Does your data tell a story and can you visualize it? We look at the history and thought processes behind data visualization and successful infographics.
Read the blog post at:
Storytelling with Data - See | Show | Tell | EngageAmit Kapoor
Stories have been recognized for their power of communication & persuasion for centuries and we need to operate at that intersection of data, visual and stories to fully harness the power of data.
I take your through a short tour of the science and the art of visualization and storytelling. Then give you an introduction through examples and exemplar on the four different layers in a data-story: See - Show - Tell - Engage.
Used in the session on Business Analytics and Intelligence at IIM Bangalore in July 2014.
Storytelling with Data - Approach | SkillsAmit Kapoor
The ever increasing computational capacity has enabled us to acquire, process and analyze larger data-sets and information. However, the human memory and attention required to use this data is more limited and has remained relatively constant. Data visualization can enable us to compress data and encode it visually in ways that allows us to aid perceptual and cognitive understanding.
However, data visualisation alone is not enough and often we need to try to tell stories through data. Storytelling with data can enable us to move from analysis to synthesis, from numbers to visuals, and from an argument to a story. Operating at this intersection of data, visual and story can help persuade not only through logos (logic) but also through pathos (empathy) and ethos (credibility). In trying to tell compelling data stories, we can empower our selves to engage, communicate and persuade a large and diverse audience.
In this talk, I discuss ‘why’ stories work and what we can learn about the art of storytelling from other mediums like oral storytelling, written stories, pictures, comics and movies. I will summarise basic principles that can help us in our crafting journey, as we take the data through the layers of abstraction. The focus would be on unpacking the seven dimensions of creating an engaging data story - Abstraction (data patterns), Representation (visual encoding), Framing & Transition (perspective, focus), Messaging (verbal, text annotation), Flow (arrangement) and Interactivity.
Further, creating data stories is a cross disciplinary activity that requires us to operate at the intersection of a visual designer, data scientist and storyteller. It is both a science and an art. So how does one realistically learn these multitude of skills needed to get good at it. I will also discuss ideas about the possible path that practitioners could adopt to learn this craft through sustained practice.
## About the Speaker
Amit Kapoor is interested in learning and teaching the craft of telling visual stories with data. He uses storytelling and data visualization as tools for improving communication, persuasion and leadership. He conducts workshops and trainings for corporates, non-profits, colleges, and individuals at narrativeVIZ Consulting. He also teaches storytelling with data as invited guest faculty in academia, both in management context at IIM Bangalore and IIM Ahmedabad and in design context at NID, Bangalore.
His background is in strategy consulting in using data-driven stories to drive change across organizations and businesses. He has 15 years of management consulting experience, first with AT Kearney in India, then with Booz & Company in Europe and more recently with startups in Bangalore. He did his B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering from IIT, Delhi and PGDM (MBA) from IIM, Ahmedabad. You can find more about him at and tweet him at @amitkaps
BI Consultancy - Data, Analytics and StrategyShivam Dhawan
The presentation describes my views around the data we encounter in digital businesses like:
- Looking at common Data collection methodologies,
-What are the common issues within the decision support system and optimiztion lifecycle,
- Where are most of failing?
and most importantly, "How to connect the dots and move from Data to Strategy?"
I work with all facets of Web Analytics and Business Strategy and see the structures and governance models of various domains to establish and analyze the key performance indicators that allow you to have a 360º overview of online and offline multi-channel environment.
Apart from my experience with the leading analytic tools in the market like Google Analytics, Omniture and BI tools for Big Data, I am developing new solutions to solve complex digital / business problems.
As a resourceful consultant, I can connect with your team in any modality or in any form that meets your needs and solves any data/strategy problem.
The document provides guidance on principles of visual storytelling with data through informative analysis, personalization, social sharing, and storytelling. It discusses choosing appropriate visualization types, using establishing shots to situate viewers, highlighting important parts of graphics, restricting interactivity, and weaving text and graphics together to tell a story. The principles are aimed at guiding readers through a narrative and engaging them with interactive data visualizations.
The document announces a data storytelling workshop on January 23rd 2018 to be led by Elena Simperl. The workshop will explore how to make data more engaging for people by helping them tell their own data stories, and examine what types of data stories people share and why. It will also discuss how people find and make sense of data, whether games can help familiarize people with data, and when data goes viral. The workshop leader Elena Simperl is affiliated with the University of Southampton's interdisciplinary Web Science lab.
Understanding your audience and considering them in your design is essential for building great visualizations. This deck will walk you through the critical steps for identifying and understanding your audience, and developing a complex visualization storyboard to share your message.
