate with other human
minds, such as "learning" and "problem solving".[2]
• Capabilities currently classified as AI include successfully understanding human
speech,[4] competing at a high level in strategic game systems (such as Chess
and Go[5]), self-driving cars, and interpreting complex data.
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence#cite_note-Intelligent_agents-1
64. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Definition: The Singularity
• If research into Strong AI produced sufficiently intelligent software, it might be able to reprogram
and improve itself. The improved software would be even better at improving itself, leading to
recursive self-improvement.[245] The new intelligence could thus increase exponentially and
dramatically surpass humans. Science fiction writer Vernor Vinge named this scenario
"singularity".[246] Technological singularity is when accelerating progress in technologies will
cause a runaway effect wherein artificial intelligence will exceed human intellectual capacity and
control, thus radically changing or even ending civilization. Because the capabilities of such an
intelligence may be impossible to comprehend, the technological singularity is an occurrence
beyond which events are unpredictable or even unfathomable.[246]
• Ray Kurzweil has used Moore's law (which describes the relentless exponential improvement in
digital technology) to calculate that desktop computers will have the same processing power as
human brains by the year 2029, and predicts that the singularity will occur in 2045.[246]
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence#cite_note-Intelligent_agents-1
65. AI and ML Demystified / @carologic / MWUX2017
Definition: Machine Learning
• Ability for system to take basic knowledge (does not mean simple or non-complex)
and apply that knowledge to new data
• Raises ability to discover new information. Find unknowns in data.
• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_learning
More Definitions:
• Algorithm: a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-
solving operations, especially by a computer.
• Natural Language Processing (NLP):
Editor's Notes
Exhibit intelligence
Perceive their environment
Take actions to maximize chance of success at a goal
Metropolis (1927), 2001 Space Odyssey (1968), War Games (1983), Blade Runner (1982), The Terminator (1984), Short Circuit (1986), The Matrix (1999), Ex Machina (2015),
More recently,
The Terminator, Short Circuit, 2001 Space Odyssey, The Matrix, Metropolis, Westworld
Take set of knowledge we give them and apply to new data
Help humans discover patterns and find unknown
Provide body of knowledge for ground-truth
used to compare further knowledge
Don’t learn like a typical human
Only what they need to know
Consider a reverse card sorting exercise
30 participants
How important is it that they all get it right every time?
Consider your industry
Government safety compliance
Accidents related to this tire?
Financial compliance
Accounts with connections to this organization?
Ecommerce chat bot
Women’s pants with pockets?
When carefully (or not so carefully) piled books succumb to gravity
Grew up with bookalanches occurring regularly
Stepfather is an oncologist – would bring home piles of articles, papers, books and more.
He reads everything he can get his hands on. He never stops trying to understand and fight cancer.
Late stage of disease at diagnosis and lack of treatment
Analyzes a patient’s medical information against a vast array of data and expertise to provide evidence-based treatment options.
Saving some trees and reducing bookalanches
IBM’s Deep Blue beat world chess champion Garry Kasparov in a 6 game match
Google's AlphaGo beat human world Go champion Lee Sedol, 4:1
Developed initially to answer Jeopardy! questions
IBM's Watson named after IBM's first CEO, industrialist Thomas J. Watson.
“Comparison of machine learning methods applied to birdsong element classification” by David Nicholson. Proceedings of the 15th Python in Science Conference (SCIPY 2016). http://conference.scipy.org/proceedings/scipy2016/pdfs/david_nicholson.pdf
“Analysis of birdsong (for neuroscience or the many other fields that study this behavior) typically focuses on "syllables" or "notes", recurring elements in the song… Each individual has a unique song that bears some similarity to the song of the bird that tutored it, but is not a direct copy. To analyze song, experimenters label syllables by hand. Typically the experimenter records one bird at a time while carrying out a behavioral experiment. However, each songbird produces thousands of songs a day, more than can be labeled. In order to deal with this mountain of data, some labs have developed automated analyses.”
David Nicholson trained a classifier on syllables of one bird’s song to automate labeling of those syllables (same bird).
This was not to train a classifier to distinguish the song of one bird from another.
Specialists spend more time on more complex patients
IBM’s Avicenna software highlighted possible embolisms on this CT scan in green, finding mostly the same problems as a human radiologist who marked up the image in red.
IBM Research Australia is working to help stop this ‘silent thief of sight’ by teaching Watson to detect it. After learning from 88,000 retina images, Watson can understand what a healthy eye looks like, and identify abnormalities that indicate of the onset of eye diseases like glaucoma. In the future, this early detection technology could help keep glaucoma out of sight for millions.
Track shipments
Chat with CSR
“Simplifies the customers’ shopping experience, allowing them to quickly reorder supplies, track shipments or chat about customer service needs.”
Staples “Easy Button” office supply reordering system which integrates IBM’s Watson technology to simplify office supply management for Staples Business Advantage Customers
teach to discern between right and wrong?
letter vs. spirit of law?
The EU is more inclined to create hard laws that are enforceable.
The EU General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, which will come into force in May 2018, is an excellent example. This framework creates certain transparency rights and safeguards against automated decision-making.
Article 22, for example, grants individuals the right to contest a completely automated decision if it has legal or other significant effects on them.
Other articles require data collectors such as advertisers to provide people with access to the collectors’ data on them, and to inform people about the general functionality of the automated system when decisions are made using that data.
The Job: To read to large rooms of factory workers slaving away at remedial tasks for hours on end. Lectors were sometimes even hired with pooled money from the factory workers themselves for their entertainment.
Who Did It: Well spoken gentlemen.
Why It Went Away: A whole smorgasbord of reasons from the radio, to the Walk-Man, iPhones, iPods, podcasts...
By Coy Jandreau - user uploaded image