ey ey germany ey france ey deutschland fintech infographics ernst & young innovation deutschland oil and gas digital ey human capital conference 2012 insurance oil & gas m&a 22nd annual health sciences tax conference digitalisierung gas ernst and young oil blockchain performance technology global employee mobility finance entrepreneur operation life sciences investissements india assurance - fids growth tax hr policies disruptive technologies immobilien infographic croissance startup managing human resources hr policy dax kommunen germany real estate ey españa venture capital ey insurance hr mobility policy hotelmarkt start-up pharma transactions capital risque business financement growing beyond konjunktur risikokapital transformation start up private equity thought center webcasts transaktionsmarkt hotels dietmar fischer berlin mittelstand investitionen fiscalité entrepreneurs technologies ey italy emplois entreprises india china compliance lending start-ups ey india banking regulation entrepreneurship risk management talent management insurtech power and utilities immobilienmarkt einzelhandelsimmobilien immobilien-investmentmarkt trendbarometer wohnimmobilien büroimmobilien maschinenbau versicherungen iot economie biotech healthcare asset management entrepreneuriat investisseurs vc corporate governance payments ai kron gewerbesteuer grundsteuer unicorn capital venture barometer internet data big data économie digital transformation emploi energy ipo europe insurance regulation risk fraud health care business transformation mdax entwicklung forschung ey Österreich Österreich cdmo industrielle produktion robotics internet of things digitale technologien gewinnwarnung hasbargen wpc institutionelle investoren banken fachkräftemangel financial services schulden job frauen studenten disruption automotive culture manufacturing ey healthcare numérique budget ifrs cybersecurity rse industry investment cleantech cio fiscalità investors asset manager cyber risk g20 business innovation supply chain relationship with audit firm emerging markets employment law oil and gas energy kyc mergers & acquisitions ey austria oil and gas market outlook maschinenbau barometer börsengänge leewe industrie 4.0 künstliche intelligenz gemeinsame nutzung sharing economy preditive maintenance smart grid internet der dinge bim zia smart metering smart real estate digitalisierungsstudie vorstandsvergütung wealth & asset management ey real estate artificial intelligence assekuranz christian graf-abersfelder megatrends investmentfokus Öffentliche träger verkäufer finanzinstitute immobiliengesellschaften facility manager bestandshalter property manager proptech käufer immobilienfonds entwickler wohnungsbaugesellschaften frauenanteil prognose ey_germany frenchtech capital gründungen volkswagen autokonzerne karriere beruf flüchtlinge impots diversity bmw daimler automobilindustrie auto licorne global lois de finances biopharma assurance acquisitions banking & capital markets igniting growth through innovation ccb stratégie barometre logiciels corruption companies act 2013 sociale environnement responsabilité rh sécurité attractivité power capital confidence barometer analytics tmagazine shaun crawford ey cyber security economy strategic growth markets government value creation financial reporting audit employment tax income taxes r&d hr systems chemicals regtech wam social commerce london vorstandsgehälter renewables m&a-markt m&a-index investor relations logistikimmobilien transaktionsvolumen industrial products transaction advisory services building information modeling brexit sdax industrie messezyklus hotel landscape ey report ellen licking arbeitnehmer capital markets pamela spence spill ey oil & gas übernahmen investment management trends wertschöpfungspotenzial online revpar münchen export noc biotechnologie mittelstandsbarometer mittelständler prime standard kommunale schulden standort deutschland finanzierung kommunale vorstand vorstandsvorsitzende vielfalt industry 4.0 investisseur steuern gebühren kämmerer verschuldung finanzierungsdefizit numerique finanzierungsrunden grohnert staat Öffentlicher dienst arbeitgeber jobsicherheit strategie wohnraum wohnungen workforce talent ethique korruption bernhard lorentz fund absatz fonds d'investissement vision les echos verlingue widoobiz top 150 disruptif entreprise international ocde dette publique finances publiques oecd cybersécurité ceo parthenon-ey oncology medtech deals business portfolio portfolio rebalancing reinvestment shareholder activism therapeutic areas regulatory challenges divestment trends core business reimbursement challenges portfolio strategy divestments portfolio management diagnostics economics future healthcare gautam jaggi ey customer christine delany ey better questions health insurance jim birch ey jim costanzo ey investment banks roe données digitalization digital technology top 250 créateurs editeurs bribery whistle-blowing cybercrime auditing and financial reporting corporate social responsibility finances iasb recrutement fdi going public sustainability reporting solvency ii requirements david foster solvency ii social environnementale dirigeants it dsi métiers cybercriminalité emerging markets insurance capitale ristrutturazione digital-ready maîtrise des risques ey cleantech renewable normativa iva vc-backed ipo levées de fonds cyber threats coo crediti doppia esposizione contribuente verifiche fiscali fiscalità dimpresa legge di stabilità outlook cfo imposte indirette amministrazione finanziaria crescita rapid growth funding imprenditori digital innovation initial public offering own risk