We live in a data driven world. Our ability to generate and store data is increasing exponentially but, with data comes the need to analyse it and communicate it. Data stories such as infographics can bring facts to life, and is a way to simplify and help make sense and order out of a disparate collection of facts. Learn simple strategies to engage all students in authentic, integrated, inquiry learning which blends computational methods with digital graphics to visualise data in meaningful, interesting and more dynamic ways. See how you can engage your students in building effective stories from the hidden insights locked within the data they are exploring.
Creating a Data-Driven Organization: an executive summaryCarl Anderson
What does it mean for an organization to be data-driven? It is not about having lots of reports and dashboards or big data but having the right data culture. Learn more about that culture in this executive summary of the key findings in Carl Anderson's new book "Creating a Data-Driven Organization" (2015) from O'Reilly Media.
Building a Data Strategy – Practical Steps for Aligning with Business GoalsDATAVERSITY
Developing a Data Strategy for your organization can seem like a daunting task – but it’s worth the effort. Getting your Data Strategy right can provide significant value, as data drives many of the key initiatives in today’s marketplace – from digital transformation, to marketing, to customer centricity, to population health, and more. This webinar will help demystify Data Strategy and its relationship to Data Architecture and will provide concrete, practical ways to get started.
The document provides an introduction and overview of an introductory course on visual analytics. It outlines the course objectives, which include fundamental concepts in data visualization and analysis, exposure to visualization work across different domains, and hands-on experience using data visualization tools. The course covers basic principles of data analysis, perception and design. It includes a survey of visualization examples and teaches students to apply these principles to create their own visualizations. The document also provides a weekly plan that includes topics like data processing, visualization design, cognitive science, and a review of best practices.
Creating a Data-Driven Organization, Crunchconf, October 2015Carl Anderson
Creating a data-driven organization requires developing a data-driven culture. Key aspects of a data-driven culture include having a strong testing culture that encourages hypothesis generation and experimentation, an open and sharing culture without data silos, a self-service culture where business units have necessary data access and analytical skills, and broad data literacy across all decision makers. Ultimately, an organization is data-driven when it uses data to drive impact and business results by pushing data through an analytics value chain from collection to analysis to decisions and actions. Maintaining a data-driven culture requires continuous effort as well as data leadership from a chief data or analytics officer.
This document provides an introduction to data visualization. It discusses the importance of data visualization for clearly communicating complex ideas in reports and statements. The document outlines the data visualization process and different types of data and relationships that can be visualized, including quantitative and qualitative data. It also discusses various formats for visualizing data, with the goal of helping readers understand data visualization and how to create interactive visuals and analyze data.
Recommended for CDOs and all Data & Analytics Managers
The past 2 years have had a huge impact on organizations journeys to become data driven. Existing data architectures were disrupted; rigid structures and processes were questioned, and many data strategies were re-written.
On the one hand, the global pandemic emphasized the need for organizations to raise the bar, implement strategies, improve data literacy and culture, increase investments in data and analytics, and explore AI opportunities.
On the other, it also presented new challenges such as: the war for data talent and the wide literacy gap. Inadequate structures as well as outdated processes were exposed. Major changes in the data landscape (Data Fabric, Data Mesh, Transition to Data Clouds) will further disrupt existing data architectures and enhance the need for a new adaptive architecture and organization.
Data visualization is the graphical representation of information and data. It is used to communicate data or information clearly and effectively to readers by leveraging the human mind's receptiveness to visual information. Effective data visualization can improve transparency and communication, answer questions, discover trends, find patterns, see data in context, support calculations, and present or tell a story. Common tools for data visualization include charts, graphs, maps, and diagrams. Specialized roles involved in data visualization include data visualization experts, data analysts, business intelligence consultants, tool-specific consultants, business analysts, and data scientists.
Data Visualization Design Best Practices WorkshopJSI
This document provides guidance on effective data visualization. It emphasizes starting with the audience and their needs, identifying the key story or message in the data, and using simple, clear design principles. Charts should be designed in 5-8 seconds to engage the audience. The document recommends several resources for choosing effective chart types and improving visualization skills. Overall, it stresses the importance of visualization in empowering stakeholders to make informed decisions.
