prosthodontics cementation of veneers types of veneers systems diastema closure types of preparation shade selection lumineers castable pressed porcelain minimal tooth preparation natural looking smile smile dentistry bonded artificial enamel smile enhancement dental aesthetics composite resin veneers porcelain veneers cosmetic dentistry courses dental veneers veneers border movements of mandible envelope of motion mandibular movements centric relation biomechanics muscles of mastication ginglymoarthoridal joint diagnosis and management tmj disorders prossthetic treatments jaw alignment occlusion mastication translational movements rotational movements mandibular function tmj temporomandibular joint follow up adjustements oral tissues long term success maintenance patient communication stability & comfort tissue health ridge resorption anatomical landmarks supporting structures radiographs bone structure oral examination patient history clinical evaluation complete dentures treatment planning diagnosis cad/cam die pins dowel pins pindex system working cast indirect restoration tooth impression die systems bridge fabrication crown fabrication trimming aesthetics function finish margins accuracy margins contours die preparation facebow record springbow facebow facebow intra-oral tracings extra-oral tracings gothic arch tracings tracings programming of hanau zeroing of hanau h2 articulator wide vue hanau articulator hanau saliva stimulants salivary flow artificial saliva saliva salivary lozenges oral hygiene hydrophilic materials oral moisture custom made prostheses saliva substitutes dry mouth xerostomia management low salivary flow xerostomia impression techniques flexible dentures micrognathia reduced mouth opening osmf sectional dentures microstomía aspiration prevention cleft palate management neonatal prosthodontics custom prosthesis for cp oral nasal barrier infant feeding device newborn cleft palate feeding plate
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