and solvency assessment shaun crawford ey sean crawford entrepreneur de l'année us employment tax unemployment small and medium enterprises g20 entrepreneurship barometer impact of bribery and corruption survey anti-corruption infrastructure bribery and corruption economic growth tradeflows asia globalization income tax tax policy implications health sciences in emerging markets indirect tax state and local tax considerations income tax accounting implications regulatory developments company operations managing tax risks pension trusts tangible property regulations legal information immigration human resources information system human resources information human resource planning human resources planning hr mobility model global oil and gas market outlook ey price point advanced manufacturing smart factories covid19 versicherung regulatory compliance regulations change management consulting covid-19 fusionen smartpills wearables medicine digital health 4d printing food landtechnik fleischwirtschaft milchwirtschaft agribiseness unternehmensfinanzierung vrostand gleichberechtigung elektomobilität autoindustrie staatsverschuldung bdew energiebeschaffung energieversorgung energiewirtschaft transformers@work ey switzerland human rights nextwave mobility future of mobility mobility reshaping finanzierungen startups oesterreich johann sebastian bach konzerthaus berlin weihnachtsoratorium e-kyt dlt dataanalytics wealth shipping marine insurance insurwave playbook ecosystem digitalwallet integration deal market initial coin offering ico transaktion ipo-markt öffentliche verwaltung regierung smart country quarterly earnings werte universitat berufsleben aktienmarkt borse gehalter q3 oil and gas market outlook deutsche börse neuemissionen onkologie medikamente frauenquote global fraud survey economic modeling capabilities q2 price future cities connected city world expo smart city yilmaz alan future of cities smart cities world cities progressions biopharma industry trends data-centric business model life sciences business model industry trends health life sciences 4.0 keynote presentation maps2018 maps 2018 maps presentation gründer nafta steuerreform steuerberatung technologien kmu reimoser elektromobilität financial crime financial technology banks wealth and asset management prognosen angebotswachstum bettenangebot hotelperformance hotel landsscape #eyenergy wealth management demografischer wandel männerdomäne vorstände bayern jobsuchende marbler jobwunder altersarmut zukunft optimistisch lorentz harms investments pharmaceutical industry contract manufacturing zinsen anleihemissionen aktenemissionen mezzanine loan junior loan senior loan ankaufsfinanzierung bestands(anschluss-)finanzierung projektentwicklungsfinanzierung kapitalbereitstellung kapitalverfügbarkeit public equity public debt private debt kreditgeber immobilienfinanzierung pharmaceuticals akquisitionen zukäufe hernandez arbeit sozialausgaben oberhausen großstädte bilding information modeling defense rüstung warenhäuser stationärer handel gutschein onlinehandel geschenke weihnachten konsumgüter thomas harms aufsichtsrat cyber-attacke spionage cyber-kriminelle meseke datenklau project financing bonds national oil company tecdax concert festival production artiste internationa france hotel landscape deutschland fahrzeug selbstfahrend autonomes fahren peter fuss multi-boutique globally integrated operating models asset managers asset management firms financial freedom financial security financial well-being investment advice financial advice cross-industry convergence of industries industry convergence bettenauslastung frankfurt steinbach förstemann umsatzerwartung bilanz zimmerauslastung glen giovannetti biotech deals bio2017 bio presentation biotech financing biotech financial performance bio international convention 2017 biotech m&a biotechnology biotech ipo video-on-demand serien musik streaming amazon spotify wechsel vergabestrategien vergabeverfahren vergaberecht elektronische vergabe bauprojekte weißkirchen lng megaprojects intellectual property management fraudulent transactions supply chain management counterfeit prevention rights management identity access management structured finance settlements exchanges robotic process automation ey ops chain alexander kron cbcr dematerialisation beps business models delivery hero smartphone internetfähig fidan stadtwerke energieversorger edelmann energy perceptions talent attraction recruiting and retention millennials job of the future generation z benefits and compensation gender gap energy sector workforce trends shale jobs american workforce ohada sociétés cotées portfoliomanagement mieter- und objektverwaltung geschäftsmodell prozessdokumentation de consumer goods cpr grossunternehmen konzerne dealmaking geopolitical advisors advisory macroeconomic trend uncertainty challenges cross-border economic intraday liqudity buffer intraday liquidity stress and scenario testing bcbs 248 collateral management intraday liquidity management boehringer wachstum sturz krebs bialojan merck bayer wirkstoffe ifrs 16 rechnungswesen immobilien-asset-management datenverwaltung risikomanagement handel shopping lebensmittel open workspace how to create a collaborative workspace office space design workspace workplace of future office space trends workplace ey@work collaborative workspace arr hospitality nürnberg hamburg essen koln christoph eichbaum ursula kriegl frankfurt am main heidelberg düsseldorf rostock maschinenbaubarometer geschäftslage national oil company valeur confiance investition middle market ifaci amrae internal control heißner bestechung