Introduction on Data Visualization. Importance of Data Visualization. Data Representation Criteria. Groundwork for data visualization. Some Data Visualization tools to start with
Slides from SXSW 2015 session on the intersection of data and design:
By Trina Chiasson from
We are bombarded with 174 newspapers worth of information each day and in order to get your message to cut through the noise, you need to be simple to understand, provide value, and if possible, evoke an emotional response. By combining hard data with beautiful visuals, you have a fighting chance to stand out. As my good friend Joe Chernov likes to say: "The secret to breaking through a noisy landscape isn't more noise. It is sounding different."
What's more, there is a high likelihood that you will have a lot of fun in the process. Heck, I would even argue you will feel actual JOY. Why? By returning to the basics of storytelling, you are tapping into the origins of how you learned to communicate as a child -- from using colors and shapes, to employing mixed media. Just because you are a grown up doesn't mean you shouldn't still draw about these early stage arts.
Strategic Storytelling | Business Presentation TechniquesJeremey Donovan
Learn how to: (a) craft persuasive business presentations using proven narrative frameworks, (b) design data-driven slides, and (c) master your verbal and non-verbal delivery.
From Information to Insight: Data Storytelling for OrganizationsThinking Machines
What kind of stories are best told with data? How do you take raw numbers and turn them into an engaging, meaningful story? Thinking Machines' content strategist Pia Faustino delivered this presentation on the data storytelling process at the "Humans + Machines: Using Artificial Intelligence to Power Your People" conference on February 19, 2016 in Bonifacio Global City, Taguig, Philippines.
This document provides guidance on data storytelling. It discusses how data storytelling can be used to explain insights, engage audiences, and influence change. The key elements of an effective data story are said to be having a main point, explanatory focus, linear sequence, narrative elements, and visuals. Data is the foundation that insights are built upon, while narrative helps connect insights and add emotion. Effective data stories are tailored to the specific audience by considering their goals, needs, familiarity with the topic, and other attributes. Various structures for organizing analysis findings into a story are presented, including beginning with an "Aha moment" that introduces the key insight.
Subscribe to the NewsCred Blog:
NewsCred and Getty Images have joined forces to create a guide on how brands can incorporate visual storytelling successfully into their campaigns for maximum impact.
The full guide is available for download here:
Also check out the accompanying interactive microsite here:
Narrative Image: The How and Why of Visual StorytellingDaniela Molnar
Explores the basics of how images communicate. Looks at various types of visual narratives. Presented to the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators at the 2011 national conference in Olympia, WA on July 12, 2011.
Lightning Talk #9: How UX and Data Storytelling Can Shape Policy by Mika Aldabaux singapore
How can we take UX and Data Storytelling out of the tech context and use them to change the way government behaves?
Showcasing the truth is the highest goal of data storytelling. Because the design of a chart can affect the interpretation of data in a major way, one must wield visual tools with care and deliberation. Using quantitative facts to evoke an emotional response is best achieved with the combination of UX and data storytelling.
Employee Value Proposition in Corporate Human ResourcesSarah Brennan
Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is beneficial in companies of all stages of maturity, but learning how to develop one can be a complex and confusing for even the most advanced organizations. This slideshare will walk you through the steps of developing an EVP that meets the needs of your corporate culture.
Content created and presented by Sarah White & Associates, LLC a Human Capital Market Strategy and Advisory firm. We provide best practices and market education to corporate Human Resource teams around talent and integration of technology technology into employee lifecycle. We also partners with vendors to improve their offerings to best meet the needs of practitioners.
Learn more or see full speaking schedule at
This event was sponsored by Achievers employee recognition software. Learn more about them at
Business Development Frameworks & Tips for AgenciesLeslie Bradshaw
Seasoned agency leaders Barbara Yolles and Leslie Bradshaw share a few of their successful frameworks to grow an agency through strategic business development. Originally taught as a two-day course at the Society of Digital Agencies "Academy" in October 2015. Some slides redacted.
Data storytelling. Warsztaty 12. Kongres Public Relations i KomunikacjiPiotr Arak
Warsztaty z żonglowania liczbami.
Czym jest opowiadanie o danych - datastorytelling? Czy każdy kto używa liczb w pracy jest data scientist? Jak tworzyć zrozumiałe informacje na podstawie danych statystycznych?
Według badań Komisji Europejskiej, jedynie 42 proc. Polaków rozumie podstawowe pojęcia z zakresu finansów, jak inflacja czy procent składany (naliczanie odsetek z uwzględnieniem ich kapitalizacji). Wprawdzie przeciętny wynik na świecie jest jeszcze niższy i wynosi 33 proc., ale już w Europie jest wyższy – 52 proc. Wskaźnik Polski jest także jednym z najniższych w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej, np. w Czechach wynosi on 58 proc., na Węgrzech 54 proc., a na Słowacji 48 proc. Jak pracować z klientem i czytelnikiem, który był edukowany w Polsce?
Jakich zasad powinniśmy się trzymać przygotowując dane do prezentacji publicznej, dla klienta lub w social media? Jakich grafów możemy używać, a jakich nie powinniśmy? Jakich programów używać do przedstawiania danych? Jakich zasad się trzymać tworząc wykresy? Czy jedna infografika może zmienić bieg historii?
Czytaj więcej na,12-kongres-public-relations-i-komunikacji?utm_source=copyPaste&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=Chrome
O documento descreve cinco técnicas de persuasão de acordo com o psicólogo J.A.C. Brown: 1) Utilização de estereótipos e arquétipos, 2) Substituição de nomes, 3) Criação de inimigos, 4) Apelo à autoridade, 5) Afirmação e repetição. Também apresenta exemplos de como esses recursos são usados na publicidade para influenciar o público.
Marjorie Sample outlines her UX design process for creating a task management app for educators. She began by conducting research through competitor analysis, surveys, and interviews to understand user needs. In the define stage, she created a minimum viable product, user personas, and journey maps. Her design stage consisted of sketching thumbnail ideas, developing detailed designs, and testing paper prototypes and wireframes. Through iterative usability tests, she improved the design based on user feedback to ensure the app met user and business goals before advancing to UI design.
United Way Youth Ventures: What is Marketing? HubSpot
This document introduces marketing 101 and discusses different marketing methods to create awareness about a brand or product. It defines marketing as creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers. The document notes there are many marketing methods that can either be paid for through activities like blogging, or created through activities like blogging. The overall goal of any marketing is to attract new customers and make them lifelong advocates by understanding the target audience, where they consume information, and communicating with them in a personalized way.
The Triforce of UX: Empathy, Curiosity, HumilityBrandon Ward
UX Consultants are great—like design ninjas dropping in to fix all the things. But what happens when you want to take the relationship to the next level and bring design in-house? How can you tell the good candidates from the bad, and sift through the good to find the great? How do you avoid someone who looks good on paper, but won’t deliver the results you need? In this talk I’ll share the 3 core qualities I seek in every designer I hire, and how to discover if your candidates have them.
This document provides information about wireframing, user experience (UX) design, and responsive web design. It introduces Kevin Picalausa and his role as a teacher and designer. It defines key concepts like UX, responsive design, and wireframing. It explains that wireframing is used to communicate the structure, content, and functionality of an interface before visual design. Various wireframing tools and techniques are also discussed, including sketching, low-fidelity, and high-fidelity wireframes.
2015 was an exciting year for HubSpot. In addition to launching several new products, the HubSpot marketing platform expanded to five new languages and got a major facelift designed to make marketer's daily lives easier. For businesses not ready to buy a robust marketing platform, we also introduced Leadin, a freemium app that allows you to capture leads and get lead intelligence on any website. You’ll find all of this and more in our 2015 HubSpot INBOUND Keynote Address.
A powerful data-driven narrative opens up new perspectives and concepts within the minds of those who read it by strategically utilizing narrative, data analysis, data visualization, and storytelling techniques.
Why does telling a story with your data matters Explain the impo.docxfranknwest27899
Why does telling a story with your data matters? Explain the importance of accurate data in today's business environment.
Data Storytelling: What It Is, Why It Matters
Telling a compelling story with your data helps you get your point across effectively. Here are four tips to keep your data from getting lost in translation.
8 Non-Tech Skills IT Pros Need To Succeed
(Click image for larger view and slideshow.)
Organizations can do a lot more with their data if they understand it better than they do. While businesses continue to invest dollars in business intelligence (BI) and analytics tools, they aren't necessarily getting the information they need to improve business decision-making.
Data visualizations
help by transforming complex information into something easier to understand. However, two people can interpret the same data visualization differently. Notably, data visualizations tend to answer "what" questions, but they don't tend to explain the "why," or provide other contextual information. Data storytelling does exactly that.
"Data storytelling weaves data and visualizations into a narrative tailored to a specific audience in order to convey credibility in the analytical approach, confidence in the results, and a compelling set of insights that is actionable to the audience." said Ryan Fuller, general manager at Microsoft and former CEO and cofounder of enterprise analytics company VoloMetrix, in an interview. "The narrative is the key vehicle to convey insights, and the visualizations are important proof points to back up the narrative."
Executives, managers, and employees have always told stories as part of their everyday work experience, but they are increasingly being required to use data to support their points of view, claims, and recommendations. The danger, of course, is data can be tortured into saying almost anything.