hubert barth cebit reits uda investissement communication contenus publicité udecam mécénat l'express steelcase hsbc bpifrance societal geschäftsführung ey german führungskräfte gewinn umsatz fahrzeuge mobilität pkw chinesische investoren Übernahmen in deutschland merger and acquisitions kapital jungunternehmen ey-germany offene stellen ldf aga auditors governance services internet objets connectés sigfox devialet lifesciences informatique deficit public dax-konzerne gemischte teams brilliant factory health 4.0 gesundheit gesundheit 4.0 krise c-suite deal dealing process agenda future-proof strategies study hersteller familie studierende studium volatilité risques direction parties prenantes conseil d'état contribuable male gender parity gender leadership female men women gender diversity ethics wirtschaftskriminalität betrug stefan heißner intellectual property creative creation propriete intellectuelle financial uncertain stability world european seeking business and economy & finance device wearable technology pii self-reported data real-time real time pay as you live fit tech pay-as-you-live sensor dark data customization distribution claims enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal enfermedad de chron ernst&young silvia ondategui eii colitis ulcerosa aparato digestivo hebesätze ey automotive autohersteller peter fuß vw absatzmarkt vda automobil cibercrimen seguridad bpi france edmond de rothschild sociétal insurance innovation economic development in africa insurance in africa africa economic growth uganda insurance tanzania insurance insurance africa economic growth in africa micro-insurance ghana insurance insurance growth fastest growing economies in africa kenya insurance africa market malawi insurance african life insurance nigeria insurance africa insurance déficit public bigdata réseaux sociaux cyberattaque global information security survey protection alerte menace serveurs social media music visual arts cisac movies gaming radio advertising performing arts newspapers content television books architecture lab hackathon incubateur cdo breakthrough relation client chief risk officer european insurance insurance industry cro europe insurance risk management insurance india attractiveness survey attractiveness survey operational performance portfolio optimization pricing pressures divestitures shareholder return specialty pharma dividends generics capital agenda activism big pharma activist investor rising costs cancer drugs payer silvia ondategui-parra rising tide market access drug pricing economist war on cancer risk-sharing value renaissance growth navigator family business eti levier pme concurrence syntec numérique travel and tourism modelo turístico retail travel tim gordon pharmaceutical financial accounting advisory webcast accounting new accounting standard derek kosti revenue recognition implementation gaap scott bruns new standard m&a trends key trends firepower deal activity in vitro diagnostics market firepower index nontraditional partners creative deal-making ivd working capital health care reform reimbursement payers prescription drug costs progressions report insurers pharma report health care costs comparative trial data ipo charts biotech ipos ipo trends us biotech market 2014 ipos ipos therapeutic companies ipo prices eyfrance digital media return on equity banking technology investment banking work contribution économique développement durable rbc framework asia-pacfic captial conference barometer exportations svod cinéma digitalisation vod headcount remuneration pay avenir eoy concours pela host card emulation “self-defending applications” móvil apps hce operating model chief financial officer taxes loi de finances politique fiscale politique budgétaire software information cyberattaques cybercriminels etf exchange-traded funds asset growth hedge funds investor assets gestion de projet systèmes dinformation project management management si traitement analyse collecte indice maturité gestion des données lbo capital transmission capital-investissement afic cio agenda cloud mobile cio role born digital tranformacion digital data analytics spain analisis predictivo fixed income asset management regulated funds mutual fund growth tax avoidance gaar general anti avoidance rules tax governance anti-avoidance rules tax treaties historical and colonial offshore tax avoidance synthec numérique vigil mechanism women directors supply chain risk ksi insurance ksi keyless security infrastructure fraud risks forensic data analytics anti-bribery jeffery owen indian economy tax administration tarc advance pricing agreement raja chelliah tax administrative reform committee vijay kelkar reforms apa union budget 2014 india budget 2014 daf drh model participating contracts participating contracts kevin griffith iasb re-exposure draft insurance contracts ifrs 9 ifrs 4 youth youth unemployment aqr macro-economic tax performance unemployment claims administration unemployment insurance mercati azionari imprenditorialità credito finanziamenti formazione rischio di impresa cultura imprenditoriale istruzione impresa pressione fiscale. réformes ide investissements étrangers attractiveness environment climate change immediate holding company ihc bhcs bank holding companies fbos foreign banking organisations eps enhance prudential standards federal reserve final rule us listing insurance industry challenges global insurance outlook global insurance emissions energy savings greenhouse gas government contracts tassazione finanziamento debiti concordato preventivo soggetto passivo persone fisiche garanzie imposizione