"One of the biggest mistakes is trying to fit the data to the story, which often results in a jumbled narrative that doesn't arrive at a compelling conclusion," said Francois Ajenstat, VP of product development at BI and analytics solution provider
, in an interview. "Always start with the data, then build your story around it, rather than vice versa."
After speaking with experts in data science and analytics, we've developed the following four tips to help guide your data storytelling.
1. General Storytelling Rules Apply
Effective data storytelling is a lot like storytelling generally. The data story should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. It should also include a thesis (or a hypothesis), supporting facts (data), a logical structure, and a compelling presentation. Yet, all too often, those responsible for analyzing data are unable to present it in a way that's meaningful to the audience.
"A common mistake is spending too much time on the technical aspect or methodology and not providing much creativity in pointing out how the data can help the business," said David Liebskind, VP of anal.
Stories are more effective than data alone at communicating information and persuading others. Stories add context and structure to data, making it more engaging, memorable and easy to understand. By connecting data to real-world scenarios and people's experiences, stories strengthen communication of data and make the information more persuasive. Marketers in particular can use data storytelling to increase their power of persuasion when securing budget by explaining how their ideas and campaigns will help achieve business goals.
In today's data-driven world, data visualization plays a pivotal role in conveying complex information, making it accessible and understandable to a broad audience. Whether in the context of business, science, journalism, or academia, data visualization is a powerful tool that helps storytellers convey their messages effectively. In this essay, we will explore the role of data visualization in storytelling with data, highlighting its significance, benefits, and best practices.
Analytical Storytelling: From Insight to ActionCognizant
1) Analytical storytelling is the process of using data-driven narratives to inspire meaningful decision-making and organizational change. It bridges the gap between insights from data analysis and taking action.
2) Traditional "gut-based" decision making is not optimal, as executives often do not leverage data insights sufficiently. Analytical storytelling applies principles of storytelling and data journalism to connect with stakeholders and motivate behavior change.
3) The document provides an example of how analytical storytelling was used to transform an insurance company's analytics practices and drive organizational change, shifting from a reactive to proactive, insights-driven culture. Segmented communications addressed different stakeholder groups effectively.
How to start generating leads with infographicsInfogram
Infographics are a powerful way of communicating information since they combine data and visual images - left brain and right brain - thereby making it easier to digest, remember and share information.
They get shared more frequently on social media than a simple text-only post with the same information.
Creating infographics for your website can get you more traffic.
So how do we go about creating effective infographics that tell our brand story through data visualisation? And how do we promote those infographics to drive real, qualified leads for our sales team?
In this presentation we show you:
- What infographics are and why you should care
- The "dos and dont's" of Infographic creation
- How to optimise your infographic for lead generation
- How to promote your infographic
- Measure and optimise your infographic campaign
- Make your storytelling more effective through infographics
Data analysis has transformed the way organizations and individuals make decisions. As the volume of data continues to grow exponentially, the need for data-driven insights has become increasingly critical. However, raw data, no matter how extensive, can often be overwhelming and challenging to interpret. This is where the concept of data storytelling comes into play. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the essence of data storytelling, its significance in data analysis, the key elements that constitute an effective data story, and practical tips for implementing data storytelling techniques.
The document discusses how big data and analytics tools like Explora can provide valuable insights for organizations. Explora analyzes structured and unstructured data using natural language processing to understand concepts, sentiment, and relationships. It can analyze brand perception, customer attitudes, and competitive intelligence across various data sources. Explora produces insights that help organizations better understand their stakeholders and make more informed business decisions.
Data storytelling connects two worlds, As a result, storytelling is fast becoming the most effective way to reach people. Storytelling is the new way to get consumers and the answers they need about you and your business. It's also becoming a vital element of a strong campaign, and stories are a proven medium for teaching, explaining, and influencing. Data storytelling is a communication technique that uses data as the guiding source. For more just check it out this presentation, and you will get best ideas from it. For more email us on
Where Data and Story Meet - Building the Data Storytelling CapabilityRanda McMinn
Data is rapidly transforming the way companies are transacting and engaging with customers. Gone are the days of not having enough data, now we are being inundated with too much data and are struggling to find ways to make sense of it. As a business leader, especially in the roles of data science and marketing, your success is heavily reliant on making sense of data, so it is becoming imperative to build and nurture a great data storytelling capability.
In this piece, we explore the increasing demands in skillsets for the modern data scientist and marketer. Further, we explore the mindset of data scientists and whether or not that mindset differs from a group of analytics professionals who have been identified as great data storytellers. We also reveal different ways to build the data storytelling capability.
This document discusses the need for strong data storytelling skills among data scientists and marketers. It argues that while data scientists are often hired to make sense of large amounts of data, few possess the storytelling skills needed to communicate insights to others. Similarly, modern marketers need a blend of analytical and creative skills that many lack. The document explores how to define data storytelling and profiles the ideal skills of modern data scientists and marketers. It identifies three types of data scientists - those focused on analysis, building tools, and consulting/storytelling. It concludes that organizations need to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and build internal storytelling capabilities to bridge the gap between data and action.
A picture is worth a thousand words_Mathilda EloffMathilda Eloff
This document discusses ways to improve how market research data and insights are communicated to clients. It argues that current methods, like lengthy PowerPoint presentations full of tables and charts, are not effective at engaging clients and helping them understand and act on the insights. The document advocates using more visuals, graphics, and storytelling to make research findings more interesting, memorable and actionable for clients. It also discusses how different people process information visually versus auditorily and suggests presentations should cater to both styles to better connect with all audience members.
Data Visualisation - Convert insights into actionsAnnalect Finland
Every year LinkedIn gathers a list of the hottest skills that can get you hired. For several years capabilities in statistical analysis and data mining have been one of the most wanted skills. As a newcomer, data presentation have appeared to the list. Businesses are more and more aware how crucial presentation skills are for business to be successful.
This document discusses 5 best practices for using storytelling to present data and analytical findings. It argues that stories make information more engaging and memorable for busy executives. A good story has compelling characters, a clear challenge, obstacles to overcome, and a definitive outcome. It provides an example of a consultant who told the story of a customer satisfaction study through the experience of caring for her nephew for a week. Her story effectively conveyed the key drivers of customer relationship satisfaction found in the quantitative research. The document stresses that analysts should think of their work as a story by establishing characters, challenges, hurdles and intended outcomes to shape how the audience will recall the information.
Connected, interactive content experiences deliver more trusted data, and more measurable results. Original research illuminates how marketersare making big, beautiful music.
Small Data: a Brief History and a New Design PhilosophyAllen Bonde
The document discusses small data and its role in designing effective applications. It defines small data as the digital data people generate through daily activities and insights derived from big data sources. The document outlines a new design philosophy for small data apps, including making them simple, smart, responsive, and social. It provides an example use case of a redesigned mobile real estate app for agents that leverages small data to inform users, connect them to others, and motivate actions. Key learnings are to design for the task goal, examine influence points in user journeys, and deliver data-driven experiences.
These factors — and the challenges they present — are fairly new or not fully understood yet, which seems to explain why they aren’t currently top-of-mind. They also garner less attention from the C-Suite because they are not easily quantifiable. Nearly all factors discussed here have deeply human and emotional traits to them, making them somewhat unique and harder to grasp. Nonetheless, we believe they are of great importance in the future of marketing and should be addressed accordingly.
Digitas Health LifeBrands took a trip to The Lone Star state and immersed ourselves in all things South by Southwest (SxSW).
The days went by fast and furious as we were pulled into speed sessions, meet-ups, brainstorms, demonstrations, hack-a-thons, pitches, accelerators, and a myriad of other Austin-style opportunities.
The next few slides are our attempt to bring some of these learnings home with an emphasis on why the message is relevant to healthcare marketers. Enjoy!
WHITE PAPER - Your Social (Media) Footprint Will Soon Replace Your CVAytan Hilton (Interim)
This white paper discusses how an individual's social media footprint and other personal data sources can be used for recruitment purposes instead of traditional CVs. It notes that algorithms can analyze hundreds or thousands of data points about a person to build multi-dimensional profiles that assess personality and predict behaviors. While this may save time for hiring managers, it could also disadvantage passive candidates by forming conclusions without their knowledge or reduce diversity if profiling relies too heavily on objective data. The conclusions are that individuals have some control over their data but should be conscious of how their online actions could impact future opportunities as recruiters increasingly use big data analytics.
Future of work: Self-management, business purpose and employee engagementCoincidencity
The future of work means a lot of things to a lot of people. But maybe, instead of talking about technologies or innovation, the future of work could be about establishing more engaged, humane, soulful, purposeful organisation... if so, how do you get there?
Pitching for investment? Make sure your pitch tells the full story:
- how to make your pitch memorable
- avoid the most common mistakes
- use persuasive language
- create professional looking design in no time
Big data stories: how to do more with dataCoincidencity
Recent presentation to Finance & Project managers, HR professionals and Public Sector managers on simple tools to gain more insight from data, quickly and powerful ways of communicating that insight with impact.