indiretta leveraged buy out finanziamenti bancari imposta ipotecaria surrogazione imposta sostitutiva imposta di bollo accollo imposta di registro dtc 2013 apa updates tax developments india direct tax codes 2013 eiopa pillar iii stock based incentive survey employee satisfaction employee retention secteurs développement économique directeur des systèmes dinformation cadres ressources humaines collaborateur mondialisation travail nouvelles technologies compétences cyber-attaques insurance emerging consumer microinsurance ey leapfrog ey andreas freiling municipalités services publics municipales secteur public csa élections sondage mairies intercommunalités communes prevenzione bocconi concordato debito crisi cura it-intensive chief information officer numérique excellence opérationelle organisations bpm management par les processus business process management process management fournisseurs efficacité factures conseil dématérialisation prix de l'entrepreneur de l'année analysis graphic recai solar power wind power generation wind solar ranking quarterly f24 conformità perdita civilistica dta ammortamento irap ires bilanci amministrazione novità fiscali opérations fusions-acquisitions enseignes d'or commerce introductions en bourse social media india social media trends chief operating officer ey giss 2013 information security rapid growth markets bilancio weoy strategic growth forum shanghai perspective tas imposte dirette 231/2001 tax control frameworks ocse agenzia delle entrate ischio fiscale adempimento tax frameworks sistema fiscale norme italy disoccupazione imprese mercati emergenti finanza digital trends evoluzione tecnologica crm digital commerce crowdsourcing digital sales multicanalità mobilità ;crowdsourcing social network innovazione canali digitali comunicazione digitale social enterprise mark weinberger ey global review ey tax pi ey canada thinkingbig winning women enterprise risk management erm orsa insurance and digital ey insurance digital survey laurence buchanan ey gary angel ey insurance agents gary angel graham handy insurance and social media insurance digital technology ey insurance survey graham handy ey insurance digital survey laurence buchanan ey kaenan hertz ey graham handy mobile insurance social media insurance insurance digital insurance survey digital insurance business pulse capital requirements customer-centric insurance customer loyalty customer experience customer retention customer satisfaction purchasing payroll debit cards pay cards direct deposit education training recession corporation indias economy protect your business business risk forms of bribe corrupt sectors anti-graft laws basel iif banking services capital market fids fraud investigation and dispute services tools for fighting fraud fraud in india fraud risk assessment india fraud survey construction revenue instruments convergence projects financial instruments pe returns aca affordable care act obama care accounting developments cost competitiveness customer reach operational agility stakeholder confidence business growth people management internal revenue service tax incentives 22 annual health sciences tax conference tax trends state and local tax state budget insurance tax fiscal matters tax and compliance challenges tax issues the device industry the medical device excise tax compliance issues current regulatory environment internal control deficiencies sec comment letters pcaob regulation opportunities in emerging markets emerging markets landscape life sciences in emerging markets salt changes sales tax legislative developments effective tax rate health science companies legislative developments impacting federal taxatio tax challenges drug patents domestic tax planning health plans aca section 9010 fee section 501(c)(3) insurance health plans section 501(c)(4) hmos for-profit and not-for-profit sectors not-for-profit for-profit accountable care organization telecommuting employees employment taxes withholding and reporting medical resident fica employment withholdings accounting for fixed assets new regulatory rules fixed assets taxpayers global tax controversy domestic tax controversy tax risks the global and domestic tax controversy landscape transfer pricing efficient ip structures planning for intellectual property research and development activities state and local taxes income and franchise taxes tax planning salt credits federal abatements state and local governments tax-exempt grants state and local taxation hospitals disclosure under schedule h reporting requirements on schedule h section 501(r) section 501 requirements schedule h employees' beneficiary association trusts section 501(c)(9) tax requirements for pensions pension trusts exempt under section 501(a) health system implications implementation of the medical device excise tax tax-exempt providers act recommendations on form 1023. the irs lb&i large business & international irs organizational changes irs changes internal revenue system non-profit unrelated business income taxation of business income ubit health care industry community benefits irs form 990 schedule reporting requirements for hospitals the internal revenue service determining financial assistance form 990 filing form 990 challenges challenges of form 990 compliance process form 990 deemed reissuance refunding issues tax exempt bonds techniques for completing schedule k issues affecting tax exempt bonds performance management social security human capital management mergers and acquisitions human capital global payroll data privacy global review
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