Big data refers to the massive amounts of data being created every day from sources like the internet of things and social media. This data is characterized by its volume, velocity, and variety. While the size of data is growing exponentially, data alone is useless - it requires skilled interpretation to derive meaningful insights. For businesses to utilize big data effectively, they must focus on solving specific problems, verifying the trustworthiness of their data sources, and evaluating the data in proper context. Examples of big data uses outside of marketing include smart meters for utilities, fraud detection in banking, and using in-car data to set flexible insurance premiums.
Recent talk at Mums in Business group in East Dulwich. Introduction to business modelling, use of a business model canvas and discussion on a range of business models.
Based on the book "Business model generation" by A. Osterwalder / Y. Pigneur
How to give a compelling finance presentationCoincidencity
Some finance presentations are about less than exciting issues - and sometimes they are about poor performance. How to give an motivating presentation when quarterly results have been poor.
Innovative Teaching Strategies: The Power of Educational PlatformsElla Maxwell
In the ever-evolving landscape of education, innovative teaching strategies are essential to
meet the diverse needs of learners and to harness the potential of technology. Educational
platforms have emerged as powerful tools in this transformation, providing teachers with the
resources and flexibility needed to enhance learning experiences
In the competitive world of public relations (PR), having a robust and innovative strategy is essential for success. Impact Authority PR Agency has established itself as a leader in PR strategy, offering comprehensive solutions that cater to diverse needs across various industries. This article delves into the elements that make Impact Authority a standout leader in PR strategy, particularly for the European market.
What Sets Robert Schwachenwald Apart in Sales and Sales Management?Robert Schwachenwald
Robert Schwachenwald, with a strong sales and management background, consistently drives revenue and fosters client relationships at Bizzy Bee Plumbing.
1911 Gold Corporation is located in the heart of the world-class Rice Lake gold district within the West Uchi greenstone belt. The Company holds a dominant land position with over 62,000 Hectares, an operating milling facility, an underground mine with one million ounces in mineral resources, and significant upside surface exploration potential.
Newsweek CEO Dev Pragad's Leadership JourneyChristopher
Explore the remarkable journey of Newsweek CEO Dev Pragad, who transformed the iconic media brand into a digital powerhouse. This presentation covers Dev's early life, education, professional beginnings, strategic vision, and the significant milestones achieved under his leadership. Discover how strategic partnerships, digital innovation, and a strong leadership philosophy drove Newsweek’s growth, making it a case study in successful media turnaround. Ideal for business leaders, media professionals, and anyone interested in digital transformation and strategic leadership.
Understanding Semi-Permanent Makeup Levels, Terminology, and Market Demandcosmezabeautyacademy3
If you're considering a career in beauty or are simply curious about the latest trends in cosmetic treatments, you've probably come across the term semi-permanent makeup. This article will explore what level of expertise is required for semi-permanent makeup, the terminology used in the industry, and the current demand for permanent makeup services. We will also highlight the benefits of enrolling in a Semi Permanent Makeup Course at a leading Semi Permanent Makeup Academy.
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Discover how Jesse Diliberto outlines the crucial role of a sales manager in boosting team performance through effective leadership, strategic planning, performance monitoring, continuous training, and motivation.
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Asia Data Destruction is one such organization that helps companies accomplish this. Founded by Laurent Landie and Supaksorn Saelim, ADD arose from their ambition to establish something of their own after he was let go from two organizations.
In a shocking turn of events, renowned Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela found herself at the center of an unwarranted privacy invasion. A private bathroom video of the actress surfaced online, leading to widespread outrage and discussions about the importance of privacy in the digital age. This incident highlights the ongoing struggle celebrities face in safeguarding their personal lives from public scrutiny.
AI Affiliate Empire: Your Blueprint to Financial FreedomThat Makes You Passiv...Esther White
Daily, Direct Deposits!
AI Affiliate Empire: Your Blueprint to Financial Freedom
In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, financial stability is more challenging to achieve than ever. The traditional nine-to-five job no longer guarantees the security it once did. Economic uncertainties, job market fluctuations, and the rising cost of living have left many people searching for alternative income sources. Enter the AI Affiliate Empire—a groundbreaking, cost-effective, non-saturated, and non-competitive affiliate program that promises to transform your financial future with passive $247 daily direct deposits. This detailed guide will explore why this program is the perfect solution to the pain points of today's society and how it can lead you to financial freedom.
The Economic Challenges We Face Today
Job Insecurity:
Pain Point: The traditional job market is no longer stable. Layoffs, downsizing, and automation have made job security a thing of the past.
Solution: The AI Affiliate Empire provides an alternative income stream that is not dependent on the job market. With AI-driven strategies, you can build a stable income without worrying about job cuts.
Rising Cost of Living:
Pain Point: The cost of living is skyrocketing, making it hard for individuals and families to make ends meet.
Solution: By generating multiple daily direct deposits, the AI Affiliate Empire offers a consistent and significant boost to your monthly income, helping you keep up with rising expenses.
Debt and Financial Stress:
Pain Point: Many people are buried under mountains of debt, leading to constant financial stress.
Solution: The AI Affiliate Empire's passive income can help you pay off debts faster, reducing financial stress and providing peace of mind.
Lack of Savings and Retirement Funds:
Pain Point: Many individuals lack adequate savings or retirement funds, leaving them unprepared for the future.
Solution: The consistent income from the AI Affiliate Empire allows you to save more and invest in your future, ensuring financial security in the long run.
Balancing Work and Life:
Pain Point: The demanding nature of traditional jobs makes it hard to balance work and personal life.
Solution: With the AI Affiliate Empire, you can work from anywhere, at any time, giving you the flexibility to manage your personal and professional life better.
The Unique Advantages of the AI Affiliate Empire
Cost-Effective Entry:
Starting with the AI Affiliate Empire is affordable. Unlike many business ventures requiring significant capital, this program requires minimal investment, making it accessible to everyone.
Non-Saturated Market:
Traditional affiliate markets are highly competitive and saturated, making it difficult for newcomers to succeed. The AI Affiliate Empire focuses on unique niches with low competition, ensuring higher success rates and profitability.
Non-Competitive Nature:
The AI Affiliate Empire's unique approach and niche targeting reduce competition.
Leveraging a Strategy to Execution Framework: A Journey of TransformationKaiNexus
Presented by Karen Friedenberg
View the recording:
What is a Strategy to Execution Framework? How can this be leveraged to achieve sustainable business results?
Learn more about how to execute a journey of Transformation from:
1. Strategy Articulation – How to ensure strategy is communicated in a clear and powerful way.
2. Organizational Alignment – Is the leadership team and the organization aligned to how they contribute to the company goals?
3. Operational Alignment – How to ensure processes and operations are consistent and aligned to strategy.
4. Executing with Excellence – Is there a structure and method in place to ensure strategy and key initiatives are managed?
5. Organizational and Culture Change – How do you build a culture of performance improvement and bring people along for the journey?
About the Presenter:
Karen Friedenberg is the Founder and Managing Director of Performance Improvement Consulting. Having worked both in Consulting and within industry, Karen brings a unique perspective to strategy execution. Karen sat in the seat of an executive, so having executable plans that deliver results is imperative. She built out and led Strategic Program Management and Operational Excellence departments leading large business and digital transformations.
Karen is passionate about listening, connecting the dots and bringing her experience in various industries, lean six sigma, change management, design thinking and other disciplines to solve business problems and facilitate sustainable change.
Leveraging a Strategy to Execution Framework: A Journey of Transformation
Data stories - how to combine the power storytelling with effective data visualization
Creating compelling
stories with data
Effectively combining
Storytelling, Data
Visualisation and
business reporting
February 24, 2014
Prepared by: Miriam Gilbert
Storytelling with Numbers
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Storytelling with Numbers
Editor's Notes
In business settings, the best stories are those that focus on real people. Yes, even a presentation or report with lots of facts and data is still about real people.
Take the example of an innovative residential construction project and you are reporting on a feasibility study. That project relates to people: those who are going to live there, those how are going to be neighbours, the development and construction teams, stakeholders in the community and so on.
Depending on the most important point you want to make, you can pick any of these people and create a persona around them – give them a name, opinions and tell the STORY of how their lives will be impacted. Maybe select “a day in the life of the construction worker or future tenant
In business settings, the best stories are those that focus on real people. Yes, even a presentation or report with lots of facts and data is still about real people.
Take the example of an innovative residential construction project and you are reporting on a feasibility study. That project relates to people: those who are going to live there, those how are going to be neighbours, the development and construction teams, stakeholders in the community and so on.
Depending on the most important point you want to make, you can pick any of these people and create a persona around them – give them a name, opinions and tell the STORY of how their lives will be impacted. Maybe select “a day in the life of the construction worker or future tenant